#Frank Giustra
darkmaga-retard · 16 days
As states face more difficulties in recruiting and conscripting, we may be headed for an algorithm-driven revolution in warfare
Frank Giustra
Sep 04, 2024
With few exceptions, most soldiers do not wish for death on the battlefield.
While some warrior cultures, like the Norse, revered dying in battle as an honourable end, and some jihadists today believe in heavenly rewards for martyrs, these are outliers. The reality is that the prospect of being shot or blown to pieces is terrifying, making recruitment a persistent challenge.
A recent BBC article highlighted the increasing difficulty of recruiting new soldiers in Ukraine. After two-and-a-half years of war and more than 500,000 Russian and Ukrainian casualties, volunteers are scarce.
Consequently, Ukraine introduced a law requiring all men aged 25 to 60 to register their details in an electronic database for potential conscription. Conscription officers actively seek those avoiding registration, driving many into hiding.
In Odesa, the feared mobilization squads are known for pulling people off buses and from train stations, taking them directly to enlistment centres. These reluctant recruits understandably fear becoming another statistic in the front line “meat grinder” with Russia.
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archercrosley · 1 year
Bitcoin, Max Keiser and the Future
Everything you hear Max Keiser say about Bitcoin is true. And yet … MaxKeiser is wrong about Bitcoin. How can rhat be? Because Max Keiser did not take the device of Frank Giustra. Because Max Keiser underestimates our elites. In the famous debate between Michael Saylor and Frank Giustra, Frank Giustra tried to express to Michael Saylor a very important point. Essentially what he said, was…
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petrosolgas · 1 year
Suzano, maior produtora de celulose do mundo, avalia vender para China em yuan
A Suzano, a maior produtora de celulose do mundo, está considerando acordos com a China cotados na moeda chinesa yuan, em resposta às demandas de seus clientes menores na China.
Atualmente, a Suzano vende 43% de sua produção para a China, e o CEO Walter Schalka acredita que o país asiático se tornará cada vez mais relevante no mercado global. Embora prefira uma colaboração de longo prazo entre o Ocidente e o Oriente, Schalka contou em entrevista à Bloomberg que reconhece que as tensões geopolíticas estão aumentando entre os EUA e a China.
Desdolarização e a promoção do yuan pela China
A promoção do yuan pelo governo chinês faz parte de seus esforços para se desvincular do dólar e promover sua moeda como uma alternativa a moeda americana no comércio global. Esses esforços vêm em meio a tensões crescentes entre os Estados Unidos e China. O Brasil também tem falado sobre abandonar o dólar, com o presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva reacendendo os apelos por uma moeda organizada pelo BRICS.
O abandono do dólar como uma moeda para o comércio global
A Suzano Celulose considerando contratos em yuan com a China pode alimentar o debate sobre desdolarização. Frank Giustra, copresidente do International Crisis Group, alertou recentemente que o abandono do dólar como uma moeda para o comércio global parece inevitável e ameaça se tornar uma preocupação de segurança nacional para os EUA.
A recuperação do mercado de ouro pode estar relacionada ao movimento de desdolarização. Segundo o World Gold Council, a quantidade de ouro comprada pelos bancos centrais aumentou 152% em 2022, configurando o maior fluxo de aquisição das autoridades monetárias desde a década de 1950. Isso pode ser explicado pela busca de alternativas à moeda americana.
Suzano amplia previsão de investimentos no Projeto Cerrado para R$ 22,2 bilhões
A Suzano Celulose anunciou que ampliou em 15% a previsão de investimentos no Projeto Cerrado, que inclui a construção de uma nova fábrica de celulose em Ribas do Rio Pardo (MS). Com a revisão, a empresa planeja investir R$ 22,2 bilhões no projeto, gerando milhares de novos empregos.
A revisão nos investimentos considera a correção de contratos pela inflação e a opção da Suzano de realizar ou ter determinados produtos e serviços dentro de casa, ao invés de comprar de empresas terceiras. Marcelo Bacci, diretor de Finanças, Jurídico e de Relações com Investidores da Suzano, explicou que essa opção de fazer ou comprar respondeu por R$ 1,3 bilhão do acréscimo no orçamento do Projeto Cerrado.
Milhares de empregos serão gerados por nova fábrica Suzano
A nova fábrica terá capacidade para produzir 2,3 milhões de toneladas de celulose de eucalipto por ano, ampliando a capacidade de produção da empresa em 20%. A previsão é de que a produção comece no primeiro trimestre de 2024, gerando milhares de empregos.
Walter Schalka, presidente da Suzano, destacou a importância da nova unidade para a estratégia de longo prazo da empresa, ressaltando a relevância na geração de empregos e na capacidade de captura de carbono gerada pela expansão da base florestal.
A Ministra da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento, Tereza Cristina Dias, afirmou que este é o maior investimento que o estado recebe neste período, e que a nova unidade deve gerar 3 mil empregos entre colaboradores próprios e terceirizados, movimentando toda a cadeia econômica regional.
Suzano Papel e Celulose
A Suzano é uma empresa brasileira líder no mercado de papel e celulose, sendo a maior produtora global de celulose de eucalipto e uma das 10 maiores de celulose em geral. Com cerca de 60 marcas em quatro linhas de produtos — cutsize, revestidos, não revestidos e papel-cartão — a empresa possui sede em Salvador e sede administrativa na cidade de São Paulo. A Suzano Celulose tem operações em aproximadamente 60 países ao redor do mundo.
O post Suzano, maior produtora de celulose do mundo, avalia vender para China em yuan apareceu primeiro em Petrosolgas.
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How credit card companies are fuelling your debt bondage - The Toronto Star
Preying on low-income families is where credit card companies thrive, writes Frank Giustra, playing to human emotions and offering the pleasure of ... https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.thestar.com/business/opinion/2023/03/11/how-credit-card-companies-are-fuelling-your-debt-bondage.html&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGjhlZmRiMTE5YjgyN2M3YTM6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AOvVaw0Bq-Au0VXg4geDBz25hxa7
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bitrss-news · 2 years
#Crypto #News:
#Crypto #News: "Billionaire Investor Frank Giustra Issues Bitcoin Warning, Says Political Establishment Wants To Take Out BTC" https://t.co/TgjNUCQXLW
— BitRss News (@RssBit) Oct 24, 2022
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mycryptoposts · 2 years
Billionaire F. Giustra hails Bitcoin as ‘anti-sovereign fiat play’ and CBDCs rival #cryptoposts #crypto #usa #business #money #success #cryptomarket #money #bitcoin #forex #investment #millionaire #wealth #invest #trading #cryptocurrency #investing #finance #forextrader #financialfreedom #crypto #investor #blockchain
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gettothestabbing · 4 years
Cullors is backed by 3 Arts Entertainment, a talent agency owned by Lionsgate, a company founded by longtime Clinton Foundation donor Frank Giustra. She's also backed by Creative Artists Agency, a talent organization that covered up eight allegations of sexual harassment against disgraced producer Harvey Weinstein.
This summer, a video resurfaced of a 2015 interview with Cullors. In it, she described herself and fellow Black Lives Matter cofounder Alicia Garza as "trained Marxists."
Cullors joined Eric Mann's Labor/Community Strategy Group after graduating high school. The group, which is associated with the Black Panther Party and other radical organizations, trained activists in the labor rights and civil rights movement.
Mann is known for leading Students for a Democratic Society and Weather Underground. The FBI labeled Weather Underground a domestic terrorist organization for its bombing of federal buildings, including the U.S. State Department, the Pentagon, and the Capitol.
Cullors referred to Mann as her "mentor" in a 2018 Democracy Now! interview.
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jerseydeanne · 5 years
We are hearing that the Canadian Billionaire isn't the one ???
We are hearing that the Canadian Billionaire isn’t the one ???
Frank Guistra has tweeted out that he does not own the property where Harry and Meghan are staying.
That’s weird, isn’t it, but anywho it did remind us that Bill Clinton and he were part of Haiti Scandal.
Was he the one in the uranium one scandal Hillary ran?
The swamp is deep! You keep on being you, Frank.  We’ll find out who owns that property real soon.
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“It's possible that Twitter will still win in the end, but once again this ruling highlights just how important Section 230 is. It gets rid of these mistargeted, silly lawsuits upfront. Giustra remains free to sue the actual people who he claims defamed him. He has chosen not to do so, and instead focused on Twitter. That, alone, is silly, and it makes a mockery of common sense for Canadian courts to allow it to move forward.“
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reportwire · 3 years
B.C. businessman Frank Giustra’s lawsuit against Twitter can proceed, court rules
B.C. businessman Frank Giustra’s lawsuit against Twitter can proceed, court rules
British Columbia’s highest court has upheld a lower-court ruling allowing a prominent businessman and philanthropist’s defamation lawsuit against Twitter Inc. to proceed in the province. The decision released Friday by the B.C. Court of Appeal means the lawsuit filed by Frank Giustra, a member of the Order of B.C. and founder of Lionsgate Entertainment, may go ahead in the province where he…
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ultra-greenmojo-me · 3 years
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What I Learned During My First Year of Gardening
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skippyv20 · 3 years
Bill and Hillary's foundation received large donations from seven people
Some $50million allegedly came from Canadian mining boss Frank Giustra
British fashion magnate Richard Caring also gave $1million in 2005
Caring reportedly made donation so Clinton would go to party in Russia
Former President was pictured in 2005 at fancy dress fundraiser
Other donors include Michael Schumacher  and French financier
Accounts at controversial bank caught up in tax-dodging allegations
There is no suggestion any Clinton donors used accounts to evade tax
PUBLISHED: 00:13 EST, 10 February 2015 | UPDATED: 09:05 EST, 10 February 2015
Frank Giustra owns Lionsgate
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royalteachitchat · 4 years
This was circulating Fbook today but goes back to January 2020. Guess main stream media missed it. Shady. Shady. Shady.
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Who is Frank Giustra?
Frank Giustra, 62 year old Canadian billionaire whose close ties to the Clintons have created worldwide controversy with various connections to pedophilia. Look at who these people are and why Donald Trump is destroying them:
1. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been hiding out at the home of Frank Giustra.
2. Frank Giustra, Founder & Ahmed Khan, Project Manager of ELPIDA houses Muslim Syrian Refugees in Thessaloniki, Greece. The business has the Boy Lover [Pedophile]symbol which is recognised by the FBI as an organised pedophile operation. His Muslim business associate, Ahmed Khan is a Democrat, drafted and funded pedophile Joe Biden’s presidential campaign in 2016.
3. Frank Giustra, is the Founder of Hollywood Lions Gate Entertainment & famous for producing the TV series The X Files & Lolita [portrait of an obsessive pedophile]. He stepped down as CEO in June 2019.
4. Frank Guistra is a Board of Director on The Clinton Foundation & travelled with Bill Clinton to Haiti where UN [United Nations] forces were trafficking children to wealthy Americans & "pastors".
5. Frank Guistra, is the Founder of Boys Club “supporting” troubled boys.
Can you see what is happening here? They designed wars to destroy countries, separate families & make them refugees for child trafficking. They disguise themselves as Humanitarian organisations operated by wealthy pedophiles.
The Elites / mainstream news / radio / media / bankers / Hollywood / celebrities / royals / popes / judges / sport stars / big pharmacy companies & corporations etc..hate Donald Trump for dismantling them. THE GREAT AWAKENING.
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jerseydeanne · 5 years
Who will be advising the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, what roles they may play?
Who will be advising the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, what roles they may play?
Inside the court of Harry and Meghan and the people who will be advising them on their next move – from Oprah to Hillary
[contentcards url=”https://www.thesun.co.uk/fabulous/10816416/meghan-harry-advisers-what-next/” target=”_blank”]
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All the articles about support...who is putting these out? It is Meghan boldly putting these out thinking this will get Hollywood on board? Or is Hollywood thinking they are going to be on the right side of history? It's frankly embarrassing that people keep saying "sorry, don't know her" lol. Even Frank Giustra has denied via his twitter that he owns a home in CAN. twitter(.)com/Frank_Giustra/status/1216504812516233216
It’s her pr.
And let’s add Giustra to the people backing out of Sussexland.
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royalwatchblog · 5 years
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