abnlyes · 7 years
Critique Paper: Footnote to Youth by Jose Garcia Villa
One of the most powerful literary influence in the Philippines, Jose Garcia Villa, wrote a very credible short story denominated Footnote to Youth. Wherein it talks merely about real life scenarios as it emphasizes the youth, responsibilities and marriage.
The story itself is entitled “footnote’’,which means that the note or the message to the reader, specifically to the youth, is found at the very end of the story. That the reader should be the one analyse as to what the story wants to showcase or if the story have more than one valid interpretation. Therefore, the approach used is reader-response approach, as it focuses typically to the readers or the audience of the story.
Marriage in a very young age, especially when you are not ready with the consequences together with it, will give birth to more problems. In the very first part of the story, Dodong a seventeen-year old young boy, was very eager to marry this girl named Teang. So even in the beginning of the story, the author was already giving a clue or idea on what is his story all about — early marriage. On the second paragraph, I was a little bit bothered as to what’s with the worm that it’s actions towards Dodong are so detailed. So I found out, after reading the whole story, that the worm symbolizes Dodong. Innocent, blind and low in class. The author really has a logical mind that even in the smallest things, he can captivate the reader’s mind to give meaning to it. The young man, walked fast with deep thoughts about Teang, to ask the blessing of his father for their marriage. His father asked him “Must you marry Dodong?”, this line, for me, has a very big significance in the story. It only has four words but it says a lot of things. It is like the author itself is asking, “Are you ready to commit with your decisions in life?” or “Do you think you are knowledgeable enough for these actions?” and something like that. 
The scenes are partly organized and unorganized. Organized because I have understood mostly the parts of the story. But I am just not sure with the wrong punctuation marks, misspellings and repetition of sentences if those are really intended or just typos. I was a bit confused at the part where the point of view suddenly shifted from Teang to Dodong. Now Teang’s point of view is an another essential of the story. She somehow regretted marrying at a very young age and daydreaming about the past. But I like how the author also exhibited as to what Teang’s realizations are. Indeed, history repeats itself. This has been proved when Blas, one of Dodong’s children, has been fitting his father’s old shoes. Dodong and Teang, married at a very young age, and by this, they might not had enough wisdom to raise their children and ended up full of regrets in life.
The youth is the hope of the motherland. We are our country’s hope. Teenagers nowadays are impulsive and aggressive, whatever they think and feel at the moment, they want to do it right away. This story has been written for our minds to be open on the possible things that can happen if we wouldn't be heedful with our actions. We should think before jumping into big decisions in life and while still young, set priorities in life. Because if a decision is made, be ready to face and accept its consequences.
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dodongmario · 7 years
Footnote to Youth by: Jose Garcia Villa
A new set of words and phrases came to life and cast it way into the world and creates a story entitled, “Footnote to Youth”. Written by a literary critic, short story writer, poet, painter, and award-winning Filipino author; Jose Garcia Villa. The story orbits around a boy (Dodong) who burdened the life of a teenager and experienced the different spectrum of love and it’s consequences due some regrettable mistakes.
The author exercises his arch of passion in writing by bringing the readers first into a scene where Dodong, a boy in his teenage years is contemplating how would he tell to his parents about his relationship with Teang and his decision to marry her. The author uses characterization to show how Dodong was really serious about marrying Teang in order to bring out and portray the compassionate hearts of every Filipino youth. His character was vividly presented in the story as an happy and impulsive persona who let hearts win over mind. He decided immediately to an extent that he doesn’t consider all the possible consequences he will be facing in marrying Teang in an early age, and Villa never really doubted his talents in writing to evidently point the stage or status of our youth today in connection to all issues the youth are facing today and tomorrow. The message of the story can be really understood from the differences that subsists from the generation of the youth now and before using the historical criticism to bring out the transition of values and morals of the teenagers now and before. Villa also uses psychological approach ti emphasize and vividly gave an example to the unending cases of teenage pregnancy that leads to regretted mistakes. He also uses feminism approach to show how women especially the Filipino women are.
The message the author was trying to convey in the story was patchy and not that clear but if you really read and understand the whole text, you can really get what was the author trying to emphasized. He was trying to explain set of ideas which made the story as an illustration of the Filipino youth today aging 13-17 in today’s society. In which teenage pregnancy and pre-marital sex became such a norm that we sometimes not get shocked hearing this in the news, and Villa were able to give corresponding examples for this which is 1) when Dodong himself realized his impulsiveness and started to regret his decision marrying Teang in an early age and; 2) Teang who was also been troubled about the challenges she faced after her marriage to Dodong and doubted if what would be her life if she picked Lucio, who is more older than Dodong. Villa were also able to think of a way in order for his thoughts to sprean by using his pen, when Blas (Dodong’s son) wanted to marry Tonya at the age of 18, and he asked his father about this which Dodong wanted not to grant his son’s request but he abstain that thought and immediately granted Blas’ request to marry Tonya not telling the fact that what he was asking his father will surely change his way of living because of early marriage and all the obstacles he will be facing after. However, the author doesn’t satisfies the readers curiosity on what is the feeling and point of views of Teang after the marriage.
The author ultimately bled his pen in order to show and bring the readers attention how the society and the youth of today is transitioning which Villa really did a great job. Truly, the story “Footnote to Youth” is such an eye-opener for the teenagers today and I think reading this will make one teenager knows what to do and surely understand the consequences he/she might be facing after. Love will always be a strong word in this world because it does not affect our hearts but also our life after. We sometimes have to control our affection to each other in order for us not to decide things not still appropriate for our age. Love will always be waiting in a waiting shed in our lives, waiting for us to pass by, so let’s start trusting destiny and see it magic work and also believe in God’s magic.
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Footnote to Youth
A single decision can make your whole life different. Yes, it is scary to make a big change but there is one thing that is even scarier, regret. Footnote to Youth taught me to be responsible in my decisions and choices in life. Even though this story was written a long time ago still, it is relevant until today. This is one of the works of Jose Garcia Villa; he is a poet, a critic, a short story writer and a painter.
A footnote is an additional information to the readers or simply, a reminder, the author want to leave a lesson to the youth to think many times in making decisions. The purpose of this critique is to understand more the message of the story, to know why it is timeless and learn why this story is not just for the youths but also for the grown-ups. The reader should read and interpret first the story to have its meaning that is why I used the readers-response method. Your life will change the moment you make a decision. After marrying Teang at the young age, Dodong faced by the reality of his chosen life. The history repeat itself when his son, Blas turned 18 and Dodong does not want him to make the same mistake.
The short story reflects the life cycle of a man based on his decisions. How his single decision changed his whole life. The first line, “The sun was salmon and hazy in the west” makes me think of Dodong being in love and at the same time uneasy because he is going to ask permission from his father to marry his girlfriend, Teang. This line also makes me wonder of the countryside. He is just 17 but for him he is already a grown man, for me it is not just the physical features will define your maturity. When he asked his father for his blessing, there was a cruel silence maybe he want his son to think twice about pursuing a marriage life because it is a big decision aside from the fact that he is still very young. His father knows what might happen because his father himself had married early but still he gave his blessing. I can tell that his family is not living in fancy kind of life and Dodong is already working and no longer studying. Instead of thinking a way to help his family, he decided to marry his girlfriend. They rushed into marriage thinking it is just about love for each other, but it is not. While waiting for his first child to be born, Dodong realized what he had done. He still feels young and inexperienced different to how he felt nine months ago, he was ashamed of it; he cannot change the things that is already there. We cannot go back in the past and undo things we regret. It is ironic to hear that Dodong did not want any more children but six more children came. Teang cried and wished that she had not married so young and wondered if she had married the other suitor, Lucio, she felt it is much better. Nevertheless, his love for Dodong conquered the thought that life made her ugly and all of the what-ifs. This part made me believe that when you are miserable love will find its way to make you look in the brighter side. The only thing they can do is face the consequences of their decisions. We should not just make a decision based on our current situation we should also consider what might happen in the future. This part also want us to realize to be aware of the responsibilities, as time pass by all of these are getting heavier. Dodong has a question he cannot answer. Even though he will find the answer there is no turning back and for him life did not fulfill all of youth’s dreams. Moreover, all of the opportunities is already wasted. What Dodong did when he was still 17 happened once again to his son, Blas. This scenario convinced me that the work of Villa proves history repeats itself. The story ended with Dodong feeling helpless.
The story is truly timeless and it gives a lesson to all-ages. The third person point-of-view helped me understand more the scenes. By reading this critique, you will know my side as a youth also about this story or did the author convinced me as a youth to be responsible in my decisions. Reading this story will leave a reminder to all, that your life is defined by your choices.
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shaniesuazo-blog · 7 years
A critique of the story “Footnote to Youth”
Thesis Footnote to Youth is wanting us to know and be aware what life may bring to us after having a marriage at the early age, that the story it did happen to Dodong and also to Blas and assuring that it won't happen anymore to the youth now a days. 
Introduction The introduction of the story entitled Footnote to Youth, written by Jose Garcia, states that a seventeen year old boy named Dodong wanted to marry Teang. He asked his father's permission but was not allowed to. Dodong believed that he could already marry Teang, but in the end they wish they were not married because of the different disadvantages of marrying at the young age.
Discussion In the story “Footnote to Youth”, the author features Dodong as the central character. His character is evidently presented in the story as a man who wants to marry the girl named “Taeng” thinking he is old old enough to marry just because of his physical features such as the muscles on his arms and mustache being apparent on his upper lip. For the protagonist those are already valid aspects for a person to embark another chapter of his life.
Dodong’s family belongs to the pverty line of the society. the story suggests that Dodong is no longer studying. Instead, he just works in the farm. His parents were old but instead of doing something to help them, he kept on thinking of marrying his girl. Just after they finished their dinner, Dodong dropped the bomb to his father that he was going to marry Taeng.
The young man impatiently waited for his father’s affirmative response about the marriage. When asked by his father if he must marry, He stubbornly responded that he wanted to marry. Having realized that Dodong already made up his mind, there was no way of his parents to object anymore. Love is so powerful that it will do everything to win.
After the first son of the young couple born, Dodong realized what he had done. He was ashamed of his youthful paternity, how poor his choice was nine months ago. Dodong felt devastated on how life turned out after the marriage.
The arrival of six more children on successive years made the couple’s life more miserable. Teang cried sometimes wishing she did not marry at all. Somehow, she also wished that it was better not to have kids too.
The both learned their lesson the hard way in which they became already prisoners of their impulsive and wrong decision. There was no way turning back for they already have seven hungry mouths to feed. They did not realize when they get married, they would have kids and responsibilities that lie ahead would be heavier. They was no option left but to face the consequences of what they did.
Conclusion Definitely, “Footnote to Youth” is considerably timeless. The title itself suggests an afterthought. It is something that we should consider carefully for it depicts real life scenarios. This is to leave a lesson for youth to think many times before jumping into a big decision in life.
Work Cited Villa, Jose Garcia, Footnote to Youth, New York; London: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1933.
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kat1punera · 7 years
While Reading Footnote to Youth, I was so amazed by how the author simply delivers the big message to the Youth which is, the importance of making decisions in life.
Getting close to the main idea of the story, the story started with this line “The sun was salmon and hazy in the west”, was an implied comparison Dodong being in love. Being in love isn’t wrong, but at the very young age? Already thinking about marriage at the age of 17? I guess it is wrong. Dodong was just a young boy who thinks he was already a “Man” just because of his physical features such as the muscles, pimples and the mustache on his face. He was scared, felt hazy thinking will his father allow him to marry teang.
The author described a “short colorless worm marched blindly to Dodong’s foot and crawled clammily over it,” while Dodong was in deep thought about Teang. This is another significant object in the story. It gives a resemblance to Dodong who is by nature low in stature.
Dodong patiently waited for his Father’s response about the marriage. His father couldn’t do anything, wanted to say ‘No’ for Dodong’s sake.
Dodong and Teang had sweet youthful dreams but life did not give them what they wanted. I think, Marriage is not just about love for each other.
When Blas was born, Dodong was ashamed to his self, realizing the poor choices he did in those past 9 months. He felt devastated on how those things turned out in the short time.
Six years arrived, Teang realizes things she’d done, crying every night wishing she wasn’t married, she doesn’t have kids but in the other hand he loves dodong, he couldn’t do anything about it.
They both learned their lesson, there was no turning back for they have already seven hungry mouths to feed. There was no option left but to face the consequences.
Footnote by Youth is something that we should consider carefully for it, because it defects real life scenarios. Living a lesson we should hardly think about the decisions were making in life. As what Roy T. Benneth once said, “ You are not the victim of the world, but rather the master of your own destiny. It is your choices and decisions that determine your destiny.”
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sam-sajul · 4 years
“Footnote to Youth”- A Feminist Approach
From the story/text, it shows how Teang and Dodong’s mother is silent throughout the story. Let’s start with Dodong’s Mother, As I’ve read from the text after Dodong came back from bathing from the river, there was already food in the table. Based from how Dodong acted tired and just let her mother go to the river to wash the dirty things, because of that i’ve thought that the Mother only does all the Household chores from preparing the food to the chores. Because instead of Dodong helping her mother do the chores, he just pitied her because of not having a “daughter” to help her. Therefore it shows that they see women as housewives only and only that. Then to Teang, She was descripted as a wrinkled woman that’s body is worn out because of the child bearing and household chores.
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krisjoannemariedawa · 7 years
Critique of Footnote to Youth
              In the short story of Jose Garcia Villa, he tackles the realities and responsibilities that comes with marriage and family life. The story narrates the life of Dodong who wants to get married at the early age of seventeen. Trying to convince himself that he is old enough to handle a big responsibility as a husband and a father.
          In the story, it all started when Dodong decided to marry his love Teang. He was just seventeen that time but he thinks he was mature and old enough to get married. Dodong asked his parents’ permission that he want to get married with Teang. He got his parents blessings even though his parents know that he is still young and he is going to commit the same mistake that his parents did. Dodong and Teang lived together and Teang got pregnant. When Teang was going gave birth to their baby, Dodong felt guilty and regret. He realized that he was too young to handle the role of being a father. For six successive years a new child came along. And their first-born Blas grew up and turned eighteen. One night, Blas came along and told his father that he wants to marry Tona. Dodong fell sad and sorry for his son.
          We may be the one who make our own decision but there should be someone above who will guide us and look after us. The story has a very good moral lesson but in the story the parents should be the one who will guide their child. Dodong’s parents should not agree in the decision that Dodong made. They should remind Dodong that life isn’t easy and being a father is a very hard responsibility. The parents of Dodong should not let him experience the hardships that they have experienced. In the story, I understand that Dodong loves Teang but let’s be rational enough yet with the help of our hearts. Making a choice with the use of our heart alone is useless as well as with the mind. We can have so much regret over it, but if we use our heart plus our mind then it’s a perfect decision. Dodong should ponder first of what must happen if he marry and have a family in an early age.
          And therefore, the lesson of the story is to remind the young generations that they should not rush things. We should think before we act. Because in the end we might regret everything.
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ladiesfingers · 6 years
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krisjoannedawa · 7 years
Critique for Footnote to Youth
               In the short story of Jose Garcia Villa, he tackles the realities and responsibilities that comes with marriage and family life. The story narrates the life of Dodong who wants to get married at the early age of seventeen. Trying to convince himself that he is old enough to handle a big responsibility as a husband and a father.
           In the story, it all started when Dodong decided to marry his love Teang. He was just seventeen that time but he thinks he was mature and old enough to get married. Dodong asked his parents’ permission that he want to get married with Teang. He got his parents blessings even though his parents know that he is still young and he is going to commit the same mistake that his parents did. Dodong and Teang lived together and Teang got pregnant. When Teang was going gave birth to their baby, Dodong felt guilty and regret. He realized that he was too young to handle the role of being a father. For six successive years a new child came along. And their first-born Blas grew up and turned eighteen. One night, Blas came along and told his father that he wants to marry Tona. Dodong fell sad and sorry for his son.
           We may be the one who make our own decision but there should be someone above who will guide us and look after us. The story has a very good moral lesson but in the story the parents should be the one who will guide their child. Dodong’s parents should not agree in the decision that Dodong made. They should remind Dodong that life isn’t easy and being a father is a very hard responsibility. The parents of Dodong should not let him experience the hardships that they have experienced. In the story, I understand that Dodong loves Teang but let’s be rational enough yet with the help of our hearts. Making a choice with the use of our heart alone is useless as well as with the mind. We can have so much regret over it, but if we use our heart plus our mind then it’s a perfect decision. Dodong should ponder first of what must happen if he marry and have a family in an early age.
           And therefore, the lesson of the story is to remind the young generations that they should not rush things. We should think before we act. Because in the end we might regret everything.
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