#Fortitude // Solo Posts
abnormality-husbandry · 11 months
[ heaving deeply the woman clutched the grass below her, the ego dissipating as she curled. She hated today..where was it… the bird was late. Being distracted by the flutter of wings as a bird joined the woman’s pathetic display ]
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holdoncallfailed · 1 year
rpf tier ranking
tier 0: actors. too easy. actors fall in love all the time due to proximity and amount of time spent together, especially if they are playing characters who are themselves in a relationship.
tier 1: bands (post-80s). writing songs together is incredibly intimate and requires emotional vulnerability. tours are great opportunities to spend a lot of time in an enclosed space together. sometimes they will sing into the same microphone at the same time so their mouths are close together which is basically making out if you think about it.
tier 2: bands (pre-80s). see above. however this requires slightly more mental fortitude because a lot of their fans will insist on their heterosexuality and get really mad when you say simon and garfunkel were kissing on each other or whatever.
tier 3: contact sports team. sports can be emotionally intense if you care about that sort of thing and obviously there are a lot of opportunities for intricate rituals wrt touching another's skin and locker rooms and all that. but this requires more imagination because there is less text (i.e. songs or correspondence) to use as evidence.
tier 4: solo artists. this is where things can fall apart. you have to choose both figures in the ship wisely and exercise a decent amount of creativity because they are not compelled to be together all the time (see above). you can cast a wider net but that lack of specificity may hurt those with weaker imaginations. also they don't always write their own songs.
tier 5: historical figures. this varies a lot both in terms of plausibility and social acceptability. depending on how old the figures are you could legitimately turn this into an academic dissertation if you wanted to commit that hard to it. however you may also come up against a lot of opposition among your colleagues. one must be intellectually prepared to present concrete evidence and argue one's point. (however, you are also more likely to convince people b/c the figures are old and dead and can't deny it. and probably didn't know what rpf is.)
tier 5.5: historical figures who have been fictionalized in media. this depends on the tone you take but unfortunately you will always be up against thomas jefferson hatsune miku binder as the starting point for the general public's thoughts on your hobby. so good luck.
tier 6: racecar drivers. if you are into racecar rpf i assume you are capable of seeing colors that are not visible to the ordinary human eye. they are literally in cars. the creativity required to wring a [romantic] narrative from people driving cars around a track is beyond my comprehension.
tier π: living politicians. you are a pariah among even your most deranged peers. no one respects you. you are categorically a weirdo and beyond help.
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BPP, sorry if you've answered this question before but what is your best song from Face?
Hi @tabbypuppykitty
I’ve had a rethink. I think Face-off is now my favourite song on the album.
Set Me Free Pt 2 is still top 3, but Jimin’s enunciation on Face-off brings a smile to my face every time I hear it because that man is too damn sassy for his own good lool.
In the latest Suchwita episode, Hobi revealed that Jimin practiced live singing six hours everyday before and during FACE promotions.
Six hours. Every day.
That made me pause. I started thinking about everything that happened during FACE. I don't talk about this at all here because I won't ever share personal pictures and I know I was incredibly lucky and many other people here likely deserved to see him before I did, but I saw Jimin live during his very first shows for FACE.
He was so happy. The joy on his face and the way he worked the crowd... like a fish in water. He gave some of the best performances of the year during FACE promotions. The whole project and the thoughtful way he went about promoting the album, is noteworthy.
(You should watch this if you haven't already)
But then I remembered the BS, the way k-pop stans reacted to the album, to the MVs, to the encore stage, the way BTS akgaes indulged in their sociopathy on his account, how BigHit failed (the anger Jimin biases feel is justified but some of y'all are wallowing in it). I remembered a few of Jimin's Wlives, how so much has been going on for him this year, and then tried to fit 6 hours daily practicing into it...
I have to stop myself when I think about Jimin. He has such latent intensity, like a glamour, a force field around him... it's like a black hole that sucks everything, including you, into him and his world. It scares me.
I know I whine about Jimin biases but y'all amaze me ngl. It takes a special fortitude of heart to bias Jimin. This post already sounds incredibly effusive, but I don't believe I'm exaggerating when I say he's a truly beautiful person. It's almost as though the world does not deserve him. It's impossible to not love him, desire him, care for him... want more sooner for him. I see all that, but I also see that man is stubborn as fuck.
He took his time to start work on his solo album. The middle of the Vegas concerts is when he said he suddenly came to his senses, shook himself out of that trance, and earnestly started putting together the FACE project. He'd written songs before, but FACE was its own thing. The personal stories he chose to communicate, the care in lyricism and production, the quality... Jimin created art in FACE and trusted that those who care for nothing but the best, will love it.
That's sexy, but the way he went about it also betrays a conservatism in him. It's a shadow of the edge in him, that thing about him that causes a tinge of anxiety when you watch him too closely.
I'm not sure if I'm making sense, but what I mean to say is you need a special kind of courage to bias and love Jimin. I recognize that. When I write what I do here, I always remember that. I also have very little respect for solos. And those two sentiments aren't mutually exclusive.
But taking it back to Face-off, my favourite thing about it is Jimin's sense of humour and skill coming through in the song, as well as how he enunciates his words. To really hear the switch in his tone, you need to stream in this order:
Like Crazy > Alone > Set Me Free Pt 2 > Face-off
By the time you get to Face-off, Jimin's voice has already gone through every variation possible, but then he brings out a tone I've heard only one other artist do well (Rihanna), and that tone is disgust.
Pure, refined sass. And he's already got the sauciest voice in k-pop.
The melodic and tonal choices Jimin makes at these timestamps fucks with my head:
1:53 - 2:08;
2:16 - 2:25;
2:41 - 2:56....
(lol, at this rate you might as well just listen to the whole song again.) Jimin is fantastic in the whole thing.
Europe is where Jimin belongs, but America would eat Jimin up too. The country already does if we're being real, America already loves Jimin. But given the right concept, Jimin would devour because he always does, and the world should get to see it. I hope I get to see more of it. As I've said before, if you feel inclined to communicate that to BigHit, I strongly suggest you do.
During Suchwita, Hobi showed how he's planned content for fans almost years in advance. It's possible Jimin does this too, planning music and content for fans to see months later... (So we might not learn why he went to London, for months...)
Yeah... I don't have the strength of heart to bias Jimin. Good luck to y'all.
...that was kind of a lot lool. So to calm down, Jimin:
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Anyway, sorry I rambled. Face-off is a really good song and Jimin did an excellent job on it. The whole project is very good so I can't wait for the next songs we get from him. Shit can't get worse than BB deleting D2C sales so on the bright side, we can only go up from here, and for Jimin who already owns the record as the first soloist in history to debut #1 on the Billboard Hot 100, up will be a good spot to be.
Stream Like Crazy, Seven, All Day, and HUH?!
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Life is suffering.
I'm struggling to hold it together long enough to finish the semester but it's going Not Well. The good gnus is I have finished a few short stories. The bad gnus is ... Everything else. I'll need to figure out when to post some of the stuff from the past few months because I'm never sure if I should be aiming for "peak hours" or just post it whenever is convenient. Unfortunately, I've been to exhausted to do anything other than work and such for a while now. I'm hoping that in a few weeks when I finish my finals I'll be able to unwind a bit and get some housekeeping stuff done. I also need to figure out what stories I've actually posted here and what I still have left to share. I know I did some CDE recently as well as the first stage of a slow(ish) macro growth story which I don't think has been posted here. I feel like I've also done some one shot stuff.
I'll try to give a brief recap of the past few months because I know people have been asking but also I know that most people don't want to have to scroll past a massive block of text so I'll keep it snappy.
I'm in an upper division accounting class. The final class I need to finish my bachelor's in accounting degree. The professor has structured the entire class around being a group oriented endeavor. All assignments (sans exams) are group projects. You'd think being an upper division course, everyone would be knowledgeable in the field and have at least the bare minimum moral fortitude and work ethic but you'd be wrong. My group has refused to do any work and since I dont want to fail because of other people I've been doing the work of 5 people by myself which is a huge part of why I'm so worn out.
I've spoken with the proff about it and at first she seemed to be on my side. Literally the whole class knows I'm the only one in my group doing work. During all the presentations I'm the only one who speaks and when the other members are forced to speak/answer questions they have no idea what to say. Like I've literally written briefs for them so they'd at least have something to say and they refuse to even read that.
A few weeks ago the proff pulled me aside after class and said that she'd grade my work separately from the rest of my group and that I should do the final assignment (which is like 40% of the class grade) solo and leave the rest of the group to handle themselves. I did the entire assignment by myself and emailed it to her rather than submitting it through the group portal. She responds to my email and said she has no idea why I would email her directly and told me i was supposed to use the group portal. She has no memory of us every talkin about the group issues so now the rest of the group are getting my grade on the final project even tho they didn't do anything. I haven't even heard from them in weeks. To make matters worse the proff never changed my grades and so I have the grades for the rest of the group (which are very low because we are graded on the participation of the whole group and since most of the group never participates in the presentation, and when they do they don't know anything about the subject I'm getting graded down for them not doing their job.)
I have a few more weeks and a few more assignments left of this shit. I just need to survive til mid may. Hopefully I don't crash and burn completely.
In other gnus. Things at work have been insane. I've been doing triple duty there as well. I work two jobs. One is a salary job which is tough to really say how much I actually do there ( but even then my salary is only 800 a month so it's not meant to be a full time job). On top of that I have my hourly work. I've been putting in over 100 hours at the hourly work pretty consistently lately.
On top of all that ny grandmother passed away at the start of the month. I ended up on an impromptu road trip to go to the funeral and deal with family stuff all while keeping up with work and school. I'm back home now but I'm extra exhausted and also down bad with the Rona. I'm tired and sore and sick and cranky as all get out.
But hopefully... I just need a few more weeks.
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walkawaytall · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars Original Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Leia Organa/Han Solo, Leia Organa & Luke Skywalker Characters: Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo Additional Tags: Leia Organa Needs a Hug, Hopeful Ending, POV Leia Organa, 5+1 Things, Angst with a Happy Ending, Movie: Star Wars: A New Hope, Movie: Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, Movie: Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, Destruction of Alderaan (Star Wars), Carbonite Freezing (Star Wars), Echo Base (Star Wars), Post-Battle of Endor (Star Wars), Vignette, (sort of) Summary:
Five times Leia Organa lost everything and one time she didn't.
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actualtays · 2 years
Her Odyssey: Character Creation
Welcome to Actual Tays, the blog where I (@taylorannnx) play solo games and write them down like I'm back in my teen days writing fanfiction. (Please note, none of this content is sponsored, I just miss writing fanfiction but also TTRPGs are my life now.)
Today we are starting Her Odyssey by S. Kaiya J, which is a solo journaling RPG powered by Caltrop Core (created by @titanomachyrpg).
Her Odyssey is a solo journaling RPG about a wanderer trying to return home - or find a new home. Built on Caltrop Core, this game allows you to build a rich world, create a character backstory, explore an ongoing adventure, or all three at once - with nothing more than a deck of standard playing cards and a handful of d4s.
As inspiration beyond the loose parameters of the game, I'm going to be using the Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks to help me with worldbuilding and inspiration for story elements. Will this game be cliché heavy? Probably, but you've been warned.
You can vote on which game variation I play with over on Twitter.
In Part 0 of this game, I will be creating my character by assigning stat points and answering the awesome "Who Is Your Wanderer?" prompt questions.
The Character: The Stats
In this game, you have 11 points to assign across three statistics: Vitality, Quickness, and Fortitude.
Vitality (fire; bodily strength and force of presence): 2
Quickness (air; cunning wit and dexterous body): 4
Fortitude (earth; steadfastness and self-belief): 5
The Character: Introduction
"My name is Alba Clarke, I use she/her pronouns, and I am looking for my husband, Peter Clarke. He is an officer in the tenth battalion of the fifty-first regiment. Have you seen him? I'm his next of kin and no one will tell me where he is."
The guard, in their dust-smeared tangerine uniform, pushed air disdainfully out from their nose but otherwise ignored the short woman standing in the ruined street before them.
"Please," Alba continued, clutching the grimy knit shawl around her shoulders as a gritty breeze began to pick up. "I've been walking for days. I left behind anyone who survived to find him. I need your help."
The guard shifted and raised a weathered hand to lift their neckerchief over their mouth. Their eyes seemed unfocused, resting on a disintegrating flyer clinging desperately to a downed telephone pole across the street.
Alba grumbled and kicked the deflated tire of a rusting green car as she turned away. The impact sent a shock up her leg, and she winced twice: once from the pain, and again from the embarrassment of the high-pitched squeak that surely did not escape the guards notice. Clutching the strap of the worryingly light satchel around her shoulder, Alba stalked off down the cracked pavements, careful not to trip on the weeds bursting up from the ground.
She thought of her husband, and of their home, a place of love and safety, now lost to intentional destruction and endless waves of the undead. The wooden stairs that had been lined with their wedding photos and post-it note reminders. The glass was all smashed now, scattered like caltrops on top of splintered steps that prevented anyone from reaching the top floor. The notes reduced to ash in an attempt to start a fire. She remembered the bedroom, bright and open with cream walls and large windows to curl up reading books. Now they were blackened with mould, and the windows had been taped up with cardboard, then taped up again to stop anything from seeing movement from within.
As the whistling of the wind swelled into a roar, the bang of a bin tumbling over startled Alba out of her thoughts for long enough to notice a shadow looming from behind her in the afternoon sun. She turned, and saw a familiar shambling shape turn into the road. Her chest tightened and her knees quaked as she heard the guard shout something into a walkie-talkie before retreating rapidly down an alley. Quickly averting her eyes, Alba quickened her pace away from the animated remains of her mother and on towards the next orange speck in the distance who might hopefully be a little kinder.
Reminder: You can vote on which game variation I play with over on Twitter.
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inkofamethyst · 2 years
March 6, 2023
Auditions are so exhausting.  I mean, and this was a solo that I don’t even really care all that much about?  Like yeah it fits in my range quite nicely, but this go round I wasn’t trying to get myself out of a weird choir part (actually, it’s the most fun part this semester in my opinion, which would make it a bit of a shame if I did get the solo (which is cool and all, but relatively short), but alas), so eh.  Even if I wasn’t nearly as motivated as in previous semesters, I’ve still been affected by The Audition Blues, as I like to call them (or maybe I’m just tired because it’s nearly 11 and I’ve been up since 7 without a nap), and that sucks.  Don’t even think I have the fortitude to stay up to when decisions are posted tonight.
Today I’m thankful that my cello-friend’s chamber piece is really coming together!!  Mine isn’t, not really, but that’s okay, I think.  I was more or less doing it for the experience, and now I’ve got it I guess lol.  But this isn’t the time for that.  I’m expressing gratitude for the fact that I may have the opportunity to perform with some really talented and hardworking musicians in a really cool piece that my cello-friend put together, and I’m as excited for him as I am for myself, I think (assuming we do well at yet another audition in a few days).
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hillslicensing-blog · 6 months
Harley Vests for Women: The Meaning of Freedom with the best leather biker vest
New Post has been published on https://ashipwreckinthesand.com/harley-vests-for-women-the-meaning-of-freedom-with-the-best-leather-biker-vest/
Harley Vests for Women: The Meaning of Freedom with the best leather biker vest
The open road, a symphony of roaring motors under the great sky, draws those who seek independence and adventure. In this crowd of enthusiasts, women bikers stand out with strength, independence, and flair. The ladies harley vest, a sign of the trip rather than the destination, is fundamental to their wardrobe.
Harley vests were popular with early motorcyclists who wanted protection and style. Women use this clothing to express their tales, accomplishments, and recollections. Each patch, stitch, and worn mark tells a story as unique as the rider.
Vest materials vary as much as personalities. Leather is still popular because it protects against the weather and connects to motorcycling’s history. With its versatility and informal appeal, Denim is a lighter, more approachable choice, reflecting the laid-back bicycling culture. Functionality and personal statement define the vest, regardless of material.
Function extends beyond material to design and features. External and internal pockets are carefully designed to hold keys, phones, and wallets without compromising the vest’s slim silhouette. From fast rides to leisurely strolls, adjustable sides suit the rider comfortably and stylishly. Practical design aspects emphasize a commitment to the rider’s experience, making the vest lived in rather than just worn.
These vests become a rider’s voyage diary with personalization. The fabric is covered in club, rally patches, and pins, creating a mosaic of experiences and affiliations. This personalization promotes community and individuality, letting riders proudly display their tales and relationships. The vest allows one to express oneself without words.
The vest’s goal is safety, even though aesthetics and personal expression often eclipse it. Reflective features are discreetly included in vest designs to improve visibility. This balance of safety and style represents a comprehensive awareness of rider needs—protection and expression perfectly integrated.
Beyond materials, usefulness, and safety, the Harley vest has a deeper, intangible soul. It symbolizes motorcycling’s freedom and independence and a connection to the road. It represents the fortitude to be different, embrace the adventure, and carve one’s own path. The vest is armor, protection, and a statement of the rider’s spirit.
The Harley vest is crucial to women’s riding culture. It symbolizes empowerment, rejection of convention, and self-discovery. In meetings, on solo rides, or as regular wear, the vest symbolizes community, shared passions, and the unspoken tie between motorcyclists.
Finally, the ladies’ Harley vest is a travel companion, a storyteller, and a symbol of women riders’ tenacity. As the countryside passes, the vest remains a constant, a bit of the wide road woven into their lives and a reminder of the voyage and the miles yet to come. Not only where you’re going or have gone, but who you are—a rider, adventurer, storyteller. All vests embody this essence, a bit of the open-road fantasy.
Weaving Identity and Adventure via Ladies’ Motorcycle Vests
Among the loud engines and the whisper of the wind against the wide road, the ladies’ motorbike vest symbolizes identity, freedom, and solidarity. Women riders’ clothing is a statement of uniqueness, a shield of resistance, and a canvas for self-expression.
The fabric choice of these vests is vital to their story. Leather has long been the foundation of motorcycle gear due to its durability and traditional style. Its ageless charm and protection from the elements and asphalt reflect motorcycling culture’s rich heritage. Reinforced denim and synthetic textiles have joined leather to meet varied purposes. These materials combine history and innovation to offer weight, flexibility, and stylistic variants while keeping the vest’s strength and freedom.
Design and utility blend seamlessly in these vests. Thoughtfully integrated elements like adequate pocket space for personal goods and adjustable straps for a tailored fit make the vest useful and significant. These aspects demonstrate an awareness of riding’s practicality, balancing convenience and accessibility with the need for a unique vest.
Customization makes the motorbike vest a personal emblem. Patches, needlework, and pins are more than decorations—they’re badges of honor, emblems of belonging, and milestone markers. Each addition visually documents the rider’s trip, from rallies to clubs and causes. This tapestry of personal and common experiences gives riders a strong sense of identification and belonging.
While less obvious, these vests incorporate safety in subtle yet crucial ways. Designs often use reflective elements and high-visibility hues to satisfy aesthetic preferences and road users’ visibility needs. This safety feature integration emphasizes the vest’s dual role as a statement of self and a road safety device.
The motorbike vest has excellent meaning for women riders. It represents the independence of two wheels, the empowerment of taking charge of one’s trip, and the camaraderie of people who share this desire. Motorcycle riders and women seeking independence and self-expression use the vest as a symbol. It represents a break from tradition, risk-taking, and celebrating women riders’ strength and energy.
The ladies’ motorbike vest evolved with the culture and perception of women motorcyclists. Once considered accessories or anomalies in the motorcycle world, women have carved out their own niche, altering the culture to honor their contributions, leadership, and road rights. The vest symbolizes this progression and future paths.
The wearer creates a vest to express freedom, overcome limitations, and pursue personal growth and adventure, just like riding. From material to design to insignia, each option reflects the rider’s identity, ideals, and adventure.
Ultimately, the women’s motorbike vest is more than clothing. It symbolizes independence, bravery, and sisterhood. With each mile and encounter, it writes a new story. In motorcycling, where the road is a physical and figurative journey to discovery, the vest is a constant companion, defender, and soul canvas. Every stitch and patch represents the travel, adventure, and tenacious will of women who follow the open road.
In women’s motorcycling, the vest dresses the body and encases the spirit, echoing personal and collective adventures. This outfit transcends its physical utility to symbolize female empowerment, breaking social bonds, and togetherness among women motorcyclists. It’s a visual discourse of resilience, a patchwork of accomplishments, and a shared narrative of journeys and obstacles. The Harley vest, designed for women, is a cultural item in the motorcycle community, symbolizing independence, sisterhood, and rebellion. Each vest, with its own story, inspires more women to ride motorcycles. Women challenge norms and leave a legacy for future bikers with this style choice. The vest is a proclamation of independence, a piece of armor in the search of freedom, and a canvas on which innumerable adventures are engraved, saluting women riders everywhere’s indomitable spirit.
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consideratesea · 10 months
my friend is looking over some poetry I'm working on and I want you guys to read an exchange we had if you have the fortitude for a long personal post lmao anyway, read on and take in as able:
FRIEND: I sense a "call of the void" but I am confused how it fits with the theater. Other than playing a dying character. What is the void onstage? What pulls you back there?
ME: ah. I think my personal lived experience is getting in the way here? the theatre IS a void. some of them are literally called black boxes. you can lose yourself watching a play. and while you're on stage you mostly can't see the audience! if you're lit well you're staring out into a black wall (and god help you if you have to look at or avoid eye contact strategically with the audience instead you just pray they're making the right facial expressions lmao)
I also find stage fright to be a sort of void like I have almost blacked out before shows lol my skin gets all purple and I'm sweating and freezing and have a completely blank brain and then I'm on stage for 30 seconds and it mostly goes away haha. and it's not the same but near akin to that is when you know your lines or your solo or song or dance or monologue or whatever so well that you fly into autopilot and leave your body and watch yourself in the damn show (until of course you REmEMbeR what you're doing and slam back to earth)
there were also many many times in my high school and college years where I would be in an auditorium or theatre (seating near 500 in hs and 1500 in college) alone, with all or most of the lights off. I was sometimes in there for a legitimate reason and I was sometimes in there because I had snuck in but it was a quiet place to breathe. to think. and I was never walked in on, which was such a rare gift in my life, to just be secure in my aloneness.
so who knows how all that may get translated into this stanza haha
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trastornadosrevista · 11 months
¡Prepara tus oídos para la experiencia musical más intensa del año! Gojira y Mastodon, dos de las bandas más influyentes de la escena del metal mundial llegarán a Buenos Aires de la mano de su "Mega Monster Tour 2023". Un evento único, que promete hacer historia y representa una oportunidad de lujo e irrepetible para los amantes del metal y el rock progresivo.
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Gojira, una de las bandas más aclamadas de la escena musical actual por su enfoque artístico musical, la profundidad de sus letras y la complejidad de sus composiciones que buscan expresar de alguna manera la naturaleza dual del bien y el mal de la humanidad a través de un sonido denso y oscuro pero atravesado a la vez por melodías extraordinariamente pegadizas capaces de hacer vibrar a las multitudes.
"No puedo evitar ver a la humanidad como un parásito", -comenta el guitarrista y principal compositor de Gojira Joe Duplantier-, "sin embargo, las cosas más hermosas surgen de los seres humanos". Bajo este enfoque el cuarteto francés, compuesto por los hermanos Duplantier, (Joe en la guitarra y Mario en la batería), Christian Andreu en la guitarra y Jean-Michel Labadie en el bajo, han creado en el 2021 el disco “Fortitude” en el 2021 con letras que encajan perfectamente dentro del escenario post-pandemico y se convierten en un verdadero estigma motivacional para seguir adelante.
Por su parte, la emblemática banda de rock progresivo, Mastodon, con una carrera de 21 años a cuestas, es una agrupación que ha cambiado por completo el curso del metal del siglo XXI, con una marcada influencia en la cultura pop, ganadores del Grammy, dueños del top ten de las listas de Billboard, ha lanzado en septiembre de 2021, “Hushed and Grim” una obra maestra que trasciende los límites del metal y toca las fibras más profundas de la experiencia humana. En un mundo incierto y lleno de desafíos, su música nos recuerda que no estamos solos y que siempre hay esperanza en medio de la oscuridad.
¡Gojira-Mastodon Mega Monster Tour 2023!, un espectáculo sin precedentes, prepárate para vivir una velada llena de pasión, poder y la mejor música que el mundo del metal y el rock progresivo tienen para ofrecer.
Entradas: https://www.movistararena.com.ar/
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[ having quietly broke away at the start the senior quietly wandered, her hand brushing across the books….what a wide selection…did it record everything…? Did it have records on….that. New goal she quickly sped up. Halting as she peeked at a book labeled simply “wine”….surely it wouldn’t be too bad. Right? Just a little while..she could stay a little while….a sudden tap on her shoulder ]
[ HOLYCARMENWHOTHE- very startled she quickly attempted a strike only for the individual to lazily bend to the side. ]
“….Lord Netzach…?”
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moochilatv · 1 year
Gojira y Mastodon en Argentina
Mega Monster Tour 2023
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Arrancó la venta general para el show de @gojiraofficial y @mastodonrocks el 17 de noviembre en el @movistararenaar
Tickets disponibles en https://tickets.movistararena.com.ar/landing/12591-gojira-y-mastodon
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¡Prepara tus oídos para la experiencia musical más intensa del año! Gojira y Mastodon, dos de las bandas más influyentes de la escena del metal mundial llegarán a Buenos Aires de la mano de su "Mega Monster Tour 2023". Un evento único, que promete hacer historia y representa una oportunidad de lujo e irrepetible para los amantes del metal y el rock progresivo.
Gojira, una de las bandas más aclamadas de la escena musical actual por su enfoque artístico musical, la profundidad de sus letras y la complejidad de sus composiciones que buscan expresar de alguna manera la naturaleza dual del bien y el mal de la humanidad a través de un sonido denso y oscuro pero atravesado a la vez por melodías extraordinariamente pegadizas capaces de hacer vibrar a las multitudes.
"No puedo evitar ver a la humanidad como un parásito", -comenta el guitarrista y principal compositor de Gojira Joe Duplantier-, "sin embargo, las cosas más hermosas surgen de los seres humanos". Bajo este enfoque el cuarteto francés, compuesto por los hermanos Duplantier, (Joe en la guitarra y Mario en la batería), Christian Andreu en la guitarra y Jean-Michel Labadie en el bajo, han creado en el 2021 el disco “Fortitude” en el 2021 con letras que encajan perfectamente dentro del escenario post-pandémico y se convierten en un verdadero estigma motivacional para seguir adelante.
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Por su parte, la emblemática banda de rock progresivo, Mastodon, con una carrera de 21 años a cuestas, es una agrupación que ha cambiado por completo el curso del metal del siglo XXI, con una marcada influencia en la cultura pop, ganadores del Grammy, dueños del top ten de las listas de Billboard, ha lanzado en septiembre de 2021, “Hushed and Grim” una obra maestra que trasciende los límites del metal y toca las fibras más profundas de la experiencia humana. En un mundo incierto y lleno de desafíos, su música nos recuerda que no estamos solos y que siempre hay esperanza en medio de la oscuridad.
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askclaudia · 1 year
Met Gala Post Mortem
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when you tell me the Met Gala theme is Karl Lagerfeld, I know what to expect. lots of monochrome, black & white, pearls, tweed, black leather, gloves, sunglasses and Chanel. not expecting the avant garde or interesting for this theme because Karl was neither of those things for me - if I could say something positive it would be I expect great tailoring - Karl always looked well tailored. well now that the gala is over and the pictures are out, let's do an autopsy of what was worn at met gala 2023. kicking it off is the belle of the met gala ball - Rihanna. Rih can do no wrong in my book, she looked adorable while pregnant and dressed like a Valentino wedding cake covered in camelia flowers. the lashes on the sunglasses were a reference to vintage Chanel sunnies designed by Karl. my favorite part of Rih’s look was her rocking a 9 carat diamond ring as a toe ring. the worst part of Rih’s outfit was A$AP Rocky. this man had the nerve to stand next to Rihanna at the Met Gala in bedazzled denim. the worst part, the denim was topped with a plaid kilt with a train. if you’re gonna wear a kilt at least have the fortitude to skip the pants. why even try to stand out at the Met Gala next to Rihanna, just be happy you’re her date and don’t embarrass her - that’s your only job. Cardi B never disappoints - she’s a true NYC princess fashion it girl. she wore multiple outfits of course, but this was my favorite. she looked like a cute cake topper in her Chenpeng Studio gown featuring camelias and Chanel signature quilting in black pvc/latex, a white collar and black tie - a signature of Karl’s. she also wore her hair silver as another nod to Lagerfeld. Doja Cat came as Karl’s beloved pet cat Choupette. her look featured a hooded Oscar de la Renta gown with kitty ears & facial prosthetic makeup to make her look like like an actual feline. if there’s one thing I love about Doja, she’s gonna commit to the bit. she even gave carpet interviews as a cat - responding only in meows for some of them. Cara Delevingne came to fuck your bitch and do all the cocaine, that’s the vibe she’s giving and I respect it. Cara resurrected Karl’s ghost with her look - silver platinum hair & fingerless black leather gloves a nod to the deceased’s signature look. her outfit was designed by Karl himself. a crispy clean white mini shirt dress with a dramatic cape, leather thigh high leg warmers with simple black ankle strap heels. Caresha aka Yung Miami of the City Girls showed out for her first Met Gala carpet. she absolutely stunned in a custom Chanel gown dripping in pearls featuring an extra dramatic neckline in black tulle. this was such a strong Met Gala debut look. my only critique is the makeup, not loving the cut crease eye shadow, I would’ve preferred a smoldering black smokey eye and devastating red lips. one of the biggest personal disappointments of the night for me was Naomi Campbell. she came in 2010 Chanel couture, but as a muse of the man's I expected more than pink silk satin with silver embellishments. she's worn so many iconic Chanel runway looks I cannot understand why she chose that one. another thing that made me sad about her was she's overdoing filler to the point where her features are changing.  Anne Hathaway, one of my personal favs of the night. she gave us a deconstructed tweed high slit Versace gown w camelia flowers for cups adorned in gold and pearl safety pin style broaches. Gisele has been glowing in every picture I’ve seen her in since she divorced football man. attending the Met Gala solo for the first time in 15 years, Gisele relived her Lagerfeld Chanel moment by wearing the archival bridal Chanel gown that she wore for a 2007 Harper’s Bazaar editorial photo shoot. Kim is always gonna serve baddie but I was really surprised that she invoked her Playboy spread with a pearl draping Schiparelli dress. my gripe is that she could’ve bared midsection instead of giving us Spanx/Skims and the necklace was unnecessary. the best accessory is her dramatic layered shawl. If Kylie is gonna do one thing, she’s gonna serve a fast fashion look. Kylie has the rare talent of being able to take something elegant and expensive like this silk satin lined Haider Ackermann for Jean Paul Gaultier dress and make it look like a stretch polyester bodycon dress. Keke Palmer wore a look that aged her so much I thought she was Angela Bassett at first. everything about the look from the hair to the shawl was more appropriate for a woman 20 years older than her. her tweed mermaid Sergio Hudson gown did at least accentuate her fantastic figure. I also feel like her necklace was stolen, it looks like it’s missing. dropping your first viral single to the met gala in one year, Ice Spice’s career is on warp speed and I’m happy for her. Anna Wintour extended her a last minute invite, as a result she didn’t have time to tailor her white sequin cutout Balmain dressall in all a predictable Met Gala given the theme. conspicuously missing was Megan Thee Stallion & Nicki Minaj. I hope Anna revoked Nicki’s Met Gala passes for showing up looking like a pilgrim’s shoe for years. In my fashion fanfic world Anna chose Cardi over Nicki and snubbed Meg for Ice Spice. Gallery Anna is so committed to her bit - never serving.Sora Choi in Thom Browne triggered all of my bisexual androgynous daddy tendenciesKendal showed up in a recycled Lady Gaga street look from 2012tfw you divorced Tom Brady and took his life force with youRussell Westbrook wore call center ballet flatsRami Malek came as a busboyPete Davidson came as Inspector Gadget Subway Flasherit looks like a maxipad and sexy pope costume at the same timeParis Hilton is boringMindy Kaling's facial expression is exactly how I feel about her lookif there's one thing Mary J Blige is gonna do, it's a thigh high bootLil Nas X came as Karl's cat Choupette and successfully photobombed every person who walked the carpet behind himKristen Stewart looks like she reeks of stale cigarette smoke in this lookJennie Kim's dress looks like an off the rack Jessica McClintock prom dress from 2005Jared Leto came as a furryErykah Badu came as the shaman that guides you on your ayahuasca tripDiddy as Sean John Snowyou cannot convince me that isn't a Baby Phat puffer jacket Previous image Next image Read the full article
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shearintegrity · 2 years
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Posted @withregram • @hairpins__by_damian_monzillo “Purple is the colour that Used to be Reserved for royalty only. Perhaps it used to Leave them feeling Ever so slightly lonely? (an Acrostic) “.—John Carter Brown “When I think of women I have worked with that I admire: Jamie Lee Curtis, Viola Davis, Judith Light, so many others - they have a light of kindness, encouragement, and humility. They inspire me beyond words." — @alysiareiner in conversation with VIEWTIES. Download this as a solo story in digital at viewties.co.uk [or at the Link in bio] Such an Amazing collaboration between open visual people.I love working with true visionaries at heart and mind. I used black curved backbone and fortitude black straight mettle. Interview @vanmiraglia Photography © @thomasconcordia Hair by: @damianmonzillo @hairpins__by_damian_monzillo Makeup by: @studiobriandean Stylist: @dobs_ny Assist: Azra Somay Alysia is wearing purple dress by Donald Deal @donalddeal LONG Black & White dress by Donald Deal @donalddeal POLKADOT DRESS VINTAGE @betseyjohnson from @shoprepurpose ALL SHOES @shoprepurpose ALL THE jewelry @felixzdesigns Special thanks to Contra Studios @contrastudios PR: Amanda Abelita – Abelita PR @abelita_pr #hairpinsbydamianmonzillo ™ #hairbydamianmonzillo ™ #damianmonzillo ™ #qualitynotquantity #SnapBackPins #bobbypin #hairpins #hairgrips #bungees #hairdressing #hairdresser #hairstylist #hairstyle #hairsalon #beauty #hairstyling #instahair #behindthechair #hairdo #hairdresserlife #hairfashion #AlysiaReiner #MsMarvel #Marvel #JamieLeeCurtis #ViolaDavis #JudithLight (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqPTuhLM2ba/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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walkawaytall · 1 year
My Han/Leia Fics by Era: Return of the Jedi and beyond
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I've written like 20 one-shots this year and figured I'd categorize them by eras, as decided on by me. Here's all the stuff set either during Return of the Jedi or shortly thereafter, listed from shortest to longest. I think the farthest in the future these get is a few years post-ROTJ, but I like to pretend our favorite scoundrel and princess lived quite literally happily ever after.
A Tolerable Sort of Hell One-shot | 923 words | G General vibe: hurt/comfort, a bit angsty, a bit mushy, hopeful ending.
Summary: Still half-blind, still recovering from hibernation sickness, Han Solo slips in and out of the present during the hours immediately following his rescue.
Presumptuous Man One-shot | 1631 words | G General vibe: mild peril, humor, a bit of romance.
Summary: Han is concussed during a mission and has made that Leia’s problem.
Tell Your Sister One-shot | 1731 words | G General vibe: Leia reacting to Anakin's last words, supportive Han, a bit of dark humor.
Summary: Anakin Skywalker had some of the worst last words ever uttered by a human being. Leia has an appropriate reaction upon hearing them.
Reconstitution One-shot | 2058 words | T General vibe: angsty, bittersweet, a post-war exploration of PTSD and adjusting, hopeful ending.
Summary: Life after the war is different than what Leia expected. Not bad different; just different.
A Leia/Han slice of life sort of thing set shortly after the New Republic is established. Also, I think this is my favorite of everything I've written so far.
All the Voices One-shot | 2138 words | G General vibe: fluff, mostly just a bunch of cutesy fluff involving Han being excited to be a dad.
Summary: Pregnancy causes Leia's bad dreams to get worse. The solution? A nighttime routine involving Han telling ridiculous bedtime stories to their unborn child.
Fortitude One-shot | 2610 words | G General vibe: angsty, sad, hopeful ending.
Summary: Five times Leia Organa lost everything and one time she didn't.
(This isn't exclusively ROTJ, but about half of the scenes take place during and after ROTJ, so I'm just throwing it in here.)
Every Version of You One-shot | 2872 words | T General vibe: angsty, hurt/comfort, hopeful ending.
Summary: Leia prepares herself for the aftermath of revealing her parentage to Han.
Opportunistic One-shot | 3550 words | T General vibe: moderate suspense/peril, hurt/comfort, angsty Leia.
Summary: Leia goes rogue in Jabba's palace.
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captainpikeachu · 4 years
I need to really make a post about all the reasons that I love Nile.
- she got to have her own solo arc, her own solo fight, she gets to have agency, the story allows for her to have a choice, something that even the comics didn’t even give her
- she might be the new kid on the block but she is not belittled, or treated like she’s an idiot who needs older people to tell her what to do, nope, she might be “a kid”, but she is just as competent and intelligent as the rest, the future legacy of the immortals is in good hands with her
- her moral fortitude, I respect her so much for that, she knows that she might have to kill but she doesn’t want to become some unfeeling killing machine
- she won’t leave anyone behind
- her kindness, to the kids she was interacting with, and to Booker at the end
- “it wasn’t your gift to give” - seriously I love that she suffers no fools, I love that she’s not going the route that so often these movies can do with the whole “well greater good matters more than personal autonomy”
- her refusal to let Andy give up, and showing Andy and the team that they do have purpose and what they do matters
- she has the one brain cell
- except when she shot her own foot when she could have just told Copley she’s new LOL
Anyways, I just want to say that Nile Freeman is so awesome and I love her and I can’t wait for more of her in the sequel!
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