#Full-Service Electric Contractor
georgetownelectric · 7 months
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Georgetown Electric
Trusted Electrical Services in Georgetown and the surrounding areas At Georgetown Electric, we take immense pride in providing trusted electrical services. Our prompt and punctual service, indicative of our company’s reliability, reflects the high standards of workmanship we uphold. We value and respect your time and schedule, ensuring a seamless experience with every electrical solution we deliver.
Address: 1 Halton Hills Dr, Georgetown, ON L7G 5G2, Canada Phone: 905-703-4123 Website: https://georgetownelectric.ca
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kickthecan-revolution · 7 months
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Last week was a lot. I told my team that I was leaving for another experience. They are sad and processing but also very happy for me. We cried a little at the end of the meeting. The initial support structure I had in place was OK but a few parts were confusing/concerning so I adjusted those and I think they feel better. My boss isn't sure where they will officially report into yet but I just made the call and confirmed who their direct manager will be. I've let all of my partners across the company know which has been weird, but OK.
The work in the new role is SO intense, I'm learning everything as fast as I can but also have to apply new learns to what I really don't understand yet to a plan that has to be localized into multiple languages by next week. It's nuts but there's no option not to do it, so I'm working a lot this weekend. I was experiencing such a confidence crisis but a few meetings on Friday validated I am moving in the right direction. For the first time in so long, I had anxiety dreams about work which in a weird way is a good sign - I was just kind of....dead, going through the motions, not super busy, not really caring about anything. My brain is waking up. It's where I am at my best. There will be a time for another way of moving through the world but right now for this next year/last experience, I want to be driving something hard and seeing the impact. I want to push myself to take risks and not be an invisible middle manager. Shirley said that I am like a little joey (baby kangaroo) - I am mostly comfortable living my emotions through animals and I have a tendency of hiding like a little joey. I already see this job will make me deal with conflict, stand in the strength of my opinion instead of being accommodating and malleable, afraid of making someone upset. There's such personal growth here for me.
The Alki remodel continues to provide a number of surprises. After we found so many concerns in the electric wiring in the lower unit, I asked the contractor to have the electrician check the upper unit as well. He couldn't even do much given the electrical panel is over 30 years old, so I had it replaced. We also repaired some cracks in the roof and an HVAC person is coming out to assess what I should do to upgrade the 30 year furnace. It's a lot but I am comforted to know these upgrades will make everything so much stronger and safer, I'm much more confident in renting it now. Another fun thing, the contractor found an outdoor shower on the side of the house so we're going to replace it with this and create a little area with a sauna, so someone can do a cold plunge in the ocean, and then wash off in the shower and take a sauna. It's actually not expensive and the contractor can build it for us. I'm excited!
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Health-wise, I signed up for a service that will make it easier for me to get the updates to my health that I need. I got 16 vials of blood taken on Friday for a number of tests - a full panel including a lot of early detection stuff.
This is going to be such a good year. It already is. I trust it. I trust that good things are here, that I deserve them and I am going to meet every moment with new strength, new capability and create more silence so those that are guiding me can be heard even more clearly.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
ATLANTA (AP) — A new reactor at a nuclear power plant in Georgia has entered commercial operation, becoming the first new American reactor built from scratch in decades.
Georgia Power Co. announced Monday that Unit 3 at Plant Vogtle, southeast of Augusta, has completed testing and is now sending power to the grid reliably.
At its full output of 1,100 megawatts of electricity, Unit 3 can power 500,000 homes and businesses. Utilities in Georgia, Florida and Alabama are receiving the electricity.
Nuclear power now makes up about 25% of the generation of Georgia Power, the largest unit of Atlanta-based Southern Co.
A fourth reactor is also nearing completion at the site, where two earlier reactors have been generating electricity for decades. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission on Friday said radioactive fuel could be loaded into Unit 4, a step expected to take place before the end of September. Unit 4 is scheduled to enter commercial operation by March.
The third and fourth reactors were originally supposed to cost $14 billion, but are now on track to cost their owners $31 billion. That doesn’t include $3.7 billion that original contractor Westinghouse paid to the owners to walk away from the project. That brings total spending to almost $35 billion.
The third and fourth reactors were originally supposed to cost $14 billion, but are now on track to cost their owners $31 billion. That doesn’t include $3.7 billion that original contractor Westinghouse paid to the owners to walk away from the project. That brings total spending to almost $35 billion.
The third reactor was supposed to start generating power in 2016 when construction began in 2009.
Vogtle is important because government officials and some utilities are again looking to nuclear power to alleviate climate change by generating electricity without burning natural gas, coal and oil.
“This project shows just how new nuclear can and will play a critical role in achieving a clean energy future for the United States,” Southern Co. CEO Chris Womack said in a statement. “Bringing this unit safely into service is a credit to the hard work and dedication of our teams at Southern Company and the thousands of additional workers who have helped build that future at this site.”
In Georgia, almost every electric customer will pay for Vogtle. Georgia Power currently owns 45.7% of the reactors. Smaller shares are owned by Oglethorpe Power Corp., which provides electricity to member-owned cooperatives, the Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia and the city of Dalton. Oglethorpe and MEAG plan to sell power to cooperatives and municipal utilities across Georgia, as well in Jacksonville, Florida, and parts of Alabama and the Florida Panhandle.
Georgia Power’s 2.7 million customers are already paying part of the financing cost and elected public service commissioners have approved a monthly rate increase of $3.78 a month for residential customers as soon as the third unit begins generating power. That could hit bills in August, two months after residential customers saw a $16-a-month increase to pay for higher fuel costs.
Commissioners will decide later who pays for the remainder of the costs of Vogtle, including the fourth reactor.
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rainbow-nerdss · 1 year
on that you can rely
Written for @augustwritingchallenge day 13: Behind the Mirror Stucky, 3.3k Read on AO3
It took months for Bucky to find a place, and when he did, it was a dump. The interior looked like it hadn't been decorated since the seventies, and as for the structural elements…
Well, it was intact. It was mostly mold-free. And best of all, he could afford it.
The owners were renovating the building, and they didn’t have the overhead to pay a decent contractor, so they gave him the apartment at a steep discount in exchange for his services.
It was shady as fuck, and definitely illegal, but it was a place to live.
He started with his own apartment, the plumbing needing the most work. Room by room, then unit by unit, Bucky started tearing out broken fixtures, repairing original features, and working with the plumbing and electrical teams whose qualifications Bucky didn’t ask to see.
There was a mirror over the blocked-up, broken old fireplace in his own unit, cracked and damaged by age. Bucky took it down from the wall and set it aside. If he could, he'd try to get it repaired, but there was no way he could keep it in its current condition. Under the mirror, the wall was old, exposed brick — original to the building, not even plastered over. 
When Bucky examined the bricks, he found one was loose. He wriggled it, grabbing the corners with his fingertips, and finally pulled it free. Bucky shone the light from his phone into the space, and saw a small bundle of paper wedged in behind.
He grinned. 
It was why he loved working in old buildings like this, finding little treasures — whether it was an old doorknob, painted over time and again which he could clean and reveal gleaming bronze or silver, or something like this, usually useless receipts and grocery lists lost under floorboards, a little glimpse into somebody's life from decades before.
He reached in and pulled out the papers, realizing as he did that this was something more. It wasn't a receipt, or some old lists. It was bound, a journal or sketchbook probably, and it was old.
Frayed, yellowed pages with a well-worn leather cover, tied shut with what looked like butcher's twine. 
Bucky sat on the floor and slowly, carefully, untied the knot holding it all together.
The book was full of sketches, drawings in pencil of people, places and things Bucky only half recognised, snapshots of someone's life drawn in stunning detail.
The front page, on the top right corner, bore a note:
To Steve, Happy birthday, my wonderful boy.  Love Mom July, 1935
1935. Wow.
Bucky pored over the pages, the delicate lines, how the artist captured the expressions in the faces of the people he drew.
Whoever Steve had been, he was talented. Each sketch was dated and signed with a cursive S, and Bucky could see he used this paper sparingly. Some sheets of cheaper paper held rougher sketches, and those were folded and pressed between pages, but they had mostly faded over the years.
The early pages held a lot of sketches of the same people, including a woman Bucky assumed must be Steve's mother, slim and straight-backed but always smiling. Alongside her, were a few Bucky thought must be self-portraits, though Steve never gave his own face the same level of detail as his mother's.
There were some children, some strangers —neighbors, maybe, or family Steve didn't see as much.
In late 1936, Steve stopped drawing for almost three months, and from that point on there were fewer and fewer pictures of his mother, growing fainter and less detailed each time.
More new people made their way to the page as Steve's talent grew—figure studies that might have been practiced for an art class, and other, more intimate sketches. 
Bucky's breath caught in his chest as he looked through them, as he fully comprehended what he had just uncovered.
Here in his hands were stunning, carefully rendered drawings of men in varying states of undress, one rolling a pair of stockings up his leg, a pair of women kissing, drag queens and queer couples and then snapshots, an eye here, a hand there, a pair of lips, each sketch full of desire, of love.
Steve, whoever he was, had devoted at least half of the pages in this book, this precious, scarce paper, to queerness in every form. 
This here, rescued from the brick of Bucky's apartment, was history.
The last sketch was a self-portrait—Bucky could tell, though Steve had only drawn himself from the jaw down. He recognised the curve of the spine, the freckles on Steve's arm, and the way he tended to use more hard lines when drawing himself than he did with others.
In this portrait, Steve was naked, save for what looked like a sheet draped over his lap. The focus was on his chest, a series of what Bucky thought might be love bites covering his skin. The small piece of his face which was visible looked to be smiling.
It was dated April of 1943.
Bucky couldn't help but wonder what had happened, why the book was never drawn in again. 
He pictured Steve, the morning after a night of pleasure, sitting in front of the mirror, drawing this. Had his partner still been there, or was he alone?
He pictured Steve receiving a letter — had he volunteered, or had he been drafted? Bucky pictured him standing here, in this apartment, in his uniform, ready to ship out with those bruises fading underneath. Bucky imagined Steve taking down the mirror and pulling out the loose brick. Was it a hiding place Steve used often? 
Bucky saw Steve replace the mirror, and walk away.
Had he known he'd never return to retrieve it? 
Had Steve made it back from the war at all, or had he simply never made it back here, to this apartment?
Bucky went online, searching the building's records for some record of someone called Steve, but they were poorly kept. The owner at the time either operated off the books, or the records had been lost in the intervening years.
Bucky didn't know if Steve had lived there the entire time, or if this was somewhere he'd been less than a week before shipping out.
With no sign of who Steve might have been — beyond a first name, a July birthday, and an enlistment date sometime after April of 1943— Bucky resigned himself to never learning more about the man. That didn't mean it wasn't important, though.
He began to share snippets of it on social media. He kept the address private, and only referred to Steve by that first initial he used to sign the drawings, just S. 
There was always a chance that Steve had made it back from the war, that he had lived a long and happy life, that he had even left this behind on purpose. Maybe he'd married a woman, had a family — maybe a grandchild of his might recognise the art style, connect these pictures with their grandfather.
Bucky didn't know if he was comfortable with that possibility, so he did what he could to protect Steve's privacy online.
All the same, Bucky kept up the search. He looked up census records for the years in the journal, and found no fewer than six Stevens, Stephens and Stefanos in the building in 1940. He immediately dismissed the two children under the age of ten, and the man in his late fifties. 
One of the remaining men had a wife and an infant daughter in 1940, and Bucky wanted to rule him out, too. 
Of the remaining two, Stefano Rossi had marked himself as a dock laborer, and Bucky might have been wrong, but Steve didn't strike him as the type.
Steve also didn't seem the type to be a soldier, though.
The final name on the list, though, there was something about it that drew Bucky towards it, made him dismiss the other options. It almost seemed… familiar.
Steven Grant Rogers.
Steve Rogers.
A common enough name, sure, but Bucky's search results were impaired by the name being shared by Captain America, forcing him to dig through search results for anything on his Steve — past articles about the battle of New York and terrible B movies and comic books and trading card eBay listings.
Until one day, Bucky gave up, and clicked on one of those articles about Captain America out of sheer boredom.
There was a photograph, a rare one, of Cap before he became Cap. Of Steve Rogers, the day he joined the army, an enlistment photograph of him standing in front of a plain white wall. He was all sharp angles, pale skin, freckles on his arm, and… the last lingering trace of bruising down his chest.
It was him.
It was Steve.
Steve, most likely less than a week after that final portrait. 
The portrait Bucky had scanned and uploaded the night before.
Steve, who was queer, or at the very least immersed in queer culture.
Steve, who lost his mother in 1936.
Steve, who enlisted despite being turned away again and again.
Steve, who was very much alive, and very much well known.
Bucky deleted his account. He wasn't an expert, but he did what he could to scrape the pictures from the internet. The account had gained popularity, though, and his sudden disappearance caused a stir.
First it was one article. Then another. People had screenshots of his posts, and those were included in the articles.
Bucky tried making a post on a new account, asking people to stop, making up some story about the family of S reaching out, asking for the pictures to be taken down.
People accused him of faking the whole thing. Others claimed the new account was the fake one, while others still were up in arms that the "family" would dare ask for control over their grandfather's private information.
Bucky was putting the finishing touches on the apartment and trying to forget the internet existed when there was a knock on his door. 
He figured it must be the landlord, or one of the few tenants who had been able to return to the building, asking about repairs or progress on his work.
It wasn't.
It was him. Steve.
“Are you Bucky?” he asked. All Bucky could do was nod.
"Can I… would it be alright if I came in?"
Bucky stepped aside, speechless, letting him in. 
Bucky may have worked with his hands, but he’d always enjoyed history. The small things, though. Personal letters, everyday people and things. Wars had never been an area he was interested in reading about — he’d had enough war to last a lifetime, thanks. After putting the pieces together, though, he’d started looking further into the story of Captain America — during the war, and since he’d come back.
It was difficult to reconcile the image of Steve he’d built up in his head since finding the book with the figure in the history books, but here, seeing him walk in the door, look around at the place he’d once called home, Bucky could see it. He could see the artist he’d gotten to know through sketches, the man who had sat in this room, drawing his mother, drawing his friends, his lovers, himself.
Though he was taller, broader, and more muscular than the man in those drawings, though he was dressed in modern clothes, this man was, as far as Bucky could see, much more Steve than Captain America.
Neither of them spoke for almost a full minute.
“I— I should apologize,” Bucky said, breaking the silence and finding his tongue at last. Steve tore his eyes from the bare wall in front of him to look at Bucky.
Bucky crossed the room to pull the book out of the cabinet he kept it in, and Steve’s eyes zeroed onto it. 
“If I’d known it was yours,” Bucky began. “Or even that it was by anyone still alive, still out there — I shouldn’t have posted them.”
Steve had tears in his eyes as he took the book from Bucky’s hand, running his fingers over the cover reverently.
“It’s… I’m glad you posted it.”
Bucky frowned. Steve was still staring at the book, so Bucky offered him a seat and a drink. “Water’s fine, if that’s… if that’s alright.”
Bucky fetched the water, then sat next to Steve on the couch. The place was a mess — renovations just finishing, furniture all either tossed or dirty, waiting to be repaired or replaced, but Steve didn’t seem to mind or even notice.
Steve sipped his water and then set it aside to open the book up. His eyes landed on the inscription, and Bucky saw one of the tears in his eyes fall. Neither of them acknowledged it. 
“If you hadn’t posted the drawings, I’d never have known this was still out there.You didn’t share anything people could use to trace it back to me, but even if you had… Thank you.”
Bucky didn’t know what to do with that, so he just watched, as Steve slowly turned the pages of the book. 
“She was a nurse,” Steve said, pausing on a portrait of the woman Bucky had assumed to be his mother. The words felt rehearsed, like Steve had said them hundreds of times already, until they lost meaning. “Worked on a TB ward. Got hit, couldn’t shake it.”
“Shit, that’s… I’m sorry, man.”
Steve turned the page, and he smiled at the image. “I remember this day.” It was another portrait of her. Steve spoke about it, about the day out they took together, how he’d taken the book along and drawn her sitting on the grass where they ate a picnic lunch. 
“Tell me about the rest?” Bucky asked. “If… If you want to.”
Steve sniffed. “I haven’t spoken about these people in so long,” he admitted.
He flicks through the pages, telling Bucky about the people held within these pages. His mom, his neighbors and friends, and the others. As he spoke, the carefully controlled speech pattern slipped, replaced with a looser Brooklyn accent.
“I started going after Ma died. This little bar, hidden away. I only found it because I’d been walking along and I heard —” Steve snorted. “Well, I thought it was a fight, some poor guy getting beaten up.”
“It wasn’t?” 
Steve shook his head. “Nope. They looked scared when I walked in, but I guess they musta seen somethin’ in my face, because next thing I knew, I was downstairs, and all these people around me, they were… They were like me, you know?”
Bucky remembered his first time in a gay bar, the sense of belonging he’d felt, nineteen years old with a fake ID. He imagined that feeling, multiplied by about a  hundred for Steve.
Steve continued through, telling Bucky story after story from the club, the people he’d known there. 
“Did you ever—” Bucky started to ask, then stopped himself, thinking it was probably too personal a question. 
Steve shrugged. “Nobody special. One or two I thought, maybe, but…” He shrugged. Turned the page. “That’s Bill. Got called up in ‘41. Johnny signed up right after, followed him out.”
One by one, Steve told Bucky about the people he lost, the ones who went off to fight and never came home, the ones who came home but didn’t live long enough for Steve to see again.. 
“And you?” Bucky asked. Steve turned to the last page. 
“This one… My buddy, he was… well. Maybe, if the war hadn’t happened, we could've made something of it. I… I could’ve loved him. This was the night before he shipped out, we just wanted… something. Something to remember, out there. It was a good night. Next day, I stashed the book behind the mirror, went out, and I met Erskine.”
“And here we are,” Bucky finished for him. 
“Here we are.”
Steve closed the book, held it up, and pressed his lips to the cover, eyes squeezed shut. 
"I looked him up, after they showed me the internet."
Bucky didn't ask, afraid of the answer. Steve's face said it all, though —whatever happened to Steve's friend, it wasn't good. Bucky saw the shadows in his eyes, and decided to change the subject slightly, to pull him out of that space.
"I grew up in a shitty little town in Indiana," he said. "It was… rough, honestly. The kids liked to throw around a lot of names, and I never really knew anyone else who was… well, I was going to say gay, but really I didn't know anyone queer growing up. My family is great, but it wasn't until I moved here for college that I found people I could really be myself with."
Steve put the book down on his lap and turned to listen to Bucky, resting his arm on the back of the couch. Bucky couldn't decide whether it was surprising how easy Steve Rogers was to talk to, to confide in.
"Although, looking back… there were these two women who lived in my neighborhood, they were both in their seventies, at least. Everyone called them sisters, but I never really saw a resemblance."
Slowly, Bucky saw Steve's expression turn lighter, almost a smile. "Well, I was reading up on local history, once, and I got my hands on a bunch of old yearbooks from the local high school."
"You've always been into history, then?" Steve asked.
"Personal histories. Social stuff. Things with real people, yeah."
"And the yearbook?"
"They were in one of them. Class of '46, I think?”
“Not much younger than me, then,” Steve said with a wry sort of smile. 
“I guess not,” Bucky agreed. “But there they were, both of them. Smiling on opposite pages.”
“Different surnames,” Steve deduced, and Bucky nodded.
“Yeah. I never asked them about it, of course, but you’re not the first person who I’ve looked up in census records. They were never sisters, they just let people go with whatever assumptions were made. Sisters, friends, whatever was easier. They lived together in that house since the 50’s. They had a life together. I can’t imagine how hard it must have been for them, but…”
“But they did it,” Steve finished. “Are they—”
“Julia passed about five years back, but Betty’s still there, in that same house.”
Steve was quiet for a while, thinking. “I know there's still a long way to go, but… It’s easier now, right?”
He looked at Bucky, and their eyes met with a new sort of intensity. Bucky could tell Steve was searching for something in his face, but he didn’t know what it could be. 
“Yeah, it’s easier now.” 
Steve was still looking at him, and Bucky couldn’t look away. He’d imagined Steve’s face so often based on his self portraits, beyond the lines of his jaw and the intensity of his gaze. That intensity was there, in the real thing, but it was all… more. Bucky didn’t know if it was the serum, or simply the difference between the drawing and reality. 
His eyes dropped to Steve’s lips, and those… Steve had never done his own mouth justice in his sketches, Bucky decided. Soft, pink, beautiful. Bucky swallowed, and Steve released a breath, like he’d found what he was looking for. 
He leaned forward, hand reaching out to rest just above Bucky’s waist. Bucky wondered, absently, when they’d come to sit so close together, but the thought was quickly replaced by far more urgent ones as Steve crossed that small distance, slowly, giving Bucky every chance to pull away. 
He didn’t pull away. He met Steve in the middle, until their lips brushed, just a shadow of a kiss, really. They paused there, in the almost-but-not-quite.
“My life is really fucking complicated,” Steve whispered against his lips. “If you don’t want that, I get it.”
Bucky answered by sliding his fingers into Steve’s hair, holding the back of his head, and kissing him.
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luckypuppyunknown · 1 year
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danvastcareers · 1 year
Regional Business Executive - ENGIE Energy Access - Arusha, Tanzania
Job Title: Regional Business Executive (2 positions)
Job Grade: 12
Location: Tanzania
Application Deadline: 1st May 2023
Position: Full-time
Team: Business
Reporting To: Zonal Business Manager
About ENGIE Energy Access
ENGIE Energy Access is one of the leading Pay-As-You-Go (PAYGo) and mini-grids solutions provider in Africa, with a mission to deliver affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy solutions and life-changing services with exceptional customer experience. The company is a result of the integration of Fenix International, ENGIE Mobisol and ENGIE PowerCorner; and develops innovative, off-grid solar solutions for homes, public services, and businesses, enabling customers and distribution partners access to clean, affordable energy. The PAYGo solar home systems are financed through affordable instalments from $0.19 per day and the minigrids foster economic development by enabling electrical productive use and triggering business opportunities for entrepreneurs in rural communities. With over 1,700 employees, operations in nine countries across Africa (Benin, Côte dIvoire, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia), almost 1.5 million customers and over 7 million lives impacted so far, ENGIE Energy Access aims to remain the leading clean energy company, serving millions of customers across Africa by 2025.
Job Purpose/Mission
This person will be responsible to lead and manage a team of Acquisition & Collection Agents, Installations Technician, Dual Contractors, and their customers responsible for the full customer cycle i.e., Acquisition, Collect, Recover, Maintain and Fulfil.
Business Management
Develop and implement the acquisition operational strategies within allocated Region, as well as align with the Region acquisition targets.
Organizing acquisition activities and functions in the field to achieve targets, revenues, and desired quality of acquisition.
On time and high-quality system installations at the customers premises or any other location as directed by ENGIE Mobisol.
Train Acquisition Agents, Dual Contractors, Collection Agent, Installation Technicians, Maintenance Technicians and in applicable policies, guidelines, processes, and procedures.
Organizing and facilitating regular team meetings according to guidelines provided by Zonal Business Manager standards.
Mentoring each Acquisition Agent, Installation Technician, Maintenance Technician, Dual Contractor to enhance operational performance, motivation, and engagement.
Training and coaching of Acquisition Agents on topics including pitching, acquisition conversation, negotiations, closing, and building of strong and long-lasting relationships with customers.
Stock Management and Coordination
Provide weekly, monthly, and quarterly shop inventory status reports to the Inventory and Logistics teams.
Conduct monthly, quarterly, and End-of-Year physical stock audits (stock-taking) for the shop and/or 3PDs.
Responsible and accountable for the stock (New, Repossessed, Returns, Spare parts, and Demos) in the shops and/or the 3PDs.
Responsible and accountable for stock losses in the shops and/or 3PDs and for the recovery of the stock losses.
Adhere to and abide by the Asset Management and HSE policies of ENGIE Energy Access Tanzania.
Managing Installation and Maintenance Technicians
Coordinate Installation Technicians and Maintenance technicians to ensures systems are installed and maintained.
Support recruitment of new Installation and maintenance technicians in the acquisition Region.
Prepare the monthly installation monitoring report for the Zonal Service Coordinator
Review Control monthly commission payments and payroll follow up on faulty installations and inform Finance Department about deductions.
Ensure repossessions are aligned and coordinated effectively and efficiently with focus to both customer and business profitability
Identify the need for and recruit new contractors with support from Service Network Team Leader
Responsible for disciplinary for installations and maintenance technicians
Portfolio Monitoring
Gathering benchmark data for assessment purpose and analysis of causes of portfolio deterioration.
Conduct initial assessment to establish the applicant's character to eliminate the risk of default.
Managing assigned portfolio by attending work-out categories that should be applied to customers in late repayment such as recovery, extension of grace period, rescheduling, or repossession.
Providing regular portfolio, compliance and routing report to the Supervisor as required
Ensure remedial action is taken when required to keep performance in line with business objectives.
Completing assigned tasks in line with applicable policies, guidelines, processes, and procedures.
Review and update credit and loan files.
Weekly planning and conducting field visits to undertake loan workout activities such as recovery, rescheduling or repossession and further find out why customers are not repaying and advise them on repayment options.
Handle customer complaints and take appropriate action to resolve them.
Follow up and solving all difficult cases that may involve missing customers, theft, forgery etc.
Informing and reporting to ZBM about weekly routing, field visits, and difficult customer cases which need either in-depth negotiation or legal measures.
Subordinates Effectiveness
Managing the daily work and activities of shop acquisition and collection agents.
Deal with complex scenarios that may occur at the shop such theft, fire, violence etc.
Participating in the recruitment of new acquisition and collection agents and training of new and agents.
Conduct periodic performance review of acquisition and collection agents.
Ensure Health, safety and environmental standards are adhered to, through Zonal Service Coordinators.
Undertaking any other duties which may be assigned by the Line Management from time to time.
Knowledge and skills
2+ years of relevant sales and operational management experience in a medium sized company
Previous experience in a managerial position is an added advantage.
Experience in Customer Relationship Management
Previous experience in Credit Management activities/roles
Degree and/or experience in Sales and marketing, Business Administration, Microfinance or its equivalent.
Kiswahili fluency (writing, speaking and reading)
English fluency (writing, speaking and reading)
Experience in using Microsoft applications, computer, and smartphone literate.
ENGIE is an equal opportunity employer, promoting diversity and committed to creating an inclusive environment for all. All applications are screened based on business needs, job requirements and individual qualifications, without any regard to origin, age, name, sexual identity, orientation or preference, religion, marital status, health, disability, political opinions, union involvement or citizenship. Our differences are our strengths!
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peakpowersolutions · 1 year
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Peak Power Solutions is a full-service electrical contractor, providing a wide range of electrical services to residential and commercial customers. Our team of skilled and experienced electricians can assist you with any electrical project, from basic repairs to complete system installations. We offer electrical troubleshooting, electrical installations, electrical repairs, panel upgrades, lighting installations, generator installations, and more. Our electricians are fully licensed and insured, and we use only the highest quality materials and equipment to ensure the safety and reliability of your electrical system. Whether you need routine maintenance, emergency repairs, or a new installation, we are committed to providing exceptional service and exceeding your expectations. At Peak Power Solutions, we take pride in our work and stand behind every project we complete, ensuring your complete satisfaction with our services.
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At Peak Power Solutions, we understand the importance of a comfortable and healthy indoor environment. Our team of HVAC experts is dedicated to providing high-quality heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) services to residential and commercial customers. We offer a wide range of HVAC services, including system installations, repairs, maintenance, and replacements. Our team of skilled technicians is knowledgeable in all aspects of HVAC systems and can help you choose the best system for your specific needs and budget. We use only the highest quality equipment and materials to ensure the safety, efficiency, and longevity of your HVAC system. With our 24/7 emergency services, you can count on us to keep your home or business comfortable and safe, no matter the time of day or night. At Peak Power Solutions, we are committed to providing exceptional HVAC services and ensuring your complete satisfaction with our work. Feel free to contact us at 0401 183 800.
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nycerny · 2 years
Architectural Design and Planning Services in NYC
As a full service design firm, architectural design and planning is a cornerstone of our service. Our people have the expertise to design and develop exterior, interior, and space planning, LEED design and existing design rehabilitation. Our architectural staff collaborates with the structural design team, HVAC contractors, and plumbing and electrical professionals to provide a complete solution to all of your architectural design and planning needs. Our goal is to work within your budget, deliver projects according to schedule, and optimize your design needs.
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majestictilesil · 2 years
Business Name: Majestic Tiles - European Porcelain Tiles, Bathroom Supply Store, Installation and Remodeling Services
Street Address: 466 Diens Dr
City: Wheeling
State: Illinois (IL)
Zip Code: 60090
Country: United States
Business Phone Number: (773) 987-5994
Business Email Address: [email protected]
Website: https://www.majestictiles.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MajesticTilesChicago
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/majestictiles/
Description: Majestic Tiles is only a high-quality tiles and bathroom accessories store, we are also full-service remodeling of kitchens, bathrooms, and basements. And of course we offer premier residential and commercial tile installation services.
Our team of experts will support your project to best suit your needs including free, accurate, detailed construction estimates throughout the process. We offer complete kitchen and bathroom remodeling services for any size project. We offer custom shower doors with installation, plumbing, and electrical work as well. Our reputation is built on providing reasonably priced tiles, and the newest designs. Our products are imported directly from Europe. Because of this, we are particularly aware of our responsibility to deliver the best possible product on the market!
Thanks to the fact that we have a team of highly qualified installation team, as well as our store with superior selection bathroom equipment, bathroom accessories, vanities, faucets & toilets, towel warmers, and most importantly largest selection highest-quality European porcelain tiles in Chicago North Shore And Surrounding Suburbs at unbeatable price! We can install our products even the most demanding projects and ventures.
Majestic Tiles – European Porcelain Tiles, Bathroom Supply Store, Installation and Remodeling Services.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=9442906642099091490
Business Hours: Sunday Closed Monday 10:00am-5:00pm Tuesday 10:00am-5:00pm Wednesday 10:00am-5:00pm Thursday 10:00am-5:00pm Friday 10:00am-5:00pm Saturday 10:00am-2:00pm
Payment Methods: Cash, Check, Debit Card, Credit Card, Visa, Master, Amex, Discover, PayPal, Cash App, Venmo
Full House Remodeling
Bathroom Renovation / Remodeling
Kitchen Remodeling
Basement Finishing
Highest-quality European porcelain tiles store Chicago
Large Format Tiles Sale Chicago
Bathroom equipment Sale
Bathroom accessories Sale
Vanities Sale
Faucets & Toilets
Towel Warmers Sale
Heated Floor Sale
Outdoor Patio Paver Sale
Pool Paver Sale
Keywords: best remodeling contractor near me, bathroom remodeling near me, kitchen remodeling near me, full house remodeling near me, bathroom renovation near me, full house remodeling Northbrook, home remodelers Northbrook Il, bathroom remodeling Northbrook Il, home remodeling Northbrook Il, kitchen remodeling Northbrook, local remodeling contractor
Service Areas:
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poweredbydaylightfl · 2 years
Business Name: Everything Solar
Street Address: 5424 Edgewater Dr
City: Orlando
State: Florida
Zip Code: 32810
Country: USA
Business Phone Number: (407) 545-3590
Business Email Address: [email protected]
Website: https://poweredbydaylight.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EverythingSolar
Description: Everything Solar are a full service Solar company designing, servicing and installing solar systems of every type and model for over 20 years. We are licensed solar contractors in the state of Florida.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=18336206284506190544
Business Hours: Sunday Closed Monday 8:30am–4:30pm Tuesday 8:30am–4:30pm Wednesday 8:30am–4:30pm Thursday 8:30am–4:30pm Friday 8:30am–4:30pm Saturday Closed
Services: Solar Electric, Solar Pool Heating, Solar Hot Water, Solar Attic Fans
Keywords: solar contractor Orlando, solar installer Orlando, solar contractors near me, solar installation Florida, solar installers in Florida, commercial solar, commercial solar installation, commercial solar panel installation
Payment Methods: Cash, Cheque, Debit card, credit card
Business/Company Establishment Year: 1999
Business Slogan: Everything Solar Powered by Daylight
Number of Employees: 1-10
Yearly Revenue: 100,000-500,000 USD
Owner Name: Brad
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Service Areas:
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georgetownelectric · 7 months
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Georgetown Electric
Trusted Electrical Services in Georgetown and the surrounding areas At Georgetown Electric, we take immense pride in providing trusted electrical services. Our prompt and punctual service, indicative of our company’s reliability, reflects the high standards of workmanship we uphold. We value and respect your time and schedule, ensuring a seamless experience with every electrical solution we deliver.
Address: 1 Halton Hills Dr, Georgetown, ON L7G 5G2, Canada Phone: 905-703-4123 Website: https://georgetownelectric.ca
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elexsolutions · 2 days
Expert Electrical Contractor in San Rafael, CA | Elex Solutions
Elex Solutions specializes in delivering top-quality electrical services for residential and commercial projects. From intricate electrical solutions to routine installations, our experienced team ensures your electrical systems run efficiently and safely. As a leading electrical contractor San Rafael CA, we handle all types of electrical projects with professionalism and precision. Whether you need wiring upgrades or full-scale electrical installations, we’ve got you covered. Trust Elex Solutions for reliable, high-quality electrical services that meet your specific needs. Contact us today for a consultation and let us power your next project!
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larryselectric · 2 days
Kirkland Electrician | Kirkland Washington Electrical Contractor
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Larry's Electric provides professional residential and commercial electrician services and electrical contracting services in Kirkland, Bellevue and the Eastside.
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Our experienced journeyman electricians provide expert residential and commercial electrician services throughout King County, including Kirkland, WA.
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Larry's Electric provides residential and commercial electrician services in Kirkland, Washington, including 24/7 Emergency Electrical Services.
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naturecoaster · 4 days
WREC Urges Members to Prepare for Tropical Storm Helene
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As Tropical Storm Helene moves northward, it’s anticipated to strengthen into a potentially dangerous hurricane before making landfall in the Big Bend area of Florida. Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative (WREC) is urging all Members to take immediate steps to ensure their safety and preparedness. The storm is expected to bring strong winds, heavy rains, and significant coastal flooding, with a 10-15ft storm surge along our coastal areas throughout the day on Thursday. It is crucial to stay informed by monitoring weather updates and following instructions from local emergency management officials. Please adhere to evacuation orders if issued to ensure your safety. WREC’s personnel, along with in-house contractors, prepare for these events year-round and are fully ready to respond to the storm. We are coordinating with state and local government agencies, as well as first responders, to maintain power and ensure public safety. WREC has brought in additional support from out-of-state crews and mutual aid partners who are staged locally and ready to assist if needed. WREC Urges Members to Prepare for Tropical Storm Helene WREC urges all Members to stay at least 50 feet away from downed power lines and to report any hazardous situations to authorities and your local WREC office. The well-being of our community is our top priority, and we want to provide you with essential information to help you stay safe. We understand the importance of timely and accurate information. WREC is providing regular updates through our social media platforms and wrec.net. Please remember, that the most effective and efficient way for Members to report an outage is on the SmartHub app. Please stay safe and rest assured that WREC is ready to respond. About Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative, Inc. (WREC) Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative, Inc. is a not-for-profit electric cooperative serving over 260,000 homes and businesses in Pasco, Hernando, Citrus, Polk, and Sumter counties since 1947. WREC is dedicated to providing reliable and affordable electric services to its members while actively contributing to the communities it serves. Read the full article
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Brisbane's Leading Concrete Cutting & Drilling Specialists - Get A Free Quote
When it comes to precision, reliability, and expertise in concrete cutting and drilling, Hibbo's Concrete Cutting stands out as Brisbane’s premier choice. Whether you're tackling a large-scale construction project or a smaller residential task, our expert team is equipped to handle all your Brisbane concrete cutting drilling needs with efficiency and professionalism.
Comprehensive Brisbane Concrete Cutting Drilling Services
At Hibbo's Concrete Cutting, we provide a full range of concrete cutting and drilling services tailored to suit your specific project requirements. From creating precise openings in concrete walls to core drilling for plumbing, electrical, and HVAC installations, we ensure clean, accurate cuts every time.
Our services include:
Wall sawing: Perfect for cutting through vertical concrete structures.
Core drilling: Ideal for creating precise circular holes for plumbing and electrical conduits.
Floor sawing: Accurate cutting of concrete floors, pavements, and slabs.
Concrete removal: Professional and efficient concrete demolition and removal.
Whether you're a contractor working on a commercial project or a homeowner needing a simple cut, Hibbo's Concrete Cutting offers the best solutions in Brisbane concrete cutting drilling.
Why Choose Hibbo’s Concrete Cutting?
Expertise and Precision
At Hibbo's Concrete Cutting, our skilled operators are trained to work with precision and care, ensuring that every cut is made with minimal disruption and maximum accuracy. Having worked in the Brisbane concrete cutting drilling sector for many years, we have a solid reputation for producing excellent work.
Advanced Technology and Equipment
We use state-of-the-art cutting and drilling equipment, ensuring that every project is completed efficiently and safely. Our tools allow us to perform even the most complex cuts with ease, ensuring clean lines and accurate measurements.
Commitment to Safety
Safety is always our top priority. Our team adheres to strict safety protocols on every job site, ensuring that all tasks are carried out safely while maintaining the highest standards of workmanship.
Affordable Pricing
Our philosophy is to offer outstanding services at reasonable costs. At Hibbo's Concrete Cutting, we offer cost-effective solutions that don’t compromise on quality, giving you the best value for your money.
Get Your Free Quote Today!
If you need trusted Brisbane concrete cutting drilling services, go no farther than Hibbo's Concrete Cutting. We offer free, no-obligation quotes for all our services, helping you plan your project with confidence. Contact us today and let our team provide expert advice and quality solutions tailored to your specific needs.
Contact Hibbo’s Concrete Cutting
To get your free quote or learn more about our services, call us at 0447 383 323 or visit our website. Whether it's a small residential job or a large commercial project, we’re ready to assist you every step of the way. Trust Hibbo's Concrete Cutting to deliver exceptional results for all your concrete cutting and drilling needs in Brisbane!
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knebelblacktown · 5 days
How to Lower Your Kitchen Renovation Cost
A quality kitchen renovation is a long-term investment. The materials you choose can greatly affect the cost. For example, quartz countertops and natural stone backsplashes are more costly than laminate or cheap wood countertops.
Experts recommend setting aside a 10% contingency fund to cover unexpected expenses that could pop up during demolition or construction. This includes unforeseen repairs, material costs that go over budget and code updates.
Cabinets are a major expense for kitchen renovation cost. Ornate crown molding and pilasters can drive up costs while simple, clean woodwork is more budget-friendly.
A moderate remodel typically includes replacing countertops, flooring, appliances and cabinets. It may also include updating lighting and walls.
Replacing cabinets increases storage space for cookware and knick-knacks. It can also bring a kitchen up to current safety codes like GFCI outlets.
Whether you’re looking to replace countertops or add a new island, the materials chosen will impact your costs. Marble is a popular choice but it’s also costly, costing up to $100 per square foot, HomeAdvisor reports.
For a budget-friendly alternative, consider soapstone. This natural material is bacteria-resistant and can be stained with food-safe green, yellow, red, or brown to suit your décor preferences. You can also opt for laminate countertops, known as Formica, which is available in a range of colors.
The kitchen appliances that you choose have a major impact on the total cost of your renovation. Investing in smart or energy-efficient models is pricier upfront, but they save you money on utility bills in the long run.
For a budget-friendly option, paint offers the ability to transform a room's aesthetic without changing the structure of the space. Whether it's on cabinet doors, the kitchen island, or the walls and ceiling, this budget-friendly upgrade is the best way to make a big visual impact.
Few features in the kitchen combine both form and function as effectively as flooring. Solid wood floors run from $5 to $10 per square foot, while engineered wood flooring costs an average of $4 to $9.
For homeowners on a budget, remodeling can often be accomplished by installing new floors in the kitchen only and painting walls to make a fresh start. For a more comprehensive overhaul, many homeowners turn to design-build firms that offer both build and design services.
If you want a quick and inexpensive kitchen upgrade, try installing under-cabinet lights. The cost includes the fixtures themselves and minimal installation costs.
A full remodel alters the overall footprint of your kitchen, including opening walls to move plumbing and upgrading electrical systems. A kitchen remodel requires a licensed general contractor and may require demolition of load-bearing walls.
A fresh coat of paint helps tie your new kitchen together. Repainting a 150- to 250square-foot kitchen costs about $900.
The plumbing costs are a substantial part of kitchen remodeling. Rerouting pipes can be complex and costly, and requires careful attention to ensure water lines are leak-proof and meet local codes.
Upgraded pipes can help reduce energy costs and improve water efficiency. But you should choose carefully and splurge strategically, to avoid overspending. A professional plumber will guide you through your options. They can also advise you on reducing your remodel costs by avoiding common pitfalls and making smart design choices.
Many kitchen remodels require electrical and plumbing work. This could include installing new outlets, moving or changing existing piping and upgrading appliances to smart or energy-efficient models.
A full kitchen renovation involves bidding adieu to outdated fixtures and finishes and introducing a whole new design paradigm. This type of remodel is more extensive and typically requires the services of a general contractor who can handle project management, permitting, and demolition.
Cabinet Hardware
Choosing the right cabinet hardware can elevate the overall design of a kitchen makeovers in sydney. Depending on style, size, and material, homeowners can expect to pay anywhere from $5 to $30 per piece of hardware.
For a more affordable choice, consider sticking with a single knob or pull size. This will help keep the cost down while still allowing homeowners to play around with different finishes and styles. Alternatively, shopping around for the best deals and discounts on hardware may also help reduce costs.
Reimagining your kitchen with a fresh coat of paint and a few new fixtures can help breathe life into an outdated room. This approach is less complex than a full renovation and offers more cost flexibility.
Be sure you know the difference between remodel, renovation and expansion before talking to a pro. Understanding these terms helps ensure that you and your contractor are on the same page regarding what can be achieved within your budget.
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