a2zsportsnews · 3 months
Four-time NBA All-Star guard Kemba Walker announces his retirement from basketball
Four-time NBA All-Star guard Kemba Walker says he’s retiring. The 34-year-old Walker wasn’t in the NBA this past season, but did play in the EuroLeague with AS Monaco. He announced his decision Tuesday on social media. “This has all been a dream,” Walker said in a post on X, formerly Twitter. “When I look back, I still can’t believe the things I achieved in my career.” Walker averaged 19.3 points…
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st0rmyskies · 1 year
Four/Time size difference tho 😳
Very much a kink I've never understood, would LOVE some insight into this.
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eric-sadahire · 8 months
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Me: If you arm wrestled a spider, do you have to win eight separate times or just once?
Therapist: I meant concerns about your marriage.
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luwyv · 2 years
You ask FourTime a question and he gives you riddles three
I'm mentally nicknaming him Epoch
The nickname is now canon!
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vonnegutcunt · 9 months
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upwords1990 · 1 year
The New Moon Killer
Author: P.S. Winn
A serial killer has struck four times. Tom and Becca are partners handling the investigation, which is at a stand still. Becca has more on her mind than the murders. Afraid her chronic pain may end her job as a cop, Becca finds a psychiatrist using past life regression therapy to relieve pain. Becca is hoping it may be the cure she needs and her an Tom are hoping finding the serial killer will be half as easy.
Click Here: https://rb.gy/4xbpv
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babyawacs · 2 years
#solder #quest @techpowerup @debian @wired @wireduk @bbc_whys @tomshardware @cnet @pcwelt @xfceofficial ‎ ‎by the error after thermalpaste‎ the fucking isopropylene musthave creeped into the thermalpaste and shorted the cpu: itis not explicable why abit thermalpaste o n cpu triggers the cpu notrecognised reboot loop bios: the error was to assume isopropylene is nonconductive andor evaporates sufficiently others b a t h their components inthese and drythem but abit cpu cleaning with eartip?!? itmaybe waterstretched i sopropylene  the next error is to assummeitis the bios chip again as b e f o r e : soldered three fourtimes successfully but thistime: resistors blownoff then still reflashingbios and ! bridging both resistors! thatthe s a m e error persisted. like a fried bga cpu onboardsoldered cpu after t h a t the swapped bioschip damaged the solderpads and the flux doesnot remove bridgings well. that stageisnow with a swa pped bios chip programmed flashed but the pads are damaged : maybe a bridging like resistors can work maybe not but even i f !!! ! the problem withthe before cpu would persist: bridging the f o r m e r b o a r d was bringingit backtolife until resistorsmissing but t h e n a part was fried : turns out the b i o s c h i p itookfromthat gets hot inthe flasher: withabit luck thechip was the error with bad luck another failed part fri ed the bios and the keyboard fromtheformer board thatislikely thecase. and then whichother parts maybe a problem : simple heh ? two asus boards ///// ithink ican bridge defective solderpads but thechances arelow hmmmmm  ///////
#solder #quest @techpowerup @debian @wired @wireduk @bbc_whys @tomshardware @cnet @pcwelt @xfceofficial ‎by the error after thermalpaste‎ the fucking isopropylene musthave creeped into the thermalpaste and shorted the cpu: itis not explicable why abit thermalpaste on cpu triggers the cpu notrecognised reboot loop bios: the error was to assume isopropylene is nonconductive andor evaporates…
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cookiekhaleesi · 2 years
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Texas Longhorns Volleyball Four-time National Champs T-shirt
Trying to find the perfect Texas Longhorns Volleyball Four-time National Champs T-shirt Look no more! Our tees are made with top notch, soft and comfy material. Offered in a selection of shades and also sizes, you're sure to discover the best fit. Whether you're trying to find a informal everyday Texas Longhorns Volleyball Four-time National Champs T-shirt or something to wear to the fitness center, our Texas Longhorns Volleyball Four-time National Champs T-shirt are versatile enough to suit any type of event. And also, with our resilient printing process, your design will certainly stay vibrant laundry after wash. Order yours https://peanutstee.com/product/texas-longhorns-volleyball-fourtime-national-champs-tshirt-2738/ today and step up your design game!
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phantomtutor · 2 years
SOLUTION AT Academic Writers Bay Hey, Receive the whole assignment together as i indicated earlier Thank you.NoInterview QuestionsResponse1. Have you read the hospital Internal Policy andProcedure (Internal Disaster Plan)? Tell me what thisplan means to the job that you do?Yes, familiarizing myself with this plan helpsme undertake my daily activities as per theset standards, especially during critical times,such as disasters. This helps to reduce theseverity of the disaster’s effects in terms ofloss of life, especially to the vulnerablepatients in the ICU whose lives have beenentrusted to us.2. Does the plan provide you with enough informationabout dealing with internal disasters such as fire,flood, and power outage?The disaster plan provides me with most ofthe information that I need to deal with anydisaster. For example, access to responsefacilities such as fire alarm, location ofemergency exits, and other proceduresregarding to evacuation policy is provided.3. How do you activate an internal disaster response?Following response protocols, for example,initial notification using the hospital alertsystems. Then the staff members will bealerted as the notification proceeds frompartial to full activation depending on thelevel of the disaster.4. What is the code that is used to activate the fire alarmat the hospital?5. What is the difference between red and green codes instate of internal disasters based on the hospital plan?6. How many times have you participated in evacuationdrills? Is it effective and is it increased yourpreparedness for facing internal disasters?Code Red: FireCode Red notifies and calls forappropriate response in the actual orsuspected fire outbreak while code Greengives the command that initiates theevacuation process.I have participated in an evacuation drill fourtimes in the past two years. The drills areeffective since they have enabled me toenvision what might happen in case of adisaster and the proper action that should betaken. This works well when very fewmembers of the team plan and execute thedrills putting all other members in a realsituation7. After performing an evacuation activity, can youidentify areas to resolve them in order to increaseyour preparedness for internal disasters?Yes, I am in a position to notice what wentwell and what went wrong from which I givefeedback regarding the observation that Imade that will guide how to improve ourdisaster response.8. How many times have you participated in a realhospital evacuation? What went well and what needsmore practice or training?I have participated once. What went well wasthe notification of the disaster through the firealarm, which alerted all staff members,patients and visitors about the possibility offire. This being the first time to be in a realsituation, chaos quickly ensued. Most staffmembers who were in charge were throwninto panic leading to a weak chain ofcommand.9. Have you reviewed the fire evacuation map recently?When?Yes, I have reviewed a fire map recentlyabout 2years ago.10. How many exits does the hospital have? Do you know Fourteen exits, and I know them all. Myall of them? What about your department?department has 3 of them.11. When seeing a fire in a room or in any area of thehospital, what are the steps to do?The first step is to remove the patients,visitors, and any other personnel dependingon the proximity to the fire area. Then I willconsider doing the same in the adjacentrooms, disconnecting oxygen lines formoutlets, activating the fire alarm, and makingefforts to contain the fire if it is safe to do so.12. In your opinion, do you think that the exits,emergency doors and hospital signboards aresufficient to facilitate evacuations during internaldisasters? Please explain.Yes, the emergency exits in my departmentare enough. The number has increased basedon past experience, which guided even theexits’ location for efficient response.13. How can you protect patients in time of internaldisasters? How do you continue to provide careduring the evacuation?What are the means and equipment required in the14.
hospital to increase preparedness to face internaldisasters such as fires and floods?15. What do you suggest the hospital to provide you withto be more prepared for internal disasters?The first step to protect patients in the eventof an internal disaster is by removing them ifthey are near to the area of the disaster. Careshould be given by ensuring that there is acontinued supply of the necessary treatmentby looking for alternative means within thehospital to support life in critical conditions.The hospital should ensure that all the safetystandards are in place will maintained andworking.Consistent drills are essential to be able toimprove our mastery of evacuationproceduresNoInterview QuestionsResponse1. Have you read the hospital Internal Policy andProcedure (Internal Disaster Plan)? Tell me what thisplan means to the job that you do?Yes, policy and procedures play a critical roleas they provide an efficient and effective planof action in the event of disasters. This istargeted to reduce the number of causalitiesand property destruction. For instance,helping patients in ICU who are not in aposition to evacuate to safety on time2. Does the plan provide you with enough informationabout dealing with internal disasters such as fire,flood, and power outage?Indeed the policy plan has attempted tosensitize me by providing details on anyanticipated disaster. For instance, I know theaction to take in case of fire, especially theprocess to follow when initiating an alarm. Ialso have the know-how to undertake thepublic address system that will ensure properevacuation.3. How do you activate an internal disaster response?In the event of a disaster occurrence, I shouldalert the authority via the communicationsystems in place. With their collaboration, theactivation will shift from alert, partial, to fullactivation phase, depending on themagnitude.4. What is the code that is used to activate the fire alarmat the hospital?Code Red: Fire5. What is the difference between red and green codes instate of internal disasters based on the hospital plan?Code Red’s main purpose is to serve as anotification that calls for proper response inthe actual or even suspected fire outbreak.The green code provides a notification thatwill signal evacuation to commence.6. How many times have you participated in evacuationdrills? Is it effective and is it increased yourpreparedness for facing internal disasters?Six times, for the past three years. The drillsare useful since I get to have a chance toimplement the knowledge and the training, asstated in the internal policy and procedure fordisaster management.7. After performing an evacuation activity, can youidentify areas to resolve them in order to increaseyour preparedness for internal disasters?Yes, because the activity exposes me to a realsituation more than what is provided in thepolicy procedures on an internal disaster plan.This exposure helps identify the gaps andfind appropriate actions to improve theresponse to the disaster.8. How many times have you participated in a realhospital evacuation? What went well and what needsmore practice or training?For the two years, I have worked here, I haveexperienced one real fire disaster. All thesafety standards were in place, especially thepublic address system, modern automatedemergency exits, and clear signals thatprovided direction to these emergency exitsto ensure safety. However, due to thedistanced location of the first respondents, thefire got out of control, causing more damagethan expected.9. Have you reviewed the fire evacuation map recently?When?Yes, I have the latest one being three yearsago.10. How many exits does the hospital have? Do you know The hospital has seventeen exits, and myall of them? What about your department?department alone has four.11. When seeing a fire in a room or in any area of thehospital, what are the steps to do?The first step is to remove the patients,visitors, and any other personnel dependingon the proximity to the fire area.
Then I willconsider doing the same in the adjacentrooms, disconnecting oxygen lines formoutlets, activating the fire alarm, and makingefforts to contain the fire if it is safe to do so.12. In your opinion, do you think that the exits,emergency doors and hospital signboards aresufficient to facilitate evacuations during internaldisasters? Please explain.Yes, the exits are sufficient to facilitateevacuation. Recently the hospital grouped thedepartments and allocated the exits thatshould be used by every department in caseof a disaster.13. How can you protect patients in time of internaldisasters? How do you continue to provide careduring the evacuation?The first step is to evacuate the patients ifthey are within the proximity of the disaster.Care should be given by requesting supportfrom other departments to provide attentionto those in critical condition.What are the means and equipment required in the14. hospital to increase preparedness to face internaldisasters such as fires and floods?To improve in disaster preparedness,the hospital management should considerhaving complete disaster response facilities inplace that are well maintained.15. What do you suggest the hospital to provide you withto be more prepared for internal disasters?Modern technology should be put in place todetect any danger which will facilitatesmooth and quick evacuation process.NoInter… CLICK HERE TO GET A PROFESSIONAL WRITER TO WORK ON THIS PAPER AND OTHER SIMILAR PAPERS CLICK THE BUTTON TO MAKE YOUR ORDER
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st0rmyskies · 2 years
dude I love the way Hyrule/Legend/Time play off of each other when you write them, reading the lmtcoy chapter with them was like, oh boy this is Hyrule's dream scenario huh good for him (and for us)
but also YOUR TAGS....if you write time/four I will go fucking feral, I really want to see how that would play out bc four would be such a good challenge for time
Four would be SUCH a challenge for Time. He's got a hard facade to crack, and Time is going to have to pull out all the stops to get Four to bend.
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canada4news · 4 years
Four-time Brier champion Howard livid after not being told about ‘papered’ rocks prior to Saturday’s games
Four-time Brier champion Howard livid after not being told about ‘papered’ rocks prior to Saturday’s games
Breadcrumb Trail Links Curling Author of the article: Ted Wyman Publishing date: Mar 13, 2021  •  32 minutes ago  •  5 minute read  •  Join the conversation Glenn Howard was not happy yesterday at the Brier after his team was not informed Curling Canada ice technicians “papered” the rocks. Photo by Michael Burns /Curling Canada Article content Five teams were still in an epic battle for the…
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Final of IPL 2020: Delhi Capitals want to stop four-time champions Mumbai Indians. Cricket News - Latest Breaking News
Final of IPL 2020: Delhi Capitals want to stop four-time champions Mumbai Indians. Cricket News – Latest Breaking News
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59 matches, 52 days nonstop action. The closest match ever made, with each team winning at least six matches for the first time. After the IPL 2020 English home season in the UAE, cricket has been ‘unlocked 2.0’ during Kovid’s time. Despite standing empty, with the disappearance of cheerleaders and widespread fear of the epidemic, the IPL has proved to be a hit. And now, we have a final, which on…
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mediaway · 4 years
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F1: Four-time champion Sebastian Vettel to drive for Racing Point in 2021 Image Source : GETTY IMAGES Four-time Formula One champion Sebastian Vettel has signed for Racing Point.
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spacerangerprince · 4 years
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Jesse Owens (American Track and Field Athlete) 🤎🖤✊🏾🧑🏾‍🦱🏃🏾‍♂️👟 #timehop #abe #jesseowens #american #trackandfield #athlete #fourtime #gold #medalist #1936olympicgames (at Nazi Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDscyzjAkb1/?igshid=cdmh7qts0az0
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news4me · 5 years
'Saheb' is Four-time Chief Minister, I Anyhow Became Deputy CM 4 Times: Ajit Pawar
‘Saheb’ is Four-time Chief Minister, I Anyhow Became Deputy CM 4 Times: Ajit Pawar
Ajit Pawar was deputy chief minister twice in the 15-year regime of Congress-NCP alliance in Maharashtra during 1999-2014. PTI
Updated:January 19, 2020, 3:13 PM IST
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NCP leader Ajit Pawar. (PTI) Mumbai:NCP leader Ajit Pawar has said while his uncle and party president Sharad Pawar was the state’s chief minister four times, he also “anyhow” became the deputy CM as many…
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crykea · 3 years
m drunk rn wassup yall
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