#Fred mission qsmp
okaioh · 1 year
the admins had no idea what they were getting into when putting these three to do lore together 💀💀
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lycheefruiit · 1 year
Roier yelling 'IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT- IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT TUBBO' fucking hurt my soul - oh god this is fucked
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mikaikaika · 1 year
"Those are all the pictures you took?" says Cellbit holding onto his patience by a thread
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I have never understood the expression "it's like herding cats" better than I do rn
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caramelteaa · 1 year
It's so weird seeing people insist Fred is the one that torture Q and wiped his memory. Fred only ever said he's done bad thing. It's at best speculation but it's being treated like the truth
(sorry I went a bit much in the tags)
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iminyourbookshelf · 10 months
Fred is literally the best I may have been wrong they didn't survive on eating worms but TWO CARROTS. I consider that more impressive. AND ESCAPED WITH A SINGULAR SPOON
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rainbowchaox · 4 months
World Building Notes:
The Federation:
The federation is an organization whose mission is to contain and research a select group of individuals. These individuals all were kidnapped from other worlds using their portal technology. The federation has many different sectors working on different experiments. Some sectors specialize in emotional control while others are more dubious such as cloning. They want to make the world perfect no matter the moral cost to achieve that. They care for the islanders the way a scientist cares for their lab rats.
Notable Federation Individuals
Fred: A federation worker that used to be a normal player that specializes in reconnaissance and information gathering. He joined the Federation willingly when the Federation Intentions were still pure and good. But underwent a lot of conditioning and mind breaking to achieve the most perfect worker. Until he met Tubbo. That's when his human emotions start to break through the control. Making him question his loyalty to the organization.
Elena: The lead researcher for the hybrid cloning experiment and the Happy pills. She knowingly knows of the Federation evils even more so than the likes of Walter Bob and Fred. And drugs herself with diluted happy pills to cope. She will be much more important in this rewrite as she later on becomes the main one that deals with the islanders. She thinks her husband is dead but Walter Bob is actually her husband.
The Directors: A board of directors that fund the federation. Not much is known about them but they have the tradition of using animal code names with masks that match. Each has their own way of running things.
Cucurucho: The Federation Boss that only answers to the directors. He is the result of an old federation experiment that was trying to make something similar to a god. He has a brother that is very dangerous. He can be kind in his own way. He just isn’t used to human emotions. Only strive for perfection. He does love his brother though.
Walter Bob: A worker that was forced to become part of the federation and undergo massive brain control. He eventually breaks free and becomes a general of the rebels. Actually the husband of Elena.
Ron: a worker that was kidnapped by Bad but eventually manages to leave after befriending Bad. He was also like Walter Bob and taken away from his family.
The Resistance:
A group of ex federation workers and ex islanders. They are a militaristic and fanatic faction and want to see the Federation taken down at any cost. And will use the islanders for this.
The Codes:
Originally a discarded Federation project that was taken by the Rebels to use as a weapon against the islanders and the Federation. The creatures are a virus so they can also infect and mimic other creatures. The virus is called Binary Sickness.
The Watcher:
An actual god that the Federation experimented on and took the DNA of (which created Cucurocho and his brother). He is currently trapped on another island by the Federation and extremely pissed about it.
Cucurocho twin brother that instead of joining the Federation joined their father in his mission to take down the Federation. He can freely move and sorta acts like The Watcher main eyes and ears on Quesadilla. His relationship with his brother is complicated.
Islander Notes:
Fit: A merc for hire that hails from 2B2T, a land ravaged by chaos and destruction. A total wasteland. Wasn’t picked by the Federation higher ups but a welcome edition. His contractor is Madagio. He is human but he had to fix his body with cybernetics. He and Phil had a thing back in the day. Dated Spreen for a short while before Spreen “Died”. Very quickly falls in love with Pac soon afterwards.
Philza: An immortal crow avian that hails from a dimension that is filled with deities. He has tons of bird instincts. He used to be mortal before he died and came in front of Lady Death herself. And Death fell in love with him and gave him another chance at life. He would be immortal unless he loses his only life. Because of his long life he has many stories to tell. He burned kingdoms. He even led some. He just now wants peace and someone to be there for him (Him and his wife discussed in length that it’s fine for him to find other lovers as only when he dies will he be able to see her again). War tires those that live through countless wars. And that’s when he received a ticket. He always wanted a vacation. The Federation is very interested in his immortality.
Slime: A slime hybrid the Federation is interested in for their hybrid testing. He can die but he will create a new him, losing his memories. He eventually gets Binary Sickness and eventually corrupts into a one of the two Code Giants. He is later saved by Mariana.
Maximus: A normal human that was a conspiracy theorist that got too close to unwrapping The Federation dark secrets. So he was tricked thinking he won an all paid trip in a raffle. It was a very long trip. Maximus later joins The Resistance for a short period.
Roier: A spider hybrid that used to be human until a rogue Federation scientist experimented on him. Said scientist is Abueloier. The Federation is interested in taking back their old experiments. It’s why Roier had better treatment from The Federation in the early days.
Spreen: A Merc that travels dimensions and fights battles for whoever pays the most. Morals be damned. He had one priority and that is himself And he would have stayed that way if not for one of the wars he was fighting in. A clumsy newly born reaper would fall out of the sky. And now he has two priorities. Himself and his baby brother. He will do anything to get his family free from The Federation control, even dirty his hands for The Resistance. The Federation picked him because they heard how cold and bloodthirsty he is. They hoped he would cause conflict for the Islanders But The Federation didn’t realize that Spreen is also now a big brother. A very very protective big brother.
Vegetta: A long living elf that is a very powerful wizard. The Federation invited him to research more about such powers. This is also why The Federation gives him better treatment.
BadBoyHalo: A demon that has a job as a Reaper. He is literally one of the oldest on the island, only probably The Watcher is older. He is the cause of numerous disasters in human history. He was brought over by the Federation in order to study demons. He is also treated better by The Federation than other islanders. It may be because Cucurocho has a crush on him.
Mariana: A demigod that the federation is interested in for similar reasons they are interested in the other supernatural leaning Islanders. Unlike the other supernatural islanders Mariana doesn’t know about him being a demi god nor that he has powers. Until much much later.
Jaiden: One of the two remaining bird hybrids that come from the Hybrid experiments that the Federation did. She never lost her memories and always was on the Federation side. She was allowed to leave because Elena pulled enough strings to make it happen. She knows Baghera is pretty much her sister. Jaiden though having her belief in The Federation broken and losing her son Bobby. She accepts her death in the nuclear blast. She never got the chance to tell Baghera they are sisters. That was her only regret before she passed.
Missa: One of the youngest Immortals on the Island. He used to be human until he died to a skeleton. He was then brought to Lady Death to be shown the door to his afterlife of choice. Kristin aka the Goddess of Death saw his kind soul and decided to give him another choice. Said choice was becoming one of her reapers. Missa asked if that would help others and she said yes. So Missa was remade by her using Void. He became a reaper that specialized in Gentle Death and gently guiding children to the other side. Death never stops so he also sometimes works overtime in war zones. He is actually very powerful but is still a novice to the whole immortality business. Also doesn’t help that he is more on the pacifistic side. He doesn’t actually want to hurt others even if he can easily do so. He is a romantic so he falls easily. The type of immortal that hasn’t closed his heart yet having feelings for both immortals and mortals alike. He is actually one of Lady Death's favorite reapers so he can have an audience with her whenever he likes.
Dan: He is a Federation scientist that was mind wiped and allowed to escape. He is behind the creation of The Federation Communications and the Beta version of the Binary Entities. Soon, the mind wiping was starting to wear off so he was fully kidnapped and put on the trains just with the other islanders. It isn’t long until he fully remembers his past and tries to tell Max about everything. Before he could do so he was assassinated by The Federation in order for the information he knew to stay secret. Otherwise the experiments on the Islanders would be compromised.
Foolish: He is the second youngest Immortal. He hasn’t reached the state of closing his heart off towards mortals but definitely has reached the immortal stage of fucking around. He spawned numerous cults and religions out of boredom. He is a minor trickster god that is connected to the sea and rebirth. He can’t die as he will always come back. He created the Totems based on himself when he was bored. Him and Bad always meet each other through the centuries much to his annoyance (He will never admit that Bad is his best friend).
Luzu: He was a Federation intern that worked for Dan during the Codes experiments. He had empathy for the beta binary creatures so willingly let one into his head when he made his escape from the Federation. This beta code would later name themselves Arin. He eventually got into a world where he met Quackity and they almost got married before breaking it off. He is still pining for him even if won’t admit that to himself. Luzu was almost free from The Federation. He remembers his life back as part of the Federation. But he was only an intern so he has no memories of information that The Federation isn’t okay with spreading. It’s when he was packing his stuff from Quackity apartment that is when he saw that Quackity received a ticket. He then met up with someone through his old contacts to forge his own ticket.
Quackity: He is a duck avian that likes to travel dimensions. Federation had no reason to want him as part of their experiment excerpt that he is connected to everyone they personally wanted to come to the island. He has connections to immortals, to demigods, to the people they really were interested in. That's the reason Quackity originally got the ticket.
Rubius: He is fully human and was only invited so the vacation looked legitimate. Imagine the main character of a horror movie. He fully wanted to leave. He never got to see freedom though as he died so early on.
Carre: A human merc that was paid for by The Resistance to find his way into Isla Quesadilla. He would work for them until he eventually died to Eye Workers.
Bagi: A detective that recently found information of a string of missing people connected to something called The Federation. Before she could learn anything more about this case she was notified of a group of criminals that escaped prison and are on the run. She snuck onto the cargo ship as she was given a lead that Felps struck a deal with said criminals to drive them to another location in said boat. Pac,Mike,and Cellbit didn’t realize he didn’t actually know how to drive the boat, which is how all of them crashed onto Isla Quesadilla. The Resistance then forced Cellbit and Bagi to Remember they were twins raised at one of the Federation Child Care Centers. Obviously it was under another name to throw off suspicion. It was called the White Perfection home for Youths. (A orphanage aimed to train children into becoming new Federation Workers). She and Cellbit figured this out and escaped. But in the middle of said escape they lost contact and she eventually forgot how her brother looked. It’s why she became a police officer in the first place to eventually find her brother again.
Cellbit: A convict that escaped with Pac and Mike onto a cargo ship to try and run from the cops. Bagi is his twin sister and both were raised in the White Perfection Home for Youths. Instead of hopping around homeless shelters and adoption centers until finding a family like Bagi did. Cellbit had a much harder life. He became a child soldier during a bloody civil war and was sorta adopted by Bad (who was there busy reaping souls). This is also when he first in desperation ate other humans. Once the war ended he returned to Brazil and became one of the bloodiest serial killers to date before turning himself in. He then was put in prison and later escaped with Pac and Mike. (Despite him eating one of Pac legs).
Pac: A human ex master thief that was imprisoned before escaping with Mike and Cellbit. His leg was eaten by Cellbit so Mike made him a robotic replacement. He eventually falls for Fit when they get to the island and is actually pretty much a genius in chemistry despite not thinking so.
Mike: A human ex master thief and on the side weapons dealer. He was imprisoned with his partner in crime Pac and Cellbit before they all escaped. He obviously doesn’t trust for good reason as Cellbit literally ate Pac leg. His creativity is what made Mine the goddess of creation court him and eventually Marry him. He sometimes get possessed by her.
Felps: A human that tried to get rich as quick as he could by pretending he could drive a boat. He is the reason they crashed on Isla Quesadilla. He actually befriended Cellbit before he was imprisoned. And became a guard in hope of eventually getting him out. He eventually managed to get Cellbit into therapy post jail break and Cellbit got better. He died in Purgatory by debris hitting his head.
Antoine: A very old god disguising himself as a human. The Federation managed to trap him just how they trapped The Watcher on his own island. Despite his powers he can’t leave nor use the full extent of his powers. Eventually he gets his powers back. The plane crashed on purpose because of Kameto (Kameto was ordered to befriend certain individuals and bring them in any way to Isla Quesadilla.)
Pierre: A normal human The Federation is primarily interested because his vast intelligence and open anti-federation sentiments that was harming their good reputation they strove years to perfect. He later on would be killed by the Federation but replaced with an android that shares emotions and memories from the original Pierre.
Baghera: One of two living subjects from the avian experiments. She was considered disobedient and disloyal to the federation so her sister was much more favored. Her only good memories were her “mother” (Elena) and her “sister” (Jaiden). She went through much more trauma inducing experimentations which made her block out her whole childhood once she was out and free. It’s just The Federation wanted her back so much despite Elena's refusal. So they put Kameto a federation operative to get her back along with other persons of interest. She really thought Kameto was her friend. He was there standing with her for her therapy sessions. Once Jaiden dies, she returns from purgatory herself. She finds out Jaiden was her sister and it haunts her for the rest of the rewrite of what they could have been if only Jaiden lived.
Etoiles: He is actually a biological binary entity experiment. All other subjects either mutated, went mad, or deformed. He was the only one that lived. He was actually stolen by one of the kinder scientists to be raised out of The Federation control. Because the Federation wanted to make him a weapon. He can’t really age so he watched said “father” wither and eventually die. He joined many fight clubs and even participated in some wars. He was then “befriended” by Kameto.
Kameto: He is actually a Federation operative. He is the reason why The Federation has its fingers in most world governments. He is as cruel as the organization he works for. He was ordered to bring back a list of people of interest. He acted like he was their friend and managed to convince all to board a plane. He then crashed it on purpose by blowing up the engine with a bomb he planted previously. He killed innocents in the process but did manage to get everyone the Federation wanted on the island. He would then be ordered to spy for the federation. In purgatory Antoine would learn about all of this and leave him to die.
Niki: A cat hybrid that was well known to be very against corrupt government and corrupt companies. She quickly realized something wasn’t right with the “benevolent” charity organization The Happiness Federation. And started vandalizing and even burning Federation Facilities. She was eventually caught and frozen. All the ice prison people were enemies of the Federation. She eventually makes The Island Syndicate.
Tubbo: He used to work as a scientist and engineer for The Federation before he tried to leave. He was one of the people that was raised in one of the federation controlled orphanages. And once The Federation realized he was a genius immediately made him work for them. He is the brain behind the technology that trapped The Watcher (and similarly Antoine) on his island. This is why The Watcher especially hates him. He also was part of the research team that went into portal technology. He decided he wanted to leave seeing people get harmed for research and was frozen after three days worth of mind wiping and torture.
Mouse: One of the first beings the Federation managed to bring through their portal technology. She is the Queen of Hell so was quickly frozen until better technology is available to weaken her so she isn’t a threat.
Tina: A demon that went looking for their queen (in hope maybe she can become an angel) and was similarly frozen.
Lenay and German: A married pair of investigative journalists that was about to publish a paper about The Federation. A lot of which was information the Federation didn’t want getting out. They got kidnapped in their own home and frozen by the Federation. Their research and house was then burned and the public got fed a cover story they died in said fire.
Rivers: Ex Military Merc that was hired by the Resistance to take down the federation but failed and was frozen. When she wakes up she is convinced by Niki that both the Federation and The Resistance don’t care for them. So she immediately leaves The Resistance and creates The Island Syndicate with her.
Willy: Rivers' partner she worked with often as a merc. He was also hired by The Resistance to take down the Federation and failed. He got frozen for his troubles. Unlike Rivers he decided to stay with The Resistance. Eventually being executed by The Federation at Prison for killing Federation workers.
Pol: He was the media and propaganda manager for the Federation. He was the brains behind the Federation's public good reputation. He eventually gained a backbone and wanted to leave the company but the company refused and even started to threaten him and his family. So he fought back by talking to Lenay and German about all the corruption he partaken in or he noticed. He fully became a whistleblower. The federation soon found out and froze him.
Acau: A normal human that was invited by The Federation to the island. He actually came from a pretty wealthy family and the Federation kidnapped him in order to take millions from his family to make sure he lives well. (The Federation acts like he is in some very expensive school and they need to pay the tuition).
Jungyeok: He is actually a alien that crash landed on Isla Quesadilla. And The Federation immediately decided to make him one of the islanders so they can experiment on him easily.
Kon: A bear hybrid that came with Acau onto what they thought was a simple private school. He hates Cucurocho with a passion.
YD: A demon that went looking for three missing demons only to also get trapped on the island. YD and Bad go way back and are immortal besties.
Hugo: A man that survived a shipwreck only to wash onto Isla Quesadilla shore which he suffers even more
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haloberry · 1 year
Something I found really cool, despite it probably being unintentional, was the implications of q!Tubbo still being a force to be reckoned with even while he was going thru he’s c!Tubbo canon event heartbreak.
Like genuinely, he ‘logged out’ and sat for like 5 minutes, but in lore we can say he dissociated or ran away for a few minutes to relax. When he can back, he was still obviously upset about everything but there was more important shit to be done at the moment than wallow in self pity.
(A common c!Tubbo trait but lmao I digress)
And come on, admit it, we all fucking men in black ourselves into being delulu with our streamer bc Fred had already mentioned he doesn’t feel anything romantic about Tubbo in like the picnic book, despite the flowers giving hella mixed signals.
But, despite everything that happened to q!Tubbo, he fucking did everything he usually does when he goes on missions and even still asked and investigated like per norm.
Sure the mental breakdown came later at the bottom of the river, but when fucking put in a situation where he’s emotions or turmoil is getting in the way, he shoves them aside and pushes through. Exactly in line with his character.
This stream, despite how silly the ‘omg he might be 50 and not into me’ thing came about, has been the biggest emotional break in q!Tubbo’s character so far. Yet, he still performed excellently when put showed into the spotlight.
Omg I wanna make a post showing all the differences between DSMP! Tubbo and QSMP! Tubbo bc shit man omg.
But yeah, bottom line? Q!Tubbo is the fucking goat and will definitely make it through the other end of the tunnel, and I can’t wait to see all the failed attempts the Fed tries to make him break. :)
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malichev · 9 months
Well, it's Tuesday. What will happen today? God only knows. I'd really like to know what's going to happen this week since we made crazy progress on Lore yesterday. Let's recap: The Cyclopes don't want peace, they said that without Luffy they would make the residents suffer, however, in the end they gave QPhilza 5 days to rescue Luffy. The problem is that no one knows where Luffy is, and I think maybe not even the workers know, because the last time we saw Luffy he had been taken by Dark Cucurucho without the other Federation workers knowing it, and the few who saw it happen they were killed by him and the black/dark workers. That said, we know that qBagi accepted the mission to find Luffy, the small agreement with Fred earned she a teleportation to the Federation offices, apparently. We need to see her testing it and see where it goes, especially because the Federation offices have cameras now, so I believe it won't be easy for her to get around there and obtain information. Now, the rescue mission for QCellbit and QBaghera will be carried out soon, we don't know the exact date, CC Baghera said she hopes to return to QSMP in early February, although she also said she wouldn't be in Purgatory 2 and appeared for one day. Richas, when recruiting QPhilza for the mission, said that MAYBE not this week, he did not confirm the date. My opinion is that it could be at any time, the CC's and ADM's will not give us a date confirmation, they love to let us agonize. It will happen when we least expect it. Because the fun will be in taking us by surprise. That's why I wouldn't rule out happening this week yet. Now the technical part of the rescue mission, it seems, is supposed to be something discreet, so no one would try to disrupt or prevent it. That's why Richas and Pomme went alone, but QBagi managed to convince Richarlyson to at least take the BOLAS leader, QPhilza. A great choice considering that QCellbit and QBaghera would believe in him more than other people, perhaps QPhil will be the key to making them calm down and come back. Lastly, QRoier, who remains missing. There is a theory that perhaps QCellbit needs to return to the Island first so that QRoier can continue with the other part of his Lore, since he was using recordings, video tapes. It's a possibility. Because, apparently, if he needs rescuing, at the moment the only one who goes after him 100% is the husband.
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odusseus-xvi · 1 year
so team de lundi is just a group that plays games together sometimes? what games do they play? who’s part of it?
Pretty much yes. You know what I decided to make a resume of the "Team du Lundi" here as a post to explain everything to those who'd like to know. (I'll present the streamers part of it and maybe their part or quirks when they were on their smp. Also want to clarify that the server did not really have lore, an the fact that he players come from there is mostly headcanon, but the relations between the players could very much be considered some)
Team du Lundi (litterally "Team of Monday") is a group of friend streamers that streams games together every monday evening. They are quite a few though not all are here every monday depending on wants of each, motivation, and the game they decided to play. (Among the most common are : Antoine Daniel, JDG, AngleDroit (That I'll call Florence, because that's how most people call her), Mynthos, and Zerator.)
First the streamers who ARE on qsmp :
Baghera Jones : She is part of it, though not there every monday (but still often.) On the minecraft server she had a home she shared with HortyUnderscore (another streamer and her best friend IRL), and developped a rivalry with JDG, one upping each other in annoying pranks and constructions.
Etoiles : Not as often present, but still an important part of the group. He very much had the same role on their minecraft server as on the qsmp : Explore, get stuff for the others, and do rescue missions from time to time.
Antoine Daniel : The initiater of Team du Lundi, (he's the one who made the discord server that ultimately became the team.), the most staple, I would say ; He's the one that is there almost every monday. On the server he decided to build his base very quickly, and so he chose the easiest block to get early on : Dirt, but he also wanted to make his base the biggest it could be, and so the TDM (Tour de Merde : "Tower of Shit) was born. (He ended up working on it for the entire lifespan of the server)
Now the others, that I will go a bit more quickly on :
JDG (Joueur Du Grenier, Fred) : One of the streamers present the most often, also one of our oldest youtubers in france (both in how long he's been there and age, he's 40) The new theme Pomme's been playing on her flute is actually his youtube channel's intro song (it's very famous in france). His minecraft skin is just himself, and on the server he was known to be the op and creator, and tended to cheat from time to time (giving himself creative mode when frustrated on a construction)
Mynthos : Also a very present one, he's actually been referenced on qsmp by the french ccs there : He's the source of Mynthos Juice (a private joke). On the server he made different kind of farms for food and stuff for the others. His mc skin is way too cursed for me to describe.
Zerator : Often there, though not always because very busy, one of the biggest french streamers. He didn't spend a lot of time on the server. His mc skin is just himself.
Florence (AngleDroit) : She is one of the most present ones. Her time on the server was mostly trying not to die, and build her house in a tree. Her minecraft skin is of a dressed fox.
HortyUnderscore : She is there from time to time, and actually is Baghera's IRL best friend (fun fact Quackity actually asked her if she wanted to come on the server be she declined because of planning, and being too busy, Baghera explained all that) Her mc skin is of a personnalised dressed Squidward. (this is not a joke)
MisterMV : Is one of the ogs of Team du Lundi though, comes less often now due to being busy, still a close friend to everyone, and has his own TTRPG series : Games of Roles. He wasn't on the mc server, but still considered part of the team.
And then there is guests from time to time that I'll not enumerate here.
I think that's everyone.
(Aypierre's not part of it, but the guy has been streaming minecraft since launch so his backstory has a hundred possibilities)
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doodlebloo · 9 months
q!Tubbo zombie AU ramblings
Fred worked for the corporation that created and distributed the virus, it's still unknown how deliberate or accidental the outbreak was and Fred's refusal to talk about that part of their life does not help make things any clearer.
Fred still has contact with his mysterious "boss" (which Tubbo doesn't get bc jobs no longer exist here??) that sends an Eagle every now and again to call him away for various missions. Fred says it is imperative that his boss not know Tubbo exists.
Tubbo lives in the greater "commune" of the QSMP, basically a small town that the residents have walled off and fortified and such. Tubbo found a factory building in the town and decided that was his base.
There are several kids living in the commune, most came from the orphanage that was in the town when it got shut down. Sunny comes along with two other kids that were just Dropped at the border and don't remember much before that. Tubbo takes her in, President Forever assigns some additional coparents just to make sure Tubbo's able to handle it all but he's never been more thrilled than when Sunny arrives.
It's kind of mysterious how, despite being the closest town to the secret hidden underground science facility the virus supposedly came from, the residents of Quesadilla Island are surviving pretty well - and mysteriously, they also seem to be more resistant to the virus than most people..
Any Way, Tubbo's slowly working his way towards a cure with some other members of the commune but his ass is NOT a chemist so he mostly does information gathering and data analysis whenever they have a run-in with the mysterious Head Scientist from the lab that's always snooping around their commune acting like he owns the place and telling them he hopes they enjoy (weird.) ((In this AU Tubbo does not put the pieces together that this is Fred's boss till later))
Maxo, Bobby, Flippa, Tilín etc all got bit and turned :(. But after Flippa died Slime got desperate and volunteered her to be part of an experimental cure procedure at the lab. She's "alive" now, but not quite right, and Slime is now exhibiting the same strange symptoms she is.
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kirantalks · 11 months
Entry number #??
I got absolutely sidetracked with my work, but I'm still sometimes watch bc its purgatory qsmp >:D
So, 17th November would be a big one, eh?
Well, lets talk about qsmp blue team then
On recent Tubbo's stream he recently had many points of why is the blue team is the cursed team. I wanted all to be true (no, this is not related with I am salty of red team victimised themselves (well maybe a little bit (im biased to qtubbo, none of you can change my mind)))
This is more of a brainrot(?) But I wanted as if when the eye guy announced that team soulgayfire lose... The eye guy also revealing qTubbo's lore, like they announces them like on the introductory video; every single member of qsmp bio was pulled up.
And qtubbo is marked as a resident, but unlike anyone else. Like, the rest of residents past was mostly in federation offices or quesadilla island or so; qTubbo was not. Instead, he was originated in egg island, with the other eggs. More brainrot again, he was introduced as a representative of the egg island, with mission to return the eggs back to egg island, an egg who hatched and care for the unhatched ones. This is why qtubbo had been in ice chamber, because federation wanted everyone to stay on quesadilla island, and the eggs are a good motivation to do so.
The place they had purgatory were not in egg island, but a transit unnamed island. And because the eye guy knows about qtubbo so late, the eye guy began to make sure that both this guy and qtubbo quest was done. Which to make sure the islanders were split and to take eggs back to egg island.
The cursed team? There was none, because the cursed team is the egg team, and qtubbo is a representation, both of the blue team, and the egg team.
There was four teams playing, despite only three was seen.
Red team, Green team, Blue team, and Egg team. By making qTubbo upset, is upsetting the Egg team. And so, when the federation knows about this purgatory event, it was over. Qtubbo and the eggs were dispatched back to egg island and the rest was still in purgatory, where Cucurucho will swoop in and return the islanders back to quesadilla island. Of course, qtubbo before being transported would say about its not fair and such, and saying how he like the residents more now, but the eye guy won't budge, saying that the rest of the islanders are trouble for the eggs.
Just imagine how will the rest would react, seeing video of qtubbo and their eggs on a more exotic island, filled with nothing but good things and the biome was so good. There's a big island for every single biome, even for machineries and a center one which had like nest place, and on the nest was egg shells that belongs to qtubbo before he had hatched. The island don't have any hostile mobs, and the little guys like Trousers & co. was their helpers to make sure they were warm, and safe.
Not to mention if there's more than just the islanders eggs on that egg islands. But much much more, like you have one with flower in its head, one with a party hat, one with sunglasses at its head. A sign that qtubbo read also says one thing. On the egg island, they don't need to be so worried about death, because they doesn't have limitations; unlike in quesadilla island where they have to stick with two canon death only. Oh what if Trumpets, Tilin, Juanaflippa, and Bobby are on that island too, god this is too much copium for me to even proofread it
And the video ended, they were miserable and wanting to take qtubbo and all the eggs back to quesadilla island. But they're now back in square one; alone in quesadilla island, now without qtubbo.
And if Fred asking them where the young engineer went? Saying that the bear loves him, the bear wanted to meet qtubbo?
Damn, I need to incorporate this to story sometimes but I don't have the time nor the brains
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mikaikaika · 1 year
Tubbo, Roier, and Charlie got these specific books but not sure why these three were chosen
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last lore stream: heartbreaking, betraying your best friends trust to help them, the helplessness that comes with watching your loved ones in pain
this lore stream: the most uncoordinated trio on this server get lost in a maze for half an hour plus
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youphoriaot7 · 1 year
QSMP RECAP : DAY 201 (10/9)
PAC found the picture of richas
PAC found a locked chest with the interviews fred did
PAC made a copy of bbh’s interview to keep, and changed the one in the chest (changed status to “suspect” and omitted the update of his innocence)
PAC found a new room in walter-bob’s house (under is a better word; there’s a chest down there but it’s behind protected bars)
PAC finished off the favela xp farm
PIERRE found a book about federation water quality in a hidden room under the vineyard (as well as some…puzzles?)
PIERRE found a book that noted that the federation have moved facilities (again)
PIERRE questioned fred about his surgery report. fred did not remember writing it.
PIERRE threatened tubbo, and fred admitted to writing the report. fred said the report was written for good purposes, and that cucurucho has a special place in his heart for pierre. (i don’t know what to think about that.)
FOREVER left pac a message in case he gets kidnapped
FOREVER’s office got forcefully searched??
FOREVER met with cucurucho in an area behind the freezers in the jaidens’ dungeon
FOREVER got a mission from cucurucho to investigate the nether for the eggs/about the black concrete
FOREVER went to the nether. he found walter-bob there too, who was surprised to see him. walter-bob told him someone must have activated protocol ab, even though it wasn’t supposed to be activated. forever then received a cutscene reading “you shouldn’t be here, mr. president” before getting kicked from the server with the message “THIS HAS JUST BEGUN.”
the codes took ETOILES’ book! no response yet.
PHILZA, PIERRE, and BAGHERA found the block outside of the nether portal, quickly coming to the conclusion that forever went through
FOREVER had a bunch of codes at the end of his stream—here’s some translations courtesy of cellbit’s discord (nossos heróis)!
ROIER rolled the dice! he won. (ticket #0011)
BBH found a book with coordinates near the black concrete in his house (i think?)
BBH, PIERRE, BAGI, and BAGHERA found a comic strip in an old jungle temple-esque thing!
ROIER and ETOILES had a stick fight (etoiles won!)
BBH told foolish he’s colorblind. (foolish already knew this.)
SLIME rolled the dice! he won. (ticket #0012 + goo and gunk)
SLIME, ROIER, and FOOLISH attempted to burn their tickets multiple times (the admins gave them back immediately)
SLIME did tasks with (code!)juanaflippa
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recapqsmp · 1 year
Vendredi 22/09 - Les informations de WB011
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Fit s'est réveillé en se donnant une mission pour célébrer les 6 mois de son arrivée sur Quesadilla Island : se venger des monstres qui ont enlevé sa première vie à Ramon. Pour cela, il est revenu dans le bateau volant où Ramon a été tué, a exterminé les monstres présents, puis a fait explosé le donjon. Il a pris une photo de ce moment et l'a affiché dans sa chambre pour faire travailler sa mémoire.
Tubbo, comme à son habitude, est allé voir près du banc si Fred lui avait répondu. Il n'y avait pas de livre dans le coffre, ce qui signifie que quelqu'un a bien pris sa lettre, mais n'y a pas répondu. Tubbo est un peu inquiet, il craint que la fédération n'ai pu intercepter leur conversation.
Tubbo Fit et Foolish se sont introduit dans les locaux de la fédération pour trouver des indices sur l'absence de Philza. Fit n'était pas trop d'accord, par peur de perdre son boulot. Tubbo a découvert les égouts dans les toilettes de la fédération, mais n'a pas réussi à aller jusqu'au bout. Cucurucho est ensuite intervenu, et leur a demandé de partir. Tubbo lui a demandé s'il avait une idée sur la localisation de Philza, Cucurucho a répondu que non, et a sorti un pistolet. Fit ensuite a prévenu Tubbo qu'il y avait quelque chose dans les égouts ("une terrible vérité"), mais que la sécurité là bas était très élevé, et que s'il y allait et se faisait prendre, il y aurait de grave conséquences. Tubbo a donc eu envie d'y retourner, s'est préparé des potions d'invisibilité et de vision nocturne, et est allé refaire un plongeon dans les égouts. Il a finalement pu tomber sur la grande salle d'eau et a vu la photo de tilin, sans trop comprendre ce à quoi il assistait. Fit lui a donc expliqué ce que cela signifiait.
Double annonce de QuackityStudios : Carre rejoint QSMP, dimanche à 22h. L'annonce s'accompagne d'un "7", probablement le numéro sur laquelle la roue tombera demain. Les comptes d'informations ont aussi parlé d'un froid intense, d'eau et de glace.
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BadBoy a démarré son live dans la panique. Il a peur d'être jugé, il ne savait pas quoi faire. Il pense que Dapper se moquera de lui lorsqu'il saura ce qu'il a fait. Il est allé a contrecœur dans la geôle où il garde Ron le travailleur et lui a confessé son erreur : il n'a pas réussi a faire un Beef Wellington, seulement un sandwich au poulet.
BadBoy a demandé à Ron plus d'informations au sujet de la menace. Ron lui a répondu qu'il n'en savait pas plus, il avait entendu parler de ça via un collègue, et n'a pas demandé plus d'informations car la hiérarchie lui interdit. Il lui a aussi demandé pourquoi il l'appelait "Ron", alors que le seul nom qu'il possède est "WB011". BadBoy l'a donc interrogé sur cette règle hiérarchique. Ron a expliqué que le W voulait signifier les travailleurs ("worker"), et la lettre suivante était le niveau hiérarchique de l'individu, allant de A (haut gradé) à D (chair à canon). Tout le monde commence au niveau D, et certains montent dans les échelons. Son boss, un travailleur a casquette bleu (Fred) est au grade A, lui au grade B, et il a connu quelqu'un qui était C, mais qui a fait de la prison. La fédération l'avait choisi pour représenter tout ce qu'il fallait éviter d'être, le manque de conformité étant une imperfection aux yeux de la fédération. Ron a ainsi peur de ce qui va lui arriver s'il est libéré.
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Badboy s'est donc mis en quête de retrouver le travailleur bleu ou WalterBob pour avoir plus d'informations. Il a rejoint Foolish et Forever pour discuter. Foolish a théorisé sur pourquoi il était de plus en plus bleu (Bad feignant de pas comprendre ce dont ils parlaient, pretextant que "être bleu" signifiait "être triste"). Foolish a listé tout ce qui était bleu, et pense qu'il peut être infecté par un champignon, ou devenir un animal. Foolish a donné son livre des animaux à Bagi, et lui a dit de regarder si un animal correspondait. Bagi a remarqué le "vautour d'âme" et en lisant l'entrée lié à cet animal, a remarqué que leur plus grand ennemi est un Piglin. Elle a donc relâché un Piglin, qui est allé attaquer BadBoy directement. Bagi a donc assumé qu'il était bien en train de se transformer en vautour d'âme même si Bad lui a expliqué qu'il a simplement attaqué le joueur le plus proche.
Quackity s'est connecté et a reçu une mission de Cucurucho : il doit aller dans le centre d'adoption et le nettoyer. Bagi et Forever l'ont rejoint, Bagi l'aidant dans sa tâche, et Forever lui proposant une autre tâche supplémentaire : prendre en photo les endroits qui auraient besoin d'un changement. En nettoyant le centre d'adoption, Quackity a trouvé une photo de lui avec Tilin, et un journal appartenant à son œuf Tilin. Il ne se rappelle de rien à son propos, et en lisant ses écrits, s'est dit que cet enfant avait eu un père affreux. Cucurucho lui a ensuite appris a écrire "Classified". BadBoy et Bagi espionnaient la conversation, et Quackity les a dénoncé à Cucurucho. Ce dernier a tiré sur Bagi encore une fois. Bagi souhaite désormais tuer Cucurucho pour se venger des deux fois où il lui a tiré dessus. Tina la supporte dans cette quête.
Quackity a ensuite rejoint Roier et lui a demandé qui était Tilin et cette personne qui lui ressemblait sur la photo. Roier lui a expliqué que Tilin était sa fille. Forever lui a ensuite expliqué que Cucurucho l'utilise et lui a probablement supprimé la mémoire car il en savait trop. Forever l'a ensuite emmené dans la tombe de Tilin pour essayer de lui provoquer un choc mental, mais comme il n'y avait pas de lit dedans, Quackity pense que Forever le manipule et lui ment, et s'est déconnecté directement.
Forever a proposé un combat 1v1 au bâton contre Etoiles. Etoiles a tellement eu le dessus sur lui que Forever se sent humilié. Il a demandé à BadBoy de le venger, mais celui-ci n'a pas réussi a tuer Etoiles. Il compte s'entrainer au pvp, et a proposé à Bad de l'aider dans ce domaine pour pouvoir battre Etoiles la prochaine fois.
Foolish a continué à enquêter sur Badboy. Il a noté tout ce que Bad disait pour y trouver des indices. Bad a joué sur ça et a insisté sur certaines phrases telles que "tout vient au bout d'un moment". Pendant que Foolish et Bad parlaient, Tina Bagi et Etoiles ont essayé d'espionner la conversation, mais Etoiles est tombé de sa chaise et a attiré l'attention sur eux. Quand Foolish a rappellé à Bad qu'il avait dit que "lui aussi avait une cage", Bad lui a dit qu'ils devraient peut-être aller autre part en discuter.
Foolish et Bad ont tenté de s'isoler, mais Tina Etoiles et Bagi les ont suivi. Bad a pris des photos en noir et blanc et les a montré à Foolish. Foolish lui a dit que la photo était super, mais il avait l'air mort dessus. Badboy ne comprenant pas ce qu'il voulait dire, Foolish lui a demandé de quelle couleur était le cristal de son dragon. Bad a répondu "de la même couleur qu'il a toujours été, on sait tout les deux de quelle couleur je parle".
Ils ont ensuite réussi a s'isoler, et Bad lui a expliqué qu'il pense que quelqu'un parmi eux travaille pour la fédération, et qu'il ne sait pas qui faire confiance. Badboy a sous-entendu qu'il lui a donné des informations pour voir s'il pouvait lui faire confiance, et si des informations censé être privées fuitaient. Il trouve que les enquêtes avancent beaucoup plus facilement lorsqu'il garde les informations pour lui que lorsqu'il les partage. Il pense pouvoir lui faire confiance, même s'il est proche de la fédération. Foolish a accepté de travailler avec lui pour trouver la taupe (si elle existe), et lui a avoué qu'il peut lui faire confiance car la fédération lui a pris Leo. Bad a dit qu'une fois qu'il aurait trouvé la marionnette, ça ne serait qu'une question de temps avant de remonter les fils et tomber sur le marionnettiste.
Bad lui a ensuite demandé si "Ron" était un bon nom, car il essaie de nommer un poisson dans son aquarium. Foolish voulait savoir de quelle couleur était ce poisson, Bad lui a répondu bleu, et qu'il lui montrera son aquarium la semaine prochaine. Il lui a demandé s'il était possible d'aller "trop" loin quand il s'agit de la famille, Foolish lui a répondu qu'il ne pense pas. En rentrant chez lui, Bad a regardé la photo de Foolish qu'il a prise, en se disant qu'il a éliminé beaucoup de gens de sa liste, mais qu'il n'étais toujours pas sûr pour Foolish.
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