#Francis x Jess.
makipedia · 3 months
francis forever (ellie x reader)
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bigot sandwiches and social anxiety
another slur used here 🤔 also the word constipated is used like a million times.
The following morning came by quicker than you thought it would. You were awake for most of the night, still riddled with anxiety about getting caught in conflict last night with that bigot who decided to make his attitude you and Ellie's problem, too. It was your fault, anyways. You were the one who kissed Ellie in front of everyone; after the way she pulled you in for another one she left you wondering what her real feelings were.
When morning came, you were blinded by the sunlight peeking into your room. You were already awake; anxiety never let you sleep very long, and you'd be lucky to get more than four hours. To say it was a nuisance would be an understatement, especially when you have to wake up early in the mornings for patrolling or tending to another sick or injured person. You'd be kept awake from whatever thoughts that were plaguing your mind and in the morning you'd be filled to the brim with doubts that you're doing a good job. Last night seemed worse than it normally was; you were practically glued to your bed with your blanket over you and laying on your side and replaying the familiar feeling of embarrassment over and over again from your panic attack last night.
You were interrupted by a loud and very hasty knock on your door, making you turn your head to look at it. You turned your head back to your nightstand and looked at your clock reading 5:24. You were late. A heat filled your face as the thought creeped up from your amygdala and began swirling all around your brain that you were holding everyone back by being so late. Albeit you knew that other people were late as well, but you also knew they didn't care if they received lip for their tardiness. You did, and that's what matters.
You were close to staying huddled up in bed and letting your anxiety win this time until a familiar and hoarse voice calling out from the other side of your front door.
"Y/n, come on," Ellie called out groggily, lightly banging her fist against the door. Jesse stood next to her, leaning against the wall of your hut and crossing his arms. "We're already late!"
You knew that already. A twinge of annoyance tugged at your heart before you quickly let it go. You realized that you weren't really in any place to be annoyed; especially at Ellie. You sighed before slowly getting up out of bed. Your comforter slid off the mattress and onto the floor, puddling around your feet; you looked down, frowning slightly. You clicked your tongue before leaning down and grabbing it, tossing it over your bed and setting it neatly so that you wouldn't be bothered with it when you come back. After making your bed to look nice and neat knowing you would be messing it up all over again, you shuffled over to your closet and changed out of the clothes you unknowingly wore last night, another wave of heat filling your cheeks as they fall to the floor. You pick your hoodie off of its hanger and slip it on, smelling it to see if you need to out on another spray of perfume. To your dismay, you did. It didn't stink, it just didn't smell like something you concocted to cater to your noses interests. You decided you'd to wait on drowning yourself in perfume until you smell-tested your cargo pants too; fortunately they still smelled like the last time you put on your strawberries and honey perfume with those pants. You spent the next few minutes gathering up your clothes and your black beanie just to keep your ears warm, your gloves too, your backpack, spraying on your perfume, and patching your medical badge on your right sleeve. You tied your bootlaces into double knots before finally opening the door right as Ellie was about to bang on it again.
Ellie and Jesse stood there outside your door, talking about something which you couldn't hear from behind the door for the time it was still shut. You looked at the both of them, your eyes shifting between the two of them before ultimately landing on Ellie. A smile tried working its way onto your lips, the corner of your mouth stretching into a tiny grin as you watched small specks of snow catching onto her auburn hair. And then you're reminded of how last night ended; embarrassment slowly slid up your spine and spreading goosebumps across your skin. Lucky your arms were covered; you could already tell your arm hairs were standing up straight.
"Look who we have here," Jesse commented in his usual smooth tone. You and Ellie both looked at him with raised eyebrows. "She finally crawled out of her hole."
"Shut up," you let out a chuckle as you step out, Ellie and Jesse moving back and giving you room to shut your door and locking it. You turn back to them, your arm going under your hoodie and sticking your house key in your bra. "I didn't sleep too good last night."
"We can tell. You look like a raccoon," Jesse joked, to which you only rolled your eyes at. You shifted your backpack over your shoulders and brushing past him and Ellie.
"You try sleeping with social anxiety up your ass for a night. Then you can tell me about looking like a raccoon."
"It can't be that bad," Jesse looks at Ellie as the two of them follow after you. Ellie looks at him like he's crazy as she shrugs. He shakes his head, "Didn't Cat have something similar, Ellie?"
"Fuck if I know," Ellie frowns slightly and shrugs again. Being reminded of her old relationship with Cat made her shudder and shake her head free of the chills. "She never told me shit."
"Did you ever ask?" Your head made a quarter turn to look at Ellie from the corner of your eye. A grin was fully bloomed on your face, and seemingly cheeky—the only shit-eating grin she'd ever seen on you before. Ellie scoffed and looked at Jesse with another halfhearted frown.
"Thanks for bringin' that fuckin' topic up, man."
"What? She was the only one I could think of who related to Y/n," Jesse interjected, shrugging nonchalantly. "Also, y'all should head to the Tipsy Bison. Seth's got something to say to you two."
"Is it another slur?" You call out, turning your head the other way to look at Jesse as he lets out a chuckle. You roll your eyes at the humor he finds in your retort, but you really were curious if that old fart had another slur to call you and Ellie or if Maria talked some sense into him, or if he was just drunk.
"Nah, I don't think so. I saw Maria heading over so she probably talked to him about what he said last night. What even happened?"
"It's a long story," Ellie answers quickly. You felt the weight lifted off your chest when Ellie answered as quickly as she did. The back of your mind wished that it was because Ellie had somehow known you wouldn't have liked talking about it, but you knew it was just because she often likes to run her mouth.
"But he basically saw me and her kissing, and Seth didn't like that, so he decided to make it her problem first," Ellie pointed to your back for a moment. She drew her finger away and let her arm fall back to her side. "And when we were being the mature ones there, he called her a dyke, and that's when it kinda got messy."
"So Joel decked him?" Jesse questions. "That's what I heard happened."
"He pushed him," Ellie sighs. Her thoughts roam back to last night when she was talking to Joel. Her heart sank slightly when she thinks about what Joel said about you and Ellie being a thing. She remembers the embarrassment in her voice and the flush of her cheeks when she was too quick to object and say that it was just a kiss and she probably didn't mean anything by it.
Jesse shakes his head as he walks up ahead of you and towards the Tipsy Bison, holding the door open for you and Ellie. You thank him quietly with a soft nod of your head and a smile as you walk in. Ellie simply glances at him, sending her thanks look before following short after you and even walking next to you. Jesse let the door fall closed and got a glance at the two of you, seeing how close Ellie seems to want to be and how you let her. He smiles to himself before trekking off somewhere else to let you and Ellie talk with Maria.
"Ellie! Y/n," a voice called out. You and Ellie turned your heads in sync to find Maria sitting on the side of the bar where she was facing the door that led to an office. You sighed quietly, glancing at Ellie with a knowing look; your eyes met each other like you mirrored her, wearing the exact same expression on both your features before shuffling around the bar towards Maria.
"You ready for what that bigot has to say?" Ellie says quietly under her breath, her head tilting towards you.
"Not really," you shrug slightly and letting out another exasperated exhale. "If he's apologizing then I'm not believing a word of it."
"Me neither," Ellie scoffs, shaking her head and keeping quiet when you both approached Maria. You stood there next to Ellie nervously; your arm softly touched her sleeve, reminding you of your close proximity. You frequently glanced at her while the three of you waited for Seth to come out of his office.
"Seth has something to say to the both of you," Maria announced to the two of you. She turns her head towards Seth's door, calling his name. Your stomach churns and your heart races again; when he appears from his holed up office, you're brought back to last night when he insulted you and Ellie and brought a panic attack along with it. You felt a pang of irritation sprouting in your chest at the sight of him and his old face. Your heart clenched almost painfully as you listened to his half-assed apology. You weren't sure if the distaste for him was evident on your face, but it seemingly was when Maria gently swatted your shoulder and pushed the sandwiches Seth made into your chest, forcing you to take them.
The muscles in your chest felt feverishly hot—not from the steak sandwiches Seth had to offer—but from the resentment growing inside you and making your eyes narrow and your mouth lift up into a dirty look. You were knocked out of your headspace when Ellie nudged your arm and cocked her head towards the front door, signaling that it was finally time to leave. The heat in your chest dissipated instantly when your eyes caught onto Ellie, the breath you'd been subconsciously holding finally getting released and letting your lungs relax from the stress being put on them. In other words, you let out a small sigh of relief, following after Ellie, Maria and Jesse out to the door.
"You buy any of that bullshit?" Ellie asked again just like she did earlier. Her head tilted closer towards you, invading your space slightly. You didn't mind, of course; after all, you invaded her space last night by initiating that kiss which got you and her into that mess in the first place, so you couldn't complain (also because you liked the feeling you got in your stomach when Ellie was close, but you'd rather not dwell on that while Jesse and Maria are around).
"No," you bring your hand up to the side of your warm face, your fingers gently scratching your jaw. "Drunk actions are sober thoughts. He meant what he said last night."
"That's a philosophical way to put it," Jesse interrupted, turning his head back to look at you and Ellie. You looked up at him, silently ignoring what he said before shifting your gaze over to Maria.
"When you go out, I want you to trade off with Joel and Tommy," Maria looks back at Jesse. "Those boys have been up there for way too long now."
"Got it; where do I meet them?"
"Go up to the northwest lookout. They're scheduled to arrive later on today."
You looked at Ellie while Maria and Jesse conversed, letting out another sigh. Ellie turns her head and looks at you, her eyes scanning over your face as she squares her shoulders.
"You're all huffy puffy," she comments quietly, her head tilting closer to you once again. You pay no mind to her commentary as you shove the wrapped sandwiches in your hoodie pouch and fix your gloves, pulling them tighter of your fingers and strapping them to your wrists. "What's up with you?"
"There's a lot of things to be exasperated about," you have to hold yourself back from letting out another sigh. It's like once you did it this morning, your body won't stop sighing and huffing and letting out short breaths. You look back at Ellie as you take the wrapped sandwiches and hold it with both your hands, using it as a hand warmer rather than breakfast. "Waking up late and holding you back, seeing Seth, being around all these people, going on patrol."
"Social anxiety sounds like a pain in the ass," Ellie comments. She earned something other than a sigh from you, like a legendary pull from a roll in a game she'd spend so much of her time playing: a chuckle and a smile.
"It's definitely not fun," you go back to letting out another sigh; legitimately, this time, as you were thinking about what social anxiety has done to you and your previous relationships. How it interferes with your job as a medic and how it prohibits you sometimes from moving forward during patrols because the stress and fear you get from being around so many infected leaves you nearly breathless at times.
"Ellie, do you know the creek trails?" Maria interrupts you and Ellie, turning her head to look at Ellie from the corner of her eye.
"Not really," she answers lowly, shaking her shoulders and wiping snow off her jacket.
"Y/n, haven't you done it a bunch?" Jesse interjects before Maria says anything else. You look up between the both of them, your eyes switching rapidly onto both of their figures. You open your mouth to say something despite the words not already being strung together for a complete answer yet, and you blurt something out before you can think.
"Yeah," in truth, you were familiar with it, but you didn't know it like the back of your hand. Your eyes trailed over to the source of why you completely answered absentmindedly and catch onto Ellie's side profile. You swallow the spit collecting in your gums, your cheeks burning from the embarrassment crawling up from your abdomen and stirring in your gut. "I can take her, if that's what you're asking."
"That solves that," Maria takes over the conversation from your unknowing hands.
You mentally thank her for saving you from embarrassing yourself even further, even when nobody else seemed to notice. You felt even more embarrassed at the fact you thought you were the only one who was feeling like you embarrassed yourself, and it's gonna show in the way your hands shake around the hot bunch of sandwiches and the way you make yourself shrink. You hated the way you were being thrown into a constant loop of never ending embarrassment or fear and anxiety. You were sure that Jesse and Maria could feel the tension pouring off you—more importantly, Ellie could possibly feel it. Your hands lightly squeezed the sandwiches, making a dent in them as you clenched your jaw tightly.
You don't even notice that Maria and Ellie are talking about Joel because you're so caught up in your own thoughts. You're staring at the snow on the ground with a constipated look on your face; your lips pursed and your eyes squinted ever-so slightly and your head was hanging low. Someone from afar would think you're sick, and you might as well be.
"Ellie," Jesse calls out to her, his head tilting to look around and seeing that you're still stuck in your spot by the gate where Ellie and Maria stopped to talk. "Get your little girlfriend to the stables. I think she's feelin' a little anxious."
"My god," Ellie mutters under her breath and shakes her head when Jesse refers to you as her girlfriend. She feels a swarm of butterflies flocking around her stomach as she turns her head to look at you, watching you look like you're about to throw up.
"You alright over there?" Ellie calls, yanking you back from your headspace. You look away from the snow and find Ellie standing there, watching you stand there like a hunchback. You realize your face makes you look like you're seconds away from crying when Ellie frowns softly and strolls over to you.
"I'm alright," you fix your beanie over your head and meet Ellie halfway, standing right in front of each other next to a gate. Beyond that gate was a playground where a bunch of a kids and a woman were having a snowball fight.
Ellie got the feeling that you were lying and narrowed her eyes slightly. "You sure?"
"I'm fine," you repeat, resting your hand on the fence. You look back down at the snow, the constipated look coming back as your lips begin to purse slightly. Ellie shuffles in front of you, leaning against the fence as she thinks about what to say next as to not set off your alarms again.
"Don't worry about that kiss last night, if that is what you're worrying about," Ellie finally mumbles in the middle of the awkward silence between you both. You look up at her, noticing the same look on her face. A smile makes its way onto your face and you giggle, making Ellie look at you like you're crazy.
"Wait, what's so funny?"
"You look like you're about to cry, Ellie."
"What! You're one to talk, you should've seen your face earlier!"
"Well, I don't look like it now," you chuckle lightly as you softly pat the edge of the fence with your hand. Your other hand reaches into your hoodie pouch to feel the sandwiches still stuffed in there, making you sigh. "And, I'm not worrying about the kiss from last night, by the way."
"You obviously are," Ellie grinned cheekily as she looked over at the kids having a snowball fight with the woman—who you and Ellie both recognized as Dina— on the playground. Ellie turned to glance at you with a knowing smile. "You're a bad liar, you know."
"Shut up," you scoff as you lightly kick Ellie's shin, making her hiss and take a step back. "I'm not worrying about it. I'm just thinking about it."
"Uh huh," she shook her head, like she didn't believe you. "Right."
"I'm for real," you press, earning another look from Ellie that made you scoff. You pursed your lips together and internally cursed her for being so annoying. "I'm just...thinking about how I could've done it differently, y'know? I could've waited until there was more privacy or—"
"Stop," Ellie held her hand up. "It's okay, Y/n. I'm not reading into it or anything, and you shouldn't either."
"Well, someone has to," you shrug, your hand patting on the fence again. You and Ellie both feel a sting on your cheeks, snow getting in your hair, under your hoodie and even a little bit in your eyes. You look around at the playground and realize you were hit with a snowball, frowning slightly as you raise your arms halfway.
"What the hell, guys?!"
"We're not even playing!" Ellie shouts. Your head whips around to her as an idea pops up, a figurative lightbulb lighting up over your head.
"Wanna get these guys back?" You ask quietly, a smile making its way onto your lips. Ellie turns to you with a knowing look, contemplating it for a split second before nodding affirmatively.
"Yeah, I do."
"You asked for it!" You hopped over the fence, landing on the snow and gathering up clumps into your hands to make a snowball. Ellie hopped in after you, making a larger snowball and tossing it at one of the kids.
You crawled next to Dina—the woman who'd been previously having the snowball fight with these children. You peeked your head over the wooden support that led to some steps on the jungle gym. Your smile morphed into a wider grin as you took your snowball and threw it right at one of the kid's faces, laughing heartily as it hit him in the cheek. You went back down and made another ball, molding it with your hands and solidifying it. You handed it to Dina when you saw her throw her own, giving it to her and going back to making your own.
"Eat it, short stacks!" You cackled as you got up from behind the jungle gym, Dina taunting them next to you and teasing them halfheartedly. Your heart leapt in your chest as it dawned on you that you set aside your anxiety to get back at these weasels, your grin widening even further until your cheeks began to hurt.
You yelped when a kid tackled you to the ground, Dina falling with you as the children ganged up on you both. You let out a playful scream as the kids started a dog pile on you and Dina. Your chest felt like it would be crushed from the amount of weight being added on and on over your body. You felt you'd surely be stuck the ground and be flattened like Flat Stanley until Ellie began plucking them off one by one and finally releasing you and Dina both from the bottom of the pile.
"Thanks," you finally catch your breath and take Ellie's hand, pulling yourself up. You dust your hoodie and your pants free of snow; your legs trembled from the freezing pressure that was put on them. You cupped your hands over your mouth and blew a breath of hot air into your palms before reaching down and rubbing your legs.
"C'mon," Ellie pointed her head towards the exiting gate. She fixed her gloves over her hands again and lightly kicked the gate open, walking out and heading towards the stables.
You scoffed as you watched Ellie kick open the gate, taking your sweet time to close it like the civil person you are. You shut it before jogging to catch up with Ellie, your shoulder gently brushing against hers.
"Are you completely new to creek trails?" You asked. Ellie turned her head to glance at you; small, tiny snowflakes were stuck to her hair, making you smile in adorable of how absolutely adorable she looked with her pink nose and pink cheeks and snow-dusted hair.
"No," she breathed. "I've been before. Like, once or twice. I'm usually going down towards the ski lifts and near the music store."
"I'm happy to show you around, then," you hummed in satisfaction. Silence comfortably stretched between you two; the air felt more familiar and relaxed than when you were at the Tipsy Bison. Maybe because you aren't around so many people, especially Seth and his half-baked apology. But the weight that was normally on your shoulders and keeping you relatively quiet and blue like you usually were was lifted. Your thoughts didn't seem to roam back to whatever fear was army-crawling up your spine and sending shivers across your entire body as often as they typically did. You felt comfortable, a rare sensation in your nervous wreck of a body.
You reach into your pocket and pull out the sandwiches, which were flattened from the dog pile, then cringed. You parted your lips in slight disappointment and looked at Ellie with a long face.
"You want these sandwiches?"
"I'm alright."
"You need to eat, Ellie. It's not good to skip breakfast when you're out for patrol this early."
"I'm not eating bigot sandwiches," Ellie scoffed. You sighed lightly, rolling your eyes as you made the first turn into the stables and walked ahead of Ellie. A man standing by your horses was already holding you and Ellie's reigns. He hands you both of them; you take your own reigns to your horse, Orion, then handed the other reigns to Ellie. You shove the sandwiches back into your pocket and walk your horse to the outside of the stables. The constipated look came back, and for whatever reason, you felt constipated. Maybe the meat in the sandwiches really were made from spouts of bigotry and prejudice instead of just cows. Eating something Seth made had your stomach churning, a sudden disinterest (or lack thereof; barely any interest was there at all) filling up the pit of your intestines. You scoff quietly as you climb onto Orion.
Jesse walks over to you and Ellie with two long guns in his hands, reaching up and handing the both of them to you and her.
"Settle down, children," he calls out to the crowd gathered at the front gate. A handful of people were called out for paired patrols, all of them on their horses and seemingly glaring at you as if they're silently telling you off got making all of them late.
Jesse gave a short speech to the crowd, one that you didn't listen to after hearing it countless times for the past year and a half. You let out a quiet, nervous sigh as your hands tightly gripped the reigns until you thought they'd fall off. Your thoughts drifted off to other things— Ellie related things— and somehow you managed to maintain a straight face. Underneath that constipated and slightly stoic look was a swarm of butterflies frolicking about in your stomach, one more butterfly being added which each knew thought of Ellie that popped up in your head.
The unpleasant sound of the gate being opened brought you back to reality, making you shake your head as you snap Orion's reigns and ride out at full speed.
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toughpaperround · 1 year
911 Cast Bios
Here's a list of them in one place, in order of appearance in 9-1-1 (fox, later abc). I choose them based on characters I enjoy, or where there are interesting connections / factoids to be found in their bios.
Gavin Stenhouse (The Priest)
Mariette Hartley (Patricia Clark, Abby's mother)
Claudia Christian (LAFD Capt. Maynard)
Debra Christofferson (Sue, Dispatcher)
Grasie Mercedes (Beth, in prenatal yoga class, 1x07)
Rebecca Wisocky (Marjorie, in lift crash, 1x09)
Connor Trinneer (bomb squad, 2x01)
Bryan Safi (Josh Russo, dispatcher)
Romi Dias (Chief Miranda Williams)
Ana Mercedes (Abuela Isabel)
Terri Hoyos (Aunt Pepa)
Christine Estabrook (Gloria, Dispatcher)
Devin Kelley (Shannon Diaz)
Wes Brown (Mounted Police Officer)
Rick Chambers (Dwight, newsreader)
Tara Karsian (Ruth)
Lawrence Pressman and Francis X. McCarthy (Mitchell & Thomas)
Romy Rosemont & Daniel Roebuck (Lola & Norman Peterson)
Brian Thompson (Capt. Gerrard)
Lou Ferrigno Jr (firefighter Tommy)
Brian Hallisay (Doug Kendall)
Julie Oullette (Blair, Elf Helper)
Marsha Warfield (Toni Wilson)
Danny Nucci (LAPD detective)
Sasha Roiz (LAPD Det. Ransone)
Paula Marshall (Helena Diaz)
George DelHoyo (Ramon Diaz)
Pepi Sonuga (Athena Carter, flashback in 3x07)
Nicole Delgado (Maynard, flashback in 3x07)
Eddie McGee (Frank the therapist)
Jack McGee (Red the retired firefighter, 3x16)
Deborah May (Cindy, 3x16)
Rumer Willis (Georgia, train Vic, 3x18)
Brooke Shields (counsellor, 3x18)
Dee Wallace (Mrs Margaret Buckley)
Gregory Harrison (Mr Phillip Buckley)
Colin McCalla (Connor, Buck's friend)
Aaron Staton (Daniel Buckley)
Laith Wallschleger (133 medic, 6x15)
Mark Lawson (pilot, 7x01)
Kathryn Boswell & Chris Gartin (hot-tub couple, 7x01)
Mercedes Colon (Ship Captain, 7x01-3)
Rick Cosnett (cruise crew, 7x01-3)
Eddie Jemison (cruise ship doc, 7x02-3)
Jesse Palmer & Joey Graziadei (7x04)
Richard Brooks (Chief Simpson, s7)
Exie Booker (Carl, 7x06)
Malcolm-Jamal Warner (Amir, s7)
Veronica Falcón (Cllr Ortiz, s7)
John Brotherton (Tim Nash, 7x08)
Tony Amendola (Herman, 7x08)
Callum Blue (Brad, 8x01)
In draft ofc. Do check the updated OG post if you're looking at a reblog:
Anthony Carvello (cruise crew)
Kelvin Han Yee
Main resource is IMDb, with extra material from Wikipedia, podcasts or youtube on occasion. Where I use 911 images they are screengrabs I edited. Other images generally from imdb.
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lonelydaydreams · 2 years
Heyy, so i haven’t written anything in a very very long time, but lately i’ve been getting into it again. So you can always send me a prompt and i’ll try to write it as soon as possible. 
These are the ships/pairings that i write for:
Robin and Regina 
Harvey Specter x Reader 
but ‘’normal’’ ships are okay too
Mary and Francis
Lola and Narcisse
Full(er) House
Jesse and Becky
Lucy Preston and Garcia Flynn
Michaela and Jared
Arthur and Morgana (no incest)
But basically any character from these shows x reader is good too:) 
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Players summary
All posts of a specific player. The players listed here are ordered alphabetically and only players are listed that have appeared on this blog.
• 🔗 Abdelhamid Sabiri 🇲🇦
• 🔗 Achraf Hakimi 🇲🇦
• 🔗 Allan Saint-Maximin 🇫🇷
• 🔗 Alphonso Davies 🇨🇦
• 🔗 Amine Adli 🇫🇷
• 🔗 Amine Harit 🇲🇦
• 🔗 André Trinidade 🇧🇷
• 🔗 Andrey Santos 🇧🇷
• 🔗 Ansu Fati 🇪🇸
• 🔗 Antonee Robinson 🇺🇸
• 🔗 Antonio Rüdiger 🇩🇪
• 🔗 Ashley Young 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Aurélien Tchouaméni 🇫🇷
• 🔗 Ben Godfrey 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Breel Embolo 🇨🇭
• 🔗 Bruno Guimaraes 🇧🇷
• 🔗 Bukayo Saka 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Christian Kouamé 🇨🇮
• 🔗 Christopher Scott 🇩🇪
• 🔗 Cody Gakpo 🇳🇱
• 🔗 David Alaba 🇦🇹
• 🔗 David Neres 🇧🇷
• 🔗 Dayot Upamecano 🇫🇷
• 🔗 Denzel Dumfries 🇳🇱
• 🔗 Duván Zapata 🇨🇴
• 🔗 Eduardo Camavinga 🇫🇷
• 🔗 #Ellis Harrison 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
• 🔗 Ezri Konsa 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Francis Amuzu 🇧🇪
• 🔗 Gabriel Jesus 🇧🇷
• 🔗 Gabriel Martinelli 🇧🇷
• 🔗 Gavin Bazunu 🇮🇪
• 🔗 Geisson Perea 🇨🇴
• 🔗 Geoffrey Kondogbia 🇨🇫
• 🔗 Hee-Chan Hwang 🇰🇷
• 🔗 Hueng-min Son 🇰🇷
• 🔗 Ibrahima Konaté 🇫🇷
• 🔗 Irfan Fandi Ahmad 🇸🇬
• 🔗 Jacob Ramsey 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Jeffrey Schlupp 🇬🇭
• 🔗 Jeremy Doku 🇧🇪
• 🔗 Jesse Lingard 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Joao Gomes 🇧🇷
• 🔗 Joe Gomez 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Jonathan David 🇨🇦
• 🔗 Joshua Zirkzee 🇳🇱
• 🔗 Jude Bellingham 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Jules Koundé 🇫🇷
• 🔗 Julian Alvarez 🇦🇷
• 🔗 Jurriën Timber 🇳🇱
• 🔗 Justin Kluivert 🇳🇱
• 🔗 Keshi Anderson 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Kingsley Coman 🇫🇷
• 🔗 Kylian Mbappé 🇫🇷
• 🔗 Lautaro Martinez 🇦🇷
• 🔗 Leon Bailey 🇯🇲
• 🔗 Leroy Sané 🇩🇪
• 🔗 Lisandro Martinez 🇦🇷
• 🔗 Lyle Foster 🇿🇦
• 🔗 Manuel Akanji 🇨🇭
• 🔗 Manuel Benson 🇧🇪
• 🔗 Marcus Rashford 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Mario Lemina 🇬🇦
• 🔗 Matheus Pereira 🇧🇷
• 🔗 Michy Batshuayi 🇧🇪
• 🔗 Nathan Aké 🇳🇱
• 🔗 Odion Ighalo 🇳🇬
• 🔗 Ollie Watkins 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Paulinho 🇧🇷
• 🔗 Pedri 🇪🇸
• 🔗 Pervis Estupiñán 🇪🇨
• 🔗 Quincy Promes 🇳🇱
• 🔗 Raheem Sterling 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Reece James 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Renato Sanches 🇵🇹
• 🔗 Rico Lewis 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Rodri 🇪🇸
• 🔗 Rodrygo Goes 🇧🇷
• 🔗 Romain Saiss 🇲🇦
• 🔗 Romelu Lukaku 🇧🇪
• 🔗 Romeo Lavia 🇧🇪
• 🔗 Ronald Araujo 🇺🇾
• 🔗 Ryan Gravenberch 🇳🇱
• 🔗 Salomon Kalou 🇨🇮
• 🔗 Samuel Da Granada 🇧🇷
• 🔗 Steven Bergwijn 🇳🇱
• 🔗 Tajon Buchanan 🇨🇦
• 🔗 Tammy Abraham 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Thiago Silva 🇧🇷
• 🔗 Trent Alexander-Arnold 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Tyrone Mings 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Vincent Kompany 🇧🇪
• 🔗 Vinicius Jr 🇧🇷
• 🔗 Virgil Van Dijk 🇳🇱
• 🔗 Vitinho 🇧🇷
• 🔗 Vitor Jacaré 🇧🇷
• 🔗 Weston McKennie 🇺🇸
• 🔗 Wilfried Bony 🇨🇮
• 🔗 Wilfried Zaha 🇨🇮
• 🔗 Xavi Simons 🇳🇱
• 🔗 Yeboah Amankwah 🇬🇭
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onbrokenglass · 2 years
Hello there!
This blog is mainly for finding roleplays. I roleplay exclusively on Discord (I love making private servers) and am 21+, so minors please DNI. Style-wise I can adapt to my partner, though my favourite way to write is lit for those juicy, introspective moments. NSFW friendly, and I like all sorts of pairs from fxf, mxf, mxm, to any nb pairs. Platonic and found family are fun too!
My messages are always open for people interested in writing with me! I promise I don’t bite, even if some of my muses do.
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Under the cut is a list of characters I’ll thread with (who I’d like to play is bolded, if both are bolded I can do either or), though it’s by no means exhaustive. Regardless of how old this post gets, you can message me at any time for those on this list.
Ships (Canon)
Anakin Skywalker x Obi-Wan Kenobi
Atton Rand x Female Exile
Aviendha x Elayne Trakand
Beatrice x Battler Ushiromiya
Billy Loomis x Stu Macher
Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin
Bruce Wayne x Selina Kyle
Carmy Berzatto x Sydney Adamu
Chloe Frazer x Nadine Ross
Dale Cooper x Harry Truman
Daniel Solace x Maura Franklin
Dick Grayson x Wally West
Dracula x Mina Harker
Elend Venture x Vin
Emma Larsimon x Marianne
Enid Sinclair x Wednesday Addams
Erik Lehnsherr x Charles Xavier
Ethan Winters x Karl Heisenberg
Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy
Harry du Bois x Kim Kitsuragi
James Delaney x Lorna Bow
Joe Goldberg x Forty Quinn
Joe Goldberg x Love Quinn
John Constantine x Bruce Wayne
John Constantine x Lucifer
Jon Kent x Damian Wayne (either aged up or still young, but if they’re young absolutely no NSFW)
Jonas Kahnwald x Martha Nielsen (any iterations)
Kaz Brekker x Inej Ghafa
Kaz Brekker x Jesper Fahey
Kyle Hyde x Brian Bradley
Kevin x Ilonka Pawluk
Laurent of Vere x Damen of Akielos
Leon Kennedy x Ada Wong
Leon Kennedy x Chris Redfield
Marius Josipovic x Julia Bowman
Marius Josipovic x Taylor Bowman
Mat Cauthon x Elayne Trakand
Mat Cauthon x Rand al’Thor
Mat Cauthon x Tuon Paendrag
Matt Murdock x Foggy Nelson
Matt Murdock x Frank Castle
Mike Ross x Harvey Specter
Moon Knight (all/any of them) x Layla El-Faouly
Moon Knight (all/any of them) x Peter Parker (adult Peter only)
Nate Fick x Brad Colbert
Nate Jacobs x  Maddy Perez
Nathan Prescott x Max Caulfield
Percy Jackson x Nico di Angelo
Phoenix Wright x Miles Edgeworth
Rob Ryan x Cassie Maddox (book verse)
Roman Godfrey x Peter Rumancek
Ronald Speirs x Carwood Lipton
Sherlock Holmes x John Watson
Stephen Holder x Sarah Linden
Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
Thomas Shelby x Alfie Solomons
Tomas Ortega x Marcus Keane
Tyrell Wellick x Elliot Alderson
Wade Wilson x Peter Parker (adult Peter only)
Will Graham x Hannibal Lecter
Wolfgang Bogdanow x Kala Dandekar
Ships (OC)
Alcina Dimetrescu x OC (female)
Atticus O’Sullivan x OC (any, supernatural or mythological)
Francis York Morgan x OC (any)
Holden Ford x OC (male, serial killer and/or detective)
John Constantine x OC (any)
Jonathan Reid x OC (any)
Peter Pan x OC (male, lost boy - no NSFW, though would feature dark themes as my Peter is inspired by the book The Child Thief. Would love platonic friends or enemies for this as well.)
Vanessa Ives x OC (any)
Carmy Berzatto & Richie Jerimovich
Dexter Morgan & Harrison Morgan
Five Hargreeves & Any Hargreeves Siblings
Hank Anderson & Connor
Jesse Pinkman & Walter White
Joel Miller & Ellie Williams
Kratos & Atreus
Moon Knight System (any against any)
Norman Bates & Dylan Massett
Peter Pan & Hook
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wqbytop100 · 2 months
Top100 for the week ending July 28, 2024
Naked & Alive --Milky Chance -1 --9weeks-- (2weeks @#1)
End Of Time --Lucas & Steve, LAWRENT f/Jordan Shaw -2 (8weeks @#1) --13weeks--
Outside Of Love --Becky Hill -4 --17weeks-- [#2]
Heat --Tove Lo, SG Lewis -6 --4weeks--
Tease Me --Nicky Your -3 --5weeks-- (#2)
Disconnect --Becky Hill -14 --11weeks--
One, Two & 3 --Galantis -8^ --17weeks-- (#2)
Larger Than Life --Armin Van Buuren, ChefSpecial -5 --7weeks-- (#5)
Heaven Or Not --Diplo, Riva Starr f/Kareem Lomax -9 --16weeks-- (#3)
Music Is Better --RUFUS DU SOL -12 --5weeks--
Shallow Water --Elderbrook -11 --7weeks-- (#9)
Dance Through The Night --Gryffin, Whetham, Norma Jean Martine -15 --3weeks--
Midnight Ride --Orville Peck, Kylie Minogue, Diplo -13 --7weeks-- (#3)
I Had Some Help --Post Malone, Morgan Wallen -10 --11weeks-- (#2)
Whatever --Kygo f/Ava Max -7 --14weeks-- (#7)
Lost In Space --Foster The People -17 --6weeks--
Brad Pitt --COIN -19 --5weeks--
Hero --Vintage Culture, Emery Taylor -18 --9weeks-- (#10)
Role Model --Fat Boy Slim, Dan Diamond, Luca Guerrieri -16 --10weeks-- (#10)
I Go Dance ---Kiesza -20 --8weeks-- (#13)
Unsure --Alan Walker, Kylie Cantrail -21 --6weeks-- (#15)
Take Me To The Beach --Imagine Dragons -29 --4weeks--
Joyride --Ke$ha -25 --3weeks--
Summer's Back --ALOK, Jess Glynne -24 --6weeks--
Give Me Your Love --Benny Benassi, Nu-La -27 --3weeks--
Buscando Money --TWENTY SIX,Tayson Kryss -26 --14weeks-- (#3)
Lighter --Galantis, David Guetta, 5 Seconds of Summer -23 --24weeks-- (2weeks @#1)
Love & Pain --Enrique Iglesias -22 --16weeks-- (#3)
LA --Northeast Party House --28 --10weeks-- (#14)
Hell Together --David Archuleta -30 --17weeks-- (#10)
Underwater --DubVision, Afrojack -31 --22weeks-- (#11)
Multiply --Becky Hill -32 --8weeks-- (#9)
Wake Up --Imagine Dragons -33 --4weeks--
Bittersweet --LP Globbi Portugal, The Man -34 --3weeks--
Some Like It Hot --VASSY, Saint Rock -97 --2weeks--
Lovers In A Past Life --Calvin Harris, Rag'N'Bone Man -36 --14weeks-- (#10)
Shallow Water --Elderbrook (Club Mix) -95 --2weeks--
It's Love (Trippin) --Kolsch, Goldtrix, Andrea Brown -38 --7weeks--
Can't Slow Down --Almost Monday -39 --8weeks--
Your Shine --BAKERMAT, Fly Disco Butter -41 --4weeks--
Looking For Joy --Kaleena Zanders -42 --4weeks--
Perpetual Motion --Phantoms -44 --6weeks--
Out Of Time --ZEDD, Bea Miller -45 --4weeks--
Breathe You In --Gorgon City, NORTH -47 --4weeks--
Barcelona --Alan Walker, Ina Wroldsen -46 --6weeks--
Stumblin' In --CYRIL -48 --5weeks--
A Tear In Space--Glass Animals -49 --7weeks--
Freefalling --Gem & Tauri, Eyes Everywhere, Sarah de Warren -96--2weeks--
Eyes Closed --Imagine Dragons -35 --14weeks-- (#6)
Left Or Right --Laidback Luke, Mathew Nolan -37 --9weeks-- (#25)
Sleep Tonight (This Is The Life) --Switch Disco, R3HAB, Sam Feldt -40 --20weeks-- (#3)
Addicted --ZERB, The Chainsmokers f/INK -43 --17weeks-- (#9)
Fallin Luv --Gordo, Jeria -50 ---14weeks-- (#8)
My Fault --Shaboozy, Noah Cyrus -54 --7weeks--
Whateva --Kyle Walker -55 --7weeks--
I Believe --Bassjackers, WUKONG, D Jayne -56 --10weeks--
White Claw --Yung Gravy, Shania Twain -57 --4weeks--
Ten (Get Back Up) --Nathan Dawe, MNEK -58 --4weeks--
Paradise --Madison Rose -59 --8weeks--
Where Are You Tonight --KREAM -60 --3weeks--
Me Before You ---Kygo, Piested -61 --3weeks--
Pretty Low --Dillon Francis, Galantis, Arden James -62 --5weeks--
Water --The Floorplan -63 --5weeks--
Gravity --Frank Walker, Tyler Shaw -65^ --7weeks--(#43)
Under The Sun --Ella Henderson, Switch Disco, ALOK -67 --5weeks--
Just A Dance --Alfie Templeman, Nile Rodgers -68 --4weeks--
A Bar Song (Tipsy) --Shaboozey, David Guetta -69 --5weeks--
Morning --Cheat Codes X Jason Derulo -53 --9weeks-- (#37)
Look At That Woman --Role Model -52 --5weeks-- (#44)
Carry You Home --Alex Warren -66 --7weeks-- (#66)
Beat Of Your Love --Ownboss, LAWRENT f/Ekko -51 --20weeks-- (#5)
***I Can't --Reba McEntire (Dave Aude Remix) -(new) --1week--
Leave With My Love --Ayokay -100 --2weeks--
One Cry --Galantis, Rosa Linn -71 --10weeks--(#23)
The Craving --Twenty One Pilots -70 --9weeks-- (#31) -->
No Shade At Pitti --The Chainsmokers -64 --11weeks-- (#19) -->
Endless Night --Matea -82 --5weeks--
Spiral --Sofi Tukker -83 --3weeks--
Without You --Kygo f/HAYLA -86 --5weeks--
Resonate --John Summit, Kaskade, Julia Church -87 --3weeks--
It's That Time --Marion Hoffstadt -(Fisher Remix) -88 --3weeks--
Cut --Marin Morris, Julia Michaels -89 --4weeks--
Take A Moment --ATB, David Frank -72 --24weeks-- (#11) -->
What If We Met --Ali Gatie -73 --20weeks-- (#3) -->
Glad I Found You --Elderbrook, George Fitzgerald -75 --13weeks-- (#23) -->
Without You --Disco Fries, Lavish Life -76 --20weeks-- (#11) -->
We Ain't Good At Breaking Up --Brothers Osborne -77 --17weeks-- (#12) --->
Wherever You Are --Martin Garrix, DubVision, Shaun Farrugla -92^ --7weeks--
The Future Is A Foreign Land --Ghost -93 --3weeks--
Sun Comes Up --Timmie Trumpet, Sam Feldt, Ekko, Joe Taylor -74 --9weeks-- (#66)
Houdini --Eminem -78 --7weeks-- (#33) -->
Rescue Me --Syn Cole, Parson James -84 --5weeks-- (#81) -->
Close Your Eyes --Matt Sassari, Dillon Francis, James Carter -85 --5weeks-- (#85) -->
Heartbreaker --Purple Disco Machine, Chromeo -94 --3weeks (#93)
***Upstate Miracle --Gilligan Moss -(new) --1week--
God Don't Leave Me Alone --Gioli & Assla -91 --11weeks-- (#35) -->
Old Fashion Feeling --MIDLAND -80 --8weeks-- (#45) --->
***Don't Stop The Music --Dimitri Vegas, Vin Zion -(new) --1week--
***No Matter What --TELYKAST, Oaks -(new) --1week--
The Moves --NEIKED, Muni-Long, Nile Rodgers -79 --16weeks-- (#13) --->
4 New on the chart this week 7/28/24 #72 I Can't #95 Upstate Miracle #98 Don't Stop The Music #99 No Matter What
***new on the chart this week ---> off next weeks chart
0 notes
pipelinelaserraygun · 6 months
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MUST 👁️👁️ ⬆️ SEE‼️
The harrowing of hell means, 👿 "sending lucifer into his HIGHEST levels of distress."
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MANY are they who begin poorly, but are transformed later THROUGH developing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
An 🔚 is MORE important than its beginnings.
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⬆️ Holy Saturday, after ✝️ burial, is a somber occasion: We are currently living in a time of UNENDING 😕 SOMBER occasions.
🇺🇸👺 biden is unwavering when supporting a 👺 nazi governing body, in ukraine, ALL while cutting 📴 support for Judeo-Christian causes.
hamas CANNOT be allowed to regroup.
demo-🐀 RATS: 👺👺 Their evil actions/inaction speak a LOT 🗣️📢 LOUDER than their words.
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demo-🐀 RATS: 👺👺 Their evil actions/inaction speak a LOT 🗣️📢 LOUDER than their words.
🤡💩 biden could have easily picked any OTHER day to honor female impersonators: THIS was done on purpose.
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What was Holy Week about? Jesus Christ VOLUNTARILY laid HIS life down ✝️, for us.
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 8 months
Events 2.11 (before 1950)
660 BC – Traditional date for the foundation of Japan by Emperor Jimmu. 55 – The death under mysterious circumstances of Tiberius Claudius Caesar Britannicus, heir to the Roman Empire, on the eve of his coming of age clears the way for Nero to become Emperor. 951 – Guo Wei, a court official, leads a military coup and declares himself emperor of the new Later Zhou. 1144 - Robert of Chester completes his translation from Arabic to Latin of the Liber de compositione alchemiae, marking the birth of Western alchemy. 1534 – At the Convocation of Canterbury, the Catholic bishops comprising the Upper House of the Province of Canterbury agree to style Henry VIII supreme head of the English church and clergy "so far as the law of Christ allows". 1584 – A naval expedition led by Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa founds Nombre de Jesús, the first of two short-lived Spanish settlements in the Strait of Magellan. 1586 – Sir Francis Drake with an English force captures and occupies the Spanish colonial port of Cartagena de Indias for two months, obtaining a ransom and booty. 1659 – The assault on Copenhagen by Swedish forces is beaten back with heavy losses. 1794 – First session of United States Senate opens to the public. 1808 – Jesse Fell burns anthracite on an open grate as an experiment in heating homes with coal. 1812 – Massachusetts governor Elbridge Gerry is accused of "gerrymandering" for the first time. 1823 – Carnival tragedy of 1823: About 110 boys are killed during a stampede at the Convent of the Minori Osservanti in Valletta, Malta. 1826 – University College London is founded as University of London. 1840 – Gaetano Donizetti's opera La fille du régiment receives its first performance in Paris, France. 1843 – Giuseppe Verdi's opera I Lombardi alla prima crociata receives its first performance in Milan, Italy. 1855 – Kassa Hailu is crowned Tewodros II, Emperor of Ethiopia. 1856 – The Kingdom of Awadh is annexed by the British East India Company and Wajid Ali Shah, the king of Awadh, is deposed. 1858 – Bernadette Soubirous's first vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary occurs in Lourdes, France. 1861 – American Civil War: The United States House of Representatives unanimously passes a resolution guaranteeing noninterference with slavery in any state. 1873 – King Amadeo I of Spain abdicates, triggering the proclamation of the First Spanish Republic. 1889 – The Meiji Constitution of Japan is adopted. 1903 – Anton Bruckner's 9th Symphony receives its first performance in Vienna, Austria. 1906 – Pope Pius X publishes the encyclical Vehementer Nos. 1919 – Friedrich Ebert (SPD), is elected President of Germany. 1929 – The Kingdom of Italy and the Vatican sign the Lateran Treaty. 1937 – The Flint sit-down strike ends when General Motors recognizes the United Auto Workers trade union. 1938 – BBC Television produces the world's first ever science fiction television programme, an adaptation of a section of the Karel Čapek play R.U.R., that coined the term "robot". 1942 – World War II: Second day of the Battle of Bukit Timah is fought in Singapore. 1946 – The New Testament of the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, the first significant challenge to the Authorized King James Version, is published.
0 notes
parkerbombshell · 10 months
MaWayy Radio 76
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First Thursday of the Month 10am-11am EST bombshellradio.com  #dance, #EDM, #pianohouse, #progressivehouse, #bigroom, #house, #electronic ,#chill, #MawayyRadio, #BombshellRadio  www.mawayy.com The Billboard charted duo “MaWayy” is a musical collaboration of Iranian-American Emmy Award-winning Brian Wayy and Iranian producer, artist and DJ Masoud Fouladi Moghaddam known for leading the electronic dance community in Iran. Together, from Los Angeles and Bandar-e Anzali, they have combined their production skills and created a sound The Huffington Post has described as ‘sizzling electropop’. 1. Julian Cross - Take Me Away 2. Stadiumx, Sam Martin, Azahriah – Heaven (Monoir Remix) 3. Braunfufel & PRMGH - Like Love 4. Bruno Martini & Novak - Bad 5. Finley Brückner, Robertson - Pine Fire 6. Wh0 - Rock The Party 7. Galantis & Hannah Boleyn - Little Bit Yours 8. Low Blow - Rompo Pom 'MaWayy's Favorite' 9. Menshee - I Wanna Be With U 10. Tujamo x Jetlag x 3Beat ft. Vitor Bueno - The Hook 11. Camuz - Stay 12. Axity ft. Niclas Lundin - Won't Let Myself Down 13. Joe Bermudez & Katie Sky - Love In Code (Club Mix) 14. Jess Bays & Kelli-Leigh - Real Love 15. BYOR & BURNERS! - Droppin' It (LaLaLa) 16. Dillon Francis, Maesic - Killa Blues 17. Aiobahn & Tollef ft. ruben. - u&i 18. Needs No Sleep - People Elevate 19. Mahmoud & East Dawn - Fading Lights 20. Joel Fletcher & MorganJ - Rave Train Read the full article
0 notes
sanctificetur · 2 years
historical AU. with Jess and Francis ( @starfalled )— paralleling to Sansa and Harry — RL visualiser being Alina and Nikolai. Series of poems or drabbles (which poem line could be meme prompts or could accompany relatable meme lines I already rb in meme tag ) : Could incorporate some remainder of ic/ ooc ( as I remembered the starting line & other random info of motivation ) dot points — as well as my playlist during our dance/war ++ (ex. astronomical, piano). I lost Francis’ Spotify link of he saw in me through his eyes — let’s see what I remember: when we were young, yellow, two of us). elements of my long drabble between them ; which probably was the primary motivating factor that Francis realises perhaps Jess is not lost forever & commencing/climbing back on the horse in a calm walk through the forest of hands and teeth (ref: similar to Morgana and her horse-riding & when the horse reared up on her). and I think when Francis went and listened to Jess’ love of jack savoretti, the harsh & beautiful rawness (ex. catapult, written in scars : ref possibly striking the muse spirit side of enjolras) really struck a chord in his soul to spark a progressing journey to not be in eternal guilt lockdown of queue : of the painful trauma trenches of SPN fandom but the love and passion of relating to dean — a reflection of themselves — yet getting to know Jess ++ himself better — he fused together a creation of Westley McCarthy — honouring past & present. also in a Borgias like setting in which my DVD arrives yesterday. Anyway, in here, they are probably not technically angel or demon in reality, but they just experience elements of such during their relationship. They both feel the other as well as themselves are the key reason for distress as well as salvation — which may seem strange to outsiders as they only knew each other for a handful of months — summertime sadness by Lana del Rey. They both feel the other keeps dancing around each other but not really touching during the earlier && more paranoid times. Like when Francis kept kicking Jess out of palace. And when Jess keeps doing her doll trance motions. “Here’s where you were mine. Here’s where I am yours — always.” What elements of Jess to keep: well, referencing about her aversion to hamsas & tally marks on her hands, that could tie into my Malachi ic post Link here — Jess could draw 👁 on her hands with ink. Which could tie into how she used to write reminders on her hands with ink in high school —- a dangerous habit of possible ink poisoning. But yet could also tie into the AU about her conflict of spirit — of human or monster? Hmm I might write a disjointed ongoing letter poem to Francis / Jess too just to more properly sort out my repetitive suspicion of hurting myself on my handwritten diary, during my calmly living life. Handwriting is an important accompaniment to digital, as not to get lost in the void of machination, even though with technology, you absolutely do write with your soul as well as head — it is just more difficult to know your limit. Anyway, random direct paging is the most important thing — direct communication in which I assume Francis is also trying to do with his new canvas of handwritten and digital — and sorting through his own mess of a mind in his own self validated manner. The months of rose-tinted dance however are not a waste of heart and energy, and just to navigate through their own time & pace within their whirlwind body & soul of: should I trust them or not?? like what Francis said as Dean, “There’s a book in the vaults.”
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makipedia · 2 months
francis forever. (ellie x reader)
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living in a never ending memory.
fear not, I haven’t dropped this fic (yet🌚); booty cheeks ending again 🙏, mentions of suicide so fair warning, longer chapter this time ☠️
Winter time being your favorite season didn't come with the joy of snow getting everywhere in your clothes—specifically your shoes or sometimes when it would fall into the gap your hoodie and get all up in your bra. Your skin felt as if it would freeze and chip right off. Making a stop to make snow angels in the middle of your patrol on this hell of a snowy day was seemingly a terrible idea; clumps of snow found its way into your beanie and even into your pants. Gloves couldn't save your hands from shivering; the precipitation got into the crevices of those, as well, leaving your entire body shivering and trembling all over. You could and couldn't blame yourself; making snow angels is a must for you every time it snows out in Jackson.
Ellie offered to switch gloves with you, insisting on it, in fact. You had to decline since you and her had different glove sizes, as well as the fact you didn't want her hands to be cold. You'd put up with your own near frost bitten fingers but god forbid Ellie willfully get it herself.
By the time you and Ellie actually got to creek trails, you'd stopped to take off your gloves and see how bad your fingers were. The impact of the snow rubbing against your skin left an angry discoloration on your knuckles and your fingertips, making you let out a sharp sigh as you tried to swat the snow out of your gloves. You brought your hands up to your face and blew hot air onto them, then rubbed them together to keep the heat going against your skin.
"Don't you always keep an extra pair of mittens in your pack?" Ellie questioned as she rode up next to you, watching you examine your hands. You spared her a glance and bit your tongue in irritation that you did not in fact have an extra pair of mittens in your bag. You sighed as you swatted your gloves again, watching remnants of snow flying out of them.
"Not today," you reluctantly stick your hands back into your gloves. Fortunately all the snow was gone, but they were still unbelievably cold and wet, making you hiss quietly. "I'll have to check for a spare when we get to the lookout."
"Where even is the lookout?" Ellie questioned. Her face scrunched up as the temperature dropped a few degrees, her shoulders squaring. She watched you weakly grip Orion's reigns, the small fog exhaling from your lips, the constipated look coming back on your face. A cheeky grin made its way onto her own face, a quiet chuckle waving over to your ears, earning a side eye from you.
"Hey- my suffering from my damn near frost bitten fingers isn't funny, you know."
"It's not that," Ellie rasped out another drawn out chuckle. You rolled your eyes halfheartedly and gently swatted the reigns, sending Orion trotting down the small river leading to another snow forest. Ellie and her own horse, Shimmer, followed after you, cracking the ice collecting over the stream of water and crunching the snow. "You're looking constipated again. That's like your default look."
"It's not!" You turn your head and look at Ellie with a frown. A pout shows on your face unintentionally, making Ellie snort out a laugh, thus earning another eye roll from you. You turn your head back around to face forward, guiding Orion to turn up towards a hill, gripping the reigns tighter.
"Do you think Dina and Jesse are done for real this time?" You call out. The fact that Jesse and Dina were on and off all the time gave you the impression that they weren't really done yet. Jesse acts all nonchalant, but something in you tells you that he cares about it more than he dares to show. You weren't sure about Dina. You were sure she had her eyes on Ellie last night while you and her were dancing. The ugly taste of jealousy on your tongue made you scowl; thank god Ellie couldn't see it, you didn't need another thing for her to tease you about.
"Jesse says they're done for real. I give them a week and some change until they're back together." Ellie was never one for gossip. It wasn't her thing—talking about other people behind their backs like that. But when you were around, and when she got the impression you were in the mood for gossip...well, she just might dye her hair black for the occasion to go along with her gossiping.
"I think Dina's got her eye on somebody," you nibble on your lip after you let that little piece of information slide. The thought appeared in your mind's eye like counting sheep that you gave away the fact you were a little bit jealous that Dina most likely had the hots for Ellie. You weren't even sure why; you and Ellie weren't...dating...so you felt embarrassed that you were feeling jealous for essentially no reason.
"Oh yeah? You think she's into someone already?" Ellie quips, a smirk making its way onto her face. You practically feel her lopsided smile radiating from behind you, and you roll your eyes. You click your tongue at the humor you feel that she finds in your quiet jealousy that watches from outside the glass. You're quick to change the subject in fear that this would lead to you confessing your jealousy and further giving Ellie something to tease you for.
"You ever think about Cat?" Your sudden change of subject has Ellie's smirk falling. Her eyebrows furrow slightly, a sigh escaping her that makes your own frown turn into a small smile. You internally laugh at her—just to get back at the underlying humor that she previously found at your declaration about Dina.
"Not really...I mean, there's not a lot to think about," Ellie answers with a shrug. She frowns slightly. "Why are you just now bringing up Cat?"
"I dunno. You never really talked to me or Jesse about her," you nibble on your lip as you try and picture Ellie with Cat again. Your right eyebrow curls as your lips lift into a look of disgust, the ugly taste of jealousy on your tongue again like expired coffee. You try and swallow it down in hopes your stomach acid will dissolve the excess hateful saliva previously collecting in your mouth. It doesn't leave.
"Okay...then what do you think about Cat?" An accusatory tone took over Ellie's voice as she lifted an eyebrow. You sighed, your shoulders slumping. The weight of the question weighed a lot heavier on your shoulders than it did when rolling off of Ellie's tongue. For a half second you wondered if there was a wrong answer, then for the other half second you thought you were overthinking it. It's just Ellie, nothing she says really requires much overthinking. But it's Ellie.
"I never really cared for her," you stiffen up, squaring your shoulders and straightening your posture. You swallowed a lump in your throat almost painfully. You adjust your beanie over your head. A cold sweat was gathering on your eyebrows, which you wiped away with your glove. "I mean, she was nice. She was a very good artist...that tattoo of yours looks...okay. But I just don't care for her."
"You're so mature," Ellie rolls her eyes. A blank look rests on her face as she brings a hand up to scratch her bottom eyelid with her finger; an idea crossed her mind like a lightbulb turning on over her head. "And what about you and your past relationships, Y/n? Why is this all about me?"
"I've never had one," your cheeks heat up. You thought you looked and sounded like a total loser—never having a relationship in your entire life before—in front of Ellie after already having a girlfriend once. Soon your entire head feels hot—your neck practically boils and your scalp could steam if it wasn't freezing out here. The truth was you were "busy" with doing your job and tending to about thirty people a day and being eaten up inside by your social anxiety and the constant sadness hanging over your head because of that—it was just an endless cycle.
"You've never had a relationship before?" Ellie asking it like it made you an outlier made your heart clench. You heard the disbelief in her voice which to you was a bit strange. Ellie would've thought you'd at least had one or two, but none? Never? Zilch? Bupkis? Outrageous! She thought everyone in Jackson would be fawning over you at one point or another; thinking back to last night at the Winter Dance, she thought wrong when she remembered you approaching her alone. That nervous smile on your face and the confused shuffling of your hands around her neck the whole dance.
"Nope!" You let out a fake chirp to hide that you were nearly dying inside from embarrassment. The thought immediately came to your head that Ellie now saw you as a hermit homebody weirdo who had absolutely no game. Which was a fact. "I never really thought about having one."
Ellie had a gut feeling that you were lying right through your teeth about that. That chirpy voice didn't fool her.
"Then...what in the world was that kiss last night?"
You groan as Ellie brings up the kiss. You hoped with every bone in your body that this ass-freezing weather that she would forget about it and focus on getting her teeth to stop chattering. You mentally cursed for putting yourself in that situation starting with that damn kiss. You should've thought ahead before going in completely blind and kissing her; now she's talking to you about it, alone, with no Jesse to save you or Seth to call you slurs again.
"...curiosity," you finally manage to squeak out. A raspy chuckle makes its way to your ears, which were fuming from the tips from embarrassment.
"Yeah, right. Curiosity," Ellie giggles. "Man, you're funny."
"I'm serious," you counter. You pull the reigns gently to turn Orion in to a small town, trotting towards a building with an open garage. You pause for a moment as Orion gets into his place and let out a deep sigh, closing your eyes. Your breath comes out as a small fog from the condensation of the cool air. This was probably the most you've ever talked casually with someone in over a month; the exceeding capacity of your social time was overwhelming.
You heard Ellie say something to Shimmer along the lines of don't get into any trouble, listening to her hop off and land on the asphalted floor. You opened your eyes and let out a shaky breath before lifting your leg over Orion's head and hopped off. You turned to the satchel on his side and flipped it open, pulling out a small jar of pills, needles and a thing of thread; you turned your backpack and let it rest on your chest, zipping it open and stuffing them all in the front pocket with the bigot sandwiches you stuffed in there and a walkman you always kept in there for when you had the time to listen to music.
"I wanna show you something, Ellie," you called out after closing your backpack and throwing it back over your shoulders. Ellie whipped her head around and looked at you, watching you walk over to a room. "It's a really nice view. It also helps with my anxiety."
The building was almost falling apart. The wall was torn open on the side, the metal bars sticking out of it and all. Another view was seen from the hole in the wall, which showcased the forestry covering a chunk of Jackson. Snow covered the ground all over, piling up towards the gap where the majority of it gathered and let to the top of a hill outside. The room you were strolling over to was seemingly a storage room; a shelf stood against the wall congruent to where the door would've been (after evidently getting blown off its hinges). A small, vertical gap in the wall adjacent to the entrance allowed you and Ellie both to what you were talking about, a veranda with a view of another side of the forest that you and her previously trekked through.
"This really is nice," Ellie says it like she didn't initially believe you. She watches you lean against the ledge of the veranda on your forearms.
"Would I ever lie to you?" You turned your head and looked at Ellie with a soft grin. Your eyes were noticeably smaller looking, your eyelids were hooded, the smile on your face looked lazy. In her own eyes, you looked a little...high.
"Indeed you would," Ellie lets out a chuckle as she waltzes over to a spot next to you, leaning against the ledge. Your heart suddenly raced in your chest; it wasn't like how it normally would be. Most cases it'd be racing so fast it'd make you lightheaded or your chest would start to ache. Unlike most of the near heart attacks you've had, the racing this time was pleasant. It wasn't a nuisance or a hindrance to whatever you were doing; maybe because you weren't really doing anything at all. But it felt nice to experience a drumming heart that didn't work the tissue of your heart until you were weak.
"Jerk," you laugh softly, your elbow gently nudging Ellie's arm playfully. "I don't lie. Lying is a sin."
"I didn't know you had beliefs," Ellie teased.
"I don't," you shrug. "A man who judges your every move and sentences you to eternal suffering for simply not believing in him is not a man worth my worship."
"That's deep," Ellie looks down at the view of the trees and their snow covered leaves. An ice-caked pond could be seen in the distance, a mountain, some birds flying. She could definitely see how this was calming.
"There are certain philosophies I think, though," you add, huffing softly as you link your hand with your other, your leg bouncing lightly. "This world is so messed up and cruel that only a man could've created it."
"Preach," Ellie chuckled at the irony in her dumb joke. "I mean— yeah, I agree."
"I know what you meant, Ellie," you shake your head playfully as another smile graces your face after falling previously. "I prefer facts over belief."
"I wouldn't really expect anything else from a doctor," Ellie comments. And then her face falls when she gets the idea that she said something wrong, immediately turning her head to look at you. You don't mirror her in enough time for her to process that she's perfectly fine.
"I mean— not like that, obviously. Some doctors can be Christian or religious, too— it's just, you're not like them. I mean—! Fuck..."
"It's okay," you rest a hand on Ellie's shoulder. Her entire face heats up and turns a shade of red from embarrassment; now she has a glimpse of what it must be like for you every single day. She sighed deeply and looked away at the scenery again, her shoulders slumping slightly. "I don't care."
"I just didn't want you to think that I was implying something different, you know?" Ellie let out another breath, one that she didn't know she was holding.
"I already said it's alright," your hand reassuringly pats Ellie's shoulder. A warmth creeps up in her body from hearing your tender voice and feeling your gentle hand. She looks at you and a soft blush dusts her cheeks a pretty shade of pink.
"Where do we sign in?" Ellie changes the subject. You figure it's because of embarrassment; a wider grin breaks out as you chuckle quietly. You push yourself off the veranda and walk backwards towards the gap in the wall, tilting your head towards it.
"C'mon," you turn to face the wall and squeeze into it, sliding past the gap and into the storage room again. Ellie followed after you a moment later; the tips of her ears were bright red, and a pout was molded onto her face. She shuffled through the room and back out towards the bigger hole in the wall, looking down and watching you push a pallet out of the way.
"Didn't you used to do this route with someone?" Ellie inquired as she reached down and helped you with the pallet.
"Dina and Eugene when I was still in group patrols," you let out a huff as you crouch down. The cold of the snow, even with boots on, made your toes curl as you and Ellie crawled through the small crawl space that led to some tiny hallway. The wall next to you had a rope hanging off the edge of it which was tied to a pole against the wall over it.
"Eugene, right! Aw, he was funny."
"Yeah, he was," you chuckled as you stood up straight after getting out of the crawl space. You dusted off your pants after getting some snow on them from crawling, then walked over to the rope and gripped it tightly. "You know that radio I built and left in the Tipsy Bison?"
"What about it?" Ellie lifted a brow, grimacing slightly at the mention of the Tipsy Bison.
"Eugene helped me build that. Dina, too."
"Oh, man! I should've known it was you who left it there. That music from last night was kinda bittersweet," Ellie chuckled heartily. She watched you hop up and climb the wall with the rope, eventually pushing yourself up and over the edge.
"Quick question," you narrow your eyes as you stand off to the side and look down, watching Ellie start climbing up the rope.
"Are you wearing the same clothes from last night?" You narrow your eyes playfully and smile. You knew very well that Ellie was, in fact, wearing the same clothes from last night. You didn't bother to say anything until now; you thought she looked cute.
"Hey! It's not like we're at a fashion show or some shit," Ellie grunts as she pushes herself over the edge and climbs onto the floor with you. She looks at you with a halfhearted frown. "We're here to kill infected, not to look snazzy."
"Yeah, yeah. I'm not complaining, Ellie. Sign us in," you laugh softly as you push open the door, walking in and strolling around the room. You waltz over towards the window near the sign in book and squint your eyes look out at the town in the distance.
"What even is this place?" Ellie questions as she looks around and finds another room; she lifts another eyebrow in curiosity and opens that door, finding what she thinks is a lounge room. Two small couches and coffee table, a nightstand, a desk, and a tiny bookshelf.
"It used to be a radio tower, I think," you call out. You turn your backpack around so it rests on your front again, zipping it open and pulling out your binoculars. You hold them up to your eyes and look out the window again.
Ellie walks over to the nightstand in the lounge room and picks up the bong sitting on it, chuckling. She shakes her head as she looks around it. "I'm gonna assume this bong was Eugene's."
"I don't know, actually," You pull away from the binoculars and turn your head to look at the wall that Ellie's standing behind. Your gaze switches to her as she walks out from the corner and over to the sign in book.
"Do you have any on you? Y'know, weed? I heard it can be…medicinal.”
"Literally all of Wyoming is covered in snow," you turn around to look at Ellie as she signs you both in. You let the arm holding your binoculars fall to your side as you give her an incredulous look. "You really think I have weed on me?"
"There's Community Greenhouses in Jackson, you know," Ellie retorts as she sets the pencil down and closes the book.
"I'm not using those," you shake your head softly as you turn back around to face the window. "Last time I used them to grow Marijuana, someone stole it. It was only seeds!"
"Like, actually pulled them out of the soil? Who would steal hemp seeds?" Ellie narrowed her eyes as she strolled over and stood next to you and looked out the window. You held the binoculars to your eyes again for a moment before passing them to her.
"People will steal literally anything for any reason. Either way, the only stuff I have are painkillers and antidepressants. But those are mine."
"Antidepressants?" Ellie turns to look at you as she takes your binoculars. She holds them to her face and looks out the window. "What for?"
"Ellie," you nudge her shoulder gently with your elbow.
"Right, sorry," Ellie grins. After a moment of silence (and Ellie looking around aimlessly with your binoculars, which were freakishly good), she cleared her throat. The quietness between you two was making her mouth go dry. Her feet started shuffling and her leg started bouncing slightly.
"What's wrong?" Ellie asks as she pulls the binoculars down. She looks at you, watching you stare out the window and looking at the scenery. You turn your head and glance at her, your expression lifting after previously falling and looking like you were constipated again.
"What?" You lift a confused eyebrow.
"The antidepressants. Something's obviously wrong," Ellie straightens her posture and squares her shoulders again immediately afterwards. "I don't mean to pry...but I won't be able to stop thinking about it if I don't at least ask."
"It's fine," you huff. Your heart suddenly sank in your chest as you bit your tongue. Talking about your anxiety and depression was never really your thing. Every time someone would ask you if you were okay, you'd practically shut down. You just couldn't find it in yourself to say what the other person probably wanted to hear. You wondered if it was because talking about mental health was an awkward thing for literally everyone, or because the words you would put it in would result in you being put in the Talk Circle. (a small group in Jackson where a handful of people sit in a circle and talk about their feelings; you thought it would just make your embarrassment rise to an all time high)
"It's...for social anxiety...and depression, obviously," you mutter. The words you're supposed to say are clogged up in your throat as your breath hitches and comes out as a small fog. "I've been getting them from Maria since I first came to Jackson a few years ago."
Ellie started to feel bad for asking. She nibbled on her bottom lip as she listened to you. Knowing you had social anxiety was one thing, but actually hearing about it and the depression that comes with it makes her feel weird on the inside. Like the feeling you were talking about found its way into Ellie like a virus.
"I'm not gonna ask why," she mumbled, scratching her nose with her finger nervously. "I don't wanna intrude, y'know?"
"It's just you, Ellie," you glance at her. "It's not like I'm shouting it out to the whole world."
"Yeah, but still," Ellie shrugged in an attempt to make herself look as normal as possible and to not look worried.
"But still, I know you're curious," you nudge Ellie's shoulder with your elbow, giving her a small smile. "I won't tell you until you ask."
"Why not?"
"It's kinda rude to just dump all that onto someone without knowing it's okay."
"Well— I mean, you know I don't care. About you trauma dumping or whatever. It's not gonna scare me off."
"Oh, I don't care if it scares you off," you shake your head playfully. You turn around and lean the side of your body against the window and cross your arms, nibbling on the bottom of your lip. "It's just what you'll see me as when I'm done."
"Wouldn't scaring me off be worse?" Ellie questions. She watches you nibble on the flesh of your lip, taking note of the way your leg bounces slightly. When you part your lips to let out an exhale she sees the slight carnage made on your flesh; her heart sinks in her chest. She shakes her head and ignores her own question. "Whatever. It can't be that bad. If you killed someone, then I hate to break it to you but I think everyone who goes on patrol has killed at least a few people."
"It's actually not that," you sigh as you bring your hand up to adjust your beanie over your head and scratch your hairline. "It's related to that, though."
"Did you watch someone die?" Ellie guesses. You glare at her for a second, giving her the impression to just shut up and let you finish.
"I did. But...I've never killed anyone before."
Ellie furrows her eyebrows, her nose scrunching up as she gives you an incredulous frown. You've never killed anyone? Not one person? Not even in self defense? Everyone she knows has killed at least one person. You've made it this far...travelled all around the country to get to Jackson...and you never got into a situation where you were required to kill? Confusion was an understatement, though she guesses that with so much land you crossed you might've just gotten lucky and made it to Wyoming in peace. Were you a pacifist? You couldn't be; you're as trigger happy to kill infected as the next person in Jackson.
"Never? Like, not one person?"
"Nope. I save lives, I don't take them," you inhale sharply. Your hand clutches the medical badge on your right sleeve, your head turns to look out the window and at the town in the distance. You could feel Ellie's confusion and practically hear the questions swarming in her head. You looked back at her with a knowing expression. "Ask away."
Ellie let out a dramatic huff as she fixed her gloves over her hands to make the atmosphere between you two less awkward; to no avail.
"I know not everyone is accustomed to just...killing people. But how?"
"I traveled with my dad the whole journey here," you tilted your head toward whatever direction you thought Jackson would be in. "He did all the fighting and the killing. Wouldn't let me hold a gun until I was sixteen."
"Same with Joel," Ellie snickered quietly. Her eyes drifted back up to you just in time to catch the warm look on your face; a rare sighting considering you're always looking so anxious or nervous or some sort of negative emotion. "What's your dad like?"
"He was...awesome," you smiled fondly for a moment. "He taught me everything I know about being a medic. And some other things, like mathematics and science and reading. He basically home schooled me while traveling."
"He sounds like a nerd," Ellie quips as she chuckles under her breath. She looks out the window for one moment, admiring how pretty the view looks outside before looking back and watching a small tear roll down your cheek. She frowns instantly. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing," you blatantly lie, your hand rubbing your eye and drying it up as you sniffle quietly. You glance at Ellie and give her a shaky smile as if to tell her that you're alright. She didn't believe you.
"It's obviously not nothing if you're crying," a thought occurs to Ellie. She narrows her eyes and pushes herself off the window, standing a little closer to you. The thought keeps circling in her head that your crying involves your dad. She knows her train of thought is intruding yours, but the curiosity and the guilt are eating away at her heart as she watches your eyes begin to gloss over. The red tint taking over the corners of your eyes irritates her; the tears she wishes she could wipe away never dare to roll from your eyelids, as if to taunt her and keep her on her toes.
You look away and let out a shaky exhale, your hands trembling as you reinforce your arms and stick your hands under them to warm them up. "He...he died. To infected."
Ellie felt her heart squeeze in her chest. Infected or hunters or other violent forms of humans were the most common causes of death. Along with disease and famine and dehydration and insanity. She felt the need to at least pat your shoulder to let you know that she's there if you need her to be; the urge dies as quickly as it sprouted when you add on.
"He killed himself by walking into a hoard of infected," you move your hand to clutch the medical badge, clenching your jaw and fighting back tears.
Your heart began racing in your chest similarly to last night; another cold sweat was gathering on your forehead and eyebrows that you didn't bother to wipe off. Your breath was coming shorter and shorter. Your body felt dizzy like you were stuck in a tornado. Panic took over you. Your lungs were weak and begging for air that the oxygen in the atmosphere wouldn't let you have. You were sure you had to get out, to get a breath of fresh air or you'd pass out right in front of Ellie. The image of passing out in front of her and making you look stupid made your heart race even faster. The panic was practically blocking your eardrums, you couldn't hear Ellie's voice trying to calm you down. The touch on your shoulder felt numb. The image of your father walking himself into that hoard, the infected feasting on his flesh and ripping apart his limbs and tearing his intestines out of his body played in your head like a movie your amygdala wouldn't let you forget. You could still hear the screams in your head and bouncing off the walls of your skull, ringing in your ears. The blood. The infected. The guts. The screams. The blood. The infected. The guts. The screams. The blood. The infected. The guts. The screams. The blood—
"—Hey! Hey, it's alright," Ellie caught you just as you were about to collapse. The slightest change in altitude made you feel lightheaded. You caught your breath, panting sharply. Your hands rested on Ellie's arms as she held you upright, your body against the wall for support. Your eyes focused on her face; your breath was still shaky. Your lips were quivering as tears glazed over your eyes again. You felt as if you got punched in the gut and your stomach acid was about to come up.
Your eyes widened as you pushed Ellie out of the way and darted for the trash can in the corner of the room, vomiting and crying into the trash bag. Your salty tears were dropping onto the pile of throw up on the bottom. The smell filled your nose and made you cough up another small wad of vomit before you turned your head away. Ellie's grip on your hair loosened; you didn't even realize she was holding it back until you felt a tug on your scalp from whipping your head around to look for her.
"You alright?" Ellie asked awkwardly, squaring her shoulders. She crouched down next to you and let your hair go, her hand resting comfortingly on your back and rubbing it gently.
You huffed softly as your eyes trained on her again. A calmness washed over you; your eyelids were heavy, your body felt exhausted. Your brain felt like oatmeal. The part of your brain that was still intelligible was telling you that you were too much, that you were a burden for Ellie and taking her with you to creek trails was a mistake. The glint in her eyes brought a sense of relief to you, making your body feel limp as you leaned your head against her shoulder and letting out a tired sigh.
"Peachy," you huff, making Ellie chuckle softly as her hand softly pats your hair for a moment, letting you rest on her and rely on her for comfort.
"You wanna rest for a little bit or do you think you can keep going?" She murmurs quietly into your ear. Ellie's hoarse voice was something your heart never got tired of; the low tone and the goldilocks-raspiness of it always made your chest feel warm and fuzzy.
"I'll be fine."
"Bullshit. I mean, we can go back to Jackson if you need to. You can trade with someone else and you can rest up."
"I said I'll be fine, Ellie," you pull yourself up from Ellie's shoulder. You scratch your neck nervously. You somehow find it in your spine to stand up, fixing your backpack over your shoulders and reaching into the side pocket. You pulled out a small thing of gum, opening it and popping a piece in your mouth. Occasionally you’d find little accessories on patrols around Jackson that weren’t expired like that gum you pulled out and you’d keep it for later use.
“Let’s keep going on patrol.”
“At least rinse your mouth out…that ain’t gonna do shit when there’s still barf caked around your mouth.”
Your cheeks heated up immediately as you looked down in embarrassment. You brought your glove up to wipe the vomit off your face with a cringe as you let your embarrassment take over you for a moment. You mentally noted to yourself not to touch your face again with that glove.
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saturnslight · 4 years
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shelbysblinders · 7 years
New video: Multicouples | Compass 
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ao3feed-love · 2 years
[VID] My 37 OTPs
by UltraVids1 (Ultra)
A simple tribute to my 37 OTPs.
Words: 0, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Firefly (TV 2002), Agent Carter (TV), How I Met Your Mother, Hart of Dixie, Once Upon a Time (TV), Gilmore Girls, 10th Kingdom (TV), Leverage, Necessary Roughness (TV 2011), Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV), X-Men (Movieverse), Veronica Mars (TV), Pirates of the Caribbean (Movies), Lethal Weapon (TV), My Boys (TV), Caroline in the City, That '70s Show, Chuck (TV), Angel: the Series, Press Gang, The Librarians (TV 2014), Alice (TV 2009), Smallville, White Collar (TV 2009), Timeless (TV 2016), The Big Bang Theory (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Relationships: Malcolm Reynolds/Inara Serra, Peggy Carter/Daniel Sousa, Robin Scherbatsky/Barney Stinson, Zoe Hart/Wade Kinsella, Belle/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Luke Danes/Lorelai Gilmore, Virginia Lewis/Wolf, Sophie Devereaux/Nathan Ford, Nico Careles/Danielle "Dani" Santino, Spike/Buffy Summers, Logan/Rogue (X-Men), Lemon Breeland/Lavon Hayes, Rory Gilmore/Jess Mariano, Logan Echolls/Veronica Mars, Jack Sparrow/Elizabeth Swann, Maureen Cahill/Martin Riggs, Brendan Dorff/P. J. Franklin, Caroline Duffy/Richard Karinsky, Jackie Burkhart/Steven Hyde, Chuck Bartowski/Sarah Walker, Cordelia Chase/Allen Francis Doyle, Parker/Eliot Spencer (Leverage), Lynda Day/Spike Thomson, Eve Baird/Flynn Carsen, Jayne Cobb/River Tam, Alice Hamilton/Hatter (Alice TV 2009), Baelfire | Neal Cassidy/Emma Swan, Hoban "Wash" Washburne/Zoë Washburne, Lex Luthor/Chloe Sullivan, Elizabeth Burke/Peter Burke, Garcia Flynn/Lucy Preston, Tansy Truitt/George Tucker, Cassandra Cillian/Jacob "Jake" Stone, Dick Casablancas/Cindy "Mac" Mackenzie, Sheldon Cooper/Penny, Kaylee Frye/Simon Tam, Neal Caffrey/Sara Ellis
Additional Tags: Love, Kissing, One True Pairing, Video, Embedded Video, Song: Can't Help Falling in Love (Elvis Presley)
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/41913813
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wqbytop100 · 2 months
Top100 for the week ending July 21, 2024
Naked & Alive --Milky Chance -2 --8weeks-- (1week@#1)
End Of Time --Lucas & Steve, LAWRENT f/Jordan Shaw -1 [8weeks@#1] --12weeks--
Tease Me --Nicky Your -3 --4weeks-- (#2)
Outside Of Love --Becky Hill -4 --16weeks-- (#2)
Larger Than Life --Armin Van Buuren -6 --6weeks--
Heat --Tove Lo, SG Lewis -10 --3weeks
Whatever --Kygo f/Ava Max -13 --13weeks--
One, Two & 3 --Galantis -21^ --16weeks-- (#2)
Heaven Or Not --Diplo, Riva Starr f/Kareem Lomax -7 --15weeks-- (#3)
I Had Some Help --Post Malone, Morgan Wallen -8 --10weeks-- (#2)
Shallow Water --Elderbrook -9 --6weeks-- (#9)
Music Is Better --RUFUS DU SOL -12 --4weeks--
Midnight Ride --Orville Peck, Kylie Minogue, Diplo -5 --6weeks-- (#3)
Disconnect --Becky Hill -14 --10weeks--
Dance Through The Night --Gryffin, Whetham, Norma Jean Martine -15 --2weeks--
Role Model --Fat Boy Slim, Dan Diamond, Luca Guerrieri -11 --9weeks-- (#10)
Lost In Space --Foster The People -23 --5weeks--
Hero --Vintage Culture, Emery Taylor -28^ --8weeks--
Brad Pitt --COIN -29 --4weeks--
I Go Dance --Kiesza -20 --7weeks-- (#13)
Unsure --Alan Walker, Kylie Cantrail -16 --5weeks-- (#15)
Love & Pain --Enrique Iglesias -19 --15weeks-- (#3)
Lighter --Galantis, David Guetta, 5 Seconds of Summer -18 --23weeks-- (2weeks@#1)
Summer's Back --ALOK, Jess Glynne -24 --5weeks--
Joyride --KeSha -26 --2weeks--
Buscando Money --TWENTY SIX, Tayson Kryss -25 --13weeks-- (#3)
Give Me Your Love --Benny Benassi, Nu-La -78 --2weeks--
LA --Northeast Party House --17 --9weeks-- (#14)
Take Me To The Beach --Imagine Dragons -32 --3weeks--
Hell Together --David Archuleta -30 --16weeks-- (#10)
Underwater --DubVision, Afrojack -22 --21weeks-- (#11)
Multiply --Becky Hill -27 --7weeks-- (#9)
Wake Up --Imagine Dragons -34 --3weeks--
Bittersweet --LP Globbi, Portugal, The Man -75 --2weeks--
Eyes Closed --Imagine Dragons -33 --13weeks-- (#6)
Lovers In A Past Life --Calvin Harris, Rag'N'Bone Man -31 --13weeks-- (#10)
Left Or Right --Laidback Luke, Mathew Nolan -35 --8weeks-- (#25)
It's Love (Trippin) --Kolsch, Goldtrix, Andrea Brown -38 --6weeks-- (#35)
Can't Slow Down --Almost Monday -39 --7weeks--
Sleep Tonight (This Is The Life) --Switch Disco, R3HAB, Sam Feldt -37 --19weeks-- (#3)
Your Shine --BAKERMAT, Fly Disco Butter -42 --3weeks--
Looking For Joy --Kaleena Zanders -43 --3weeks--
Addicted --ZERB, The Chainsmokers f/INK -36 --16weeks (#9)
Perpetual Motion --Phantoms -45 --5weeks--
Out Of Time --ZEDD, Bea Miller -47 --3weeks--
Barcelona --Alan Walker, Ina wroldsen -46 --5weeks--
Breathe You In --Gorgon City, NORTH -48 --3weeks--
Stumblin' In --CYRIL -49 --4weeks--
A Tear In Space --Glass Animals -50 --6weeks--
Fallin Luv--Gordo, Jeria -40 --13weeks (#8)
Beat Of Your Love --Ownboss, LAWRENT f/EKKO -41 --19weeks-- (#5)
Look At That Woman --Role Model -44 --4weeks-- (#44)
Morning --Cheat Codes X Jason Derulo -53 --8weeks-- (#37)
My Fault --Shaboozey, Noah Cyrus -60 --6weeks--
Whateva --Kyle Walker -63 --6weeks--
I Believe --Bassjackers, WUKONG, D Jayne -68 --9weeks--
White Claw -Yung Gravy, Shania Twain -70 --3weeks--
Ten (Get Back Up) --Nathan Dawe, MNEK -71 --3weeks--
Paradise --Madison Rose --73 --7weeks--
Where Are You Tonight --KREAM -76 --2weeks--
Me Before You --Kygo, Piested -77 --2weeks--
Pretty Low --Dillon Francis, Galantis, Arden James -79 --4weeks--
Water --The Floorplan -80 --4weeks--
No Shade At Pitti --The Chainsmokers -54 --10weeks-- (#19)
Gravity --Frank Walker, Tyler Shaw -66 --6weeks-- (#43)
Carry You Home --Alex Warren -69 --6weeks--
Under The Sun --Ella Henderson, Switch Disco, ALOK -83 --4weeks--
Just A Dance --Alfie Templeman, Nile Rodgers -84 --3weeks--
A Bar Song --Shaboozey, David Guetta -88 --4weeks--
The Craving --Twenty One Pilots -55 --8weeks-- (#31)
One Cry --Galantis, Rosa Linn -56 --9weeks-- (#23)
Take A Moment --ATB, David Frank -57 --23weeks-- (#11)
What if We Met --Ali Gatie -58 --19weeks--(#3)
Sun Comes Up --Timmie Trumpet, Sam Feldt, Ekko, Joe Taylor -74 --8weeks-- (#66)
Glad I Found You --Elderbrook, George Fitzgerald -72 --12weeks-- (#23)
Without You --Disco Fries, Lavish Life -59 --19weeks-- (#11)
We Ain't Good At Breaking Up --Brothers Osborne -52 --16weeks-- (#12)
Houdini --Eminem -51 --6weeks-- (#33)
The Moves --NEIKED, Muni Long, Nile Rodgers -62 --15weeks-- (#13)
Old Fashion Feeling --Midland -67 --7weeks-- (#45)
Jet Plane --R3HAB, VIZE, JP Cooper -65 --26weeks-- (2weeks @#1) --->
Endless Night --Matea -85 --4weeks--
Spiral --Sofi Tukker -89 --2weeks--
Rescue Me--Syn Cole, Parson James -81 --4weeks-- (#81)
Close Your Eyes --Matt Sassari, Dillon Francis, James Carter -86 --4weeks--
Without You --Kygo f/HAYLA -87 --4weeks--
Resonate --John Summit, Kaskade, Julia Church -90 --2weeks--
It's That Time --Marion Hoffstadt, (Fisher Remix) -94 --2weeks--
Cut --Marin Morris, Julia Michaels -95 --3weeks--
Kissing Strangers --USHER -64 --24weeks-- (#5) --->
God Don't Leave Me Alone ---Gioli & Assia -61 --10weeks-- (#35)
Wherever You Are --Martin Garrix, DubVision, Shaun Farrugla -82---6weeks--
The Future Is A Foreign Land --Ghost -92 --2weeks-- (#92)
Heatbreaker --Purple Disco Machine, Chromeo -93 --2weeks--
***Shallow Water --Elderbrook (Club Mix) -(new) ---1week--
***Freefalling --Gem & Tauri, Eyes Everywhere, Sarah de Warren -(new) --1weeks--
***Some Like It Hot --VASSY, Saint Rock -(new) --1week--
You Look Like You Love Me --Ella Langley, Riley Green -91 --2weeks- (#91) --->
Me Caes Muy Bien --Deorro -96 --6weeks-- (#67) --->
***Leave With My Love --Ayokay - (new) -1week-
4New on the Chart this week 7/21/24 #95 Shallow Water --Elderbrook (Club Mix) #96 Freefalling #97 Some Like It Hot #100 Leave With My Love
***new on the chart ---> off next weeks chart
0 notes