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marimayscarlett · 5 months ago
On Rammstein Store they mention Rammstein Charity, do we know what kind of charity it is? Is it their own or do they donate?
Hi 👋🏻
Rammstein Charity refers to a recurring event where the band members make various awards of theirs available for auction to fans. The proceeds are then donated to various charitable organizations. For example, in 2021, awards for the album 'Reise Reise' were auctioned off, in 2022 they auctioned off their awards for the untitled album and for 'Zeit'.
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Some examples for charities which received proceeds in the past:
- Aktion Deutschland hilft (an organization that unites several charities, collecting donations for various causes in Germany, currently focusing on flood victims)
- Afghanischer Frauenverein e.V. (an organization of Afghan women living in Germany that helps people in their homeland)
- Berliner Kältehilfe (a charity that provides homeless people in Berlin with sleeping places, food, and supplies)
- Tafel Deutschland (an organisation which distributes food to people in need)
and many more. Here are some articles about it: x x x x
Here is the link to the official Rammstein Charity page, but nothing has been uploaded for this year yet.
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probablyasocialecologist · 1 year ago
Publications like Die Freundin (The Girlfriend); Frauenliebe (Women Love, which later became Garçonne); and Das 3. Geschlecht (The Third Sex, which included writers who might identify as transgender today), found dedicated audiences who read their takes on culture and nightlife as well as the social and political issues of the day. The relaxed censorship rules under the Weimar Republic enabled gay women writers to establish themselves professionally while also giving them an opportunity to legitimize an identity that only a few years later would be under threat.
There were some twenty-five to thirty queer publications in Berlin between 1919 and 1933, most of which published around eight pages of articles on a bi-weekly basis. Of these, at least six were specifically oriented toward lesbians. What made them unique is the space they made for queer women, who had traditionally been marginalized on account of both gender and sexuality, to grapple with their role in a rapidly changing society. (The concept of the “new,” albeit straight, woman in the Weimar Republic has been researched broadly, including by Rüdiger Graf in Central European History, who writes that it reflected a crisis of masculinity following defeat in the First World War as well fears over the country’s future when women were putting off getting married and having children.) In these interwar years in Germany, queer and transgender identity became more accepted, in large part thanks to the work of Magnus Hirschfeld, a Jewish doctor whose Institut für Sexualwissenschaft focused on issues of gender, sex, and sexuality. At the same time, women in Germany were making strides toward greater independence and equity; they gained the right to vote in 1918, and feminist organizations like Bund Deutscher Frauenvereine cultivated space for women in public spheres, encouraging their advancement in politics. As Sara Ann Sewell writes in the journal Central European History, the German Communist Party created the Red Women and Girls’ League in 1925 to attract more women and working-class people, particularly through organizing factory workers. More generally, German women were becoming increasingly empowered. Queer people—including women—rallied around the abolishment of contemporary sodomy laws. This struggle “created a wider climate of publication, activism, and social organization that was much more embracing of different types of queer and trans lives,” according to Katie Sutton, an associate professor of German and gender studies at the Australian National University.
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daughterofhecata · 2 years ago
Tödliche Törtchen notes:
Mrs Kretschmer! Everyone's favourite Vorsitzende des Frauenvereins!
Liebe sehr, wie unübersehbar Mathilda eine ältere, gewichtigere Frau ist
Die Mathilda/Titus Interaktionen 😍
Detective Clarence und Taavi sind einfach goldig
Liebe wie sehr Mathilda in Rocky Beach einfach zuhause ist
Eine transgender Sekretärin? In meiner Polizei? It's more likely than you think!
Schön, dass auch Mathildas Horrorfilm-Liebe beibehalten wurde
Der Plot hat mir gefallen, die Auflösung war nicht so vorhersehbar, wie ich zwischendurch dachte - obwohl mir eigentlich hätte auffallen müssen, dass nur eine Person sich noch nicht komplett verdächtig gemacht hatte
No offense to any of the other ddf authors, aber können wir die Männer vielleicht von dieser Reihe fernhalten und sie ausschließlich in den Händen von Kari und Evelyn belassen? Ich liebe einfach, was die beiden hier machen.
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shape · 6 months ago
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Alles wird inzwischen islamofaschistisch unterwandert:
- der Sport ( > faschistischer Wolfsgruß ist allgegenwärtig, Fußballer mit IS-Symbolen, das Publikum, im Boxsport, v.a. durch islamistische Tschetschenen im MMA-Box-Bereich usw., die Idole für Jungen sind, "Allahu Akbar"-Jubel... )
- die Universitäten (> antisemitische Allianzen, Blockaden, Studierende, pro Hamas-Protestler, linksextreme Gruppen, Anhänger der BDS-Kampagne gegen Israel, Lehrende, die das unterstützen....)
- die Kommunalpolitik (> Graue Wölfe drängen in alle Parteien, in alle Gremien, Integrationsräte, werden befördert und verteidigt v.a. von korrupten, opportunistischen SPDlern, Grünen, Linken...)
- die Bundespolitik (> fehlplazierte Politiker/innen, die sich beim politischen Islam anbiedern, wie Ministerin Nancy Faeser, Frank-Walter Steimeier (bezl. Iran), die relativieren, ein Opfernarrativ bedienen, Grüne, die u.a. die Islamistin Kübra Gümüsay hofieren,
- Antidiskriminierungsstellen (> Ferda Ataman , Journalistin, nennt Deutsch-Einheimische "Kartoffeln", sie spaltet, misst mit zweierlei Maß, wurde dennoch 2022 Beauftragte des Bundes für Antidiskriminierung, massiv protegiert von den Grünen und der Heinrich Böll-Stiftung, Mitgründerin der Neue deutsche Medienmacher*innen (NDM) und Sprecherin der Neue Deutsche Organisationen (NDO) ....)
- die Schulen (> über den Hebel des angeblichen „antimuslimischen Rassismus“ und Projekte wie „Schule ohne Rassismus/ Schule mit Courage“, Netzwerk „Aktion Courage“, Millionen Gelder aus dem Bundesprogramm „Demokratie leben“, Moscheebesuche...)
- der zivilgesellschaftliche Protest gegen rechts (> Auftritte von Ditib-, Milli Görus-, Atib-Aktivisten, Demos mit reaktionären Repräsentant/innen aus Moscheen und Islamverbänden, linke Pauschalhetze gegen Polizei...)
- die bpb, also Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (> Auftritte von reaktionären Imamen, von Muslimbrüdern, Konzepte, dahingehend, dass ausgerechnet Moscheen „Orte der Integration“ seien, man ist blind bezüglich Sekten wie "Islamic Relief" und "Insaan e. V." ...)
- Präventionsprojekte (> wo ausgerechnet Ditib-Aktivisten als Koordinatoren oder Berater agieren oder wo auch Gülenisten über Salafismus aufklären sollen, die für das „House of one“ werben, angestellt bei DRK, AWO, Caritas, "Wegweiser-NRW" ...)
- die Kultur (> documenta, Theater, Comedy, Hidjab-Hype, interkulturelle Podcasts, woke, antisemitische und misogyne Events....)
- Security-Unternehmen (> wo Islamisten und radikale Tschetschenen angestellt werden..)
- der Büchermarkt (> mit Unmengen von Publikationen von Islamapeasern u. Kulturrelativisten, critical Whiteness...)
- die Medien (> fortlaufend Beiträge von Wokisten, von Pseudo-Aufklärern, (naive) Opportunisten, die islamistische Gewalt und Anschläge relativieren, die Messerangriffe als Reaktion auf angeblichen Rassismus rechtfertigen, die Islamkritiker pathologisieren ....)
- die Jugend- u. Rapkultur (> mit antisemitischen, gewaltverherrlichenden u. misogynen Protagonisten und Texten, die junge Leute unabhängig von ethnischer u. religiöser Zugehörigkeit erreichen, hier auch Anbiederei von Faeser und Steinmeier....)
- die Klima und FFF-Bewegung, die Frauenbewegung (> Greta Thunberg als Antisemitin, islamische Ökoprojekte, Frauenvereine, die islamische Verschleierung kulturrelativistisch verharmlosen und politisch einknicken, aus blanker und feiger Berechnung, nämlich um öffentliche Fördergelder abzusaugen... ...)
- der interreligiöse Dialog (> wo man wegen des Selbsterhalts mit reaktionären Moscheen kooperiert , die Kirchen und auch etliche jüdische Aktuer/innen und jüdische Gemeinden, die aus Selbstüberschätzung und völlig naiv nun reaktionäre Imane in ihre Synagoge einladen .... als würde man Nazis einladen!! Verrückt! Auch da geht es zumeist lediglich um öffentliches Geld, um Fördergeld. )
- die Mode, der Lebensmittelhandel, die Werbung (> mehr Verschleierung, nur noch "Diversity!" „Halal“-.Produkte ... in Kitas und Schulmensen gibt es kein Schweinefleisch mehr, keine Gelatine, alles nur "halal"! Dabei sind strenggläubige Muslime eine Minderheit, es sind höchstens 1,5 Mio in Deutschland und keineswegs 5 Mio. )
* und an die linken und woken Unwissenden: „Islamophobie“ ist übrigens ein alter Kampfbegriff von 1979 von dem iranischen „Revolutionsführer“ und Schlächter Ayatollah Khomeini.
Ende der siebziger Jahre haben iranische Fundamentalisten den Begriff der„Islamophobie“ erfunden, den sie sich von der "Xenophobie" abgepaust haben. Er hat das Ziel, den Islam zu etwas Unantastbarem zu erklären und Kritiker/innen des Islam zu diffamieren und zu pathologisieren. Und nun wiederholt ihr genau das mit eurer elenden Cancelculture.
Ihr zerstört alle Errungenschaften der Aufklärung und der Demokratie!
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jarry · 2 years ago
jungle.world - Nationales Vergessen
Die Nationale Befreiungsfront EAM war die wichtigste und größte Organisation des griechischen Widerstands gegen die deutsche Besatzung. Unter der brutalen Okkupation gründete die EAM alternative Gemeinschafts­strukturen, Frauenvereine und Hilfsnetzwerke für jüdische Verfolgte. Der Antikommunismus der Nachkriegszeit hat diesen linken Widerstand lange Zeit nicht nur diskreditiert, sondern für die Verbrechen der Besatzungsmächte mitverantwortlich gemacht.
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markgraefler · 6 years ago
Wilder Westen in Steinenstadt
Wilder Westen in Steinenstadt
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Die Vereinsgemeinschaft in Steinenstadt hat sich für die Dorffasnet wieder einiges einfallen lassen. Der “Bunte Abend” stand unter dem Motto “Wilder Westen”.
Hier ein paar fotografische Eindrücke.
Einen ausführlicher Bericht gibt es unter den folgenden Links:  “S’ git kei Edeka und kei Bäckerei, nur e Saloon” (Badische-Zeitung) und “Im wilden Westen geht’s hoch her” (Die Oberbadische)
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colorfulgermany · 4 years ago
Trotz Corona - LupoLeo Award fördert Sieger-Projekte mit 115.000 Euro
Trotz Corona – LupoLeo Award fördert Sieger-Projekte mit 115.000 Euro
Braunschweig/Bremen (ots/fs) – Gleich bei seiner Premiere erhält der LupoLeo Award, den die Volksbank BraWo anlässlich des 15. Geburtstages ihres Kindernetzwerks United Kids Foundations erstmals bundesweit ausgeschrieben hatte, höchste Anerkennung. “Wir sind unglaublich bewegt davon, dass der LupoLeo Award wirklich am Engagement von jungen Menschen interessiert ist. Sowohl die Award-Kriterien und…
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the-paintrist · 2 years ago
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Rosa Mayreder - Pond on the Cobenzl in Vienna - 1896
Rosa Mayreder (née Obermeyer; 30 November 1858, in Vienna – 19 January 1938, in Vienna) was an Austrian freethinker, author, painter, musician and feminist. She was the daughter of Marie and Franz Arnold Obermayer who was a wealthy restaurant operator and barkeeper.
Rosa had twelve brothers and sisters and although her conservative father did not believe in the formal education of girls he allowed her to participate in the Greek and Latin lessons of one of her brothers. She also received private instruction in French, painting and the piano.
Rosa Mayreder was a radical critic of the patriarchal structures of the society as well as a critic of feminism. Throughout her adult life, Rosa Mayreder expressed her frustration with the lack of authentic expression for women throughout history. A good deal of her critiques of the society aimed at reforming the imbalance between men and women and expanding the roles which women could take up and be engaged in more generally. Mayreder considered fighting for the rights of women to be her calling in life, and she was aware that her attempts at fighting the status quo were ground-breaking for her time. While she was accused of being "bluestocking," or misbehaved, she continued to openly criticize her environment.
Mayreder published two influential works, one being Zur Kritik der Weiblichkeit (To Critics of Femininity) in 1905 (later published in English as A Survey of the Woman Problem in 1912). This was a collection of essays that refuted quotes from "accepted" philosophers and established authoritative support, a style of writing that was inspired by the ideals of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Her inspiration for writing A Survey of the Women Problem steamed from her belief that the basis of the women's movement was caused by three issues: economic, social, and ethical-psychological sources. Mayreder's second influential publication was Geschlecht und Kultur (Sex and Culture) (1923). The latter work, which criticized the double standard and discrimination against women, was translated into English. She also published an autobiography, Das Haus in der Landskrongasse.
During World War I Mayreder published articles and reports in which she advocated a pacifist approach in various media outlets, including Neues Frauenleben and Internationale Rundschau.
In addition to writing, Mayreder took a liking for painting and became the first woman admitted to the Aquarellist club. In 1981, one of her watercolors was accepted as an exhibition at the annual Viennese Kunstlerhaus (House of Artists). Furthermore, Mayreder founded the Kunstchule for Frauen und Madchen (Art School for Girls and Women) with Olga Prager, Marriane Hainisch, and Karl Federn.
Rosa Mayreder was one of the founding members of the General Austrian Women's Association. She met Rudolf Steiner (with whom she entered into a long and extensive correspondence) through women's rights campaigner Marie Lang. She also met Hugo Wolf and Friedrich Eckstein. Rosa formed a warm friendship with Wolf and developed one of her stories as the libretto for his opera Der Corregidor, which was first performed in Mannheim in 1896. During these years she published her first novel Aus meiner Jugend (From My Youth). It was also in Lang's circle that Rosa met Marianne Hainisch with whom she worked in the Austrian women's association "Allgemeiner Österreichischer Frauenverein", which was formed in 1902.
Rosa Mayreder was the only female founding member of the Sociological Association of Vienna which was initiated in 1907. During the First World War Mayreder engaged in the peace movement and became in 1919 the chairman of the "Internationale Frauenliga für Frieden und Freiheit" (International Women's League for Peace and Liberty, IFFF).
Mayreder was an influence on Swedish literary critic Klara Johanson.
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venicepearl · 3 years ago
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Amalie Auguste (Munich, 13 November 1801 – Dresden, 8 November 1877) was a Princess of Bavaria and Queen of Saxony.
Amalie was the fourth child of King Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria and his second wife Caroline of Baden. She was the identical twin sister of Elisabeth Louise, later Queen of Prussia as wife of Frederick William IV of Prussia. Three other sisters married King Frederick Augustus II of Saxony, Archduke Franz Karl of Austria and Maximilian Joseph, Duke in Bavaria.
In 1851 Amalie Auguste became chairwoman of Women's Association of Dresden (Frauenverein zu Dresden), an organisation founded by her sister, the then queen. Three years later, her husband inherited the throne and she became queen. In 1859 she reorganized the association as the Zentralausschuß obererzgebirgischen und der vogtländischen Frauenvereine and established a legal basis for it, under which the organisation continued until 1932.
A firm believer in divine-right absolute monarchy, the queen despised representative government and liberalism. Although she was an ultraconservative Catholic, it is unclear to what extent she was involved in the government's harsh persecution of Saxon Protestants in the 1860s, which included torture and long periods of incarceration. But later arrested by Wilhelm I who saw what she did in person for those crimes and tried and convicted by a jury for those crimes and Wilhelm acting as prosecutor and Bismarck as judge and she was sentenced life in prison and she died in a custom jail in Dresden after a long illness from tuberculosis in Dresden.
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House of Coburg & of Hohenzollern: Princess Victoria of Great Britain and Ireland, Princess Royal
Victoria, to her family known as Vicky, was the oldest child of Queen Victoria and her husband Prince Albert. From an early age, she showed her intelligence. For example, she learned French at the age of 18 months and began her study of German at the age of four. Furthermore she learned Greek and Latin. From the age of only six years onwards her education also included arithmetic, geography and history, and her father tutored her in politics and philosophy.
In general, Albert raised his daughter as a liberal which would later put her in a difficult position when she married into the Royal House of Prussia at the young age of only 16. While her husband shared her ideas, the court did not. Her father-in-law as well as her son were and would become conservatives. At the same time, there were anti-English sentiments in German circles that made it even harder for Victoria. Adding to that, she was constantly caught in the middle concerning her loyalties. While through her marraige she was expected to be loyal to the German Empire, her mother demanded her loyalty to Britain and her to follow rather British than German customs.
Victoria would only be German Empress and Queen of Prussia for 99 days. Her husband, Frederick III, died on June 15th, 1888, from throat cancer. Once the emperor’s death was announced, his son and successor William II ordered the occupation of the imperial residence by soldiers. The chambers of Frederick and Victoria were carefully checked to find incriminating documents. However, the search was unsuccessful because all the couple’s correspondence had been taken to Windsor Castle the previous year. Several years later, William II stated that the purpose of this research was to find state documents.
Once widowed, the empress dowager had to leave the Neues Palais in Potsdam because her son wanted to settle his residence there. Unable to settle in Sanssouci, she acquired a property in Kronberg im Taunus. There, Victoria built a castle that was named Friedrichshof in honour of her husband. Having inherited several million marks after the death of the wealthy Maria de Brignole-Sale, Duchess of Galliera, the empress dowager was able to finance the construction and expansion of her residence. With the completion of the works in 1894, she spent most of the year in the property with her younger daughters, and only left when she travelled abroad. Contrary to the desires of the emperor, who preferred that she leave Germany permanently, Vicky formed her own court and maintained close relations with the liberal circles
In fact, Victoria was completely sequestered from public life by William II. With the death of her mother-in-law, the Empress Dowager Augusta in 1890, Victoria had hopes to succeed her as patron of the German Red Cross and the Vaterländischer Frauenverein (Association of Patriotic Women). However, it was her daughter-in-law, Empress Augusta Victoria, who assumed the presidency of these entities, which caused a deep bitterness in Victoria.The empress dowager didn’t hesitate to harshly criticise the policies and behaviour of her son.
In late 1898, physicians diagnosed the empress dowager with inoperable breast cancer, forcing her to stay in bed for long periods. The cancer spread to her spine by the autumn of 1900, and as she worried about her personal letters (in which she detailed her concern over Germany’s future under her son) falling into the hands of the emperor, she requested that the letters be brought back to Great Britain in a cloak-and-dagger operation by her godson Frederick Ponsonby, the private secretary of her brother King Edward VII, who was making his final visit to his terminally ill sister in Kronberg on 23 February 1901. These letters were later edited by Ponsonby and put into context by his background commentary to form the book that was published in 1928.
Victoria died in Friedrichshof on August 5th, 1901, less than seven months after the death of her mother, Queen Victoria. According to legend, as per her instructions her corpse was stripped naked, wrapped in the Union Jack and buried according to the rites of the Church of England. She was buried next to her husband in the royal mausoleum of the Friedenskirche at Potsdam on August 13th, 1901.
// Emily Blunt in The Young Victoria
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tobee67-blog · 7 years ago
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Logo für den Frauenverein Untervaz Idee: der Frauenverein als Brückenbauerin zwischen Generationen, zwischen verschiedenen Kulturen etc.. Sie sind nicht fertig, das heisst sie stehen als Angebot. Das Angebot kann angenommen oder abgelehnt werden. Die Farben entsprechen dem bisherigen Logo. Viel Erfolg. (tobee)
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evakryzanek · 8 years ago
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#nowlisted #newlisting #myrickyjewelry #ebay #auctionstyle #ebayseller #ebayjewelry #vintage #vintagejewelry #jewelry #gotvintage #jewelrylovers #ecochicjewelry #antique #womensclub #gug #germania #enamel #lapelpin #guggermania #frauenverein #antiquefraternitypin #badge #badgecollecting
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official-nordhessen · 6 years ago
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Marianne Weber (*02.08.1870 - † 12.03.1954) 
 Rechtshistorikerin, Politikerin und Frauenrechtlerin. Vorsitzende des Bundes Deutscher Frauenvereine. Publizierte über die Entwicklung der Rechte von Frauen in der Ehe und Mutterschaft.
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autorinmonikahuerlimann · 3 years ago
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Meine Lesung in der Kornhausbibliothek in Ittigen bei Bern: einmaliges „Heimspiel“ für mich: 1997 hat in der Nähe meine Schweiz-Geschichte angefangen - siehe "Mutters Lüge" ab Seite 155! Wunderbar aufmerksame Gäste, das engagierte Organisationsteam (Bibliotheksleitung sowie Café Litérraire des Frauenvereins Ittigen, das Ambiente … Traumhaft! Ich danke allen Anwesenden für das besondere Event! Auch Herrn Chr. Fontana von Orell Füssli, der den Büchertisch durchgeführt hatte. #mutterslüge, #lesungmutterlüge, #autorinmonikahuerlimann (hier: Ittigen) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdJtRlLqaqf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gualberto01 · 5 years ago
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Reposted from @larazon_uy 📷 La profesional @dani_fotografa_uy logró el primer premio en el concurso “La cuarentena”, organizado por la Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo de la Universidad de la República y en el marco de la emergencia sanitaria que atraviesa nuestro país y el mundo debido al Covid- 19😷 . Al mismo se presentaron 323 participantes de varios rincones del Uruguay y de otros país del mundo. 🌎📣 "Conversación” el registro fotográfico con el que se presentó la profesional, fue captado en el Hogar Frauenverein de Nueva Helvecia. 👴👵📸 . Mañana estará junto a nosotros en el ciclo de #InstagramLive que conduce @lui_benech llamado #QuéEstabasHaciendo que en las próximas horas alcanzará un total de 30 entrevistados 🎙📱🎧 - #regrann (en Rosario, Colonia, Uruguay) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_f-mqdpP3k/?igshid=1ap83qd901ant
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robertlufkinmd-blog · 5 years ago
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Happy Birthday Louise Otto-Peters (1819 – 1895)! German suffragist & women's rights movement activist who wrote novels, poetry, essays, & libretti. She is widely acknowledged as the founder of the Allgemeiner Deutscher Frauenverein https://www.instagram.com/p/B-M3HsfFeuZ/?igshid=mcbr800fgdw3
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