bolts-n-fingerguns · 7 days
one of the differences between fictionkind and other communities is source/canon calls. you've almost definitely seen them if you've browsed the tags. i was thinking about them and thought...are we more insular than anyone else?
fictionkind discord servers are usually geared to a specific source. not all, but most of them. general kin servers that allow fictionkind have, ime, pretty small numbers of us. fictionkind servers that allow any source seem fairly uncommon. it feels like once people awaken, they only want to associate with others from their source. sometimes only from their canon.
and i get that. fictionkind still aren't super accepted, even among other branches of kin and therians and so on. it's also easier to talk to people when you don't feel like you have to explain a whole video game plot or whatever so they understand what your deal is
but also, i think about how lonely being fictionkind feels a lot of the time. there are a decent number of Transformers discord servers and it isn't that difficult to find us, but it still gets quiet and empty. the servers go inactive, the tags slow down. there's been an uptick recently, or at least i think so, likely because of the newest cartoon. it'll go back to that quietness eventually.
i'm not advocating against source-specific spaces or anything like that, but i see fictionkind of various sources talking about being lonely because they're the only one of their source they know, and i wonder if some of this couldn't be remedied by just...not focusing so hard on finding sourcemates. not convincing yourself you'll only be understood by those with a pre-built understanding of a version of you.
like imagine if bird therians only talked to other birds. even though it sounds like a broad group, their community would suddenly shrink a whole lot, right? that's what fictionkind are doing all the time (i get there's packs and therian-only servers and stuff too, but i just personally see way more intermingling with therians and otherkin)
i do this btw. i am in one general fictionkind server and like four TF ones. i've tried joining other servers but i've always lurked for some reason. this rambly post was as much me talking to myself about a problem i personally have as anything else. i wouldn't even know how to figure out for sure if this is a widespread thing or not; it's more of a hunch that's built up, but i don't think i'm wrong.
to summarize, my point isn't that source-specific spaces are bad, but i think the fictionkind community could benefit from being more...interconnected. i don't see how it could hurt
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bolts-n-fingerguns · 12 days
"problematic" fictionkins don't have to live every second in shame about whatever they did. they can have fun and be happy with themselves too
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bolts-n-fingerguns · 19 days
i love interacting with the fictionkin community because i always imagine xyz fictional character sitting behind a screen and clicking buttons on my post. like thats sick! a renowned dc villain just reblogged my post! a literal god from genshin impact just sent me a cool reply! a brave warrior cat just followed me!
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bolts-n-fingerguns · 19 days
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Happy pride
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bolts-n-fingerguns · 19 days
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I was having fun on faceapp so...
edit: i just added another pic
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bolts-n-fingerguns · 19 days
when the exotrauma hits and you remember why you were staying the hell out of fandom.
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bolts-n-fingerguns · 20 days
ace- and aro- spec identities included
no see results/other options due to space
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bolts-n-fingerguns · 20 days
You mean how we look like from our canon/what we know from neomata? :o
Or switcheroo with current body traits? (I think that's the second one?)
Draw ur kin(s) with your personal envisioning of them from shifts, and/or draw them with some of your traits
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bolts-n-fingerguns · 24 days
Worst fandom experiences as kin/fictive:
being shown only as a child in your source material
existing as a nuanced/morally grey female character
being an extremely popular character everyone gets wrong
source's artstyle makes you look ugly
fandom believes you're trans but thinks its the opposite direction
the popular ship for you is with someone you hate
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bolts-n-fingerguns · 25 days
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I loveee drawing on index cards without a care in the worldd
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bolts-n-fingerguns · 1 month
Shonen protag archetrope culture is getting yourself in a situation which could potentially be dangerous for you and/or other's and it requires physical effort which you aren't completely prepared for. Your body aches, you feel your like you're gonna collapse but adrenaline's pumpin' and determination's sky rocketing.
You are gonna keep at it.
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bolts-n-fingerguns · 1 month
The queer fictionkin experience involves a lot of "that character is queer and I know because of my visions from God"
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bolts-n-fingerguns · 1 month
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I love how our system has me (Leon), my adoptive dadmom (Leon), my cool uncle I adopted (Leon) and his manwife (Leon) and my cool roommate who I share a boyfriend with (Leon).
Oh yeah, I (Sonic) almost forgot; and also my dumbass sibling (Sonic).
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bolts-n-fingerguns · 1 month
I looked at the relevant characters in my life. It was really fortunate that those two characters were current hyperfixiations, and mostly because of how similar to myself they were, how weirdly familiar their lives were to me, how everything they did, say and believe aligned almosy perfectly with my own beliefs. Perhaps we don't have the same personality, but we have the same mind.
I used to analyze these two characters a lot, I know them like the back of my hand, they weren't hard at all to figure out because....well, I already knew them and who they were at first sight, or first interaction with our source.
The most vivid memory I have of just, knowing about them is Leon. When I first played RE2R, I just knew who he has and who he was gonna become immediately without even watching other pieces of media. To be honest, it didn't immediately click with me, as I am from the original game instead of the remake, but everything felt so familiar, like deja vú. It took me a while to accept it, because of course I'm the guy I have been saying parallels my life almost to perfection in a metaphoric sense and that made me so angry. 😭
With Sonic, I felt as if I was supposed to take place in the world and the story. Since I knew about Fictionkin, I immediately started searching for a possible kintype, because it just felt too strong and I have always been really fond of everything around Sonic The Hedgehog and his world (hehe). I have also had instances of knowing who a character was without ever seeing any media about them, happened with Blaze and Silver. I just sorta knew who and what their stories were, really vague but I knew. Sooo, I went to look at my own childhood memories and looked for similarities, and yeah they were obvious as hell. Even as who I am today, which I am the furthest in personality due to my ✨ mental illneses ✨, I could find him in myself rooted deep in who I am.
I am a Mundane Fictionkin, for reference, so I don't know why I had these weird "I know who this is without knowing them" and memory like neomata, but I don't think about it too hard because frankly I don't really care.
I hope this is helpful!
hey fictionkin? uh quick question
how did you find out about your kintypes? please boost this around i need answers
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bolts-n-fingerguns · 1 month
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shoutout to fictionfolk that dress a certain way to feel a bit more connected to who they are
shoutout to fictionfolk that are learning skills they feel they should have because their character has those skills
shoutout to fictionfolk with their hearthome pinned up all over their walls
shoutout to fictionfolk learning a whole other language because their character speaks it
shoutout to fictionfolk that have a different hearthome to where their character is from
shoutout to fictionfolk in general 🫶🫶
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bolts-n-fingerguns · 1 month
Do any fictionkin have advice on how to stay out of fandom tags? I'd love to talk about my kintype more, but I'm nervous about my posts going in the main tags.
I don't like censoring things TikTok style, but I don't know if it's my only option or not. If I can find a screenreader friendly way to censor it, I still have the disadvantage of making it harder for others to search.
Am I overthinking this or is there a solution?
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bolts-n-fingerguns · 1 month
I just can't relate to the "doubles dni" fictionkins honestly because everytime I see someone who kins the same person as me i'm like thats FAMILY thats fucking ohana right there /ref
We're siblings we're twins even we need to all have an elaborate handshake that only fictionkins of this character know
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