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missedmilemarkers · 4 months ago
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norfolknaturalist · 4 years ago
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Isabella Tiger Moth Caterpillar (Pyrrharctia isabella) on the Lynn Valley Trail, April 2019. If you see these Caterpillars (also known as Woolly Bears) this early in the year, they have spent the Winter as Caterpillars in sheltered locations, such as under rocks or in the bark of fallen trees. During the Spring, they'll feed on a variety of plants until they're ready to spin cocoons and transform into Adult Moths. . . . . . . . #nature #ontario #pyrrharctia #pyrrharctiaisabella #woollybear #woollybearcaterpillar #fuzzycaterpillar #caterpillar_daily #nationalwildlifeweek #nationalwildlifeweekcanada #mothsofontario #insects_of_our_world #macrocaterpillar #macro_vision #lynnvalleytrail #blognorfolk (at Lynn Valley Trail) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNVGj03gOb9/?igshid=xm0pq5lyjqh2
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stockschatz · 4 years ago
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knitteapolis · 6 years ago
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Had a wonderful time at Jefferson Park with The Spread Sunshine Gang yesterday! Here’s a sweet pic of two kiddos enjoying the furry caterpillar yarnbomb I put up on the playground. They “helped” me install a couple more after this. 😊 #knitteapolis #yarnbombing #thespreadsunshinegang @thespreadsunshinegang #yarnbombs #fuzzycaterpillar #fiberart #fiberartist #yarnbomb #richfieldmn #mnart #raok #guerrillaart #guerrillakindness #playgroundart #yarnstorm #yarnart #knittersgonnaknit #hungryhungrycaterpillar #eyelashyarn #capturemn #exploremn #guerrillaknitting #streetartist #streetart #crochetalldayeveryday (at Jefferson Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw2Aw4vFb-j/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xprpbtvhb5cj
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handsofspirit · 6 years ago
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Pink and Magenta Fluorite with hints of green on the underside. This is a lovely specimen with cubic formation. Caterpillar not included ;) 🐛 Location: Durango, Mexico, 3.43" x 2.02" x 1.78", weight: 247.7 grams. https://etsy.me/2QPp9fP #crystalsforsale #healingstones #healingcrystals #fluorite #pinkfluorite #fluoritecrystal #caterpillar #fuzzycaterpillar #etsyfinds #crystal #crystals #mineral #minerals #mineralspecimen #mineralspecimens #pink #lovepink #healingstones #healingcrystals #crystalhealing #meditation #boulder #bouldercolorado #colorado #handsofspirit (at Hands of Spirit Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo2JpHeHjGQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1arm8dfhhztrc
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lucidnap · 4 years ago
Outrageous caterpillar cuteness at Los Peñasquitos Canyon Preserve!!! #cute #caterpillar #bugs #bugsofinstagram #cutebugs #cutebugsofinstagram #adorableanimals #fuzzy #fuzzycaterpillar #preservenature #creepycrawly (at Los Peñasquitos Canyon Preserve) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPM9NARj9Bv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bs-botany · 4 years ago
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Fuzzy caterpillar ———————————————— #caterpillar #fuzzy #fuzzycaterpillar #insect #insectphotography #nature https://www.instagram.com/p/CGSICwFgd3g/?igshid=a3njm4mg0rr0
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outhereontheprairie · 5 years ago
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Found eating the lettuce 🥬 in my garden. He inched away from me as quick as he could! 🐛 #outhereontheprairie #caterpillar #fuzzycaterpillar (at North Dakota) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDEmVUwgruP/?igshid=1xjgb3nu0jioc
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1craftybruja · 5 years ago
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Yesterdays walk . . . . . #nm #awesome #objects2desire #objects2desirestudio #forest #morningwalk #walking #catterpillar #fuzzycaterpillar #forestwalks🍃 #mymountainhome #getsomefreshair (at Ruidoso, New Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAxmub5Jfod/?igshid=nssa9vz20lv6
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mcktreecrochet · 5 years ago
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Met this little fuzzy caterpillar in the street today! We relocated him onto a leaf and out of the street :) #fuzzy #fuzzycaterpillar #nature #love #peace #harmony (at Everett, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bj2uTcWnWc-/?igshid=2h3t2e2n0zfx
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thisbirdsabsurd · 7 years ago
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These guys seem to be everywhere this year! This one is a banded tussock moth. #caterpillar #bandedtussockmothcaterpillar #fuzzycaterpillar #insects #insectsofnh #
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livinglifedrinkingwine · 5 years ago
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This fuzzy little guy decided to join us on the porch. #catipillar #fuzzy #livinglifedrinkingwine #livelifetothefullest #summerisending #summer @nature #nature #summertofall #fall #fuzzycaterpillar #porch #september #september2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/B2eLvTtBKHP/?igshid=9mcih2yn7l6a
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lifedoulasally · 6 years ago
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Milkweed tussock moth caterpillar. Fun fact: Orange and black coloring normally alerts predators to their poisonous nature, but it only works with predators who use vision. Since their main predators are bats, the moths have evolved an organ that sends out an ultrasonic signal that warns bats of its poisonous body (milkweed sap is poisonous and is the main source of food for the moth). #poisonousbugs #caterpillar #milkweed #milkweedtussockmoth #milkweedtussockcaterpillar #gardener #coolbugs #getoutside #lookclosely #fuzzy #fuzzycaterpillar #ultrasonic #fluffy #unique #funfact #science #bugs #insects #larva #lepidoptera #inmyyard (at Saint Paul, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0bdsDPH4tw/?igshid=c0yzg83jo1xp
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knitteapolis · 7 years ago
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“Always find a reason to laugh. It might not add years to your life but it will add life to your years.” -3 degrees? Psh! Gonna have to try harder than that Minnesota to stop me from releasing these warm fuzzies into the wild. #creativebadass #knitteapolis #yarnbomb #isufferformyart #creativebadasses #yarnbombing #mnwinter #mnwinters #yarnbombs #mnart #mnartist #minnetonka #minnetonkamn #yarnbomber #knittersofig #knittersgonnaknit #knitallthethings #caterpillars #fuzzycaterpillar #streetart #fiberarts #thisismymn #exploremn #minnstagram #mnphotography #warmfuzzyfeeling #raok #guerrillaknitting (at Minnetonka, Minnesota)
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mallycat13 · 6 years ago
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On the front porch waiting for me this evening #fuzzycaterpillar #blackandred #giantleopardmothcaterpillar #maybe #creepycrawly #frontporch #thewoodlands #texas #ramostfamous https://www.instagram.com/p/ByJbzEDBrnK/?igshid=16x8sxb9eq5ql
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cassandraphelan · 6 years ago
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I feel like pagans and witches enjoy seeing the Earth and all life on her do well. Right now, they are cutting down trees near my home to keep the trees from power lines and create fire breaks (I live in Northern California). This is a little heartbreaking 😢 But what I have noticed are the caterpillars. When I say that I haven’t seen these caterpillars since I was a teen, I am talking like 35 years. 35 years since I’ve seen these types of caterpillars. That has given me some hope for nature 💗 And I did move this little guy to a bush. It was heading towards spider country! #witchesofinstagram #gaia #lovenature #fuzzycaterpillar https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx23o9EHEI2/?igshid=1vcn5nch7hh3o
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