#Former COAS
tracknews1 · 2 months
Those Agitating For Nigeria’s Division Are Dreamers - Former COAS, Buratai
Former Chief of Army Staff, Lt. Gen Tukur Buratai, has urged those wishing Nigeria disintegrate to perish the thought, predicting that the country would continue to remain a united nation. Buratai spoke in Kuta, Osun State on Sunday at the 60th birthday celebration of Olowu of Kuta, Oba Adekunle Oyelude, an event attended by dignitaries that include; Ooni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Ogunwusi,…
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fideidefenswhore · 4 months
the real question is: are we ever going to get an anne of cleves biopic?
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mizu0xox0 · 8 months
Emergency Transport Luchino x gn reader headcannons
(this was written and based on the skin descriptions for all the COA 7 skins. This wasn't based on any COA 7 lore as it hasn't been released yet. Also not proofread)
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-Emergency Transport Luchino who was your loving husband before the whole world turned upside down and he still is, the only difference was his hatred towards these life devouring creatures that had appeared seemingly out of nowhere.
-Emergency Transport Luchino whose hatred was fueled even more when you had gotten infected and were placed under observation by the research team. You were kept in a room for the researcher's safety. Every now and then Luchino would visit you and when he does all he can do is speak and look at you with a glass wall acting as a barrier from him touching you. At times he would try his best not to cry when you put your hand against the glass as he does the same, he wishes to feel your touch even just once is enough for him.
-Emergency Transport Luchino who embarks on an expedition with Pioneer Research, Mycology, Doomsday Rescuer and Rare Case. As Luchino operates the vehicle to their location, he feels envy at times when the rear view mirror catches a glimmer of Doomsday Rescuer and Rare Case acting affectionately at the backseat. It painfully reminds him of how he used to be able to hold you, kiss you and touch you. Yet now that was just a fleeting dream as there was a glass barrier separating the both of you.
-As they ventured further down the hole and to the source that caused this all. Emergency Transport Luchino who has to remind himself that each step he takes, he’ll be closer to knowing the truth and hopefully finding a cure for you as your condition worsened gradually day by day. Your agonizing shrieks of pain haunt him as he saw a white parasite growing out of your left eye the day before he left for the expedition. How he wishes he could have broken that glass barrier and held you in his arms to comfort you in his embrace. But that didn’t matter for now as the team went deeper into the hole.
-Emergency Transport Luchino who exits the source with the rest of the team and heads back to the safe place. However they weren’t the same as they were before leaving. The facility is in shambles with the researchers fleeing the place as bright red alarms flashed and sounded noisily.Leaving you behind as you laid in a corner of your ‘enclosure’ only for the glass that kept you from the others to be shattered.
-Emergency Transport Luchino who embraces you in his arms after all could you blame him? It's been awhile but why now, what if he got infected by you? Were your first concerns however as he removed his mask. In front of you was no longer the man you loved but rather a husk of his former self or something akin to that.
-Emergency Transport Luchino who gave into his desires, even though he knew he shouldn't have.But how could he not when he saw you and him living in normalcy from the Lord Of Calamity, so he got infected willingly. But it's alright it was still him, just like you as he carried your weakened and fragile body through the hallways of blaring alarms and red flashing lights. This was what he hoped for wasn’t it? To touch you once more, to hold you close once more even if this wasn’t the outcome you both wanted in the end.
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Thank you for reading! I somehow managed to write this out thanks to the major brain rot I was having of this skin.
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Oops, I did it again
or rather my crazy sleep schedule and a sheer number of cups of coffee meant I didn't get much sleep last night, especially after this idea popped into my head and refused to leave until I jotted it down. So here's yet another Witching Hour Story Idea, yes that's what I call these weird story plots that slip into my mind. Anywhoooo, below the cut...Gods Im tired
Ten years ago the world as you knew it ended. It has come to be known as The Scouring, wherein a twenty four hour period, as the dawn swept across the face of the world, people simply vanished leaving no trace behind. In a single day ninety percent of the world's population had disappeared. Those who had advanced warning tried to outrun the morning light, world leaders took to the skies chasing the night in the hope that as long as they outran the day they would survive, there are tales of some planes and their crews who are still chasing that thin line in the belief that they can stay safe.
For the rest of the world however, life quickly devolved into a mad scramble for survival as survivors turned on one another in an effort to secure whatever remained of the world, that first year saw an even greater decrease in the remaining population. However those survivors did not have the peace of simply vanishing, no they died in brutal, bloody fights for survival. You are one of those who survived that bloody time.
Five years ago the world seemed to have come to some sense of equilibrium as something resembling society was carved from the ruins by warlords and peacekeepers across the globe, but whatever fragile peace the world had settled into was again destroyed when the veil fell. Across the world random survivors suddenly found themselves mutating traits many religions attributed to other worldly beings, in essence, over night, demons and angels became manifest.
The world was again thrown into turmoil as cults and fanatics rose to worship those who have, what they believe, is divine blood. It is only in the last year that things have finally settled into a new state of semi balance.
But for you, one of the Cambion, the simple life you have managed to scrape out of the apocalypse will be torn apart because of a simple reunion with someone you have long thought dead. You will now have to decide the fate of hundreds of thousands of lives along the west coast of North America as you become the central focus of a continent spanning conflict that has the potential to, once again, throw the world into turmoil.
Play as a Cis or Trans woman, with full customization over your physical appearance.
Customize your daemonic appearance with options that allow you to seem almost human, or simply embrace your daemonic essence and make yourself a walking war machine. Be warned however that not everyone responds well to such beings.
Play with literal hellfire as you wield unholy abilities on the field of battle, or use your minor reality warping abilities to ensure that cute dress fits your towering daemonic frame.
Manage your new fortress city of Portland after ripping it from the claws of a former employer to save an old flame and try to make life better for the humans living under your rule.
Befriend and/or romance your former girlfriend whom you thought died in The Scouring, a Nephilim fanatic who needs to learn to not judge a book by its cover, or both at the same time in a polyamorous triad.
Wage war against a fanatical cult led by a pair of Nephilim twins hell bent on recreating the world in their own image.
Romance Options
Misty May | Human | Your Former Girlfriend Age: 27 Height: 5’7” Build: Athletic Eye Color: Hazel Hair Color: Black Skin Tone: Coffee Notable Features: Multiple scars from struggling to survive the last ten years Character Traits: Quiet, Easily startled, Secretive Tropes: Trauma, First Love, Return From The Dead, Second Chances
Your first girlfriend, you assumed Misty had died during The Scouring while she was on the east coast visiting family. This is a belief you have held to in the ten years since the apocalypse. The two of you had been inseparable from the first moment she shoved a bully away from you in the first grade, that was Misty, always standing up for others and putting herself in harm's way if it meant someone else would be spared pain. You remember her near constant smile and quick wit with fondness and despite everything that has happened in the past ten years just the memory of her helps you go on.
Arial | Nephilim | The Stubborn Nephilim Age: 22 Height: 6’3” Build: Voluptuous Eye Color: Gold Hair Color: Silver Skin Tone: Olive Notable Features: Four large angelic wings, glowing eyes Character Traits: Stubborn, Dense, Loving Tropes: Enemies to Lovers, Forbidden Love, Coming Out
One of the humans who became a Nephilim, Arial was seventeen when her change occurred to the shock of her parents and the small community they had joined. Of the hundred members of the town only one other person changed, a seven year old boy manifested Cambion traits and these two distinct changes sent shockwaves through the people and seemed to send most of them into some form of madness. While Arial was uplifted and worshiped the young boy was locked away, beaten, tortured, and to Arial’s horror one morning he was sacrificed in front of her as the townsfolk believed she was an avatar of God. Arial ran away the next day but was soon found by a cult led by two Nephilim twins. Taking her in they manipulated her, twisting her mind to their belief system and eventually sent her out on her own to hunt Cambion, she was captured and imprisoned almost immediately. This is where you find her, locked away in a cell in the Portland fortress city.
Gabriella | Nephilim | Cult Leader
The insane leader of a militant cult spreading from Salt Lake City, Gabriella, along with her demented brother Michael, believe that it is their divine duty to rid the world of all Cambion as well as any Nephilim who will not bend the knee. Unlike her brother, Gabriella at first seems to have full control of her faculties, but her frequent lapses into inane and uncontrolled giggling seem to suggest otherwise.
Michael | Nephilim | Cult General
The de facto General of the cult's growing army, Michael spends more of his time engaging in incestuous relations with his sister than actually leading troops on the field of battle. Being just as insane as his sister, if not even more unstable, he believes that no one can defeat him in combat. His explosive outbursts when someone proves better than him at anything are well known among the cult.
Rubidor | Cambion | Your Aide-de-camp
Someone you could consider a friend, if you use the bare minimum of the meaning, Rubidor was your point of contact for jobs when passing through the area, that was before your unintended coup however. Now he is the only one you trust to see your orders are relayed to their respective recipients and even more importantly obeyed.
Lohi | Human | Rebel Leader
Lohi had spent four years building up his rebel group in the fortress city of Portland before you simply swept in and cut the head off the former ruler, taking his place as leader. All his plans have been disrupted because of this, but he is undeterred and is adamant that humanity will be free of the daemonic scourge that enslaves them.
Marky | Human | Insane Seeress
One of the few truly free humans living in Portland, Marky is nearly blind and each vision brings her closer to nevering being able to see light again. Despite this she remains relatively upbeat and is more than willing to lend her abilities to someone she considers worthy of her visions. Of course she did consider the former ruler of Portland worthy, so her definition may differ from most others.
Gram | Daemon | Your Multi-Great Grandmother
The only true daemon currently roaming the surface of the planet. Loves life in all its forms, but will burn it all to ash for her only grandchild. Bakes cupcakes in her spare time.
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wickedsrest-rp · 4 months
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Name: Booker Finlee Species: Human (Non-powered) Occupation: WRPD Detective Age: 55 Years Old Played By: Elliott Face Claim: Hugh Jackman
"Don't drink the tap water. There's got to be some kind of chemical leak around here."
TW: Parental death
Booker Finlee had a pretty normal childhood, as far as these things go. He grew up in the South Bronx of New York, attending public school and busying himself with a handful of various hobbies, his favorite of which was scavenger hunts. He’d beg his family to set them up once every few months, and his folks were always happy to oblige. It eventually became something of a tradition, and the best ones were always on his birthday. Booker’s mother was an elementary school teacher at the same school he attended, and his father was a radiologist at the nearby hospital. While teaching and medical careers had never interested him, his parents did manage to instill a deep thirst for knowledge in their son and give him an appreciation for the scientific method.
His appetite for solving puzzles had not diminished since childhood, and he became enamored with the concept of detectives and solving crimes like the guys in the movies; helping victims by bringing them the closure they deserved and protecting innocents from the ever-vague ‘bad guys’. When it came time for college, Booker attended NYU and earned his B.S. in Criminal Justice and Psychology. While at NYU, he met his future wife, Gloria. She was an Arts major, and as they say, opposites did in fact attract. Where Booker was quiet and contemplative, Gloria tended to be loud and spontaneous. He loved her more than he’d ever loved another human being, he thought. She kept him above ground, and he kept her from floating off into the clouds. They were perfect for each other, and got married while still attending school. They had their first child, Amos, when Booker was twenty-five, with another quickly following the next year who they named Avery.
Booker’s first job out of the police academy was as a CSI for the NYPD. This job meant long shifts, and he would often work twelve hour days, on weekends and even on holidays. As you might expect, this created a strained home life. After a few years of this, he jumped on the career track to becoming a police officer, seeing detective at the end of that four year tunnel and striving for it with deeply ingrained enthusiasm. He was going to do great work.
In 2004, five years after becoming a detective for the NYPD, his good friend and partner died on the job. What was supposed to be a relatively safe occupation suddenly was not, and Booker never fully recovered from the loss, instead withdrawing. He kept saying he was fine when he wasn’t, and he threw himself even more into his work to cope, often staying overnight at the office. In the same year, his parents both passed in an accident and the detective became a shell of his former self. His wife filed for divorce two years later, and moved with the kids to Maine after being granted majority custody. The last thing she ever asked of him was to please see a therapist. He did.
Booker never dated again after his wife left, settling down into a life of self-inflicted solitude. Work became his priority again, as well as maintaining a good relationship with his kids. They visited every other holiday and during the summers until they went off to college, and during those years, Booker made time to go visit them as often as possible. Both children ended up putting down roots in Portland, which acted as the catalyst for Booker’s decision to move closer. He eventually settled on Wicked’s Rest, after hearing his kids talk about the surprising number of missing persons cases and discovering that it had an open position for a police detective. They had visited the town in the past but couldn’t seem to recall anything especially strange, just that people would go missing there a lot. Intrigued, Booker decided it was time to uproot his life in the city and move to the coastal town up north. What could make so many folks disappear? Couldn’t be anything so bad as the violence he experienced in the city, he figured, but it was a question he wanted to answer. Besides, he’d be much closer to his family this way, and in his older age, he found himself less concerned with working himself to death and more concerned with having weekly dinners with his kids.
Character Facts:
Personality: Inquisitive, persistent, obstinate, guarded, lawful, observant, empathetic, altruistic, nescient
Booker is a true professional when it comes to his job, but outside of work he is a deeply unserious man. This is evident in both his dry sense of humor and his peculiar fashion choices. He likes loud shirts, but also greatly values comfort over everything else. This might explain his sock with sandals fixation, despite the protests of his children. 
He is generally soft spoken despite his gruff appearance suggesting otherwise, and his habit of silent observation and contemplation often makes it seem like he's grumpy when he's actually just deep in thought. 
He's a very ‘by the book’ (haha) kind of man. He always follows the rules, even to his own detriment. He is not naturally a violent person, preferring to talk his way out of situations, but he will use force to protect himself and innocent people if it comes to it. 
Despite being fairly private about his own life, he takes great interest in hearing about others and genuinely loves listening to people talk about their passions.
He has never encountered anything supernatural in his life, and has never believed anything that couldn’t be proven true—beyond a shadow of a doubt—by science.
His pet cat, Fresno, is a twenty-five pound blue Maine Coon with a spitfire personality. He is also leash trained, and Booker can be often spotted taking him on walks around town or on hikes. 
Booker’s son, Amos, has taken him to many paint bars, but the old detective has never been good with a brush. About ten years ago they started trying other crafts together, and Booker discovered a hidden talent for needle felting.
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@callsignbaphomet has opened the door to my opinions on magic in fallout ✨️ woe be upon ye <3
Okay okay okay sooooooooooo! This goes back all the way to my original playthrough of point lookout! Not only is this where we find the Necronomicon (I know its not called that but come one.) We see the Blackhall family praying and worshipping and reading from it. We are told it has power! The swamp people are drawn to it as well. In my mind it has to be able to give magical powers of some sort. Not to mention we are asked by Marcella to help destroy the book. Now I have a personal belief that her search for religious artifacts points to the artifacts having power as well.
Now my theory is we have 4 versions of magic that can be accessed, however none of them are arcane in nature. In fallout science is the stand in for arcane magics to me. The magic we are seeing is faith based, clerics, paladins, warlocks, etc. So let's talk about them one at a time.
ATOM: we see that the children of Atom have boons and benefits like immunity to radiation. They are the the most prevalent and widespread religion that we get to see. We see that they accept all of Atoms children. Ghouls of all types are seen as deeply connected to Atoms holy light! (It's why I theorize that Atom is at war with the eldritch entities but another time for that.) I feel like the CoA are capable of more feats than we get to see in game. Bethesda gave us a bit more of their capabilities in Far Harbor. We walked the hallucinations and we're guided to the answers we needed. I'm a big fan of the idea that the children are more important than we give credit for.
2. Ug-Qualtoth: they keep giving us locations and quests for this evil thing! He'll in the ttrpg they have an entire adventure associated! The two major characters we see tied to this are the Dunwich family and Lorenzo. The Dunwich family are directly tied to rituals, artifact finding, and sacrifices to the old gods which has given them extended lives and who knows what else! And with Lorenzo we get to see the effects his blood has not to mention the psychic powers he uses!! Oh and pickman too! His paintings are definitely related.
3. The Mothman: so this is the most recent addition to this ever growing web. But we see the effects of the mothman cults, we see that the Mothman can give you buffs and visions. The former church in 76 houses tomes you cannot read without keeping your connection to Mothman. It's ability to teleport in puffs of black smoke and prophetic abilities are undeniable.
4. I'll call this the miscellaneous section: we know ghosts are real (I'm counting them the more magical aspects of the games given supernatural entities and magic go hand in hand alot.) In Nukaworld we have the Ghoul magician who was capable of things that is more than just simple slight of hand. Going back to Marcella, she was searching for religious artifacts. In my mind that makes me thing that Christian artifacts hold some level of power even if minor given how the religion has fallen from its massive pre war following.
All in all I've been a devout believer in magic within the fallout universe and think they really need to add more aspects of magic and the supernatural in the games and not just the ttrpg. I know they probably don't want to because of pushback but it's so obvious that there is a dark undertone to this setting!
I don't think it would break any kind of cannon for a character to have some type of powers/abilities through a worship of a god/entity. (My brain is struggling but please if you have ideas or questions feel free to ask!)
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Architects in Ghaziabad: A Guide to Building Your Dream Home
Building your dream home is an exciting journey that involves numerous decisions, the most crucial of which is selecting the right architect. Ghaziabad, a rapidly developing city in Uttar Pradesh, offers a wealth of architectural talent to help you realize your vision. This guide provides comprehensive insights and practical advice for choosing the best architect to design and build your dream home in Ghaziabad.
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10 Things You Need to Know Before Starting Your Home Building Journey!
1. Define Your Vision and Requirements
Before beginning your search for an architect, clearly define your vision, requirements, and budget for your dream home. Consider the size, style, layout, and specific features you desire. Having a well-defined brief will help you communicate your needs effectively to potential architects and ensure they understand your vision from the outset.
2. Research Architectural Firms
Start by researching best architect firms in Ghaziabad. Look for firms with a solid portfolio of residential projects that align with your style preferences. Review their websites, project galleries, and client testimonials to gauge their expertise, creativity, and reputation in the industry.
3. Check Credentials and Qualifications
Ensure that the architects you consider are registered with the Council of Architecture (COA) and have the necessary professional qualifications. Verify their experience, certifications, and affiliations with reputable professional organizations. This step ensures that you are working with qualified and credible professionals.
4. Review Portfolios
Carefully review the portfolios of potential residential architects. Look for diversity in their designs, attention to detail, and innovative solutions. A strong portfolio will showcase their ability to handle various design challenges and provide creative solutions that meet clients' needs.
5. Evaluate Communication and Compatibility
Effective communication and a good rapport are essential for a successful collaboration with your architect. Arrange meetings or interviews with shortlisted candidates to discuss your project requirements. Assess their listening skills, responsiveness, and ability to translate your vision into practical designs.
6. Consider Sustainability and Green Design
Incorporating sustainable design principles can enhance the long-term value and environmental performance of your home. Look for architects who are knowledgeable about green building practices and have experience integrating energy-efficient and eco-friendly features into their designs.
7. Assess Project Management Skills
A well-managed project ensures timely completion and adherence to budget. Inquire about the architect's project management approach, including their ability to coordinate with contractors, obtain necessary permits, and oversee construction activities. Effective project management is crucial for avoiding delays and cost overruns.
8. Discuss Fees and Contracts
Transparency in fees and contractual terms is vital to avoid misunderstandings later on. Discuss the architect's fee structure, payment schedule, and the scope of services included in their contract. Ensure that all agreements are documented in writing, outlining deliverables, timelines, and responsibilities of both parties.
9. Seek References and Testimonials
Ask for references from previous clients or seek recommendations from trusted sources. Speaking with former clients can provide valuable insights into the architect's professionalism, reliability, and ability to deliver on their promises. Positive testimonials and word-of-mouth recommendations are strong indicators of an architect's credibility.
10. Trust Your Instincts
Finally, trust your instincts when making your decision. Choose a most famous architect who not only has the technical expertise and experience but also resonates with your vision and values. A good architect should be passionate about their work, attentive to your needs, and committed to turning your dream home into reality.
Selecting the right architect is a critical step in building your dream home in Ghaziabad.
By defining your vision, researching firms, verifying credentials, reviewing portfolios, evaluating communication skills, considering sustainability, assessing project management capabilities, discussing fees and contracts, seeking references, and trusting your instincts, you can find the perfect architect to bring your dream home to life.
With the right architect by your side, the journey to creating your ideal living space in Ghaziabad can be both fulfilling and successful.
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demon-blood-youths · 2 years
A Deadly Battle pt. 5 || A Risky Solution???
Here are the previous drabbles by me and the great @the-silver-peahen-residence. This is part 5. To anyone whose interested, please read the the following drabbles. 
Part one: King vs. Dragon heir
Part two: Aftermath
Part 3: The king vs. Matt Knack
Part 4: Aftermath Acceptance
( Some oc devils, Jujustu characters canon characters ( especially Sukuna and Yuji) and some ocs ) belongs to Peahen-mun
( Ink, Vanity...and some of the devils ) belong to me.  Now get this show on the show.
------ Brief Summary ------
After the aftermath of Sukuna’s rampage, the fractions remain hiding and told to remain hiding after the defeat of the fractions such as Ink aka Van Ink the Dragon and the following defeat of Matt aka Killer Night when he and his fraction encounter Sukuna. 
The following few days were fill of anxiety wondering if Sukuna might find them, thinking he can cut a hole into the demon world. However....Ink who suffered the brutal defeat at the hands of King of Curses decided to resolve this in a way she knew how. What would be the risky solution to this deadly ordeal???
It has been a few hours now stretched into a few days. The fractions are still in Vanity’s domain as they are unsure if they can return to the human world with Sukuna around. 
Duke visited Ink in her room. She watched the fight between Matt and Sukuna using an orb. Ink considers Matt a formable opponent. Of course, they are not friends but they are not enemies. It’s a complicated relationship, they’re more like rivals. After their first encounter, their battle ended in a draw and later on, they fight once a month. 
Still....it didn’t made her come out of her room. She heard that Matt and his fraction was sent here thanks to his devil’s Chernoborg. So in a way, she’s glad that Matt and his fraction is alright even if they used to be their former enemies. Then someone walked in.
“Ink?” It’s Duke. Wearing a coa 
“Duke....” Ink greets her quietly. 
“Have you been watching?” Duke asked to which Ink nods. Seeing Matt being beaten like that. Is painful. From Sukuna’s clone no less. It’s rubbing salt into the wound. 
“Have you been thinking what Vanity said to you?” Duke asked.
“Yeah.” Ink nods, her expression is unreadable. Duke sees her eyes were dried after shedding many tears. “And...” Duke hasn’t fought Sukuna but seeing the confident Ink like this reminds him of himself when he was around her age when experiencing a battle that wounded his pride, body and soul. 
“I don’t know. I have to fight Sukuna sooner or later if we....no...I go back out. I don’t.....think I would be willing to kill him because Yuji. Yuji doesn’t deserved that.”
“Do you think he would be happy knowing that you held back because of him?” Duke said.
“No....but it’s not fair to him or to his friends. Yuji shouldn’t take the blame for what Sukuna does.” Ink heard from Taz of how she enjoys Yuji’s company. “I can’t kill someone that Taz cares about.”
“So it’s Taz. Kinie Ger’s heir?” Duke said to which Ink nods. “But also....I’m scared...” She said making Duke blinked. “If I fight again, I will be killed and what would happened to my team? I don’t think Sukuna would be able to stop if he killed me.”
“Well....I did heard that from your friends that Sukuna has a time limit. Although...I am surprised that he will possessed the boy for five minutes while....he defeated the fractions. So we should wait for time to passed.”
“Yeah but it doesn’t mean he won’t come back and take over Yuji again.” Ink sighs, “But if there is some way if I find a way to beat Sukuna at his own game, there has to be something I need to do. I just need to think....” Ink said. 
And so Ink thinks for a long time. Soon, she begins to have an idea and wonders if that works. 
Vanity is in throne room as he sits down in his seat, sighing. His fellow devils were enraged, confused and unsure on what to do. They were angry that a cursed spirit managed to beat their heirs with little effort. Someone enter and Vanity shifts his head to see his second heir. 
“Vanity. We need to talk.” It’s Ink. Vanity raised a brow. So she came out of her room, she doesn’t look to be heal. Not yet.  
“Yes?” Vanity said. Ink steps forward as her head is down. “I think....I know what to do to fix this.”
Vanity waits.
“I’m going to apologize..”
Vanity blinked, wondering if he misheard. What? 
“And then I’m going to request a rematch with Sukuna once I do.”
Vanity stares down at Ink wondering if she’s serious alright so he needs to make sure what he’s hearing from her.
“Apologize?” Vanity asked, repeating and narrows his eyes at her. “Do you think that the King of Curses would accept your apology and just accept your request for a rematch?” Such a thing is very navie and he highly doubts that Sukuna would accept that. Then again.....she sounds calm. 
“It doesn’t matter what he thinks. But it’s not only to him but to the people who been affected by this.” Ink said seriously. “Also....I was thinking how to help Yuji at the same time.”
Vanity wonders what the girl is thinking. He heard from Senkai that Ink’s craziest ideas that is contribute by her and her fellow friends that got them out of sticky situations so what sort of solution is Ink thinking here. 
“Go on..”
“I was wondering if....” Then the next words Ink said makes Vanity widen. Vanity listened and thinks. 
“You want to make a deal with him? Something like that?” Vanity asked. “Well...it’s been awhile but.” Thinking about it, this might sasfify the King of Curses or rather this deal can surprise the cursed spirit if told. On the the other hand.....
------- the devils’ meeting -----
“Your heir wants to do what now?!” It’s Caym staring wide-eyed at Vanity in disbelief. “Has she lost her mind or has the battle made her head soft??!” Caym cawed. The devils became concerned. Vanity didn’t say anything but glares at Caym for his outburst. the bird shut up but inside he’s fuming. “Your concern is well-noted, Caym. Does anyone wish to speak?” Vanity said, looking at his fellow devils who are preplexed and shocked at what his own heir is proposing. 
“I see....” Uriprayt thinks. The devils can’t believe what Vanity’s heir’s proposal but at the same time...
“Thinking about it, it might make sense. I mean-” Leonado thinks.
“Oh come on! He’s a human turned cursed spirit! An Imaginary Demon at that!” Cal yelled, not liking this at all. “A damn human is always a damn human, he died becoming a vengeful spirit after being beaten by humans. He’s just think he’s all powerful...because he’s a damn prodigy.” Cal is still mad about his heir Ashely being hurt. 
“But this vengeful spirit beats all of our heirs. No one should dissupte that.” Kukuclan who is Ethan’s devil. A snake-like demon with feathery wings as he looks like he is wearing Mayan outfits as he rattles his tail. 
Oski, Rex’s devil sighs, “ “I am conflicted, I understand what your heir is trying to do but...”
“This might save all of us and our heirs.” Ironia, Rust’s devil aka the Iron Madien who manipulates blood and iron. “Not to mention the boy that this Imaginary Demon is possessing.”
Goa, Shdwkyz’s devil as she closes her fan as she hisses her snake tongue, “Although her idea makes sense..but would Sukuna accept?” 
“And what?” It’s Ymir, Fin’s devil the ice giant. “He’s going to laugh at us once he heard it and try to take us on next after he’s done! Heck...he’s probably going after everyone in the North America continent because he’s bored!!!”
Beezlebub nods as he buzzes his bug wigns, “Exactly....that man thinks he is god compared to us! Why would he listen to us?!”
Nagi and Orochi, Vivi’s devils is also concerned about this.”I agreed. Sukuna is not like other creature we seen based on what we saw so far. We should tread lightly on this. The last thing we need is provoking him any further.” 
“I think we should allow it.” It’s’ Chernoborg, Matt’s devil who agrees with this plan making everyone turn their heads at the dark angel devil. “Sukuna is what he is and proves that to all of us despite his origins. I think we should consider it and see how it goes.” 
“Did you just forget that he beat your heir to a bloody pulp?” It’s Ira, the Wrath demon who is Kali’s devil. He looks like a monster with four arms as  he has blue hair and red skin. He can’t believe what Chernoborg is saying. “Doing that makes that cursed spirit our problem now!”
“Matt knows exactly what he’s getting into. Knowing Matt, he is reckless for his own good and I’m happy that he learns this experience from this.” Said Chernoborg as he shrugs his dark wings. “Not surprised that he survive this ordeal though. But that aside, we will provoke him either way no matter what we do. We can’t predict his actions but given what we see so far, this idea that Vanity’s heir makes sense. The King of Curses would be foolish to pass this up.” 
“Speak for yourself.” Zek said. “My heir almost died and we have to do this to make him happy? I don’t like this.” The toxic flame Zek can’t believe this. “This guy thinks he’s too good.”
Yuki; Jinx’s devil a flaming feline devil with black flames hums, “He might be amused by this but surely he won’t want to stay in a human vessel forever and given what Van Ink the Dragon’s idea is. This sounds beneficial to him and probably to the heirs if we play it right...”
Allocer, Guam’s devil looks unsure but sees there is no other choice, “I’m still unsure. But we can’t go on like this and fighting for solution that won’t get us nowhere so I agreed with this idea.” 
Yen-Lo-Wang sighs, “What other choice is there? It seems like Vanity’s heir must got an idea and after thinking about it. You might be right, Yuki. Vanity, I say we go with this plan.” She heard that Ink was in her room all day after her defeat and overhears that she took the defeat very hard than other fractions. Maybe she is reflecting on the situation and is trying to find a way to fix this. An admirable quality she must admit. She would bet on this gamble.
Most of the devils hates this but if they have to save their heirs and make sure they continue living as well as dealing with Sukuna, they have little choice so they go with it. 
“Very well....then we must find this Gojo-sensei.” Vanity said. “I was told that this man is this vessel’s teacher and a jujustu sorcerer.” 
“Gojo? Hold on....” It’s Rave, Oblivion’s devil, a tengu whose head is like a hawk as he has wings and carries a kanabo. “ A Gojo? From one of the three great Sorcerers families from Heian era???” He blinked
“You heard of them?” Vanity askede.
“Yes! That family tried to exorcise me in the past once around the Sengoku Era!”  Rave chuckles, "I think I can pinpoint this sorcerer’s cursed energy. It should be easy.” Rave cackled. 
Goa sighs, “My fellow clansmen also encounter some of the Jujutsu sorcerers and Gojo is the most powerful next than Zenin and Kamo clans. The Gojo is a formidable opponent but do you think he would listen to what we said?”
“If my heir said that we should talk to him then I assumed that this man must be reasonable to talk with.” Vanity said.
“Very well then. Let’s inform them.” Yuki said, knowing of the Gojo clan. 
“Then Rave....find Gojo Satoru then.” Vanity said.
“Will do!” Rave smiled.
“So we’re asking a jujutsu sorcerer for help?” Ammit asked. “Great....” 
“My heir that she knows this person well.” 
------- human world -------
Five minutes were up and Yuji is founded.
Gojo-sensei is sighing. He found Yuji Itadori but he is hiding in his room. Gojo guessed that the teen felt terrible for what he did to teens of New York. Nobara and Megumi look exhausted but are sleeping. 
----- Sukuna’s domain ------
‘Damn it! Sukuna! Did you really have to do that?!” Yuji yelled at Sukuna who is sitting on top of his skull throne, looking smug. 
“What? Those brats with demon blood running their viens deserve it. Thinking they’re high and mighty with their powers granted by their devils. The only thing I feel pity is those demons giving them powers they don’t deserve. I bet those devils are regretting it now.” 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Yuji cursed. 
“You can thank the dragon brat for that.” Sukuna retorted.
“For fuck’s sake, you’re going to get pissed by what Ink said?! What are you,  five?!”
“Ha! She challenged me and I delivered!” Sukuna barked in laughter. “I showed them what a true demon is. Not those idiots playing pretending to be one!”
Yuji felt angry at Sukuna but mostly himself. He can’t believe that he allows this. But what’s next is something they didn’t heard in the next hour. Ink wanting to talk to them both. 
Gojo is thinking on how to report this as he is on the rooftop. Not only that, he senses a prescene behind him. He turns to see two figures. Cursed spirits? No....they’re different. 
Two that looks humans but they had wings. One that has bats and another that has bird wings.
“Are you an Gojo? We....demons wished to speak with you. It concerns Van Ink the Dragon and Sukuna.” 
“And who you might be?”
“Ah....an aquantiance of your family centures ago. My name is Rave, a tengu during the Sengoku Era and this is my demon contractor, Senkai.” He introduces himself and his contractor.
“And what can I help you with?”
------------- Minutes later -------
“Gojo Saturo, I presume?” 
Gojo turns around to see a dragon with long horns and black hair. He is sitting down and is huge that his head at Gojo’s eye level. 
“And you are?” Gojo said.
“I am Vanity. Ink’s devil as you known her as Van Ink the Dragon.” Vanity introduced himself. Gojo hums. 
“You must be the one who rescue all the demon fractions from Sukuna. And us.” Gojo said as he can sense their cursed energies, Ink’s including. “Nice to meet you, Vanity.” He smiles. “I wish our meeting could go different.”
“Likewise.” Vanity speaks, “and that is correct, we devils have to get involved because of Sukuna and I wish to speak with you.” Gojo has a blank expression but looks intrigued despite wearing a blindfold but hears him out. “Alright...although I don’t know how you devils work. No offense since I’m a Jujutsu sorcerer. But I will hear you.”
“That is quite alright. Cursed spirits are similar to demons in some ways.” Vanity speaks. 
“So what did you brought me here?” Gojo asked.
“I think we might solve our problem.” Vanity said and goes to explain Ink’s plan to him.
------- Minutes later ----
“Is that possible?” Gojo can’t believe what he’s hearing. “That’s....crazy...insane.” 
“But doing so will mean....” Gojo wasn’t sure if this is a good but if the devils have trouble in coming up with their own and considering it then. Now thinking about it....
“Yes. But it could save the boy and everyone involved, solving this issue.”
“This is going to be tricky....”
“Hm?” Vanity raised a scaly brow.
“You see Yuji Itadori is scheduled to be excuted by the elders once he consumed 20 fingers of Sukuna.”
“20 fingers?” Vanity titled his head. Gojo sighs and goes to explain to the dragon about the situation that Yuji is in. “yes....Ryomen Sukuna as a cursed spirit was almost impossible to exorcise so he had to be seal in 20 fingers of his orignal body. Yuji swallow one of them and Sukuna is awakened. Because of that, the elders want the boy executed as they feared Sukuna's existence. To stall it, I had to buy time for Yuji by telling the elders to have Yuji consume 20 fingers and to destroy Sukuna forever.”
“By executing the body?” Vanity said, now understanding the situation. He wasn’t told this but it seems Ink didn’t know about it. 
‘Yes if the elders find out what you devils trying to do, they will freak out even if the plan makes sense. There is no way the elders allow that.”
“I see..that is tricky. Still...how would that plan work? If he cannot be exorcise by normal means then a body such as a human vessel won’t stop a cursed spirit if the human flesh is destroyed. Hence this plan that we have might work for everyone else despite what those elders think.” Vanity said. Gojo shrugs. Vanity hums. “Then this plan is good as ever. You can save the boy and deal with Sukuna at the same time. Even close to death, Yuji Itadori would be fine.” 
“Why is that?”
“We devils have our ways....” Vanity chuckled. “That said, Ink requested a match and issue an apology to Sukuna himself.”
Now Gojo looks conflicted and is considering this might be a bad idea.
“No offense to Ink, Sukuna would laugh his head off if he heard that and will kill her.” Gojo can’t believe that Ink wanted a rematch after what she’s been through. Why would she want to go something like that again? He heard that the fight from Megumi as he watches this from the sidelines. It was brutal.“But apologizing to Sukuna, the King of Curses....what would that accomplish?” 
“That is what I said...but I am interested what would her apology be in detail.” Vanity said. “But....in your professional opinion, do you think Sukuna would accept the deal if he heard it?”
Gojo hums. “Well this is Sukuna here we’re talking about and he wouldn’t pass up the chance if he was told that. He would be too dumb to accept that. This is a gamble but I’m going to bet yes on it. But if anything happens, I would get involved and this deal will be void.”
“Good then let’s begin the preparations.” Vanity said. Like Gojo said, this is a gamble and he will bet on this too. 
----- Back in the city ------
Ink waited. Ink waited on the Empire State Building’s observatory deck. She turns her greatsword around and around, pointing at the floor, waiting. The only eyes on this is Vanity, the devils and Gojo, they aren't here but they are watching. The fractions aren’t aware of what’s happening right now. Ink would prefer it that way until this meeting is concluded. Ink breathes in and out. She’s not ready yet but she needs to resolve this. 
Ink blinked and turns to see Yuji standing there. “Yuji....uh....” She expected Sukuna but not Yuji is in place. Maybe it’s because of the time limit.
“I heard...that you want to talk to Sukuna but....” Yuji sighed. Gojo told Yuji that Ink wants to talk to them both of them. Sukuna and him, saying that she wants to talk to them. 
“He doesn’t want to talk?” Ink said. 
“Not really but he did want to hear you out first before....he does anything.” Yuji said looking nervous about this. “Also he had me ask you questions like where your friends are and why you show your face after...getting face taste the ground or something.” There were questions that made the pink-haired teen frowned but didn’t want to say it to her face. 
Ink begins to tremble but grips onto her greatsword tightly. “They’re safe. It’s just you and me.” She answered. Yuji can see how Ink is. He can feel something is wrong. Was....Ink nervous? Or was it something? Her face looks tired yet there is something in her words that he tires to make sense of it.  Yuji is angry at himself for allowing Sukuna to terrorize Ink, Taz and their friends. He felt so horrible that he wish he should die. 
“Look Ink....you don’t have to do this. you’re not fully healed yet and-”
“No, Sukuna has to hear this and you too.” Ink said. “Because...I want to apologize.”
“Huh?” Yuji blinked. “Apologize?” 
“I want to apologize for what I did..” Ink starts to her bow her head, “I shouldn’t say that I’m the strongest or told you that I am. I....I was afarid and I was too stubborn because I didn’t want to know my place because of my pride. Because of me....you were disappointed because you had high exceptions and everyone got hurt because of me. So I’m sorry for challenging you...and not knowing any better because I know I won’t beat you like this...” She doesn’t know what else to say as she bows her head to him. Silence fills the sky and everything is silence. 
“And Yuji. I’m sorry. You shouldn’t blame yourself where I’m the one who caused this. I take full responsible for this so....don’t beat yourself up. Taz still cares about you whether you switched with Sukuna or not.” 
Ink looks up to see Yuji still standing there. “Ink.......” Yuji looks worried and felt guilty eharing this but also looking apologetically. “You don’t have to apologize. I...”
“Yuji....no....this is my fault” Ink sighed,  “If I didn’t piss him off, you wouldn’t have to deal with this. You shouldn’t feel responsible...it....was out of your control.” Ink sighs as she grips onto the railing. “But also.....I’m sorry about this. But I also wanted a rematch. This time....I will give Sukuna what he wants if he wins..”
Wait what? Yuji widen his eyes at the girl. Ink....wants a rematch with Sukuna. What for?! 
“HUH?! Ink! What are you talking about?!” Yuji look nervous now, “That’s not a good idea.” 
“Brat....” Yuji pauses when aneye and mouth opens on Yuji’s cheek, it startles the girl. “Sukuna....” Yuji said his name. 
“Hey Brat...Yuji....bring your hand up over your mouth.” Sukuna commanded as he said his name.
“Don’t make me switch...” Sukuna warned. Yuji did as he told despite hating this. He hold his hand over his mouth where a mouth appears on back of Yuji’s hand. Ink watches and grips on her greatsword tightly. 
“You know....if you really want to say you’re sorry. At least grovel at my feet while you’re apologizing properly, maybe that way I might accept your half-ass apology.” Sukuna speaks. 
“....that won’t happened unless you beat me for a rematch.” 
“Ha?” Sukuna said, as if he can’t believe what he’s hearing. “First you apologized to me and this brat,” He refers to Yuji, “and now you want a rematch??? Wow, you must be becoming more stupid and lost your mind or maybe I hit you too hard that you soft on the head..”
“I’m not stupid...I know what I’m saying....because in the next five months later, I will become stronger and you get what you wanted if you win.” Ink said.
“Oh? And what do you think what I wanted?” Sukuna laughed. Yuji wonders what would Sukuna would want from Ink. How can she appease him? It makes him nervous. 
“If you win, then you can be separated from Yuji and have you become a real devil in the demonworld.” Ink said. There she said it. That was the idea. That was the idea Ink told Vanity.  Sukuna became silent, there is no laughter from him as he stops. Yuji widens his eyes in disbelief. What did she said?! Seperated Sukuna from Yuji and Sukuna will become a real devil in the demonworld?! What the heck?
“Ink....” Yuji said her name so Ink continues but before he says anything. Sukuna speaks..
“Oi....what are you trying to do here, dragon brat?” 
There is no emotion in his voice making Yuji tremble inside, a pit in his stomach. He can feel the burning glare onto Ink. Sukuna is mad. Ink still stands. She can’t show it, she needs to push through it.
“I want you to stop hurting anyone else.........” She said honestly. “ You made your point already. But I feel like you won’t stop....there so that’s why.” 
“So...If I agree to your match and will win, you’re going to free me from this brat whose my vessel and become a devil like you?” Sukuna asked.
“No. Better. You can become a devil in your own right just like my dad.”
“Your dad?” Sukuna questioned.
“Vanity. He’s my devil, he gave me powers to become a demon after I signed a contract with.” Ink said,“And you get your form back or whatever you had back then...you can be free in the demon world, get your own domain and you don’t be stuck in Yuji forever.“ Ink said. 
“Oh?” Sukuna said. “Demonworld, huh?” He muses. Yuji looks seriously worried, what is Ink thinking right now. Why would she promises something like that. That’s crazy! 
“Yeah.....you will get what you wanted. So why not take it? I mean.....to everyone here, you’re the real deal and a devil instead of an imaginary demon like you says. Like I said you made your point. Even Vanity thinks so.”
"And what? You think that will stopped me?! Did the devils set you up for this? Because they hate seeing their punk-ass brats getting wiped the floor by me? And now they realize that the one who made this happen is you? I don't know...why the hell would I accept something like that?? It sounds like you want to appease me to make me accept it! Why the HELL would I want to take you up on that???"
Ink pauses for a moment and thinks. “Because I know.....you would be too stupid not to. The devils are different from jujutsu sorcerer and he will make it come true. Think about it. You won’t be the imaginary demon anymore. You will be Ryomen Sukuna, the King of Curses in hell. You won’t be just a cursed spirit anymore, Sukuna. You can be devil with your own domain, have followers, and you can be free. If you skip on that chance, you will be the King of Stupid here, not me.”
Sukuna stays silent. Yuji wonders what Sukuna is thinking right now.
“And all I need to accept your rematch? I just to need to win against you. Only you?” Sukuna said, making sure to confirm.  
 Vanity told her the meeting with Gojo. Ink nods, “Yeah....if you want all the details, you can talk with Vanity about it. But the only thing I can tell you is that I’m not going to make it easier this time. Give me five months to be stronger and I make sure you won’t be disappointed again. I’m going to show you why demons are stronger than cursed spirits.”
Yuji drops his jaw hearing this. Why is she doing this to herself. Even Yuji is not that crazy enough so why? Yuji gets it. Why is she doing this? Because she feels more guilty than he is? Does she want to take this on by herself? She doesn’t have to do this? 
“Hmmmm....alright.” Sukuna thinks, but first things first. “But first. Remind me....why are you doing this? And don’t repeat all that like you said before. I want to know the true reason behind it. Your reason... ”
Ink blinks and  looks down, gripping her sword tightly. “I want to regain my honor and pride....and want to solve this..on my own terms. Nobody else.” 
Silence fills the observatory deck as Yuji hears this. Ink wants to do this because she wants to regain her honor and pride? Is that how she really feels? Was she beaten that badly? What is going through her mind right now? Yuji wasn’t sure what to think until Sukuna says.
“Brat. Let’s switch”  
Ink became startled as she heard that, as her eyes slightly widen, gripping her sword tightly but she didn’t raise it.
“Huh?! No! I won’t...you can’t! I won’t let you klill-” Yuji argues. 
Relax. I won’t hurt her. Just want to talk to her face to face. Personally.
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lightning-arias · 2 years
Hello! I’m Faye(she/her)
This is a side blog to @of-earth-and-space​ which is my INACTIVE former rp blog that is kept around for memories and archival purposes. If that blog follows you please follow me back here.
This is the rp blog for my OC Elva(She/They) aka Blixt! She is technically a DC based superhero but she can fit into other super verses and has non hero verses!
I have added my OC Jordan(He/Him) aka Coa, almost completely! He is a Demi-god and champion of Apollo. He has many verses, I have a list in my car.rd even though I need to expand on them. Feel free to ask about them!
I am also in the process of adding Percy Jackson(He/Him) from Percy Jackson(The Books). Feel free to ask about him as I slowly add him on!
Mun is 25+
about mun | car.rd(including rules and bios) | Commission
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fideidefenswhore · 7 months
Culpeper had intimate access to the king and was well placed to provide Katherine with information about her husband's health and his ever fluctuating moods. More importantly, Culpeper could warn her of any indication that Henry was angry [...], could listen out for any gossip about her, and report on speculation that her husband was considering repudiating her in favour of Anne of Cleves. Throughout Katherine's queenship, this topic would surface time and again, to her consternation and grief.
Katherine Howard: The Tragic Story of Henry VIII’s Fifth Queen, Josephine Wilkinson
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novumtimes · 1 month
Former COAS General S. Padmanabhan passes away in Chennai
Former Chief of Army Staff General S. Padmanabhan passed away in Chennai | Photo Credit: File. Former Chief of Army Staff General S. Padmanabhan passed away in Chennai, officials said. General Padmanabhan also served as the Chairman of the Chief of Staff Committee. He was commissioned into the Regiment of Artillery after graduating from the Indian Military Academy (IMA) on December 13, 1959. He…
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collectingall · 1 month
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∀ 5 Former Heavyweight Champions Signed Everlast Red Boxing Glove w/Insc -(SS COA) http://blog.collectingall.com/TBpNHh 👉 shrsl.com/4fuj5 👈
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saynaija · 2 months
Chairman Christian Chukwu Presents His Biography The Field Marshal To The COAS
Chairman Christian Chukwu Presents His Biography The Field Marshal To The COAS The Former Captain of the Green Eagles, Chairman Christian Chukwu has on Monday 22 July 2024 presented a copy of his biography titled “The Field Marshal” to the Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General Taoreed Abiodun Lagbaja. The presentation was done during his courtesy visit to the General Officer Commanding (GOC)…
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justiceheartwatcher · 2 months
Tucker Carlson to Headline RNC in Milwaukee
Trump Family Members
Donald Trump Jr.
Eric Trump
Co-Chairman Lara Trump
Kimberly Guilfoyle
 Entertainers, Celebrities, & Industry Leaders
Matt Brooks, CEO of the Republican Jewish Coalition
Tucker Carlson, Television Host
Savannah Chrisley, TV Personality and Criminal Justice Reform Advocate
Franklin Graham, Renowned Faith Leader
Lee Greenwood, Country Music Star 
Alina Habba, Trump Campaign Senior Advisor
Diane Hendricks, Owner of ABC Supply 
Tom Homan, Former Acting ICE Director
Chris Janson, Country Music Star
Perry Johnson, Businessman 
Charlie Kirk, CEO of TPUSA
Sean O’Brien, President of TEAMSTERS 
Vivek Ramaswamy, Businessman  
Amber Rose, Rapper & Influencer
David Sacks, CEO of Yammer
Bob Unanue, CEO of Goya Foods 
Dana White, CEO of UFC
Steven and Zach Witkoff, Businessman
RNC Leadership
RNC Chairman Michael Whatley 
COA Chairwoman Anne Hathaway 
Host Committee Chairman Reince Priebus
GOP Officials & Candidates
U.S. Senator Katie Britt (R-AL) 
U.S. Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) 
U.S. Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) 
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) 
U.S. Senator Eric Schmitt (R-MO) 
U.S. Senator Steve Daines (R-MT), NRSC Chairman 
U.S. Senator JD Vance (R-OH) 
U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) 
U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) 
U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) 
U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) 
U.S. Senate Candidate Kari Lake (R-AZ) 
U.S. Senate Candidate Jim Banks (R-IN) 
U.S. Senate Candidate Mike Rogers (R-MI) 
U.S. Senate Candidate Tim Sheehy (R-MT) 
U.S. Senate Candidate Sam Brown (R- NV) 
U.S. Senate Candidate Bernie Moreno (R-OH) 
U.S. Senate Candidate Dave McCormick (R-PA) 
U.S. Senate Candidate Hung Cao (R-VA) 
U.S. Senate Candidate Eric Hovde (R-WI) 
U.S. Senate Candidate Gov. Jim Justice (WV) & Babydog
U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson (LA-4) 
U.S. House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (LA-1) 
U.S. House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (MN-6) 
U.S. Rep. Richard Hudson (NC-9), NRCC Chairman 
U.S. Rep. Elise Stefanik (NY-21), House GOP Conference Chair 
U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz (FL-1) 
U.S. Rep. Michael Waltz (FL-6) 
U.S. Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (FL-13) 
U.S. Rep. Byron Donalds (FL-19) 
U.S. Rep. Brian Mast (FL-21) 
U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA-14) 
U.S. Rep. John James (MI-10) 
U.S. Rep. Jeff Van Drew (NJ-2) 
U.S. Rep. Nancy Mace (SC-1)
U.S. Rep. Ronny Jackson (TX-13) 
U.S. Rep. Monica De La Cruz (TX-15) 
U.S. Rep. Wesley Hunt (TX-38) 
Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R-AR) 
Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) 
Gov. Doug Burgum (R-ND) 
Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD) 
Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) 
Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R-VA)
Attorney General Brenna Bird (R-IA)
Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson (R-NC)
Mayor Eric Johnson, Mayor of Dallas & Former Democrat 
Mayor Trent Conaway, Mayor East Palestine, Ohio 
Dr. Ben Carson, Former United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Kellyanne Conway, Former Counselor to President Donald J. Trump
Ric Grenell, Former Acting Director of National Intelligence 
Peter Navarro, Former Director of United States Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy
Mike Pompeo, Former U.S. Secretary of State 
Linda McMahon, Former U.S. Administrator of SBA  
Newt Gingrich, Former U.S House Speaker
Lee Zeldin, Former U.S. Rep. (NY-1)
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warningsine · 2 months
The plea, filed minutes before a midnight deadline, has yet to be accepted. Relatives of the 346 people who died in the crashes off the coast of Indonesia and in Ethiopia want Boeing executives to face charges.
Aerospace Giant Boeing has agreed to plead guilty to a criminal fraud charge involving two of its 737 Max planes which crashed off the coast of Indonesia and in Ethiopia. The crashes resulted in the deaths of 346 people.
According to the US Department of Justice (DOJ), the aerospace giant is offering to pay a fine of $243.6 million (€225.11 million), which matches the fine it paid in 2021.
The company's decision, if agreed, would allow it to avoid a criminal trial, a point that many of the victims' families see as imperative.They argue that the deal fails to hold Boeing accountable because Boeing can prevent legal admission that their engineering blunders were responsible for the deaths of their crew and passengers.
Relatives of some of the passengers who died have indicated they will ask a federal judge in Texas to throw out the agreement, which they say is too lenient considering the lives that were lost. They want a trial, a huge fine, and Boeing leaders to face charges.
The Department of Justice says that a conviction for fraud will ensure accountability for Boeing's "misstatements" in 2017 regarding the 737 Max. The crashes occurred less than five months apart in 2018 and 2019.
The company continues to face investigations due to an incident in January. In January, Alaska Airlines Max had a blowout of a panel, resulting in accusations of poor workmanship from current and former employees.
What is Boeing admitting to?
The aerospace company will admit to criminal fraud concerning deceiving the Federal Aviation Administration.
The first charge took place in 2021, but the terms of the agreement were not to prosecute Boeing if they paid a fine and completed three years of corporate probation, also known as a deferred prosecution agreement.
In May, the Justice Department found the company had violated the terms of its corporate probation, which led to Sunday's plea deal.
The new plea deal could potentially remove the stain on Boeing's reputation - the felony charge of deceiving aviation regulators who approved the airplane and the flying requirements to ensure safety.
Boeing's proposed new agreement
Boeing has agreed to pay a total fine of $487.2 million (€450.2 million), the legal maximum according to the Justice Department. The agreement also requires the company to invest a minimum of $455 million (€420.5 million) to improve safety following a three-year corporate probation.
Boeing's board of directors must also personally meet with victims and their families.
Angry response from the victims' families
Many have said they are furious with the agreement.
Zipporah Kuria, a 28-year-old London woman whose father, Joseph, was on the Ethiopian Airlines Max that crashed in March 2019, wanted a trial because she thought it would have revealed new details about what led up to the crashes.
Now, with the growing possibility that there will not be a trial, she says: "The opportunity to continue digging, the opportunity to continue finding out what has gone wrong here and what is wrong, is kind of taken away from us.
"So, yet again, they (the victims) have been robbed of their dignity, and we have been robbed of our closure."
Javier de Luis, an MIT aeronautics lecturer whose sister, Graziella, died in the Ethiopia crash, also finds the punishment for Boeing to be inadequate.
"If you look at the elements that make up this plea agreement, they're pretty much typical for what you would expect to see in a white-collar fraud investigation – not in the case of a crime that led directly to the deaths of 346 people," he said.
Meanwhile, in another Boeing scare, a plane lost a wheel on Monday during take-off from Los Angeles International Airport on a flight to Denver. The plane managed to land at its destination and the wheel was later recovered. No injuries were reported. It is the second time this year such an incident has happened.
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mykreatecube · 4 months
10 Steps to Selecting the Right Architects in Kolkata
Selecting the right architect for your project in Kolkata is a critical decision that can significantly influence the outcome of your construction or renovation endeavor. With a rich architectural heritage and a bustling urban environment, Kolkata offers a plethora of architectural talent. Here are ten steps to help you choose the right architect for your needs.
1. Define Your Project Scope
Before you start looking for an architect, clearly define the scope of your project. Determine the type of project (residential, commercial, renovation, etc.), your goals, budget, and timeline. Having a clear understanding of your requirements will help you find an architect whose expertise aligns with your needs.
2. Conduct Thorough Research
Start your search by researching architects in Kolkata who specialize in the type of project you’re planning. Utilize online resources, architectural directories, and social media platforms to identify potential candidates. Look for portfolios that showcase a range of projects, styles, and innovative designs.
3. Seek Recommendations
Ask friends, family, colleagues, and industry professionals for recommendations. Personal referrals can provide valuable insights into an architect’s work ethic, reliability, and the quality of their designs. Additionally, attending local architectural exhibitions and events can help you connect with professionals in the field.
4. Review Portfolios
Carefully review the portfolios of shortlisted architects. Pay attention to the diversity and creativity of their work. Look for projects similar to yours and evaluate how they’ve addressed design challenges. A strong portfolio indicates the architect’s capability to deliver high-quality work.
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5. Check Credentials and Experience
Verify the credentials of the architects you’re considering. Ensure they are licensed and registered with relevant professional bodies, such as the Council of Architecture (COA) in India. Experience in similar projects is crucial, as it indicates the architect’s ability to handle your specific requirements.
6. Evaluate Design Style and Approach
Every architect has a unique design style and approach. During initial consultations, discuss their design philosophy and how they incorporate client input. Choose an architect whose style resonates with your vision and who demonstrates a collaborative approach to design.
7. Assess Communication Skills
Effective communication is essential for a successful project. Evaluate the architect’s communication skills during your interactions. They should be able to clearly explain their ideas, listen to your concerns, and provide regular updates throughout the project. Good communication ensures that your vision is accurately translated into the final design.
8. Discuss Budget and Fees
Discuss your budget and the architect’s fee structure upfront. Architects in Kolkata may charge based on a percentage of the project cost, a fixed fee, or an hourly rate. Clarify what services are included in their fees and ensure there are no hidden costs. A transparent discussion about finances will help avoid misunderstandings later on.
9. Verify References and Past Projects
Ask for references from past clients and take the time to visit completed projects, if possible. Speaking with former clients can provide insights into the architect’s professionalism, adherence to timelines, and problem-solving abilities. Visiting past projects can give you a tangible sense of their work quality and style.
10. Review Contracts and Agreements
Before finalizing your decision, review the contract thoroughly. Ensure it includes all terms and conditions, such as project timelines, deliverables, payment schedules, and responsibilities of both parties. A well-drafted contract protects your interests and provides a clear framework for the project.
Meet the Top Architects in Kolkata — https://kreatecube.com/kolkata-west-bengal/architects
Choosing the right architect in Kolkata involves a careful evaluation of their experience, style, communication skills, and compatibility with your project vision. By following these ten steps, you can make an informed decision and select an architect who will help bring your project to life with creativity, precision, and professionalism. Engaging the right architect not only ensures a successful outcome but also makes the building process an enjoyable and rewarding experience.
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