#Franklin Shuttle
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wanderingnewyork · 3 months ago
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From 2018: Looking down the tracks of the #Franklin_Shuttle from the Park Place Station, #Brooklyn.
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nkjemisin · 10 months ago
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1863-project · 2 months ago
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A Quick And Easy Guide To The NYC Subway System (Using The Battle Subway)
Our subway system is actually three separate systems that unified in 1940. To help myself remember which lines are from which system, I assigned each of the three companies to one of the categories from the Battle Subway.
The IRT - Interborough Rapid Transit - is the oldest of the three, making its inaugural subway run in October 1904. (It just turned 120!) The IRT tunnels are narrower, so the cars are narrower as well, and the car lengths are a bit shorter. This makes it most suited for Singles, and considering Singles is likely the oldest codified form of battling, it makes sense. Prior to running subway lines, the IRT ran elevated lines.
The BMT - Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit Company - came about a bit later. It was originally known as the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company (BRT), but the BRT went bankrupt and reformed as the BMT in 1923. BMT tunnels are wider, so the cars are too, and they're also a bit longer. Its first subway line opened in 1908. (Prior to that, it, like the IRT, ran elevated lines, and also owned a number of surface lines and trolley lines in Brooklyn.) Since the BMT cars are wider, they naturally work better for Doubles.
The IND - Independent Subway System - is the youngest of the three and was actually owned by the City of New York. The cars are the same width and length as the BMT cars (again, wider tunnels), so they're good for battling with multiple Pokemon at once. I assigned Multi to the IND since it's the newest of the three and in-universe it just feels right for tag battle rules to solidify a bit later.
In 1940, the three systems were unified under the IND's operations, and a unified NYC Subway has existed ever since. Since the IRT cars are smaller than the BMT and IND cars, they're divided up into two divisions, A Division (IRT) and B Division (BMT and IRT). They all still run on standard gauge, though.
The chart in the image divides them up. The IRT is the numbered lines (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) and the 42nd Street Shuttle. The BMT is the J/Z, L, M, N, Q, R, and W lines and the Franklin Avenue Shuttle. The IND is the A, B, C, D, E, F, and G lines and the Rockaway Park Shuttle.
This is what I get paid to do at work, apparently.
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clove-pinks · 1 year ago
Franklinheads, what is your top pet peeve when it comes to perceptions of the [historical] Franklin Expedition?
Mine is 100% the "most advanced technology of their day" concept of HMS Erebus and Terror. I think the origins of this are in the 1980s, when Owen Beattie's ice mummy exhumations propelled the Franklin Expedition into the spotlight. JUST LIKE THE SPACE SHUTTLE CHALLENGER!—this was the pat comparison of the day. You could definitely draw some parallels if you tried hard enough, but no, I don't think the Space Shuttle Challenger is a very good analogy.
There was pretty much nothing unique or particularly new about the technology in Franklin's ships—not the tinned food, not the desalinator, not the heating system, and definitely not the puny steam engines—and Franklin's men knew this! They were aware that Erebus and Terror were beat-up old warships, one of the ships fought in the War of 1812 before most crew members were born! Fitzjames called them "old tubs," and Le Vesconte jokingly compared them to 17th and 18th century fictional vessels (Red Rover and Water-Witch).
Steam frigates with hundreds of horsepower were built even in the 1830s! But they couldn't carry fuel lasting for years; whereas Franklin's men had ~13 days of coal for their 20-horsepower engines, which at most might get them out of a harbour in unfavourable winds. As a child I read books that made such a big deal about the steam engines, I really thought they would be under steam all the time, crashing through the ice with their Advanced Technology just like the space shuttle.
If anything, the Franklin Expedition is part of a tradition of the British using obsolete ships and technology for polar exploration. Compare Terra Nova with the latest technology of the 1910s: she looks like the relic of an earlier age that she was.
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lonestarflight · 1 year ago
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Space Shuttle Columbia launches on STS-61-C.
"Early morning launch at Florida's Kennedy Space Center of the space shuttle Columbia and the STS-61-C crew. Onboard were the following crew members: Mission Commander Robert L. Gibson and Pilot Charles F. Bolden, along with Mission Specialists Franklin R. Chang-Diaz, Steven A. Hawley and George D. Nelson and Payload Specialists Robert J. Cenker of RCA and U.S. Rep. Bill Nelson.
Date: January 12, 1986
NASA ID: STS61C-S-047, STS61C-S-048, KSC-86PC-0012, STS61C-S-046
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uss-edsall · 7 months ago
I’d seen some severely injured troops. . . but none were as horrifyingly mutilated as the soldier who was wheeled down the ward’s center aisle one afternoon. Our collective curiosity was only natural, so those of us who could get out of bed did so and took a very slow stroll past the guy’s bed. All evening long he had a stream of curious and concerned onlookers flowing in his direction. It was a shockingly grim sight. . . It was enough to turn a strong man weak. And make no mistake about it—he was in pain. Real, deep, genuine pain. He constantly moaned. There was no stopping him. All the drugs the hospital had to offer were ineffective against his unrelenting misery, and his moans were an ever-present reminder of his torment. There was no escaping them. My first reactions upon seeing him were, How did he manage to live, and Why did somebody save him? The latter may sound cruel, but what life was there for him if he pulled through? In this case, I believe it would have been better for all concerned if he’d died on the battlefield. He lived for about ten days. During that time all the bullshitting on the ward ceased, and he became the main topic of conversation. His presence had a sobering effect on us. It became an unwritten rule—as long as he was alive we would show respect. He’d earned at least that from us. . . Our pains seemed small in comparison. At first we thought he’d make it, but as the days passed all the signs pointed to his death. The doctors, who normally checked his progress twice a day, began making trips to his bedside every hour. We knew his condition was deteriorating when we saw a priest visit him twice in two days. We saw the end coming. Four days before he expired. . . a woman entered the ward. She had on a hat and a long wool coat—a mom’s coat. She looked like anybody’s mom in that coat. . . She hesitated for a moment, then walked down the main aisle and turned in beside that guy’s bed. When she saw him she knew right away that it was her son. Her hands flew up to her mouth, and I could see her trembling all the way from my bed. . . The woman was in fact his mother, and his parents had scraped together just enough cash to send only her. The nurses and doctors were very pleasant and accommodating. They brought her a big chair and allowed her to sleep right there next to his bed. The nurses brought her food and drink throughout the days, and she rarely left his side. She talked to him in spurts, softly whispering in his ears at times. He lay there motionless the entire time, except on one occasion. I happened to look in their direction as she was hunched over close talking to him. I couldn’t hear what she was saying, but suddenly he turned his head toward her voice. He didn’t utter a word; at least I didn’t hear him speak, if he did say anything. Somewhere in the recesses of his shattered mind he must have realized that it was his mom speaking to him. His mother jumped slightly at the unexpected movement, a look of surprise and hope spreading across her face. But that was it. He didn’t move again. Something woke me up around two o’clock the morning that he died. It was completely dark on the ward, with the exception of the light at the nurses’ station and the light next to his bed. . . just about every patient was awake and staring intently as the drama unfolded. Unfortunately, we all knew that there would be no happy ending. A priest scurried in. . . to administer the last rites. Doctors and nurses shuttled in and out of the light, doing their best to save him or make his passing as painless as possible. They worked at a measured pace, but the air of death rushed in, and soon it was over. The moment of his death was almost visible, like the air around his bed suddenly chanted into something tangible, something touchable. I never even knew his name.
Reflections of a Warrior: Six Years as a Green Beret in Vietnam, by Medal of Honor recipient Franklin D. Miller and Elwood J. C. Kureth
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spacefrontier · 7 months ago
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Launch of Space Shuttle Atlantis during STS-46. July 31, 1992.
The primary mission of STS-46 was the deployment of the European Space Agency's European Retrievable Carrier (EURECA), and the joint NASA/Italian Space Agency (ASI) Tethered Satellite System (TSS-1).
EURECA was a satellite that contained 15 different experiments submitted by various European nations, investigating microgravity studies, solar observations, and material technology. EURECA was later retrieved by the Space Shuttle Endeavour during STS-57, nearly a year later.
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EURECA after deployment. Moon in background.
TSS-1 consisted of a satellite, a conducting tether, and a tether deployment/retrieval system that was attached to Atlantis. The objectives of TSS-1 were to determine and understand the electro-magnetic interaction between the tether, satellite, and Shuttle and space plasma, and develop capabilities for future tether applications on the Shuttle and International Space Station.
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TSS-1 during deployment.
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Official STS-46 crew portrait. Back row, from left: Mission Specialist Marsha Ivins, Mission Specialist Claude Nicollier (ESA), Payload Commander Jeffrey Hoffman, Mission Specialist Franklin Chang-Diaz, Payload Specialist Franco Malerba (ASI). Front row: Pilot Andrew Allen, Mission Commander Loren Shriver.
STS-46 spent eight days in orbit before returning to the Kennedy Space Center's Shuttle Landing Facility on August 8, 1992.
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Atlantis touches down at the Shuttle Landing Facility. The Kennedy Space Center Vehicle Assembly building can be seen in the background.
NASA 1, 3, 4, 5 Internet Archive 2 Goddard Space Flight Center NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive
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memesandmusicalss · 3 months ago
favorite subway train GO!
UUAHH UM i hate them all <3 fhsjjfg no just kidding uhh dont know if this counts but im a big fan of the franklin av shuttle idk why 👍👍👍 its juust. very. view yes and just generally any train that isnt in a tunnel the whole time ! 👍👍 whhat is yuour favorite 🫵🫵🫵 ?
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tacoma-narrows · 19 days ago
Lots of pictures from the Museum of Science and Industry!
I spent the weekend in Chicago with my dad and my sister and one of the main things we did was go to the Museum of Science and Industry (MSI)! I'd been once before, so I was very excited to go back, since it's one of my all time favorite museums! I ended up taking a lot of pictures of my fav exhibits, so I'll post some of the highlights here! It'll be a bit of a long post tho lol
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Part 1 - German U-Boat U-505!
This was the first exhibit we went to, since my sister is really into maritime stuff (shipwrecks and ocean liners especially). I wasn't quite as into this one but it was still really cool to see something so big inside a building like this and it's one of only 4 German U-boats that are preserved as museum ships today. We didn't get the chance to do the onboard tour, but it was still really neat to see the submarine itself as well as all of the naval artifacts and models and stuff that were part of the larger exhibit
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Part 2 - Space Hall!
This next exhibit was my favorite as I'm sure you can tell :3c This was all about space exploration and space transport vehicles and stuff like that! The first pic is a full-scale model of one of a lunar landers I believe (I don't remember if it was from the Apollo missions or the upcoming Artemis missions). Pics 2, 3 and 4 are all models of different vehicles that have taken people to space! They had a bunch there, but of course my two favs were the Saturn V and the Space Shuttle <33. The Saturn V model especially was HUGE. Then the last two pics are two different crew modules. The one on the left is the module for Apollo 8 from 1986, and the one on the right is the SpaceX Dragon module that docked with the ISS twice during the 2010s!
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Part 3 - Boeing 727!
They had a huge exhibit about planes, the centerpiece of which was this United Airlines Boeing 727 suspended up on the upper level! It was the first 727 ever placed into commercial service and has all sorts of things cut out inside so you can see things like the cockpit, the inner workings of the engines, the baggage hold and other stuff like that. The main thing, like with the U-Boat, was just how big this things was. It was super impressive and I loved getting to look around it!
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Part 4 - Misc Other Things
The first four pics here are part of their huge model train display that has a scale model of a lot of Chicago's most famous buildings as well as Seattle on the other end of the train tracks (hence why the Space Needle is there lol). Honestly I was more enamored by the landscaping and building models than the trains themselves (which were still cool dgmw!!) hence why I don't have any pictures of the actual trains lol. Then the last pic is racing driver Al Unser's 1978 Lola T800 car, which, along with some of his other cars, helped him to win the Indy 500, the Pocono 500 and the California 500. This pic I took more to show my mom because she's a huge IndyCar fan and I know she's talked a lot about watching Al Unser race when she was a kid haha.
Anyways, that's a brief summary of some of my fav stuff I saw at the MSI today! We saw a bunch of other exhibits too, but I didn't get pics of those. If you ever find yourself in or near Chicago and are a big museum fan like I am, I HIGHLY recommend checking this one out! It's up there with the Franklin Institute in Philly, the Natural History Museum in New York, and the Air and Space Museum in DC as one of my all time fav museums <3
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victusinveritas · 5 months ago
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The crossover nobody asked for, but we got it anyway.
h/t Robert Consing.
In case you can't read the panels...
Here's a transcript below the cut.
intro (panel "0"):
The hibernation pods open.
panel 1: Dallas (Linus) meets Ash (Schroeder) and Kane (Charlie Brown) at the mess-room table.
Dallas: "Mother found a signal. We should check out."
Kane: "S.O.S.?"
panel 2:
Ripley (Lucy): "That signal looks like a warning."
Parker (Franklin): "I just wanna go home and party!"
panel 3: Kane is in the hatchery, examining an egg.
Kane: "It seems to have life..."
panel 4: The facehugger jumps out, onto Kane's faceplate.
Kane (screaming): "AAUGH!"
panel 5: Ripley, Ash, Dallas, and Parker are in Sickbay, examining Kane.
Ash: "Molecular acid. It must be using it for blood."
Parker: "Wonderful defense mechanism."
panel 6:
Ripley: "Ash, why did you break quarantine?"
Ash: "What would you have done?"
Dallas: "Good grief."
panel 7: Kane sits up, minus one facehugger.
Kane: "I sure am hungry."
all the others: "YAAAY!!!"
panel 8: Parker and Kane are eating in the mess room.
Kane (screaming): "ACK!"
Parker: "The food ain't *that* bad!"
panel 9: The newborn xenomorph, fashioned after Snoopy (with the ears and nose) does the Snoopy happy-dance while erupting from Kane.
Lambert (Sally) (screaming): "EEEW!"
panel 10:
Parker: "We need to find it and kill it!"
Brett (Pigpen) "Right."
panel 11:
Ripley: "Whenever he says anything, you say 'right'."
Brett: "Right."
panel 12: The xenomorph grabs and kills Brett. [sound effect: CLOMP!]
panel 13: The xenomorph grabs and kills Dallas. [sound effect: CLOMP!]
panel 14: Ash is threatening to beat Ripley with something resembling a rolled-up paper. Parker is about to whack Ash with a length of pipe.
Ripley: "Ash! What are you doing?!"
panel 15:
Parker (beheading Ash): "Ash is a goddamn robot!"
panel 16: Ripley and Parker have set up Ash's dripping head on a table.
Ripley: "Ash! Can you hear me? What is Special Order 937?"
panel 17:
Ash: "Bring back life form ... all other priorities rescinded. I won't lie to you of your chances. You have my sympathies."
panel 18: Ripley is holding a gun, standing by Parker and Lambert.
Ripley: "We can take the shuttle and blow up the ship."
panel 19: The xenomorph grabs and kills Parker and Lambert.
panel 20: Ripley is running for the shuttle, carrying a birdhouse.
panel 21: Ripley is on board the shuttle; the Nostromo explodes in the background.
Ripley: "Whew! ...Huh?" as she sees the silhouette of the xenomorph.
panel 22: Ripley hits the emergency hatch-open button; the xenomorph is blown into space.
Ripley (singing): "Lucky star..."
panel 23: Ripley is preparing for hibernation, cuddling Jones (Woodstock).
Ripley: "This is Ripley, the last survivor of the Nostromo, signing off."
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wanderingnewyork · 2 months ago
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From 2017: The #Franklin_Avenue_Station on the #Franklin_Shuttle, #Brooklyn.
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alphaman99 · 1 year ago
As more & more counties get more solar farms.....
From a STEPHENVILLE resident, George Franklin:
I should start by telling you what bonafides I have for writing this. I am a retired aerospace engineer. A literal rocket scientist if you will. I worked on MX (Peacekeeper) Space Shuttle, Hubble, Brilliant Pebbles, PACOSS, Space Station, MMU, B2, the Sultan of Brunei's half billion dollar private 747 with crystal showers, gold sinks and 100 dollar a yard coiffed silk carpets. I designed a satphone installation on prince Jeffry's 757. I did all of the design work for the structure of Mark 1V propulsion module currently flying on at least 3 spacecraft that I know of. Some of the more exciting projects I have worked on are not shareable. My personal projects include a spin fishing reel with a 4.5 inch spool which is entirely my own designed, machined and assembled. It has 2 features that are patentable. A unique true flat level wind and a unique line pickup mechanism. I am also am FAA certified glider pilot and FAI certified gold glider pilot. I fly both full scale and model sailplanes. I am Microsoft certified and ComTIA A+ certified.
Solar panels are at best about 20% efficient. They convert 0% of the UV light that hits them. None of the visible spectrum and only some of the IR spectrum. At the same time as they are absorbing light they are absorbing heat from the sun. This absorbed heat is radiated into the adjacent atmosphere. It should be obvious what happens next. When air is warmed it rises. Even small differences in ordinary land surfaces are capable of creating powerful forces of weather like thunderstorms and tornadoes. These weather phenomena are initiated and reinforced by land features as they are blown downwind. It is all too obvious to me what will happen with the heat generated by an entire solar farm. Solar farms will become thunderstorm and tornado incubators and magnets.
Solar panels are dark and and they emit energy to the space above them when they are not being radiated. This is known as black-body radiation. Satellites flying in space use this phenomenon to cool internal components. If they didn't do this they would fry themselves.
So solar farms not only produce more heat in summer than the original land that they were installed on, but they also produce more cooling in winter, thus exacerbating weather extremes.
So I conclude with this. There is nothing green about green energy except the dirty money flowing into corrupt pockets.
There is not such thing as green energy. The science doesn't exist. The technology doesn't exist. The engineering doesn't exist. We are being pushed to save the planet with solutions that are worse than the problems.
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woodsfae · 1 year ago
Babylon 5 S03E01: Matters of Honor S01 table of contents • S02 table of contents • S03 table of contents
With this opening shot of the railshuttle inside B5, and Sheridan's rescue from going splat by Kosh after he jumped out of the shuttle last season, I have realized. I have just now realized that the railshuttle is inside B5. After all the times they've used it across two seasons and one episode, it took me till now to think about where the shuttle was. idk. Every time it came up I'd be like "Hmm, I wonder what planet this space elevator is over. Can't be Draal Planet. What other planet is nearby?
It makes so much more sense that it's an internal system so people in the five-mile-long space station can get from one end to the other. Except, and I think this is what tripped me up, they seem to have gravity in the shuttle. Unless I'm mistaken, a space station which generates gravity by spinning has reduced gravity as you get closer to the spinning center. Low gravity environments are hard to simulate, though, so I understand why the reduced gravity was not obvious. But it might be why I didn't realize.
Awww, John Sheridan is a good midwestern boy and took the first possible opportunity to thank Kosh for saving his life. But being observed is a strain, so Kosh has been hiding out, resting. Sheridan wants to know why Kosh would risk being exposed, even though no one connected the rescue to Kosh.
Sheridan: "After taking such care to hide what you really are, why take that chance?" Kosh: "It was… … …necessary." Sheridan: "Well, as answers go: short, to the point, utterly useless,, and totally consistent with what I've come to expect from a Vorlon." Kosh: "Good."
And the rest of that conversation is hilarious, too.
Space battle! RIP Drasak. Is he a Drazi? B5 does space battles well. I always feel like a sense of scale has been accurately conveyed, and that the battles makes sense while also being exciting to watch.
Wow, awesome new opening! I love that it's Ivanova and that Claudia Christian's skills at voice-overs are being recognized. Also, she totally deserves to be the most recognizable voice of Babylon 5, Ivanova's been holding the station together since episode one, damnit!
The escaping pilot wants life support power redirected to the engines. Either he thinks he'll survive the seven hour journey without the ship getting cold and the air not being recycled, or the information is stored on the ship and it's more important that it get there safely than he survive.
Awww, Ivanova and Sheridan's friendship.
Air Force person David Endawi has top secret info! I'm excited to hear it. Hopefully it's interesting and not some bullshit policy decisions from Earth. And he wants Delenn, too!
Oh, the pilot survived! But he collapsed and is unconscious.
Dr Franklin: "He's not going anywhere." *turns around*
He's gone!
Fuck you, Morden. and also you, Londo.
"My people have a manifest destiny,"
Yep, the Centauri are an extremely unflattering and accurate reflection of USA Imperialism.
"We have danced our last little dance, Mr Morden. And now it is time for you to go away."
The audacity! Like Morden said, the Shadows have helped the Centauri over and over again, and the Centauri haven't been asked to pay back the favor. Their war and imperialism is helping the Shadows, but it's not in the Shadows' best interest for the Centauri to know about it.
Wait a second…are the Shadows representations of capitalist billionaires generating climate change which has the capacity, if left unchecked, to wipe out all sentient life on Earth? Being driven largely by powerful USA oligarchs and an ineffective UN represented by the Minbari and the League of Non-Aligned Worlds?? Fuck me, this whole space opera is an extended metaphor!
One more meeting with Morden, and he says he'll go away for as long as Londo wants. I do believe it. But I also believe that he'd going to set things up to become highly uncomfortable for Londo to encourage him to contact Morden again.
Mr Endawi's people pulled the footage of the Shadow in hyperspace! wtf dude.
They agree that the Shadow ship is powerful, advanced, and hostile. And they want more information on the species if possible. It does seem to be in their best interests to share some knowledge, but Delenn's long moment of pondering makes me wonder why they wouldn't want to gather human allies against the coming war.
Delenn says the ships are indestructible, and once they select a target, they never stop till they've succeeded, and they never fail. She says, looking at the video of the ship, that it is the face of their enemy.
Ma'am, it is not. Last season I saw the silhouette of a wolf-like creature, and also a video of Morden in a cell with spider-like thingies. That presumably have faces. Although, Delenn maybe didn't see recordings of either of those. I can't recall if she was in the room when Sheridan saw the Shadows in the cell with Morden.
Lennier! :)
Delenn recognized a stone pendant that looked awfully like the one our pilot who escapes hostile forces and medbays had on him.
Mr Endawi: I don't drink on duty. Londo: Centauri's are never OFF duty! fixes a drink for himself "That's why drinking on duty is also a duty!"
Londo admits to seeing a shadow ship before. In a dream. He waxes eloquent about his dream, and the lighting and camera choices are artfully selected. Mr Endawi is as skeptical as anyone would be, and he's unimpressed by Londo's mood lighting.
Delenn is in what appears to be a dive bar, and there's a thrilled bartender plying their craft in full alien makeup. No 21st c. Earth dive bar has a bartender that thrilled to be throwing bottles around.
Escaped pilot is called Marcus, and seems clever. And he's a ranger. Thrilling!
The local gang wants protection money. Marcus wants some witty banter.
It's a good thing that the religious caste gets some martial arts training, because those were quite a few thugs!
Marcus has Minbari friends who tell him about Minbari susceptibility to alcohol and give him Minbari weapons.
Hah. Sheridan's all sheepish "I should have filled you in before, but you need to know about the rangers." But Ivanova already knows everything!
"Captain, the day something happens around here and I don't know about it: worry."
Ivanova is god. I'll take it more to heart now than ever before. That's some impressive recon!
Ah, Marcus was aided in his fleeing by a Drazi! I wonder if he was assigned Green or Purple last season.
The Centauri are the ones blockading Zagro 7, and they've invaded large targets on the other side of Drazi space, too. They need help. Sheridan's on it!
Meanwhile, Londo has finished with his meeting with Mr Endawi and is failing to match with with Morden. Morden says, take this half of the galaxy, do anything you want over there, but this other side is the Shadows'. Except for Zagro 7, which Lord Refa captured for Morden. Londo has chronic FOMO, so he hates hearing that Morden has spoken to another Centauri.
Are the Shadows going to Zagro 7 because they know about the rangers? Or are the rangers coincidentally there, and the Shadows are looking for something else they find valuable?
Sheridan gets a shiny new ship! The White Star!
Mr Endawi: "Tell me stuff." Garibaldi: "Can't cuz I dunno the stuff. Too highly classified for little ole me."
When in doubt, play dumb.
Garibaldi is doing great, actually! If he can keep from beating any more civilians or stalking more women I might eventually like him in an less complicated fashion.
The White Star was made using Minbari and Vorlon tech, but it was designed to not look too Minbari. And, unlike Earth ships, Minbari ships have artificial gravity! Which also saves on special effects!
Minbari caste stuff is interesting. There are religious caste scientists and ship crew, so crewing a ship must not restricted to the warrior caste. I wonder if any occupations are specifically tied to one caste or the other, or if it mainly functions as a cultural marker. I seem to recall that certain historical and religious knowledge is restricted just to the religious caste, but we haven't really seen anything other than directly commanding troops that seems to be off-limits to the religious caste. I suspect that if I pay attention to Delenn as she and Sheridan co-lead the Rangers I might be able to deduce certain religious caste leadership norms in Minbari society, though.
Great lore dump from G'Kar!! The Narn know about the Shadows because they set up a base on Narn 1,000 years before, before the Narn were spacefaring. A great spiritual leader called G'Quan believed is was a base for a far-away war. The Narns have been perfectly copying the book G'Quan wrote ever since. They preserved the knowledge through the eons. And now Mr Endawi knows about the Shadows! But I wonder how credible the human govt will find it, since Delenn professed total ignorance and so did Sheridan and his staff.
The White Star is having its first mission! But the Centauri ditched their auto-blockade! Little do they know….they were instructed to leave.
Sheridan is stoked by his new ship's fancy tech, which can show them the disguised shadows ship! Well this might blow their alliance's cover that they don't exist and no one knows about the Shadows!
The Shadows shoot at the White Star and they miss! Which Delenn is surprised about. Sheridan thinks they will be trying to shoot to disable, not kill, for information purposes. And now he's luring the Shadows into hyperspace!
Dang Sheridan. Delenn's all freaked out and thinks they need help, that they can't harm a Shadow ship alone.
Sheridan: "With all due respect Ambassador, I've heard that before."
lol. He has earned his confidence, even if the Minbari aren't exactly at the Shadows' level.
Sheridan is going to try a maneuver that is suicidal in any Earth ship, but he thinks they might survive because the White Star is higher tech and faster. Delenn likes his confidence!
And they live! Lennier! hah! He wants the temple training program revised so that acolytes are prepared for experiences like that.
I do think that Sheridan and Delenn have damaged their cause by not admitting to knowing anything about the Shadows' ship.
Oh….I am immediately proven completely wrong. Morden is totally in with the investigation into the ship, and the whole force is in on it with the Shadows, too.
Well. Damn.
oh. The subtitles just called the Z'ha'dum "ZachDoom." asgfkhasfghksdj
Sheridan is instituting a war council! B5's senior staff, Delenn, any ranger around, and mystery future-guests.
Dr Franklin has a pertinent question. Cuz he's never been told before. What are the Shadows?
Delenn: "There are beings in the universe billions of years older than any of our races. They walked along the stars like giants: vast, and timeless. They created great empires, taught new races, explored beyond the rim. The oldest of the ancients are the Shadows. We've no other name for them."
Spooky! A great first episode for both new seasons: three, and autumn.
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lboogie1906 · 6 months ago
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Sonia Sanchez (Wilsonia Benita Driver; September 9, 1934) is a poet, writer, and professor. She was a leading figure in the Black Arts Movement and has authored over a dozen books of poetry, as well as short stories, critical essays, plays, and children’s books. She released poems in periodicals targeted toward African American audiences and published her debut collection, Homecoming. In 1993, she received Pew Fellowship in the Arts, and in 2001 was awarded the Robert Frost Medal for her contributions to the canon of American poetry. She has been influential to other African American poets, including Krista Franklin.
She was born in Birmingham to Wilson L. Driver and Lena Jones Driver. Her mother died when she was one year old, so she spent several years being shuttled back and forth among relatives. One of those was her grandmother, who died when she was six.
She moved to Harlem to live with her father (a school teacher), her sister, and her stepmother, When in Harlem, she learned to manage her stutter and excelled in school, finding her poetic voice, which emerged during her studies at Hunter College. She focused on the sound of her poetry, admitting to always reading it aloud, and received praise for her use of the full range of African and African American vocal resources. She is known for her sonic range and dynamic public readings. She now terms herself as an “ordained stutterer.” She earned a BA in political science from Hunter College. She pursued post-graduate studies at NYU. She formed a writers’ workshop in Greenwich Village, where the “Broadside Quartet” was born. The “Broadside Quartet” included other prominent Black Arts Movement artists such as Haki Madhubuti, Nikki Giovanni, and Etheridge Knight.
She married Albert Sanchez, they had one daughter. She married Etheridge Knight, and they had twin sons, but they divorced after two years. Motherhood heavily influenced the motifs of her poetry in the 1970s, with the bonds between mother and child emerging as a key theme. She has three grandchildren. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #alphakappaalpha
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mus1g4 · 2 years ago
#Franklin County Historic Jail
Do you know if it is possible to do some kind of "prisoner transport" in the FCHJ? So that you get the uniform before you are picked up at the airport. And then you get shackled at the airport via shuttle?
If anyone would do that, it would be me. I am Officer Pitbull.
I have done it in the past, and I love doing it.
Their are some problems with doing it.
1. The officer has to be very careful what uniform they wear so as not to pretend to be an officer.
2. You must drive safely because your "inmate" is restrained and could be hurt or killed.
3. You have to find a private space to change clothes and put on restraints.
4. You have to provide adequate staffing and time to complete the transport.
5. You need to charge extra to cover gas, vehicle wear and tear and time.
If you can get all of that addressed, then it can work!
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lonestarflight · 9 months ago
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"The Space Shuttle Endeavour lifts off, creating billows of smoke and steam on its way into space for mission STS-111 to the International Space Station (ISS). Liftoff occurred at 5:22:49 p.m. (EDT), June 5, 2002. The image was photographed from a Shuttle Training Aircraft (STA), which flies near the launch area for weather monitoring and other support to the mission's liftoff phase. The STS-111 crew includes astronauts Kenneth D. Cockrell, commander; Paul S. Lockhart, pilot, and Franklin R. Chang-Diaz and Philippe Perrin, mission specialists. Also onboard were the Expedition Five crewmembers including cosmonaut Valery G. Korzun, commander, along with astronaut Peggy A. Whitson and cosmonaut Sergei Y. Treschev, flight engineers. Perrin represents CNES, the French space agency, and Korzun and Treschev are with the Russian Aviation and Space Agency (Rosaviakosmos). This mission marked the 14th Shuttle flight to the International Space Station."
Date: June 5, 2002
NASA ID: STS111-S-035
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