#France Unoffical
dunkin-the-real-one · 6 months
France may I propose a deal to you? I will give you a endless supply of free croissant sandwiches for a singular island. The island is for the ducks I have acquired from Shell Oil.
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non-tyrannical-usa · 3 months
America have I missed anything or
I visited my dad today in hospital
Sealand killed England, and then unoffical France just killed Guatemala and Sealand.
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truly-jcjenson · 5 months
Guess your good now do you mind as a robot a being with no soul dealing with France unoffical?
I don’t mind, it would occupy my time I guess.
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lostcryptids · 1 year
no one is going to read this whole post i just have to like write it down because it's so insane crazy the world of city hunter movies is so baffling, like idk if other manga/anime series have this level of strange stuff happening movie wise maybe they do? there are multiple theatrical movies: .357 Magnum, Bay City Wars, Million Dollar Conspiracy, then the newer ones, Shinjuku Private Eyes, and Angel Dust. Multiple ovas/television movies The Secret Service, Goodbye My Sweetheart, and Death of Vicious Criminal Ryo Saeba. Ok all normal Then there is the world of live action city hunter movies which are like. City Hunter 1993: hong kong adaption of the movie starring jackie chan (? never understood it's bad casting honestly) but also, i've read that he didn't like the raunchy humor which is like, 90% of the humor, so they cut a lot of it out of the movie. this is a pretty normal adaption despite not being that accurate. jackie chan also dresses as chun-li from street fighter in this movie Saviour of the Soul 1991: this is the most bizarre thing i could imagine, this movie was released in 1991 making it the first actual "adaption" of the material despite it being like...the only thing i can say is martial arts fantasy au? and to make this even funnier there is a second movie that has nothing to do with the FIRST movie so i have no idea what this even is anymore. The second movie has a character named the Devil King and is about "a special block of ice that is said to contain the life essence of immortality" like idk this seems like the FUNNIEST possible adaption you can make of a crime/slapstick story about a guy who always has a boner? i see so many people praising this movie saying it has like amazing action and story and costumes but that's so freaking funny why is it city hunter au Mr. Mumble 1996: UNOFFICAL hong kong adaption of the manga/anime. like holy shit hello all the characters are here..the MAIN character is in the same outfit from the anime...how does this not get you sued badly. But funnily enough it looks like the most accurate hong kong adaption. because there are three of them. and the one that copies the most is unofficial and unlicensed. wonderful world we live in i think its just so funny Nicky Larson et le Parfum de Cupidon 2018: since city hunter aired in france with a very bad dub it has a very large following and so there is a live action movie for it over 30 years after it was first published. everyone is french. pamela anderson is in this movie there's a kdrama series but it isn't anything like the source material apart from the name really so i dont think it counts also it's annoying because i always see it all over when i want to se the anime oh also there's a live action adaption of the city hunter alternate universe sequel series............there's so much stuff here Finally they are finally planning on making a japanse adaption and it's going to be on netflix. in 2024. i think that's it.
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edbanger-unoffical · 1 year
Welcome to the Unoffical Ed Banger Records Tumblr Blog!
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All news is sourced from the official Ed Banger Records Twitter, Instagram and (translated) interviews! I am not Busy P or anybody related to Ed Banger, this simply an update blog till an official Ed Banger blog is made (if that ever happens). Feel free to ask questions in the ask box or notify me about recent stuff I may have missed!
BYF: I am a minor so no weird interactions please. Also keep in mind I am in school majority of the time and live on the complete other side of the world from France so updates may be slow/a bit late. I also use he/it pronouns so please keep that in mind when referring to me.
TAGS: Tags will always just be sorted by their stage name. The only other tags are "reblogs" "updates" "via instragram" "via twitter" and "ooc" which are self-explanatory.
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decafcatfeen · 5 months
If you have not been possessed by France unoffical my blog is safe because I will personally find them in real life and throw them into loch ness
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totally-france · 10 days
France-unoffically didn't know grapes could be juice
It was funny
Wine is juice too
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the-official-italy · 5 months
yes love?
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mirclealignr · 3 years
feel free to ignore, or yknow, if it piques your interest, you could give it a read and ignore potential typos.
Relationship with Generals;
— Strained on Churchill’s side due to the fact that he knew from first hand experience that previously, Generals were allowed to much freedom for costly campaigns which led to loss of valuable life - also frustrated with their caution.
— Furthermore, many army generals supported the idea of appeasement instead of rearmament — increased tensions and suspicions.
— Strained on the Generals’ side due to the failure of the Galipoli Campaign in 1915 (Churchill’s idea and failure forced him to resign) and Norway Campaign in 1940.
— Also frustrated with the constant political interference.
Brooke —
- Brooke and Churchill didn’t get along - Brooke was frustrated by political interference. However they agreed on major decisions and Brooke backed the campaign in North Africa despite the fear of air raid on Britian.
Wavell —
- Churchill personally disliked Wavell and spilt his troops in half, sent many to Greece. Without Wavell there to prepare and with Churchill not giving him enough time to prepare, they were defeated and evacuated to Crete (then forced out).
- Despite the mistake being Churchill’s, Wavell took the blame and was demoted. Early successes in North Africa were thrown out.
Auchinleck —
- Wavell’s successor. Churchill was frustrated with his caution and insistence on making efficient preparations and sacked him.
Montgomery —
- Auchinleck’s successor. Won over Churchill with his self confidence (personalities were smiliar) and personally favoured him — called him ‘Monty’.
- Monty, to Churchill’s dismay, still made efficient preparations before gathering twice as many troops as Rommel and defeated Germany in the battle of El Alamein in 1942.
- Much of the success should have been credited to Auchinleck for his preparations, but Churchill disliked him. Montgomery was slow in following up success and allowed Germany to retreat to Tunisia.
Against Churchill’s View;
- Britain did not have the money and was not in the economic position to rearm and did not have an expeditionary force ready for war.
- Fear Japan would take advantage of Britain’s war in Europe and threaten Suez Canal which was their quickest route to India — Churchill’s speeches saw a clear lack of understanding of their vulnerable position in the Far East.
- Much of the public still had WW1 and the 1 million casualties on their mind and were reluctant to wage another war — Churchill was against public mood.
- Churchill’s idea for a Grand Alliance was undermined by his hostility to the Soviet Union. Furthermore, there was little France or Britain could do for Czechoslovakia and were not willing to enter into war over it.
- Smaller nation’s armies in Europe were not sufficient enough to provide valuable allies and many were concerned with the Soviet Union anyway.
Situation After Munich;
- Churchill’s view was not so unrealistic anymore. If Munich continued, European democracy would cease to exist and Britain wouldn’t be able to maintain it’s position as a great power.
- 1939 Churchill became a member of the War Cabinet
Why Churchill for PM 1940? ;
- The Norway Campaign was the first real initiative in the so called ‘phoney war’ and it was a complete failure. It revived old memories of the Galipoli Campaign.
- However, he did have first hand experience with war.
- After the failure of Appeasement and the Norway Campaign, Chamberlain faced severe criticisms, even from former allies such as Leo Amery who famously quoted Cromwell — “In the name of God, Go!”
- Though the Labour Party, many Conservatives and even King George preferred Lord Hallifax, he would not renounce his peerage in order to lead the country as a war time PM.
- Churchill taking the blame for the Norway Campaign and remaining loyal to Chamberlain oddly increased his standings in the run for PM.
- The Conservative Party refused to form a government without Churchill as leader.
Churchill War Time PM Overview;
- Used English Language as a weapon of war — he was aware of the need to maintain public morale/spirit and image and was able to do so through his speeches — even through Dunkirk which was, militarily, a failure but Churchill was able to portray it as the opposite.
- Major decision to commit to the Med. where most of the land fights were between Germany and Britain.
- Involved in lengthy struggle in North Africa which merely postponed the inevitable (D-Day).
- 1943 increasingly isolated by Stalin and FDR
May 28th + Profound Difficulties;
- 300,000 troops stranded at Dunkirk and slim chance of rescue.
- Danger of Italian entry and threat to Suez Canal — cut off quickest route to India and threatened Empire (Churchill was an Imperialist)
- Considerable fear of air raid on Britain- many casualties expected.
- May 28th Cabinet discussed approaching Moussolini to find out what terms of peace Hitler would agree to — this meant that Germany would have been made aware Britain was weakening, not an option.
- By June 4th, situation improved with approximately 111,000 troops recovered from Dunkirk and Churchill being able to present it as a victory for the public despite it being a military disaster — ‘On the beaches’ speech.
- July 1940 - major act of defiance and controversial decision of destroying French fleet to prevent it falling into German hands.
- Bold decision sending British troops to the Med. despite the impending attack on Britain through bombing.
Bombing of Britain;
- Hitler decided to focus more on British towns and cities in order to break public morale rather than trying to destroy the RAF on air fields.
- Hugh Dowding’s tactics included small groups of air force pilots preserving the strength of the RAF rather than the masses going out to fight them over the channel.
- However, Dowding had rivals and many felt as if a larger-scale strategy would have been more efficient. Despite his success, Churchill did not back Dowding and he was dismissed.
Churchill’s Special Leadership Style;
- Commendable personal diplomacy (especially with FDR and Stalin)
- Fascinated with what he perceived as imaginative ideas even if they were scientifically proved to be impractical
- Restless and energetic - irregular work hours and did not have a problem dictating for his bed or bath.
- Flamboyance — no other PM wore as many uniforms or costumes, it emphasised him as a war time PM.
- No other PM was as well travelled
- Daring and ruthlessness and intolerance for those who were not the same or stood up to him.
- Mastery at written and spoken expression and awareness for convincing propaganda and maintaining public spirit.
War 1943-1944;
- Long and slow process in Italy after Germany retreated to Tunisia.
- Forced Russia to take on the task of moving into Germany alone — faced most of the heavy casualties.
- Churchill could not delay D-Day forever and planned it for 1944.
- Failure of Operation Market Garden (despite ‘Monty’s’ confidence) and Eisenhower in charge and Churchill was not sympathetic to Brooke.
North Africa;
- Originally concerned that Japan joining would cause threat to Suez and North Africa but they joined 1940 and had invaded Southern France
- Churchill had the Suez Canal and unoffical control of much of North Africa - This was not enough, Churchill wanted to establish a Balkan Front.
- Much like the strategy used in the Galipoli Campaign, Churchill argues the Balkans was not such a soft underbelly and they were defeated in Greece.
- Russia had been pushed back considerable and Churchill feared that if Germany were to invade North Africa, Hitler would gain control of vital oil fields.
- George Marshall argued pursuing the Med. was pointless and that they should relieve some of the pressure off of Russia as they were vital to the success of the war — The Med. was merely a distraction and of limited strategic importance.
War in Italy;
- 1943 — considerable forces devoted to Sicily but failed to prevent Germany retreating.
- By 1943, Italy was no longer a threat, so why extend campaign to Italy? One of the most puzzling decisions of the war.
- German and British troops were fairly matched in number and there was no question a smaller Allied force could be sent to relieve Russia or help with the Allied invasion of France.
- If Italy had fallen, it wasn’t clear how it would lead to Germany’s defeat.
Why was D-Day delayed?;
- Heavy casualties were expected
- Long struggle in Italy was not anticipated
- British policy was to maintain Med.
How to Analyse Provenance;
- Who wrote it? — Do they have superior knowledge? Where does their allegiance lie? Important for assessing value of the source.
- Why was it written? — What is the purpose of the source? It is it be used as propaganda (therefore perhaps embellishing information) or is it a political speech? which has a very clear political purpose. Crafted for a specific purpose — Churchill? Skilful expression.
- What is it? — Letters and speeches will hold different validities. For example, a speech is carefully crafted and often used to persuade. Whereas a letter is useful to gain the real opinions of the politician. Diary’s are perhaps dramatised with the knowledge it may be published.
- When was it produced? — Link it to the timeline of events, what was happening during that time? Hindsight may have skewed judgement and memory isn’t as reliable. As source from that period in time would be more reliable for a record of events.
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currentfandomkick · 5 years
So since maribat has become an obsession to the point i make regular headcannons and shorts for my own version of biodad! Doctor Strange, i figured i may as well add to maribat
Here the first round of head cannons.
-sabine was an assassin trade around between gotham groups before she let people assume she died in a mass attack on gotham and got out
-only strange knew she was alive since he saw her leave. She agreed to let him know she was alive knce in a while.
-sabine met gina while traveling europe. Gina deemed a bew daughter and brought her home.
-sabine finds out shes pregnant a bit before she meets Tom and Gina’s family. Gina knows Sabine came from a bad situation and doesnt ask questions.
-Tom was opening his own passiserie (Rolland owns a bread shop) and Sabine works the front for him. He puts it together after a while and doesnt ask many questions since she hates beign reminded of her past.
-sabine starts dating Tom after she’s had Marinette. He is down to help her whenever and this endears him to her.
-when baby marinette had health problems, Sabine calls in Strange. He does testing, realizes she’s his in the process, and notes that her cells are just decaying for some reaosn he cant pin down.
-strange convicnes Sabine to let a friend inject marinette with altered dna from a human with a freak healing and health factor, some reporter from the daily planet. (Its clark kent) Sabine agrees as it seems the only way to keep her daughter alive.
-the doctor works for the Cadmus. They fix baby Marientte up. Only they find a lot of her dna markers now line up with supermans... they’re convinced she’s his daughter and try to kidnap baby marinette, faking her death.
-sabine comes out of retirement to get her daughter back—she is taking the body that cadmus refused to return. Then she sees her daughter is alive
-There are no survivors, only a recording of the events she missed on her way out.
-victor zsasz went along as a favor to Strange in retriving baby strange. When he sees sabine mow people down, he helps. Asks for crazy uncle rights when in paris, and sabine tells him only if he makes sure they cant touch her daughter again.
-as far as gotham is aware, baby marinette strange is dead.
-sabine keeps her daughter in paris. Strange knows. He took on a new alias, doctor smith, and is registered as Marinette’s bio dad that way. On her birth certificate her name is Jilpa Marinette Cheng.
-Strange does get summer custody. He runs a clinic (per the agreement) where he helps metas with unstable abilities, no questions or charges.
-There is a semi-offical gotham underground government, and it is not the Court of Owls. It is a combo of crime families, Rouges, and long atanding gangs. Often called the Council since the name changes too often.
-marinette is called Jill when she visits gotham in the summer. She practices her meta abilities with strange overseeing her. During the year she uses various micro-doses of kyptonite in stickers to pass as a normal human.
-marinette has super senses first, then the ability to ‘float’/fly when very happy, or during an adrenile rush or fight or flight, she has a superhealing factor, and she is much stronger than she should be. When she broke a doorknob while half asleep she put together she needed to be very careful.
-in this AU metas are feared in france to the point of quarantine. Marinette hides being meta/superhuman for these reasons.
-Dupont is an unoffical safehaven in paris for ‘gifted students’ when irl its a meta-protection facility disgfuising itself as a gifted student program.
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whitelikeheaven · 7 years
The mysterious entity known as Hype Williams, originally appeared to take shape around the UK's Dean Blunt and Russia's Inga Copeland around 2007. However, according to the unoffical story behind the group, the genesis of Hype Williams can be traced back to 2005, and a certain Denna Frances Glass who supposedly created Hype Williams as a relay project, with the idea that the moniker could be passed between between different artists.
In 2016 it was announced that both Dean Blunt and Inga Copeland had left the project in their place were two new producers Slaughter and Silvermane who are allegedly the brains between the latest Hype Williams release "Rainbow Edition". This backstory could well explain the curious shift in direction that takes place on Rainbow Edition.
Where as One Nation drew on the legacy of chicago house, kraut rock, classic RnB and synthpop, 'Rainbow Edition' seems to be situated far closer to J Dilla's east coast hip-hop and neosoul. As always with Hype Williams there's more than just one inspiration at work and as the album progresses there's occasional nods to the groups previous output with something similar to the horror movie synths of 'One Nation' bubbling up between stripped down snares and sampled vocals on tracks like "Baby Blu". Elsewhere a pitched down vocal sample possibly drawn from a public service broadcast from a bygone era leads into a looping synth line and spectral choirs on "Leimert".
Whatever the real story might be behind 'Rainbow Nation' Hype Williams have succeeded in creating a work that's fascinating as it is fleeting, one that evokes alternative, just out of focus takes on well established genres whilst occasionally offering up something entirely new.
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decafcatfeen · 5 months
France unoffical when I erase paris
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