#Freyr would be so popular on Olympus
The thing is, sure Heimdall could beat Hermes in a fight, but it would still end with him becoming the Olympus court jester. Freyr would fight Ares to the death in order to be Aphrodite’s little pogchamp, though.
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commenter2 · 4 years
God of War plot ideas
I have been working on this for awhile but never had reason to finish it until now with the teaser for GOW Ragnarok coming out in 2021. Though it looks like GOW Ragnarok will be the last game of the Norse storyline, I still decided to leave this as a story for 2 more potential games, something the creators should consider doing given that that a lot of interesting things happen before and during Ragnarok in the real myth.
I can see the events of the second game happening near the end of Fimbulwinter where Kratos and Atreus have been living somewhat peaceful lives while still training to prepare for any godly foes, Atreus now knowing a few new skills like having the ability to heal Kratos a bit in battle or has learned to use Spartan Rage. Its also shown that Atreus has started acting a bit more like a teenager from acting out a bit more at Kratos and others to maybe showing that he has a crush on a girl that has moved into the area who also has a dislike for the Aesir.
This peace however ends when Atreus’s dream from the end of the first game occurs as Thor appears at their house, HOWEVER he is not there for revenge or on the wishes of Odin. Thor says that ever since Kratos killed Baulder, Odin has gone crazy about the coming of Ragnarok and it is driving him and the other gods nuts as well as make him unpredictable so Thor plans on checking on a few key elements that hint at the coming of Ragnarok and doing what he can to prevent them from occurring, thus slowing down the day of Ragnarok. He needs help however with a few of them and since Kratos started all of this he ask/orders them to aid him, and in exchange he help them avoid Odin. At first Kratos is hesitant given his past with gods but eventually agrees to help, maybe after having trouble fighting off a dangerous god.
Throughout the game Kratos and Atreus travel across the realms checking on several factors that are predicted to happen before Ragnarok like checking out the Fenrir wolf, the ship of the dead Naglfar, and the “roosters” of Hel to name a few. However each time they get to there target, said target almost starts another sign of Ragnarok and Kratos and Atreus have to stop it, which they do but with consequences that makes Ragnarok more unpredictable then before. For example I can see Kratos fighting Fenrir where he gives him a limp or breaks some of his teeth as a result or they accidently make the ship of the dead leave its port with some passengers and a few damages here and there.
Of course Kratos and Atreus also deal with monsters and other gods out to kill the ones who killed Baulder and/or effecting the signs of Ragnarok like Váli, a god in Norse myth literally made to get revenge for the death of Baulder, who could be the foe they had trouble fighting I mentioned earlier. I should quickly note that there are two Vali in Norse myth so I should say that this Vali is the son of Odin. Other enemy gods I could think of are Hod the god of darkness and winter who is the twin of Baulder,and the still vengeful Freya. Just like in the last game we would still get more info on the minor side plots that were in the previous game such as further exploring what happened to Tyr, go over Freyr the missing king of Alfheim some more, signs of there being Giants around the realms, and Atreus showing more signs of his Loki side maybe showing up after meeting that girl I mentioned earlier who could turn out to be Sigyn, Loki’s wife in Norse myth.
Eventually Thor, though clearly shown to be angry at Kratos’s actions throughout the game, give the duo one more task which is helping him kill the World Serpent. Kratos and Atreus refuse to do this, which finally causes Thor to snap and thus start a boss fight. However several factors occur during the fight like The World Serpent fighting Thor but causing the landscape to change, Freya appearing to try and Kratos, and Atreus trying to fight off Thor while also convincing Freya to stop this. Eventually Thor wounds the world serpent who retreats but not without getting wounded himself and also leaves but the game doesn’t end there as maybe a Giant appears to help out the serpent and the ones the resurrected him.
Because of this Odin makes his appearance and quickly kills the giant but after seeing Kratos, Odin tries to kill him as payback for causing Ragnarok. Freya tries to stop Odin saying Kratos is her kill, but he uses some magic to knock her out where Odin kills Kratos using the weapon Freya had ready for him. Maybe like in Fallen Order you could try to fight Odin but you always lose ? This is the final straw for Atreus as this finally makes him transform into Loki, symbolizing this by “giving birth” to the World Serpent, which in my opinion is what is going on in that image on the prophecy wall in GOW 2018. With his true self released and the realization that the Giants HAVE been reborn due to Faye’s ashes, Atreus-Loki and the giants walk to Asgard to start Ragnarok ending the game, but not before seeing Kratos’s body twitch a bit as a shadow is seen near his body.
The third game is the whole shebang.
The game could open with Kratos waking up in Valhalla where though he enjoys the beauty of the place, he tries to get out the area but before he can get a chance he is quickly identified as the guy who started Ragnarok and the warriors there start to fight him, starting the training level. Odin then makes a quick appearance there to fully destroy Kratos’s souls but before he can, Kratos disappears.
Turns out Freya brought him back to life and apologizes for trying to kill him as well as having a hand in turning his son against the gods but Kratos surprising forgives her as all he care as all he cares about is saving his son and stopping him from destroying to world like he did in God of War 3 with Freya taking up the role of Kratos sidekick. This could work as with Odin killing Kratos with Freya’s weapon, this fulfills her promise of killing him and she never said she couldn’t bring him back to life afterwards.
Throughout the game Kratos and Freya, along with Brok and Sindri on occasion and maybe a few new allies, travel the realms and partake in battles trying to not only to prevent Ragnarok from destroying the world but also try and save Atreus who Kratos believes can be saved. One idea for a new possible idea is a Vanir god since they would probably like Kratos’s reputation of putting the Aesir in there place, Heimdall is a fun choice given his popularity or Freyr who could finally be found if not in the 2ndinstallment of the Norse trilogy.
Since this is the finale then this game would obviously answer the big questions of the series if none have been explained in the 2ndinstallment game, like having a part of the game explain how Kratos got to this land. Maybe this could happen during a mission where Kratos has to go back to Greece to get the Blade of Olympus as it is key in destroying Atreus’s Loki side ? This game should also obviously explain what finally happened to Tyr. One idea I have for a possible story is how Tyr much like Kratos was able to get to the Norns (who are like the Greek Fates) but only to glimpse the future, and seeing Kratos is key to a better, peaceful future he created several events in the 2016 game so that this can happen. I know this isn’t a great idea but its something. Also maybe Thor does fight the world serpent again but this time the one Loki gave birth in the previous game where they fight and the World Serpent is sent back in time as mentioned in the 2016 game
Eventually Kratos, his allies, the Aesir, and Loki’s forces will all end up on Vigrid (the name of the final battlefield) where a huge battle will commence and after doing a few things to aid his allies (like maybe killing Thor in a rematch if that doesn’t happen already) Kratos will finally fight Odin. Kratos obviously defeats him but maybe in a bit of a twist, he spares his life after realizing how similar fighting him was like when he fought his father but this time its Odin who kills himself, accidently of course by doing something out of fear that leads to his own demise like maybe charging Kratos with a spear only to miss and be killed by Fenrir like in the prophecy. FINALLY Kratos and Atreus meet on the battlefield and the two fight each other, maybe the fight could have stages but eventually using the Blade of Olympus or maybe the Blades of Chaos Kratos is somehow able to destroy Atreus’s Loki part and releases the true Atreus who has been struggling to get free but as a consequence Kratos get severely wounded.
Maybe the game and the series ends on a note where Kratos dies but not before making peace with Atreus, Freya, and the others for causing all of this and dies happily and Atreus deciding to travel the world with Mimir as the new God of War but like Tyr trying to end conflict, and maybe trying make the gods of other mythologies care more about humanity.
Would you like to see any of theses things happen in the 2021 game ? What do you hope will happen ?
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