#Freestar Militia
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stymshots · 8 months ago
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Allies of circumstance.
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silent-moons-camp · 1 year ago
OC Introduction
Tagged by @silurisanguine from the Coemancer Crew - thank you!
Introducing: Kanan McCarthy
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Fandom: Starfield
Role: Spacefarer, Captain
Full Name: Kanan McCarthy
Nicknames: Cowpoke, Kane (really only ever referred to as such by their twin sister)
Pronouns: They/them, not strict on pronouns though.
Sexuality: Pansexual
Occupation and Titles: Freestar Militia Infantry (formerly), Shaw Gang Outlaw (formerly), Argos Extractors Miner (formerly), Smuggler and general criminal (currently), Constellation Member (currently)
Birthday and Age: At the beginning of the game (May 7th, 2330) Kanan is 37. They turn 38 shortly after. They were born on May 27th, 2292 in Akila City.
Physical Description: Kanan stands at exactly six feet tall (about 183 cm). They are physically active and as such have a sort of athletic build.
Clothing Style: Kanan wears masculine leaning clothing and mostly sticks to more "wild west" themed apparel. They are often seen in their signature red poncho and cowboy hat.
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As I don't want to spoil things, I'll keep this vague. Kanan was born and raised on Akila in Freestar space. Them and their family lived on the McCarthy Homestead just outside Akila City walls.
Kanan took part in the Colony War at a young age, having gotten caught up in the war propaganda. As such, they lied about their age in order to fight for the Freestar Collective. The Colony War took a huge toll on both Kanan and the McCarthy family as a whole.
Kanan went to college after the war and earned a bachelor's degree in engineering, having majored in engineering and minored in astronomy. They fell into a life of crime afterward, having joined the Shaw Gang for some time and then branching out on their own.
As seen in my fic titled The Man in Red, Kanan joined Argos Extractors about a year before the story of Starfield after encountering an odd bounty hunter in the Red Mile who wanted them alive.
They joined Constellation after encountering the Artifact on Vectera, and their story is currently being written in my fic titled Event Horizon.
Combat and Skills
Preferred fighting style: Kanan prefers mid to close range combat with guns, though they are not against getting very close and engaging in close quarters combat with melee weapons or hand-to-hand.
Favorite Weapon(s): Kanan carries a modified razorback revolver named "Penumbra." Kanan also carries around and prefers shotguns, but also keeps a sniper rifle handy as well as small blades.
Special Skills: Like any wild west gunslinger, Kanan is highly skilled at using pistols. They also use Starborn abilities (although they are not Starborn themself). Kanan is charismatic and knows just the right buttons to push when it comes to enemies, but also which words to choose when trying to de-escalate a situation. As they went to college for engineering, Kanan is well versed in various means of engineering, which includes spaceship building and design, outpost construction, weapon handling and management, and spacesuit technology. They are an excellent pilot as well, capable of coming out on top in even the most dangerous dogfights.
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Family: Kanan's father is James McCarthy, a former Freestar Ranger and former member of the First Cavalry mech division. Their mother is Charlotte McCarthy, a scientist and astronomer. They had an older brother named Owen who was also apart of the First Cavalry mech division during the Colony War. He was killed in the later years of the Battle of Niira. Lastly, Kanan is a twin; their twin sister is named Senya, a ronin by trade who currently lives with and takes care of their father at the McCarthy Homestead.
Kanan would later consider Constellation as their own "found family."
Love interest: Sarah Morgan. Before Sarah, Kanan rarely ever had any serious relationships out of fear of commitment. Instead, they often wandered from lover to lover and held many "friends with benefits" type relationships. One night stands are not uncommon for Kanan, though their more promiscuous behavior settles down once they end up in a serious relationship with Sarah.
Best Friend(s): Kanan is very close with all the members of Constellation, but finds a close friendship in both Andreja and Matteo.
Positive traits: Passionate, caring, ambitious, loyal
Negative traits: Stubborn, tends to isolate, reckless, greedy
Likes: Nature, animals, astronomy, books, Old Earth relics, exploration
Dislikes: Most governments and politicians, corruption, spacers, high-horse attitudes, cops, Neon
Fears: Being lonely forever, losing their family (both found and blood family), losing those they care about, another war
Guilty Pleasure(s): Smutty novels, Old Earth spaghetti western movies, whiskey
Hobbies: Playing guitar, exploring, reading, collecting Old Earth trinkets and relics, listening to music, cleaning weapons and armor, building spaceships, and somehow managing to herd ashta.
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lifeinthestarfield · 1 year ago
After finishing the survey for Piazzi IV-C, we decided to do a quick scan of Piazzi IV itself, a gas giant and easy money. Except that we jumped into a Crimson Fleet meetup. Five ships!
We were hopelessly outnumbered, so jumped to Altair II. And wouldn't you know, as soon as we were in-system we received a distress call from a Private Mahoney with the Freestar Collective (FC).
I'm not one to ignore distress calls. At some point I'm going to need the help and hope that some rando comes to my defense. So I take my good little self down to a research outpost on Altair II.
Right away I can see this is a problem. Spacers running around everywhere. I leave Sarah and Barrett (and Cora) to defend the ship while Sam and I see what we can do.
Cleared the outside and started a standard walkthrough/cleanup inside and found Private Mahoney in a closet. She gave us and overview of the situation and apparently UC Marines are here as well, pinned down somewhere.
Sam and I just kind of look at each other. So FC troops and UC Marines need two nobodies to bail them out? That doesn't say much for our military organizations, does it?
But that kind of thinking doesn't solve the situation. Our first stop was to find and secure where Corporal Lezama and the wounded are holed up.
They were hit pretty bad, but Lezama, who is UC, was calm and gave us directions and security key cards to find the Lieutenant. Boy was he surprised when Sam and I showed up after killing about nine spacers in the hallway. Wanted to know where the rest of our troops were, snipers, etc.
I just rolled my eyes and asked him to get on with it. The Lieutenant is trying hard, but this is obviously his first difficult mission. We took point and went out to find and relieve the UC commander.
That commander was Captain Meyong. Yup, THAT Captain Meyong. I was slightly star-struck, but then realized Sam and I'd saved her bacon, so that set matters straight. We did a quick strategy session.
The Lieutenant had split his troops and sent some to a research outpost. They also were under attack, so while Meyong and Torres secured this facility, Sam I headed to check on the outpost.
The outpost had two survivors, a FC private and a scientist, but the private said more scientists had holed up in a cave nearby. We took out the six spacers pretty easily. Pro tip: get the high ground, like up on top of a hab. You can pick them off, but still get down low to avoid returned fire.
So back to the base. I'd better be getting fuel money outta this.
The FC and UC were getting the research station locked down, but the main problem were Spacer ships around Altair V and Altair I. Since nobody else seems to have a ship (how the fuck did they get here? Does FC militia and UC just drop off their men and leave?) Sam and I get to go take out their ships.
This will be the first test for the Litany. We'll see how she does.
Three ships at Altair I and three ships at Altair V. Managed to get them all, but sustained some damage. Also the Litany handles like a brick. Getting her to turn is like manhandling a cruddup.
Unfortunately the Spacers have a death wish and despite losing six ships and their ground forces have doubled down on attacking the research station. Looks like another firefight on the agenda!
Well, at least a dozen Spacers at the base. Sam and I took them out. Not sure where the FC and UC were. Hiding inside I guess. Then two more ships came down and dropped off twelve more spacers. Sam and I picked them off easily. Again, high ground. We shot them like rats as they can down the slope into the base.
Got some thanks and a nice Peacekeeper from Captain Meyong. I'm a little worried about Lt. Torres. I think he might need some time on a comfy couch with a psychotherapist. The Captain gave him some good advice, but when I left he was a little shellshocked at the body count.
Now, why were we at Altair? Oh, right, escaping Crimson Fleet. Well, as long as we're here we might as well do the planetary surveys. There's also a research tower near the camp I'd like to check out and an Industrial outpost that ought to know about the Spacer issue.
Being a good, responsible citizen is a pain in the ass, you know?
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bellonathedragonborn · 5 years ago
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Character Name: Reiss Heartlily.
Other Names: Reiss Rubrum, Prince, Rebel Prince, Orange, Daffodil, Tulip, Peony, Nymph boy, little boy, toothpick, His highness, His majesty, Emperor, CJ, Emperor Rubrum, girly man, Bastard Prince, Carrot head, carrot, peach head, Scion of Sheogorath.
Sign: The Steed.
Birthday: 7th of Midyear.
Gender: Male.
Sexuality: Straight.
Birthplace: White Gold Tower, Cyrodiil.
Race: Imperial/Breton. (Some nymph blood from his Father’s side.)
Likes: Astronomy, planets, constellations, strawberry finches, knowledge, reading, maps, magic, tea, Daedra.
Dislikes: Religion, temples, the Divines, bandits, the Parasite, Atmora, cold weather, literally any god.
Hobbies: Stargazing, fixing telescopes, reading, collecting and studying maps, practicing fire magic, painting his finger nails.
Facts: Is a very dainty man. Has a feminine frame almost. Unlike his brother he didn’t inherit the Beast Blood from his mother. Has oranger hair than his father. Inherited Cicero’s Cyrodiil Dark Brotherhood armor. The Red Dragon crown is to big for him.
Religion: Herma Mora. (Atheist towards the Divines and other Aedra.)
Alliances: The Resistance. Counties that oppose Karmir’s rule. Aarondale militia. Snow Elf kingdom. Empire of Cyrodiil. Lilmothiit tribe.
Weapons: Silver short sword. Obsidian dagger. Destruction magic (mainly fire type spells.)
Armor: Dark Netch Leather armor. Cyrodiil style Dark Brotherhood armor. (Wears a green cloak over them.)
Jewelry: Silver garnet ring. Rubrum family amulet. Red Dragon Crown.
Abilties: Minor form of Nature Magic. Seeing his dead relatives.
Themesong: The Untold- By Seccession Studios.
Notable Relations: FreeStar/Sadus bloodline. Irvine bloodline. Rubrum bloodline. Heartlily bloodline.
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silent-moons-camp · 1 year ago
I'd love to know anything about your starfield oc!
Kanan McCarthy is their full name. First name is taken from Kanan Jarrus from Star Wars: Rebels, and the last name is taken from one of my favorite authors, the late Cormac McCarthy.
they/them pronouns, though uses he/him also.
I wish Starfield gave you better descriptions about some of the traits before you start, because if I had known what I know now about Kanan and the Freestar Collective, I woulda given them the Freestar Settler trait.
Kanan is followed around by the Adoring Fan for lulz. I have yet to get him a name (he deserves one).
I went into Starfield wanting to make a sort of Han Solo coded character, hence I went with Space Scoundrel as their background.
I picked the Wanted trait for them because I figured that Bethesda games are easy enough, I might as well have a bit more of a challenge. It worked out with the Space Scoundrel background and I've worked that into their whole thing they've got going on.
Kanan has two siblings who are also named after Star Wars characters. Owen, an older brother, named after Luke's uncle, and Senya, their twin sister, named after Senya Tirall from SWTOR
I am begging Bethesda to let me change the colors of outfits because red is Kanan's signature color and I want a red poncho.
Kanan originally started out with blonde hair, but because this game is admittedly really fuckin bad with hair sometimes (particularly with beards) I decided to change it to black.
I've considered making it so Kanan was apart of the First militia during the Colony War. Haven't decided yet. I need to do some more digging in wikis first.
On that note, the Freestar Ranger questline may as well be a Kanan questline. I won't go into all the details considering I plan on writing out a full Starfield fanfic, but the latter parts of that questline really struck a cord with them in regards to their past. (I like to think that the unique razorback they receive when they join the Rangers used to belong to their father.)
You know how people would lie about their age in order to get into the military and fight in some conflict? Yeah, that's Kanan. They told everyone they were eighteen in order to join the Colony War and instead they were around fifteen to sixteen. Yeah, they saw some stuff they really probably shouldn't have.
Kanan has a very, very bad habit of having frequent one night stands.
My voice claim for Kanan is Ben Schneider, the singer of the band Lord Huron.
Their theme song is The Man in Red by Trocadero. (You have no idea how long I've waited to make that song a theme song for once of my ocs. It's such a cool song.)
I'll stop there, lest I talk about things I'd rather keep for writing in the future. Thanks for the ask :)
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silent-moons-camp · 1 year ago
spoilers for the freestar ranger questline in starfield!!
my spacefarer, kanan, they joined the freestar militia in their teens and faked their age. saw a shit ton of things they probably shouldn't have seen during the colony war. so when they walk into paxton hull's hideout with sarah morgan, another victim of bloody unnecessary war, kanan is filled with both anger and pity for the man. the road to hell is paved with good intentions. paxton hull wanted revenge against the freestar collective for letting the deaths of his men be for nothing. and yet here is, working for the same people who allowed the war to happen. kanan wants to take the man by the shoulders, shake him, and go "don't you get it? we're all victims of the colony war you fuck, and hurting innocents isn't going to help that. they're victims of the corruption of the fc too!" this questline makes me feel things man. glad i took sarah along for it too because damn. sarah tells him that nobody should let the trauma from the war control them (because by god, did it control her for so long) and he tells her she has no right to judge him and again i want kanan to shake him and go, "yes!!! yes she does!!! so do i!!!" just man. MAN. (yes, i am aware of the hypocrisy of working for the "elite cops" of the freestar collective. the boot-licking of having an option to work for them is not lost on me. i have character based reasons for kanan, a victim of the colony war and all the bullshit that came out of it, to join the rangers)
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silent-moons-camp · 8 months ago
ghost and skin for Kanan, desire and midnight for Immanuel, pretty please ✨
ghost: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts?
Kanan's older brother, Owen, lingers with them at all times. Owen died during the Colony War. He was a role model to Kanan, and when Owen went off to fight for the Freestar Collective, Kanan followed suit. Kanan faked their age and got into the militia at the young age of sixteen. During the Battle of Niira, a battle that lasted the entire war, Kanan's entire family was changed - their father lost both of his legs, and Owen his life. Nowadays, Kanan feels the weight of Owen's loss on their shoulder at all times, wishing to be just like him - courageous, kind, and willing to help others, but Kanan is not known for these things.
skin: How comfortable is your OC in their skin? Do they grapple with anything that lives inside them—a beast, a curse, a failure, a monster? How do they face the smallest, weakest, most horrible version of themself? Are they able to acknowledge it at all?
Kanan may appear to be comfortable in their skin, but it is all a ruse, just like many parts of their personality. Kanan has a rough exterior and a heart of gold. And while they aren't exactly grappling with the consequences of their actions all the time, there is a part deep down that feels guilt over everything wrong they've done, especially when it comes to them partaking in the Colony War. They refuse to face it most of the time, only being forced to face it once they join Constellation and begin to fall for Sarah.
desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
Immanuel desires the total destruction of evil and oppression by any means necessary. Even though the ideals of Tyr, God of Justice and the ideals of the Oath of Devotion seem to work together, both tend to conflict in some areas. Tyr demands Immanuel partake in this desire to dispense justice and uphold the law, punishing those who would work against it. But Immanuel is a merciful man, and his Oath demands mercy as well. Because of this Oath, Immanuel must be honest about his desires and intentions to cleanse the world of evil, even if it may put off some of his allies. It's a desire that must be tempered by the wisdom of his Oath, and as such, he cannot always go about bringing righteous fury upon evildoers.
midnight: What keeps your OC up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping?
As mentioned in a previous ask, Immanuel has Illithid-induced nightmares, so they often keep him up. But Immanuel also ends up keeping himself up out of fear that something bad will happen to the camp while everyone else is asleep. Shadowheart will often have to beg him to go to bed because he is so adamant on keeping watch. Other times, she'll keep watch with him, or one of the other members of the party will keep him company - such as Gale or Karlach. If he isn't sleeping or keeping watch, Immanuel is reading or meditating.
Thanks for the ask! <3
Ask me questions about my OCs!
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