#For Breynce
fortallgirlstblr · 8 years
For Brenyce
Meet Brenyce! She is an amazingly talented fashion illustrator that also happens to be 5 foot 8 inches. She has a naturally slim body frame and owns her unique style. 
We had the chance to catch up with her and ask her a few questions:
How does being tall affect your day to day life?
Well, I definitely have a better view of things, haha. I guess that I am so used to my height that I don't really notice how it effects my day to day schedule. The only time I realize that I may be too tall is when I hit my head on something, when I am already ducking to go under it.
What helped you embrace your height and body type as far as your style?
My body type is thin and tall. I've always had a small frame so I was use to shopping for my small size. As I grew and got taller I had to learn how to shop all over again. Clothes were either too big or too short. I've learned the styles and sizes that work for me. And honestly fashion magazines are the greatest help for my body type. Although some people may shame fashion models, I was inspired because their bodies looked like mine, so I would refer to them for styling tips. But its still hard when it comes to shopping because even though the models are silm like me, it is till hard to find my size. 
How does it influence your fashion illustration and design aesthetic?
Being tall makes it easier to accommodate other tall people. My fashion illustration design aesthetic has a traditional style, which is the updated modern liking. I think my client profile is similar to my shape only because I know it best. I know that I will definitely expand my client profile as I evolve more as a designer. 
Any advice for a tall girl like you?
I feel like I see a lot of women that walk around without confidence. Do not be discouraged by your height, embrace it! Use your height to your advantage, it is your gift.
Thank you for reading! Please, Comment, Like, and Share this post with your #tallfriends! 
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