#Food mention CW
idiopathicsmile · 8 months
tell you what, i don’t love what TikTok’s rampant misinformation is doing to the fabric of our shared human culture but…that roasted feta pasta dish with the little tomatoes never misses
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fabulous-joys · 3 months
ghoul: we have some good news and some bad news
jet: okay... bad news first
ghoul: the fire we started in the diner is out of control
jet: THE WHAT-
kobra, holding a perfectly toasted pop tart: wow, so you don’t even care about the good news.
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waifujuju · 3 months
Just a heads up for anyone who may need it, Ruby Tuesday's been doing a daily sweepstakes for free food and all it requires is your email! It may be a good opportunity if you're low on food/funds at the moment!
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crystalsandbubbletea · 5 months
Fellow AroAcespecs I have found out that there is such a thing as too much garlic bread-
My family had Italian food for Mother's Day and the restaurant gave us like three gallon bags worth of garlic bread- 😭
IDK if they knew that someone (me) was on the AroAce spectrum or they just looked at the spaghetti and alfredo and decided "Hm... Throw in some extra garlic bread!"
The breads were also in the shape of a pizza, unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of them 🤧
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idiopath-fic-smile · 2 years
ficlet: W.A.R!Enjolras's birthday party
roughly a bajillion years ago, i said i'd write donation fics for people who gave to abortion related causes. i flagged out about halfway through but i'm back, baby, and i'm determined to fill those requests.
this is for @sharki-leftishark, who was curious to see a birthday celebration in the W.A.R universe, either enjolras or grantaire. so today i bring to you enjolras's birthday, following the events of W.A.R. i never did figure out the month in which this story takes place, so please feel free to mentally set it whenever your own zodiac headcanons dictate.
ETA: and many thanks to @consultingreaders and @give-me-a-minute-to-think for the speedy and helpful beta!
Senior year
Maybe three-quarters of the way through opening the presents, Grantaire realizes that Enjolras is saving Grantaire’s gift for last. Enjolras tosses aside the paper from the hardbound journal that Marius got him, thanks Marius with real earnestness even though it’s the third variation of a notebook he’s received today, starts to reach for Grantaire’s sloppily wrapped bundle, sees the tag, and then his hands stutter instead toward a shiny package that turns out to be from Joly.
The package contains some sort of board game. Courfeyrac insists that the game is “Risk in space, it is so clearly Risk in space—we’ve been over this, people. Enjolras is not allowed within ten yards of a pretend army, remember? We voted?” and then Joly waves his cane at Courfeyrac, shouting, “People change! Also it’s a cooperative game, we’d be harnessing the laser eyes for the power of friendship and community!” and a lively debate ensues.
Grantaire follows some of it. He’s mostly trying not to think about how Enjolras, who believes in self-discipline and delayed gratification and all that shit, apparently considers Grantaire’s contribution to be the grand finale of this whole experience. Enjolras, who loves his friends so much. It’s heady to consider: the height of Enjolras’s expectations and the chance of maybe not meeting them, a quick swoosh up and then down. Not that Enjolras would ever be a dick about it or anything, but they’ve been dating, for-real dating, for months now, and if Enjolras doesn’t love the present, Grantaire will probably know.
After a lifetime, the presents-opening resumes. Feuilly has set up an appointment for Enjolras to interview a real-life union leader. Combeferre contributes a tidy set of books by someone named bell hooks. Courfeyrac’s offering is a gift certificate to the impossibly cool indie movie theater two towns over as well as a bubble gun blower, which immediately sparks off another round of debate.
(“Oh, so fictitious simulated pretend armies are verboten, but you get him a firearm?” Joly manages between laughs.
“One that shoots soap bubbles, you maniac!” Courfeyrac shoots back.
“At least it would be a clean kill,” muses Combeferre, and Eponine’s eye roll would be slightly more convincing if they hadn’t clearly slipped away during the division of the birthday cake to make out.)
And then, well. And then it’s Grantaire’s turn. To see his present opened, not to sneak off to swap spit with his boyfriend, which come to think of it sounds infinitely better, and not just because Enjolras’s dedication to self-improvement extends to learning how to kiss Grantaire to the point of incoherence in under five minutes.
Enjolras unwraps the paper carefully and shakes out the fabric. It’s a T-shirt, emblazoned with the words “ENJOLRAS 2024: ARE YOU BRAVE ENOUGH TO CHANGE THE WORLD?”
“For the campaign,” says Grantaire. “I did the math and that’s the first year you can run for president.”
“You need to be thirty-five,” says Enjolras. A smile is flickering at the corner of his mouth.
“I know,” Grantaire tells him. “I looked it up because I had to know the first year I could vote for you. I cracked open my Government textbook for you, so like. Feel honored.”
“We had Government last year,” Enjolras seems to feel compelled to point out. “When did you—”
Grantaire can feel his face burning. He’s not even sure why, really. “Last March,” he says.
“When you first started pretending to date,” Musichetta fills in with relish. Now that it’s public knowledge among their friends, she brings it up whenever she can.
“I thought you were maybe out of your mind,” says Grantaire, “but like. I don’t know. You’re clearly gonna be somebody. And, uh. You had my vote. And still do, obviously.”
Enjolras is turning a little red too. “You should probably see what the other candidates’ positions are before you make that call,” he mumbles.
Grantaire’s heart soars. He shakes his head. “No way, I’m a single-issue voter and my one issue is ‘how much is this guy like Enjolras?’”
Enjolras ducks his head. He lays the T-shirt down carefully, next to the pile of books and notebooks. He opens his arms. Enjolras, who, now that the dating is real, isn’t really about public displays of affection.
“This is so sweet I think I’m going to actually throw up,” says Eponine as Grantaire steps into the hug. He squeezes hard. Enjolras squeezes harder.
“I like you so much,” Enjolras murmurs into the side of his face. “Also, you’re the one who’s out of your mind, nobody just runs for president—”
“Sure,” says Grantaire, “You gotta be twenty-five to run for House of Reps, so 2014’s the first year you’d be eligible. Now, U.S. Senate, you need to be thirty, so you can run in 2018, when it just so happens a seat will be open—”
Enjolras kisses him on the mouth.
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deadwar · 20 days
i've decided that soap knows how to at least make..... mac and cheese... but he's fucked it up the first few times.
burned it
didn't drain the water off the noodles and added the cheese pack. it was just soup (thank u archy)
added way too much salt to the water
burned it again
didn't add milk and wondered why it was lumpy.
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flamesignite · 5 days
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//Do i make some chicken nuggies? I hungy.
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godzexperiment · 1 year
"I don't get why eating sugar in it's plain form is so frowned on."
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Drabble for @radiostarsz
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「🕸️For the last few weeks, Val had overworked him insisting on multiple shoots to reach a deadline for their projects. It was frustrating, and there were numerous times when he returned to the hotel he had barely made it to bed. And no surprise on the nights he still retained a bit of energy, he had gone to bed after a few rounds, only to wake up hung over. But one of those mornings, something caught the spider by surprise. On the bedside table was a glass of water, some tablets and...three chocolate covered strawberries? However, there was no note. No sort of indication, nor hint of the one responsible. Did he talk to Charlie the night before? Husk? Maybe they had just seen the state he was in and left it there while he slept. But there was someone else who had nursed him one night. Would he have done it again? And was it wrong to be so hopeful it was him?
The spider shifted his weight so his legs dangled off the bed. One of his hands gave his beloved companion a few ginger pets, as the others ranged in responsivity. One taking the tablets, another the water, and the final: a strawberry. And this occurred for more than one night. In fact, it was motivational. It got him through the rest of Val's demands. Until, finally, he could breathe with some time off. Cherri was aware of his schedule and came bursting through the hotel doors to take him out. Usually they went to some sort of club to get fucked up, but things changed. Charlie caught wind of it and suggested a carnival. Both of them stared at her like she was crazy, but after enough convincing ( and free money ), they all took a little trip there. Only most went their separate ways. Smiles didn't come, though. He insisted that he had important matters to tend to, but told him to enjoy his time. He had been half tempted to ask if he had left the the stuff on his bedside table, but had hesitated.
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❝ Y'know, someone's been leavin' shit by my bed. ❞ He shared with Cherri. ❝ An' no one's owned up to it. ❞ ❛ What the hell are they leavin' yuh, Ange? ❜ ❝ Just some shit fer my hangover's an'- ❞ ❛ And? ❜ ❝ Don't fuckin' laugh but chocolate covered strawberries. ❞ ❛ No fuckin' way! Yuh totally got a secret admirer, bitch! ❜ ❝ So, I got plenty 'f those. ❞ ❛ Ugh, not like those fuckin' creeps ya dumbass. Someone lookin' out for ya, mate! Bet it's someone in the hotel. ❜ ❝ Really?! ❞ He smiles as he speaks, but when he catches himself, he quickly acts nonchalant about it. ❝ Yuh-yuh think so? ❞ He notices Cherri smirking at him. ❝ Hey, quit bein' smug, bitch! It could be anyone. ❞ But she just laughs. He can't take back that smile now; she won't let him.
The spider crosses all his arms as he walks with her. If there's anyone he can trust with his secrets: it's her. She's been there since he can remember. She saw all the nasty shit he went through. She was there when he was at his lowest, when he self destructed, when the anger finally formed into tears. She meant the world, and he knew he could trust her. ❝ I might know who it is. ❞ ❛ Who? Is it the cat? ❜ ❝ Could be, but I don't think it's him. It might be Alastor. ❞ ❛ Him? Yuh take somethin' without me, mate? Why would it be him? Isn't he some Overlord piece of shit? ❜ ❝ Yuh think I don't know it sounds crazy? But yuh weren't there when he - when Val- ❞ He notices how curious she is. How widely she's staring at him, and feels her hand touch his arm. ❝ It's normal, y'know Val, shit happened and he hit me, there. Any way's, when I got back that night, Smiles was there and he...he helped. ❞ The spider slightly smiled. He felt Cherri gently hit his arm. ❛ Alright, bitch, enough of this mushy shit, let's do shit! I'm gonna win me a thing! ❜ She smiled and tugged Angel along.
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The two went on a ton of rides. Angel had taken Niffty on some spooky bug related thing, then they ate with their friends and won some prizes. It felt like exactly what he needed. Seeing his friends happiness was almost contagious. And for a bit, he had listened to their thrilling experiences until something in the distance caught his eyes. Was that what he thought it was? No way. Without a thought, he started walking away towards the game booth. Cherri followed him once she noticed. ❛ Angie, where yuh goin? ❜ ❝ That game over there. ❞ ❛ Why? ❜ He took her hand until they were close. ❝ Fuck me, that shit's real? ❞ ❛ What? ❜ ❝ That thing! It's a fuckin' spider wit' antlers! It's perfect! ❞ ❛ For what? You want that thing? ❜ ❝ Obviously. ❞ ❛ Piece of cake, mate. If yuh want it that bad, I'll win it fer ya. ❜ Before she could go up, he got in front of her. ❛ The fuck, Ange? ❜ ❝ I gotta do it. It ain't fer me. It's fer Smiles. ❞ ❛ Really? Huh, didn't know freaky face was into this shit. What else's he hidin? ❜ ❝ He might not be, but - fuck it. I've made up my mind. That thing's gonna be mine. ❞
The spider fueled by determination paid the man. His first few attempts were fruitless. Followed by the next few. Chances were this shit was rigged, and Cherri and him exchanged a knowing look. All he had to do was figure out how exactly it was rigged. After tossing the ball a few times in his hand, he realized that the ball may be too big for the hole, and that shit didn't go in easy. There was only one option and it was to cheat. Even Cherri seemed to realize this and shifted oddly. Wait, that might be a signal. He gave her a wink in hopes it was and noticed how her attention turned to the guy running the booth. This bitch was distracting him! Perfect! And while she did this, he made sure he won the game. The guy was in such disbelief, but when Cherri threatened to shove a bomb down his throat, he handed over the fluffy little spider/deer thing. Angel hugged it tight, squishing it against his cheek as he thanked Cherri for the help. And soon, the night came to an end.
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When they returned to the hotel and went their separate ways, Angel snuck off as secretly as he could to Alastor's room. Hopefully he wasn't there. This would be fucking embarrassing if he was. He noticed two of the egg boiz about and told them not to say a word. But who knows if he could trust them since they were kind of dumb. He was about to turn the doorknob when, fuck, Charlie! He quickly hid the plush behind his back. ❛ Oh, hey, Angel, everything alright? You're going to Alastor's room? ❜ ❝ Ugh, no, well, yes. I borrowed somethin' from him an' forgot to return it. ❞ ❛ That's sweet, but this late? I'm surprised you're not tired. Well, maybe not. Who am I to assume? Silly, Charlie. I - ❜ ❝ Toots? ��� ❛ Huh? Oh, sorry. ❜ ❝ it's fine, but remember how we're workin' on those team buildin' exercises an' shit? This is important ta that, so I really gotta get this done. ❞ He watched as she gasped. ❛ Yes! Totally! I completely understand. Ugh, so proud of you! Ok, got it. I'll see you tomorrow~ ❜ He chuckled to himself as she left before he snuck in.
No Smiles. He crept inside. It was so different being here alone. Almost gave him a sense of yearning. He missed the night he had been in here with him. Listening to an array of jazz music as they chatted. He sat down on the sofa Smiles had manifested for them, surprised it was still here. He could almost hear the melody and feel the piercing look smiles had given him that night. His fingers from his bottom left hand curled against the material before he got back up. The spider walked over to what he assumed to be a closet. Of course Smiles had more suits and jackets. His fingers brushed over the jacket and his cheeks flushed. The demon had covered him with one of these before, when he had been cold. He moved in closer and absentmindedly pressed his head against the fabric in his hand to take in the aroma. And when he caught himself, he let the fabric fall. There was no way Smiles was into him. This was stupid. He looked at the small plush he had in his hands and softly sighed. What if it was someone else? It wasn't above Charlie to be nice, but she probably would have checked in on him. Husk probably would have hinted it somehow that he looked like shit. Maybe he was just hopeful it was Smiles.
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He went over to the table in the swampy area and sat down on the chair. He set the plush on the table in front of him. ❝ This is fuckin' stupid, ain't it? So he's nice once or twice ta me, big fuckin' deal. It ain't like I expect shit from 'im, y'know? ❞ He looked at the plush and sighed. ❝ But it ain't just 'bout 'im bein' nice. But the way he keeps fuckin' treatin' me, I don't know, I guess I felt special or somethin'. But what would you know? Yer just a fuckin' toy... ❞ He smacked it off the table. What if he was wrong? What if it wasn't him? Maybe Smiles would think someone else put this here. Niffty could be easy to blame. He'd buy it and would probably love it if it was from her. What would he do with it if he knew he himself had won it specifically for him? Besides, he was far friendlier with that Overlord, Rosie. Too bad it wasn't from her. She knew so much about him and he seemed to love it there. This fucking sucked. Why did he want to be his favorite anyway? Why did he have to feel anything for him?
He sighed and picked the plush back up. He got on his knees and set it in the chair. Smiles could think whatever he wanted. He could always deny this was from him, right? Just cause it was part spider didn't mean he was the one who got it. Niffty loved bugs. But, regardless, he still wanted to somehow find out what Smiles thought about it. Maybe he could use one of the egg boiz to find out. Once he felt ready, he left the room. If there was a chance Smiles was the one who had given him the things to get better, the chocolate strawberries, then he wanted to say thank you. An unspoken one. 」
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minatalks · 2 months
what’s your favorite food? and is it one you know how to make?
it's a tie between sweet and sour chicken w veggies and rice and spinach lasagna!! i know how to make the lasagna and it actually turns out really good! still haven't gotten the recipe for the sweet and sour 100% down bc the restaurant is keeping it secret 🙄 but i'll break into there and steal their secret recipe any day now 🤸
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idiopathicsmile · 11 months
watching cooking videos on youtube is fun because sometimes it's like "here's a handy tip for making better chili" and sometimes it's like "if you use curly parsley instead of flat in your garlic bread then you MIGHT AS WELL SERVE YOUR GUESTS WET SEWAGE DIRECTLY FROM A TOILET, YOU FILTHY SWINE" and you can't always guess which one it'll be from the thumbnails
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fabulous-joys · 5 months
jet: the secret ingredient to my family's empanada recipe... is hate
the girl: hate?
jet: usually it's love, but my great grandma had some issues
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wishmcker · 4 months
finding out your friend was the one who burned the pancakes...
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tierra-paldeana · 3 months
Send ‘Flashback’ to see one of my muse’s old memories
☠🌏– A couple years had passed since Rika had joined the pond. She had successfully become part of her adoptive father's army, and was now a sentry and defender through and through. Although her hunting skills could use some work...
A group of Wooper sat near a big rock, talking and going about their day, while Rika hid behind it. She peeked out when they had their backs to her, staying low to the ground, eyes peeled before...
She pounced on one of them, being very careful not to squash her, while the other three jumped in surprise, only for all of them to laugh when they saw it was just Rika practising her pouncing.
Hahahaha! Rikaa, you scared mee!
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''Nahah, sorry bud. Y'know why I do this. Papá says this helps ya guys stay alert. Don't want any of those Round-beaks or Three-claws sneakin' up on ya.''
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And it helps you with your hunting, too.
Everyone raised their heads when Papá approached. Rika gently lowered the pup back on the muddy ground, petting her head. With her free hand she scratched the back of her own in thought.
''Aah, papá... Y'know I don't eat others...''
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Hunting is much more than just eating, dear. The skill involved can be used for other things as well... Even if it makes me a little sad you won't eat morsels with us.
He nuzzled her arms, prompting her to lean on him in a hug.
I've always wondered... why so?
Rika rubbed her cheek and part of her face on his head, her trademark pout showing.
''I dunno, it just feels... weird. Like I'm not supposed to do it like that, yknow? N' I'm not very sure if I would like what you guys eat either... Not to mention you can just gobble 'em up whole, n' I can't do that!''
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Mm... I understand. But you've seen how other Pokémon do it, right?
''Yeah, and...''
She could tolerate seeing blood and guts. But doing that herself? The thought made her equal parts queasy and conflicted. And Papá could see that on her face.
...It's okay, dear. I hope I'm not pressuring you. You're always welcome to eat anything you like with us. Just remember, your hunting training isn't only to prepare you for the day you... might do it. It's also helping you with your sentry and defending duties. Us Clods prefer to ambush, but someone fast and agile like you really benefits from having these skills.
A smile formed on his face.
Like that day you sneaked up on that Chatty-beak¹ and almost bit his tail-feathers off, heheheh.
Rika snickered as she remembered.
''Oh yeah, hehehehe! That got 'em good! They had been pesterin' the babies all day n' I got em by hidin' in the reeds...''
Papá chuckled along with her, before rubbing his snout affectionately on her side.
See? You're doing great things, Rika... I'm so proud of you. Keep it up, I believe in you.
Rika pressed her forehead against his in turn, her father's praise putting her in an extremely good mood. With his permission, she climbed on top of his back, and he slithered towards the murky waters, to ferry her to the other side of the pond.
¹clod-speak word for squawkabilly
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flamesignite · 2 months
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am I really about to make some arby curly fries (store bought kind) in my air fryer? .... Yes...
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scottstiles · 2 years
Why not just eat chocolate? Nobody will know and not eating things you like because of a religion seems kind of cruel? Obviously I get the pork thing - even though that stems from the time Piggys were gross and ate poop - but to not eat chocolate because men 3,000 ish years ago said 'Only eat simple bread and starve yourself" said so?
It just seems so wrong 😕 Religion should be about you and your god, not what people a long time ago said you can or can't do. I have this problem in my own faith. By rights I think it's a period of not indulgence is here or coming shortly. Yet I'm pretty sure main event guy wouldn't want people starving and whipping themselves over him. 🙄
80% of religions these days it going by what some man wrote or decreed, rather than about god and that is a giant same.
Please eat your eggs if you want. You shouldn't have to restrict yourself on word of what a group of men who lived 3000 years ago said.
there are so many things wrong with this ask but you sound so genuine and earnest and im just so fucking pissed right now that i have no choice but to answer asks in this horrible awful no good very bad new post format that im gonna make this brief.
1- i know i dont talk about it much anymore but i have my masters in jewish education and up until last year was working as a bar/bat mitzvah teacher and torah reader in my synagogue for the last like million years of my life. religion has never felt like a burden to me.
2- not eating piggies although its plausible does not necessarily come from the fact that theyre in close contact with poop. doesnt say anything about that in the biblical texts. keeping kosher is also not the same as the dietary restrictions for passover and the reasons for them are not necessarily related.
3 - not eating certain things (chametz - not "simple bread," its more complicated) on passover is not about starving yourself and its not about atonement (that holiday is in the fall), its about remembering important events in jewish history and keeping the sense memory of those events and lessons alive for thousands of years.
4- what religion is asking you to whip and starve yourself for god? sounds like a cult or a dan brown novel tbh
5- judaism is definitely based on shit some men wrote, but it most certainly was nowhere close to one man. we're talking lots and lots of very opinionated and highly intelligent and insightful men (also women if you know where to look, also some dumbass men) whose interpretations and decisions of law regarding how their society and religion could and should function without a central community or authority on earth were passed through millions of hands and thousands of more opinions through the centuries and enforced to many degrees in both extremes only to be falling apart in the last century or so thanks to inescapable global factors that have rolled through our disparate communities like indy's boulder on a rampage.
wait a minute i said this would be brief. fuck.
anywaynot eating my cadbury creme eggs is def not a burden i just enjoy complaining its probably all for the best.
also i hope this didnt come off rude i understand where you're coming from but i also invite you to do a little googling about judaism and the holiday of passover. happy holidays! ✡️🫓🍷
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