#Frieza what if
litrpgburrito · 4 months
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As the dust settles on the battlefield, the newly separated Cell and Frieza, now known as "Cellza," realize the extent of their combined power. They part ways, but the seed of ambition has been planted. Cell, with his Saiyan cells, begins to ponder the potential of further transformations, while Frieza contemplates new methods of control over his vast empire.
**The New Quest:**
Cell embarks on a quest to push his limits, seeking out the Dragon Balls to wish for an even more perfect form. Frieza, meanwhile, focuses on expanding his dominion, recruiting powerful warriors from across the galaxies to serve under his rule.
**The Reunion:**
Their paths cross again when a rebel alliance forms to resist Frieza's tyranny. Cell, now in his new "Ultimate Perfect Form," joins forces with Frieza once more to quash the rebellion. Their combined might is terrifying, and they swiftly bring the rebels to their knees.
**The Twist:**
However, as they stand victorious, a rift forms between them. Cell's new power has made him arrogant, believing he no longer needs Frieza. Frieza, sensing the shift in power, plots to eliminate Cell before he becomes a threat.
**The Final Confrontation:**
The inevitable battle between the two tyrants is cataclysmic. They fight with the fury of gods, tearing apart planets and stars. In the end, it's the cunning of Frieza that gives him the upper hand. He tricks Cell into overexerting himself, leading to his downfall.
**The Conclusion:**
Frieza emerges as the sole ruler of the universe, but at a great cost. The battle with Cell has left him scarred and wary of future threats. He rules with an iron fist, ensuring that no one will ever challenge his supremacy again.
The saga of Cell and Frieza's alliance is one of power, betrayal, and the unquenchable thirst for supremacy. It's a tale that will be told in hushed tones, a warning of what happens when two of the universe's most formidable beings join forces.
[Mustache Vegeta sipping a latte]
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she-3po · 5 months
frieza: go kick ass, ginyu force ginyu force: okay but first
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paganminiskirt · 7 months
I also love how Vegito and Gogeta are not only distinctly different beings, and the former is conducted primarily by Vegeta while the latter is conducted primarily by Goku - but Vegito is clearly the more benevolent and emotionally involved of the two people, while Gogeta tends more towards frigidity and vindictiveness. Because as individuals, Vegeta’s “good side” is just as subliminal and rare to witness as Goku’s “bad side,” right; Vegeta is not a nice man by nature, and Goku doesn’t have a grudge holding bone in his body. Goku’s lack of any impulse towards vengeance is the only reason Vegeta is still breathing. This is well established.
But when Vegeta is shown to care for other people, it always manifests as him lashing out in defense of them against some greater source of cruelty - he gets pissed at Beerus for humiliating his father, he attacks Beerus for hurting Bulma, he freaks out on Cell for killing Future Trunks & knocks Present Trunks out immediately after hugging him for the first time, because he knows his son would insist on staying with him through his kamikaze attempt on Buu. Because Trunks is like that. Because Trunks is his son.
And Vegito takes that principle and drags it out to the extreme! The whole first fight with Buu is just him playing this sadistic cat and mouse game, very much in the arrogant style of Vegeta, but he also makes constant mention of the loss of Gohan, Goten, Trunks and the others - using the language of “stealing” “hunting” and “kidnapping” that brings to mind Vegeta’s own childhood trauma. He displays some aspects of Goku’s personality of course, with the playfulness and the attempts to get Buu to surrender, but Vegeta is obviously steering this ship. It’s his confidence and self-superiority that makes them lose the fight, and his belief in the necessity of a warrior’s “pride” that he explicitly cites as his reason for looking down on Buu.
Because this is what Vegeta’s attempts at “good” look like, right? Preternaturally violent and egotistical, but with a sense of protectiveness and paternity that renders his behavior heartwarming, at least enough to show you that he’s grown from the smirking, bloodthirsty garden gnome he was first introduced to us as. Underneath all the bravado, Vegito is aggrieved on behalf of someone else. He’s being kind in the only way he knows how.
Gogeta… is not that guy. He doesn’t do rescue missions, and he doesn’t feel the need to remind you of his superiority. He portrays himself as an avenger, not a defender, with lines that evoke a sense of justice and consequence like “it’s over, I’ve come for you” and “your own bad energy will be your undoing.” He snidely tells Frieza he’s coming back for him after he’s done with Broly, even though he’s visibly incapacitated and not really picking a fight. He forgoes Vegito’s up-close and relatively simple combat style in favor of these dramatic, wide-ranging attacks, more like an act of god than a natural disaster. And while Vegito allowed Buu to play with him a bit, postponing the end of the fight to sate his own lust for battle, Broly doesn’t even get to touch Gogeta once he goes super saiyan, his dedication to the pursuit reminding you of Goku’s final battle with Frieza.
…Except Goku offered Frieza clemency, and looked genuinely disappointed when he rejected it. Gogeta does no such thing. The audience gets to watch, half in awe and half in horror, as he renders this uber-aggressive Saiyan attack dog into a flailing, incoherent mess, not bothering to stop and ask him to surrender even though the updated Broly is a much more sympathetic character than Frieza or Majin Buu ever were. He enunciates the final kamehameha with such gravitas that you actually feel scared for Broly - and in the older movie, when Janemba switches back to his original form, he takes one look at Gogeta’s glowering face and scurries away in terror.
Hey, remember how Gohan fled in fear when Goku (under extreme duress) threatened him during the fight with Frieza? After he transformed into a super saiyan for the first time, guided only by mindless rage after Frieza’s pointless killing of Krillin? During a fight which only began after Vegeta, someone who caused him immeasurable harm in the past, told him to avenge the killing of both their families & the genocide of their race? All of which took place on a planet which the earthlings only had to travel to in the first place because the Saiyans killed several of their friends - a slaughter which Goku witnessed the aftermath of, at which point he told Nappa “there will be no mercy for you, you bastard” in the original manga?
Goku gets slotted into this role quite a lot, doesn’t he. He’s a protector, but also a savior, a planner, a consoler, and an avenger. He does his best to help people and he raises hell when he can’t, but he’s not vengeful by nature. Quite the opposite. See how he treats Vegeta in the Namek saga, smiling at him and bantering with him like he’s a coworker, and not the guy who crushed his bones to dust while cackling with sadistic delight.
But that’s because Vegeta only did that much damage to him. Nappa killed all the others - with Vegeta’s eager permission, yes, but that’s still enough distance to allow Goku to psychologically seperate him from those crimes. Goku’s clemency initially emerged as a byproduct of his desire to help people, but we have seen that same drive give way to brutal punitiveness when he fails, and somebody he loves dies. You can argue that it's misdirected self-hatred, anger at his own inability to be the hero those people trusted him to be - Krillin died screaming “Goku!” you might recall. The removal from other people Goku grew up enduring feeds into his sense of responsibility for the community that grew around him as an adult. He knows how important he is, and it hurts when he comes up short.
And I think that, understanding Gogeta to be primarily led by Goku but still notably impacted by Vegeta, that intense drive towards retribution the fusion displays takes on more meaning. Vegito exemplifies Vegeta’s better impulses, which are brought out in full force by Goku’s influence - Gogeta exemplifies Goku’s ugliest inner desires, with the leash he usually keeps them on loosened by Vegeta’s influence.
Because Vegeta was knocking down 100+ sentient creatures per day as soon as he could walk. He spent most of his adult life as a pampered slave, he murdered one of his oldest companions without a second thought, his introductory panel shows him munching on a severed limb, ffs. Vegeta has been through a lot, and I'm the last person to downplay that, but he hasn’t been going through it emotionally involved. He's used to this. He had to be. If he wasn't, his whole psyche would've collapsed by age twelve tops.
But Goku? Goku had to do all of that with his feelings turned on! And he chooses to remain steadfastly good and give second chances no matter how bad the situation, and that’s a healthy enough way of dealing with all this horror. But a side effect of being guided by that choice is the knowledge that he could be worse, he could be crueler. He’s a lot like Gohan, in that sense.
And Vegeta used his dying breaths to beg Goku to abandon that long-abiding impulse to show mercy. Goku might believe in forgiveness, and he might’ve let Vegeta go because of that belief, but Vegeta is a stubborn little bastard. He thinks that it’s holding him back, allowing people to slip through the cracks; to get hurt. And we’ve established that these two are both capable of misdirecting self-anger at others, though Vegeta does it much more often than Goku.
So when Goku’s mind is merged with Vegeta’s, and he’s forced to look back on his decisions to allow horrible people to live not with pride, but with regret and disgust, it manifests as Gogeta. A walking overcorrection, the sentient reconciliation of these two belief systems. Who doesn’t forgive and doesn’t forget, self-assured and bitter and terrifying, like Goku was for the first twenty seconds after he went Super Saiyan. Like he always told himself he wouldn’t be.
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ivoragrim · 1 year
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Manga panel redraws are my fav thing to do lately 💀
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sharkkfacee · 2 years
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Just a single dad and his annoying ass sons
(This is dumb lmao)
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enderbot-magic · 6 months
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Since we’ve seen King Cold’s adoption streak once he sees a Powerful Lad, so I think this may be a very feasible “How He Got His Sons”
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deathbeamz · 2 years
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Obviously I'd do the original Yamza scene who do you think I am?? + a Goku because Goku totally killed the mood there (and he will here too!
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thegembeaststemple · 8 months
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Dragonball FighterZ is RUINING MY L I F E
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justme068 · 7 months
Can I request a group friend selfie of Frieza, Frost, Zamasu, and Cell? Just a group of buds hanging out.
I don't think they have the capacity to manage a group photo
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spilledbeans116 · 9 months
The idea of Yamza is so absolutely HILARIOUS to me on so many levels and I LOVE IT but the main one is that Yamcha, in his silly goofy mind, was like “oh you took my girlfriend? Guess what! I’m taking your BOSS.”
I can’t even imagine what happened when Vegeta found out in these headcanons but I can just TELL it’s funny
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In future Trunks’ timeline, Goku was the one that defeated Mecha Frieza and King Cold. But Goku’s the type to go crAzy go st00pid while fighting and he doesn’t CARE sooo…as Edna Mode puts it, “No capes!”.
Something to post while I work on my other art posts.
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litrpgburrito · 4 months
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In a twist of fate, Cell and Frieza find themselves allying to face a common threat. Their union is a precarious one, built on mutual respect for each other's power and a shared desire for domination.
**The Alliance:**
Cell, ever the perfectionist, recognizes Frieza's strategic mind and unparalleled cruelty as assets. Frieza, on the other hand, sees in Cell a peerless warrior whose strength could prove useful. They strike a deal: Frieza will help Cell achieve his perfect form, and in return, Cell will assist Frieza in conquering the universe.
**The Threat:**
Their partnership is tested when a new Saiyan warrior, stronger than any before, emerges. This Saiyan's power seems limitless, and he is bent on eradicating all evil from the universe. Cell and Frieza must put aside their differences and work together to devise a plan to defeat this new foe.
**The Battle:**
The climactic battle takes place on a desolate planet, where the Saiyan warrior confronts the duo. Cell and Frieza launch a coordinated assault, showcasing their newfound synergy. Frieza's cunning and Cell's brute force complement each other, pushing the Saiyan to his limits.
**The Outcome:**
Despite their combined might, the Saiyan's power is overwhelming. In a desperate move, Cell and Frieza fuse into an ultimate being, "Cellza," combining their strengths and intellect. The fusion is unstable but powerful enough to give them the upper hand. After a fierce struggle, they manage to defeat the Saiyan warrior, but the victory is bittersweet. The fusion's instability causes them to separate, and they part ways, knowing they are unlikely allies bound by necessity rather than friendship.
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**The Aftermath:**
The universe is left to ponder the implications of such a powerful alliance. While Cell and Frieza have gone their separate ways, the fear of their union lingers. Heroes across galaxies remain vigilant, aware that the fragile peace could be shattered by the ambitions of either tyrant.
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zzzzombroccoli · 2 months
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I won't apologise for ✨️a r t✨️.
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dmsr-art · 1 month
im rewatching dragon ball super and the goku frieza fight is a lot hornier than i remember... something has come over me 🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️.... i am watching with pervert eyes...
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basicgrayson · 1 month
I'm sorry the noise he made??? I was not prepared
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friezaglasiencold · 3 months
Frieza, are all members of your species male and/or Genderless?
Not male, and not genderless—single-sexed. I think the closest terminology you would be familiar with to describe my status in comparison to your own is “intersex”, though that also isn’t right; from what I understand an intersex mammal is typically not in possession of both functioning organs... and certainly isn’t capable of asexual reproduction or egg-laying.
I suppose one way to put it is this: it isn’t that I fall somewhere in the middle of a spectrum, but rather it’s that there is no spectrum into which I could fall. Binary gender was foisted upon me, not something I happened upon naturally.
In that sense there are some mammals that might relate…
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