#Focalors: you motherfucker—
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I made this post before we knew Focalors and Furina were different people, and the fact I still find it accurate to Focalors but not Local Fatui Harbinger Fucker Furina is rly funny to me
It is my humble opinion that Focalors and Arlecchino WOULD argue about who is worse for Furina, tho
#Focalors: Furina ilu so much ur like a little angel to me — but wtf is THAT?? *pointing at Arlecchino*#Furina: m…my boyfriend…?#Focalors: put her back where you found her now#Furina: but—#Arlecchino: that would be quite difficult considering I’m the one who snuck up on her#Furina: Arle you’re not helping—#Focalors: you motherfucker—#Arlecchino: I suppose you’re right. the children do consider her their mother these days so I am something of a ‘’motherfucker’’ aren’t I—#Furina: you’RE NOT HELPING ARLE—#Focalors: NEUVILLETTE WE’RE REINSTATING THE DEATH PENALTY#Neuvillette: I-I’m not doing that…#Arlecchino: why not? it’D BE LESS CRUEL THAN WHAT SHE DID TO FURINA#Focalors: YOU DON’T EVEN WANT TO START WITH ME ABOUT ‘’CRUEL TO FURINA’’#Arlecchino: SHE’S HAD CRIPPLING DEPRESSION FOR 500 YEARS AND WHERE WERE YOU? YOU DIDN’T CHECK IN ON HER EVEN ONCE#Focalors: I WAS ALWAYS THERE#Arlecchino: THEN WHY WOULD YOU EVEN LET ME ATTACK HER IF YOU WERE ‘’ALWAYS THERE?’’#Arlecchino: YOU WERE JUST GOING TO LET HER TAKE THE FALL FOR YOUR BULLSHIT PLAN???#anyway that’s how I imagine a typical Focalors and Arlecchino conversation goes#Focalors is the local absentee big sister and Arlecchino is the motorcycle riding boyfriend (who also does some murdering on the side)#both of them think Furina would be better off without the other#and then there’s Furina who is just so mentally ill and loves both of them#and Neuvillette is the only stable one and he lets Furina cry to him when both of them are upsetting her#I think about all this a normal amount. ahem#Arlefuri#Furina#Arlecchino#Focalors#Neuvilette //#Genshin Impact //
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shamehaversoffontaine · 11 months
focalors was like, her power from her gnosis belongs to neuv because its from his authority that the hydro gnosis was partitioned. and this was portrayed as like, the morally correct thing to do.
but like. neuvillette is the only dragon i'd give that shit to. you think it would be morally correct for nahida to give fucking apep their full authority back??
like, humans might not be. Great. but theyre here and you have to live with them. and i dont think apep would do that. and apep cant die and come back because if apep dies, so does All Plants.
so like, having something a lot closer to human in charge of part of an element is. I think its a good thing actually. like, humans can be reasoned with in ways dragons cannot. and its not like youre from this fucking plane either. light realm motherfuckers.
like actually anything having authority over an element is bad. like. dragon archon heavenly principles. none of this shit is working. i think maybe its time for anarchy in teyvat.
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hpscaling · 1 year
✏️ Focalors and Kitsune Neka~
Incorrect quotes time!
Focalors: Fellas, I gotta know for science. Is the opposite of red green or blue? Neka: Technically a mix of green and blue? Focalors: So blurple. Neka: That's implying you're mixing blue and purple. Focalors: Would you rather have fucking bleen? MOTHERFUCKING GRUE? Neka: You were confusing before but now I'm scared.
Neka, at Focalors's funeral: I need a moment with them. Everyone: Of course. They leave Neka, leaning over Focalors′s coffin: Okay, listen here you little shit. I know you’re not dead. Focalors: Yeah, no shit.
Neka: If we’re in trouble, just throw Focalors at the problem, and hope for the best.
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