#Ford and Ted btw
terrimavr · 1 month
Guys don't you just love that story about a town where weird supernatural things happen all the time and one of the antagonists is a eldritch yellow god with goat-like eyes/eye that is a wee bit too obsessed with one of the main human characters
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void-dude · 21 days
sooooo a few things:3
tad/ted looks like a frog to me and i find that so silly
love me some husband-for-tax-benefits who actually love each other romantically and want to climb each other like a tree
im gonna have the same thoughts of them like i have of billford but healthier and sillier instead of abusive and angsty
or maybe i’ll just do mullet stan idk yet:(
love your art btw idk if that has been translated with me screaming into your asks
shtty finger doodle for you as an offering from a lowly follower anyway tho
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I am so happy that you like my stuff! It makes me want to cry!!! Also how dare you, he does look like a frog in a way!
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All fanart I get, gets put on the fridge!!
Please draw whatever you want and makes you happy, all art is good art!
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beesmygod · 2 years
psst...hey kid....come here. come here.
you wanna watch francis ford copolla’s “bram stoker's dracula” (1992). well here’s the entire movie. just dont tell nobody.
i am rating this movie by modern standards still 18+ because of the sexual themes in the movie and i think there’s boobs (? cant remember), so if this would get you yelled at don’t watch it.
you may know FFC as the director of “apocalypse now” or “the godfather”, but quite honestly, i think this is my favorite film he’s made. that probably regarded as an insane opinion by most people, but the lushness and dedication to the gothic aesthetics in every frame make it impossible to look away from. it features some of the most captivating and time consuming practical effects i’ve seen in a movie, with the stand out for me being this:
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like, how else could they have done that but a sped up time lapse?
its got an all star cast: anthony hopkins, gary oldman, winona ryder and keanu reeves, who has been widely maligned for his performance (he was stretching himself very thin at this point in his career) created a jonathan harker who really grew on me. reeves can’t do an english accent so he accidentally comes off as though ted “theodore” logan from “bill and ted’s excellent adventure” got lost in 1800s transylvania. but harker is really stupid, so why shouldnt he have a california surfer accent. its for fun. it’s fun.
the outfits are great btw. the costuming is by eiko ishioka, whose work is deliciously both alien and familiar, casting an eerie uncanny feeling to anything afflicted by dracula’s curse. like, check this out:
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ok this is really long and i could go on about this forever but i have things to do. please enjoy this movie since it’s on youtube. you will absolutely love it.
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sasmeo-bisaster · 4 years
An analysis on Lilith Clawthorne cause I hate her for her actions but I think I can still go through her mind
So lilith cursed eda, it was a shocking revelation and it hurts a lot. But why? Through all the episodes we've seen, even if the two of them disagree with the other way of living, they both genuinely care about each other. There's true sibling lovde btw the two and their relationship isn't like stan and ford from gravity falls where their bond was almost completely torn (more like clawThORNe am I right?). Also she is kinda obsessed on curing eda, even if she sees the emperor coven as the only solution. So why did lilith curse eda? I can think a few reason.
-First thing first, we must consider that at the time the curse happened they both were dumb kids, doing things impulsively before fully understand it. And we know how mischievous is eda, it could have probably have been just a revenge on a prank that possibly embarrassed lilith in front of a lot of people? Maybe the whole school or the emperor coven itself (thinking that when lilith was younger was already interested in it). So what better idea than make her sister covered in feathers? But something went wrong or she didn't actually read what the incantation was for and sbam eda is cursed.
-It could also been for jealousy that she ended cursing eda. Eda was very powerful and strong while she was still going at hexhide, even if she didn't have the chance to join all the courses (but like knowing her and the students of the detention hall that we already see do this, she was probably secretly studying all of them in secret). Lilith while herself powerful and talented didn't reach her level and felt jealous. So she tried to do on her an incantation powerful enough to prove her talent. But it was too strong for her, she didn't know how to handle it and sbam eda is cursed.
-Last but not least, it could have been a pine twins situation (I love gravity falls and I'm gonna put it in wherever, I want sue me), lilith feels betrayed that eda isn't following her same road and instead is abandoning school and refusing to join a coven. She was angry and bitter, thinking her sister was abandoning her and she cursed her. Too late she realized what she actually has done and it's not something she can fix.
But outside why she did that, it's possible that this whole situation is what brought lilith to join the emperor coven. Sure she possibly had already interest in it but now even more. Maybe the curse she did on eda was one of the old wild curses that were made before the coven system was created. And lilith, seeing what big fucking mess she did for using one, is even more convinced that wild magic and the old way of using magic is dangerous and the emperor is right to make this coven system.
Now all being said,
I still think Lilith Clawthorne is a bitch.
Thank you for listening to my ted talk.
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glooomtownbrats · 3 years
I'd really love to listen to you talking about the history of cars tbh!! (How are you even informed on that subject? lol)
anon you’ve opened pandora’s box, this is gonna be a long one you will understand why i took so long to reply, but i genuinely enjoyed typying this whole thing also some things may not be historically accurate so don’t come for me, this is more about how i feel about it in general and this took an embarrassingly long time to redact so pardon me ksdglkjs i know this chunk of history about cars because of those rare occasions that i’ve decided to watch tv, i always watch the history channel and i didn’t think it could be interesting bc i don’t get the excitement about cars but history always is!!! the invention of the car is one of the most interesting inventions to me, ever, the chemistry involved in the making of the engine... fuck, it was ahead of its time obviously. but the history behind it so we could get to where we are today is amazing. besides all the competition it was kinda like a group project lmao it goes all the way back to great minds like da vinky (kdhgfdk) but if i’m not mistaken its birth was in germany by carl benz, well no, actually not him but it is attributed to him because of the patent and adding some groundbreaking components to it (to the engine), but prior to carl benz there’s many more dudes, like nikolaus otto that created the otto cycle engine (sounds familiar?) used on motorcycles, then, after benz, gottlieb daimler and wilhelm maybach improved otto’s design (there’s some good drama between daimler and otto btw) but eventually daimler design was better, like i said there was competition and ambition on who made it first, or better, but at the end of the day to me, it all ended up being mashed up into the engine that we know today. these two dudes daimler and wilhelm built the first four wheeled vehicle on their own bc ya know, before that, three wheels were a thing. they eventually partnered up with benz and they’ve got the attribution for creating the whole combustion thingy for the engine that runs on petrol i believe, like bro we’re talking about the late eighteen hundreds, it took several people to figure it out, trial and error for years and years until they got it, let’s say they intrinsically helped each other creating and improving the engine by a thousand with each try and the automobile was born? then ya know all of the fancy european brands were born, this juicy engine invention gossip spread to italy, france and idk, europe, mostly for racing cars imagine how fucking dangerous that was. OH, also, of course only rich people used them because it was ridiculously expensive to create, let alone afford, one single car, and the design was ugly lmao. at “fast” speeds one accident was fatal, that’s why eventually they made them lighter and lighter and each addition to the car, like air bags, seatbealts and idkkk stuff that goes inside the car is an attribution of different brilliant minds. but i’m stating the obvious. anyways the documentary went on about the other european brands and its own piece of drama for each company like mercedes-benz being associated and mercedes being the daughter’s name from the associate, i think rolls royce were associates too and one of them died idk i can’t remember. The creation of that combustion engine thing apparently was a big help for WWII planes and stuff. later on, germany had a hard time selling cars because the economy and you know the aftermath, so, how did they fix this? (well i don’t remember lmao), BUT, thanks to the industrial revolution and yea henry ford (we’ve moved on to north america) he made possible to mass produce cars so the middle class could afford them yay? and yea as expected, before henry ford there were some other greedy men but who cares!! that’s all i can remember i am not sure if these old news are new news to you, or if it was slightly interesting or hell, if you even made it to the end of this, thanks for coming to my ted talk xx
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iol247 · 5 years
Google critic, 66, who testified that the tech giant's 2016 'election meddling gave 2.6m votes to Hillary Clinton' now suggests his wife's fatal car crash was NOT an accident
Robert Epstein, 66, said in July the internet giant's methods 'gave' millions of votes to Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential election
In December he announced that his wife, Misti Dawn Vaughn died in a crash
On Sunday he tweeted that her 'death makes you wonder' after his briefings
On January 4 he tweeted: 'I AM STILL NOT SUICIDAL. Hear that Google? Hillary?'
He had earlier dismissed the idea that '#Google or #Hillary had anything to do with Misti's death', but seems to have changed his mind in recent days
Epstein, a psychology professor, has criticized Google’s operations and ethics
He testified that Google's algorithm gave 2.6 million votes to Hillary Clinton
Vaughn's truck spun out of control while out driving in California in December
A high profile critic of Google, who accused the search engine of meddling in the 2016 election, has now suggested his wife's fatal car crash was not an accident.  
Robert Epstein, 66, said in July the internet giant's methods 'gave' millions of votes to Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential election.
In December he announced that his wife, Misti Dawn Vaughn, 29, died after her truck spun out of control along a road in California and into the path of a tractor-trailer.
On Sunday he tweeted: 'Last year, after I briefed a group of state AGs about #Google's power to rig elections, one of them said, "I think you're going to die in an accident in a few months." A few months later, my beautiful wife #Misti died a violent death. Makes you wonder.'
Epstein had earlier tweeted on January 4: 'BTW, although losing Misti is devastating for me - there will never be another Misti in my life, after all - I AM STILL NOT SUICIDAL. Hear that, #Google? Hear that, #Hillary?'
He had earlier dismissed the idea that '#Google or #Hillary had anything to do with Misti's death', but seems to have changed his mind in recent days.
Epstein, a psychology professor at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology, concluded that Google's search methods 'gave' millions of votes to Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential election.
'I know the number of votes that shifted because I have conducted dozens of controlled experiments in the U.S. and other countries that measure precisely how opinions and votes shift when search results favor one candidate, cause, or company,' Robert Epstein testified
Robert Epstein, shared in a heartbreaking tweet that his wife, Misti Dawn Vaughn, pictured, died after her vehicle spun out of control along a slipper road in California
Epstein has now suggested his wife's fatal crash was not an accident in this tweet Sunday
In July, Epstein outlined his claims under questioning by Sen Ted Cruz of Texas, who had at one time been President Donald Trump's chief primary challenger.
'I know the number of votes that shifted because I have conducted dozens of controlled experiments in the US and other countries that measure precisely how opinions and votes shift when search results favor one candidate, cause, or company,' Epstein testified.
Epstein testified that Google's search techniques 'shifted at least 2.6 millions votes to Clinton'.
Epstein said he analyzed 13,000 election-related searches from the campaign and that they were 'significantly biased in favor of Secretary Clinton'.
He said he 'conducted dozens of controlled experiments that measure how opinions shift when search results are biased.
'I call this shift "SEME" ��� the Search Engine Manipulation Effect,' he said.
Epstein claims the search results have an 'subliminal' effect on voters that he calls 'online ephemeral experiences'.
Clinton won the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes, so Epstein's theory gives the impression Google could have made the difference in the outcome.
However, even without getting into whether it is possible for a search engine to change individual voter preferences, Epstein testified that as many as 15 million votes could be impacted in 2020.
Epstein also claimed Google's 'Go Vote' display gave an 800,000 vote advantage to the Democratic Party.
Epstein, pictured with Clinton, a psychology professor at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology, concluded that Google's search methods 'gave' millions of votes to Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential election
In December Epstein announced that his wife, Misti Dawn Vaughn, 29, pictured, died after her truck spun out of control along a road in California and into the path of a tractor-trailer
On January 4 he tweeted: 'I AM STILL NOT SUICIDAL. Hear that, Google? Hear that, Hillary?'
Google has denied the allegations and said it never altered its search results as a some elected conservatives now claim.
'This researcher's inaccurate claim has been debunked since it was made in 2016. As we stated then, we have never re-ranked or altered search results to manipulate political sentiment,' Google said at the time.
'Our goal is to always provide people with access to high quality, relevant information for their queries, without regard to political viewpoint,' the company added.
About a month after his testimony, Epstein shared an article that claimed he had been 'killed' by a Google Street View vehicle.
'And lots of you keep warning me that my life is in danger. I sure hope that isn't true. Anyway, I was already killed by a #Google Street View vehicle back in 2014!' Epstein wrote.
The tweet was accompanied by a link to the Huffington Post article that claimed he died on July 19, 2014, after being struck by the vehicle while crossing Front Street in San Diego.
'My beautiful wife Misti, a published poet, succumbed last night to injuries sustained in a car accident,' her grieving husband wrote
Misti, 29, lost control of her Ford Ranger along rain-slick on Interstate 15 in Escondido, according to the San Diego Union-Tribune. When her truck spun out of control it crossed into the path of an oncoming big rig that was hauling two dump trailers, it was reported at the time
On December 28 he shared in a heartbreaking tweet: 'My beautiful wife Misti, a published poet, succumbed last night to injuries sustained in a car accident.
'I was supposed to die in your arms some day, but a slippery road has ruined everything. You were not just my love, you were my greatest adventure.'
Misti, 29, lost control of her Ford Ranger along rain-slick on Interstate 15 in Escondido, according to the San Diego Union-Tribune.
When her truck spun out of control it crossed into the path of an oncoming big rig that was hauling two dump trailers, it was reported at the time.
California Highway Patrol spokesman Officer Mark Latulippe told the news outlet that the 50-year-old driver of the tractor-trailer was unable to avoid hitting the woman's truck and struck the passenger side of the pickup.
Moments later, a 19-year-old woman who was driving a Toyota 4Runner was also unable to avoid the accident in front of her and struck the Ranger.
The victim was treated at the scene for her injuries before being rushed to Palomar Medical Center. Both the big rig driver and the 19-year-old woman were uninjured.
Drugs or alcohol were not initially believed to be factors in the crash and a police investigation was launched. DailyMail.com has contacted CHP for the latest.
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likecrazycom · 5 years
Pete Buttigieg Still Raking in Major Celeb Donations for 2020
Pete Buttigieg may have lost some early steam in his campaign to nab the Democratic nomination for president … but Hollywood’s still got his back big-time.
According to filings by the 2019 Federal Election Commission … contributions for Mayor Pete have been pouring in from celebs since he announced his 2020 presidential run — with well over 30 Hollywood types forking over cash to the South Bend Mayor.
Among the names … Gwyneth Paltrow ($2,800), Anna Wintour ($2,800), Mandy Moore ($3,818.86), Tom Ford ($5,600), Larry David ($2,800), Kevin Bacon ($2,800), Michael J. Fox ($2,800), Frances McDormand ($3,000), Matt Bomer ($2,800), Jeffrey Katzenberg ($2,800), Marilyn Katzenberg ($2,800) and John Stamos ($1,000).
And, there are others who opened their wallets for Pete, including Brad Falchuk, Sean Hayes, Caroline Kennedy, Ryan Murphy, Sarah Silverman, Ted Danson, Sharon Stone and George Takei. 
Looks like $2,800 seems to be the magic number — the max one-time donation. Funny enough the largest one-time contribution we found in the famous batch of donors — $6,600 — was one Cooper Hefner — the guy running Playboy Enterprises. The smallest donations came in at $250. 
Pete may be behind in the polls, but he’s still one of the most popular Democratic candidates — raising more than $24m this past quarter.
BTW, he’s not the only Dem who’s got Hollywood in his corner … Senator Elizabeth Warren has a healthy amount of support as well — Amy Schumer, Rosie O’Donnell, Scarlett Johansson and others plunked down cash — raising a total of just over $19m over the course of this last cycle. 
Hollywood support doesn’t get you elected, but the money sure helps. 
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