#Funnily enough I was drawing something similar LMFAO
topaztimes · 22 days
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i hope this is ok but i drew a lil sketch of me giving my bestie orion a hug (+ sloppy lion kissess)
i dont actually know how tall he is but he gives tall vibes and i am a short king (5'5) so i guesstimated the height difference
anyway uh *runs away*
YES his height is actually very accurate lmfao --he's... taller... but has no solid height because I cannot be asked to give him one ngl
(JOY! Sloppy lion kisses have been illustrated!! Also his bountiful bunda is glorious)
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bolts-n-fingerguns · 5 months
30 Days Fictionkind Challenge
WOOOO, I didn't follow up on this for a week! Had a rough one, alright let's go xD
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Day 14: What are shifts like?
Hmm, I would usually say I don't experience shifts but I think that with my fictomere identities with exception of my fictionhearted identities, they do work in shifts.
For both of them, music is what triggers them the most, then talk about their source, and finally outside and emotional stimulus is the third most efficient trigger.
Being Leon feels...eerily calm, but at the same time, there's so much going on. While Spikes is the hyper version of that, lmfao, so much going on and I'm so hyper.
Day 15: How do you deal with kin-for-fun?
Ignoring them, pft. I just don't interact. If I do, I treat them like any other stranger on the internet. I don't really care about individuals, if they say something that's misinformation I will correct them but yeah.
Day 16: What are your thoughts on symbols, flags, etc.?
Love 'em, find 'em so sillay and awesome sauce. I do like Page's fictionfolk symbol more than the original.
Day 17: Does fictionkinity connect to spirituality for you?
No, not really. I don't believe in it, but I'm not opposed to it. The only one I could consider is Leon, just because I am him due to how our lives parallel in a very uncanny similar way.
Day 18: Does fictionkinity connect to neurodivergence for you?
Yeah, 100%. I'm plural, I'm autistic and ADHD. CPTSD and BPD is something I associate a lot with my Leon fictotype as we deal with it in the same way. Autism is for both.
What caused my Sonic identity was plurality, you could say I'm a fabeling because I'm pretty much sure that the brain created me with Sonic in mind, because it absorbed his personality and traits as it was highly desirable due to our situation.
Day 19: Do other people notice your similarity to a character or species?
Yeahh, they do alright. When I was a kid I was 100% Sonic brained, on accounts of Spikes being a cohost as well. And now, well...my older sibling notices the similarities between Leon and I to an annoying extend.
Day 20: How do you express your fictotype? Clothes, merch, cosplay, maybe even name?
Merch, names and art! Lyro means "happiness" in greek, while Reko in finnish means "watchful, watchman". I associate both with Leon, funnily enough, but Lyro does remind me of Spikes as well.
I have Sonic plushies :3
I draw a lot! For example my banners and comics I do every other time.
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bloodwrit · 4 years
I love your concept for that "Zagreus gets raised by Demeter" AU!!! Funnily enough I was entertaining similar thoughts a couple of days prior seeing your art so when I saw it I whispered "omg same brain" lmfao- Would it be ok if I played around with the concept at some point? It's just so intriguing I can see myself maybe drawing or writing something in that particular sandbox when I'll have the time- And of course I'll be happy to link your art as inspo! : 3
hehe thank you! And yeah for sure I don’t mind :3 Definitely tag me so I can see if/when you post something! 
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