#Free People Homecoming Blanket Scarf
Galentines Day Wishlist 2023
Hello, my dear friends! It is February and Valentine’s is in the air. If you are thinking of buying something for the special gal in your life, here are my top picks for this month of love. The following products listed below are some of the stuff I currently own or use, and are truly loving, while a few are still on my wish list. I am certain you will love most of the items featured in this…
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minnie-marvel · 6 years
Crown Fell (Peter Parker x Reader) Part 8
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Asgard has been destroyed and the time has come for you to live on Midgard with your brothers Thor and Loki. They’ve decided in order to live among humans you must learn to adapt to them, and what better place to do that then high school? Don’t worry too much though, a very cute Peter Parker is ready to teach you and might be the Prince Charming you never thought you’d find on earth.
Peter Parker x Asgardian princess! reader
Words: 2218
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
A/N: It’s been a while y’all!! Excuse the long wait I just got back from vacation!! Unfortunatley, since I’ll be starting school up again soon my content will decrease until winter time when I get another break. I’ll still try to update here and there but i think its safe to say I’ll be on an indefinite hiatus... Maybe a oneshot here and there or a start up of a story but I won’t be producing a lot of content from now on until winter. I promise to come back with some good ole christmas goodies though!! Anywhoooo happy reading and stay frosty!!
When you stepped through the portal into our room again you tried not to make a sound. Your body slipped under your bed sheets effortlessly when you suddenly felt a vibration in your pocket. The room was still dark and when you lifted your phone out of your pocket to see it the light nearly blinded you. You couldn’t be too annoyed with its brightness though, Peter had texted you.
Peter: Hey Y/N… listen, I don’t know if you’re awake or if you even have your phone still cause maybe Thor and Loki took it away. Aunt May does that to me when I royally screw up. Not that you’ve screwed up at all!!! You didn’t do anything wrong but I just…
Peter: I just wanted to say that I’m sorry. I should have done more to make sure that you weren’t in trouble but I decided to be lame and be a wallflower at Flash’s party. You’re just…you’re a goddess you know? You’re super powerful, kind, and beautiful and I’m just…. Me.  I never want to stand on the sidelines again around you. I promise I’ll keep you safe from now on.
Peter: Sorry for bothering you with such a long message, I’ll see you in school tomorrow hopefully. Goodnight Y/N.
You felt your heart clench every time you read Peter’s message over. He took so much responsibility for your actions when he didn’t need to. Peter was such an angel sometimes if felt as if you were the one who wasn’t worthy of him.
You couldn’t find the words to text him despite having so much to say. You wanted to tell him that you thought he was the sweetest Midgardian you’d ever met, hell maybe even the sweetest person you’d ever met. He made your heart skip beats and your cheeks flush red. He made your composure break down slightly from being the perfect princess twenty-four seven. He made you feel natural in a way that not many people could.  You wondered if he thought the same way about you. If Thor and Loki would just loosen up on you maybe you could even…
The thought of being in a relationship with Peter made you throw a pillow over your face a blushing mess. Muffled screams came out of your mouth as you lowered your pillow to reveal a goofy looking smile. You wanted to be with him, desperately; and by Odin’s beard, you would be with him even if it killed you. 
You woke up the next morning to feel Thor gently shaking you in your bed with Loki standing behind him arms crossed.
“Wake up Y/N, you have a school to get to,” he smiled. You tried to turn away from him wrapping yourself tighter into your blankets groaning softly.
“No matter, only makes things easier for me,” Thor said simply grabbing your body and placing you under his arm like some sort of small dog.
“Thor…. I’m tired and I’m grounded for three centuries remember.” You grumbled as he walked you into the kitchen Loki following behind.
“Grounding excludes schooling my dear,” Loki cut in as Thor sat you at the compound’s kitchen table a plate of steaming pancakes sitting in front of you. You took in a deep breath and shuddered with happiness staring at the plate now fully awake.
“What is that?” You breathed already wiggling around in your blanket cocoon to free your arms and hands.
“Pancakes,” Thor said proudly as he drizzled some maple syrup across your short stack. You tried not to lick your lips as you picked up your fork immediately shoving the sweet breakfast in your mouth. You hummed happily as your continued to scarf the pancakes down the new Midgardian treat instantly becoming a new favorite.
“We wanted to apologize for last night Y/N,” Thor began as he sat across from you only taking a cup of coffee in his hands. You lifted your eyes from your plate to him raising an eyebrow. You had already forgiven Thor for being  overprotective, but you weren’t about to miss hearing Thor admit he was wrong.
“Consider your three century grounding sentence lifted. I think it might be time that we spend a little more time with one another as siblings rather than guardians,” Thor took a sip from his cup still watching you to see if your expression could showcase your feelings. As far as he could tell, you had too much pancake stuffed in your mouth to tell.
“How?” you asked after swallowing your breakfast.
“Stark gave us tickets to some sort of Midgardian entertainment place… Luna Park,” Loki explained trying not to look as bored as he might have wanted to be. Your thoughts shifted to what both of your brothers had said to Peter before whisking you off to the compound the night before and you began to sit back with your arms crossed over one another looking smug.
“I’ll go. But only if you let Peter come along with us as well.”
They both stared at one another for a moment and looked back at you, almost as if it pained them to agree. You only raised an eyebrow at the two smirking. “Well?” You asked.
“This was to be a family outing Y/N,” Thor tried taking another sip of his coffee not letting his eyes move away from you.
“You both have been terrible to him, calling him names and treating him like dirt. I won’t go unless you prove that you can be nice to him and trust him.”
Loki only grew more impatient with his expression tightening into something clearly unhappy. “A question if I may,” He began before his eyes locked on yours, their greenish tint seemingly glowing. “Why do you care so much for the spiderling?”
You felt your face heat up instantly, you weren’t prepared for him to actually ask you why.
“Well… that is… it's because…” Great, now they were both looking at you with that stern look your father used to give you. You understood how you felt about Peter but your brothers certainly wouldn’t. You were sure that if you told them the truth they would ban you from ever seeing him again.
“It’s because he’s my protector of course!” You said quickly. It looked like you had saved yourself for now. You took in a deep breath.
“How are you to trust someone with my life if you don’t like them?” You had turned on your diplomatic charm. Both of your brothers exchanged tired looks before giving in.
“I’ll tell Tony to bring his spider son along. But only if he comes along as well,” Thor decided taking a long sip. “Finish your breakfast Y/N.”
You broke out in a huge smile happily eating again. You didn’t mind if Tony came along at all. If anything he would be able to distract your brothers and allow you to go off to do some things with Peter by yourself. You tried to stop smiling if you kept on like this Loki would definitely know you were up to something. Being a trickster god he was able to sniff a scheme a mile away. You tried not to look so happy, instead to you tried to look contempt.
--- You waved goodbye to your brothers before walking into school. You tried to remember where your locker was. What number was it again? Three hundred and fifty…
You were pulled out of your thoughts by a stranger calling your name. You turned your head to watch a girl walk up to you.
“Y/N!! I saw you at Flash’s party last night!! You were such a total badass!!” She said. Another girl came beside her after eavesdropping on the conversation.
“Oh my god right?? Y/N backhanded that douche so hard I thought his head was gonna spin!!”
“It was the appropriate action of course…” You muttered. You thought when you agreed to pretend to be Midgardian that you would lose the popularity streak you had with people.  “You should never allow someone unworthy of you to act in such a manner. I meant what I said: he is a pig.” You finished. A crowd was starting to develop.
“Y/N is such a queen I wish I had guts like her!!” you heard one voice say.
“A queen?!” You asked suddenly feeling yourself tense up. Were you discovered?
“Yeah!! We should totally try to get her to on the roster for homecoming queen next year!!” Another chimed.
“That’s quite alright I don’t need any crown…” You mumbled. You looked around for any way to escape from the huge group surrounding you.
“Y/N!!” You heard a familiar voice call. You peeked over the sea of heads to see Peter waving at you. You felt a rush of relief and started pushing your way past people. “Sorry, I have to get to class!!” You called before walking beside him. “Peter…” You breathed your words suddenly becoming lost in your throat. You had so much to tell him but the fear of rejection was practically choking you.
“I got your messages,” You started. Your hand started to itch. It was like it needed to grab onto his. “I just wanted to thank you… for everything. You think that you haven’t done me any good but you’re wrong…” You smiled.
“It’s almost as if you’re my hero, a knight in shining armor.”
Peter turned a bright shade of red as you complimented him his ears felt like they were on fire. “M-me? No, I haven’t done anything that’s worth that kind of title… I’m more like a serf in dirty burlap.” He muttered looking to the side. God, why were you so pretty?!
“Peter I can’t even find my locker without you, and that’s just in school.”  You put a hand on his shoulder. “You do so much for me inside these walls and outside of them. I want you to know how dear you are to me… I-”
“Will Peter Parker please come to the school office, Peter Parker to the school office.” He looked up at the ceiling as if the voice came from the sky.  He took a quick glance at his watch and sucked in a breath before looking back at you.
“Hey, I’ll see you in History okay?” He asked. Your lips clammed up and you gave a nod at him as he jogged off in the opposite direction from you to the office. You heaved a heavy sigh. You were so close to telling him how you really felt. Curse those stupid announcements. 
You were about to start heading to your first class of the day when you felt someone tap on your shoulder. When you turned around you saw the same girl who had first approached you. Her gaze seemed to be far off past you and her expression seemed unnaturally lax almost as if she were asleep.
“You would make a beautiful queen Y/N,” she said. Her voice was monotone and sent a shiver down your spine as she spoke. 
“You should be back on a throne, where you belong Princess Y/N of Odin…”
Your eyes widened and you took a step closer to her. “Who are you?!” You hissed. The girl did nothing, she only kept staring past you in a daze. You grabbed her by the edge of her shirt quickly pulling her even closer.
“I said who ARE you?!” There was no response. You pushed her forward out of your grasp and suddenly the girl shook her head as if she was waking up from a dream.
“How did I get here…?” She asked looking around the hall suspiciously.  Your eyes lowered at her figure and she looked at you nearly peeing herself when she saw your dark expression. 
“Oh, shit did I bump into you or something Y/N??” She asked baking up. “I’m super sorry I must have been spacing off or something!” She said quickly grabbing onto her backpack straps.
“I’ll see you later!!” She rushed off quickly down the hall as the bell rang. Students started to pile into classes and the halls gradually emptied until you were left alone.
You grabbed your phone out of your pocket dialing for your brothers as you started to make your way out of the building. You saw Peter come out of the office out of the corner of your eyes but you kept walking.
“Y/N…?” He started to jog after you holding an envelope in his hands.
“Y/N what’s going on? Are you okay? Mr. Stark just dropped off these tickets for us- hey where are you going?” he asked taking your hand suddenly finally causing you to stop.
“We need to get out of here.” You said quickly in a hushed tone. “Someone’s trying to locate me.” You whispered.
“What?! Who-mmmm!!!” You covered his mouth quickly with your hand. “Quiet!” You whispered looking around. 
“I called for Thor and Loki they should be here as soon as possible,” You muttered. You didn’t want to say too much out loud who knew if someone was listening. You slid your hand down from Peter’s mouth.
“Who’s trying to find you Y/N? What’s happening?” He whispered back. You felt anxiety set in your chest as you turned to him your whole body quivering with fear.
“I don’t know Peter.”
strikethrough means i cant add you!
“Crown Fell” Tag
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