#For the first one Alma is no longer in control of the magic/Casita
zombieplaguedoc · 7 months
Encanto/Metal Family crossover AU but the metal family are yanderes and one of them (possibly Dee or even Lif) has figured out a way to corrupt the Madrigals' magic and turn all their gifts against them (i.e., Julieta either ends up burning everything or instead of healing everyone she unintentionally poisons them, Pepa gets struck by lightning or all the negative weather she conjures only affects her and not her surroundings, Bruno can only see visions of his death and each one is different and more gruesome than the last, etc) in an attempt to take Mirabel from them.
OR, as a spin-off to a Villain Encanto AU I saw, the Shvagenbagens do the same thing to the Madrigals' magic, but the Madrigals are all villains and once they lose their gifts Glam and his family encourage Mirabel to leave and abandon them.
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
The candle and Casita had one loved the Madrigals with all their nonphysical hearts. Seeing the little ones born and grow up within the walls, their happiness and sadness, their anger and joy. How could they not love and protect them, it was what they were here to do. The candle had existed longer than Casita, having been the wedding candle for Alma and Pedro's wedding. It was witness to the tragic beginning of the family as well and when it was enchanted it gained a bit of a consciousness, despite never moving and only being able to communicate with Casita.
One thing it always regretted was that it could not assist Senora Alma with a curse she had before the Encanto formed, one that she'd somehow been able to hide from her children and the entire town. So Candle had the idea to give her children and descendants gifts. Abilities to protect them if they absolutely needed it. Albeit, perhaps five was too young but there was usually no issues. Candle and Casita would always check the children that were born in them for the signs that Alma displayed as well as to evaluate what gift they thought was best for each child.
Julieta had liked cooking with her Mami in the kitchen and always bringing things she thought would make someone feel better so healing food had been perfect for her
Pepa has a smile as bright as the sun but a temper as scary as a monsoon. They thought a gift to reflect that would help though they should have allowed her more control than just her emotions.
With Bruno, he seemed like a curious child, always wondering what it would be like in the future. Giving him the ability to see it as well as form tablets they could use as a trade seemed okay at the time.
The pattern continued from there. Isabela had liked playing in the dirt and bringing home plants she found, Dolores had followed everyone around because she wanted to know what everyone was doing, Luisa loved stories Agustin told her about strong and brave heroes who could protect people and Camilo had oh so loved acting and playing pretend! Their gifts had all reflected their interests, and none of them had the curse.
And than came Mirabel. The youngest and sweetest of all the madrigal children who had been born. Both Casita and Candle had been preparing what they thought was the most magical and enjoyable gift for her when they noticed after age three the signs. It was their dismay and melancholy joy when they realized that their youngest family member was inflicted with the same condition as the eldest.
They were disappointed that they couldn't bestow the gift they made for her since the curse conflicted their ability to do so. So all they could do was make sure Alma at least knew before the pups first transformation triggered.
They had no clue that doing so would change how the rest of the family would treat the young girl. That the mere fact that Alma would be guiding and assuring Mirabel was enough to embitter grown women and children into feeling jealous. And the fact that none of them would ask the person they actually wanted information from and just beat down on Mirabel's love for them, distancing from her, treating her like she was useless, insulting her to her face! Screaming at her, allowing her to be hurt!
It hurt them so much to see that the Madrigals could be so evil! The lesser evils were Agustin, Luisa,Felix and Camilo. Bruno in the walls never hurt Mirabel, even after leaving though he was anguished by his sister's behavior.
Agustin would never hurt Mirabel, he loved all his daughters equally and didn't mind that Alma had taken her under her wing.
Luisa was just busy so often in town that she barely had time to notice the attention and even than she was happy Mirabel was getting help but sad that she barely got to spend time together.
Camilo missed playing with Mirabel too. He wanted to play with his gift and play hide and seek with her but his Mami started pulling her away or sending him off to do chores. Though he was a little jealous that she didn't have chores, though he supposed having to walk and do work with Abuela counted enough since it seemed boring to him
Felix didn't care much either, though to keep Pepa and Dolores happy he tried to avoid poor Mirabel, if only to prevent her from suffering any more wrath
Julieta wasn't that bad as well...she was just so tired and stressed that she ended up lashing out at her daughter, though she tried to make up for it, the damage was done. Mirabel just didn't believe she loved her genuinely any more.
But the actions of Pepa, Isabela and Dolores were unforgivable. Gossiping, insulting, screaming, even actually hurting Mirabel sometimes. It wasn't something that they could just say sorry for.
Casita was cracking because of them! Because they just wouldn't communicate! So... Candle would make sure they understood just how bad it was to have a curse. It was the only way they would learn.
But what Isabela
No but. What. What could those two possibly be planning to do, I'm genuinely curious 😭😭 A lot of the Madrigals have been pretty mean and low key f'ed up, so I'm just curious as to what they mean by having a curse ☠️☠️
Shiiii if you have a a continuation
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my-fan-side · 2 years
AN Encanto Fanfic idea:
An angsty fan fic idea or maybe this is a drabble already?
* So Abuela Alma doesn’t have an actual gift on her own, at least not something that can’t be seen. But she has some sort off a little bit of spark of every powers that the Madrigal family gets. But no one knows this except her. And its something that she can’t usually control.
* Like she doesn’t get an actual vision, but she usually have that strong gut feelings on what’s about to happen. She can’t make flowers or plants appear out of nothing, but for some reason the flowers that she takes care of on her room lives longer than they should. She can’t heal with a meal, but she’s got that magic touch that sometimes reduces the pain whenever she touches any of the family who are in pain. She can’t understand what the animals were actually saying, but like with Casita, she seems to gets the sense of what they want to convey. Even Alma is not sure if she got an actual gift, but a part of her feels like she has because everytime a new member got a gift, she feels a warm tingling sensation within her.
* On the day the Casita fell, what if Mirabel was actually crushed and dying when the family found her. Julieta found Mirabel first, barely alive. As everyone gathers around Mirabel in tears, and telling her to hold on, and that help is coming. Abuela found her way beside her nieta. The candle is not yet fully extinguished and she still feels a bit of the power fading within her as well.
*She hold on to Mira on one hand, and on the candle with her other hand. Abuela prayed on the remains of Casita, of the candles, of the miracle, of that little spark of remaining power within her. And with everything she got, she’ve pushed and pushed all her life to make that spark of power grow. And she focused all of it in her hand, as she asked the miracle to let her make this sacrifice one last time, for her nieta.
*And so as Abuela touched Mira’s cheeks, she leaned closer to her nieta’s ear and told her that she loves her. A bright glow from her palm touches Mira, then in an instant all her injuries healed, all cuts were closed, all broken bones were fixed. But as soon as Mira were able to sit down. Abuela then collapsed beside her. Just as sudden, all of Mira’s supposed injuries now appears to Abuela. She’s now the one who is bleeding, coughing blood, and dying.
*Julieta was scared and reached out to her Mama. She was so confused on what happened, and how it happened. She thought she was losing her daughter, but now she’s losing her Mama. She can’t barely talk, all she was able to say was “Why?”. Abuela, with her last strength, touched her daughter’s face and said “Because mija, the familia no longer need me, but you all need Mira.”
*Abuela’s last words probably were “Te Amo mi niños” and “Lo siento” And then as she took her last breath, the Casita started moving and rebuild itself. It was like Pedro all over again. With Abuela’s sacrifice, the casita emerged again from the rubbles and all the powers came back. But now, on the standing new building, the door that used to belongs to Abuela is now a glowing unopened door. Which eventually was opened by Mirabel. Her figure is now the one holding the candle.
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miramilocamimira · 3 years
No (Wall Dwellers?)
“How do you save a miracle? Hug a sister.” He mumbles as his niece continued ranting. If this takes much longer Alma would see him.
Camilo closes his eyes and awaits his fate. Only…. There’s no attacking? He slowly open up his eyes and sees his brother and all of the animals looking really sad.
‘Nonono, this is worse!!’
“Hey.. what’s wrong?” He asked, sitting next to his brother.
“I heard Dolores say that when people get married they don’t have as much time for others… does… does this mean when you and Mira get married she’s gonna forget about me?” Antonio sobs. “Is she gonna be so focused on you and your guys kids to read me bedtime stories or sing lullabies or help me feed my friends?” Camilo flushes.
“Hey, okay, first of all, who said anything about kids anytime soon? Tonito, she and I are kids still too! And secondly, how could she ever forget you!” He exclaims. “You’re her favorite, and we all know it!”
Mirabel doesn’t remember the what’s, why’s, and how’s - she just knows that they started arguing.
“THERE’S A REASON WHY NO-ONE IN THE FAMILY CARES ABOUT YOU!” Señorita perfecta Isabella yells at her and the anger that had been with her quickly changes into a familiar feeling. One she refuses to name.
“N-no, that- that can’t be true…” she lets out, “Antonio and I…. And Camilo said he loves me…” She brings her arms around herself.
“Uh… Casita, was that… Isabella right now?” There’s no real response and sometimes he wishes he were Mirabel or Abuela because the house is evil and wants Camilo to die as well apparently.
Antonio giggles from his arms where he’d scooped up his brother in a hug. “You might wanna pull a Tio Bruno.”
“Yeah, I think Casita has plenty of space for two wall dwellers.”
Mirabel screams in shock as the vines pull her closer to Isabella and away from the door.
“That. Is. It. You are staying here and away… away from that lying, backstabbing jerk!”
“What?! No! Isabella, Casita is in danger! I can’t just stay here!”
“Mirabel, you can and will! That pest isn’t good enough for you!” The vines hold her in place.
“First of all, did you not just say that no-one cares about me? So why do you get an opinion!?” Mirabel yells back. “Why does it even matter to you!”
“BECAUSE I LOVED YOU FIRST!” The elder shouts, the vines dropping Mirabel when a cactus grows in between them.
Alma had gone to the village to control the damage. ‘Mirabel, I don’t know what we’ve done but… Hurting our… My familia is unforgivable.’ She thinks. Suddenly all sorts of different plants appear.
The two sisters hug before falling into a pile of flowers. “You’re a bad influence.” Isabella giggles.
“What is going on?” And the Isabella can see the look of dread in her sister’s eyes. She can see the fear in them as she watches Mirabel head up to their grandmother.
“Abuela, it’s okay! Everything’s… we’re gonna save the miracle! The magic…” Mirabel tries to explain. Abuela won’t listen but she still has to try. She has to. ‘Keep it on me. Keep it on me.’ She thinks.
“What are you talking about? Look at our home! Look at your sister!” Her sister who looked so happy and even prettier than before now that she’s who she really is.
“Yeah! We did all of this. And the candle burned brighter and the cracks… ”
“Mirabel.” Abuela’s voice was stern.
“That’s why I’m in the vision. I’m saving the miracle!”
“You have to stop Mirabel!” And she does. “The cracks started with you. Bruno left, because of you. Luisa’s losing her powers. Isabela’s out of control. Because of you. I don’t know why you weren’t given a gift but it is not an excuse for you to hurt this family!” Mirabel wants to cry as the heart wrenching pit of emotions return. As she finally realizes what she should have a decade ago.
“I.. I will never be good enough for you. Will I?” Mirabel says and looks over at her sisters. “No matter how hard I try. No matter how hard any of us tries. Luisa will never be strong enough. Isabela won’t be perfect enough. Bruno left our family because you only saw the worst in him.”
“Bruno didn’t care about this family!”
“He loves this family!” She shouts, anger coming through. Because how dare… how dare she ever say that about Tio Bruno who left to protect her. “I love this family! We all love this family! You're the one who doesn’t care! You’re the one breaking our home!”
“Don’t you ever!”
“The miracle is dying, because of you!” And casita cracks.
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evisconti · 3 years
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      now   i   have   padre   in   the   ercanto   au   brainrot.      i   just   wanna   put   this   out   there   ,      but   padre   was   HORRIBLE   in   the   three   years   or   so   years   he   was   married   to   julieta.      before   that   ,      he      PRETENDED      to   be   a   good   man   ,      pretended   to   LOVE   julieta   ,      pretended   to   be   nice.      but   all   he   was   doing   was   ACTING   ..      he   was   none   of   those   things   in   reality.      all   he   wanted   out   of   the   madrigals   was   a      magical      son      he      could      feel      POWERFUL      with      ,         he   wanted   to   be   ASSOCIATED   with   the   madrigals.      he   wooed   julieta   ,      and   basically   the   moment   they   were   married   ,      everything   went   DOWNHILL.
      within   that   first   week   of   being   married   ,      his   mask   was   SLIPPING   very   fast.      he   became   a   lot   more   SHORT   with   the   family   ,      with   his   wife   ,      with   EVERYONE.      the   padre   julieta   married   was      NO      LONGER      there   ,      and   it   became   increasingly   apparent   that   she’d   unknowingly   brought   some   sort   of   MONSTER   into   the   home.      he   was   CONTROL   HUNGRY.      he   did   anything   to      PUT      everyone   in   their   place   and   REIGN   above   everyone   else   ,      even   alma.      he   was   violent   ,      angry   and   loud   ,      and   he   wasn’t   afraid   to   HIT   either.         (      granted   ,      that   was   SPARINGLY   ,      thanks   to   casita   usually   SWOOPING   him   away   one   way   or   another.      but   even   then   ,      there   was   a   chance   that      PUNISHMENT      would   only   get   worse   if   the   house   got   in   the   way   ,      so   in   a   sense   ..      he’d   gotten   the   VERY   HOUSEHOLD   ITSELF   under   his   thumb.      )
      after   isabela’s   birth   ,      and   before   dolores’   ,      there   were   PLENTY   of   times   where   he   even   THREATENED   to   leave   the   encanto   and      take      the      firstborn      child      with   him   as   a   means   to   GET   what   he   wanted.      this   had   obviously   led   EVERYONE   to   beg   him   not   to   ,      and   only   gave   him   MORE   POWER   over   the   household   as   an   eventual   result.      he   was   a   PATRIARCH.      he   held   no   respect   for   anyone   and   cared   about      NO      ONE’S      feelings   or   wellbeing   but   his   own.      while   he   treated   EVERYONE   like   shit   ,      julieta   certainly   had   it   worse   ,      considering   she   was   his   WIFE   and   ,      in   the   way   he   saw   it   ,      HIS   property.      nobody   was   safe   from   his   shouting   and   criticism   and   demanding   ,      but   JULIETA   was   most   susceptible.      her      siblings      a   close   second.
      there’s   a   lot   more   i   can   add   ,      like   how   he   treated   julieta   more   explicitly   ,      why   he   waited   a   few   months   to   have   isa   conceived   ,      why   he   waited   to   have   luisa+ercole   after   isa’s   birth   ,      ect   ect   ..      but   i’m   gonna   stop   here.      he’s   horrible   and   doesn’t   deserve   the   spotlight   anymore   v__v
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