#Frostwort Mines
msbarrows · 7 days
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So, as of the latest time I've updated my video card drivers, the screen capture utility I've been using for ages is suddenly once again able to actually capture my screen properly in games such as No Man's Sky. There was a process by which I could force a screen capture prior to this, but it involved hitting the screenshot hotkey, toggling out of and then back into the game, and then screenshotting a second time. This process would get the second capture to be a largely unprocessed version of the screen; the toggling seemed to force the screen at the time of toggling out into a buffer that the screen capture software could then see and read from (the first screen capture is whatever was on screen the previous time you toggled, but if you don't create it the buffering doesn't seem to occur). This was not exactly a rapid process, and the image quality also wasn't noticeably any better than the game's in-built screenshot tool. It's only real benefit was that it preserved the in-galaxy address displayed in the lower left corner, so prior to this I only used it when grabbing shots of things like starships or particularly interesting multitools.
So I've now gone from only being able to get jagged low-quality screenshots that don't have things like anti-aliasing happening, to actual decent quality screenshots, with just one capture and no toggling required. You can see the very distinct difference this makes in image quality between the first two pictures shown here.
Which of course meant I had to run around my current WIP base and take good-quality screenshots of it to show off :D
This is a semi-randomly placed base on an ice planet; I found one of those spots with a base computer in the middle of a large flat area (legacy of back when bases could only be built in specific locations and were one per save, I believe - which was before my time so that's based off of old forum posts). There were a few cave mouths in the hillsides bordering the flat area, including one particularly round one that had a very strong "that's a mine entrance" vibe to me from the way it was set into a recessed slope.
I'd been thinking of doing an on-planet frostwort farm instead of making a big gardening area for them on my freighter, because harvesting from biodomes is more plants gathered at a time (7-8 instead of 4, though they are more spread out). I decided yeah, this would be a fun place to build something (despite its lack of a power hotspot or resource node nearby) and hence ended up with this small mining-town-inspired base.
It has three mine entrances (01 is the original mine-like location), a biodome structure, starship pad with adjoining structure, a bar, powerhouse, etc. One of the caves behind the mine entrances (03) is small and very pretty with a skylight opening over top so it gets good light, and I ended up deciding to plunk my portal in there, which looks great and is only mildly dangerous when the scant handful of toxic plants have regenerated (I can live with that).
Still need to dress the interiors of a couple of the buildings, and possibly build some more of them. Have been having fun working on it for a couple of days already.
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wumblr · 3 years
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mushroom table!! yes that is a silver mine in the background yes i had to set up an entire production chain to support my weird housebuilding habit no i do not want to talk about it i'm chilling in a glass house in a radioactive supercell and not throwing any stones leave me olone
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no i cannot set up an automated cytophosphate production chain to build the aquatic crystals. i have to harvest it from underwater plants by hand and it spawns abyssal horrors every time. nobody respects my dedication to building weird houses in space. planting a whole biodome of frostwort to craft glass over here like a fool
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briochespace · 6 years
94:32: (yeah!)
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Aiotto’s still out! I would really like to do some world-searching this time!  UPDATE: distracted again. doing base quests!  I kind of spend so much time at MR-4 that I never really developed any of mine.  why am I doing base quests if i’m searching for a new base? 
[doodle of me drinking tea] 
weird day. I’m making a lot of spelling mistakes too. maybe I’ll make some tea.  I really like this tea! it’s kind of spicy and it has tiny blue flowers in it. frostwort buds, maybe? 
ok so I took a break and I thought about bases a LOT and I think. I’m gonna stick with more than halfway (yeah!) as my home base. I was looking for somewhere else bc clearest blue is sort of mostly gray but i realized. that just makes it the perfect backdrop for the shining rainbow eyesore i’m planning to build. you’ll be able to see it from 1000u away. 
and like. I think it’s a good way to live! sometimes the world is gray and you gotta be the surreal nonsense you wish to see in the world.
I have made a discovery: the available places for putting stickers in your base contains interesting choices. 
[Armorer Scout Ruannin’s excellent new facepaint] I put an OK hand on Armorer Ruannin’s face! they don’t seem to mind and I think it’s HILARIOUS  
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