#Fun Places For Kids To Play In Maryland
titanrpg · 2 years
how i learned ttrpg design, part 3
you can check out part 1 here and part 2 here
as always, this is about my personal experience learning ttrpg design, and i claim no particular expertise or authority on what constitutes "good" game design
so far, i've discussed the games i drew on for the start of my ttrpg education. now let's talk about how to improve (when you need to/if you want to). now, i'll say i don't think "improving" is a great way to think about it. i prefer to think about it as "how to be aware of the tools you need to accomplish your design goals"
for some people, the three games i've discussed are plenty for them to get started. these people tend to like experimenting for themselves and then doing more research when they need help. (i fall in this category.) other people may want to read more before starting in earnest. this is also a smart way to go. (obviously you can go overboard with researching so much that you never actually start, but we are far from that place here.) either way, at some point you'll need more information than you currently have.
how do you find the wisdom you seek? the best answer is simply asking for help from people you look up to/trust. but i've never been good at asking for help, so uhhh this post exists
quick story time. i recently visited maryland to go to my partner's sibling's wedding. in a local comic shop's manga section, i saw this book. i was like, oh fun, it's a manga about kids playing a goblin slayer ttrpg.
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but then, when i opened the book...
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it's a TTRPG!! i don't know anything about goblin slayer, but now i'm combing through this book for cool tech. of note so far: at the end of every round of combat, each player has to make an attrition check. fail that, and your fatigue score goes up. at 4 fatigue, you fall unconscious. at 5, you die. punishes long fights and incentivizes players to find alternate solutions. it uses only d6s. and there are sections of fiction illustrated with beautiful manga art. these choices feel old school to me, but it came out in 2019. now i'm really excited. i'll get to see what japanese osr is like!
to me, this pursuit of ttrpg tech feels like discovering an ancient library and searching through old tomes for the power i seek. and there's an online version of this that anyone can dig through for ttrpg tech: osr blogs
old school renaissance/revival, or "osr," as far as i understand it, is a ttrpg genre/design paradigm, typically along the lines of old school d&d. i'm not the best person to explain this, but the way i think about this school of design is it tends to prioritize player skill over character skill. it's the difference between solving a puzzle and rolling to solve a puzzle. because of this, they often make really cool mechanics for challenging players that don't just amount to "roll a 20, do the thing." they also tend to share their thoughts on traditional blogs.
here's an amazing, meticulously catalogued library of keystone OSR posts
by marcia b., @/traversefantasy on twitter, who has an OSR blog of her own using marxist and freudian frameworks for analysis
rise up comus
by josh mcCroo, who's working on a game called his majesty the worm. pretty sure i don't have to say anything else
permanent cranial damage
by ava islam, whose assertion that "Armour Class and Hit Points are the same thing" blew my mind when i was starting out
goblin's henchman
which is where I found the hex flower tech that i adapted for HEXFALL's main mechanic
and one non-OSR blog, that of jay dragon
yes i am a possum creek fangirl. this blog is bananas good. if you haven't read up on playground theory, oh boy you're in for a treat
final takeaway: you never know where you'll find new tools and ideas!
obviously credit people and don't use what's not yours. but have fun and share cool tech with others when you find it!
hope this was helpful <3
p.s. another place that apparently used to have a ton of ttrpg activity was google+. every so often i hear whispers of digital libraries filled with all sorts of salvaged g+ ttrpg treasures. never seen an invite link with my own eyes though. if you hear anything, let me know, will ya?
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bloodandhedonism · 3 months
Rochester, New York (and other upstate NY cities in general) : Feels generic, but perhaps not necessarily in a bad way in this case. A resident said it's rare to see and live a place where kids still play in the front yard these days, so take as you will. New York, New York: What you'd expect these days. Allentown, Pennsylvania: Lots of industrial traffic as you'd expect, but cute town and good people. I made multiple and different kinds of friends here, which I consider very good for this sort of thing. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Homey. Don't go too far west, though or you'll run into Pennsylvanians. Remember James Carville! Baltimore, Maryland: Cutesy, gives vibes of home. Funny to see products from businesses by people I grew up with in places there. Washington, DC: It really does try to be a commercial with everyone perfectly chosen from central casting. Bad vibes, avoid, avoid. Get out if you live there. Imperial capital though, what does one expect. Norfolk, Virginia: Military city as you'd expect, and by far the most "Southern" feeling city in this list. Interesting contrast between the attempted beachiness and the dominating military stuff. St. Augustine, Florida: The best city in Florida by far, but losing its soul over the years and I'm very worried. Flagler College students will be window dressing for the upscale middle-aged tourists coming there. Tampa, Florida: Genuinely horrible. Worst city on this list, one huge slum posing as a 'regular' city. Unfriendly people. Telling every other billboard is for a lawyer promising to get you big money. Bad sign of the future. Orlando, Florida: Better than Tampa I suppose, but leaning way too hard into being Red State America's family vacation Mecca, which will lead to issues for it in the future. This city isn't for me. Denver, Colorado: People there like me, at least one person recognized my face from before, and mountains are cool. Las Vegas, Nevada: Very middlebrow, which I don't say as a compliment. Seeing middle aged people in cosplay out in public in non-convention contexts was embarrassing. Only interesting bit was seeing where Balrog's Street Fighter II stage was IRL. Reykjavik, Iceland: Neat place. Felt like the USA but cold and barren, of course. Icelandics are a unique people, and a small part of me almost wants to classify Iceland with North America than Europe since the society just feels different from regular Europe. I always thought it was worth noting the tectonic plate cleaves through the island. London, England: Honest with itself in that it's big, very big, and touristy too, which for said honesty reasons I respect it. I liked it. British people really are the Americans of Europe. I shouldn't, but I like the UK. I will visit the midlands soon, so I hope to see a fun contrast. Brussels, Belgium: Also an honest city, in this case in that it's a transnational confederal capital for a lot of places. Mons, Belgium: Lovely. Friendly and great people. Taking the train to it and seeing the scenes of rural life reminded me of the countryside I'd see back home. Paris, France: Genuinely lovely, and my favorite city of this list. More cities should be like Paris. I didn't see or deal with any of the bad stuff I heard about it. Friendly people. I need to go back here. Frankfurt, Germany: Definitely generic. Lisbon, Portugal: Touristy because it's warm and honest with itself about it in that case, which is also fine. I like warm weather so I liked Lisbon. Warsaw, Poland: Likable. Quite a nice city, and Poles are a very welcoming people. (Be proud of your country, @aomitois.) A friendliness emanated from the city which I liked. Has an optimism which I find intriguing. Budapest, Hungary: Strangely, I was reminded most of Salisbury, Maryland with this one: there was an odd familiarity driving and walking through the city. Like with Warsaw, it's legitimately trying hard, but that makes sense for Eastern Europe in this era.
I'm sure there's more cities that can go on here, probably a lot more, but this is off the top of my head and the entry is big enough as is. COMING SOON: The Middle East and East Asia! Maybe Latin America. Africa is more likely than Australia. Watch as I wind up in Antarctica for some dumb reason.
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tenitchyfingers · 1 year
Did I just construct an entire fan theory about how Chip from Serial Mom is Stu Macher? You better fucking believe I just did. And it actually does make sense (to me anyway, but i’m high on weekend relief so idk I think it fits).
Like hear me out- Serial Mom doesn’t really have a time setting but it was released in 1994 and the story takes place in Baltimore, Maryland while Scream is set in 1996 in California. Matthew Lillard plays Chip in Serial Mom and Stu in Scream, right? Well, that’s not the only thing the two characters have in common. First off, both are weirdly insensitive and kinda cruel although Stu is more extreme in this sense, and both are horror super fans (and Chip works at a video store which like, hello Randy??) and both love gore and morbid shit (ok but same thing). Also, both are weirdly into the idea of murder, and while Chip looks kinda flabbergasted by the idea of murder he’s also kinda really excited by the idea of it. He’s also kinda detached by how horrific the murders his mother committed are, although most other characters in the movie ARE properly horrified. He doesn’t turn against her, and let’s say he’s the most ride or die member of her family like, he’s probably his mom’s biggest fan right from the moment he hears she’s suspected of murder.
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His mom is also VERY flamboyant and over the top, just like Stu is in Scream. And both have a weird relationship with the idea of rules, both really strict and really lax.
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So anyway, he witnesses his mom get away with SIX murders with just as many witnesses, during trial (let’s give them leeway on how the trial goes, although I have heard of enough cases where murderers got away with it or justice wasn’t served based on bullshit loopholes and nonsense even though there was plenty of evidence right there and I don’t need to suspend disbelief too much, especially considering how closely the whole media worshiping angle mirrors the OJ trial and how part of it does sound like the Casey Anthony trial) so he’s like “I could do that too”, right? Beverly (mom) could get away with 6 murders, so wiggling out of more murder accusations is gonna be easy peasy (although she’s bold for murdering another person RIGHT after her trial, right outside the court she just came out of) and here’s how it goes: the poor dad, Eugene, is kinda stuck with a serial killer wife and two crazy kids who don’t see how bad what she did is, so he just decides to move everyone out of Maryland and try to lay low in a small town in California (where death penalty is still a possibility and Beverly LOVES that her husband is even thinking he could get away from her like it’s FUN
So they move to Cali and change names because the Serial Mom case was pretty big, they all change their looks and personas (which is how Chip, who now goes by Stu, is so good at mingling with other people by the time ‘96 rolls in whereas Misty, now called Leslie, does manage laying low and doesn’t really commit crimes and once she finds out Stu is the killer she completely breaks contact with him, but she won’t tell anyone cause that kinda opens a whole can of worms and she doesn’t want to (her whole moral system was pretty much fucked the moment she realized her mom was a serial killer).
So anyway, in Woodsboro Stu meets Billy, and he immediately sees this kid is not like all the others, and once he hears Billy’s mother left, given how Stu loves and admires HIS mother, he’s like, fuck yeah let’s do this because god i’d be a wreck too, thank fuck my mom is still around. And when Billy reveals his mother leaving is due to Sidney’s mother he’s surprised, but he’s even more sympathetic, like wow this kid has it really bad. So, here’s an alternative, homebrew motive for Stu, because yeah he’s way too insane from the start to think his “pressure” motive is anything but an excuse.
And then this theory kinda offers an alternative explanation to the ‘my mom and dad are gonna be so mad at me’ line (other than it was ad-libbed YEA I KNOW) aka dad is gonna be mad because holy shit why can’t I have a normal family, now I’ll have to move everyone again and it’s your fault Chip, and mom is gonna be mad because I got away with six murders with plenty of witnesses, I AM DISAPPOINT CHIP (and he doesn’t wanna disappoint mom!!! 😢)
This also sneaks right into the Stu Lives theory because that is THEIR house, and since it’s THEIR house and they have lots of money mostly due to dad being a successful dentist (hehehe Little Shop of Horrors) and mom knowing enough about the ins and outs and gossips around the Westboro police, they manage getting Stu’s alive body discreetly switches out for someone else’s and fake his murder.
And hey, he might move with his family somewhere close to Maryland now and go back to his previous identity now, since he’s innocent of any wrong doing when he’s Chip Sutphin.
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apinklion01 · 2 years
Hey I don’t know if this will get any attention, but here goes nothing.
How many people here have heard of a Cartoon Network show called Craig of the Creek? Likely not many, but I promise you it’s a show worth watching, as well as the last original show on Cartoon Network, and it needs your help.
So what does this show have to offer?
It stars a trio of characters:
Craig, a kid who loves exploring the Creek that’s located behind the neighborhood in Herkelton, Maryland. He makes a map with extensive details about the various locations where other kids hang out, as well as makes inventions like an elevator chair that allows him and his friends to get in and out of their place, the Stump. He also takes his purse full of equipment full of items to make maps on the go.
Kelsey, the smallest of the trio, but also the fiercest. She wields a sword made of pbc pipe, has a cape, and is training hard to be the best warrior in the Creek alongside her tiny parakeet companion, Mortimer.
John Paul, aka JP, the oldest and tallest of the trio. He’s rarely seen without his iconic striped shirt. He’s not afraid to get his hands dirty and acts as the trio’s heart as well as an older voice of reason.
Aside from the main trio, there’s a large assortment of other kids within the Creek, each with their own distinct identity as well as voice. Examples include:
Kit, the merchant of the Creek who runs the titular Trading Tree. She’s very keen on making sure business runs smooth, and also likes making a nice profit.
Bobby, a small kid with a sweet tooth who exclaims “My candy” after falling down. But he’s also a master of disguises and impersonation, and goes to great lengths to make sure he gets his sweet treats.
The Elders of the Creek, a trio of young adults who play DnD sessions at the Creek, and act as a source of advice for the younger generations who hang out at the Creek as our main trio. They comprise of Elder David, Elder Mark, and Kenneth.
The Witches of the Creek, two teens named Tabitha and Courtney who pretend to have magical powers to do something fun aside from working at a smoothie shop in Herkelton. But strangely enough, it may appear that they do have powers of some sort. They’re also a couple.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, THIS SHOW HAS A LOT OF CUTE LGBTQ REP! Which might have to do with the fact that one of the show creators, Matt Burnett, was a former writer of Steven Universe. Some examples include:
Kelsey, who’s noted to have crushes on other female characters, and recently got into a relationship with Stacks, a kid who mostly spends time at the library and is knowledgeable at gathering information.
The Witches of the Creek, a sapphic couple.
The Secret Keeper and George, a gay couple who recently got together.
The Honeysuckle Rangers, comprising of Raj, who’s Indian, and Shawn.
The show also has a bunch of representation.
Raj, as mention before, is Indian, and acted as a translator for his grandmother, who speaks Gujarati.
Jackie, who shows up later in the show, is deaf, and communicates via ASL.
Stacks is Mexican, and speaks Spanish as well as has knowledge of folklore from Latin America.
There’s also a lot of black representation, in part to Craig and his family being black.
If people like this, I might make a part two as to why you should give Craig of the Creek a try!
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Love Isn't Always On Time
pt. 1 t.w. character death, kind of
If you had asked Steve Harrington how much time he thought he'd be spending at the Hawkins cemetery, he would have said none.
His grandparents were laid to rest in New England, Maryland he thinks. They died before Steve was born so he doesn't really know.
Basically he's never really been to their graves, or any graves period. In fact being here kind of creeps him out. If everything hadn't happened he would never be here.
Everything did happen though.
Now it feels like he is almost always here.
All for Eddie Munson, can you believe that?
Eddie Munson wasn't ever really on his radar before. He was the kid that Tommy H made fun of in 9th grade ( and Steve never took place in the bullying, but he never stopped it, and you know, that was shitty of him). He was the guy Dustin hung out with when he was playing that dumb board game.
He was the other band kid that Robin talked to at camp when the other kids were too clique-y to invite her in(and those kids were dumb, Robin is awesome).
He was nothing to Steve, though.
Well before he wasn't, and now he never would be again.
Steve can't think about that so he begins to speak to the slab of stone in front of him.
" I brought you flowers, though, I don't think you liked flowers. I don't know. It just seemed appropriate." he shrugs and places the multi-color rose bouquet on the soft green grass.
" I know I've been standing here for a minute, just staring. If you were here you probably would think that was weird...you're not here."
Steve clears his throat, hands a little shaky. Eddie isn't here but still Steve is nervous. This is a big deal regardless.
" I know we didn't know each other long, but you should know that you changed my life."
The Wind Blows.
"See before you I always felt like something about me was different. Something about me was, elusive. Undefinable."
Steve wipes his fingers over Eddie's name, the cold feeling of the stone is nice on his finger tips. Nothing like how he'd imagined running his fingers through Eddie's hair, but its nice
Eddie's Hair.
'oh yeah" Steve thinks, back to the reason for this little visit.
" Well then I actually talked to you. I looked in your eyes. I heard you laugh and well I knew. I knew not only did I like boys, but I liked you. Specifically."
Steve gathers himself before his next little monologue.
" I know you've been dead, but i've been talking to Dustin and your Uncle. Wayne I mean. And the more I've gotten to know you. Eddie, I think I love you. Like Love-Love." Steve swallows. " I mean how crazy am I. In love with a dead guy."
Steve pauses, having become choked up, he takes a small breath and then begins again.
"To sum up this little visit. One, please don't be dead. I know that's impossible, but I thought I would ask, and two, I guess you'll be seeing me more often. Lucky You. I'm kidding. About the lucky part."
Steve taps the top of the grave and walks away, a little teary but also a little lighter.
Across the yard, where Steve hadn't looked is a tall man, lanky and unathletic but wiry. Long brown hair in a bun, newly forming teeth watching him walk away. A weathered southern man next to him.
" You ever going to tell that Harrington Boy you are back."
"Yes." Eddie says. "Soon, cause i want to tell him that I would be lucky to see him."
" You would be, believe it or not, he's a good kid." Wayne Munson claps his hand on his ( undead?) sons shoulder and squeezes.
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elizabeth-karenina · 1 year
15 Questions 15 Mutuals
I wasn’t tagged for this, but I saw it on a mutual’s blog and thought it would be fun to do. I haven’t done one of these in a while, so why not? 
1. Are you named after anyone? 
I was named after a great-grandmother as well as my paternal grandmother—Dorothy Elizabeth (my great-grandmother) and Jeannette (my grandmother). I adore my grandmother, so I’ve always been honored to share a name with her. I never knew my great-grandmother, who died tragically young, and I’ve always been a little sad that I never knew her. 
2. When was the last time you cried? 
About a week ago or so. Look, I cry all the time nowadays, so I can’t even accurately tell you. It’s not even a bad thing, mind you. I cry at cute things as well as sad things; at this point, if I’m feeling the emotion, I just let it take over! 
3. Do you have kids? 
I don’t. I wouldn’t mind having one or two, maybe three, someday with a committed partner. But I am definitely not having children for the sake of having them. If I’m going to be a mother, then I’m doing it because I’m ready. 
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? 
It depends on the situation. I tend to only do so with my nearest and dearest, and in a humorous sense. I’m of the opinion that sarcasm has a time and place, because depending on the situation, sarcasm can be very rude. 
5. What sports do you play/have played? 
I used to play sports a lot when I was a kid. I used to play kickball and baseball with my cousins and my friends in my neighborhood all the time. And I played on a local soccer team with a bunch of school friends when I was 9. I even went to a basketball camp at my dad’s recreation center when I was 10. 
I didn’t keep up with any of this as I got older, mind you LMAO! I’m just not as athletic as other people. But I do love watching sporting events, especially the World Cup. 
6. What's the first thing you notice about people? 
Their faces, especially their eyes and their smiles. 
7. What's your eye color? 
Dark brown, like polished mahogany or melted chocolate. 
8. Scary movies or happy endings? 
Happy endings, for sure! As much as I love a good spooky story, I appreciate and care about happy endings more. 
9. Any special talents?
I can sing well enough, at least among my friends and my family. I tell stories really well; I do everyone’s voices and everything. I’m pretty good at cheering people up and knowing what to say in any given moment. I’m also pretty good at baking, especially cookies and cakes. 
10. Where were you born? 
In America, in Maryland to be exact. 
11. What are your hobbies?
I’ve gotten back into reading lately, which is wonderful, because I think reading is probably my favorite thing to do. Usually I like reading about history, but I’ve also decided to step out of that and try to read some book series this summer. I’ve been learning French on Duolingo for about 3 years now, and one day I’d like to learn Spanish, Russian, Greek, and Mandarin one day too. I like listening to music and podcasts on the weekends, and when I can plan it, I also like going to the movies and go shopping afterwards. 
12. Do you have pets? 
For about 13 years, I had a Latsah-Otsah/Maltese dog named Ringo. Unfortunately, he died last year and it was a hard thing to go through. I would love to have another pet, but I live with my family, so if we do decide to get one we’d ALL have to agree upon it. And right now, my family doesn’t feel like it’s ready for anything else, so SADLY I am petless. :(
13. How tall are you? 
I am five feet tall! I’m literally a hobbit. 
14. Favorite subject in school? 
English lit, world history, my Spanish classes, and my chorus class. 
15. Dream job? 
So many! I wished I had kept up with my music lessons, because I wish I could be in an orchestra or a choir. I used to want to be a radio DJ, too, but that dream fizzled out real quick lmao! 
Here’s who I would like to tag: @1980s-jean-ralphio, @miumiumacaron, @stcndupeight, @nellygwyn, @magalis, @roamwithahungryheart, @pocketwish, @octoberinflorence, @grand-duchessa, @midnightinjapan, @wifeofbath, @spicytchai90, @stray-kaz
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nancypullen · 2 years
It Was a Good Day
Okay, you’ll have to wait for the pics of the park and the chicken soup recipe because I just got home from having a GRAND time at The Foundry, Denton’s center for all things artsy and creative.  Tonight they hosted a fundraiser for Empty Bowls, a group that raises money for food related charities.  Basically, I paid to paint a bowl, they will keep it and fire it in a kiln, then I’ll pick it up at the Caroline County Culinary Arts Center and receive a free pint of soup.  The culinary center also runs Shore Gourmet where anyone can pop in for amazing baked goods, soups, prepared meals that you take and reheat, and more.  We’ve had several meals from Shore Gourmet and they’re always fabulous. So I made my donation, painted my bowl, had good conversation and lots of laughs with a bunch of ladies I don’t know, and came home feeling happy.  Bonus, in a couple of weeks I get my bowl back and some yummy soup.  I’m going to start signing up for more classes at The Foundry and maybe make some friends. It’s such a fun place, and usually people who gather to make art together are good souls.  I mean, the young woman running the event played DEAN MARTIN for background music.  It was like the universe telling me I’d found my spot.  So, hooray for today! In other news, look at these cute stickers I printed.  I’m going to get serious about finding a home for my cards and earrings and whatever else I make.  I can’t just keep making stuff and storing it.  I decided to just own my split personality, I’m thinking I’ll need a matching floral banner if I ever do crafts fairs.
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As I was sitting at my desk today admiring those stickers, my eyes fell on this ornament. I made one for my sister and one for myself.  The “Our Hour” is a nod to the roller skating variety show we staged on our carport as kids.  It’s a shame you missed it. Lots of music, jokes, and very slow spins on skates.
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  After taking the tree down I hooked it on a drawer knob of my desk.  It makes me smile.  When the grandgirl was here she noticed it and was studying it pretty closely.  I said, “That’s Grancy and Aunt Cathi when we were little girls.”  She responded, deadpan, “I recognized your hair.”   I can’t get a break. She asked me once, “Has your hair always been fluffy?”  Now she’s seen the proof.
Want to hear something exciting?  I’m going to Easton tomorrow to choose the color for the kitchen cabinets!!!
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I’m going to disappoint some people by saying that I’m sticking with a cream color.  I mean, look at these!
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Right now I’m eyeballing Benjamin Moore’s Winter Wheat, Navajo White, and Gentle Cream.   Originally I’d thought I’d get light granite, but I’m loving these darker counter tops.  I had dark counters in Tennessee and I don’t hate ‘em. I’d love something that looks like soapstone.  At this point I’ll take what I can get, but I’m dreaming and scheming.   And speaking of dreaming and scheming, I’m starting to draw out some garden plans for spring. It’s closer than you think!  I’m devoting my garden spaces to flowers and herbs - that’s it.  I can buy everything from tomatoes to watermelons on every corner here, I’m exiting the tomato growing business.  Basil, dill, thyme, oregano, mint...that’ll be in my garden, for sure.  I’m hoping to plug in mostly perennials around the house - rudbeckia and that sort of thing. It’s Maryland’s state flower - surely it’ll do well.
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I’m being paged to watch a new Dateline with the mister, so I’ll wrap this up.  I’ll leave you with a quick shot of the path I walk at Martinak.  Even in the winter, with bare trees, it’s lovely.
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Alright, see ya’ tomorrow. I’ll bring the chicken soup.  I’ve got the photos (not great ones) so I’ll get those in order and post the recipe.  I make a pot of this nearly every week and Mickey loves it.  I know that’s a pretty low bar, because he’ll eat anything I put in front of him, but he does request that I make it. I hope that you’re cozy and content on this January evening. I’m already in my flannel jammies and under a blanket, it might even be a popcorn night. Walkin’ on the wild side. Sending out love and hugs. Stay safe, stay well, stay warm.
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maguro13-2 · 1 month
Shattered Hero Rekindled ~ Origins of the Ink Demon : Episode Maka Pt.20 ~
*Somewhere at the DMV (Washington Metro)*
"Prince George's County, Maryland"
[Mother's Caption (Pause Menu Theme) by Hirokazu Ando]
Winry : There. That should do it. Haven't felt like this since I left Japan after the show and movie, I haven't received any calls from Edward since the movie. In the show, the video games, I just don't understand why is he into other women than me all the time? The Writers back at the studio had no idea that he was into other women.
*Winry Sighs*
Winry : Can't wait for losin, oh well, perhaps that I'll get him next time for fall for me in the next six years of our story's lifespan. It'll be the last of us for sure.
"Winry Rockbell : Automal Mechanic and Childhood Friend"
Winry : So...I guess we're in the bottom of this world, do we? I did a little exercise, staying fit and active, I hope that this would be perfect for some spare parts, if only the king was making some tarts. The people of this state could get really exciting. It'll be fun at Japan like old times since we were kids.
*wipes sweats off*
Winry : Voila, all finished! I finally fished it in about a week. This is should be perfect for your disability coverage. So, my friend, how are you feeling today? You look pretty sturdy.
Lan Fan : Umm, are you sure about that. It only took me a day to get army replaced. This is...really a good piece of arm you want me to replace?
Winry : Yep. I did it all by myself.
Lan Fan : Well, yes. This is quite the perfect opportunity to have my arm fixed.
"Lan Fan : Mercernary Assassin of Xing"
Winry : Hand crafted, new automail arm for you, and we're getting it somewhere.
Lan Fan : Well, thanks. I kinda like this new arm.
Winry : Truly fantastic, I am automail mechanic expert and I always get the job done, except when you're a mechanic that service things for automobiles or even some wild hogs.
Lan Fan : So you really sure about that. You say that you're finding interesting place where we first made contact eye-to-eye in Montgomery County.
Winry : Thanks! Yeah, Montgomery County...that's sounded like an interesting play, there are lot of fun things to do in the state of Maryland, we could do some fishing, go camping, and...we could see the amazing sights of the Chesapeake Bay.
Lan Fan : Oh lovely, hope you give me a souvenir from Annapolis.
Winry : I could make it a gift to you, it would be lovely if you really like it.
Lan Fan : Hope it's a fair welcome for the naval academy.
Winry : Right, the naval academy. I wonder what it's like to be at this state?
*Imagines of Winry and Lan Fan fishing at the docks*
Winry : This is a perfect place for us to fish.
Lan Fan : Yeah!
Winry : Nothing like a good fishing at the harbor.
*fishing rod moving*
Winry : Hey, I think I caught one!
Winry : Aha!...Uh-oh. Who's clothes are these?
Blair : Hey! Those are my pair of clothes!
*imagnary scenario ends*
[Fishing Vibes by Tomoya Ohtani]
Lan Fan : I don't mind any fishing stuff at the Chesapeake. But I do little hike and training in the wilderness of Frederick County and Montgomery County. How about you?
Winry : Well, a hiking and training is a good exercise, that's why I stay fit and active. Take a look, see these guns. *flexes her arm* I've been doing a lot work since 2001 and I'm always in shop.
Lan Fan : *blushes* Oh...Well, it kinda blushes me out. So anything good after the incident?
Winry : Well, honestly. About Roy destroyed my parents, he was actually mistaken for someone else, It was that man named Scar. I tried to kill him at Gun point for attempted but...I felt so sorry. It's not revenge that wanted to us to serve a dish best served cold, it was those jerks that is responsible for everything.
Lan Fan : You really think he's the one that destroyed your parents.
Winry : And now, I'm with always needed and you, of course. I thought revenge would be the answer, but...Revenge could never be the right answer, it feels like that we've got ourselves involved with someone else's mess. I thought I...*voice breaking* I thought...I...
Lan Fan : Winry, no need to fret. This is how we felt, if only revenge is thought to be the wright answer, than the only kind of revenge is what we needed, the mastermind that set up the events. We could overthrow someone, someone like a homunculous. Yeah, it's those guys, they're the ones responsible for the conflicts and they're the ones who made that Ishvalan guy kill your parents. Except for the Nina Dog part, that Nina turning into a chimera thing, is really traumatizing. *comforts winry*
Winry : Thanks. I'm glad that I have somebody with you, somebody as a friend. Thanks for comforting me.
Lan Fan : Any time, Winry. Any time.
*Garbage Can Hit*
Winry : What was that?
Lan Fan : Could be some intruder.
Winry : Whatever it is, I do not like surprises, and especially, I think we have some uninvited guests. I'm gonna go take a look. You stay put, okay?
Lan Fan : *nods*
Winry : *haves her wrench in her hand* Alright, a-hole. Stop playing around...
*cues Graveyard Shift Title card theme*
Winry : Show your faces here and I'll blow a landing your noggin head!
Lan Fan : Huh? Wait a sec. Winry, there's a heartless shadow with glasses.
Winry : Arakawa?....Is that you?
Winry : ....Oh...You can talk?
Lan Fan : It's weird to see a heartless with glasses that could easily find out about the problems. But, ummm...do we know a heartless with glasses like you don't know?
Heartless : Of course, I wear the glasses. Ever since I was killed by that envy person, strange occurrences happening over manipulating the events of this situation. Those heartless had sure contact the that the homunculus had their supicious eyes out of it. I told Roy that he was not the one who killed your parents. It was an Ishvalan named Sccar the whole time and therefore, those bastards were responsible for that and who says revenge is not the right answer, but a dish best served cold.
Winry : *gasped in shock*
*images of Hughes flashing*
Winry : Mr.Hughes?
Heartless (Hughes) : Well, what did you know? It looks like you finally found out who I am. I did survived, after I lost my own body to that homunculus is where they put my body in a funeral, it's where my family came to mourn at, I am so gonna get that guy for what he did to me!
Lan Fan : Wait a sec. So this talking heartless with glasses is...*about to say something*
*Scene then cuts*
[Frequency Current by Hideaki Kobayashi]
Heartless (Hughes) : Well, umm, I was going to show everyone the truth but the cocky Homunculus were too stubborn for their own ways and then this punk decided to shoot me down at gunpoint! It's not like that I was gonna live forever, look at me, I'm a small shadowy being called a heartless and I don't have my own size, my original life sized me! If only I could get back to my wife and daughter, I'd still be seeing Alicia's face right about now. But I'm still a shadow.
Lan Fan : I felt sorry for your loss.
Winry : Here, have a chocolate chip. It'll make you feel better.
Heartless (Hughes) : I just hope that you didn't get from these fast food joints, I always go to a fancy restaurant for paying my bill.
*absorbs cookie*
Winry : Woah! Did It just...You absorbed it!
Lan Fan : Can a heartless floss like that? It's munching alright, but I wonder if he tries to absorb juices?
Heartless (Hughes) : Mmm, that hit the spot. I haven't eaten anything for a week, a month, or year to eat some good food since I lost my body. You give tasty treats to humans, but I'm concerning that we heartless absorb real food since we don't have any mouths to feed on.
Winry : Sounds like you got yourself quite a deal on whether you want revenge or you could have your revenge to do it for you.
Heartless (Hughes) : How come? I'm still a shadow, I'd probably miss my wife and kid, and I'll have plenty of Good Memories of--PLEASE DON'T TELL COLONEL MUSTANG, THAT I'VE BECOME A SHADOWY CREATURE LIKE THIS! I'M A MONSTER!....But I do like wearing these glasses on my face.
[Gaia Manuscripts by Takahito Eguchi]
Winry : So...How did you knew that Envy was the one that kept you from unveiling the truth.
Heartless (Hughes) : Villains like him, they're the real monsters. I know it's a harsh reasoning of why Dark Fantasy stories were considered to be edgy as hell. Ever since Amestris was created, the country got every human race involved because of the homunculus plan of wiping out every living being on the planet in exchange for hearts and souls like they smuggle to take candy from a baby. But this candy will not be their last, their hungry power selves was to consume the race and would make Amestris to monopolize political power. They weren't going to help Amestris to monopolize the entire world, they were helping them to destroy the world and the human race itself. Unlike that Harry Potter stone, the philosopher stone of our world was the beginning of everything.
Winry : Ehh?
Heartless (Hughes) : Everyone who got their selves involved have been losing their lives in exchange for science, but taking out the heart and soul for the use of alchemy, yeah right. Now we understand why we can't have nice things. I thought that there is an easy way to solve this problem, we might have the solution to end our world's suffering.
Winry : That could be us, if Heroes like Edward would solve everyone's problem, then he might find the solution that would save the country. I get it, the heart and soul was the power of everything what Sora told us. No wonder we found out on what's been causing all of this nonsense from Soul Eater.
Heartless (Hughes) : Ever since that Chao from the garden was possessed by the soul of Shinra's Resurrection, Shinra wanted to see Maka's face from both existing times in the Ohkuboverse that goes from Past to Future, the reason that they live in the same universe, because the Ohkuboverse was in a time loop until it was destroyed by the Time Eater and expunged everyone from their stories or tales.
Lan Fan : And let me guess, Winry gets involve of sacrifices that only happens in a dark fantasy setting?
Heartless (Hughes) : Yes...which is a plot twist orchestrated by the man responsible for the outcome and creating the Homunculi, all he wanted was to absorb truth and crave all the knowledge he wants to destroy all life in the world of FMA.
Lan Fan : So that's why the bad guys were after us, they have manipulating because of the problem in a dark fantasy setting. Unveiling the truth would be the key to everything.
Heartless (Hughes) : Remember, these guys were attempting keep truth out of the public eye, but we are spreading it like wild fire, I hope you must find Maka Albarn, they're located at a coastal area called Emerald Coast.
Winry : Don't worry, Mr. Hughes. We'll find a way to get our revenge and solve the problem with the solutions we have, after all there can only be one Winry and who knows that something from the past would come up with a better idea.
*Meanwhile at Emerald Coast*
Inky Albarn : What a shocking coincidence. I never thought that you would be born outside of this world, and found yourself born light years away from Earth, we discovered that we had any grudges against those who told everything a lie to you. So were you eventually born on Jupiter.
Maka Albarn : I figured, of course that would be--hold up did you say I was born at Jupiter?
Moirai : There was a sanctuary that created after the Phantonian race has colonized the solar system.
Sir Halberd Knight (Tsugumi) : A sanctuary at Jupiter?
Moirai : Yes, that sanctuary which was established a long time ago before we were born, Actually I was modeled on the same Maka Albarn that disappeared from the 1930s, and that Maka Albarn is you, you regret nothing but we do alike, it's like were identical to another, but what costs?
Maka Albarn : At the age of 3, I was born from the DNA of the original, I am her "copy", a human copy from the past. Born from the cells Inky Albarn who was formally Maka Albarn from the past itself.
Sir Halberd Knight : You're a copy, created by who?
Maka Albarn : Lord Phanto of the Phanton Empire, created me.
Sir Halberd Knight (Tsugumi) : Created, you are a copy of the original? A man known as Phanto created you? I see. But on what costs did you expected to believe that your future was to defeat Demon God to bring peace to this planet. Why do you want to go against the Kishin and bring end to the Ohkuboverse's order? Why do you gotta hide from this.
Maka Albarn : Alright, I'll unveil you the truth.
[cues Unveiled Truth by Fumie Kumatani]
"It all began over a year ago...After the Ohkuboverse was erased by the Time Eater, Phanto and his people the Phantonians have conquered the Solar System to bring conquest over from to Jupiter to Earth."
Seto : This whole Maka Albarn thing, was what's left from the Phantonians
Solva : They're the relatives of Phanto and the Shy Guys, the Mask minions of Mamu and Bowser.
Maka Albarn : After being born from Lord Phanto's wish, I was given with extremely powers called the Shattered Resonance, a deadly force that has the power to destroy people's hearts and bring massive destruction. It is a combination of both anger and sadness that becomes one known as Frustration.
Seto : Frustration? As in an emotion that combines Anger and Sadness together? That makes something very interesting about one's power. But wait, I am missing something from this time around. If there was something in the 06. If Shinra forgot something in the 06, who created that Yona person in the first in which used everyone to let the planet be destroyed by Demon Vibe. Who created him?
Inky Albarn : Despite all of his efforts of rejuvenating himself as a hero, I discovered that we found something different from us Ink Demons, I know someone who is a manipulative bastard that tricked Shinra into letting his old world die at the hands of Demon Vibe himself, there was some kind of Sun God that the inhabitants of the Ohkuboverse's past wasn't a Sun God and all religion in the Ohkuboverse was a massive ploy. Someone who wanted to drown in darkness.
[The Resurrection of Mephiles by Hideaki Kobayashi]
Maka Albarn : No...I don't believe it, after all of that in the Ohkuboverse. All religion were a massive ploy, the prayers, the Sun God, all of it, it was all a somebody's acting alone. I know who made religion as a massive ploy in the Ohkuboverse. It was some kind of recolor who lays waste on the planet for mass genocide and disruption of time and space.
*flashing images of Mephiles*
Maka Albarn : A recolored shadow! That's it! Someone is setting the stage in Shinra's story from the Ohkuboverse's past, that's why he wanted to become a hero, he fooled him and his comrades from the start. His plan was bring not only a person to fall with despair, but everyone involved to it! That's why Shinra's story happened in the first place before he created my world and story.
Solva : Then who's idea was it to manipulate Shinra and his people of the first place.
Solva : Woah! An earthquake?
Seto : What's that written in the sand?
Seto : "The Fault of Mephiles"? Wait a sec, that name sounded familiar before...More importantly...I just don't put my finger to it.
Solva : Whatever that is, I'm sure master Grim would probably know the details about this...
Eve : Huh...?
Seto & Solva : *realizing* ....WHO THE HECK IS MEPHILES!?!
~ Level 19 : THE BROKEN TRUTH ~
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realtorjamier · 9 months
My Favorite Open-Air Activities in the DMV!
The weather is warming and you’re ready to revel in the DMV’s great outdoors. From the athletic fields to strawberry fields, here are some great ways to explore nature – all within a short drive.
The sporting life
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Got “Natitude?” Head to a Washington Nationals game! How much more American can you get than baseball, beer, and big league cheer? Check out this site online for MLB news, calendar and ticketing information:
D.C. United, the “Black-and-Red,” soccer season runs through October. Wear your team colors at Audi Field in D.C.
Washington Spirit, the women’s soccer team, also comes to life at Audi Field. Let’s hope 2022 is a repeat of their 2021 first NWSL championship.
Whether you just want to watch or learn to play, Virginia is the perfect place to experience the fascinating teamwork of horse and rider. Twilight Polo season in The Plains (30 to 60 minutes from D.C.) runs from May to September. Each evening typically includes three matches, picnicking, wine, food trucks, and games for kids. Admission tickets are available online for $25 per vehicle (5 people), or you can pay $30 cash per vehicle at the gate. https://twilightpolo.com
For more equestrian entertainment, visit nearby Middleburg – known as the Nation’s Hunt and Horse Capital: https://visitmiddleburgva.com/middleburg-equestrian-events/
Farmers Markets
Shop local. Shop fresh. Farmers markets abound throughout D.C., Maryland and Virginia.
National Farmers Market Directory:
If you want to feel even closer to nature, connect with the earth while supporting your local farmers by picking your own produce.
Virginia is the birthplace of American wine. Not only will you taste award-winning varietals, but you’ll also drink in beautiful views. Many offer great food pairings. Virginia is home to over 300 wineries and more than a dozen wine trails. The best way to enjoy the day? Hire a driver.
If you’re more of a beer sommelier, there are plenty of microbreweries to explore. Many have outside seating.
You can hike and bike the banks of the Potomac River on the C & O Canal Towpath from Georgetown to Cumberland, Md. for a total of 184.5 miles!
C & O Canal Towpath
Founded in 1890 by the U.S. Congress, Rock Creek Park is 1,700 acres of hardwood trees, asphalt trails, a brook, and rocky outcrops. What else? A planetarium, a 19th century gristmill, equestrian trails, a tennis center, and a golf course!
Rock Creek Park
Great Falls National Park is a beautiful 800-acre oasis that is only 15 miles from D.C. You can go hiking, bicycling, bird watching, climbing, fishing, horseback riding, and more.
Great Falls National Park
Once called Mason’s Island, now named Roosevelt Island, the landscape of this once-overgrown farmland was transformed by architects in the 1930s into a living memorial to Theodore Roosevelt. You can join a park ranger to explore the miles of trails and swamps while honoring the legacy of the outdoorsman and conservationist. 
Roosevelt Island
For a map of other hiking trails in the DMV – and reviews from other hikers – visit:
Maybe you like to rough it, or maybe you’re more of a glamper. Either way, getting back to nature when you live in the Metro area is not as out of reach as you might think. 
Greenbelt Park, Md. is an urban oasis inside the beltway.
Shenandoah National Park in Virginia has more than 500 miles of trails and offers several options for sleeping under the stars.
Bull Run in Centreville, Va. offers 1,500 acres of natural space with lots of activities. Choose to camp or stay in a cottage. 
Greenbrier State Park in Boonsboro, Md. offers camping, swimming, fishing, boating, hiking. 
Water Parks
Have kids? Need hot weather entertainment? Waterparks are a sure-fire way to beat the heat and wear out the kids! Here’s a list of H2O fun in the DMV. (Check websites for opening days.)
Atlantis Waterpark in Centreville, Va.
Franklin Park Pool in Purcellville, Va.
Great Waves Waterpark in Alexandria, Va.
Hurricane Harbor at Six Flags America in Upper Marlboro, Md.
Ida Lee Waterpark in Leesburg, Va.
Ocean Dunes Waterpark in Arlington, Va.
Pirate’s Cove Waterpark in Lorton, Va.
Signal Bay Waterpark in Manassas Park, Va.
SplashDown Waterpark in Manassas, Va.
Volcano Island Waterpark in Sterling, Va.
Water Mine Family Swimmin’ Hole in Reston, Va.
Waterpark at Bohrer Park in Gaithersburg, Md.
Waterworks Waterpark in Dale City, Va.
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chorusfm · 11 months
Lily Meola
Recently I was able to connect with Lily Meola for a Zoom interview to discuss her uplifting new single called “Without You.” I asked Lily about her music upbringing, how she stays motivated as an artist, how she measures success as well as her breakthrough single “Daydream,” and what next year has in store for her promising musical career. Thank you so much for your time today, Lily. I heard your new single, called “Without You,” that was recently released and I immediately gravitated towards your sound on this uplifting breakup anthem. Can you walk me through the writing process for this particular song? Well first off, thank you for having me and taking the time to chat, and being interested in the song. And yeah, the writing process on this song, it was my last day in Nashville, on a long writing trip, and I had a flight to catch. And this song for some reason just came super naturally to us. It was done in an hour and a half if I remember correctly…sometimes it just really flows. And for some reason, this day, it all came out really fast. And I was kind of inspired by the feeling of young love and how heartbreaking it can be, but also wanted to keep it light-hearted. And even though you feel those pains, it’s all just part of the journey. Those ups and downs, you got to just still appreciate the moments. Absolutely! Who’s in your “trusted circle” that you test out new music with? Is it the live audiences that you play to, or your management?  Honestly, a little bit of both of that. I’ll send it to a couple of close friends, and I’ll even test some of the songs live and see what the audience reaction is like. And then, yeah my management definitely weighs in as well. But if there’s a song that I’m really into, I don’t care what anybody else thinks. If it just feels natural to me, and I’m excited about it, then others opinions probably aren’t gonna change my mind haha. Is that sassy? No, that’s a sign of a true artist, in my opinion! But honestly, sometimes they are convincing me that other songs are better than I think they are. That’s always funny, too. So I forget their opinion. I first got word of your musical career when my son and I attended one of your concerts in Washington, DC. You opened up for Imagine Dragons on that big Capital One Arena show… Yeah, that was such a fun night! You performed cover songs like Fleetwood Mac’s “Dreams,” which went over really well with the audience. I think people were grooving to that, as well as a lot of from your previous EP Daydream. So what was that experience like with sharing your music with such a large audience? Oh, it was so fun, honestly. One of my highlights of last year. His audience is just so into the music, and they’re there to have a good time. And it’s a wide range of audiences, from kids to adults, and everyone’s having fun. And so it was just a really, really good time. I hope one day I get to open for them again. And DC is a really cool place.  Yeah, that’s where I’m from.  Have you been there for a long time? Oh, yeah. I grew up here my whole life. I live in Silver Spring, Maryland, which is about 30 minutes on the metro to Capital One Arena. Did you guys have fun at the show?  Oh, absolutely. Yeah, my son said, “This lady can sing!” So he’s got a little bit of that sweet talent in there too, and an ear for music. He’s 12. So he could have a sassier opinion for sure. Do you have any other upcoming touring plans at this time or for the next year? I just got off a little mini tour with Steven Sanchez, which was so fun. He is just the sweetest person ever. And an unbelievable artist. His show, if you get a chance to see him, unbelievable performance. It was such a great time! I’ve really just been focusing on new music. So I’ll be spending some more time in the studio finishing up some songs. Not doing too many shows right now, but probably more soon. Yeah, that’s good that you get to hone in on your writing process right now. So what continues to keep… https://chorus.fm/features/interviews/lily-meola/
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sleepinnsalisbury · 1 year
A Family-Friendly Stay: What Sleep Inn Salisbury Offers for Kids and Parents
A Family-Friendly Stay: What Sleep Inn Salisbury Offers for Kids and Parents
When it comes to planning a vacation with your family, finding the right accommodation can make a big difference. If you're considering a trip to Salisbury, MD, look no further than the Sleep Inn for a family-friendly stay that caters to both kids and parents alike.
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Comfortable and spacious rooms
One of the first things families appreciate when staying at the Sleep Inn Salisbury are the comfortable and spacious rooms. After a long day exploring the area's attractions, having a comfortable place to rest and relax is essential. Sleep Inn's rooms are designed with families in mind, providing plenty of space for everyone to spread out and get a good night's sleep.
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Child-friendly facilities
Sleep In goes the extra mile to ensure that your little one is well cared for. Upon arrival, children are warmly welcomed with a special meal. The hotel also offers cribs and rollaway beds upon request, ensuring that your family has all the sleeping arrangements they need for a comfortable stay.
Indoor pool fun
Kids love to swim, and Sleep in Salisbury understands this. They feature an indoor pool that's perfect for family fun, no matter what the weather outside. Whether you want to enjoy some quality time with the kids or just relax by the pool while they play, indoor pools are a great amenity for families.
Complimentary breakfast
A family that eats together, stays together, and the Sleep Inn Salisbury offers free breakfast to start your day. Breakfast includes a variety of options to cater to different tastes and dietary requirements. This is a convenient and cost-effective way to ensure everyone in the family has a hearty morning meal before heading out for the day's adventures.
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Close to local attractions
Location matters when choosing a family-friendly hotel, and the Sleep Inn Salisbury does not disappoint. It's conveniently located near some of Salisbury's top attractions, like Salisbury Zoo and the Ward Museum of Wildfowl Art. With easy access to these family-friendly destinations, you won't have to spend too much time in the car, making your family outings more enjoyable.
Affordable rates
Budget-conscious families will appreciate the Sleep Inn Salisbury's affordable rates. You can enjoy all these family-friendly amenities without breaking the bank. Saving on accommodation means you have more to spend on experiences and creating memorable memories with your loved ones.
Planning a family vacation can be a daunting task, but choosing the right hotel can make it worth it. The Sleep Inn Salisbury, with its comfortable rooms, kid-friendly amenities, indoor pool, complimentary breakfast, convenient location, and affordable rates, offers the ideal home base for your family adventures in Salisbury, MD.
Don't miss the opportunity to create lasting memories with your loved ones. Book your stay at the Sleep Inn Salisbury today and enjoy a family-friendly stay in this charming Maryland city.
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lysandlinds · 1 year
Washington DC & Vienna VA June 24th & 25th 2023!
Positives: Our friends Jayne, Lachlan, Cole & Grayson joined us in Va! We got to play at the house and explore Dc during the day with them. The awesome slide structure at the National Children’s museum that kept everyone busy! And seeing Jazzy Ash performance at the Children’s theatre
Challenges: It was a busy day! Luckily we found a lunch spot. We tried to get to the Lincoln Memorial but parking was tough- but better yet we got ice cream and saw the new Martin Luther King Memorial…Sunday it was hard to say goodbye to our friends when the left to go back home!
Best Meal: Even with the line out the door the Old Ebbit Grille had enough seating for our 5 kids & 3 moms! It was the perfect pit stop on the hot walk to the White House! Griffin got mussels, Gabriel got calamari, Lys got a salmon salad & Lindsay was very happy with Maryland Crab Cake and fries!
Fact of the Day: So many! DC is full of history- we did get to chat with some secret service officers and learned there is a big difference between the officers and the secret service agents. The agents have to train longer but sometimes start out as officers
What made us Smile: the music- Moms got to see Rufus Wrainwright, Yola & Brandi Carlile at night and kids joined us for Jazzy Ash & the Leapin Lizards at the Children in the Woods Theatre on Sunday. On Sunday night Lys & Linds got to see Brandi again and awesome performances by Brandi Clark, Celisse & Lucius. Out and about Festival was a great way to celebrate Pride Month… most smiles were spending time with our friends and having fun with them while exploring a new place!
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atozfun-place · 1 year
Look no further than A To Z Fun Place for the best in kids entertainment in Potomac, Maryland. This exciting indoor play provides hours of fun and excitement for children of all ages, with activities and attractions that will keep them entertained.
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votivecandleholder · 2 years
Birthday Party Places in Bowie for Kids & Adults
New Post has been published on https://happybirthdaydecor.com/venues/birthday-party-places-bowie
Birthday Party Places in Bowie for Kids & Adults
Hey! Are you looking for some great birthday party ideas in Bowie, Maryland? If so, you’re in luck! There are many creative options available to fit any budget. Whether it’s outdoor activities such as parks, beaches, mountains, and inflatable play facilities in Bowie, or indoor activities like restaurants, pubs, hotels, museums, and swimming pools, there’s something for everyone in this city in Maryland.
1 About Bowie, Maryland
2 Bowie Birthday Party Places
2.1 Party HQ Laser Tag
2.2 Bowie Baysox Stadium
2.3 Six Flags America
2.4 Bowie Playhouse
2.5 Stone House Cakery and Cafe
2.6 Rebounderz
2.7 Fright Fest at Six Flags America
2.8 Bowie Ice Arena
2.9 The Castle Laser Tag
2.10 Bowie Community Center
2.11 Bowie VFD Hall
3 Birthday Party Ideas in Bowie
4 Bowie Map
5 Party Supplies in Bowie
About Bowie, Maryland
Bowie is a city located in Prince George’s County, Maryland, United States. The city of Bowie has a vibrant arts and culture scene, with numerous art galleries, music venues, and theater companies located throughout the city, and also it’s an ideal location for anyone looking for a safe, family-friendly community with plenty of amenities and attractions.
Bowie Birthday Party Places
Let’s review some of the best birthday party venues in Bowie for kids and adults:
Party HQ Laser Tag
If you’re looking for an action-packed party experience, Party HQ is the place to be! This family-friendly venue offers laser tag, arcade games, and other activities to keep your guests entertained for hours.
Bowie Baysox Stadium
This minor league baseball stadium offers a unique and exciting party experience for kids and adults alike. You can choose from a range of packages to suit your needs, including options for food, drinks, and souvenirs.
Six Flags America
For thrill-seekers, Six Flags America is the perfect birthday party destination. With dozens of rides and attractions, this amusement park has something for everyone. Book a private party area and enjoy unlimited access to the park’s rides and attractions for the day!
Bowie Playhouse
This community theatre offers a range of shows throughout the year, as well as private party rentals. You can choose from a range of party packages that include access to the theatre, as well as food and drinks.
Stone House Cakery and Cafe
If you’re looking for a sweet and indulgent party experience, Stone House Cakery and Cafe is the place to be. Enjoy a customized menu of sweet treats and drinks for your guests to enjoy!
An indoor trampoline park that offers a fun and active party experience. The park features a variety of trampolines, foam pits, and other activities for kids and adults.
Fright Fest at Six Flags America
For a spooky and thrilling party experience, Fright Fest at Six Flags America is the perfect choice.
Bowie Ice Arena
For a cool and refreshing party experience, the Bowie Ice Arena is a great choice. This indoor ice rink offers public skating, as well as private party rentals.
The Castle Laser Tag
For a unique and exciting party experience, The Castle Laser Tag is the perfect choice. This medieval-themed laser tag arena offers an immersive and exciting adventure for kids and adults.
Bowie Community Center
The Bowie Community Center is a versatile venue that can accommodate a variety of party themes and activities. From sports to dance parties, the center offers plenty of space and amenities for a memorable celebration.
Bowie VFD Hall
The Bowie Volunteer Fire Department Hall offers a unique and historic party venue. The hall features a large banquet room that can accommodate parties of up to 200 people, as well as a fully equipped kitchen for catering.
Birthday Party Ideas in Bowie
Bowie Map

Party Supplies in Bowie
Hot Ice
Absolute Party Rental & Supply
Birthday parties in Bowie, Maryland are a great way to celebrate your special day with friends and family in the comfort of your own home or at a fun venue.
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moohnshinescorner · 2 years
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Book details:
Her Unexpected Match
by Lacey Baker
Published by: Entangled: Amara
Publication date: February 21st 2023
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Travel writer Allie Sparks has one goal: to find the story that will save her career. So here she is, visiting her bestie on picturesque Crescent Island—with sun-warmed beaches, the briny smell of the ocean, and rumors of a secret astrologer-matchmaker who guarantees love. Of course, Allie doesn’t believe in any of that stuff. If anything, she’ll prove it’s a total scam.
Ryan Parker believes in love—just not right now. He’s focused on expanding his family’s barbeque business, finding investors, and keeping his too-big Great Dane puppy from jumping on everyone, including his sister’s pretty, whiskey-eyed best friend. Besides, falling for a tourist is definitely not in his astrological forecast.
Allie is doing everything she can to resist the charm of the town and its beauty, not to mention her attraction to Ryan. But there’s a lot more happening on Crescent Island than anyone knows…and when her story goes to print, this tiny, close-knit town might never be the same.
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/61052978-her-unexpected-match
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3Y5rhC9
B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/her-unexpected-match-lacey-baker/1141449025?ean=9781649373502
iBooks: https://books.apple.com/ca/book/her-unexpected-match/id1623195777
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/ca/en/ebook/her-unexpected-match
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=SJduEAAAQBAJ
Wow! What a fun and amazing read!!! Her Unexpected Match is full of love and sweet fun. I loved the characters and their historical stories and preservation. The story and the characters in it are relatable and touch your soul.
Our lead character Allie, is beautiful and sweet, yet she is missing something from her life. She is a travel blogger, yet she never gives a 100% positive review on any place she travels. At first this works fine, but her boss has drew the line in the sand. Write a more positive review or find a new job. With her job on the line she winds up on Crescent Island. Positive. She must make this trip a positive piece for her blog. But is that something she can do?
Allie has severe self esteem issues. Her parents were no help in that department. She really overcomes a lot of her struggles throughout this book and these are no easy tasks. But the people of Crescent Island show a side of life that Allie had lost sight of.
There were many emotions playing throughout the book. Sometimes you laughed and sometimes you cried. But one thing is for certain, you will experience soul inspiring all encompassing love. This book is a page turner of emotions and the author did an excellent job laying out all the ground work. She created an amazing cast of character to go with her story. She leaves bread crumbs through out and still you will not guess the true nature of the Islands history till the very end.
So bravo I say. Ms. Baker you did an excellent job creating a beautiful and Hallmark worthy masterpiece. I congratulate you on a job well done. I would also recommend this book to anyone who loves a good soul searching story.
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Lacey Baker, a Maryland native, lives with her husband, three children, two grandchildren and English Bulldog in what most would call Suburban America–a townhouse development where everybody knows each other and each other’s kids. Family cook-outs, reunion vacations, and growing up in church have all inspired Lacey to work towards her dreams and to write about the endurance of family and the quest to find everlasting love. To date she has written in several genres including small town romance, YA paranormal (as Artist Arthur), a cozy mystery series titled Rumors and adult paranormal (as A.C. Arthur).
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Hermantown Community School District The Hermantown Community School District recently celebrated the opening of a brand new playground at its Community Learning Center. Called Hawks Nest, the newest playground incorporates both natural and built environment learning features. It also incorporates a stage and shelter. The construction of the playground was created possible by way of a partnership involving the district and the area Skyline Rotary Club.
The playground was created to appeal to younger crowd, including preschoolers and toddlers. Located down the hill from the playground, the elementary school playground features many activities geared towards students ages five to 12. As well as the newest stage, a wooden climbing pyramid was also added, in addition to mobile play stations. The newest playground is available to people during non-school hours.
The 메이저놀이터 is found at 4333 Hawk Circle Drive in Hermantown. It is just a the main Hawk's Nest Community Learning Center, which is really a preschool and early childhood education program. The district caused engineers to boost the outdoor learning areas for the students and celebrated with a bow cutting.
Diana Ross Playground The Diana Ross Major Playground is just a fun playground for kids situated on the Great Lawn of Central Park in Baltimore, Maryland. The playground is filled up with wooden structures, tire swings, corkscrew slides, and water sprays. The playground is named following the late singer Diana Ross, who donated funds from live performances to help with making the park a reality. There are also some enclosed play structures for smaller children.
On the east side of the Great Lawn, the Diana Ross Playground is just a free attraction for families. It's near to the Met Museum of Modern Art and is a superb place for everyone to enjoy the outdoors and acquire some fresh air. Although the playground has been plagued by controversy, its location and free activities allow it to be a well known destination for families to enjoy a day of family fun.
Built-in 1984, the Diana Ross Major Playground features swings, climbing structures, a huge metal slide, and a sandbox for kids to play in. The playground features two tire swings and a row of bucket seats. The swing area is separated from the key playground by a fence.
The Diana Ross Major Playground was built with a $275,000 donation from Diana Ross. The park is specialized in the late singer, who was inspired by her hometown in Los Angeles. She gave several concerts in Central Park to benefit the city, and arises from those concerts went to fund the project. Although Diana Ross was not covered her performances, she pledged to donate the amount of money from her concert profits to the playground. All things considered, she's still an icon in her own right and her donation to the city is actually inspiring.
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