bl--ankhaeji · 4 years
Pairing - Prince*Jaemin x FemaleBlack*Reader,  (possibly futuristic idk yet)Kingdom au
Genre - Fluff(later chapters),angst(i think I’ve never really written it before),(possible smut) 
Warning - slick sad af, I think that’s it, wrote this in like two or so hours right after I woke up because I thought of it while laying in bed, so obviously not edited 
W.count - 1,082k
A/n - named this fucking prologue because I could not for the love of me come up with a fucking name sooooo yea
3rd person P.O.V
“There once was a beautiful kingdom named Akeima t’was filled to the brim with a beautiful culture and beautiful people from all over. The natives though had the most gorgeous head of curly hair that was particular to them. Their clothing was of the prettiest vibrant colors made of the finest silks. They never made problems with anyone. They were a peaceful country based not on a person's appearance but of their heart-”
“But mommy that can’t be true because aren't they in a war right now?” The small boy questioned his mother who was telling him of the wonderful kingdom. 
He wasn’t lying, the country was currently engulfed in a fierce war. But it was not because of their own doing. 
“Yes my sweet boy you are correct about the war, but you are wrong about what I said not being truthful. Remember Akeima are our greatest allies.” The beautiful woman said to the boy as she rose off of the bed preparing to send her son to sleep. But what he didn’t hear were the mumbled words that rolled out of her mouth next, “They are our greatest allies yet they refuse our help in their time of need.” The woman spoke with immense amounts of sadness and confusion as she stepped out of her son’s room into the long hallway. 
Back in the country of Akeima we see a beautiful woman running for what seems to be her life surrounded by hellfire. 
“No no no no no, I-I have to reach her. We won’t make it if I don’t.” The lady rambled in between breaths, “I have to get my baby.” 
She stops at a room and immediately attempts to open the door only to flinch her scorching hand back out of pain. “Fuck it.” she states as she reaches out despite the pain and forces the door open, she knows she doesn’t have much time if she can just- 
“W-what are you doing here?” She sees her son lying next to his baby sister’s bed soothing her and at that moment she doesn’t think she had ever been prouder. She knows her little boy loves his sister with all of his heart despite the amount of teasing he bestows upon her daily. Walking toward her beautiful children she holds back a gut wrenching sob, because she knows that now is not the time to lay down and cry. She has to be strong for her babies; even if she might never see them again after tonight. 
The almost teenage boy turns at the soothing sound of his mother's voice and she immediately sees the tears racing down his chubby cheeks despite his calm demeanor; she knows that her beautiful boy is scared for his life. “Aw my beautiful boy you’re so grown up now aren’t you it’s ok momma is here baby it’s ok to cry.” She states cradling her son in her arms letting a few tears fall. 
“Sweetie look at me ok. I know right now daddy couldn’t be here because he is doing very important things to make sure that you and your sister are safe. I feel that you are old enough to hear this, so me and daddy may not make it and I never wanted to leave you and your sister this early-” The timer she had set goes off and she knows that time is slipping away and she may not be able to see her babies again and she can’t stop the tears from coming down. 
“Momma, momma no pwease don cry pwease.” The little girl whom the mother had just noticed had been awake the whole time cries out while reaching to wipe her mother's face and she can’t help but to give her a beautifully sad smile. 
“C’mere my babies.” She says reaching for both of her children and hugging the life out of them both. Kissing both of their heads she says in a calming tone, “Ahh I love my kapunas so much.” At that time her watch gives another warning in the form of an alarm and she rushes to stand up. Gathering some things in two bags that she had brought with her she starts to talk to her children in a rushed manner.
“Ok so here’s what we’re about to do. Me and you father are sending you two away to stay somewhere he should never be able to reach you ok, Anathem I need you to watch over your Viktaina for me ok baby you are only 12 I know this is a lot to put onto to you and I apologize greatly but I have no choice.” She hands the boy a golden stopwatch with the vivid orange, red, and purple flag of their kingdom. 
“I need you to keep this and watch over it with your life ok, you must never lose this it connects you to me and your father.” Turning over to look at the 6 year old girl who is a spitting image of her, she drapes a necklace with the black crest of their family hanging on the end that’s a little big for the child around her neck. “My baby girl, this necklace will also connect you with your father and I. The crest on the end means a lot to our family and I hope that as you grow old you will understand the power that this holds.” 
Getting up the woman makes it out of the room with her children right by her side. Running down the hallway the trio make their way to the royal throne room where a tall broad chested strong looking man stands. “Quenai I have gathered the children we must hurry now.” The man turns around at the sound of his gorgeous queen's voice, and scans her to see his kids at the foot of her body. 
“I have gotten everything prepared for the children, come now.” Even though to outsiders he may have looked and sounded as if he was ready to face anything his wife knew that he was just as scared and heartbroken as she was. They rushed to the secret pathway that was built long ago when the kingdom was first established just in case anything like this was to happen. At the end of the long hallway was a light that would lead the two children to new lives, those of which no one would have been able to predict. 
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