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I made this post before we knew Focalors and Furina were different people, and the fact I still find it accurate to Focalors but not Local Fatui Harbinger Fucker Furina is rly funny to me
It is my humble opinion that Focalors and Arlecchino WOULD argue about who is worse for Furina, tho
#Focalors: Furina ilu so much ur like a little angel to me — but wtf is THAT?? *pointing at Arlecchino*#Furina: m…my boyfriend…?#Focalors: put her back where you found her now#Furina: but—#Arlecchino: that would be quite difficult considering I’m the one who snuck up on her#Furina: Arle you’re not helping—#Focalors: you motherfucker—#Arlecchino: I suppose you’re right. the children do consider her their mother these days so I am something of a ‘’motherfucker’’ aren’t I—#Furina: you’RE NOT HELPING ARLE—#Focalors: NEUVILLETTE WE’RE REINSTATING THE DEATH PENALTY#Neuvillette: I-I’m not doing that…#Arlecchino: why not? it’D BE LESS CRUEL THAN WHAT SHE DID TO FURINA#Focalors: YOU DON’T EVEN WANT TO START WITH ME ABOUT ‘’CRUEL TO FURINA’’#Arlecchino: SHE’S HAD CRIPPLING DEPRESSION FOR 500 YEARS AND WHERE WERE YOU? YOU DIDN’T CHECK IN ON HER EVEN ONCE#Focalors: I WAS ALWAYS THERE#Arlecchino: THEN WHY WOULD YOU EVEN LET ME ATTACK HER IF YOU WERE ‘’ALWAYS THERE?’’#Arlecchino: YOU WERE JUST GOING TO LET HER TAKE THE FALL FOR YOUR BULLSHIT PLAN???#anyway that’s how I imagine a typical Focalors and Arlecchino conversation goes#Focalors is the local absentee big sister and Arlecchino is the motorcycle riding boyfriend (who also does some murdering on the side)#both of them think Furina would be better off without the other#and then there’s Furina who is just so mentally ill and loves both of them#and Neuvillette is the only stable one and he lets Furina cry to him when both of them are upsetting her#I think about all this a normal amount. ahem#Arlefuri#Furina#Arlecchino#Focalors#Neuvilette //#Genshin Impact //
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idyllic-affections · 9 months
Oh my! There seem to be a war in this blog. How interesting, wanna know what i do with wars? I fuel the flames ;)
*pulls out a power point presentation* Hi there! Today allow me to give you 3 top reasons why you should pull for Xiaoyun!
1. Xiaoyun is a good support for Xiao!
As you have said in an old post, you are a Xiao main and he has been sadly being underused (from what i see). Xiaoyun is to be said a good support for Xiao, so people will start using him more with Xiaoyun buffing him. So wouldnt you want your dear boy to have someone to give him good support? Xiaoyun is a good old friend of his and wouldnt you want to have Xiao have a friend fighthing by his side just like back when he was still with the other Five Yakshas when they were alive? Your Xiao would definitely like it (although he would probably be a bit of a tsuntsun at first)
2. Let Xiaoyun fight alongside her daughters! (Also her friends but were focusing on the family aspect first!)
While idk if you have Shenhe and Ganyu but wouldnt it be cute to have the adepti family together? Imagine Xiaoyun fighthing side by side with her daughters as they take down any foe that comes their way! With Shenhe buffing Ganyu and Xiaoyun buffing Xiao, the four of them would be unstoppable! Dont you want to have Xiaoyun see how much her daughters have grown stronger? I think she would be pretty proud of herself but that cant happen if you dont get her yk? Also lets not forget about Zhongli and Yaoyao! If Zhongli joins the team, im sure he will be reminded that he does have someone to share osmanthus wine with, even if everyone is not here. And dont you remember that Xiaoyun had taken such a liking to Yaoyao that she made Yuegui just for her, im sure Xiaoyun will be happy that Yuegui is working as intended!
3. The Mama Xiaoyun series
We all want this and you cant deny this, just like how Kaveh have his dad series, Xiaoyun will gonna have her mama series that you said will come when she is released. You also said you need to have her voicelines and such to understand her so wouldnt it be a perfect to get her to understand her character more? We need to see more cute mama Xiaoyun and [name] posts please! Also idk if im correct but im pretty sure Xiaoyun is a better parent than Arle (please dont kill me bc i havent played the Fontaine Archon Quest yet but from what i’ve seen, Arle is too sus of a parent that i just have mixed feelings about her)
And that is the end of my presentation, thank you for listening and i hope you make the right choice :)
- 😼 Anon
(Ok but jokes aside, pull her if you really want to. If you think you could grind more primogems for Arle, then go ahead, if you dont think you can, then dont since you could always wait for Xiaoyun’s rerun. As to quote a certain stellaron hunter, “When you have a chance to make a choice, make one that you know you won't regret”)
(Also I love your Huohuo younger sibling post, glad to know you expanded on the idea)
xianyun would buff my team IN GENERAL and she can be built as a healer.... which means..... if i WANTED to...... i could remove kokomi (she's mainly only there to heal my xiao during his burst) and restructure my team entirely........ AND xianyun's healing is based off of her attack....... which means she can do DamageTM and heal simultaneously.......... and her healing follows the on field character...... oughgh. it's like xianyun was designed specifically to target ME *head in hands*
i don't acually have shenhe, ganyu, or zhongli haha. only yaoyao! i was going to pull for zhongli but i don't like shielders much. they would all be so cute together though you're right fr i won't deny that
no you're right LMAOOOO arlecchino is actually a very bad father. i just like to pretend she's not 😇 i believe she DOES genuinely care about her children, but she also grooms them into being blindly loyal to her and the house of the hearth family. So. yeahhh....... xianyun is DEFINITELY a better parent than she is........
(tbh i was probably always going to pull for xianyun. i can't even lie haha--i would see her banner and i would NOT be able to resist. she's just designed perfectly for my team and i love her character. there's no telling if i would actually like arlecchino's playstyle, even if she does become playable. i would probably still pull for her, but it helps when i like the playstyle AND the character.
also, i'm glad you like the huohuo post!!!! she is very dear to me <3)
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