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figandthewasp · 4 days ago
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faerytalemagick · 1 year ago
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Full Moon in Virgo - February 24, 2024 🌕⚝
It's time to prepare for this year's magical full snow moon, which happens to be the last one of this winter! 🪷The full moon in Virgo, combined with the Pisces season, brings us abundant emotions, more complex dreams, and a need to organize various aspects of our lives. It's best to connect with this period through meditation, self-care, prioritizing emotions, and connecting with our most important source: nature. It's a beneficial time to set goals to accomplish by the next full moon and, why not, to manifest them. Additionally, I hope the magical 222 portal will bring balance and love into your life. 𖡼𖤣𖥧𖡼𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 best activites to do during the Full Moon in Virgo: 🫧Organizing space 🍓 Planning tasks 🪐Self-care routine 🍇Helping others 🧚Mindfulness practice 🐓Financial review 🍀Goal setting 🕯️Nature connection
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alohaastro · 1 year ago
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Full Moon in Virgo, Saturday, February 24th, highlights balancing the pragmatic and material "doing" with the spiritual and intuitive practice of "being" to direct toward manifesting greater abundance and positive changes in your life, as the moon opposes the sun conjunct Mercury and Saturn, all in Pisces, while Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus are sextile to the Pisces planets and trine to the moon. Virgo is a Mercury ruled mutable earth sign associated with the 6th house of service related work, the daily job, habits, health, diet, exercise, and the mundane details of daily life we must attend to in order to maintain a balanced and purposeful life. It is a highly intelligent, yet modest, problem solving sign which offers you the opportunity to improve yourself, or be of service to others, over the next two weeks. Many people with strong Virgo placements in their natal chart have a very specific skill or knowledge that they are sought out for, and this lunation, which activates the Virgo energy in your natal chart, may shine the light on your particular talent, and show you the means by which you can share it with others. The tension and pressure of Pluto, Venus, and Mars in Aquarius square to Jupiter and Uranus, now has a conduit for action, release, and healing, via the trine and sextile the moon forms with the Pisces and Taurus planets. Virgo is the "ways and means committee" of the zodiac, and this Full Moon can reveal the who, what, when, why, where, and how that you seek, so you can discern, decide, and become your future self.
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omanxl1 · 17 hours ago
Deep/Disco/Funky House 2025 - Club M.O.C. March 8, 2025
Digital Crate Digging Continues as we come through with this weekend edition on a Saturday but the science dropped is appropriate for any time frame! The saga / struggle continues as life goes on as the toil and strife goes on; the devil and his advocates contributed to the confusion saying its all game… …then they’ll change the rules like Trump and DOGE destroying the government with their…
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thetarotman · 9 days ago
Preparing for the Moon Serpent and Bone 7th Annual Ostara Night Market
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ninalomando · 1 year ago
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zodiacts · 1 year ago
Ode to Virgo Moon
The quest for perfection is explored in Zodiacts: Vinny d’Virgo and His Veggie Vittles. Can Vinny wow his critics?
#virgomoon #moonsigns
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loveradiator--99 · 1 year ago
Full Moon in Virgo: Guided Meditation #guidedmeditation #fullmoonmedita...
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schoolofholywitchery · 1 year ago
Virgo Full Moon
‘I intentionally cultivate and embody peace within my heart; it radiates out to my physical and etheric bodies, clearing out fear and anxiety.’
The upcoming Full Moon in Virgo occurs on 24th February at 12:31 pm GMT and at 04:31am PST.
Join us in the Moon Ritual Coven to dive deeper into working with the Moon within your witchcraft practice.
#witch #witchcraft #MoonRitual #MoonMagic #HolyWitchery #MysticalPractices #TheHolyWitch #LunarMagic #fullmoonmagic #fullmoon #fullmooninvirgo #fullmoonmagick #fullmoonritual #fullmoonrituals #fullmoonspells #lunarwitch #lunar #magic #magick #spell #spells #pagan #paganism #spiritual #spirituality
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reneenalaniartista · 9 months ago
Full moon in Virgo.
#fullmoon #fullmooninVirgo #virgo #canon80d #canon80dphotography #adobelightroom
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thefakegeekg1rl · 1 year ago
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Consort with The Creative Coven for the Full Snow Moon in Virgo! The cycles of the moon offer everyone's inner artist a structure grounded in nature’s own routine. You can take your ideas from possibility through process to product by following the nurturing pace of each month’s New and Full Moons. The Creative Coven sets this pace with bi-weekly meetups observing the moon’s most potent phases. We take advantage of that power to ground our busy minds and turn our creativity into cashflow. Enter: MOON CYCLE MONEY MAGIC! Join us for this upcoming Full Snow Moon in Virgo to embrace the power of the planets to help you forge IRL stability and abundance when you ground into process, impeccably curate your projects, and align with your inner truth! MOON CYCLE MONEY MAGIC is a 45-minute session that connects you with the energy of this moon phase and the insight of this moon sign. We pack a lot into that 45 minutes! We begin with breath and meditation to connect to our bodies/ourselves, then move into a guided work and journaling session. We round that out with a set of tools to adapt your discoveries into actions. We wrap with a group discussion to share goals and, in making our goals public, set ourselves up for success. So take a little time to connect to the moon and to each other. MOON CYCLE MONEY MAGIC is FREE to attend! Register at https://lu.ma/rl8ux5ct. You can attend live OR watch the replay. . . . . #creative #creativity #fullmoon #mooncircle #astrology #moneymagic #manifest #manifesting #magic #magick #piscesseason #fullmooninvirgo #virgo #piscesszn #virgoenergy #fullsnowmoon #snowmoon #virgofullmoon #artists #artist #actor #director #witch #zodiac #producer #contentcreator #writer #dancer #burlesque #justwitchthings
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figandthewasp · 2 days ago
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ameoamour · 3 years ago
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Full Moon in Virgo with Jodie Foster who has the Moon in Virgo in her natal chart
"I read more than I do anything else, probably. I read about three books a week."
"I make movies about people in spiritual crisis because it's a way for me to spend the time, the energy, the focus and the obsession to come to terms with my own spiritual crisis."
"My Mom was always late. It drove me crazy as a child. So I'm always on time - or early."
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alohaastro · 3 days ago
Aloha Astro Full Moon & Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo March 13 & 14 2025
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omanxl1 · 18 hours ago
Out In The Mainstream Of Mathematics (Part Three)
 Catch us way way out there like Brotha O mentioned in the mix at the podcast. We’re out here in the mainstream of mathematics doing the prognosis: analyzing the situation with respect to the present, future and the past! Sounds will blast accompanied by this good word; we’re four five sixing it trying to diagnose / analyze the situation. Flexible, operating out in local, national,…
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queenofmoonstonetarot · 4 years ago
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Full Moon in Virgo ♍︎
The Full Moon in Virgo is happening February 27th 2021. In this Full Moon in Virgo, we are completing the 6 month cycle which started on the New Moon in Virgo on September 17th 2020. Try to think of where you were/what you were feeling/what you started on September 17th 2020. This Full Moon in Virgo is bringing completions to our life. Look at your zodiac sign, which house is the Full Moon ruling in your horoscope, try to think of September & what you were going through. Is it coming full circle this Full Moon in Virgo? You can expect personal goals to be reached. Use Virgo’s energy to stay motivated when everything feels slushy, gray and dreary. Buy that new planner you’ve been eyeballing. You’re going to need it. The Planet Virgo rules the 6th house which is symbolic of work life and routine. This full moon I ask all of you to take a deep look at your routine & get determined in your career. Use this energy to get stuff done. Virgos pay attention to every single detail!
Aries & Aries risings,, Full Moon in Virgo triggering your 6th house of health, work & routine. I want to urge you Aries to pay attention 3 days before the 27th of February & 3 days after as well. The Sun & Moon is making an amazing aspect in your second house of Uranus of income/finances. Positive news & recognition at work this Full Moon in Virgo for you. Health related issues you have been worrying about within the last 6 months will be going away because I feel this Full Moon in Virgo will be making you feel in tip top shape. In work you could be feeling really appreciated & working with others in your career feeling pleased. My Dear Aries, You guys have received the Death card which is symbolic of endings & new beginnings. Think back to September 17th 2021, how much has your life changed? Your life has just reached a complete cycle. The Full Moon in Virgo is asking you to release the old you fully & to move forward with the new people in your life, the new you. It's time to acknowledge all the change that has happened & that change is the chapter of your life has ended.The constellation number for the Death card is number 3 which is the number in tarot that is symbolic of creativity & collaborations with people at work & creativity that you have projected in your life.
Taurus & Taurus risings, Full Moon in Virgo is happening in your 5th house of love, romance, creativity, fun, self expression. Feeling very content right now Taurus’s. It is a fantastic time to be with friends & loved ones. You might be getting a new unexpected opportunity to pursue your longer term plans very soon Taureans. The 6 of Wands is the card that I received for the Taureans for the Full Moon in Virgo. Think of the last 6 months, September 17th 2021 was the start of the cycle & now the cycle ends in the Full Moon in Virgo on February 27th 2021. What in your life is coming full circle? The 6 of Wands I feel I am getting a pull to career & passions. I do feel there is positive movement forward in regards to your career. This card is about victory, personal power, movement in your career/job, a new job or promotion. This energy is having people giving you the recognition you deserve & how much has changed for you during the virgo cycle. You are making progress in your life. Taureans be proud. The Six of Wands is a positive encouragement to believe in who you are and your accomplishments so far. Have faith in what you’ve done and how others will receive it.
Gemini & Gemini Risings, Full Moon in Virgo is happening in your 4th house of family roots, home life & the past. Both the sun & moon are in aspect to your Uranus in your 12th house. At this time you can be hearing really positive news from a family member or in regards to your home. You will patch something up this full moon within the home or a close family member. You will feel empowered this Full Moon in Virgo. The 2 of Pentacles was the card I got for you Geminis. During this Full Moon in Virgo I feel you guys will be finding that balance in your life again. I feel that time management hasn’t been the best in your life recently but I feel you guys regaining that balance in all aspects of your life during this Full Moon in Virgo. I also feel that finding balance with your family will be balanced again at this time. Your finances will start being secure & stable again. I feel at this time your priority will be family this Full Moon.
Cancers & Cancer risings , Full Moon in Virgo is happening in your 3rd house of sales, siblings, communications & short distance. The Full Moon is active 3 days before February 27th & 3 days afterwards. At this time you are receiving good news in communication with others around you, receiving good news from people abroad that you know & making plans to travel. Mental Health wise you will feel stable & may look back at the last 6 months & feel that you have learned a lot. I pulled the Queen of Swords for you Cancers this Full Moon in Virgo. I feel that you guys will be very blunt & upfront with your wants & needs to others around you & yourself. The Queen of Wands is a rational, clear thinker who is very patient. I feel that this Full Moon in Virgo will be a good time for you to reflect on your thoughts & actions from the past 6 months. You may feel like withdrawing from your life to think about yourself & your direction in life.
Leos & Leo risings, Full Moon in Virgo is happening in your 2nd house of values, self worth & income. Leos can expect great news in finances during this Full Moon in Virgo, possibly a bonus, a new business deal, may hear news of a raise. You are feeling very confident in finances. Ace of Pentacles was the card I received for you Leos. The Ace of Pentacles is all about newness in finances. I feel that there is a sum of money you will be receiving around the Full Moon in Virgo on February 27th 2021. This card can mean getting money from investments you have made, new ways of income & promotion. You are being handed wealth this Full Moon Leos & I feel a sense of you feeling secure & stable. I also feel you will feel very grounded during this time as this card is an earth card & the sign Virgo is an earth sign.
Virgos & Virgo Risings, Full Moon in Virgo is happening in your 1st house of identity & physical body. You seem to be reaching a point in your life where you feel satisfied with a certain love partnership or business partnership that is paying off beautifully. You will feel aligned from a mentality perspective. There is a high chance if you or your partners were waiting on news to legal institutions, you will get the positive news during this Full Moon in Virgo. I pulled the 7 of Pentacles for you Virgos. Virgo’s there is something that you have put a lot of energy/hard work into & while you may be reaping some rewards it is not fully completed yet, this is where the 7 of Pentacles comes in. This card depicts a man who has grown this money tree but the tree still has more potential, this full moon in virgo you will be paying attention to details in this regard ( as virgos love to do), I feel you will be revauliting your plans & how to go about this. Keep going, your hard work is paying off, the potential is endless.
Libras, & Libra Risings, Full Moon in Virgo is happening in your 12th house, also triggering your 6th house of daily routine/work. You are completing a process of introspection. You seem to be resting/ isolating during this Full Moon in Virgo. You may have realized this Full Moon in Virgo you need to let go of certain people in your life, especially friends that are no longer in alignment with who you want to become. Libras, the full Moon in Virgo is going to hit hard for you as I pulled the 5 of Cups, I feel someone you had to leave in the past will be coming up when you are feeling sad during this Full Moon in Virgo. The 5 of Cups is feeling emotionally isolated thinking of relationships in your life. I feel that you could be feeling sad this Full Moon in Virgo. The Five of Cups shows you that, even though things aren’t going your way, new opportunities and possibilities are waiting for you – but only when you are ready. It’s time to shift your mindset and focus on what can go right from this point onwards. Be open to the brighter side of life and know many blessings are in disguise right now. Instead of giving in to a ‘glass is half empty’ perspective, look at it as the ‘glass is half full’.
Scorpio & Scorpio risings, Full Moon in Virgo is happening in your 11th house. You are going to be enjoying the Full Moon in Virgo the most. Relationships are going really well this time during the full moon. It’s a fabulous time to go out with friends. Ace of Cups was the card you received. I feel you guys will be feeling emotionally fulfilled with an outpouring of emotions. It may be that… Scorpios will be showing emotions?? I feel all relationships around you will be going very well. I feel you will feel this sense of vulnerability where you are sharing your feelings more than usual. There is a new beginning or new stage happening in a relationship during this full moon in virgo. You could be getting closer to someone or being more committed to someone. I feel a lot of healing energy will be happening in relationships for you this full moon in virgo.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius risings, Full Moon in Virgo is happening in your 10th house of career, public status & reputation. You may be receiving a massive acknowledgment from your boss. You are getting good news from work & or co-workers. I got the 3 of Pentacles for you guys. The 3 of pentacles is symbolic of collaboration, working with others to get things done. I feel Sagittarius will feel very determined this full moon in virgo. You will be getting stuff done around your home, things you have pushed off will be getting done as well. The 3 of Pentacles is about people getting recognition at work. In your work/career you are making progress & deserve to give yourself a tap on the shoulder. Foundations for your future are being laid out.
Capricorns & Capricorn risings, Full Moon in Virgo is happening in your 9th house of foriegn lands, foriegn cultures, society, spread of ideas, marketing & advertising. You are going to be loving this Full Moon in Virgo. You are completing a cycle of study or planning somewhere to travel. A fantastic time to promote an idea or marketing/advertising your creative works. 8 of Pentacles was the card I got for you guys this Full Moon in Virgo. The 8 of Pentacles is about focusing on one goal, taking your time & almost at completion. You are focusing on being a “master” at something & your hard work is going to be paying off. The #8 in tarot numerology is significant of success & luck. I feel that if you have been questioning if you want to go to school this is your sign Capricorn to go back. This is also the card of inner strength, think of how much your life has changed since September 17th 2020 when the New Moon in Virgo was in effect how much has your personal power grown.
Aquarius & Aquarius risings , Full Moon in Virgo is happening in your 8th house finances, values, intimacy & self worth. Securing the resources to invest in your home, investments in real estate or getting fantastic financial news. I received 9 of Cups for you Aquarian’s on this Full Moon in Virgo. The 9 of cups signifies feeling emotionally fulfilled & content where you are right now in the present. I feel a lot of things are falling into place in your life where you can feel stable & secure. This card is about feeling comfortable in your own skin & also financially comfortable where you can splurge. This is a very positive card to count your blessings & to feel genuinely happy. The Full Moon in Virgo will bring you blessings.
Pisces & Pisces Risings, Full Moon in Virgo is happening in your 7th house of marriage, business partnerships, partnerships & relationships. Uranus is aspecting the Sun & Moon in your 3rd house with communications which is really positive . You seem to be reaching a higher level of commitment in a relationship. Resolving communications & relationships in your life. 3 of Cups was the card I received for you Pisces. This Full Moon in Virgo for you is all about relationships, I do feel a strong pull people from the past could be reading out to you during this period of the Full Moon. I see a lot of social activity going on around the 27th of February. I feel surrounding yourself with people who make you smile & support you unconditionally. I feel a celebration, possible birthday party coming up for you as the 3 of cups are all about parties. The 3 of Cups is also about emotional fulfilment with relationships in your life including family.
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