boochubsgeeks · 6 months
My Vow To My Liege
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During the Spring and Autumn Period (approximately between 771 - 476BC), wars were endless as the Liege of a certain nation struggled for hegemony. The Kingdom of Ng emerged victorious over their old enemy, the Kingdom of Yue. However, the victory came at a great cost as King HéLǘ of Ng sustained fatal injuries. He passed the throne to the new king, a girl named 'FuChai'.
She is forced to live a lie to fulfil the secret and long-standing wish of her ancestors, breaking their sacred vow with the Dragon God. A reprieve suddenly appears amid countless bloody battles to seal the Dragon God. Amid the chaos, who will sacrifice their life loyally and who will plot a scheme of betrayal? Will they choose the man over the country? Love over hate? Who will they ultimately end up with?
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Chen Feng was orphaned on a battlefield and taken in by HéLǘ to be FuChai's playmate. He studied under Mr Sun Wu to become FuChai's most loyal and dependable bodyguard. He is a calm and unapproachable man who speaks very little.
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Shi YiGuang is a citizen of Ng and the upcoming leader of the Shi Clan, which is the most magically powerful clan in the Kingdom of Ng and Yue. He is also nicknamed XiShi. As a child, he played with FuChai. He escaped secretly to ZhuLuo Village in the Kingdom of Yue to avoid being sacrificed at the Sword Pond. XiShi has exceptional medical skills and is known for his gentle and kind nature.
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GouJian, the king of Yue, surrendered himself to Ng after losing the war and became a slave guarding HéLǘ's mausoleum. Despite his pride and arrogance, he suffered terrible humiliation as a slave. Despite his pride and arrogance, he suffered terrible humiliation as a slave, which only fueled his determination to take revenge on Ng by exterminating the whole country. However, he inadvertently becomes friends with FuChai.
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Wu ZiXu hailed from the Kingdom of Chu. As a young boy, the King of Chu executed his family and clansmen, causing his hair to turn white overnight. He was brought up by HéLǘ and his sole purpose in life is to assist FuChai in breaking the sacred vow with the Dragon God. Wu ZiXu is a highly cautious yet dependable individual.
NOTE: As the developer has only allowed streaming/walkthrough for the prologue and first 10 chapters, I will respect their decision. I will not post any CGs, and the following is the walkthrough/story for the prologue and first 10 chapters.
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slyfire · 2 years
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shi yiguang & fuchai/ji tengyu purple icons~
pure self indulgence, but i just love them so much 😌. one of my favourite otome ships!
went with purple since it's legally the best colour (and purple is the main colour in their kiss cg, soooo yeah.)
feel free to use these icons without credit.
all artwork/renders used are from official sources.
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wildflowercleaver · 1 year
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In an era of mythical tales, ceaseless wars ravage the land. The fate of a great kingdom teeters on the delicate shoulders of a young and resilient girl named Princess TengYu. Bound by the wish of her family and ancestors, she bears the weighty responsibility of shattering the sacred pact with the mighty Dragon God. Yet, to achieve this goal and safeguard the recently established fragile peace that graces the realm, she must don a cloak of deception. Concealing her true identity, she assumes the mantle of her murdered brother, FuChai, ruling the kingdom of Ng with unwavering grace and wisdom in his stead.
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moehistory · 1 year
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The leader of the syndicate,"The Moon". Fuchai once lost to Goujian's organization, "Five Fingers", resulting in her closest friends leaving the group. Unable to forget the incident, Fuchai planned for vengeance while sleeping uncomfortably in the ruined warehouse of her organization. She eventually defeated "Five Fingers" and disbanded Goujian's organization.
Fuchai of Wu
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reinaka42 · 6 months
忘川风华录 Cheat Sheet - PRE-QIN
Character list for the music project/game Wang Chuan Feng Hua Lu
Created solely for my own convenience
All images etc taken from the game's official website
Info taken from Wikipedia
Mao-mao not included, sowwy
姜太公 | Jiang Taigong | Khương Thái Công
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1128 BC - 1015 BC
Also known as Jiang Ziya / Taigong Wang / Lǚ Wang
General, strategist to King Wu of Zhou, helped establish the Zhou Dynasty
Song: Gui Diao Yin
Also appears in: Kuang Gu Hui Xiang
In-game rarity: 天
屈原 | Qu Yuan | Khuất Nguyên
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c. 340 BC – c. 278 BC
Poet, author of Li Sao, one of the first verse writers in ancient China
Theme song: N/A
Also appears in: Kuang Gu Hui Xiang
In-game rarity: 天
韩非 | Han Fei | Hàn Phi
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c.  280 BC – c. 233 BC
Philosopher of the Legalist school, author of Han Feizi
Song: Shi Fei
Also appears in: Kuang Gu Hui Xiang
In-game rarity: 天
西施 | Xi Shi | Tây Thi
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One of ancient China's Four Beauties
Given to Fuchai which allegedly led to the fall of the State of Wu
Song: Qing Guo
In-game rarity: 天
��蠡 | Fan Li | Phạm Lãi
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Strategist of Yue (Warring States)
(According to legends) discovered Xi Shi and later lived with her after the fall of Wu
Song: N/A
In-game rarity: 地
荆轲 | Jing Ke | Kinh Kha
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Died 227 BC
Retainer of Yan (Warring States)
Attempted to assassinate Qin Shi Huang
Song: Yi Shui Jue
Also appears in: Kuang Gu Hui Xiang
In-game rarity: 地
高渐离 | Gao Jianli | Cao Tiệm Ly
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Musician of Yan (Warring States), friend of Jing Ke
Also attempted to assassinate Qin Shi Huang
Song: Yi Shui Jue
Also appears in: Kuang Gu Hui Xiang
In-game rarity: 地
干将 | Gan Jiang | Can Tương
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Part of a swordsmith couple during the Spring and Autumn period
Forged a pair of swords that also bore their names
Song: Wei Jian
Also appears in: Kuang Gu Hui Xiang
In-game rarity: 地
夫差 | Fuchai | Phù Sai
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Reigned 495 BC – 473 BC
Last king of Wu (Spring and Autumn period)
Responsible for capturing and releasing Goujian, leading to the fall of his state
Song: Wen Jian Chun Qiu
Also appears in: Kuang Gu Hui Xiang
In-game rarity: 天
勾践 | Goujian | Câu Tiễn
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Reigned 496 BC – 465 BC
King of Wu (Spring and Autumn period)
Exacted revenge on and defeated Wu
Song: Wen Jian Chun Qiu
Also appears in: Kuang Gu Hui Xiang
In-game rarity: 天
伍子胥 | Wu Zixu | Ngũ Tử Tư
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Died 484 BC
General and politician of Wu (Spring and Autumn period)
First served King Helü of Wu, was not entrusted by King Fuchai
Song: N/A
Also appears in: Wen Jian Chun Qiu
In-game rarity: 地
白起 | Bai Qi | Bạch Khởi
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c. 332 BC –c. 257 BC
Military general of Qin (Warring States), whose victory paved way for the establishment of the Qin Dynasty
Extremely high kill count
Song: Qi Zhan Ling
Also appears in: Kuang Gu Hui Xiang
In-game rarity: 天
墨翟 | Mo Di | Mặc Địch
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c. 470 BCE – c. 391 BCE
Also known as Mozi
Philosopher, founder of Mohism
Talented in carpentry
Song: Mo Yin Xia Sheng
In-game rarity: 天
公输班 | Gongshu Ban | Công Du Ban
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c. 507 BCE – 444 BCE
Also known as Lu Ban
Carpenter, engineer, inventor of several things including the saw
Song: N/A
Also appears in: Mo Yin Xia Sheng
In-game rarity: 天
庄周 | Zhuang Zhou | Trang Chu
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c. 369 BCE - c. 286 BCE
Also known as Zhuangzi / Chuang Tzu
Philosopher, author of Zhuangzi, established the foundation of Taoism
Song: N/A
In-game rarity: 天
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General- Fan Li; (Hanrei:范蠡) =Genius of the world (Essay)
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Hanrei(范蠡/ copyright:kodansha)
Ancient China’s epiode, ancient China refers to the period from the Spring and Autumn Warring States period(春秋戦国時代) to the Tang period(唐時代). What is particularly interesting in the history of the Chinese war is neither the battle of Han Chu(漢楚の争い) (Xiang Yu VS Liu Kun:項羽VS劉邦) nor the Three Kingdoms(三国志) (Cao Cao VS Zhuge Liang:曹操V諸葛孔明). It is the Wu-Yue battle(呉越の争い) that was fought between the 6th and 5th centuries BC. Wu(呉) and Yue(越) were underdeveloped nations of China at that time, but the winners of these two nations, Yue, will chanting over chuugen (dominating China:中原の支配). The King of Wu was Fuchai(夫差), and the King of Yue was Goujian(勾践), both of whom were mediocre kings with weak wills. It was Wu: Wu Zixu(伍子胥) and Yue: Hanrei(范蠡) who made the two people excited.
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Rei: bark beetle (etymology)
 Wu Zixu was originally a Chu(楚) person, but he went into exile in Wu with a grudge against Chu King's outrage. He had an audience with Yue Wang to relieve his resentment (not yet in Goujian's place). Yue-Oh: "Can I lend a soldier for my grudge?" It was Hanrei who set out a boat for Wu Zixu who tried to commit suicide on the spot. Wu Zixu borrows Yue's soldiers. Yue Wang: "Look, you've been scratched soldiers meaninglessly." Hanrei: "What if we could buy 10 years of peace with this? It's cheap. While Wu was fighting, those kid boys I will be a peaceful soldier. ”Yue Wang:“ Hanrei, the man you are ... ”After that, when the situation became unfavorable to Yue, this“ lent soldier ”was used as a material to turn the situation over.
In addition, there were Confucius(孔子) and Sun Tzu(孫子) as Hanrei's contemporaries. Sun Tzu was a staff officer of Wu, but Hanrei understands his military art and deceives him to win. In addition, He decided the final battle with Wu in the words of the messenger of Confucius. And after making full use of all the tricks and winning brilliantly, he shook off Goujian 's detention and changed his name twice and became a millionaire. Hanrei can be said to be a genius of the world. Even from my point of view, it is an attractive character. In addition, Wu Zixu has a tragic end. Wu Zixu, who was given death by Fuchai, had suicided. "Hang my eyes on the gate. Watch Wu be destroyed by Yue." That's actually the case ... Hanrei was renamed "shiishihi:鴟夷子皮" for the first time, after Wu Zixu 's body was put in the skin(shiishihi) and thrown into the Changjiang River. I think it was a serious lesson. He finally calls himself Toshukou(陶朱公).
** I had a hard time because there were many kanji that were difficult to be converted between Japanese and Chinese.
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pipperoni32-blog · 3 months
A Song to Drown Rivers
by Ann Liang / 5 stars
**expected release date October 1, 2024**
I finished this one after a sleepless night, when pain kept me awake. What a fitting companion, one that did not contribute to rest once it was finished. I've sat with this book in my thoughts for the day, and I'm still at a loss for what to say. This one broke me, and I have a feeling it's going to haunt me for awhile.
I wished to weep, but my own tears felt insubstantial, a broken gesture. The feeling swelling within me like churning waves was greater, heavier, absolute.
This line resonated with me, a driving force as I read on.
Normally, love triumphs. There are clear heroes, we get to root for them and applaud when they save the day. We hope, and the tide swells and everything is right, as it should be, in the end.
What happens when it doesn't?
In the kingdom of Yue, they've been oppressed and broken by the Wu invaders. They've had no choice but to surrender, and the Wu monsters continue to bully any they find in their path. Two girls are chosen for their beauty, to become gifts to the Wu king. To lie in wait, to spy and plot, to be the key to the Wu downfall and the vengeance of the Yue.
Xishi is to become Fuchai's concubine. Zhengdan her palace lady. Before they are taken to Fuchai, they go to the Riverside Cottage, where Yue Minister Fangli trains them. Zhengdan is a blade and has studied with swords in secret. Now, she's given the chance to learn more. Meanwhile, Xishi learns the art of ensnaring men. Of hiding her feelings, crafting a mask so she shows only what she needs to.
Xishi's attraction to Fangli was strong after he saved her from a Wu warrior at the river in her home village. Before he knew who she was, that small connection formed. Now, they must ignore the call that is drawing them to one another, and instead Xishi will be sent to Fuchai. Her mission is to captivate him, to entice and bind him until he craves her. Until she can trick him into building a way into the Wu kingdom for the Yue invaders.
Xishi is driven by her own need for revenge. Her sister was killed in front of her, and she's never made peace with the missing space her sister used to fill. To get revenge for Zhengdan, whose father was killed in battle. To all those who have fallen, the king who's been humiliated, for Fangli, who suffered at Fuchai's hands. She must be committed, to never forget as she lives in the luxury of the enemy. As the months turn to years, as Fuchai's love and obsession for her grows.
Who are the winners in the games of kings?
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bookishthings30 · 7 months
Book Review: A Song To Drown Rivers by Ann Liang
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My Rating: 5 Stars
First, I would like to thank NetGalley, Ann Liang, and St. Martin Press for the Arc.
Here is my honest Review:
A Song to Drown Rivers is an absolute masterpiece. Both the world and the characters are captivating, charismatic, and breathtaking. Let me tell you, I was an emotional wreck after reading this book. (In a good way) It took me through a roller coaster of emotion, and I was here for it.
Xishi starts off being recruited by Fanli from her village to save the nation. In addition to teaching her espionage techniques, Fanli trains her on-court protocols. She fears that her mission to save the kingdom might be derailed by her feelings for Fanli in the beginning was a mentoring relationship. Soon both sides are falling in love, and it gets more beautiful and a bit sadder as it goes on. The romance between both Fanli and Xishi was absolutely beautiful. I love it when an author can give me pure romance without having to add spicy scenes and Ann Liang achieved this.
When it was time for Xishi to go into the enemy’s court, Liang's skill at writing complex and moving characters shone brightly. There were many moments between Xishi and King Fuchai where I felt sympathy for him even though I shouldn’t. Liang's writing was compelling, especially in these moments with Fuchai.
In "A Song to Drown Rivers", you're captivated by whispers of intrigue amid forbidden desire as the fate of nations hangs in the balance. I will be recommending this book to all of my friends because I believe that everyone should experience this book.
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mosiixx · 1 year
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philophi9999 · 2 years
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wildflowercleaver · 1 year
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This time, and this time only, will I admit to myself how ardently I love this person in front of me - that my heart will beat for him always.
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moehistory · 1 year
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Goujian, the former leader of the syndicate "Five Fingers", was defeated by Fuchai's organization "The Moon". The defeated Five Fingers was disbanded ever since. Goujian now bites down on the sourest of the lemons every day, refreshing her will for revenge.
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reinaka42 · 9 months
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All mao-maos from the game (pt 1) - PRE-QIN and QIN
Jiang Taigong - Qu Yuan - Han Fei Xi Shi - Fuchai - Goujian Bai Qi - Ying Zheng - Li Si
[1] [2] [3] [4]
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alias-sqbr · 3 years
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Transcript below:
Panel 1:
ShaoJiang has pinned a FuChai, who is in blood-streaked armour, to the ground.
FuChai: ShaoJiang...?
ShaoJiang: You convinced me to live, and now you're going to die? No! I won't allow it!
Panel 2:
Fuchai sadly puts her hand to ShaoJiang's cheek.
FuChai: I understand how you must feel, but...
ShaoJiang: I don't think you do.
FuChai: Silly girl, of course I...
Panel 3: ShaoJiang kisses a surprised FuChai.
Panel 4: They stare at each other, Fuchai surprised and ShaoJiang worried.
Panel 5:
Both smile.
FuChai: Well then. I really can't die, can I?
ShaoJiang: I'm glad you understand.
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pandy0512 · 6 years
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#vape #vaper #vapers #fuchai #VapeArgentina (en Tierra del Fuego, Argentina)
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speedclubpro · 7 years
Epic #sigelei #ijoy #fuchai #combordta #vape #vapenation #vapegirls #vapeshop #vaper #vapetricks #coffee #coffeetime #morning #morningcoffee #moscow #russia #lux #luxurylife #girl #model #car #vapegirls #vapeshop #vapetricks #art #artwork #photo #photosession #photoshoot #nightlife #midnight #vapepapa #vapebar (at Moscow, Russia)
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