#G/ojo S/atoru
waterfallofspace · 1 year
A Matter Of Belief
A birthday gift for @ezynse! <333 Sooo, I'm a few days late 😭😭 but hopefully you still enjoy this~ (and maaaybe the fact it's a two part thing makes up for that..?~)
Summary: When N/anami attempts to lie about a cold, he succeeds. But when he isn't lying, well, considering what happened last time? They're not so quick to believe him. So, he finds himself having to prove his honesty.
Word Count: 4.3k (Part One: 1.9k - The Lies We Tell~ ) (Part Two: 2.4k - ~Come Back To Bite Us)
Characters: N/anami, G/ojo, M/egumi and I/tadori. (hints at N/anago, but can be read platonic or romantic, readers choice~)
(Warning, features vague notions of past contagion and light mess implications. Nothing outright stated, but be warned!)
The Lies We Tell~
A shrewd whistle pulls Nanami from his thoughts, head lifting from the safety of his cupped hands. Waiting to meet his eyes is a familiar, and deeply unwanted, sight. 
“Woah, you look rough,” Gojo hums, sucking air through his teeth with a sound not unlike a rusty gate pulling against its hinges. Hm; apparently metaphors are easier when you’re a little out of it. Or maybe it’s just Gojo that pulls that side of people out into the open. However against their will it may be. 
Clearing his throat, Nanami braces himself for the sounds that may escape in lieu of human speech. “Id’s-” A pause, cough, and tight inhale. “It’s not all that. I’m alright. Though, less so with you interrupting my work. I have a lot to complete before the day is up.” 
“Working? Is that what we’re calling ‘half-asleep in our hands’ nowadays?” Gojo retorts, a smirk creeping from his flashing teeth up to his blindfold. There’s no doubt his eyes are shining, taking in every pathetic inch of Nanami’s current state. Effortlessly infuriating, as always. 
Letting a sigh replace the urge to cough, Nanami turns his focus back to the laptop. A clear signal, leave me alone. Observant as Gojo is, there’s no doubt the signals were seen and understood.
“Whatcha workin’ on?” 
Then pointedly ignored. 
“Even if I explained it, you wouldn’t have any idea what it was.” 
Gojo lets out a huff, falling into the chair next to Nanami’s with a performative groan. Dramatic as ever, and certainly getting awfully comfortable. With a sigh, Nanami pinches the bridge of his nose, giving Gojo a light glare as he feels unease start to take root.
His growing headache protests this action, a flash of heat through his temples nearly bringing a wince. Each blink serves to bring a moment of relief, quickly dispelled as the fluorescent lighting brings another wave of pain. 
Yet, despite the agony, pain can be endured silently without much fuss. No, his rising unease belongs to an entirely different sort of sensation. One that won’t go so easily overlooked. 
“Nana-mi, how long are you gonna be working on this?” Gojo cuts in with a whine. “I’m so bored. Why don’t we play a game instead!” 
“I’m busy.”
“Oh come on, we both know you can multitask like a pro!” 
Nanami sighs, allowing a single finger to brush the source of his growing agitation. “Is it ‘name all the things you like about Gojo Satoru’? Again?” 
“We have a winner!” Gojo smirks, clapping his hands together above his head. The noise echoes through the quiet office. Thanks to a meeting, to which an invitation was respectfully declined, the office is graciously empty. Then again, if it wasn’t, maybe Gojo wouldn’t be here at all. 
“It seems to be the only game you’re aware of. Or at least the only one you have any interesting in particihhhpating in.” Nanami swallows hard as his breath catches on its own.
Each inhale from here on out is a gamble. One wrong move and the dam bursts. Best course of action is to keep the breathing shallow, wait for an opportunity, and hope to keep it quiet- 
“So you’re sick, huh?” 
The question breaks Nanami’s concentration, fingers barely reaching his nose in time to catch the sneeze. In an effort to relieve the pressure in his throat, he lets out a slight cough before the next itch takes its turn to pile on. 
“hieHh- nXGtCHhh! Pardon me.” 
“That can’t feel good,” Gojo offers with a wince, gesturing to Nanami’s throat. Admittedly, it does not. Still, not ready to admit defeat, Nanami tightens his mouth into a grimace. One Gojo seems to pull out of him often. 
“I’m not unwell, it is simply an… hiH’gehDNTchh!” Hands fly up to catch this one, Nanami leaving one hovering just under his chin as he finishes. “-immune system overreaction. Pardon.” 
“You can’t just say it like a normal person?” 
“It’s an allergic reaction.” 
“S-ee? Was that so hard?” Comes the teasing reply, Gojo managing to wink with his voice alone. Letting his fingers brush against his nose, Nanami disguises the action by sliding his glasses up it. 
“I’m fully capable of so called ‘normal’ conversations. I just prefer to choose a more sophisticated approach. Something you’d- eh’deNGTchh! Pardon. Something you’d know nothing about.”  
Gojo’s reply sounds muffled, something about ‘words hurting’ starting to fade away as Nanami gasps.
Fingers pinch his nose, giving the freedom to release an itchy hiss from his teeth. Feeling the flare of his own nostrils under his grip, another gasp gets caught in his throat. If he didn’t know better, he’d say it was an allergy. This cold’s damn expressive. 
Even if he wanted to reply, the option was entirely off the table. His entire face seems to buzz, nose practically quivering. Still, wishing to maintain decorum, or at least pride, Nanami takes another measured inhale. 
This can be held back.
“hhieh… hih-!”
At least long enough for Gojo to lose interest and leave him alo-
“eHNgdtch– hiHh’eyIESHHh-iuh!” 
The first gets squished against his fingers, but the second breaks his hold, barely managing to be caught against his sleeve. The violent nature leaves his throat raw, sinuses starting to ache as a light drip threatens to bring forth another burst. 
“See,” Gojo interrupts, seemingly oblivious to the struggles as Nanami tries to clear his throat. “-that didn’t sound like an allergy sneeze.” 
There’s a silence as Nanami pinches his nose, feigning an all too real headache. Even a single word is out of the question, there’s no way his voice won’t hold the congestion. Silence for this long though… Gojo will piece together that there’s more than one kind of irritation working its way through Nanami. 
“Whad’s thad subosed… hehh–” Nanami replies at last, deciding to take the lack of consonants over the lack of words entirely. The intensity of the tickle as each word buzzes through his throat, however, was not accounted for. 
“Jeez!” Gojo laughs, chair nearly tipping over. “I can barely understand you!” 
“hIH’ESHHH-iuh!” Nanami answers with a groan, attempting to tack on some words at the end. “Pardod be. Thad’s dot by probleb.”
“Better blow your dose, Dadabi.” Comes the retort, Gojo pinching his nose with a dramatic flair, once more seeming to wink without the use of his eyes. 
Nanami scoffs, the action triggering a heavy cough. His arm raises on instinct, chair squeaking as he manages to aim away from the blindfolded annoyance to his right. Face still buried in the warm fabric, his hand reaching blindly for the handkerchief. It’s seen its fair share of use this week. 
Alright, so maybe it’s not exactly allergies, but the overreaction part wasn’t inaccurate. And should Gojo catch on that this is a cold, overreaction will be exactly what follows. He’ll be impossible to get rid of, and the word will spread like wildfire. 
Nanami grimaces against his arm, fingers finally reaching their target as his thoughts continue to wander. He has things to do, none of which include people fussing over him and interrupting his work. 
Not bothering to open his eyes, Nanami brings the cloth to his face and lets out a long blow, feeling the congestion shift enough to allow air through his sinuses once more. Once he’s satisfied with the action, he lets the handkerchief fall back to the desk.
Gojo’s remained uncharacteristically quiet through the whole ordeal, and stays that way as Nanami attempts a light sniffle to test the waters. He quickly realizes his mistake, breath wavering as he pulls the tissues to his nose. 
“hHEDtieZSHhh! eH’GhZshhoo! hh’eDGSHh’iuh-!” 
The sounds are heavy, congestion lining each breath as he attempts to stall the onslaught at three– “hH’EMPFFfshh-!” a light moan escaping as he’s unsuccessful. The tissues manage to catch most of the attack, only the last breaking its way into his arm. 
A heat suddenly floods his mind, all symptoms forgotten as Nanami feels a light panic enter his chest. The tissues… that he didn’t grab…? Is he feverish after all- the only fabric he’d acquired was the handkerchief, yet glancing down, what remains of tissues are clearly in his hands. 
Laughter brings him back to the room. He looks up to find Gojo laughing, nearly hysterically, as he gestures to the box on the desk next to him. A coworker had brought them in last week. Along with something else Nanami is not as grateful to have obtained. 
“You- you should have- seen your face!” Gojo manages through the near mocking levels of gasping, blindfold starting to darken in colour around his eyes. 
Nanami can’t help the humour that coats his annoyance. Crying from laughter…? A bit over the top, even for Gojo. 
With a final chuckle, Gojo settles back down, lowering his voice back to its average pitch. “You looked like you needed them.” 
“Ah. It seems I did. Pardon me again.” 
It’s all the admission Nanami’s willing to allow, but it seems more than enough for Gojo to run with. He pauses, lifting the corner of his blindfold to meet Nanami’s gaze directly. “You sure you’re alright?” 
“I’m certain. One of my coworkers simply got a new scent that… didn’t agree with me...” It’s a lie, something Nanami is none too fond of, especially at such detail. However… it’s not entirely untrue. There was such an incident– it just happened weeks ago. 
Gojo tilts his head, gesturing to continue. 
“A gift from her American boyfriend. Seems they use much stronger scents across the sea.” 
This elicits a solemn nod, Gojo pursing his lips. “I’ve experienced a few of those. Powerful stuff.” 
“Interesting that I’m not getting set off though–” Gojo adds, taking a deep sniff. The crisp sound seems almost like a taunt, Nanami feeling his own sinuses protest the action. He curses himself, then Gojo’s overly-sensitive nose, before settling on a light shrug. 
“Probably got cleared out of the air by now. We do have a filtration system in the office– heh’dEHTChh-ue! Pardon me.” Gojo passes another tissue as Nanami attempts to finish the thought. “Though it seems it’s still lingering in my sinuses.”
Pausing for another blow and letting a few coughs escape under the guise of allergic irritation, Nanami sighs. “Now, if there’s nothing else?” 
Standing from the chair, Gojo sighs performatively, letting out a vague chuckle. “You’re so boring, Nanami.” 
“And yet you wasted nearly twenty minutes of your precious time with me.”
“Megumi’s off on a mission with Okkotsu,” Gojo laments, before pausing. A hint of sincerity leaks into his tone as the next words come out barely audible above the hum of the office. “Was feelin’ kinda quiet at school.” 
Nanami sighs again, certain he’s gained more oxygen in the last twenty minutes than he’s gotten in weeks from sheer amount of sighs. Gesturing towards the chair, he feels his headache protesting the action. He’s gonna regret this. 
Dropping back into it with a grin, Gojo gives a light and airy “th-ank you!” which Nanami pointedly ignores. 
“Stay quiet, I have to finish these forms.”
“You’re the best Nanami!” 
“eH’TSSCHh– ESSChh’iuh! And not a word about that.” 
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Comes the airy reply, Gojo sliding the box of tissues closer. Fighting the urge to sigh again, a little overdone at this point, Nanami grabs a handful. 
It’s gonna be a long afternoon. 
~Come Back To Bite Us.
“nGxt– eNKxt! ah’kNXt! Oh, pardon me.” 
“Go home.”
“Megumi, that was rude!” Gojo chimes in, infinity still up as he angles his hips towards the source of his chastation, “We don’t speak like that to our elders,” before turning on his heel to face Nanami. “-but the kid’s right. Go home.” 
Releasing his nose, Nanami doesn’t miss the glare Megumi casts at him. Regardless, the itch wins out, and he sniffles lightly, clearing his throat before speaking. “I just got here. And besides, it was Itadori that called me in, not you two.” 
Nanami had been resting at home, mindlessly filling in some crosswords when he’d received what could only be described as a frantic text from Itadori. Something about ‘trouble, burning, and Nanamin’. Followed by, in all caps, ‘COME QUICK’, and a string of white boxes that Nanami elected to ignore. 
“Whatever.” Megumi’s voice cuts through Nanami’s thoughts, eyes drifting up to meet the icy glare being shot in his direction. “But I’m going back to my room. I sure as hell don’t want whatever you got.” 
Nanami blinks, pushing his glasses up with a sigh. “I’m not sick.” 
The irritated glare is almost comical, Megumi’s mouth tightening as he gestures to Gojo. “Last time you ‘weren’t sick’, this idiot showed up with a cold that he proceeded to share with all of us.” A light heat appears on the accused’s cheeks as Megumi continues, “We were all sick within a matter of days. I’m not taking any chances.” 
“Hey,” Gojo whines, crossing his arms with a huff. “That wasn’t my fault! I tried to call out, but someone had to keep an eye on you kids.” 
“Not a kid.”
Gojo grins, dropping his infinity to poke at Megumi’s cheek as he sings, “Not a child, still a kid!” before retreating with a yelp as Megumi knocks his hand away. 
“That’s no-” 
“Look,” Nanami cuts in, rolling his eyes as Gojo pokes a not-so-subtle tongue in Megumi’s direction. “Just tell me where Itadori’s room is, and I’ll find him myself.” 
“Not a chance. He’s almost as bad as Gojo when it comes to spreading illness.” 
Pouting at the accusation, Gojo rolls his head back to confront Megumi, some complaint or denial sprouting on his tongue–
“hnNGxt! agHKnt! eNGkt!”
–until Nanami cuts their bickering off once more, a ‘pardon’ getting lost behind the fist pressed against his nose. The increasing congestion leaves Nanami’s hand against his face, a sniffle loosening it more audibly than he’d desire. 
Standing from the couch, Gojo grabs a tissue with much too over-the-top of a flourish, yelping as Megumi slaps his hand again. Instead, Megumi places the box in Nanami’s reach, with another pointed glare and scoff. 
Unwarranted, seeing as, “I’b do-” A pause, deep sniffle, grimace forming as it does nothing to alleviate the ever growing tickle. Still, it allows enough clarity to continue with, “I’m not sick.” 
“Real convincing,” comes Megumi’s retort, Nanami ducking to the tissue box just in time to catch the next burst. 
It escapes before he can suppress it, a heat starting to form at the tips of his ears. Normally stifling isn’t a problem, not unless he’s been at it for awhile, or it’s a particularly nasty itch. Neither of those should be the case in this situation. Much to Nanami’s chagrin, this was simply a failure on his part to contain it. 
“You sound entirely healthy.” 
“Megumi, what an attitude!” Gojo says, sarcastic displeasure dripping from each word as Megumi sucks in a breath. Turning on his heel, he spins around to face Gojo with a look that could kill. Guessing by who it’s aimed at, Megumi wishes it would. 
“You clung to my side like a parasite for nearly two weeks.” 
“I was dy-ing! You refused to comfort me in my time of need and suffering–” 
Letting their argument fade into the background, Nanami pauses to take stock of the situation. Despite previous denials being entirely for show, this time he’s really not sick. Everything has felt fine all day, no symptoms to speak of. Even now, there’s still no rawness of the throat, or heaviness in the lungs, it’s only his nose having a reaction. 
No– actually, the itch starts in his nose, but it’s spreading. Beginning to crawl up his throat, it’s burying itself in his ears, clinging to the backs of his eyes. This is most certainly an allergy, but to what..? 
It first began when he entered Jujutsu High, so it has to be something here. It’s the middle of autumn, so unlikely there’d be any specific flowers floating around, not that those tend to set him off anyways. And if it was a heavy perfume, Gojo would certainly be reacting too. 
Nanami gives the room a scan, eyes finally resting on a bottle of cleaning supplies sitting on the counter. The brand isn’t familiar, it’s not the one they use at the office, or one he’s picked up himself before. It has some sort of apple design on the label, though it doesn’t appear to be scented. Judging by the level of liquid, and the dampness of the cloth to its left, it’s been recently used. 
“--and then you made Okkotsu miss his assignment, which meant me and Toge had to take it, despite him still being unwell.” 
Tuning back in to catch Megumi’s closing argument, Nanami interjects before Gojo has a chance to form his defense. “Not sick, just an immune system overreaction. Likely to that cleaning spray. N-now… eh’kNCHhaa! Pardon me. Now, Itadori’s room? He claimed it was urgent.” 
Gojo crinkles his nose, glancing from Nanami to the spray and back, before chuckling. “What, is that American made too?” 
Judging by the strangled noise from Megumi, he understood the reference and found it unfortunately amusing. Apparently not many details of their encounters are kept private. Though, seeing as it’s Gojo Satoru in question, that was to be expected. 
Nanami sighs, tongue pressed to the roof of his mouth as the itch spreads deeper. Exchanging it for a pinch at the bridge of his nose so he can speak, he turns to face the most likely to allow him access.
“Gojo, I don’t have tihh… time for this. I need to find Itadori.” 
“Not a chance,” Megumi calls again, arms still crossed over his chest. 
“Staying in this room is j-just… just gonna… hHiuh-!” Nanami pauses, tongue pressed harder against his teeth as he fights back the overwhelming desire to give in to the tickle. Finally with a heavy sigh, he releases the pressure. “Just going to make the reaction worse.” 
Rolling his eyes, Megumi places a hand on the doorframe, firmly blocking the entrance. “Sorry, not buying it.” 
A sigh sounds from the couch where Gojo has found himself lounging again, eyes rolling as he makes a pointless gesture. “Just let the man through. He’s probably telling the truth anyways, what’s the point in keeping up the lie if we’re still denying him access?” 
“hH’ENchHsha! Pardon.” 
“Not planning on betting with three weeks of misery over probably telling the truth.” 
Gojo leans his head back to meet Megumi’s icy gaze, beginning yet another argument as Nanami feels his head begin to pound. Megumi’s an alright kid on his own, but put him in a conversation with Gojo, and it’s nearly infuriating. 
Exacerbated, Nanami lets a groan pass through his teeth, before walking over to the counter. Hearing footsteps, Megumi raises his head, ready to prevent an intrusion, before pausing. Quizzically, he casts a glance at Gojo, who merely shrugs. 
“What are you-”
“You don’t believe me? Fair enough, I guess I’ve earned that,” Nanami begins, internally cursing himself for this half-assed plan. “Still, I intend to see Itadori before I’m off the clock, so here’s your proof.” 
With that, he takes the bottle and sprays it against the cloth, before bringing it to his nose. The effect is immediate, Nanami feeling his hands grip the cloth tighter against his rapidly flaring nostrils on instinct. A rush of ticklish irritation spreads deep into his sinuses, his eyes watering as his skin takes on a rosy flush. 
“hH’ENCHha– YEASHH’ahh! hH’NkGt-sha! aH’GngKThah! hH’DESHHh’ue!”
Megumi and Gojo seem frozen, eyes glued to the scene playing out in front of them. Shock’s written plainly across their faces as Nanami ducks closer to the ground with each body-wrenching sneeze. All three of them locked in place. 
Gojo’s the first to break the spell, rising from the couch as Nanami– “hH’eNChsha!” continues to sneeze against the cloth. Each desperate inhale bringing another round of heavy, chemically tainted, scent.  
“enCHshHAa-! egZSHHshaa-! P-pardon– ek’eNCHSh-uew!” 
“Jeez Nanami,” Gojo offers, a wince scraping from his throat. Reaching over, he pulls the cloth away from Nanami’s twitching nose. “You’re gonna smother yourself.” 
“Point proven, now try taking a clean breath instead, yeah?” 
The near whine Nanami releases as the rush of fresh air invades his sinuses is almost pitiful, eyes overflowing with allergic misery. Megumi finally takes this moment to react, grabbing the tissue box and bringing it over. 
Still barely able to pry his eyes open, Nanami only catches a second of the offering, but he’d wager the look Megumi’s wearing is a sheepish one. More than likely laced with some feigned annoyance to cover genuine concern. That kid was always a little too good at feeling sympathy for those around him. Seems Gojo managed to instill a few good traits along with all the bad. 
“Here,” Megumi huffs, actions confirming the suspicions as he presses a handful of tissues into Nanami’s frantically waving hands. 
“eh’mFFSSCHhh! ah’enCSHMFff! hiEHh– mMFFSHHhh!” 
There’s a vague murmur of concern from Gojo, his infinity breaking as his skin touches Nanami’s back, hand gently running across the violently shaking shoulders. “You gonna live?” 
“I- hHEZDCSHah! Pardon me. I told you I wasn’t… w-wasn’t… hH’ENCZSHhaa! Wasn’t sick. Now can- ah’yeISSHHh-uew! Pardod be-” 
“Breathe Kento,” Gojo mutters, casting Megumi a calculated look as he shifts awkwardly, offering another round of tissues. 
Accepting them with a heady sniffle, Nanami attempts to finish his sentence, “Dow cad I see Idadori?” grimacing at how heavy the words fall out. Pausing to blow, he accepts another round of tissues as the sensation prompts another round of heady sneezes, followed by a second blow. 
The congestion lining his sinuses seems to be more swelling than anything else, but the blows at least clears his voice enough to regain some consonants. “There’s still an hour left in the work day, and I’d like to see him before it ends.” 
Megumi winces, attempting to cover it with a shrug as he gestures towards the door he’d been previously blocking. “Last room on the left, end of the hall. He’d be there if he’s waiting for you. Otherwise you could check the kitchen, I think he was in there earlier.” 
Before Nanami can take a step, Gojo lets an arm rest on his shoulder, leaning over with a smug grin. “The kitchen was just cleaned-”  
“eH’NCZSHha! Excuse me.” 
“-How about you go get Itadori, and I’ll bring Nanami outside for some fresh air.” 
Megumi nods, walking off at a pace that, to anyone else, could almost be construed as hurried. Once he’s out of range, Gojo turns back to Nanami, concern etched across his sharp features. 
“You know, you could have just pushed past him,” he muses, grabbing another handful of tissues as Nanami’s nose twitches needily, his eyes fluttering shut. “Megumi’s all talk, he wouldn’t have actually stopped you.” 
“eNCHHff! ah’mMFFShhh-uew! Pardon me.” 
With another harsh blow, and a sigh, Nanami accepts Gojo’s waiting shoulder, beginning the nearly six feet journey to outside. With his eyes still watering and swollen, he’s relying almost solely on Gojo to get them safely to the door. 
“I know,” he begins, taking advantage of the illusion of privacy that the darkness brings. “But I couldn’t exactly blame him. I did lie before.” 
Gojo laughs, joyous and full-bodied, the action shaking them both as Nanami wrenches to the side with another– “hHENCHHshha!” that nearly topples them. 
When he can finally get a breath in, Gojo places his hand against the wall, studying the duo. Turning to Nanami, he offers a “Was it worth it?” 
“Provigg by poidt?”
 “I meant lying. Before.” 
Nanami takes a sharp breath. Once, twice, eyes blearily staring up at the sky, before a deep exhale trips out, a groan on it’s heels. 
“Lost it?” 
“Mm. I didn’t mean to, you know.” 
“To lose the sneeze?” Gojo chuckles, helping Nanami down the steps. “I didn’t figure you did-” 
Nanami cuts him off, tone softer than he’d ever admit to as he begins again. “To get you guys sick. I wasn’t planning on having you stick around, I just…” 
There’s a pause, the silence seeming to linger heavily in the air. It’s not cold enough to see your breath, but the chill still leaves Nanami rubbing his arms. No comment is spoken when Gojo leans in closer, nor when Nanami lets his head rest on his shoulder. 
Finally a sheepish laugh cuts through the atmosphere, Nanami glancing up to meet Gojo’s genuine smile. “Can’t turn away a person in need? Guess that one’s on me as much as it is you.” 
With a light cough, Nanami spins away from his position against Gojo’s shoulder, ducking towards the ground for another, “hh’RRSHHhaa! hk’EYIESHhhaa! Pardod be, agaid."
“See! Those sound like allergies.” 
Nanami turns back to Gojo, raising an eyebrow incredulously. “You’re sayigg by sdeezes soud differedt whed I’b sick?” 
A smirk meets the question, Gojo’s eyes glistening with mischief. “I’ll record them sometime. Show you what I mean.” 
“If you ever-” 
He’s interrupted by Itadori calling out, the words lost in the distance. Glancing up from behind his tissue barrier, Nanami catches sight of the frantic waving. Megumi’s leaning against the doorframe behind him, attempting to feign indifference. As their eyes catch, Nanami offers a slight nod, Megumi’s posture notably relaxing. 
“Nanamin!” Itadori calls, rushing over to them with a giant smile. One that feels deeply inappropriate for this level of exhaustion.
Still, Nanami attempts to react with one of his own as Itadori continues rambling on. “Oh wow, you look rough! I mean, Megumi warned me, but I didn’t know it would be this bad.” 
As the words continue flowing out in an almost endless stream, Gojo leans over, voice at a volume only they can hear. “Payback time.” 
He then leans back, calling out to Itadori, “Yeah, he’s real banged up, right? Oh, hey Itadori! You remember that thing Okkotsu taught you?” 
Nanami raises an eyebrow, sending Gojo a suspicious glance before a deep sigh breaks forth at Itadori’s enthusiastic response. 
“Oh right! Bless you! It’s an English custom for when someone sneezes, right Sensei?” 
“Bless you, Nanamin!” 
It’s gonna be a long hour.
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goodlucksnez · 11 months
Hanahaki Disease victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings or when the victim dies. It can be cured through surgical removal, but when the infection is removed, the victim's romantic feelings for their love also disappear/memories as well.
But because im a snzfucker, instead of coughing i made it sneezing! also being allergic to your love interest favorite flower is such a great concept and i wanted to explore it more!!!
And because May @waterfallofspace is a amazing person & a gem and I care about them-- I made this whole idea for G/eto and G/o/jo sooooo enjoy this 16/17 min wav!! yes i HC ge/t/o favorite flowers are sunflowers idk why i went with it- also sorry if the ending is very rushed im bad at ending things haha.
time frame: over 18+ of course but idk somewhere before he turned evil ahah you pick the timeframe
cw: sneezing,coughing, sniffling,play teasing,there are some quite parts so i aplogize for that i hope you can hear everything! Walking around sounds, playful fighting, speaking in there own head (reverb effect), slow burn, love confession, mentions of surgy and medical stuff, mentions of dying/death.some kissing sound effects at the end, probably other stuff but yeah.
please no re-blogging to non-kink blogs
minors fuck off
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rykno-j · 1 year
Phonecall (j/jk)
Summary: Like the title suggests, G/ojo makes a call for help. From who? N/anami. OR G/ojo calling N/anami to bring shit over for his cold
Ship: n/anag/o? it's up to interpretation
Notes: Tried to write a snz > plot fic for once. N/anami calls G/ojo "G/ojo-s/an" in the anime/manga so I'll probably retain that. I'm kinda proud of this one, ahh- (like the angst parts only) Oh right there's some angsty parts but it's pretty mild.. I think.. like there's more fluffy & snz parts..
Actually wrote this whole thing in 1 sitting. Imagine that.
2.7k words.
"..Hh-hH'!! hAH'ZZDcHh!! hA'DzcHH!!"
Fuck. Those were the roughest he's had for today.
Gojo stares burry at his ceiling. The fan in the middle has 3 blades. If Gojo didn't know better, he'd say there were 5 instead.
His head hurt, everything hurt. He was sure he was sweating, but everything felt so cold.
..Must be a side effect from the fever, then.
Gojo sighed. It's been awhile since.. since-
"..hiH'tcHH!! haH'zZdchH!!"
-Since he had fallen sick. The last time.. the last time he had fallen sick..
It was only bearable because someone had been there.
Of course.
Gojo turns over to his table, the action taking up most of his energy. With what little he had left, Gojo reaches clumsily for his phone. It almost slips out of his trembling fingers as he flips it open.
The brightness from the screen stung his eyes, causing him to turn to the side to muffle a fit of photic sneezes into the back of his palm.
At least.. at least those didn't ruin this throat as much as-
"..heH'EshH'iww!! ..snff-!"
-As those did.
All the sweating he was doing now was probably due to his fever breaking, but Gojo wasn't so sure.
His brain loved to overheat, and while he would gladly heal any damage done to it with his reversed cursed technique, he was pretty sure this damned cold did not count as an injury.
How unfortunate.
He ate the last of his fever medicine 5 hours ago.
How unfortunate.
Although he was never one to back down from a challenge, even Gojo knew he would never make it further than the front door, if he could even manage to stumble out of his room.
"..hih'tchh!! hAH'DzcHh!! ..hH'!! ..haah.. ..snff-!! hh.."
Great. It's stuck. His body must straight up hate him.
In all honesty, Gojo figures that he deserves it. Who was it again? That said his body would give in if he didn't get enough sleep?
Right.. it was Nanami..
Squinting at his phone screen, Gojo selects the 'contacts' option on his phone. He slowly scrolls down to the 'N' section, eyes gazing over a few painful contact names that he had yet to delete.
Even after all this time, he still couldn't just let go.
His finger hovers over the call button of Nanami's contact. Would he pick up? It's his off day after all. He knows how much Nanami treasures those.
Small breathers from the hectic world of Jujutsu. In fact, 'hectic' was putting it lightly.
Well, it's not like he was ringing Nanami up for anything stupid, like he normally does. Though, with that being said, this would count as something utterly stupid.
Nevermind that.
Stepping out of the bakery, Nanami feels his phone vibrate in his pocket. Stopping in his tracks, he pulls it out, scowling at the name that appeared.
What did that annoyance (affectionate) want this time?
He lets a few more rings pass before picking it up, expecting to hear Gojo's obnoxious voice seep through the phone, no doubt to ask him out on another infuriating shopping trip.
Instead, he was met with silence.
Sensing that something was wrong, Nanami made his way to a more secluded area. Was there trouble?
"Gojo-san? Are you there?"
Nanami listens to the other side of the line carefully. But all he hears is soft, even breathing.
The breathing slowly turns into the sound of ruffling cloth, before a small string of inaudible mumbles could be heard.
Nanami felt a pulse in his head. Seriously. Did he just wake up or something?
"..You called me?"
"I did..? Oh.. right I.. I dihH-..G'xxt!! ..did, didn't I? ..ahh, wait.. let me remembHh'!! ..h'NgxXt!! hh-G'nt!! ..aggnh, Nanamin I'm s' srry, haah-"
Instead of replying, Nanami's eyebrows furrowed. That voice was definitely Gojo's, but just what was he blabbing on about?
And those sudden, breathy sounds, punctuated by.. a weird, heavy noise. What were those?
"Are you okay?"
"Mm, no. Not really. Actually.. Nanaminn, can you come over?"
"..P-G'nXt!! ..Please?"
"I'm not falling for your tricks again."
"N-No tricks.. Nanamiin, pleease.."
Nanami sighs, wondering why he even decided to go back as a teacher in the first place. Why didn't he just delete Gojo's contact all those years ago?
"Yaay, Nanamin!!"
Nanami sighs again (he does this a lot when he's dealing with Gojo), finger reaching over to end the call when-
"Naanaminn, can you also bring some fever medicine overr? I.. ran out."
Fever medicine?
He opens his mouth to ask about that, but was only met with the monotonous beep of an ended line.
The phone slips out of his fingers, dropping onto the floor with a thud that thankfully sounded like the item didn't crack into pieces.
All he had to do now was wait.. huh.
Gojo felt his eyelids slide shut. He tried to force them open to no avail. Seriously.. when was the last time he felt this bad?
..It was probably way back then, when he had gotten stabbed through his neck down to his knees, left bleeding out on the ground.
His eyes slowly slid shut, plunging him into darkness.
Gojo suddenly jolts awake, the sudden movement sending him curled into himself with a fit of coughing, the scene that woke him up from his nightmare still dancing behind his eyelids.
..10 years.. or was it 11? 12? How long has it been since that day? How long has it been since he was last shook awake from a similar nightmare, tears streaming down his eyes, unstoppable?
Seriously.. this fever might just prove to be more of a nuisance than he originally gave credit to.
Lost in his thoughts, Gojo barely managed to register the sound of his front door opening. Even in his tired state, his body unconsciously prepared to fight, a thin layer of Infinity forming around himself.
With a weary smile, Gojo dropped his defenses. He recognised that voice anywhere.
"You left your front door unlocked." Nanami sounded pissed off. No matter, the most important part was that he came. He came..
"Ahh.. did I?"
"I'm serious. What if someone had broken in?"
Gojo felt himself relax as the shadow of Nanami's form stretched pass his doorway. "Nobody would do such a thing.. I'm sure. To non.. s-sorcerers, I'm a nobody. And n-nobody else knows I live hhH'!! ..here. Except you."
"That's not an excuse."
"Lighten upp, Nanamiin, I'm fiiine. Anywayy, I'm so glad you camee- I was convinced you would've ignored me for goood."
Based on the scene in front of his eyes, Nanami could easily conclude that Gojo was, indeed, not fine. Not in the slightest.
But even he knew it was futile to argue with the other, even in the.. state he was currently in.
"..Hh-G'nX'cthh!! ..hiH'gnXshh'!!"
"Bless you." Nanami sighed. So those sounds over the phone were sneezes, then.
Gojo removed the fingers pinching his nose, waving them dismissively.
"I'm fhH'!! ..fine, don't worhH'!! ..worr'hH-!! ..hiH'gx-ShHe'w!!"
Nanami found himself wincing at the effort it seemed to take Gojo to keep those quiet.
Seriously, of all the people he knew, including those he used to know, Gojo was never one to stifle.. unlike-
"Na-na-min! Did you bring what I asked for?"
"..Mm. Fever medicine, right?"
"Ahh- thank youu!! How much do I owe y-you?"
"Consider this a gift."
"How kind!"
Nanami stares, unbelieving, frozen by the doorway. Despite his distance away from the bed, he could clearly see how badly Gojo was faring. The disheveled hair, reddish hue surrounding his cheeks and nose, the fact he was lying down instead of bouncing around the room.
Why? Why was he always trying so hard to seem fine? Even after all this time, why?
Finally making his way inside, Nanami drops the plastic bag into Gojo's open palm.
"..Oh..You bought the solid kind."
Gojo slowly removes the box, shaking it in the air. "..Solid.. pills."
"Yes." Was the fever messing with Gojo's brain? What was he asking?
Nanami watches as a pout forms on the other's face. It would have been quite comical, if not given the current circumstances.
"Nanamiin, I can't swallow pills that are this big, remember? Liquid.. do you have liquid ones?"
Ah.. right. Nanami remembers having this conversation with someone before, about how Gojo couldn't take solid medicine to save his life. He remembers the conversation, from ages ago. The conversation with.. with-
"I'll get water for you." Nanami turns to leave, shaking the image of that Someone out of his mind.
"Ah- Nanamin! Wait!"
Nanami found himself freezing at the sudden desperation in Gojo's voice. The tone of a scared child. When was the last time he heard that sound come from the other..?
"What is it?" His own tone softened, a subconscious reaction.
"..Don't go, please."
Once again, Nanami finds himself speechless. A few seconds pass, before Gojo cleared his throat, eyes looking everywhere except where the other was standing. Embarrassment?
"..Sorry.. I- that- that came out by itself, haha-"
Nanami sighs. Through all the years they had known each other, Gojo had always been an easy read due to his expressiveness. Although.. there were some people could read him better than others.
Nanami was one of these people. Possibly one of the few that were left, at that. It was to be expected, especially since the two of them were all each other had years ago.
Turning back to face the bed, Nanami shrugs off his coat, gently pressing it into the mattress next to Gojo's head.
"Mm.?" Gojo looked up at him, confused.
"..Look after this for me, I'll be right back."
"Ah, of course."
Turning to leave the room once again, Nanami was met with no sounds of displeasure this time.
From the corner of his eye, he saw Gojo's fingers wrap tightly around his coat, watched as Gojo brought the article into his chest, face buried into its collar.
Nanami felt his eyes soften at the sight. Even after all these years, Gojo never really grew up.
He was still the senior that greeted Nanami with that stupid smile on the first day of school, the friend who had comforted him when he was crying his eyes out, the friend who needed the comfort when it was his turn to cry his eyes out, and now the colleague who loved his students more than words could describe.
All of that put into the shivering body on the lonely bed.
"..heh'shHEiw!! hiH'gSsH'iww!! hH'!! ..snff- hH'dZzchH!!"
The corridor was quiet, Nanami could hear every little sound coming from the bedroom. Gojo must've thought he was in the kitchen by now, judging by how he was no longer stifling.
..How considerate.
"hiH'dzZch'iww!! ..H'tchh! aH'ngsHE'iw!!"
Nanami decides that he would grab a box of tissues from the living room. He doubts that Gojo even had any in his room.
Honestly.. his level of self care was off the charts at times. There was only so much his technique could heal. Cuts, bruises, fractures. Not colds, not fevers, not broken hearts.
That's what Nanami was there for.
It was decided then. He would stay over until Gojo was back on his feet. Nodding to himself, Nanami reaches for a cup, filling it with water.
He should probably leave for a grocery run after Gojo goes to sleep. He wonders if the other had even eaten a bite after this had started.
Probably not.
"..h'gShHE'iww!! hAH'dZzcHH!! snff- g'tchh! 'tchh! 'zztch! h'gtch!!"
As Nanami approached the room, the fits of sneezes progressively got clearer and clearer. The last couple sounded itchy, he noted.
Like Gojo's photic fits.
He remembers the first time he witnessed one, remembers the tears that gathered at the edge of Gojo's eyes under the sun.
He remembers that period of time years ago where Gojo would always misplace his sunglasses.
Before that, it never used to be a problem, since a Someone would always be there to make sure he didn't lose them, to make sure they were always covering his sensitive eyes.
After that Someone was erased from their lives, Nanami took over. He was the one that gave Gojo the idea of wearing a blindfold instead.
..Perhaps 'erased' was a little too strong of an expression. 'Slipped' would have been a better word.
He slipped from both their lives, both of them did.
Nanami peeks into the room, the sight in front of him tugging at his heart.
Gojo had curled even his legs up to his chest, the long coat tangled between his limbs. There was a small, damp patch on the collar of the clothing right below where Gojo's nose was.
Nanami found himself not caring too much about that fact. He was just glad. Glad that he was able to provide the other with some comfort.
People often forgot that Gojo was human too. Despite how he was extremely immature and smiling all the time, Nanami didn't know of another who went through as much pain as he did.
Sometimes, it was almost like Gojo himself too, forgot that he had limits.
"Ahh- Nanamin.. welcome back!"
You don't have to force yourself to sound so cheery all the time.
"I'm sorry I made such a fuss just now, you did nothing wrong."
You don't have to apologise for anything.
"I owe you one."
No. Nanami presses the cup gently to Gojo's lips. You don't owe me anything. It was my pleasure.
When Gojo struggled to get the pills down, Nanami stayed by his side, rubbing comforting circles into his back.
He didn't know what else to do, what else to say.
Nanami stares into Gojo's dull blue eyes, the colour muted due to his fever. He remembers the last time Gojo's eyes wore a similar shade. He remembers not knowing what to do then as well, except to stay by Gojo's side.
"I'm really glad you came, Nanamin."
Maybe this was all Gojo needed after all, someone to support him. Maybe this was enough.
"Thank youu-"
Nanami hummed in reply, setting the cup down as Gojo dissolved into another small coughing fit.
"You're welcome."
"Juice would have been better t-thouhH'!! ..hih'G'Nxt!! 'NgxXt!! ..snff-"
Instead of biting back with a quick "the only thing you have in your kitchen is coffee and sugar cubes", Nanami pulled a tissue out of the box, pressing it to Gojo's nose softly.
"N-anamin?! I.. I can..hH'!! ..do that myself-"
"I'll let go if you promise to stop stifling."
"Hah? What do you mhH'!! hIH'KsShh'iw!! ..snff- heH'DzZtchH!! ..fuck. I'm so sorry-"
Nanami gently wiped the edge of Gojo's nose before pulling the tissue away, replacing it with a fresh one.
"W-Wait.. NahH'!! ..Nanamin-! Be carfhH-!"
Turning as far away from Nanami as he could in their current position, Gojo clasps a shaky hand over the one on his nose, his breath hitching desperately.
"..N'GsHH'iww!! hIH'tCHH-w!! hH'!! ..haaH.. nngh-..heK'sHh!! t'chh!! dzZtchH!!"
Pulling away once more, Nanami pulled a few more tissues from the box, this time handing them straight to Gojo.
"..Always thinking ahead, hm? How'd you know to get these from outside?"
"Your sneezes always get rather messy." Nanami wants to say, but he remains silent.
"..I'm sorry you had to see that, anyway."
"Don't worry about it."
"Mmh.. I'm a little tired."
"You should get some rest then."
"Yeah.. join me?"
Not expecting that response, Nanami stares blankly at Gojo for several seconds, before his eyes travel down to his wrists, where Gojo had already latched his fingers around.
Not like he had the option to deny the request..
..That's not it, Nanami thinks as he shifts to lift the covers. Even if he had the option to say No, he still would have picked Yes.
Finally setting down next to the other, Gojo shifts his grip from Nanami's wrists to around his waist, pressing his damp nose into the crook of Nanami's neck, lips on his collarbone.
"Thank you. For coming, and for staying."
"Will you still be here when I wake up?"
"I'm not going anywhere."
The grocery shopping could wait.
finishing notes: idk if the whole "gojo used to be with geto, and he still misses him" implication spoiled the nanago vibe of this fic
if it did, ahjhaesd IM SO SORRY
but i really, really REALLY, couldn't stop thinking about gojo and nanami using each other to heal from whatever tragedy befell upon them in the hidden inventory/premature death arc, and how they healed each other until eventually getting together.
that's all i have for now, thanks for reading!
Now I get to back to my week of examinations! Totally didn't spend hours writing this instead of studying for Economics! <3 <3
--5 days to Shibuya--
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3 favorite headcanons for any character(s) that you feel like you haven’t talked about a lot!
..... UH- gosh. since you didnt give me a fandom..............
1- Asuma only got the position as Sarutobi clan because his brother declined doing it (this gives him an inferiority complex in regards to his brother and his father)
2- Due to his unique ability G ojo S atoru grew up isolated from other children and most people of his own family out of fear of his clan elders that he'd be assassinated before his powers grew strong enough
3- Lyon hates himself almost as much as, if not more than, Gray when it comes to Ur's death, after he unfroze the ice and swept her into the sea
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ttoya · 4 years
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gojo satoru + being annoyingly handsome
1K notes · View notes
tachibana--chan · 4 years
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Satoru Gojo aka literally everyone’s new daddy
685 notes · View notes
kushami-hime · 3 years
Can I take a moment to thank the Gods that G/ojo S/atoru has a canon snz in JJK? 
I wonder what it sounds like in the English dub...
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waterfallofspace · 1 year
A request from the lovely @veersnz whom I adore with all my heart~ I'm sorry this took so long T-T buuuut hopefully the lil surprise under the cut makes up for that!~
Requested Scenario: G/ojo is suffering from some of his famous allergies, but the fit needs a little convincing to show itself. Enter G/eto, ready to help coax out a few tickles~
(AU where nothing went wrong and they stay and teach together because I need this <3 All Characters 20+ in both Art and Wav, too big for normal upload~)
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waterfallofspace · 1 year
Using ~this lovely prompt~ from the incredible @onetrickponi for our dear G/ojo. 
Inumaki Translation Key:  “Bonito flakes” -Negative/Negation “Salmon” -Affirmation “Kelp” -Greeting “Caviar” -Curse/Expletive 
Characters: G/ojo, N/anami, I/numaki, Y/uji, M/egumi, N/obara, P/anda, and M/aki. (All platonic) Word Count: 2.7k
(References to mild coughing, and swearing!)
Gojo Satoru is an infamous name in Jujutsu. 
Some of the most powerful curse techniques the world has seen, abilities matched only by his intelligence. Not a sorcerer in Japan would deny knowing of him. Yet, ask what comes to mind when you say his name, and power is not the first word to drip off their tongue. 
The exact vocabulary will depend on which lips you pry it from. Higher ups would call him a nuisance. His students may call him aggravating. Fellow sorcerers have been known to use the term irritant. 
No matter who you ask, however, the sentiment rings true. Gojo Satoru is a troublemaker who dances the fine line between ‘loveable’ and ‘prick’. 
As with everything he does, Gojo is skilled at walking the tightrope of annoyance. Most of the time he’s careful to be as close to exasperating as possible, without actually being insensitive, unless it’s to higher ups. 
Most of the time. Then there are days, like last week, where the line is crossed with someone the students care about, and a little payback is required. It’s Inumaki’s turn to get the honours, which he accepts with a graceful “Salmon,” and a smirk. 
This is how a few students find themselves squished against the school, eagerly peeking around corners to watch the scene unfold. 
“Kelp!” Inumaki calls, gesturing for his fellow second years to gather around. Maki leans against the wall, Panda dropping to the floor and getting comfortable. Standing a few paces away from his target, Inumaki’s careful to measure the distance. Close enough to be obeyed, far enough to stay hidden. 
Down the field, the demonstration is about to begin. 
“-which leads me to the best part, so Megumi has no idea I’m even there,” Gojo rambles, hands painting spirals through the air. “And I saw him duck into the candy store, which was on my list anyways, so I’m follow-” 
“Satoru, I believe you asked me here for help with a demonstration,” Nanami cuts in, glancing at his watch as he rearranges his glasses. “I clock out in less than an hour. Is this really how you want to spend the time?” 
Nobara chuckles from behind her phone, gesturing towards Gojo. “Pretty sure he’d be thrilled to waste it gossiping. Meanwhile there’s a sale downtown, so if we’re not gonna get to it..?” 
“You people are no fun,” Gojo whines, tilting his glasses to meet Nanami’s eye. “Especially you.” 
Nanami sighs, tapping Yuji on the shoulder and gesturing to Megumi. “Get his attention please.” 
“One of the most boring people I’ve ever met, Nanami.”
“Well then,” Nanami pauses as a whack- sounds out from behind him followed by Yuji groaning. Another sigh raises in his chest. “Good thing my self worth doesn’t rest on what an immature sorcerer thinks of me.” 
Still rubbing his head, Yuji walks back over, Megumi following behind, pointedly refusing to lift his gaze to the teachers. Gojo seems to consider this ‘good enough’, as he begins to get in position, still huffing slightly at the insult tossed his way. 
“Alright guys, and girls~” Gojo adds with a snap in Nobara’s direction, prompting an eye roll from everyone in the group. “Time to get serious. This lesson is about hand-to-hand combat, with no cursed energy.”
Nobara offers a noncommittal hum, clicking away at her phone. Megumi still refuses to acknowledge anything but the bench he’s sitting on. Hesitantly, Yuji raises his hand, waiting till Gojo points at him. 
“Uh- Gojo sensei, didn’t you just teach me how to add cursed energy..?” 
“Correct! However, that’s because you’re already quite strong on your own. Fighting styles will be important for your growth, but it matters less with your brute strength.” 
Pausing, Gojo gestures to Megumi. “Someone like him needs to be constantly polishing their hand-to-hand skills, since he lacks the physical endurance you naturally possess.” 
“Oh, I see! Because he’s not as stron-” Nobara giggles as Yuji massages the back of his head again, Gojo failing to hold back a snicker. Rolling his eyes with another deep sigh, Nanami takes his position, gesturing for Gojo to get on with it. 
“So, for this demonstration I will turn off my infinity so our dear Nanami stands a chance~.” 
“Why don’t you stop talking and get on with it?” Nanami retorts, nodding to his watch. “Forty-five minutes.” 
Finally starting to begin, Gojo lets infinity turn off, placing his hand on Nanami’s shoulder to demonstrate an opening move. Nobara glances up every so often, still typing away at her phone. Megumi stares at the ground, but his lips seem to be repeating Gojo’s instructions. Meanwhile Yuji simply stares, captivated by each new move. 
Just as Gojo leans forward for another exaggerated swing, something hits him. Or more specifically, his nose. 
Normally a sneeze for Gojo is a slow building process. The itch will start small, just a prickle in his sinuses, before it begins to build into a full blown need. With this one, he barely has time to duck away, pinching his nose shut with a desperate gasp. 
“ah’NXGchh-! hePTTchh-! hh- kNXT’ch-! Oh, ‘scuse me.” Gojo swipes at his nose, frowning at the breathless sensation he’s left with. Normally stifling doesn’t relieve the tickle, but he should be able to do it with minimal effort. 
“You okay, Sensei?” Yuji pipes up, glancing over at Megumi for confirmation. He doesn’t seem alarmed, not bothering to lift his head from his arms, feigning sleep on the bench.
 A few sneezes isn’t usually something to worry about, especially not from Gojo. The man is notorious for his sensitive nose, not to mention over-the-top fits. 
“Yeah, just a bit itchy. Start again. Nanami?”  Nanami gives Gojo a minute to collect himself, then with a nod, takes his stance. 
~”You’re not done.”~ 
“Watch it-” Nanami jumps back, grimacing as the first one doesn’t miss his sleeve.
“I’m- hH’GNchh-! I’m so- hehh… heptNCH-!” Gojo dives into his hand again, attempting to gasp out what sounds like an apology through the onslaught. “What the he- inchh-! en’gzchh-!”  
The itch is in his nose, but the tingles spread throughout his whole body. As his head dips again and again, he feels each muscle tense. His skin is crawling. Almost like goosebumps, but invisible to the naked eye.
“Woah, Gojo sensei, what’s wrong?” A voice laced with concern calls, but all Gojo can do is hitch, dipping deeper into his palm until he’s practically smothering himself. 
“hedt’chh-! ah’KDNTchh-! God I have… haveto… heh’KNCHh-!” 
While he doesn’t understand exactly what’s happening, he can sense the cursed energy swarming his own. Being aware of every drop overwhelming his system only leaves him more sensitive to the intensely soft feeling burning through his nose. 
“Ew, that’s so gross.” Another voice chimes in, void of concern. Still, Gojo finds himself unable to reply, entirely consumed by the maddening tickle. 
“eh’tnchh-! knchhh-! hahh- DTXNchh’uu-!” 
Every breath brings another sneeze dancing to the tip of his nose, waiting to burst forth. His vision blurs, the stifles not seeming to do anything to stall the exasperating itch. 
~”Enough stifling.”~ 
And just like that, Gojo feels his hand release his nose. A panic begins to seep through his weakened mind as he realizes he didn’t choose to do that. Still, it’s overwritten by the insistent desire that’s not been quelled. 
“hiHyiEShhhiuew-! yishh’hieww-! hh- tnnshh’uu-!”
He manages to get his collar over his face, muffling the bursts into the rapidly dampening fabric. “heh’mPFShhyew-! mmfffshh’iew-! eh’mffshhiueww-!” 
The moisture lining his nose starts to match the oceans forming in his eyes. No amount seems to satiate the tickle. An average fit might last for a while, Gojo’s used to that, but those sneezes feel satisfying. With this tickle, each sneeze that frees itself just brings a new desperation, as if he’s allergic to the act of sneezing. 
And more than that, they’re coming out as his natural ones- “hh’iSHhhieww-! tizshhyueww-!” -fittish and breathy, with a desperate twinge. Much different then the over-the-top presentations he’d normally be putting on. 
“ek’tieshhhieww-! heHh- guhhh…” Only when he can get a breath in does Gojo realize everyone’s staring at him. A heat begins to rise to his cheeks, spreading up into his ears.
Nanami’s hand rests on Gojo’s arm, eyes seeming to study him carefully.  “Satoru, are you alright?” There’s a humour to his voice that Gojo finds quite insulting, despite the kindness of the words.
“I’b ndot-” He pauses, sniffling hard against his wrist. It only serves to irritate his throat, light coughs pouring out. Annoying as it may be, the cough does clear the congestion enough to continue the sentence.
“I’m not sure, but I think… oh wait- hH’yiEShhhuew-! nohhht… notover- ekyiEShhh’shiew-!”
Nobara pipes up this time, phone long forgotten. “That’s disgusting.” 
“ah’KESHhh’yiew-! Wow, thagnks for the sy.. sympa…hahhh…” Making the mistake of opening his eyes, Gojo’s met with the horrifying realization his glasses had fallen off during the fit. The whimper he lets out has even Megumi glancing at him in concern. 
His eyes water again, lashes fluttering against the bright sunlight starting to invade his sinuses. It burns nearly as much as the cursed energy, and Gojo only manages to cast final warning before ducking back into his wrist.
“So itchy… I’mb gonda keep… hh’yIEShhh’yew-! hk’kieww-! ahh’dieuww-! hH’tieww-!” 
The fittish half-sneezes leave him breathless. It’s as if his nose is too sensitive, unable to even form a proper sneeze from the depth of the itch. His eyes snap open, just to plummet back shut as the flash from Megumi’s phone sends him back into hysterics. 
“ihh’kieww-! tchhieww-! ak’tiew-! hh’diueew-!” 
Through the fit, he manages to catch Nanami pulling the phone from Megumi’s hand, muttering something about ‘he has it bad enough’, quickly followed by ‘send me those after.’ The burning in his cheeks deepens, and for a second he considers attempting to warp out of there. 
“ahn’chhuew-! kn’diew-!” That fantasy dies as quick as it was born. 
Grumbling under his breath, Gojo attempts to glare at them, failing spectacularly. “You’re all th- hnn’diew-! ekieww-! ahh’tIEShhuu-! The worst. hK’ENchhiew-! hheHh- guhhh…” 
“For taking pictures when you’re suffering? Wow, I wonder who I could have learned that from.” Megumi adds, taking his phone back from Nanami with a silent glare. 
“Sensei,” Yuji pauses for Gojo to let out another burst before continuing, “Is there anything we can do?” 
Taking a cautious sniff, Gojo manages his first full breath since the fit started. He meets Yuji’s concerned gaze, opens his mouth, and- 
~”It tickles worse.”~ 
-gasps, pitching forward with a full-bodied sneeze. There’s not even time to aim for his shirt, a light mist landing on the ground. He feels his teary eyes flutter, nostrils quivering against the unbelievable urge. 
Before he knows it he’s leaning over, hands against knees- “hH’djZSHhuu-! yiEShhhIHhew-! ahh’knZShhhyeww-!”  -sneezing openly towards the ground. 
At this display, Nanami and Megumi chime in with a matching “gross” as Nobara openly shudders, taking several steps back. Seemingly the only one not disgusted, Yuji steps forward, resting his hand on Gojo’s back as it trembles. 
“Do you know what’s going on, Sensei?” 
Despite having a pretty good idea, Gojo just offers a frantic wave. As his nostrils flare again, he spins away from the group, the attack gaining a harsher quality.
“kNZSHhhuu-! ah’DZSHhh’tiew-! Oh my- hH’EZSHH’uew-!” 
Gojo convulses again, intense sneezes continuing to assault his trembling septum as he wipes the tears from his flushed cheeks,
Across the field, Inumaki mimics the movement, Panda and Maki joining in with their own chuckles. The hilarity of his reaction leaves them almost as breathless as their target. Laughter of this pure a degree had become quite rare for them, and it almost made them feel bad about the torment. 
“Okay,” Noticing Inumaki gearing up again, Panda gives him a gentle nudge.  “You should probably ease up now. You don’t want him actually passing out.”
“Bonito flakes..?” 
Panda sighs, nodding at him. “Yes, you do have to.” 
From her position against the wall, Maki chimes in, “He’s gonna be so pissed.” 
“Caviar… Salmon, Salmon.” Inumaki agrees. Dropping his collar again, he gives one final command.
~”You have one last sneeze in you.”~ 
With that, the three lean back to watch the finale. 
Pausing, Gojo feels something change. The jittery feeling that had been spread across his body honed in on his nose, amplifying the tickle. As his hand begins to frantically fan his face, he feels the world start to fade away. Soon all that exists is him and the itch. 
For the first time in his life, Gojo feels like he might understand what it’s like to be trapped in Infinite Void. Every feeling seems miles away, and yet at the same time it’s touching him. Each breath is too slow, but he’s panting. 
Time seems to stop, nothing but the tickle remaining as Gojo tilts his head back, desperately looking for anything to bring this to an end. Any source of brightness to- there it is. 
If he’d had any vision, the light would have stolen it, but instead, mercifully, he dives into his hands with a final vicious sneeze.  
 Even Megumi chimes in with an almost concerned, “That was intense.” 
Gojo gives him a vague smile, pale cheeks stained with blush as he sinks to his knees, rubbing his nose with a ferocity that leaves everyone wincing. 
“Do you need to go see Shoko..?” Yuji asks, but Gojo shakes his head, still panting. Nanami kneels down beside him, draping an arm over his shoulders as he pulls Gojo back to his feet. 
Letting Nanami support his weight, Gojo clears his throat, his blush deepening at the congestion that lingers. “I thignk I’ll be fidne ndow. Just godda sleebp this off.”
“You sound awful,” Megumi mutters, grimacing as Gojo winks at him. 
“Awww, are you concerdned about mbee? Thadts so sweedt of you, Megumbi!” 
In response Megumi scowls, the expression slowly morphing into a smirk as he holds up his phone. “Well, I guess these photos just put me in a good mood.” 
As he passes it around, Nobara and Yuji start howling with laughter, even Nanami suppressing a few chuckles. Gojo sighs playfully, attempting to brush off the way his ears seem to burn. 
“I defignitely deserved thadt.” He laughs, before exhaustion deepens its hold, and he leans against Nanami with an uncovered yawn. 
Nanami chuckles again, this time unrestrained. “You probably did.” And with that, begins the walk towards the school, Gojo still unsteady on his feet. Behind them, Megumi joins in on the laughter, and Gojo sighs at the inevitability of those photos ending up online. 
Just before they make it inside, he suddenly pulls away, whipping as far away from Nanami as he can manage. 
“hiH’TIEShhh’diew-! ahhh’kesshhyew-!” 
They’re followed by a low moan as he rubs his nose half raw against his arm.
“They’re right, you know, Satoru. You really are gross.” 
“hah’inKEShhh’yiew-! Thagnks, Nadnambi,” Gojo says, sniffling hard against his wrist. There’s a mild laughter to his tone. “Woah, thadt’s hard to say. hH- oh fuckigg- hh’kiezshh’uu-!” 
“Bless you.”
The western blessing gets a full laugh, which quickly descends into a productive cough. Raising his watery eyes to meet Nanami’s stern gaze, Gojo chokes out, “How- ndice o- of you.” 
“Let’s get you to a couch to lay down.”
“Thadt would be perfegct.” 
Sure enough, as Gojo sleeps it off, the photos begin spreading. Unfortunately for Megumi, most people seem to share the conclusion that, even while in the grips of a full sneezing attack, Gojo Satoru looks gorgeous. 
By the time the next day rolls around, the post has gotten over a million likes. Megumi attempts to delete the post, but ‘StrongestSorcererSatoru’ reuploads it. 
A week later rumours are spreading through the Jujutsu world. Gojo Satoru horrific sneezing fit, Inumaki force to be reckoned with even for the strongest, but by far the most surprising, Gojo Satoru apologized for going too far. 
Seems even Satoru can take a hint when it’s of that magnitude. 
Inumaki notices a few extra stares being cast his way, but it comes with more than enough pats on the back to make up for it. 
Everyone loves Gojo getting humbled a little.
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rykno-j · 1 year
What it means to be the Strongest (j/jk)
Again writen with s/atos/ugu in mind, but unestablished, though definitely in love.
Summary: So my previous fic, if i remember correctly, had a line like:
["S/atoru, you've been too strong for too long. Let me take over, even if just for a little while."]
and then i realised i have something like that in my drafts, so why not i just develop the thought a little?
Notes: the timeline for this would be set before my previous fic [here] but reading it it isn't required to understand this one.
possibly written in the context of pre-RCT g/ojo? because i didn't want him to have the ability to replenish himself in any way. cue "Domain Amplification": Exhaustion.
there's also a point in the fic i used single inverted commas, like this: '[text]'. js to clarify, those are not actual dialogue but just g/eto's thoughts. uh.. it will make more sense when you reach that part..
And finally, to cope with the month of wait before Shibuya, I present to you..
3.4k words
"Satoru, you've been specially requested."
"..Specially requested."
"..Specially resquested."
Geto watches as Gojo visibly deflates, before he shakes his head, expression changing as he stands up with that same bravo as ever.
"Right!! I'll prepare to leave immediately!"
The quiver in his legs don't go unnoticed by Geto.
This has been been happening for the past month. Don't they have other sorcerers that they can send?
The answer to that was obvious.
Of course there was. But who in the right mind would call on someone who was below 'the best option'?
Mission after mission, Geto finds himself missing the company of his friend. Normally, they would go on them together, but the recent spike in cases had left him with barely any space to breathe either, though he was relatively sure they were easier on him compared to Gojo.
He swears the other hadn't slept in weeks. Geto would return to their dorms, and the bed would still made the way he left it in the morning.
The few times he had tried to look under Gojo's sunglasses for eyebags, his hand had been swatted away, either physically or stopped with Infinity.
"Suguruu- I'm fine, don't worry about me."
"..Then look me in the eyes and say that again."
Gojo would laugh in response, waving his wrist dismissively in Geto's direction. "Of course I'm fine, we're the strongest, remember? It won't be fair I claimed to be tired now would it? Not that I am, of course."
Yes it would be, it would be fair. You need breaks too, Geto wanted to say, was going to say, if not for another interruption, this time from Gojo's phone.
It lit up in his lap, before the screen was raised to eye level. Geto watched as Gojo's eyebrows furrowed, shoulders slumping almost unnoticeably in disappointment.
He has seen this play out a thousand times before. As much as Geto wanted to reach out to drag Gojo back down next to him, his hand was frozen to his side.
"Another special request.. ahhh- I guess I better go get ready."
Geto watched silently as Gojo sauntered away, as if he was about to leave for a party, not a possibly life-threatening mission. Seriously.. he was forever taking things too lightly.
Geto wanted to do something, anything. Maybe file a request to give Satoru some space to breathe? Possibly even an argument that allowed him to join in the missions as backup?
But there was always the possibility that Gojo would turn down rest, no matter how desperately he needed it. He was wearing himself dangerously thin, like a thread about to snap. All he needed was a little tug to break.
Days later:
"Satoru- want to go get a drink? I just saw the workers leaving, I think they got the machines refilled."
When met with no reply, Geto turned back, only to see Gojo spacing out a distance away.
"Sa-to-ru. Satoru- are you there?"
He walks up to the other, waving an open palm in front of the bowed head.
Behind the sunglasses, Geto sees Gojo's eyelashes flutter open before a finger came up to push them back into position, covering his eyes from view.
"Ah- yeah I'm here. Sorry, what were you saying?"
There he went again, dozing off at every chance he got. Geto noticed that had started happening two days ago. In class, during training, while queuing for food, while standing. And now, even while walking.
"..hH'!! ..hAH'sHHiew!! hh'..heH'tchH!!"
And there was that too. Something was definitely wrong.
"Satoru- when's the last time you slept?"
"I was just sleeping, hahaha-! Didn't you see?"
"That's not-"
"Suguru, if you're going to chew me out for not resting again, I assure you, I'm perfhH'.. perfectly.. fhH'.. fine-"
Geto shot him a look that screamed "Really??", and Gojo would have seen it, if not for the fact he snapped to the side violently, bending over as his breath hitched desperately.
"..hh'-hIH-tcHH'iew!! ..hAH'zZchHiw!!"
"Dhh'..Don't worry abou'uhH'- hhH'!! hiH'zZchh!! ..hAH'DzZsh'w!! ..a-about me."
With the way he was swaying at the moment, Geto was sure a light breeze could knock him over.
What more, with the way he was standing, slouched over, a passerby would never be able to tell that Gojo was the taller of the two.
Hence, while Geto wouldn't consider himself to be one who actively sought after physical contact with Gojo (that's a lie though), he couldn't help but inch closer to the other, putting a comforting arm around Gojo's waist.
Geto then stared at the top of Gojo's head. Did his hair always look this messy? Surely not. Satoru wasn't one who paid too much attention to appearances, but this was taking it to an extreme.
"You look like you're going to collapse. Seriously. Tell me what's wrong."
"..Maybe- maybe.." Gojo mumbled as a response to Geto's earlier statement. "..Maybe I'm not feeling as well I thought.. haha-"
Geto sighs. "Took you damn near long enough. Come on, let's head back to our dorm. The drinks can wait."
Gojo whined something incomprehensible before he reached out a shaky hand to grab the arm supporting him from behind. He tilted his head up at an angle to shoot Geto a playful yet tired smirk. "Wait.. ahhh- Suguru.. s-sorry- I think.. I think I'm gonna to pass out right now."
Of course. Of course he could still find the energy to fool around in such circumstances. It was one of Gojo's character traits that Geto never understood.
He had half a mind to ask the other to snap out of it. But upon further inspection, Geto watched as Gojo's pupil glazed over with a hazy, faraway look, before it shrunk, eyelids sliding shut as Gojo went slack in his arms.
Seriously. Jokes like these should really be saved for less dire situations.
"..Satoru.. come on, let's go back."
No response.
"..Oi- Satoru.. you can't be serious. Quit fucking with me.."
No response. It's fine. Gojo liked messing with him after all.
"..S-Satoru.. oi Satoru!"
"..Fuck Fuck FUCK-! You can't be serious-"
He wasn't joking.
Forgetting that he could always manipulate his curses to handle Gojo's weight, Geto slipped his free hand under Gojo's knees, hauling him into his arms, bridal style.
"..Asshole! You're such an asshole."
'Your asshole though, right?' Geto could hear Gojo's teasing voice in his head as he made his way quickly through the hallway, his pace bordering a sprint.
That's right. My asshole.
Geto placed Gojo gently on the freshly made bed. It was probably the first time in weeks he had laid there. A soft groan escaped Gojo's lips as his head made contact with the soft pillow.
Good. He wasn't dead yet.
However, a quick touch to his cheek made Geto question his previous thought. With a fever like that, how was he not dead?
Quickly grabbing a small towel, Geto soaked it with water from his bottle, wringing it onto the floor before he brought it to the other's forehead. The mess of water puddles could wait. He had more important things to tend to.
Geto carefully folded and set Gojo's sunglasses aside, gently brushing away the strands of hair covering his face. The wet cloth was then put on his forehead.
It's not much, but it should help.
Knowing Gojo, he probably didn't take any medicine since this started. Speaking of which, Geto made a mental note to ask when it did. Gojo had been busy with a mission for the past few days, so it probably meant he was working through whatever this was.
Probably a cold.
The sneezing earlier should have been an obvious indication, but the fever he was currently running sealed the deal.
Geto knew exhaustion would eventually catch up to him. To be completely honest, he had thought Gojo would give in earlier. He must have been holding out way pass his limits.
It was alright to be weak at times, even for the 'Strongest', a concept that Gojo never seemed to understand. Either that or he did, but chose to ignore it in place of his ego and the fact that he didn't want anyone else to get hurt in his place if the curses turned out to the stronger than reported.
Geto suspected the reason leaned more towards the latter. Gojo had always cared about others in his own way, whether he considered them weak or not. Although.. with the way he openly made fun of people around him, it would cause others to beg otherwise.
Geto knew him better than that.
A soft whine drew him back into the present. Geto turned to focus his attention on Gojo. Even in the dimly lit room, his brilliant blue eyes were hard to miss, hard to look away from, no matter how dulled they were from the haze of the fever.
"Suguru.. Suguru-"
"Shh. Rest. I'm here."
"..You carried me here?"
Gojo let out a laugh that looked like it took all his effort. "You're stronger than you look then."
"You're just lighter than you look."
The small exchange put Geto slightly more at ease. If Satoru could still make any conversation into a joke, he was fine. Well, it at least meant his brain wasn't fried yet.
A sharp, feathery inhale dragged Geto's attention back to the bed.
"..hih'tchh!! hh'..hah'tchiw!!"
"Bless you." God. Even his sneezes sounded tired, a complete difference from his normal, over exaggerated ones.
"snff'- ..thanks."
Gojo looked seconds away from passing out again, his fist closing around the soft blanket. Sighing, Geto stood up.
"Alright, that's enough of being awake for you. Go back to sleep, okay? Let yourself rest for once."
"Hah.. so reluctant to talk to me?"
Quite the opposite, actually, Geto wanted to say. Instead, he reached over to straighten the cloth. It had fallen over to cover one of Gojo's eyes, making him look a lot more endearing than Geto would ever care to admit.
"Of course not. I just have something I have to get done, so I'll be leaving for a bit."
Geto turned away right as Gojo's frame sunk into the mattress in disappointment. If he had seen it, there was no way Geto would have left his side for another good year.
"Mm, okay."
Geto was careful not to open the door too wide. It was early in the evening, and he wanted to let in as little light as possible. Satoru had always been sensitive after all.
Behind the closed door, Gojo turned to the side, snatching Geto's pillow into his chest, pulling it into a tight embrace. He was sure the other wouldn't mind.
Getting pissed won't help anybody, Geto knew that, he really did. But with Gojo practically forced into bed-rest for at least half a week, he needed to raise some of his concerns to his teachers, at least.
He pulls the classroom door open.
"Ah, Suguru. Right on time. I've got a new mission file for you."
"Right. That's exactly what I've come to talk to you ab-"
"Satoru has been specially requested."
"..See that's-"
"But I've written in to specially request you to follow him."
"-exactly what I've been.. huh? What?"
The teacher gave him a knowing smile before sliding a file over the table. Of course. Always doing things in a roundabout way. He's seen that before.
"..Thank you."
He takes the file, quickly leaving the classroom afterwards, his legs taking him subconsciously back to where the dorms where as his hands occupied themselves with flipping through the documents.
Halfway through the mission file, Geto feels something slip out from between the pages. He leans forward to pick it up, a knowing smile flashing across his face.
A small packet of fever medicine.
Seems his teacher had the same idea, that Gojo would never go out of his way to get supplies, if at all, when he fell sick. Well, that saved him half the trouble.
And here came the other half.
When Geto returned to their dorm, he noticed the aura of Gojo's technique surrounding himself. It shocked him at first, but Geto figures that in his vulnerable state, Gojo's mind subconsciously casts infinity to keep him safe.
Though.. it could also have been a side effect from all the dangerous missions that they had put him through for the past month, such that his body was on heightened alert even during rest.
Well that's a first.
He hadn't really been around Gojo while he was sick before, especially not to the extent of passing out like that.
Surely this continuous usage of Infinity counted as over-exertion, evident from Gojo's slightly furrowed eyebrows despite him being asleep. His breathing was also choppier than usual, either due to the congestion or disturbed rest.
Surprisingly, Geto noticed that Infinity seemed to thin out as he approached the bed.
He remembers Gojo telling him, "Suguru- you know, I can totally tell apart your cursed energy from others!"
Was Satoru's body really recognising him and relaxing because of it? Guess that whole 'telling apart' thing wasn't a lie after all.
Geto reaches out a palm and presses it against Gojo's forehead. His hand easily passes through the barrier, making contact with the other. The damp cloth lay uselessly by the side of the pillow, having fulfilled its purpose.
Still warm, but cooler than before.
Gojo whines against the touch as he slowly stirs. "Suguruu- you're backk.."
"Mm." Geto hummed in reply, sitting himself by the edge of the bed. "Did you sleep well?"
"Ah.. not really."
The raw honesty catches Geto off-guard, especially compared to the previous few days, where Gojo would wave him off for being too worried, right up till the point he collapsed.
He supposes that upon admitting "I'm not feeling well", Gojo's walls simply crumbled, leaving him in Geto's care.
The mattress shifted as Gojo turned to the side, a wrist coming up to rub at his nose.
"S-Sorry.. I- hh' have t'hH-!! hih'tchh!! haH'zzchh!!"
He sniffles against his wrist, watching with teary eyes as Geto pulls out a small pack of travel tissues from the drawer before handing it to him.
"Th'hH-!! ..thank y-you.. hH'hihchH'iw!! hah'zzdchH!!"
He pulls out a piece, pressing it softly against his nose. Outside, the sun had barely start setting.
"..snff'.. Suguru- why are you here anyway? Don't you have better things to do?"
Better things to do than look after you? Unlikely. And your Infinity will just go up again once I leave. But of course Geto doesn't say that.
Instead, he raises the file in his hand. "Background information on a mission. I'll have to read it eventually anyway, I can do it here, I've got time."
"..A mission?"
"Yes. For the two of us, actually."
"Really?? I get to go with you this time?" Happiness seeped into his words, bringing an unconscious smile to Geto's face.
"Mm, but I doubt they'd let you go in this state."
Without even looking over, Geto swore he could hear the pout in Gojo's voice.
"Aw.. b-but I wna go with you."
"..Then get better. Quickly." Because I don't want to leave without you either. I'm never leaving you alone again if I can help it.
"Sigh- alright, alright.. I'll get some rest."
"Before that.." Geto suddenly remembered, rising to his feet to retrieve a mug. He should probably get Satoru to take the medicine as soon as possib-
Geto hears a crash behind him.
On the floor, Gojo laughs softly at himself, hanging half off the bed.
"What were you doing?"
Gojo looked almost embarrassed. "Ah.. nothing, honestly.. I just.. I guess I just.. panicked when I saw you get up.. that's all. I thought you were going to leave again.."
Again? ..Oh, right. He had left for the classrooms earlier. Why didn't Satoru just say something before he did? Forget that. Why didn't he notice?
Geto quickly grabbed a mug, filling it with water before he returned to the bedside.
"I'm sorry."
"Hm? Ahh- it's okay, it's okay.. I was just saying silly things."
"No. Don't say that. It's okay to want company, to need company. That's why I'm here, right?"
"Mm, yeah."
"..Why do you sound so reluctant to admit it?"
Gojo shifted again, this time tilting his head away from Geto.
"..Suguru. Am I'm strong?"
"Mm, why the sudden question?"
"..Am I still considered strong if.. if something as simple as a cold can.. can.. hH'..hih'DzchH!! haH'tchHew!! ..snff'.. fuck. I can't even control those."
"I'd honestly be more surprised if you could." Geto replied, bringing the mug up to Gojo's lips. His voice sounded harsh, and the constant sneezes were not helping. "C'mon, look over here, you should drink something."
Gojo sighed, shifting the tissue away to drink from his mouth.
"Take these too."
"..Medicine? Where did you get those from?"
"Ahh- damn. He really knows everything doesn't he?"
"Anyone on the outside could tell that you were wearing yourself thin, not just him. Shoko had her fair share of worries for you as well."
Gojo remained silent upon hearing that, seemingly very interested in the cup he was drinking from.
Geto felt his heart skip a beat. Had he said something wrong? Maybe he shouldn't have mentioned that fact it was obvious.
The silence lasted for a few moments, before Gojo inhaled sharply, turning to the side.
"..hH'-aH'zZchH!! hah-hH'tcHHiw!! hiH'dzZch'w!! hH'!!-..snff- hehh'tchhiw!"
Geto startled at the fit, though he quickly collected himself, eyes focusing on what appeared to be an extremely sorry Gojo.
In his hand was the empty mug, its contents having been spilled all over the blanket from the violent jerks, a side effect of the sneezing.
"..I'm s-orry.."
Geto paused in his actions of retrieving a cloth for the mess. Something was wrong. Satoru had a voice break? No matter how cute it was (god forbid he admit that), he had never heard the other say anything with such a broken tone before.
Forgetting the cloth, Geto quickly returned to Gojo's side, wrapping his arms around the shivering frame of Gojo's body, head resting above his.
Gojo froze in place, shocked at the sudden but welcomed contact. The mug in his hand slowly slipped off his fingers, falling onto the covers. A small whine escaped his lips yet again as Gojo's fingers repurposed themselves with grabbing gently at Geto's arm.
He found himself leaning into the warm embarce, turning his head slightly such that his cheek could rest against Geto's chest.
Gojo had longed for this for days. Days. Days. He could feel tears starting to form at the corner of his eyes. From the cold or from his overflowing emotions? He had no idea.
"Suguru. Come lie down with me, please?"
He didn't need to be asked twice.
Within seconds, Geto had climbed onto the bed, getting comfortable under the covers as he extended a hand to Gojo.
"Come. Leave that side. It's wet." An excuse to get Gojo into his arms.
Gojo crawled over to where Geto was waiting, instantly latching onto the other the moment he got close enough to do so.
As Geto's arms close around him once again, Gojo realised that he had never felt so.. so safe, so.. comforted, before. It was a new feeling, one he was afraid of yet welcomed.
He had only known Suguru for a year, but damn was the guy making him question his own feelings left right and center.
A hand found itself on the back of Gojo's head as he snuggled closer into Geto's chest, burying his nose into the folds of Geto's shirt.
Drowsiness slowly started to take over as Gojo felt like this was the first time in forever he was truly allowed to relax. Was it from the medicine? Or was it from Geto's steady heartbeat that was lulling him to sleep? In all honesty, it didn't matter.
Geto felt Gojo relax in his embrace. Once the stuffy soft snores started to slip into a rhythm, he tilted his head downwards, whispering in a low, soothing voice.
"Satoru, you've been too strong for too long. Let me take over, even if just for a little while."
That was the last thing said for the night, as Geto himself started to drift off into sleep, the sun setting behind him
Unknown to the other, Gojo's lips curled into a smile.
Really.. the things Suguru says when he thinks no one is listening. It was going to be the death of him one day.
Finishing notes:
this fic actually stemmed from the phrase "what if Gojo's Infinity came up by itself when he's sick?" then it.. became.. this.. somehow..
decided to change their roles here ahhh- caretaker Getoo-
maybe i wrote Gojo a little out of character with the amount of clinging he did to Geto (also the whole DON'T LEAVE ME panic of a sick person in bed), but hey. i'm a strong advocate for clingy sick Gojo, sue me.
i also wanted to keep up the soft Gojo writing, soo i tried the whole "strong character falls weak to a cold" trope thing
BUT i also know for a FACT that i was NOT going to be satisfied if i just let Gojo go out like that, so i tried making his collapse scene exclusively *him*
by that i mean i tried making it slightly humorous. ahh well if it ended up not coming out like that.. it's still fine
also wanted to write a whole "Gojo pretending he's alright when he's not" fic, and was trying to capture the whole "once he admits he's not okay, everything comes crumbling down and he's a mess" thing
i feel like a lot more could have been written in this fic.. but the problem was i didn't know how to.. shshhdhshds im getting better i swear (abit more of this in the tags)
i hope the final scene read as soft as i was hoping it would. just picture Gojo sinking into Geto's hug, smooshing his face against Geto's chest, whining a whole bunch, breathing in his scent
..or maybe scratch the scent part, since Gojo's nose is a little congested//
anyway, hope it was a nice read and thankyou for stopping by!!
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rykno-j · 1 year
Ignorance (j/jk)
Summary: a new AC is installed to their shared dorm, and g/eto is (unfortunately) sensitive to the cold temperature
Ship: s/atos/ugu- they sleep together so its pretty established
Notes: i noted s/hoko calls g/ojo and g/eto by their surnames in the anime so i'll be keeping it the same way here.
the fic was just supposed to be g/eto falling sick due to the temperature, but it took a turn at the end where g/ojo experiences what a cold is for the first time.
3.2k words.
"Waahh- It feels so much better in our room now.. Seriously, why didn't we ask for this sooner?"
"We never needed it before, it never used to be this warm."
"Ahh, ah yeah. It's because of global warming."
Geto opened his mouth to argue that it was due to them sleeping huddled together, buried in each others embrace that caused the heat, but he decided to keep quiet.
Satoru has recently invited him to sleep over permanenly, and after a few weeks, they decided to send in a request for an aircon.
In all honesty, Geto was fine with the temperature. But Gojo would wake up and complain about the heat, ending their hug. Geto was getting annoyed with it.
So now it whirled overhead.
Geto had not been able to sleep well, he admits this to himself only. He had never been too good with low temperatures, with the way his nose would start to run and with the way an itch would form at the back of his increasingly dry throat.
Tonight was no different. Despite being under the blanket and cuddled from behind, Geto found himself shivering.
It wasn't violent enough to wake Gojo up, though. Geto doubted anything would wake the other up anyway. They had tired each other out after a whole night of activity, the weight of Gojo's fingers still somewhat lingering over his wrists.
Geto stares at the small green light of the aircon. Too cold. It was way too cold.
He inhales sharply as gojo hugs him tighter from behind. Right. Satoru had a habit of doing that.
Unfortunately, the wave of cold air that entered his lungs was quite unwelcomed. Geto could feel it tickling his airways.
He didn't remember it being this bad the first day the aircon got installed. It had to be his lack of sleep. More than that, his throat had been uncharacteristically dry since a few days ago
Geto swallowed as a way to test the waters. No pain. He was fine, at least for now.
Pulling the blanket up to his chin, Geto exhaled, feeling the warm of his breath against his cheek. He's fine.
Morning rolled around much faster than he had anticipated.
"Ohayo Suguruu--"
Geto felt Gojo rubbing his head against his chest, bright blue eyes staring straight at him. He looked so endearing like this, Geto couldn't help but place a kiss on his forehead.
"Ohayo, Satoru.."
His voice had come out scratchier than normal, but he was sure it was overlookable due to it being early in the morning.
Gojo leapt out of bed, stretching himself awake. His hair poked out of his head from all different directions. To that, Gojo quickly ran a hand down his scalp.
Geto smiled to himself. Waking up like this everyday was pure bliss. Now if only he wasn't as tired as he was..
"Suguruu- c'mon, we need to go for our morning run before Sensei comes for our throats again."
Not waiting for Geto's response, Gojo takes off his shirt, bending over to dig through the drawers for his school track uniform.
Geto watches from where he was, still lying down, a faint blush dusting his cheeks. Satoru looked so damn good just by doing absolutely anything.
"Suguru? Aren't you getting up? We have to go."
"Mm, I'll catch up later.. wna lie down a little bit more."
"Ehhh..? Something wrong? Did I tire you out too much last night?" Gojo looked over to him, slight mirth in his eyes.
"Yeah, exactly that."
"Ahh, I'm sorry, heheh." (he was not sorry). "I'll see you at the track then. Half an hour max, alright? You need to run at least a round to make it convincing."
Gojo turned to leave the room, before he changed his mind, scrambling over to where Geto was, leaning over to press a kiss against his temple.
"Okayyy, byeee-♡"
Geto huffed to himself. Seriously, who was the older one here? Still, he would do anything for the other. Anything.
"..hiH' hitchh-w!! hah'tzchh!!"
Anything. Even at the expense of himself.
Geto knew sooner or later he would come down with something. He always did, whenever the temperature got a little low. During the winter seasons, it was absolute hell. But at least he could dress warmly then.
In their shared dorm? Not so much.
"..hAH'dZzchh!! ..snff-"
The back of his wrist was already coated with a layer of mist. Nothing he couldn't handle. Some sleep would get rid of it, he was sure.
Geto blinked at the green light of the air-conditioner. He should.. he should really switch that off..
Curling into the warm pocket of space that Gojo had left behind, Geto drifted off once again.
"Suguru- SUGURU-!!! Oiii, I thought I told you half hour max?!"
What was going on?
Geto was shaken awake, bright light invading his eyes as he opened them. The warm blanket around him was then yanked off roughly. A shiver ran down his spine.
Geto felt his wrist being pulled as he was lifted off the bed. Another tug sent him flying out of the room, Gojo pulling him towards the shared bathing area.
He felt cold water splash onto his face.
"Water. We have to make it convincing that you ran a few laps." Gojo stepped back, analysing him for awhile. "Alright. You look tired enough to pass, let's go, quickly!"
"Satoru.. I'm still in my sleepwear.."
"Heh? ..Eh?? EHHH-!!"
Gojo led him into the courtyard after a quick change of clothes. The sun had barely started to rise. Added with the consistent evaporation of the water on his skin, Geto couldn't help the light quivers that ran down his frame.
Really.. every morning with Satoru was sure to be an entertaining one, albeit tiring.
Lunch was no different, say for the dull throbbing that had started to form throughout his head. Beside him, Gojo was talking on and on about how ugly his piece of lettuce looked.
"Shoko-!! I'm telling you! It looks juuust like the curse we exorcised last week. This part is its arms, here's the head.. Suguru- oi Suguru, it looks like it, doesn't it?"
Geto felt a jab to his rib.
"What-?" (his voice broke)
"It looks like it, right? Right?"
"Mm, yeah, yeah it does.." What was Satoru on about this time?
"See?!!" Gojo leaned back happily, waving the food item in front of Shoko, who looked extremely unamused.
Geto stared at his own tray. Inbetween closing his eyes, rubbing his temples and trying not to sneeze, he swore he had eaten more than what was left on his plate.
There was still time before the next lesson. If he took a rest now, his body might just make it in time. With that, he stood up.
"I'm going back first."
"Hahh? Suguru- I thought we were supposed to play basketball later?"
"Mm, yeah. I'm going to go get ready first."
Gojo flashed him an OK! symbol before he turned back to the table.
Now it was just a matter of how long he could keep up this guise.
Geto slid open the doors to the dorm, a wave of cold air 'welcoming' him. If he hadn't been gripping onto the door frame, Geto was sure his knees would have given way.
Shit. With their hurry this morning, they had forgot to turn off the aircon. Geto swears that if he pours water on the floor, it was going to freeze over.
The controller. Where was it? He had to turn this monstrosity off.
Geto fumbled through the mountain of Gojo's belongings on the table. Seriously, Satoru had to learn how to tidy up after himself.
Admist the searching, Geto accidentally knocks off one of their long metal rulers, and it hits the floor with a loud clang.
There goes the rest of his headache.
Finger pressed against his temple, Geto gave up looking for the controller. He wouldn't be surprised if Gojo had accidentally stuffed it into his school bag, which was currently on his person.
Well whatever.
Geto pulled open the cupboard with an effort, pulling out a few of his thicker jackets meant for winter. Throwing them onto the bed, Geto joined them shortly.
He would keep them before Satoru came to bug him for the game of basketball. He would keep them before- before..
Geto's eyelids felt heavy. He'd finish that thought later.. later.
Back at the lunch table:
"Mm?" He pauses mid-bite. "What is it?"
Shoko sighs, playing with the lighter between her fingers. "You need to be a lot more sensitive, you know that?"
"Sensitive? You mean to cursed energy? My eyes already do that, don't worry."
"Idiot. I meant that you should be more sensitive to Geto."
"..Suguru? My eyes can tell apart his cursed energy from others."
Shoko sighs again, pressing her lighter onto the table. "Not that."
"Then? You mean I should be less rough with him when we-"
"Not that! I Do Not want to hear about that!"
Gojo smirks. "Alright, alright."
"..Anyway, didn't you notice anything wrong with him?" Shoko says instead.
"Mm? Ah.. I guess Suguru hasn't insulted my intelligence today."
"That's why I'm doing it right now."
Gojo feigns hurt as Shoko pulls out a cigarette.
"Cutting to the chase, Geto seemed barely able to stay awake just now."
He supposes she does have a point. Suguru had been exceptionally sluggish today, but he was sure it was nothing to be worried about, nothing a sugared drink can't fix.
"..Seriously Gojo, didn't you notice how tired he looked when he left the table?"
In all honesty, he had not.
"..So, do I really need to spell it out for you?"
Gojo sheepishly looked away as Shoko shot him a look that screamed "you suck!"
"I'll go check on him."
"Mm, thank me later."
In the hallway:
Gojo made his way quickly to their dorm. Now that Shoko had mentioned it, he couldn't get it out of his head that something had indeed been up with the other.
Firstly, what was up with that whole 'sleeping-in' episode? He knew for a fact that Suguru was always the one chasing him to get changed and leave.
And Geto hadn't asked him to stop playing with his food during lunch, not once. Even though he was normally the one who ensured that Gojo's food actually made its way into his mouth.
Not to mention leaving the table alone. Suguru almost never went anywhere without him.
Picking futher, Gojo remembers how tired Geto looked in the morning, as if he didn't get a wink of sleep.
Had he really not noticed before?
Thinking about it now would do him no good. Steadying himself, Gojo slides open the door.
"Suguruu- are you there?"
Even in the dim room, Gojo could make out the mess of blankets on their bed. He could hear Geto's shallow breaths. They sounded.. rough.. for someone who was supposedly asleep.
Something was definitely wrong. Hadn't Suguru said he was heading back to the dorms to get changed for basketb- oh. Oh of course. How could he have been so dense? The other had probably said that in an attempt to escape the lunch table.
Gojo closes the door behind him, afraid the light from outside might wake Geto up. He clenched his fist. Open, close, open.
How was he supposed to approach the other?
Gojo had never been in a situation like this before. In his eyes, there was nothing wrong with Suguru. His flow of cursed energy was stable, though muted. But that normally happened when he was asleep.
What was wrong, then?
As Gojo neared the bed, he saw the edge of the blanket get tugged upwards.
He reached over, tugging the blanket back down.
"Suguru, are-"
His eyes widened.
Gojo remembers how his teachers would drill into his head the concept of "searching for signs of curses using their residuals" when he first joined Jujutsu High.
Of course, he could already do that naturally with his six eyes.
But this. This was something else entirely.
What he saw in front of him was not something that would ever have been written into any mission handbook.
Gojo's eyes traced over what was presented to him when Geto looked at him hazily, as if he just woke up from restless sleep.
Cheeks flushed.
Eyes unfocused.
Nose tinted pink.
Small quivers in the fingers gripping the blanket.
And when he spoke, it was as soft as ever, with an added edge of roughness that made Gojo's heart run laps around his ribcage. His voice sounded like a running river that had flowed over a particularly rocky path.
If residuals showed signs of curses in the area, what did these show?
Gojo reached out gently. He wanted to know, needed to know.
Before he could finish the sentence, however, Geto turned sharply to the side.
"..hh' w-wait.. I.. hH'gNxXt!! ..hAH'nGxt!! .. snff-!! ..m'sorry.."
"Aahh- no. It's okay- are you okay?" Gojo felt his voice catch in his throat. He had never seen Geto like this before. It scared him.
But a part of him subconsciously made his hand move to Geto's neck, pressing in softly.
He was warm, extremely warm.
In an attempt to help, Gojo tugs the blanket off Geto's body.
"..Suguru, you're going to give yourself heatstroke, take the jackets off.."
"N-No, you don't g-Hh'!! ..get it.. it's c-chH'!! hah'Ngxtt!! hih'dNxggt!! hH'gNxx-chh!! ..it's cold.."
"It is?" A genuine question.
Gojo turned to the messy table, digging through the mess of papers and unopened sweet packets. When he came up with nothing, Gojo turned to another messy pile on the floor.
"Why didn't you just say something?"
Geto watched as Gojo fished the remote out from under a discarded mission file.
The aircon went off with a beep, leaving behind a sudden dense feeling in the air. The shift in pressure placed a fuzzy feeling in Geto's sinuses.
"..hh'nGx-tch!! hH'gNxxt-iw!!"
Gojo tilted a curious head in his direction.
"Why are you still sneezing? I turned it off."
Geto shot an annoyed glance at him. "That's n-not ..hH-! ..h'Ngxt!! ..not how colds work."
"Oh." Gojo replied, dumbfounded.
"..Do you even know what that is?"
To that, Gojo nodded. "Yes, but I was told that colds are a sign of weakness, that I shouldn't get them, because I'm supposed to be the strongest, so I don't have much experience with them."
"Who told you that..?"
"The people who raised me, of course."
Geto was suddenly glad that they no longer had a hand in raising his friend. Seriously, driving these thoughts into the head of a child was wrong, even if said child was the bearer of two of the most broken abilities.
"Anyway.." Gojo continued, "Suguru, you sure it's a cold? You're strong too, so I didn't think you could.. get colds."
Geto sighed. One step at a time, it seems.
"Everyone can get them."
"Ah, really?"
"..Surely you've gotten a fever before?"
Geto sighed again, reaching out to grab Gojo's hand, pressing it against his forehead.
"Tryna tell me how hot you are?" Gojo smirks slightly. "Seriously though, isn't that because you've literally dressed yourself for winter?"
He points at the jackets Geto had sitting around him.
Geto exhales slowly from his mouth. Just how was he going to explain this?
"..When someone falls sick, they get a fever, and that makes them feel cold, because of the difference in temperature between the body and the surrounding air."
"..Then why didn't you just turn the aircon off just now?"
"Because I couldn't find the damn remote through all the mess!" After raising his voice slightly, Geto turns away to cough softly into his fist. Ah, he shouldn't have done that.
Next to him, Gojo reaches for the half empty bottle of water across the table before uncapping it, passing it to the other.
For someone so seemingly oblivious to the things happening around him, Satoru was surprisingly considerate at times, Geto notes with a smile.
"That doesn't explain why this is all pink though," Gojo says suddenly, stepping up so he can press a finger to the very tip of Geto's nose.
"Sa-hH'!! hIH'dZtcHH!! haH'EhkshH!! ..Satoru! Don't..dohH'!! ..hi'tgNxtt!! ..don't do that.."
"So that's how your sneezes sound like without you pinching them away!"
Geto froze in place. Ah.. the fit had set on so quickly that he didn't have time to stifle. He hadn't even realised. A blush creeped up onto his cheeks.
"Seriously though, why do you always do that?"
Geto looked away, hoping the flush wouldn't deepen. "It's not.. well, it's not-"
"..Everyone does it, right?" Gojo interrupted. "Just like you told me everyone can catch colds, everyone sneezes too, so why are you so shy about it?"
"..Well yes, but using that same logic, you won't just change your clothes in front of anyone, would you?"
Gojo went silent for awhile, as if he was contemplating something deeply. Seconds later, he turned to Geto with a small smile.
"So I'm special then!"
"Because you sneezed in front of me."
Before Geto could calm himself down enough to give an answer, Gojo bent down, pressing his lips gently against the edge of Geto's eye.
"Suguruu, was the aircon really bothering you that much? You've got eyebags."
"Why didn't you say anything then?" Gojo asks again.
"..You were enjoying it, so I thought I'd-"
"Sacrifice yourself for me??"
"..It's not that dramatic, Satoru."
"Yeah but still," Gojo pouts a little before speaking. "I would have suffered through the heat for you."
Yet again he proves to be considerate. How was he to respond to that?
"But then you always.. always-" ..always break the hug when it gets too hot. Geto catches himself before the rest of that sentence slips out, but the other seemed to get its implication.
"I didnt want us to wake up all sweaty, that's all. But if you're okay with it, I won't let go."
Geto opened his mouth in an attempt to deny the fact he liked being hugged, but Gojo quickly circled around to his side of the bed, leaning forward to kiss Geto's temple.
"I heard sleep helps to make colds better."
"That's what I was trying to do before you barged in and tugged my blanket off."
"Heh, a consequence of moving in with me."
"Mm. I'm not backing out, though."
"Hah! As if I would let you do such a thing."
Geto couldn't help the soft laugher that escaped him, even if it made him bend over with a light coughing fit.
"Alright alright.." Gojo said, patting Geto's back gently. "Take off the damn jacket, I wna hug you."
"..As you wish."
The rest of the day was spent lazily in bed, with Geto occasionally waking up just to dissolve into rapid fits that left him exhausted and clinging onto Gojo for comfort.
Seriously, if colds made Suguru this touchy, he wouldn't mind helping the other through a few more.
Finishing notes:
Filling up plot holes: the teacher cancelled lessons for the rest of the day, since it was hand-to-hand combat. with geto sick and gojo having no partner to spar with, the lesson was postponed. that's why satosugu could just stay in bed. ofc, they would have either way.
Yeah gojo caught geto's cold after this, and experienced his first sick, yay!
Sorry for the once again plot>snz fic, but that's normally how my stuff goes
Also at the beginning of the fic i wonder if anyone got the global warming reference hahsvagj
tysm for reading agshhs
-- 2 weeks to Shibuya --
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waterfallofspace · 1 year
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Took my lil G/ojo doodle and digitized it + a few details
Hands are so difficult 😭
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rykno-j · 1 year
just thinking about G/ojo and G/eto again:
G/ojo always having a problem with the morning sunlight - maybe he didn't like to sleep with the curtains fully drawn, since it was wayy too dark, and moonlight helped him sleep better.
But the problem with that was when morning rolled around, sunlight would stream into his room and he'd wake up only to be sent into fits of photic snezes that lasted till breakfast. It wasn't all that bad, just annoying at times, especially if G/ojo was in a rush to do something (or late for class)
Things changed when G/eto moved in to sleep with him in the same dorm.
Mornings were now spent with his face smooshed into G/eto's chest per last night's activities, or G/eto would purposely wake up ealier to shut the curtains fully. (anything to make G/ojo more comfortable)
But either way the bright morning sun stopped being such a bother.
Except for the times G/eto "accidentally" left the curtains open (maybe to wake G/ojo up since 'we are an hour late for classes S/atoru, please get up.') or when they were both too worn out from previous nightly activities.
On these mornings, G/ojo would be sent into itchy fits as G/eto sat beside him and rubbed his back. (maybe even going to retrieve his sunglasses for him, getting tissues, or letting him use his shirt//ahhh)
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rykno-j · 1 year
thinking about the (possible) first time G/ojo wore a blindfold:
"S/atoru- what are you wearing?"
"Hm? Ah.. I couldn't find my glasses this morning, so these would suffice for now.. besides the sun has been really bright these few days, and this covers my eyes more."
Gojo reaches out to trace his fingers over the cloth covering his eyes. The truth was, he hadn't been able to sleep for the past couple of days, and his eyebags were getting more and more obvious. He knew Geto would be worried if he saw them, so he opted to wear something that covered his eyes entirely.
It wasn't as if he couldn't see anymore with that thing over his eyes, so he figured it would be a good cover-up.
The problem was finding the cloth. Gojo has rummaged through his room the entire morning, only to come out empty handed. Eventually he found a blindfold in the storeroom behind his class. It was supposedly used for training, or something along the lines of that. Not thinking much of it, he wrapped it around his head.
Ever since he had put it on, however, a mild buzz had settled itself into the back of his nose. It was probably just due to the lack of sleep, probably. Was what he told himself.
"Bless you. Where did you get that blindfold from anyway?"
"..The storeroom."
"The one behind our class?"
Gojo simply nodded in reply, suddenly being overwhelmed by another urge to sneze.
"..You know how dusty the things in there are, right?"
At this point, Gojo was barely listening to what Geto was saying. In fact, he had completely stopped in his tracks, breath held in anticipation.
And just like that, the feeling passed.
"snff- Sorry, you were saying?"
"Dust. See, there's even some on the blindfold."
Gojo watched as Geto brought a finger up to his face, tracing the edge of the blindfold resting just above his nose.
"Especially here."
Ah. That was probably the reason his nose seemed to be complaining for minutes on end.
Gojo attempted to laugh off the matter, but every inhale, no matter how small, served only to aggravate the burn in his sinuses.
"It's f'hH!! ..fine"
Geto watched, unasmused by Gojo's stubbornness, "Really?"
"R-Really.. hH'!! h'tchh!! hah'zZtchh!!"
At this point, Gojo was bent over, facing away from Geto with a fist raised against his nose. He felt a single tear slip out of his eye, only to be absorbed by the blindfold.
Geto sighed once the fit seemed to die down. "For someone self-proclaimed as the strongest, you really are quite stubborn sometimes."
Gojo flinches as Geto reaches out to pull up the blindfold.
"Take it off, for your sake. We can go buy another pair of sunglasses later."
When Gojo doesn't reply, Geto reaches out a thumb to wipe away the stay tear below his eye.
"Ah- right.. yeah, I probably should.." Gojo held Geto's stare for a moment, before the other pulled away.
"Satoru, have you been sleeping alright? You look really tired."
Gojo sighed inwardly. Trust Geto to pick up on that after mere seconds of staring at his uncovered eyes. There's no way he can lie his way out of this one, not anymore.
"..Maybe not"
Gojo adverts his gaze, expecting a lecture of some sort. "Maybe cut down on the video games", "Stop staying up so late," words of that sort. What he was not expecting instead, was:
"Want me to come over tonight?"
"Yeah, yeah I got it- ..wait, what?" did he hear that right?
Geto cleared his throat softly, "..Don't make me repeat that, Satoru."
"Ah- right, Mm, yes.. actually, I'd love to have you over. Maybe, probably."
"Which one is it?"
A stray blindfold hit the side of Geto's arm. "Yes, it's yes.. of course it's a yes. What do you think..?"
Geto laughs softly in reply. "I'll bring some tea."
"With sugar?"
"Of course."
thats it, just my thoughts on them
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rykno-j · 1 year
Thinking about G/eto being able to tell apart what is making G/ojo snez after being around him for so long.
Maybe returning back to the dorms with cold medicine even though G/ojo insists that he was just snezing from the dust in their room.
Or G/eto forcing G/ojo to take a break from training even though G/ojo insists that its the sunlight that's making him snez and not anything else.
G/eto: "Your photic snezes are a lot less harsh than these, S/atoru-"
G/ojo: "..I guess, but who even pays attention?"
G/eto: Me.
Maybe G/eto even takes pre-emptive steps whenever he feels like G/ojo might come down with something. (Eg: noticing that he hasn't been resting much and is falling asleep in class, noticing that he has been spacing out a lot, noticing that he has been sniffling quite a bit into his wrist)
Something like making G/ojo a cup of tea (with many sugar cubes), or G/eto pretending that he himself is tired and wants to sleep, as an excuse to drag the other to bed with him.
Of course the opposite is also true.
When G/ojo notices that G/eto has been holding back a snez for quite some time now (maybe because they were currently with people), he would absolutely come up with some lame excuse to get the two of them away from the group.
"S/uguru- wna go get something from the vending machine? I'm thirsty."
Before anyone replies, G/ojo is already dragging his friend off towards the direction of said machines.
After checking that the coast is clear, G/ojo leans against the wall. "Okay, you can sneeze now."
G/eto being confused for a second, before his eyes look over to the other with appreciation. He proceeds to have a small uncovered fit, (its just him and G/ojo anyway, he was alright letting them out around him.)
"Feeling better?"
G/ojo pushes himself off the wall. "Alright, so which drink do you want?"
G/eto knows this is G/ojo's way of downplaying his "I'm looking out for you", acting like it isn't a big deal. Either due to to his own embarrassment or because he knew G/eto was shy about these kinds of things.
But some gratitude could never hurt.
"Thank you."
The whole façade of "it's no big deal, i'm just looking out for you" falls apart as G/ojo gets a little flustered at the thanks.
"Ahh- it's nothing, really.."
"It wasn't nothing to me though."
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rykno-j · 1 year
just a thought before i go to sleep. was actually dozing off already when this popped into my head. got up from my bed and typed while squinting:
it's spring time, the season where g/eto's nose annoys him to no end.
and for that reason, g/ojo and g/eto always slept with the windows closed.
one morning, g/eto wakes up with his nose buzzing, allergic tears by the sides of his eyes. not being able to control himself, he lets out an itchy fit, pulling g/ojo into a tighter hug.
"bless youu- and good morning."
g/eto sniffles in response, letting out a stuffy "i'm sorry you had to wake up like that."
g/ojo answers with a"there's no other way il'd rather wake up though."
g/eto shoot him an unammused look, to which g/ojo replies by kissing him on the nose.
"what's setting you off anyway? are the windows closed?"
they both look over to where the curtains are drawn.
"..ah right, i'll go check."
g/ojo stands up, pulling the curtains back in an extravagant way, only to be instantly hit with the reason why they were drawn shut in the first place.
he bends over as an itchy photic fit takes over, leaving him barely able to catch his breath.
behind him, g/ojo hears g/eto stifling his own fit into pinched fingers.
guess he had forgotten to shut the windows after all.
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