#For some reason tho Sora was really hard to draw here
winter-spark · 1 year
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My Citron & Aqua card did better than I expected so here's the other fake collab card I did ft. Sora and Sakuya.
I worked so hard on this, I legit got my own screenshots of Destiny Islands from my copy of the game as well as ones from online before I started to make sure the piece was plausible and framed right. So I hope seeing this you at least like the background.
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pipsketches · 4 years
Is it possible for you to give your thoughts on the characters you drew and the challenge as a whole? 🤞
Sure! The challenge as a whole is a super cool idea. It let’s artist draw some characters maybe they wouldn’t have drawn before (I know 5 out of the 6 characters I had never drawn before and probably wouldn’t have) and interact with their followers, which is particularly more important for bigger artist than a small one like me I think, because it lets them know who they have as an audience. Also I imagine for bigger artist who have like actual work it must be fun to do something semi-indulgent because it was certainly really fun for me! And I have no art obligations lol
As for the characters I’ll start with Vane from Granblue
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Who I know nothing about at all! lol I believe Granblue Fantasy is a fighting game and I think I’ve seen some gameplay clips here and there but I don’t know anything about the series, let alone the character, but I really liked his design. Big messy haired beefcake like sign me up! That said he gave me the hardest time lol Idk how I feel about the end result but he was definitely interesting.
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Sora I’m only familiar with from pop culture (Kingdom Hearts has way to many games to look into). I always liked his design tho and the aesthetic of the series so I thought he’d be fun to draw (which he was! His keyblade was hard to draw but overall I think I liked his end result the best)
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Ryuji I am familiar with! He’s actually my favorite boy in Persona 5. I have drawn him before (it was a back when P5 released so idk if I posted it). When he got suggested I knew I had to take the chance to draw him again lol. He’s a really sweet and misunderstood character that needs to be loved and protected! Particularly from Atlas like some of the stuff they have him go through (getting beat up by the track team and phantom thieves!?) and Do (be a creep towards Ann after everything they went thru with Kamoshida) like??? Atlas wtf get your writing team checked.
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Sokka was a surprise for me because I thought if any Avatar character was gonna be suggested it be Bolin (generally the popular one with the gays~ I am a guilty member of the fan club myself). He’s a great character (all ATLA characters are honestly) and I love the series so I was like ok let’s go for it! He’s one of those characters I probably would never have drawn because while I like him theirs a lot more characters I like more from the series. Maybe if LOK would explore his character that would change (or even the comics like he seriously got the shortest end of the stick)
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I picked two Digimon characters (and added 3) so if it wasn’t obvious I really like Digimon! I’ve seen all but the Xwars anime to completion. Tai in particular got suggested twice which was very interesting to me! I’ve never really had a Digimon husbando (from the anime anyway I really liked Ryuji Mishima in hacker’s memory) or really looked into the fandom to see who is popular but I guess Tai must be. With him I mostly went with his Kizuna design but changed up his color scheme to be more in line with his Adventure and 02 design because what is up with him getting lighter and lighter??? The original series is also what I think of when I think of Tai. He has a lot of qualities I usually like on my husbandos (wild hair, strong sense of justice, kind, and courage :p) but for some reason he hasn’t clicked with me.
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 Finally Angemon! I mentioned it when he was suggested but I love the crest of Hope line! (which is why I couldn’t help but add in Tokomon and Patamon) T.K. was my favorite character as a kid and just about every time I’ve rewatched the series Angemon’s death makes me tear up (admittedly a lot of episodes do idk why Digimon makes me really emo). So it was nice to get to draw him. It also made me realize that we really need a Mastemon counterpart, like let Angemon fuse with Devimon they had the original angel vs devil feud! 
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