#From Pearl To Okinawa
death-mothblog · 4 months
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Plerogyra sinuosa is a jelly-like species of the phylum Cnidaria. It is commonly called "bubble coral" due to its bubbly appearance. The "bubbles" are grape-sized which increase their surface area according to the amount of light available: they are larger during the day, but smaller during the night, when tentacles reach out to capture food. This species requires low light and a gentle water flow. Common names for Plerogyra sinuosa include "grape coral", bladder coral, and pearl coral. According to the IUCN, Plerogyra sinuosa ranges from the Red Sea and Madagascar in the western Indian Ocean to Okinawa and the Line Islands in the Pacific.
Colonies of Plerogyra sinuosa are in the form of an inverted cone that may be as much as a metre (yard) across. The corallites in small colonies are monocentric and trochoid, but become flabellomeandroiid (arranged in valleys, the neighbouring valleys having separate walls) in larger colonies. The septa have smooth margins and are irregularly arranged. The costae on young colonies sometimes form lobes which develop spines. These spines then elongate and a new polyp develops, this budding method being an unusual occurrence among corals.
In the living coral, Plerogyra sinuosa has vesicles resembling bubbles up to 2.5 cm (1 in) in diameter. These enlarge during the day but retract to a certain extent during the night to expose the polyps and their tentacles.
Plerogyra sinuosa is a zooxanthellate species of coral. It obtains most of its nutritional needs from the symbiotic dinoflagellates that live inside its soft tissues including the walls of the vesicles. These photosynthetic organisms provide the coral with organic carbon and nitrogen, sometimes providing up to 90% of their host's energy needs for metabolism and growth. Its remaining needs are met by the planktonic organisms caught by the polyps.
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youcalledmebabe · 4 months
The pacific episode nine thoughts
“Fuck the Geneva convention” … at least Speirs didn’t come out and say it
get his ass Nate from succession!!
Okinawa actually looks like hell. Excellent use of lighting
What is sledge keeping tally marks of? Deaths?
Hamm being the only one to care about civilian casualties sure is something
The drafting vs volunteering question is something I’ve wondered about for like every character across all the shows. Did they almost all really volunteer? I mean I know there was a huge patriotic fervor and desire to fight for America after Pearl Harbor but it seems unlikely they all wanted to do this. And I think it could be an interesting thing to touch on once they realize how brutal war is. Like I chose to do this.
The baby scene was incredibly upsetting. All of the civilian stuff is really hard to watch
Snafu is always staring at Sledge
Snafu being nice???? You can tell how hard he’s trying to be like normal 💀
I think sledge probably has one of the best character arcs. Or at least the most honest one
Well that’s horrifying
Snafu having more humanity than Sledge. Well then. How the tables have turned
Whoever picked up the baby congrats on decency!
The sun shining on Sledge’s face when he chooses kindness over violence… once again LIGHTING
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thegigilwriter · 5 months
01 | “Danger & Star, Rooster & Angel” — Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Female Mitchell OC
Summary: 26-year-old Lucy Asa Mitchell did not know what was in store for her when she first bumped into Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw. After an instant mutual connection followed by a sweet whirlwind romance that swept both their feet, Lucy found herself being immersed deeper into Bradley’s world of the Navy, F-14s, and deployments. What she didn’t expect was finding was the answer to an elusive part of her past — the identity of her long-lost father.
Keywords/Warnings: Romance, Inaccuracies of the Navy and Marine Biology
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01 | Koi No Yokan 🎐
1 year after Top Gun: Maverick
Sunday May 28, 2023
It was a sunny mid-morning in San Diego, and Bradley Bradshaw and Natasha Trace were taking the Bronco for a drive down a palm-adorned boulevard.
“Thanks again Rooster,ˮ Nat grinned as she basked in the daylight of the open air. “SʼAlways nice takinʼ a ride in the olʼ girl.ˮ
“Quiet now,ˮ Bradley replied, mocking hurt. “Sheʼll hear you, you know?ˮ
Nat rolled her eyes playfully, untucking her shades from the hem of her tank top and covering her eyes. Seagulls flew overhead, the taste of salt was in the atmosphere, and a lovely shade of blue began to appear on their horizon. Bradley licked his lips and stepped on the accelerator. He reminisced to himself about the beaches in Okinawa from his previous deployment. Sure, they were great but there is something about the California coastline you canʼt just feel the same way about anywhere else.
“You arrived at your destination,ˮ Google announced. “The Umi Research Center. ˮ A crystal dome came into view and steadily emerged as this enormous limestone edifice that was akin to the Parthenon.
Bradley pulled up by the docks and Nat jumped out as soon as the Bronco was in park.
“Wanna come with?ˮ She asked him.
“Iʼll stay put,ˮ Bradley reclined his seat. “Unless this Sam guy, needs to be forcibly removed from the premises?ˮ
“Well in that case, I can handle it myself, canʼt I?ˮ
Bradley turned on the radio and tugged at his Hawaiin-print shirt to fan himself. He watched as Natʼs figure disappeared into the entrance of the building. His attention was then directed towards the sea and the pristine boats that thudded against the docks. Natʼs own sedan was in the shop, so she called in a favor from Bradley to borrow his Bronco. Since there was no way her wheel was to be steered by any other set of hands other than his, Bradley opted to be a personal chauffeur to Nat and her first cousin, Sam, for the day.
The heat of the sun was beginning to wear down Bradley, so he took his keys from the ignition and hopped out for a quick walk on the dock. The cool sea breeze helped soothe the sunʼs scalding presence. It was on days like this when his parents used to take him to the beach as a little boy. But thatʼs all what those moments are now—memories. He stopped to stare at the water. A lot of people like to say he looked a lot like his father, and he agrees. But on some days, it feels like the man staring right back at him was a stranger.
Bradley felt something collide against his back, and heard a clatter of things falling against the wooden walkway and a small gasp. He quickly turned around and beheld two boxes filled with audio tapes and folders tipped on their sides, and beside them, a young woman rose to her feet.
“I apologize,ˮ she breathed out as her frame got on her knees and began to return the contents to her boxes. “Iʼm afraid I wasnʼt watching where I was going...ˮ
She was wearing a navy-colored bathing suit underneath a white, fitted, cropped tee-shirt, and a sheer floral shawl tied around her waist. Her feet were clad in copper-colored slippers, her wrists were adorned with braided bracelets, her right ankle with a dainty metal chain, and her neck with a cross underneath a string of little, iridescent pearls. Bradley did not even realize he was on his knees with a tape in his hand, for his eyes simply could not part from her face. Mahogany waves framed her lovely visage and her dark-caramel eyes were cast to the floor beneath them.
“Um... do you mind?ˮ She smiled kindly at him.
“The tape — in your hand,ˮ she pointed.
“Oh — uh... Sorry,ˮ Bradley scratched the nape of his neck as he reached the tape over to her. Their fingers met and so did their gazes. Bradley chuckled and she shyly looked away.
“Again,ˮ she spoke, as she put one box on top of the other. “I apologize.ˮ
“None needed,ˮ Bradley finally collected himself. “Those look quite heavy, need a hand?ˮ
“If you donʼt mind, please.ˮ She sighed. Bradley eagerly lifted the boxes in his arms.
“Lead the way,ˮ he grinned.
“Thank you,ˮ she replied as they proceeded to cross the dock towards the research center.
“I donʼt recall seeing you around here,ˮ the woman stranger spoke. “Are you new?ˮ
“Nah, Iʼm here with a friend whoʼs picking up a cousin who works here. Apparently, he just came from Antartica.ˮ
“How intersting,ˮ she mused. “I was just stationed there.ˮ
“Youʼre a researcher?ˮ Bradley raised a brow.
“You seem amused.ˮ
“I didnʼt mean to—“ Bradley blushed.
Her laugh resonated, it was as clear as a spring and as sweet as her eyes. It was the kind of sound you wanted to play on repeat.
“I was simply kidding. I know fairly well the distresses of a woman in a man's world... I just choose to make the most fun I can out of it.ˮ
Bradley chuckled.
“You make ‘em underestimate you, then you pull the ground from under their feet like a riptide.ˮ
She looked at him with great consideration.
“You just see right through me, donʼt you?ˮ she teased.
“I think you did, otherwise we wouldnʼt be talking right now. Which would be unfortunate, of course.ˮ
She laughed once more, and Bradley smiled as they stepped into the marble-floored foyer after a swipe of her card at the door. For a research center, this was far grander than Bradley had imagined from the outside looking in. Tall, corinthian, columns lined the limestone walls on either side. In every space, oil paintings of founders with solemn and peaceful expressions resided there. The glass dome above filtered the sun rays into iridescent shards of light that danced on the cylindrical and tremendous aquarium in the center of the room. It housed vibrant schools of reef fish and brilliant coral, all so dramatically composed to evoke in every beholder pure awe. Bradley whistled, head tilted skywards with a gaping mouth.
“Glorious, isnʼt it?ˮ She chuckled at his expression. “Wait ‘til we really get inside.ˮ
Bradley trailed behind her as they crossed the foyer and climbed up the steps just a little bit past the elevators. The space alone was fit to be a ballroom for a grand royal celebration. Shelves and shelves of books lined the limestone curved against concave walls except in the very middle where a tall, rectangular window allowed a picturesque view of the ocean. In the center of the circular facility, a behemoth, holographic globe floated above a ring of conjoined computers. The remaining space was lined with bench tables and plush chairs.
“Welcome to Umi,ˮ The woman stranger smiled.
“The lights on the globe,ˮ Bradley asked her. “Are those your other branches?ˮ
“Every light represents a team of researchers from all divisions, all around the world.“
“Impressive,ˮ Bradley nodded.
“Umi is that and everything else,ˮ She sighed, as she turned towards the elevators.
“You must love working here with that shine of yours and all,ˮ He mused as they waited for a lift up.
“I do,ˮ she replied passionately. “The sea is my first love.ˮ The elevator doors parted open and Bradley followed her in.
“Do you have anything youʼre passionate about, Mr.—?ˮ She spoke to him. “Iʼm sorry I should have asked for your name—“
“Itʼs Bradley, Bradley Bradshaw. And if I may know yours?”
“Lucy,ˮ the woman smiled at him. “Lucy Mitchell.ˮ
“Lucy,ˮ Bradley repeated. “Like light.ˮ
“Thatʼs what your name means,ˮ he told her. “Explains the shine.ˮ
“Do you know the meaning of the names of every woman you meet, Mr. Bradshaw?ˮ Lucy raised a brow playfully. “I hate to admit how clever that is of a way to disarm any of us women.ˮ
“Oh yeah,ˮ Bradley played along. “I read about one name every day from my dictionary, yours just happened to pop up recently.ˮ
“Is that so?ˮ She chuckled. “Then I should warn the others, ‘There is a serial flatterer on the loose with an intent to charm!ʼ“
Bradley laughed.
“Iʼm surprised Iʼve kept up a conversation with you this long at all, to be honest.ˮ
“Now what makes you say that?ˮ Lucy cocked her head to the side.
Bradley wanted to say it was because Lucy Mitchell was beautiful and smart and young and hilarious and sophisticated despite the casual comfort her disposition exuded. That Bradley was old and truly awkward when it came to the really pretty girls that make him laugh. How he desired to so effortlessly make her know that she had a slot in his schedule for a dinner with him. Yes she was a stranger, but this entire interaction surely trumped any small talk he had over the previous online dates he set up and the lonesome evenings at the bar bench when women sauntered over to him to have a little fun for the night
Get off your perch and take the fucking shot, Rooster! He could hear Jake Seresin ringing in his ears.
The elevator doors parted ajar once more, and in front of them, Nat and her cousin Sam were.
“What are you still doing here?ˮ Sam asked her as they stepped off the lift.
“I just remembered that we left some material on deck,ˮ Lucy replied as she gestured towards Bradley. “And this gentleman is helping me get them to my office.ˮ
“Gentleman, huh?ˮ Nat smirked as she leaned her elbow against Samʼs shoulder. She reached out her hand to Lucy.
“Nice to meet ya, the nameʼs Natasha Trace, but itʼs Nat for everybody.ˮ Lucy shook her hand.
“Likewise. Iʼm Lucy, Lucy Mitchell.ˮ
“I see youʼve already met my friend, Lieutenant Bradley,ˮ Nat had a Cheshire grin stretching across her face. Beyond Lucyʼs periphery, Bradley directed Nat a stern look. Nat quickly cocked her head towards Lucy.
“She��s cute,ˮ she mouthed at him. Bradley raised his eyebrows in agreement.
“You must be Samʼs cousin,ˮ Lucy smiled at her. “He talks a lot about you.ˮ
“Aw, Sam!ˮ Nat cooed as she tucked her cousin under her arm and affectionally rubbed his hair. “My little cousin misses me that much?ˮ
“Only how annoying you are!ˮ Sam groaned. He was a young-looking fellow despite his age, a 23-year-old new grad looking like he just celebrated his 16th birthday. He was tall, lanky, and freckled. His dark and bold features are similar to Natʼs, but Sam’s looked a little softer around the edges, like a muted color compared to Natʼs natural exuberance.
“You—ugh.ˮ Sam struggled against Nat. “Must be Bradley, right?ˮ
“Nice to meet ya,ˮ Bradley confirmed.
“Donʼt let Lucy take those to her office,ˮ Sam finally escaped from Natʼs grasp. “Sheʼs been working non-stop in the expedition and I've been given strict orders that she shouldnʼt be here until next week.ˮ
“Oh come on, Sam!ˮ Lucy whined. “These are the mourning recordings! Weʼve never seen them sing like this! If Foster asks, just say I wasnʼt here!ˮ
“Sheʼll have my ass, that woman!ˮ Sam sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Lucy, go home. Compression Sickness is no light matter. Youʼre still recoveri—! You literally just went for a dive, did you?ˮ
“Perhaps,ˮ She replied nonchalantly. Sam groaned.
“Workaholic, huh?ˮ Nat remarked. “Listen, why donʼt you come out with us? Weʼre hitting the Pier today and catching a movie later. That way, Samʼs ass isnʼt grounded and I get a new girlfriend. Iʼm sure Rooster wonʼt mind, do you Rooster?ˮ
Natasha grinned at him smugly, as Lucy chuckled. They were both resigned to Natʼs insistence.
“Of course not,ˮ Bradley replied.
“That settles it,ˮ Nat smiled. “Meet us in the foyer.ˮ
They exchanged places, Nat and Sam towards the lifts and Bradley and Lucy towards the offices. As the doors closed, Natasha sneaked a quick wink in Bradleyʼs direction. In addition to that, her signature, ‘donʼt screw it upʼ look.
“I'm sorry about her,ˮ Bradley spoke as they walked the sun-lit hallways together towards her office. “She doesnʼt get to meet a lot of women in our line of work, and when she does theyʼre often not nice.ˮ
“I think your girlfriendʼs sweet,ˮ Lucy replied. “Sam thinks really highly of—“
“Sheʼs not my girlfriend,ˮ Bradley interjected.
“Oh,ˮ she closed her eyes briefly and shaking her head. “Iʼm sorry, I shouldnʼt have assumed. The both of you just seemed really comfortable with each other.ˮ
“Yeah we get that a lot,ˮ Bradley sighed, a wave of embarrassment washing over him at his premature response. “Sheʼs one of my best friends, thatʼs all. Weʼve known each other for over 15 years.ˮ
“Are you a naval aviator, yourself?ˮ
Lucy noted the swell in his chest and the small proud smirk that settled on his lips. “That I am.ˮ
They finally arrived at the office and Lucy promptly turned her key in the lock. The translucent door swung open and she quickly gestured towards the side of her desk where Bradley deposited the boxes.
“Thank you, Lieutenant.ˮ Lucy smiled.
“At your service,ˮ Bradley replied. As he bent down, she noticed a small, transverse cut in the inside of his left bicep. He was carrying them for much longer than she had anticipated and the upper corner of the top box must have done it. She opened the top cabinet on her table and retrieved a small metal box with a biscuit label.
“Those look good,ˮ Bradley remarked.
“Sorry to disappoint you, Lieutenant,ˮ Lucy laughed. “Iʼve already ate them all. You cut your arm, by the way.ˮ
“Oh would you look at that,ˮ he mused at the prickle of blood that began to emit. “The horror.ˮ
Lucy laughed again.
“Now, now,ˮ she played along as she ripped an antiseptic wipe open from its paper container. “This will all be over soon.ˮ
She pressed the wipe into his bicep. Her hands were dainty and soft and cool against his skin. He watched her eyebrows furrow just a little as she encountered a little resistance from placing a bandaid decorated with small, little fish— and regarded the way her tongue would poke from her lips. Bradley felt a searing heat in his chest and her touch had become so much more apparent to his senses.
“There we go,ˮ Lucy chuckled. “Crisis averted.ˮ Not quite, Bradley thought. Not quite.
A silence fell between them from the moment they left Lucyʼs office; to the moment Natasha elbowed Sam into the back seat with her (even though Sam wanted to call shotgun, but was then dismissed as Nat was playing wingman); to the moment they placed their orders at a nearby Shake Shack; to the moment they sat side by side through two movies at the theatre; and until now as they watched Sam and Nat board the Devilʼs Drop at Ruby Pier. It wasnʼt the awkward, painful kind of silence that say two middle school sweethearts would experience at a secret, last-minute first date as one or other try to make the first move. It was peculiar kind that was quite comforting.
Lucy tugged Bradleyʼs sleeve. He turned to her, very much endeared by this gesture.
“Wanna take a walk?ˮ She suggested.
“Might as well,ˮ he agreed. “Phoenix is an adrenaline junkie, sheʼs gonna try a couple of those kind of rides before sheʼs done.ˮ
“I feel bad leaving Sam,ˮ she frowned. “Heʼs terrified of dives, let alone those rides.ˮ
“I donʼt,ˮ Bradley kidded. “I get you all to myself.ˮ Lucy chuckled.
“Iʼm afraid I donʼt have a lot to offer with my companionship, Lieutenant, but I think those girls do.ˮ She cocked her head towards a herd of girls giggling in Bradleyʼs direction as they stared at him with glinting eyes.
“I gotta say,ˮ Bradley drawled. “Iʼm a bit offended that you think of me that way.ˮ
“How so?ˮ Lucy challenged with a smile.
“I think I can tell for myself the sort of woman I find interesting, little lady.ˮ
“And you happen to find me interesting?ˮ Lucy laughed.
“Very much so.ˮ
They stopped at a saltwater taffy stall as they began to cross the boardwalk. It was by far the grandest saltwater taffy stall on the Pier, decorated with exuberant colors and classy old-time fonts. The vendor was a short, Asian man in what appears to be his 50s, with smile lines and youthful eyes. His skin was the color of chocolate milk and his eyes were piercingly gray.
“Hello Manong,ˮ Lucy grinned at him.
The old manʼs eyes did not shift, but his lips broke into a great smile.
“Lucy!ˮ He exclaimed in a coarse voice. “How are you? Where have you been, silly girl?ˮ His English was perfectly American, but it did betray some intonations of his own mother tongue. Bradley watched as Lucy reached out her palm to his and pressed his knuckle against her forehead.
“Iʼve been well,ˮ she smiled. “I just arrived home today. Where is Victor? Have you been here all day?ˮ
“Now donʼt you worry sweet girl, I just came here for a short shift. Victor is at the hospital with Sherry. I think theyʼre going to have their third kid. His sisterʼs gonna pick me up in an hour.ˮ
“Itʼs the third one already?ˮ
“I know, Iʼm getting old!ˮ He raised his hands laughing as he proceeded to pack a bag for Lucy, working skillful behind the counter. “Youʼll have the usual one, yes? Now whatʼll your friend be having?ˮ
Bradley without having uttered a single word yet, stared at him. “Well, young man?ˮ
“Iʼll have the caramel swirls with raspberries please,ˮ Bradley replied. The old man chuckled as he got to work.
“This your girl?ˮ
“Manong!ˮ Lucy scolded, a blush quickly staining her cheeks.
“I tell you now that sheʼs a keeper!ˮ He laughed as he handed them their taffy. Bradley was ready to swipe his card, when the old man shook his head.
“On the house for sweet Lucy and her new friend!ˮ He said cheerily.
“Thank you Manong,ˮ Lucy smiled. “Youʼre a gem!ˮ
The old man waved at them as they walked farther down the boardwalk. Lucy gently opened her taffy, inhaling its delicious strawberry and vanilla fragrance before enjoying a pair of them. Bradley followed suit.
“That man was blind, wasnʼt he?ˮ Bradley asked her. Lucy nodded.
“Itʼs not just because of his age. His eyesight just suddenly began deteriorating,ˮ she explained. “His family is one of the oldest saltwater taffy makers in California. Victor is his eldest, and took over when his vision got worse.ˮ
“Iʼd say that heʼs one of the most clear-sighted people I ever met,ˮ Bradley said.
“I agree,ˮ she chewed on a vanilla taffy and covered her mouth as she spoke. “I didnʼt think he could tell that you were even there, much less a man. But he probably should never drive a plane, donʼt you think?ˮ
“Absolutely not,ˮ Bradley laughed. “But he did prove you wrong.ˮ Lucy gazed at him.
“That you, Lucy Mitchell, are indeed interesting.ˮ
They arrived at the near end of the boardwalk in silence. Lucy leaned against the railing, staring out into the ocean. The shards of rich light from the opalescent sky above glimmered all around them, and Bradley saw them dance in the irises of her eyes. Her tongue poked out from her smooth lips just as he had seen this morning. Her hair, like the sea before them, trembled at the wind. Then her gaze finally met his.
“I would say the same Lieutenant,ˮ she said to him. “If you spoke truthfully.ˮ
Bradley did not speak. There was a seriousness in the way she looked at him. He would wait for his turn.
“I am not a fickle woman or one who is easily flattered,ˮ she whispered. “But your words today meant greatly to me, and I canʼt help but think of your intentions. You say that Iʼm a riptide. That my passion shines through. Then you say that I am unexpectedly easy to talk to, and now you say that Iʼm interesting. But you’ve only just met me…”
“I donʼt want to you to misconstrue my intentions or yours, Lieutenant,ˮ she spoke bravely. “And I donʼt want to get my hopes up. But aside from all the things youʼve learned about me today, there is something else you should now... “
“Iʼm not one for casual relations. If someone must have me, then he must earn me first.ˮ
Lucy had fired the first shot.
At Natʼs insistence, she persuaded Lucy to let Bradley take her home instead of the taffy-manʼs daughter. To be fair, it was not too far from her apartment and the fact that Bradley got seven more minutes with Lucy was a bonus on account of Natʼs wingman game. She gave a thumbs up to Bradley before assisting a nauseated Sam from the backseat of the Bronco. Lucy and Bradley were once more enveloped in silence, but it was not as comfortable as it had been during their day out together.
“Hereʼs me,ˮ Lucy told him, hopping out of the Bronco.
Bradley turned the ignition off and walked her to the gate of her quaint, little apartment complex. Three rusty-colored brick buildings surrounded a small courtyard with flower gardens and a concrete fountain with small koi.
“I guess this is it,ˮ Lucy smiled. “It was nice meeting you, Lieutenant. Thank you for the ride home.ˮ
As she turned towards the gate to unlock it, all Bradley could think about was the shots he was too reluctant to take — both in the air and his life. So in that moment, in the crimson light of dusk, his fingers instinctively bound themselves around her wrist. She looked at him in surprise, her sweet, caramel eyes glowing in the sunset.
“This morning you asked me what I was passionate about,ˮ he told her. “Even if I did have the time to answer, I wouldnʼt have known what to say to you because as much as I love to fly and...play music—I donʼt— I donʼt think thereʼs anything I love like how you love the sea. I havenʼt found it yet. A-Anyways, Iʼm probably talking stupid right now, but all Iʼm trying to say is... do you want to help me find out?ˮ
“What?ˮ Lucy uttered in a small voice, stunned.
Bradley tried breathing, but suddenly found it very hard to with the thunderous beating in his chest.
“Will you, Lucy Mitchell, go on an official date with me?ˮ
Her silence made him quiver. Despite how clear her gaze was, there was no telling of the tumultuous thoughts that ran behind it.
“Is it because you felt bad for me? For what I said at the Pier?ˮ Lucy asked, narrowing her eyes at him.
“Not at all,ˮ Bradley insisted. “If anything, it just made my intentions for you clearer.ˮ
“I date to marry Lieutenant and I donʼt settle for less,ˮ she told him firmly.
“Is that supposed to scare me?ˮ
Lucy gazed at him considerably before speaking.
“Is this Saturday okay for you?ˮ
“You can have me by tomorrow,ˮ Bradley grinned.
“Wow Lieutenant,ˮ she chuckled. “Donʼt you think this is going a little too fast?ˮ
“Iʼm a pilot,ˮ he smirked. “Iʼm basically supersonic.ˮ
God, he loved the way she hid her giggles behind her dainty fingers.
“Alright then,ˮ Lucy spoke. “Tomorrow at 1400, come pick me up. Weʼll go to Sitaʼs on Newport Avenue at Ocean Beach and go from there.ˮ
“Itʼs a date,ˮ Bradley smiled.
“Goodnight, Lieutenant.ˮ
“Itʼs Bradley, for you.ˮ
“Goodnight, Rooster.ˮ
Bradley laughed again.
“Goodnight, Angel.ˮ
Fun Fact! “Koi no Yokan” is a Japanese saying, which means love at second sight. It is described as a feeling of inevitably falling for someone. Jump to their first date at 02 | Halo-Halos by Beach! DM to be tagged!
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
TickleTober Day 1 ~Anticipation~ (Sk8 The Infinity)
“He’s coming!”
Footsteps thumped heavily down the hall as Langa and Reki ran, expressions panicked. They slipped and slid around corners, simultaneously shoving at one another and grabbing sweatshirts to prevent the other from falling. Nothing they said was coherent; they just instinctively knew where to go.
“Come on boys, you know what’s coming.” A few feet behind, Joe was a picture of calm, strutting down the halls like it was a beautiful day in the park. He made a big show of cracking his knuckles before raising his hands up, wiggling them. “Running only delays the inevitable.”
“Go, go go!” Reiki squawked as they flew into a room, shoving Langa towards the door leading to safety. Once they made it out, they’d have their skateboards and the entirety of Okinawa beneath their feet. Just one door-
It was locked.
Langa turned to look back at him with wide, defeated eyes. Just then a shadow passed over, making his eyes widen even more. Reki didn’t need to turn around to know who it was.
“Gotcha.” Joe’s hands grabbed him, pulling him away from Langa with lightning fast speed. “This is what happens when you try to run from me, you damn brats!”
“No wait! Whahahahit, Joe, plehahahase!” Reki squeaked, giggling as the older skater threw him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He kicked and punched at his broad shoulders but it was all in vain. Seconds later, he heard Langa making a similar noise, followed by a whimper of “Noooohohoohoho!”
“Too bad, this is what you get.” Joe tossed them on the nearest couch, standing rolling his shoulders with a devious grin. “I told you what would happen if you kept trying to steal from my plate, and yet you insisted! It’s like you wanted me to tickle you both!”
“Nohoohohoho! Nhoohohot at ahahhhall!” Reki scrunched immediately when Joe raised his hands, hovering one over each as he wiggled his fingers. “Whehehe whehehehre huhuhuungry!!”
“Stahahharhaved!” Langa squeaked out, squishing his arms against his chest as Joe made claw gestures over him. “Yoohoohohu don’t fheheheheheed us enhohohohohough!”
“What? Oh that is IT! I was gonna let you two off the hook before, but now you brought my food into it?” Joe gasped, clutching his pearls. “It’s personal now. Here I COME!”
“JOHOOHOHOOOHE!” Twin squeals broke from the boys as Joe tackled them, one hand going straight for Reki’s belly while the other attacked Langa’s side. Limps were flying as they tried to escape, but Joe was a tank, easily keeping the pair in place as he scribbled into their various tickle spots. Reki took a more aggressive approach, clawing at Joe’s arms like a cat as he squealed and cackled. Langa on the other hand went on the defensive, curling up as small as possible in hope’s he could block out the other. “JOHOOHOHE PLEAHAHHAHHAHAHSE!”
“Oh you will be. Now, let’s see what happens if I do…THIS!” The older man shoved one hand into Langa’s armpit while the other attacked Reki’s ribs, earning a fresh bout of shrieks and cackles.
Outside the door, Cherry snickered into his sleeve, spinning the keys along his index finger as he listened to the children laugh. “I did try to warn them what happens when you mess with the chef.”
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Welcome to Txampaytxurtel Island, the tranquil pearl of the pacific. The people from this island are known for their hospitality and warmness towards other clans and sky people so count yourself as their family member already.
This island has their own unique features, culture and activities such as surfing. The waves are so good for surfing and everyone also have surfing competitions during Naha festival.
Txurtelan people are also known for their unique reptile anatomy, evolved for surviving in both land and marine life. Also, I forgot to mention; their skin produce mucus as a defense mechanism. The mucus helps to keep their skin moist, aids in respiration through their skin. Additionally, it can also help in maintaining electrolyte balance and thermal regulation.
This fanclan is an alternative universe for the anime called "Sk8 the infinity" so these clans, culture and the island itself are based on Okinawa island in real life. So that's why characters have no specific hair, eye colour or height measurement.
I couldn't finish character designs so I have to put them in another post next time.
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toruro · 1 year
i saw you're looking for ot13 scenarios n stuff, so i would like to propose: svt as types of boba/bubble tea! (hope ur having a good day <3)
svt as boba drinks!
this is a mix of drink i think they are & drinks they would get!
seungcheol — he’s like a strawberry smoothie with boba and lychee jelly
jeonghan — gets a cup full of boba pearls no tea
joshua — taro milk tea (boring. basic. but he swears it hits every time.)
jun — matcha strawberry but probably gets it with like basil seeds or something to be different
soongyoung — nutella milk tea. child. adds cheese foam on top for character even though the flavors don’t go well together
wonwoo — winter melon w cream on top
jihoon — passionfruit green tea at 100% sugar levels. i feel like he gives very sweet fruity drink energy like i can’t explain it guys it’s just a vibe
seokmin — hokkaido milk tea ... idk like it just works ok
mingyu — hibiscus black tea with agar jelly because he thinks it looks cool and sounds pretty but actually hates it but pulls through it anyways just because of his pride
minghao — toffee caramel milk tea bc it’s my favorite drink ever
seungkwan — okinawa milk tea … comforting and familiar taste
vernon — i once saw a person get a chocolate smoothie with lychee jelly and i feel like it is very Vernon.
chan — brown sugar milk tea from like tiger sugar in those cute little cups that are super instagramable and takes a bajillion pics but ends up hating the drink bc it's too sweet
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deathmoth-blog · 3 months
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Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides is found in coral-rich parts of clear lagoons and on seaward reefs. The adults are solitary fish, living in the vicinity of and sheltering beneath ledges or caves during the day. The juveniles are found sheltering in corals. It is a carnivorous species which preys on benthic invertebrates such as crustaceans and molluscs, as well as fishes, which it forages for during the night. The juveniles typically swim in a head down posture wildly undulating their fins as they swim, a behaviour which may mimic toxic or distasteful platyhelminths or nudibranchs and so provide some protection from predation.
Plerogyra sinuosa is a jelly-like species of the phylum Cnidaria. It is commonly called "bubble coral" due to its bubbly appearance. The "bubbles" are grape-sized which increase their surface area according to the amount of light available: they are larger during the day, but smaller during the night, when tentacles reach out to capture food. This species requires low light and a gentle water flow. Common names for Plerogyra sinuosa include "grape coral", bladder coral, and pearl coral. According to the IUCN, Plerogyra sinuosa ranges from the Red Sea and Madagascar in the western Indian Ocean to Okinawa and the Line Islands in the Pacific.
Colonies of Plerogyra sinuosa are in the form of an inverted cone that may be as much as a metre (yard) across. The corallites in small colonies are monocentric and trochoid, but become flabellomeandroiid (arranged in valleys, the neighbouring valleys having separate walls) in larger colonies. The septa have smooth margins and are irregularly arranged. The costae on young colonies sometimes form lobes which develop spines. These spines then elongate and a new polyp develops, this budding method being an unusual occurrence among corals.
In the living coral, Plerogyra sinuosa has vesicles resembling bubbles up to 2.5 cm (1 in) in diameter. These enlarge during the day but retract to a certain extent during the night to expose the polyps and their tentacles.
Plerogyra sinuosa is a zooxanthellate species of coral. It obtains most of its nutritional needs from the symbiotic dinoflagellates that live inside its soft tissues including the walls of the vesicles. These photosynthetic organisms provide the coral with organic carbon and nitrogen, sometimes providing up to 90% of their host's energy needs for metabolism and growth. Its remaining needs are met by the planktonic organisms caught by the polyps.
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pukindawgsblog · 1 month
After being sunk at Pearl Harbor, guns from the number 2 turret of the USS Arizona were salvaged. 🇺🇸
These guns were straightened, relined, and installed on the USS Nevada during a refit. They were later fired on the enemy at Iwo Jima & Okinawa. ⚓️
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duhragonball · 5 months
JoJolion Ch.18-22
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So, this scene with Yasuho idly touching her tongue to her own elbow has always bothered me. It has nothing to do with anything, and why is it even in this story?
The only explanation I can think of is that this embodies the ability of her Stand, Paisley Park. It guides Yasuho in the right direction, and finds ways to progress to a goal. This is a reflection of Yasuho's own talent for research and investigation. She gets interested in a mystery and just refuses to let it go until she can find out more.
So I guess she found out once that it's physically impossible for a human to lick their own elbow, and she put her mind to it and found a way to pull it off. But realistically, the only way that can work is if she's got hypermobility in her shoulders, or a really long tongue, or both of those things.
Anyway, this is the "Shakedown Road" arc.
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Quick note: In chapter 18, Josuke contemplates Yoshikage Kira and decides that he must be a somewhat decent guy, since he apparently snuck into the Higashikata home and removed Kyo Nijimura's name from their copy of the family tree, so that they wouldn't suspect her when she infiltrated their home as a maid. This is probably why Kyo went after Josuke in the previous arc, because she found out he looked at the family tree, and worried that he was going to expose her identity.
Although, I find it odd that Kyo would have bothered infiltrating the Higashikata home at all, if Yoshikage could sneak in and out that easily. Although it seems like the two of them didn't compare notes much, even though they're on the same side.
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As for the Higashikata Family, they're all having breakfast in their swimsuits, because they were planning to take a trip to Hawaii this week, but had to call it off because Hato never got her passport. This is because Hato didn't know Hawaii was part of the United States. At first I thought she didn't know anything about Hawaii, like maybe she thought it was a Japanese territory, like the British Virgin Islands or something. Or she thought Pearl Harbor was the end of World War II, and Japan got to keep Hawaii.
But no, I think it's more like... she just didn't know where Hawaii is? Like she just thought it's one of the islands in the Japanese archipelago, like Iwo Jima or Okinawa. Or maybe she just thought it was in Tokyo or something. Like, that's really dumb. Hawaii's a pretty famous place, and you'd think she'd know her own country a little better than this. "Oh, yeah, we're all taking a vacation to the Honolulu Prefecture."
Anyway, they all wore their bathing suits to at least simulate the experience of a poolside breakfast. This seems pretty sad. I mean, they have beach resorts in Japan, don't they? I mean, if I were one of the idle rich and my trip to the Bahamas fell through, I might fly out to Miami and try to get something similar.
Oh, and Joshuu isn't playing along because he never would have gotten on the plane in the first place. This is because he's an atheist, so that means he doesn't trust... planes? He also complains that the milk is a day over the expiration date, and he refuses to take chances, even over something so minor. I feel like that's not now atheism works? It's not like people only trust planes and milk because they believe that a higher power is the only thing keeping them safe.
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But then again, Joshuu's an idiot. Like, I really don't get the point of this guy, aside from just putting an unlikeable, obnoxious person in the story for its own sake. Joshuu does get some consequences for his bad behavior, but most of the time he's just a complete shithead who makes an ass of himself and everyone sort of endures his presence. There's no joke, no lesson or moral. Joshuu never does anything or learns anything. He tries to act like he's a rival for Yasuho's affections, but literally no one else believes this.
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Josuke wonders if he's a Stand user like Daiya, and his moronic act is part of his Stand Power. But no, he's just an idiot. And yet, the rest of the family also act like idiots, but they do have Stands and they're more dangerous. So I can see why Josuke stays on guard around him.
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All right, so let's talk about Shakedown Road. In this arc, Josuke declares that he wants to go to school, and he wants his own cell phone. This is partly so he can have more freedom of movement to investigate his origins, but also he's thinking about his own future. Now that he knows he's a chimera of Yoshikage Kira and some other person, Josuke realizes that he has no past of his own, and no place where he belongs. So he needs to find a place for himself, and he figures he can discover his own talents and interests in school.
Norisuke tells Joshuu to take Josuke along to his own classes, and Joshuu decides to take a trip down "Shakedown Road". He warns Josuke that he's had money taken from him every time he's come to this place, but he insists that this time will be different. It's like he's counting on Josuke's presence to resolve the problem for him.
At first, it seems pretty unassuming. It's not like there's a bunch of muggers everywhere. Just Ginkgo trees and seemingly ordinary people. But then a woman complains to Joshuu that he stepped on her daughter's toy and demands he make restitution. Joshuu never came anywhere near the toy, but one of the stickers from it got onto his shoe, and his shoeprint is on the broken pieces, so the evidence is clear.
Joshuu explains that this was how it happened the last time he came here, but it wasn't the same woman back then. Josuke is intrigued and they use the camera on Joshuu's phone to record their movements along the road.
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Then this old man accuses Josuke of breaking one of the aquariums in his shop. The collision fatally wounded an exotic turtle in the water tank. He says the turtle was decapitated, but its body was still moving around after the accident. We don't see the turtle, but this makes me sad, because there was a cool turtle in Parts 3, 4, and 5, but the Part 8 turtle has met with a tragic end. Rest in Power, Part 8 turtle. I'm sure you kicked ass.
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Josuke wants to review the footage on Joshuu's phone, but Joshuu pretends he didn't hit the record button. In fact he caught the whole thing. Josuke was walking along, then he stepped on some gingko leaves, and was impossibly flung into the turtle tank at super speed. His elbow hit the tank, breaking it and killing the turtle, and then he got jerked right back where he was. And it happened so quickly that Josuke never even knew he had moved.
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So Joshuu figures out that the gingko leaves have something to do with all of this, but he plays dumb so as not to clue Josuke in on this. Josuke, for his part, believes that there's a Stand User at work here, but the old man seems oblivious to Soft and Wet, so he can't have a Stand of his own, or he'd be able to see other Stands.
This is kind of a weakness with Part 8. Stands had been a fixture in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure for over twenty years by the time JoJolion started, so it's probably fair that Araki assumed the readers could keep up with the rules. Indeed, this scene where neither Joshuu, the old man, the dog, nor the cell phone camera can perceive Soft and Wet pretty much spells out how this one rule works.
Still, Parts 3 through 7 each did a much better job laying all this out for new readers. Part 3 had to get it right, because that was where the Stand concept was first introduced, but in Parts 4 and 5 the main characters had their own Stands, then learned that there were others with the same kind of power. Also, Parts 4, 5, and 6 all featured characters who developed Stands during the story, so there was a learning curve for the audience. And Part 7 was a reboot, so the idea literally had to be reintroduced on account of this.
Part 8's problem is that Josuke has amnesia, but he appears to understand his Soft and Wet powers implicitly. Either he came out of the ground immediately knowing how to use his ability, or he sorted it out while he was in the hospital in Chapter 2. The problem is that he really doesn't have anyone else to explain it to, and the battles with other Stand Users are essentially ambushes with no time to process the details.
I sort of wonder how Part 9 handles this issue. My impression is that the main characters start the story already familiar with Stands, sort of like Bruno's team in Part 5. Maybe there's a viewpoint character they can explain it to, or maybe there's a wall of exposition somewhere. Well, that's a problem for another time.
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I'm a little confused on this part, but some shady-looking characters notice Josuke and Joshuu and try to use them to complete a transaction on Shakedown Road. They coerce Josuke into delivering a package to a nearby woman, and receive her handbag in exchange, I think. Joshuu realizes that the people who understand Shakedown Road can use its mysterious properties to conduct this sort of illegal business. There are undercover cops nearby, but it doesn't matter. The crooks do some tricky stuff with the gingko leaves to make the swap without getting caught. Also Josuke gets yanked at super speed so that he accidentally hits one of the cops. So while they search him for the package, the crooks all walk away, their transaction seemingly complete.
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While Josuke is tackled by the cops, he notices a bunch of little creatures under the gingko leaves, and that's the Stand he was looking for. This is Les Feuilles, and the Stand's user is the gingko trees themselves? I guess?
Anyway, Joshuu managed to grab the handbag, thinking it's full of money, and runs off in all the confusion.
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But the crooks catch up to him pretty easily, using their experience with the gingko leaves to zip and fly towards him. Joshuu gives them the handbag but it's empty, so they're all set to fuck him up, but then Joshuu's own Stand activates. It has the power to disassemble people and objects. In this particular situation, it just gives these guys a scare, but once Joshuu escapes the effect wears off and they decide not to pursue him. I think Joshuu's Stand is more useful than this, but he absolutely sucks, so I'm pretty sure we never see it reach its full potential.
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As it turns out, Josuke managed to foil the crooks from the start. He didn't know where the Stand was or exactly how it worked, but since none of the people involved were the user, that allowed him to use his own Stand to trick them without anyone realizing it. He used Soft and Wet's bubbles to switch the money with gingko leaves, or... something. I'm a little confused to be honest. The point is that the handbag was empty, the crooks didn't get their money, and Josuke can't get pinned with anything because having money on Shakedown Road just proves you're clever, not a thief. As for the woman who got the package, Josuke tells the cops to go chase her down, so it's fair to assume that she didn't get very far.
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Josuke tries to call Yasuho on Joshuu's cell phone to meet up with her, but it doesn't work because Yasuho blocked Joshuu's number. She tracks the phone's location to Shakedown Road, which is close to the Joestar Jizo, and that gets her interested.
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Jizo, also known as Kṣitigarbha, is a bodhisattva revered as the patron deity of dead children and aborted fetuses. He's also revered as a protector of travelers and firefighters. The Japanese are quite fond of Jizo, and so there are a lot of statues of Jizo in cemeteries and roadsides in Japan. The idea is that the statues serve as a memorial and a sign of Jizo comforting and watching over the dead.
In this case, the Joestar Jizo was built to honor the death of Johnny Joestar, an American who died in an accident in Morioh. I guess the death of a foreigner in a foreign land was particularly sad for the locals, so they set up the Jizo to express their condolences to Johnny and his family.
Of course, we know Johnny Joestar as the hero of Part 7, Steel Ball Run. Part 8 is set 120 years after Part 7, so Johnny's death is kind of a no-brainer, but how did he die, and what was he doing in Morioh?
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This sequence here is one of my favorite scenes in JoJolion. There's a certain rite of passage in JJBA, where the hero of the next part will have some sort of connection to the previous Jojo. In Part 2, Joseph never met his grandfather, but he looked just like him, and he was surrounded by people who knew Jonathan and his legacy. In Part 3, Jotaro teamed up with Joseph to track down Dio. In Part 4, Jotaro finds Josuke and informs him of his Joestar heritage. In Part 5, Giorno Giovanna is ignorant of the other Jojos, but Koichi Hirose, who has met several of them, recognizes in Giorno the same noble qualities. In Part 6, Jolyne reconnects with her estranged father, Jotaro. Part 7 was a reboot, so Johnny couldn't meet any of the previous Jojo's, but that's okay.
What I'm driving at here is that Josuke has a predecessor in Johnny, but the gulf of time between them is too vast. Josuke can't meet Johnny or anyone Johnny once knew. Josuke is all alone in Morioh, with no family of his own and no place to belong. He thinks that no one can possibly connect to him, then he sees the Joestar Jizo, wearing the same hat he has on, the same hat Johnny wore during his time in Japan.
The connection wouldn't mean anything to Josuke. He recognizes Johnny as the ancestor of Yoshikage Kira, but he doesn't see himself as part of that family. Nor would he understand that he and Johnny are part of the same college of shonen protagonists, along with Jonathan, Joseph, Jotaro, and the rest.
But we know, and in this brief moment, Josuke briefly connects with his fellow hero, and it's a beautiful thing. He's not alone, the universe tries to tell him, and he can't hear it, but maybe his heart knows, somehow.
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The old man from earlier shows up and tells Josuke the legend of Johnny's death. He claims this is just a fantasy, and the library is full of other interpretations, but this is the only version we get, so it might as well be the true final fate of Johnny Joestar. So after the end of Part 7, Johnny met and fell in love with Rina Higashikata, the daughter of Norisuke Higashikata I. We saw all three of them together on the ocean liner. Norisuke was heading back to Japan with his prize money from the race, and Johnny was heading to Naples to bury Gyro Zeppeli. Eventually, Johnny and Rina married, and they lived happily for a time, until Rina came down with a strange illness. It kind of affected her mind like dementia, and Josuke wonders if it has anything to do with the condition Holly Kira has, but this is never explained. Physically, the disease does something weird to her skin, turning it rock hard and with these creases, like you'd see in origami.
The Jojo fan wiki refers to this as the "Rock Disease" and this is as close to an official name as we'll get. Johnny decided to move to Morioh so Rina could live out her remaining years in her homeland, but as her condition grew worse, he made a fateful decision.
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The plot of Steel Ball Run revolved around the "Saint Corpse", the remains of a holy figure with supernatural properties. At the end of SBR, the Saint Corpse was locked away in a vault so no one would ever use it again, but Johnny knew where it was, and he chose to return to New York to steal it and use it one last time to cure his wife. The American authorities tried to stop him, but he managed to give them the slip and made it back to Morioh.
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The problem is that the Saint Corpse doesn't actually perform miracles. Rather, it simply transfers fortune from one to another. Johnny's hope was that the Corpse would shift the Rock Disease from Rina to some other person, someone he didn't know. He was ashamed of doing this, but he loved Rina so much that he was willing to consign someone else to death. But the equivalent exchange backfired on him. Rina was cured, but the Rock Disease was transferred to their young son, George Joestar.
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So Johnny mounted up with his son and the Saint Corpse and started riding away from their home. He didn't want his wife to see this, you understand. Realizing that he could never use the Saint Corpse to get rid of the Rock Disease, he used it one last time to transfer the disease from George to himself.
I'm a little confused about how this worked, exactly. In this scene, Johnny uses the Golden Spin to activate Tusk Act IV, which he uses to shoot a hole in his son's head, and then it bounces back onto him. I don't get it, but then again, I didn't understand Tusk Act IV in Part 7, either.
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Johnny falls off his horse, and while George is cured, he shows signs of the Rock disease. Also, something about all this triggers the Les Fueilles Stand. I don't know if it was already active back then, or if Johnny's little stunt with the Saint Corpse somehow caused the gingko leaves to develop their own Stand. What I do know is that when his hand touches the leaves, they cause a giant boulder to suddenly fly in from somewhere else, and it lands right on Johnny's head, killing him.
Initially, the Morioh authorities treated this like a homicide, and even arrested Rina as a suspect, but later it was found to be an accident, and they let her go. The town built the Jizo in his memory, and I think that this whole incident might be what caused all these people to develop Stand powers in Morioh whenever they go near the fault lines. It might also explain why the land on the Higashikata estate can combine things like the lemon and tangerine from Kyo's demonstration.
At one time, I assumed that the Saint Corpse was still in Morioh, and its powers were behind everything, but that's not the case. In the old man's version of the story, the Americans finally tracked down Johnny after he died and they recovered the Saint Corpse.
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Meanwhile Yasuho has independently researched the Johnny Joestar legend, and has come to the spot where he died. It's pretty close to the Higashikata mansion, as well as the spot where she found Josuke.
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Yasuho also learned of another news item from the same day as Johnny's death in 1901. A small boy, no more than 2 years old, was discovered on the coast near the same area. No one ever found out who he was or where he came from, and apparently this never comes up again in JoJolion. I looked him up on the wiki to see if I might have missed something, but he's just listed as "Mysterious Boy" in the list of minor characters.
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It's possible that the story of the Mysterious Boy was just a way to get Yasuho to poke around in this area, so that she would find a hole in the base of a certain pine tree where the boy was found 110 years ago. And once she gets close enough to it, someone grabs her and pulls her inside to set up the next arc. So the Mysterious Boy may never have been a plot point or a clue at all, just a curious mystery that would bait Yasuho into getting captured. Either that or the Mysterious Boy is the main villain of Part 9. Whatever.
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lonestarbattleship · 2 years
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View from the mainmast of USS NEW YORK (BB-34), while the ship was at New York Navy Yard. Workers are preparing the ship for her last operation. She served as a target ship during the Atomic Bomb Tests in the Bikini atol as part of Operation Crossroads.
Note: most of the AA guns and their splinter shields have been removed. On the foremast are SK air search set with SG surface search radar antennas. On the starboard side, only the 35-foot motor boat, 40-foot utility boat and 26-foot motor whale boat left of her original complement of 8 boats. The Curtiss SC-1 Seahawks on the turret catapult and main deck.
Originally these planes intended to provide observation support during the planned invasion of mainland Japan, will now they will used test the effects of an atomic blast. In fact, while she was in Pearl Harbor for repairs during the summer of 1945, the Navy took the opportunity to make some alterations and upgrades for this planned invasion. The aforementioned Seahawks were to replace the Vought OS2U Kingfishers she lost to a kamikaze attack during the Invasion of Okinawa. She was repainted in Measure 21, like her sister. Her worn out 14 inch guns were replaced. These guns were never fired since Japan surrendered two months later.
Date: February 1946.
US Navy photo: 382-42-5, 389-42-7, 382-42-8, link
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roosterarts · 2 years
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USS Yorktown (CV-5) - Heavily damaged after bomb and torpedo attacks during the battle of Midway. While under tow back to Pearl Harbor, she was torpedoed by the Japanese submarine I-168 and sunk on June 7, 1942.
USS Hornet (CV-8) - After being heavily damaged by bomb and torpedo attacks during the battle Santa Cruz Islands, and with news of an enemy surface force approaching, she was ordered to be scuttled. However, she did not sink until the enemy surface force arrived and torpedoed her. She sunk on October 27, 1942.
USS Enterprise (CV-6) - Fought in every major battle and campaign in the Pacfic theatre, from Pearl Harbor to Okinawa. She was the sole survivor out of the three sister ships in her class.
The first image is supposed to represent the rendezvous of the three Yorktown-class sister ships before the battle of Midway. The Yorktown in on the left, with MS 12 camouflage, Enterprise in the center, with MS 11 camouflage, and Hornet on the right with the modified MS 12 camouflage.
The second image represents the Enterprise, with MS 21 camouflage, at the Hudson river for the 1945 Navy Day Fleet Review.
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periwinklmoon · 2 years
Inazuma Lore: A Series Part 2/?
Part 1 was about historic setting, part 2 will be very long, about one of my favorite characters and her beautiful lore.
As we all know, Kokomi is the Head-Priestess of Sangonomiya Shrine and, I haven’t actually seen anyone saying this but, the people of Watatsumi Island are supposed descendants of the people from the Enkanomiya following Orobashi’s purpose of creating human-like serpent, so she should be descendant of Orobashi and the serpent creatures/vishaps.
“ The ancient people of Enkanomiya co-worshipped Orobashi, the coral serpent, with Ouroboros, the scaleless imaginary serpent. Its influence led to the end of the worship of the Dainichi Mikoshi and many of the corrupt practices established by the Sunchildren regime. Orobashi brought with its newfound rule drastic changes to Enkanomiya society, including changing from the ancient Watatsumi language to the Narukami-style language. Following a certain prophecy, it prepared the people of Enkanomiya to return to the surface world and had them become acclimated with Narukami and Inazuman conventions.“ [source]
Enkanomiya’s story is way more elaborated but I’ll focus exclusively on Orobashi first. 
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He is a serpent, he gets addressed as Orobashi no Mikoto (オロバシノミコト), like Gods are usually addressed, and his name comes from the word “orochi”, which means serpent.
In Japanese Mythology different type of serpents exist, one of them is called  Yamata no Orochi (ヤマタノオロチ, also 八岐大蛇), or simply Orochi (大蛇), who’s a eight-headed and eight-tailed Japanese dragon/serpent. (besides the ancient orochi reading,  大蛇  is read daija, "big snake; large serpent").
Japanese Myths can be founded in two books, Kojiki and Nihon Shoki, the first two ancient books in Japanese language, which tell the stories of the Japanese Gods and creation of Japan.
In both versions of the Orochi myth, the Shinto storm god Susanoo, God of Thunder, is expelled from Heaven for tricking his sister Amaterasu, the sun goddess.  After the expulsion from Heaven, Susanoo encounters two "Earthly Deities" weeping because they were forced to give Orochi one of their daughters every year for seven years. When time came for Orochi to get the eight daughter, Susanoo helped them by getting Orochi drunk, intoxicated by the drinking all his heads lay down and slept and Susanoo killed him with his sword.
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The parallel in-game for this myth would be Raiden Shogun killing Orobashi,  just like Susanoo kills Orochi, during the Archon War, creating the Musoujin Gorge on Yashiori Island, and Serpent’s Head being Orobashi remains.
In the Myth, Susanoo makes Orochi intoxicated with a rice wine (sake) called Yashiori no Sake (八塩折之酒/八醞酒 "eight-fold refined liquor").
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This being said, Orobashi can be linked to another dragon/serpent God because of his purpose of creating a human-like serpent creature and dream of living above surface.
Ryūjin (龍神), which in some traditions is equivalent to Ōwatatsumi (大海神 “great sea god”), was the tutelary deity of the sea in Japanese mythology. In many versions Ryūjin had the ability to transform into a human shape. Many believed the god had knowledge on medicine and many considered him as the bringer of rain and thunder.
Ryūjin lived in his palace under the sea built out of red and white coral, pearls, crystal, and sea creatures like jellyfish, turtles, fishes are his servants.
There’s several Shrines dedicated to this particular god in Japan, the model for the  Sangonomiya Shrine (珊瑚宮 "Coral Palace") whose Kokomi is Head-Priestess, is located in Okinawa, Shuri Castle.
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The Ryūgū-jō (竜宮城 "Dragon palace castle") in myths, is also palace of princess Otohime (乙姫), second daughter of the Dragon King (Ryū-ō). [see folktale of Urashima Tarō for the story]
In conclusion, all of this is what brings me to believe Kokomi is a descedant in human form, of Orobashi. 
1 / ?
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squireofgeekdom · 2 months
In working on Acts Unseen I put together at timeline, based on the incredibly valuable The Karate Kid and Cobra Kai Major Events timeline from Belphegor and Storyshark2005, relevant historical events, and filling in working headcanons to give context to the fic
Quoted Text from the TKK and CK Major Events Timeline is "in quotes and purple"
Historical Events are in red
My working headcanon + any other commentary is in regular text
Content warnings for suicide mention and other death mentions (and take warnings for events of WWII as read)
"June 9, 1925: Nariyoshi Miyagi born in Okinawa, Japan"
1926 - Sato born
1930ish? - Chozen’s father, Sato’s younger brother, born
1939 - German invasion of Poland, generally considered start of WWII
1940? - Mr. Miyagi leaves Okinawa and comes to the US at age 15 on his own? Basically the oldest he can be and still arrive in the US before US war starts with Japan
The Immigration act of 1924, functionally Asian Exclusion, (lays out the ‘Asiatic Barred Zone' for immigration among other things) was still in effect (and would be until 1952, when a very very small number of visas would start to be available), so whatever happened was not ‘legal’
I've seen 1943 as a year for this on the wiki, which would have him coming over at age 18, but that would make less sense in the context of the war and internment and wouldn't match up with the 45 years ago date in KK2
December 1941 - Pearl Harbor, Start of US involvement in WWII in the Pacific Theater
Feb 1942 - Japanese internment in the United States begins
If Mr. Miyagi got married after turning 18, that would imply he got married after June 1943. I've read somewhere on the wiki that he ended up in Hawaii as a farm laborer when he initially immigrated but I don't know the source on that. It's unclear whether he was still in Hawaii when he got married and enlisted, etc, or whether he had already gone to California. I'm inclined to think he was still in Hawaii. (The experience of Japanese Americans in Hawaii was somewhat different than those on the mainland - see here) As someone who wasn't born in Hawaii/the U.S. and especially as a recent arrival, there would have been greater suspicion on him where that fact was known. While there wasn't the same mass internment in Hawaii as on the mainland, there was intense surveillance and apart from detention on the islands, a couple thousand people who were 'under suspicion' were sent to the mainland for internment, which, assuming a starting point in Hawaii, is presumably what happened to Mr. Miyagi's wife for her to end up in the Manzanar Internment camp in California, and may have happened to Mr. Miyagi himself before he enlisted.
Sep 1943 - military service by Japanese Americans allowed Somewhere around early 1944, Mr. Miyagi, age 18, enlists and joins the 442nd regiment, which completed training and shipped out April 1944; (members of the 442nd came both from Hawaii and mainland internment camps) Mrs. Miyagi is pregnant. Mr. Miyagi would presumably been pretending to have been born in the US to avoid the whole ‘was a teenage 'illegal immigrant' <sic>’ issue (and may have been pretending to be older than he was?)
"November 2, 1944: Mrs. Miyagi dies in childbirth along with her child in the Manzanar Relocation Center while Mr. (then Sergeant) Miyagi is fighting in Europe. He gets the news by telegram a few days later (since some time has passed in KK1 between the day after Halloween and the night he tells Daniel about it)." Mr. Miyagi would be 19.
December 1944 - order that would lead to the end of Japanese internment comes down, but doesn’t go into effect until much later, June 1946 is the stated end
April - June 1945, Battle of Okinawa Sato would be 19 or 20, his brother (Chozen's father) in his early to mid teens
September 1945 - Japan surrenders
June 1946 - Japanese internment ends
~ late 1952, at around age 6-7, Lucille LaRusso immigrates to the US from Italy with her family. Daniel’s father immigrated around a similar time or slightly later. (Making Daniel the ‘first American born LaRusso’, to parallel the lost ‘first American born Miyagi’) There was noted out-migration from Italy due to post-war conditions and substantial American immigration during the ‘50s)
1952 - formal US occupation of Japan ends
1960s - Agent Orange controversy in Okinawa
~1966/1967 - Chozen Toguchi born, his father would be in his mid thirties. His mother dies in childbirth (for Mrs Miyagi parallels and related Mr Miyagi and Daniel parallels, and also because presumably she dies when Chozen is young such that his uncle ends up raising him, so I might as well go with the way where you get parallels out of it) Entirely possible that toxic agents from US bases/tests are blamed
"December 18, 1968: Daniel LaRusso is born"
1972 - Okinawa returned to Japanese control (US military bases effectively control ~⅕ of island to present)
1975 - Chozen’s father commits suicide, Chozen is ~8 (for Daniel parallels), is subsequently raised by Sato
"Sometime between Dec 1976-1977: Daniel's father passes away when Daniel is 8 years old." 
"Summer 1985: Events of The Karate Kid Part II. Daniel and Miyagi travel to Okinawa to visit Miyagi’s sick father and confront Sato and Chozen."
Daniel would still be 16 at this point, Mr. Miyagi is 60
This puts Sato at ~59 and Chozen at 17/18
This would be 45 years after Mr Miyagi left Okinawa if he left Okinawa in 1940, consistent with what is said in the film
Sometime in the late 90’s - Sato dies in his 70s, when Chozen is in his early 30s
"October 14, 2002: Samantha LaRusso is born"
"2006ish: Anthony LaRusso is born"
"November 15, 2011: Mr. Miyagi dies (view on gravestone in S1E5)" Mr. Miyagi would have been 86, Daniel would be 42
"August 2018 to December 2018: Season Three"
"May 2019 to July or August 2019: Season Five" To give Chozen time to recover and have them be able to visit Okinawa for the OBon festival in mid August, I'm putting the season end in July.
August 2019 - Events of 'the epilogue'. LaRusso family joins Chozen in returning to Okinawa and attends the OBon festival with him and Kumiko
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annueh29srecipes-blog · 3 months
Okinawan Milk Tea, (Okinawa, Japan)
½ cup (72 g) Okinawa black/brown sugar or kokuto sugar
5¼ cups (1.25 L) water, divided
(1) To make the syrup, combine the sugar and ¼ cup (60ml) water in a small saucepan over medium-high heat, stirring constantly until boiling.
(2) Reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer until it's really thick, about 4 minutes. Watch carefully. Once thick, remove from heat.
(3) In another saucepan, bring 3 cups (300 ml) water to a boil over high heat. Add the tapioca pearls and cook for 6 minutes, or until they float to the surface. The time may differ depending on the type you get.
(4) Drain the tapioca and add them into the sugar syrup. Turn the syrup on low heat and cook an additional 2 minutes. Remove from heat.
(5) Boil the remaining 2 cups (470 ml) water in a saucepan or kettle. Turn it off and add the black tea. Cover and allow to steep for up to 5 minutes. Strain the tea leaves.
(6) To serve, divide the tapioca pearls and syrup among 4 heat-tolerant glasses. Top with the steeped tea, then the milk. Allow individuals to stir all together. For some extra decadence, top with a little extra frothed oat milk creamer.
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thon717-fmp · 4 months
A look into Japanese history Part 8
Era of Emperor Taisho (1912-26):
Political power shifted from the oligarchic clique (genro) to the parliament and democratic parties.
World War I and Aftermath:
Japan joined the Allied powers but played a minor role.
At the 1919 Paris Peace Conference, Japan's proposal for a "racial equality clause" was rejected.
The 1924 US Exclusion Act prohibited further immigration from Japan.
Post-WW1 economic decline worsened by the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake and the 1929 global depression.
1930s Militarization:
Military took control of the government, with political enemies assassinated and communists persecuted.
Indoctrination and censorship intensified.
Japan forced China into unequal treaties and increased its influence over Manchuria.
In 1931, the Kwantung Army occupied Manchuria and established the puppet state "Manchukuo."
In 1933, Japan withdrew from the League of Nations.
Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-45):
War broke out in July 1937, with Japan occupying much of China's coast and committing atrocities, notably in Nanking.
The Chinese government did not fully surrender, leading to prolonged conflict.
World War II:
1940: Japan occupied French Indochina and joined the Axis powers.
US and Britain reacted with an oil boycott, leading Japan to plan to capture the Dutch East Indies and go to war.
December 1941: Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and expanded rapidly in the Pacific.
June 1942: The Battle of Midway marked the turning point; Allies began reclaiming territories.
1944: Intensive air raids over Japan; US invaded Okinawa in spring 1945.
July 27, 1945: Potsdam Declaration demanded Japan's unconditional surrender.
August 6 and 9: Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
August 8: Soviet Union entered the war against Japan.
August 14: Emperor Showa decided to surrender unconditionally.
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rlrr · 5 months
The United States Navy in World War II: From Pearl Harbor to Okinawa – Mark Stille
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