#Frog venom
bridoesotherjunk · 16 hours
Frog Venom:: 🐸 😏😏😏😘
Eddie:: ..... I am not kissing you when you're like this.
Frog Venom:: But Eddie!! 😭 Don't you want your handsome prince?!?
Eddie:: no.
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youtwitinmyface · 2 years
#LongCovid a #Twitter Thread
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herpsandbirds · 8 months
May we please see some red belly black snakes or carpet pythons or striped marsh frogs or great barred frogs? I miss the country
But of course, here's some Australian friends for you...
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Jungle Carpet Python (Morelia spilota cheynei), family Pythonidae, found in the rain forests of northeastern Australia
photograph by Jonathon at @stunningserpents | instagram
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Red-bellied Black Snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus), family Elapidae, found in eastern Australia
photograph by Ken Griffiths
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Striped Marsh Frogs (Limnodynastes peronii), mating, family Limnodynastidae, getting all frothy, Sydney, Australia
photograph by Froggydarb 
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Great Barred Frog (Mixophyes fasciolatus), family Myobatrachidae, Conondale National Park, Queensland, Australia
photograph by Deane Lewis
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pumpkster · 1 year
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gjdraws · 1 year
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Red this Blue that this is their real dynamic and you can’t convince me otherwise
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typhlonectes · 4 months
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A remarkable example of suspected Batesian mimicry of Gaboon Vipers by Congolese Giant Toads
Eugene R. Vaughan, Mark S. Teshera, Chifundera Kusamba, Theresa R. Edmonston, and Eli Greenbaum
Batesian mimicry is a phenomenon in nature whereby a non-toxic animal emulates a noxious one, seeking to deter predators by deception. This type of mimicry occurs in many animals, with numerous documented examples of invertebrates, harmless squamates, and even birds that mimic venomous snakes. However, no observations of anurans mimicking venomous snakes have been reported. Based on comparative data from colour pattern, morphology, geographic distribution and behaviour, we propose that the Congolese Giant Toad (Sclerophrys channingi), endemic to Democratic Republic of Congo, is a Batesian mimic of the geographically widespread Gaboon Viper (Bitis gabonica). Although the colour pattern similarity between these taxa is not an exact match, aposematism and precise imitation are not required for Batesian mimicry to be effective, especially when the model (B. gabonica) is dangerously venomous and carefully avoided by other vertebrates. Given the morphological similarity between S. channingi and two other African toad species (S. brauni and S. superciliaris) that are sympatric with B. gabonica and its sister taxon (B. rhinoceros), similar examples of Batesian mimicry are likely.
Read the paper here: A remarkable example of suspected Batesian mimicry of Gaboon Vipers (Reptilia: Viperidae: Bitis gabonica ) by Congolese Giant Toads (Amphibia: Bufonidae: Sclerophrys channingi ) | Request PDF (researchgate.net)
Journal of Natural History 53(29-30): 1853–1871. (2019)
doi: 10.1080/00222933.2019.1669730
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markscherz · 11 months
A question prompted by a very intense dinner conversation: are poison dart frogs poisonous or venomous? My understanding was always if it eats you and you die, it's venomous, if you eat it and you die, it's poisonous, but you touch it and you die doesn't seem to fit into that (admittedly probably oversimplified) rule.
Dendrobatid toxins are definitely poisons. The effect of being harmful to the touch is caused by that poison basically being absorbed by the skin, which is ingestion of a sort.
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rkrayart · 10 months
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Quick tip from venom how to get those abs. Chocolate can be good for your figure xD
I just watched a few venom comics and I can't get past his buttocks. Also, the round cute version of venom. Idk why but I remembered those round frogs.
The refs (ʘ ͜ʖ ʘ)
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rookflower · 8 months
i don't manually clear out my followers on this account so just a note that if you are a self proclaimed proshipper i don't want you here and will most likely just immediately block you if i see you
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evilreflections · 10 months
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fatal-blow · 8 months
I've been reading about house sparrows because quite frankly they're one of my favourite birds, but like. They're classified invasive where I live, so population control is on my mind
And I read this one article that not only gives a solid list of things to discourage house sparrows, but also gently stresses that the goal is for sparrows to coexist with other backyard birds, and gives ways to attract other native birds
It's comforting that coexistence is not just possible, but something to be strived for!
And there's something so sweet about how, instead of "killing the invaders" we help them integrate into their new lives here instead
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sirensoul · 6 days
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mark-the-snark · 1 year
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im not rlly in the fandom but I got sad and this just kinda appeared
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umberandmochaagate · 2 years
There's something about Birdie in Glass Onion being taken as just a sort of comic relief and not a bigoted "free thinker" who repeatedly makes impulsive decisions based on rooted racist/antisemitic ideals and minimal care for other human beings that seems to get taken too lightly by a lot of people and it's... Interesting
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broken-clover · 11 months
18- Snoozing
This is a horrible sort of irony in that I'm writing a prompt about sleep and relaxation after what has to be one of the worst nights' sleep I've gotten in my entire life. It is very hard to write anything calm because I'm so high strung right now I don't feel like I've ever been relaxed before in my life.
This one is very short today, I'm really sorry about that, I'll try and make a better one tomorrow, hopefully after I can actually get some sleep. Have some Venom
Smells rose, in the same way that heat did. It didn’t matter how much he tried to wash whatever bits of the day’s baking off of his hands, oftentimes it still managed to float up from the bakery and follow him into the loft.
It had struck him as an annoyance at first, but over time, Venom had grown fond of it. Vanilla and spice could be calming on a stressful day. He had yet to tire of it, even after his many months of work. To him, it was one of the things that symbolized ‘home.’ Something informal, something pleasing to the senses, something not stringently necessary for survival, but that enriched and added a little something more.
The morning’s spice muffins still left the trace of a scent all the way up to his bedroom. Cinnamon, nutmeg, clove. Every slow, deep breath in came with a whiff of them. Warm air, but not too warm. Comfortable. That was still something he was getting used to.
Rain drummed against the rooftop and tapped against the window glass. He was thankful that he’d remembered to close them before lying down. It would have made a mess, and worse, Robo-Ky would have raised a massive fuss about it, screeching until he got up to deal with it.
Venom didn’t even want to entertain the idea of getting up. He’d have to, obviously, at some point, but that point was not now. As if to drive the point home to himself, he burrowed further into the pillow. The seamstress down the street had made it for him as a gift, in exchange for her shop’s little anniversary party he had catered several months ago. It was comfier than anything the guild had ever provided him.
He gave a short grunt. No thinking about that kind of thing, it ruined the mood. Thankfully, drowsy as he was, it was easy to let a snippet of thought flutter off. He was too tired to bother chasing it. The only thoughts that stuck were the pleasant sensations that Venom let envelop him. The gentle bakery smells. The rain and wind. The soft embrace of blankets and pillows. Responsibility was elsewhere for now, however temporary. Right that moment, it didn’t matter. Venom was content. And that was enough for him.
Rolling over, he let his long hair drape over his eyes as he dozed off.
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thevondoom62 · 2 years
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Spider-Man’s spectacular friends
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