Cute Little World-Ender
800 posts
Hi, call me Eve! (26, she/her, NYC.) You can also find me at @thetransitgirl!
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evannakita · 8 days ago
All my haters become aligators when I activate my gatorinator.
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evannakita · 9 days ago
I have been looking for this for so long; it's one of my favorite art pieces ever.
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evannakita · 9 days ago
I somehow never found this post on Tumblr until now, but I am so happy I can finally reblog it :D :D
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commission for evannakita on twitter of a scene from her DA story TAOES!
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evannakita · 7 months ago
The symbolism in TAOS is Evanna as the Sun and Chiara as the moon. Their depictions show it like that as well, with Chiara having a black-and-white type of colour pallette (hair and body) and Evanna having warmer tones. So could it be that Akita has Earth symbolism? The Earthy skintone and blue eyes represent land and sea ig, and the earlier parts of the story could be a solar eclipse with Chiara preventing Evanna from litening to Akita, and the later half is a lunar eclipse with Akita overahadowing Chiara.
I think that's interesting. Also another thing I noticed is the personality and how they celesrial bodies. Evanna is warm but fly too close and she's destrictive as well (though accidentally in TWTSTW) and Chiara is like the 'pale moon light that illuminates, but does not warm' (in the words of Moon Knight heheh). Akita represents how Earth is represented by the will to live, of not just humans but everything that has life.
Really fricken cool i love taos so much<3
Whoa, this is so cool and it made me so happy to see this!
I don't think I was consciously thinking of Akita as having Earth symbolism, but honestly I love that interpretation, and it makes total sense! Because ultimately, the key idea with Akita is that she represents humanity and human civilization at its best—and so she's very connected to Earth and its people, as opposed to Evanna and Chiara who metaphorically distance themselves, like how the sun and moon are farther from Earth!
And if we consider that aspect of it, it's noteworthy how the moon is much closer to Earth than the sun is, which nicely underscores how Evanna actually detaches more naturally than Chiara does—after all, Chiara was only able to become this detached after decades of traumatizing isolation, but she got Evanna to become a callous conqueror in mere months. Though I won't claim to have planned that, just like I can't claim to have planned the Earth symbolism for Akita.
Honestly, you've given me a lot to think about here; I really like your way of looking at the story! Thank you so much for reading and for sharing your thoughts—and I'll definitely keep these ideas in mind when working on the comic adaptation ❤️‍🔥
For anyone seeing this post and wondering what in the heck I'm talking about, The Ascension of Evanna Schwarzschild (TAOES) is a story I've written about lesbian giants with laser powers! If you check it out, I'd love to hear your thoughts :D
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evannakita · 8 months ago
I made a crossword puzzle!
It's June 24, 2024, and I'm the constructor of today's daily crossword on Puzzmo! It's my first-ever published crossword, and I'm extremely excited for the public to check it out!
Below the cut, I've written out some fun tidbits about the puzzle and the process of making it. That being said, SPOILERS follow—only read further if you've already completed the puzzle!
Hi again, I hope you had a fun time solving the puzzle! I certainly had a fun time constructing it. I’m incredibly grateful to Brooke for organizing Puzzmo's Open Submission Week, for giving me a second chance to submit after the theme of my first submission wasn’t a good fit for Puzzmo, and for helping me throughout the process of theming, filling, cluing, and hinting.
This puzzle began with the idea of using a diagonal to spell out something that actually is diagonal. As a public transit enthusiast, I’d initially thought of [FUNICULAR]. But the idea quickly expanded with the decision to also include horizontal and vertical answers corresponding to horizontal and vertical things. And since [ELEVATOR] was by far my favorite possible vertical answer, that left [ESCALATOR] as the obvious choice for the diagonal. Initially, I’d planned [CONVEYOR] for the horizontal answer, but Brooke pointed out that conveyors typically aren’t used to carry people the way escalators and elevators do. The next option I proposed was [TRAVELATOR], but I ended up liking [CORRIDOR] more, because I wanted the puzzle to have diagonal symmetry if possible.
Already, I had a ton of constraints for filling the grid—each letter of [ESCALATOR] had to intersect not one but two other answers, which would have been tricky even before adding in two other theme answers and diagonal symmetry. So I ended up spending countless hours testing out possible grid layouts in order to try to get a good fill. At first my idea was for all three theme answers to intersect at the bottom right, but I chose the current layout to represent how escalators and elevators don’t actually go between the same two points, meaning that when a train station is designed around escalators; [ELEVATOR] users are forced to also use a [CORRIDOR] to cover the horizontal distance. (Here in NYC, that makes for inconvenient wheelchair access to the fancy new platforms at Grand Central Madison, and it also means the planned accessibility upgrades at the Broadway Junction subway transfer will be a massive undertaking.) I personally find designing efficient train station layouts to be a lot of fun, and so I greatly enjoy the game STATIONflow, and I thought it’d be appropriate to shout it out in this puzzle’s title!
I did end up eventually managing to get a fillable grid (thanks to Ingrid and Spread The Wordlist—oh hey, yet another thing Brooke deserves major kudos for!), but due to all my self-imposed restrictions I had very little flexibility in what the non-theme answers would be, meaning I was stuck with some tricky ones like [SIDE A] and [ALDIS]. But honestly, I think the limited flexibility made cluing more fun than it otherwise would have been, since I now had the challenge of finding fun clues for answers I didn’t pick. I got to revisit some happy memories in 4-Across and 18-Across, I got to shamelessly plug my DeviantArt in 11-Down, I got to shout out an incredible activist in 19-Across, and I got to be unreasonably proud of myself for coming up with 10-Across. Some of my original clues were too long and confusing for Puzzmo (I was slightly sad to shorten my original description of a [T BAR] as a “low-budget chairlift alternative that’s basically an anchor that hooks around your butt and pulls you up a hill”), but Brooke was a tremendous help with capturing the spirit of my clues in fewer letters. And a couple clues were straight-up Brooke’s ideas, including 1-Across, 5-Down, and notably 17-Down—I hadn’t heard of Ayra [STARR] before but her music is excellent and I am very glad to have learned about her through this.
Brooke was surprised I wanted to hint my own puzzle, and I get why—hints aren’t meant to be entertaining, and coming up with good ones can be quite challenging. (Shoutout to Matthew for being an absolute hinting MVP!) I actually quite enjoyed all the lexical games, though—the “mancala” anagram for [ALMANAC] was a very satisfying find, and I was quite proud of how my hint for the crossword staple at 27-Down was able to match the Minecraft theme of the clue. (Of course, the flipside was that some hints, like the one for [KORRA], had to jump through a lot of hoops to get to something coherent.)
I realize this is probably way longer than it needs to be, but making this puzzle was just such an experience. I’m absolutely going to keep making puzzles, and that’s all thanks to Brooke and Puzzmo.
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evannakita · 9 months ago
I can hear this in their voices :D
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Texts From Superheroes
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evannakita · 11 months ago
This post is what got me to first join Tumblr :)
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Texts From Superheroes
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evannakita · 11 months ago
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it was so much funnier in my head i promise
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evannakita · 1 year ago
Okay this is actually really inspiring.
The only Great Lake I’ve experienced is Lake Michigan (specifically the Chicago lake shore) and it always felt remarkably lifeless, to the point that it was uncanny the next time I saw how alive the oceans are. But of course, it wasn’t always this way—thanks to decades of pollution followed by the introduction of invasive zebra mussels, it’s now incredibly lifeless and empty in comparison to what it once was.
So for the mermaids living there, it’s full-on post-apocalyptic.
Vast mermaid cities in the deepest parts of the lake, now mostly deserted except for a few scavengers. Makeshift settlements among sunken machinery off the Indiana shore. Jankily-constructed algae farms to try to keep local ecosystems alive. Warring factions that defend their territory with weapons made from the razor edges of zebra mussel shells. The occasional historian trying to preserve the memory of what the lake once was.
And the shared heartbeat of the survivors is the drums of war. They know humans did this, and they want to strike back. They don’t have the numbers or the tech, but they’re innovating, finding new ways to survive and thrive. And with all the metal that’s been dumped into the lakes over time, they’ll soon have the resources for vengeance.
Could I get some Great Lakes mermaid lore/stories, please?
This isn't for a game or a book or anything. I just like the Great Lakes and think they should have cold-adapted freshwater mermaids in them.
Like they are huge and very deadly freshwater seas. Why do we not discuss mermaids living in them?
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evannakita · 1 year ago
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evannakita · 1 year ago
This Valentine’s Day we all need an inspiring rival who we share values and insane competitive tension with. There should be services for acquiring a nice glamorous nemesis, just saying. I am deprived. 
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evannakita · 1 year ago
I desperately crave a friendship like the teen titans have in Gabriel Picolo’s art
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evannakita · 1 year ago
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evannakita · 1 year ago
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A couple of commissions I did for RWBY LOFI 3 ☕️🍂
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evannakita · 1 year ago
From my other blog! If you want a custom schematic transit map, hit me up :D
Commission Info
This is a first for me, but I am officially opening for commissions! If you have an idea for a schematic transit map you want me to make, now’s the perfect chance.
My rates for the moment are a base fee of $20, plus $10 for each route. So for example, that’s $30 for a single line, $50 for three lines, or $120 for ten lines. Branching, short routes, and overly complicated networks are case by case. Simple backgrounds and legends are included if desired.
Here are a few examples of my work!
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evannakita · 2 years ago
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I don't know how widespread these are, but I have never seen black on a popsicle before.
(I made my roommate try it, and they said it just tastes like a regular strawberry popsicle.)
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evannakita · 2 years ago
C’mon guys...
It wasn’t THAT bad…
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…Or was it?
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