thathetaliablogg · 2 years
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I was thinking about this ask ^^
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doueverwonder · 1 year
FrUkPort/SpaAusHun/PolLietEst triple date, it ends in absolute disaster but they had fun 😌
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kaimaciel · 2 years
Oi Kai :D
What are your opinions on frukport? Would they would work out together and if yes what would be their dynamic?
Olá! ;)
I think frukport was a reality. Neither Port nor Francis would give up Arthur, so the less bloody and more pleasurable solution would be a threesome.
Even though Arthur is Afonso's "One True Love", Francis is entertaining and very experienced in bed. He'd learn things first and willing to share and try them. Afonso was a bit reluctant at first to share his husband with his off again on again nemesis. Still, fighting gets annoying after a few centuries, so if those two were banging, he was done bursting indignantly through the door, he started joining them.
Oh, the things these two did to Arthur…
Francis was very willing too, he likes to say he came up with the idea of the 'menage à trois'. And Arthur, well, he was horrified at first but truly this is the best of both worlds for him.
There are problems though. Arthur is the main focus of the relationship, so Francis and Afonso still fight for his affection. They very much like him to choose them. However, Francis did try to get Afonso to divorce Arthur many times, he wouldn't mind having sex with Afonso at all, he just doesn't like that they're married. Afonso on the other hand will fuck Francis, he has no problem with that, as long as his relationship with Arthur doesn't get compromised.
Francis believes his love-hate relationship with Arthur is the best one, while Port is the official spouse who's always there with support.
If both of them are pissed with Arthur though… oh boy.
Also, the moment Antonio is brought into the picture, Afonso is out.
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koolkat9 · 1 year
👀 do you have an au with nyos?
AU Ask Game
I don't think I have, but now that you mention it, the wheels in my brain are turning. So have this new au I just thought of!
I remember seeing this image years ago of some knight falling into this lake or something and she gets surrounded by mermaids/sirens. I'm so sad I can't find the image. But trust me. It's very gay. Kind of has a spicy vibe. But this is my main so we'll try to keep it as sfw as we can.
I can't remember if there were 2 or 3 mermaids. But let's make it 3 because Monika deserves 3 girlfriends. Nyo GerFrukPort mermaid au let's go:
So Monika is a knight though she's kind of new to the job. There has been rumours of mermaids in the lake on the other side of the forest that are causing a stir. Monika is asked to go check it out, the royal family and knights not really believing these concerns writing it off as "too many fairytales."
Monika does too at first, but agrees to check it out. It's her first mission alone. Not the ideal first mission, but it could be a stepping stone for future ones. But she gets more than she bargained for.
She sits by the water for a bit, enjoying the fresh air and nice breeze. Come to think of it, she hasn't really taken a break, too busy working towards her knightship. She notes that she'll have to come back here some time when she's free.
Just as she's about to leave she hears singing and it makes her freeze. She turns back to the water to see the top of three heads peeking out of the water. Monika shakes out of her daze and approaches the edge to see if the three are alright only to get pulled in.
Monika struggles for the moment as the three women??? Pull and prod at her. She actually almost drowns, unable to keep her head above water until one of the woman finally gets ahold of her and pulls her back up.
"Easy, easy you two," barks Monika's saviour. "I told you humans can't breath under water. You don't want to kill her do you?"
The other two women look at them sheepishly. "But Katherine--" one of them whines (I don't have a name for Nyo Port but this is Nyo Port).
"No buts."
"You weren't helping either," scoffs the other (Marianne). And then they start bickering.
All Monika can do is hold onto the one who saved her as she processes what the hell just happened, while also having a little panic not because she has realized that these girls are mermaids. She's aware of that, but that's not the source of her beating heart or red face. No. These girls are pretty and their breasts are right there in at eye level only partially obscured by their hair. And they're running their hands over her, much more gently this time.
Now I can't decide if they're actually malicious towards humans or just really curious about them, but don't understand them so they end being a bit of a danger to humans. Either way, Monika becomes kind of like their human play thing. But the more time they spend together, they all fall in love (though frukport was already established).
Eventually Monika leaves behind her knighthood and builds herself a little cottage next to the lake and her girlfriends and they have a nice cottagecore life.
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froggi-mushroom · 3 years
Portugal: do you ever wanna talk about your emotions, Arthur?
England: no.
France: I do!
Portugal: I know, Francis
France: I’m sad
Portugal: I know, Francis
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evilponds · 12 years
only fog on the limbs
zana had a dream and then she bullied me into writing it. you'll notice that there is noting in the frukport tag and now there is. you're welcome.
This is how you make a bed for three:
Somewhere there is the sound of old pipes working and of old boards settling like old bones, and France lifts herself gracefully into a sitting position without realizing she is awake. She hovers on the threshold of the waking world for just a moment, not quite wanting to dig her way up from her dreams just then, before finally really seeing the room (and oh, what a mess they’ve made). She takes a bit of satisfaction in knowing that because this is England’s house,shewon’t have to clean up the house.
The way the light filters in through the blinds gives the room a sort of muted feel, as though right then they’re cut off from everything else and for some wide yawn of time France simply stays sitting there and watches the gentle rise-fall of England’s chest half-obscured by the sheets draped haphazardly across the bed. Dust motes scatter and disperse when at last she lifts her hand to brush her hair out of her eyes only to let it fall just as it had been, and she slowly begins the process of disentangling herself from Portugal’s leg, England’s arm, the bedsheets. Careful not to make enough noise to wake them, she slips off the bed and into the kitchen, grabbing someone’s t-shirt and throwing it on halfway in.
The kitchen is worse than the bedroom but this is not France’s fault. She rather suspects that England had, one drunk night over the course of the week, tried to cook something and ended up creating a spectacularly messy kitchen. Either that, or his cat had gotten into the…
Ah. The cat.
France sighs, gently nudges the old cranky thing off the counter (she’ll have marks later to show for it). Then, observing the materials with which she is to work, she sets to working her own sort of kitchen sorcery (that is, at least, what England calls it, grumbles as he devours the plates she sets out for him).
Within a few minutes there is a pleasant smell drifting from the kitchen. Something fruit and batter and all loveliness, very French, and France is cutting strawberries (for England), and slicing oranges (Portugal will appreciate it, though he’ll pretend not to), and France thinks that perhaps she might be kind and wake them nicely. (And nicely, for France, isquitenice, all lightest-of-light-kisses and voice sweet like the spring that creeps from the ground and through green grass white with snow. But this is not the sweetness meant for them, thinks France.) But the birdsong has started somewhere on the roof above and in the gentle warmth of the kitchen France finds herself slowly slipping back into some safe sleep-silent place, and she lets the knife settle on the cutting board halfway through an orange.
… Portugal wakes to the smell of something burning. England does not, because England is used to it. With the knowing sigh of one who senses something very wrong and is aware he cannot fix it, Portugal pulls himself out of bed (planting a small kiss on England’s temple) and follows the something-burning-smell into the kitchen only to find a certain poor lost soul passed out on the counter. He sighs, once more, and turns off the stove (it’s a miracle there is no fire, but then France is lucky that way). And then she is awake and smiling sheepishly at him and waving “good morning” (“You took your time, but today I shall like you.” You can say a lot with a wave).
“Did I try to make something in my sleep?” England is in the doorway and Portugal feels a slow, pleasant rush of something fluttery and lovesick at the sight of him (and France thinks, “Pathetic,” but she means it in the most affectionate way or she’d be a hypocrite).
France mumbles, sleepily, “You don’t have to eat it,” and Portugal goes to pick up the pan. England gets to it first, though, and bats Portugal’s hand away.
Then England slides the very burnt crepes onto a plate, pulls out a chair, and begins to eat.
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thathetaliablogg · 2 years
I have a simple solution to this! Frukport. Thank you that is all
Arthur has two hands :') and i think he would be bursting with sheer joy getting both of them held :')
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