#Fnf lullaby X reader
biancatronic · 2 years
Yes I am aware of the bullshit that involves the whole fnf hypno lullaby team, but now as the mod is incomplete (two songs are missing 👉 animations and game over screens and a week of shitpost) and yes I will do the fnf doodles this month lullaby X Reader, with mod headcannons and events, and different timeline depending on the X Reader character, so wait.
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shinjisdone · 11 months
♡ Yandere Alphabet ♡ Glitchy Red ♡
Based on the original story and slightly of Retold!Glitchy Red story. Not a single AI thing here, they are nice don't misunderstand but like, they are too disconnected from his real personality maaaan
this man has been living in my head rent-free + listening to Isotope and all the great content I find of him here is not helping-
Yandere alphabet found here.
Original picture cut and cropped here.
TW: Yandere behaviour all the way, extreme possesiveness, murder and psychological torture mentioned (not at you), bodily harm (at you) gore, guilt-tripping, fear of abandonment, dream manipulation and nightmares, blood, wish for control, trust issues, desperation, uncontrollable jealousy, clingy behaviour, wish for death mentioned,
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Well, we are already starting out with a tricky one. Red here is a sentient video game character stuck in a Pokemon game from 1996. It doesn't matter if it is from an original gameboy, a gameboy advance, emulated or romhacked, Red is stuck. Stuck in an device that is similiar to hell to him if it weren't for you and your company, even if you two can only communicate through your two vastly different worlds.
There is no physical way for Red to show his affections even if he wanted to. The guy is rather indirect, subtle and scarce with his affections and can only do so through verbal confirmations. Again, they are subtle and could be misunderstood as simple appreciation if you two are close. "Thanks for sticking with me, a video game character" or "Having your company is better than anything else this hell offers." Maybe even a "All I have is you and I don't mind it." That's really all he can do through his little message text boxes or even through the old speakers, though his voice would be so bit-crushed and not clean, that it would be hard to understand him. Better so perhaps, maybe he'll let a more intense version of his feelings for you slip out, one that might unsettle you.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Again, Red is stuck in some device he cannot escape from and he is the only real person there, so it isn't like he can go out of his way to get messy. Maybe mess with some code but that would only result in himself getting hurt and how would that help you?
However, the willingness is there. Right there, 200%. Once Red realizes and accepts that he needs you and wouldn't want you to ever leave, he will protect you. If he could find a way to at least, maybe...jump from device to device like a virus, then he'll do his utmost to terrorize and scare away those he himself judges to be too close to you or that are harmful to you. He feels no empathy nor thinks anything through whether this person truly deserves torment or not or how you'd feel about it - if Red wants to hurt a person, he is going to do it. Unfortunately, without a physical body outside in the real world, he cannot get rid of anyone but trust me, how he wishes to do so. He would hate everyone and anything equally no matter who they are - if their mere existence threatens your safety or you being taken away from him, Red will do anything to get rid of them. The sooner the better.
On that note, the best way to get rid of or scare people away is through dream manipulation. He'd need some kind of connection to his target but once he does, the willingness to mess with them is there. How messy and bloody he will be depends on the person's actions and how Red feels about them aka how angry he is at them. Whether or not they hurt or are too close to you, his emotions range from cold murderous intent as he stares into their eyes with a grim look as their limps rip and crack. He'll visit them in their dreams in irregular, unpredictable patterns, the torture lasting for weeks until the person decides to already stay the hell away from you. When he is angry, truly, truly enraged (which can happen easier than you might think) the torments last shorter but much, much more painful. He'll scream and bark, his jaw unhinged as he for once does not mind his body glitching in and out as he screams all the pent-up thoughts and feelings he has for the target. How dare they take you away from him, how dare they mock and hurt you, how you belong to him, you are his, his, his, his (Name)! All the while he mauls them.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
The only way he can "abduct" anyone is by having them keep the game - rather, make it impossible for you to finish or get rid of the game entirely. That way you can never leave him.
In a way it's more like you are keeping Red and if it cannot happen willingly, then he has to force himself to stay in your life. By dream manipulation or by telling you how you are the only player, the only real person he can count on not to hurt him like the others, how he needs you. How you are something, something real between all these NPCs and codes he believed to be real too, only to find out that their lifes are meaningless. In a way, there are others out there that also believe his life - he'd prefers to call it existence - is meaningless (especially his creators, Red is sure of that). Nothing would be lost if he or everything in the game were to be deleted. But you would care. You do not see his existence as meaningless. Don't throw this away now. It's not like those are lies either. He doesn't see himself manipulating you but just telling you his perspective of things. Though he would silently admit to himself that it is guilt-tripping.
So there isn't any real "abduction" and therefore no mocking, he doesn't like to do that to you anyway (only to others who think they can do as they please when it comes to you). The only time Red would mock you is if you were really, really confident of getting rid of him. Of leaving him. After all, a player has control over the video game character - oh, if only you knew of what he is capable of. Look at you now, still here with Red. You two aren't done here and you will never be.
If we wanna get reaaaaally fanfic-y and deus ex machina - then if Red managed to trap ypu with him on the game, then he must be absolutely insane. Trapping the one he cares about in his own hell just for you to be together...there will be begging and depseration, yet also control and orders. Not a pleasant time.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Definitely hurt or hunt others even if you say they are harmless, even those you consider friends or family. Red judges many things on his own terms and if something displeases, annoys or makes him jealous, he will deal with it his own way. Of course, he won't tell you so and plays the aloof, innocent character trapped in a game - what could he possibly do?
Red would have his own sense on what is regarded as "safe" for you. Going to this one place? No, better not. That one person would like to buy you some coffee? Don't even think about it, Red doesn't trust them. There isn't much he can do about it though. The number one reason why he'd look down on each decision like that is because it means you'd leave him back home, on your bed or table while he is once again alone and will wonder when you'll come back. If you ever will even. This jealousy he harbors against anyone and everyone and the lack of control and agency he has frustrates him. He does wish he could..."control" you better than just saying "no".
Distorting your dreams however is different. While the place your dreams take place in are usually a void or a place in that godforsaken, messed up game, Red can ignore all of that and instead focus on you. While he wouldn't do anything against your will in your own dream - he still...cares for you and...loves you (he thinks...he never felt anything like this before. Before that it was all anger and brooding, pessimistic depression and even before that it was nothingness...but now he has you and these feelings he can hardly admit to himself) - and he still wants you to like him, like you do now. You care for him...and Red would never want to betray that trust, that privilege.
No, instead he revels in the control that he has in seeing you. In touching you. Hearing you clearly instead of these old-school speakers. It's his favorite thing in the while world now (not that there is anything to be fond of in this glitchy game).
He'd never do anything to upset you but there is a certain glee he feels when he can actively initiate touching you. Before he'd just sit back on a more tolerable map, listen and reply. Here he can walk up and see your human features, touch your human features. All because he invades your dream, he the one to call you and being able to manipulate and transform your unconcious dream world whenever and however he pleases. He lives for that kind of control but wouldn't mind more.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Vulnerability is not something Red can afford showing when he is a helpless creature at the mercy of players again and again and again. It takes time and it takes trust and there will always be a tint of fear that you could end up exploiting his vulnerable side and secrets or even worse, leave him after all the trust he put in you. It's in the back of his mind, seldomly however if you do prove yourself as good and trustworthy.
Red will have no problem telling and showing you all that he constantly has to deal with, his reality. He'd definitely show you parts of the game's world through your dreams, see replicas of the glitches and the messed up codes which he has to face every playthrough. It makes you understand him better, maybe even have a bit of sympathy for him which he strives for. He wants you to understand and he wants you to see what he sees. He, too, is a person. In some way at least.
When it comes to his feelings though? He is...hesitant. A part of him doesn't ever want to confess his feelings, let alone even accept them himself. Loving you means being vulnerable, letting you see every part of himself that got crazier and crazier with each player that tormented him. He'd rather just never think about what exactly he is feeling and prefers to just indulge in this love you are giving him by just being there. Yet when you two find yourself in a fragile situation, Red might be a bit more honest and a bit more sentimental. He might even go too far with his honesty. These things only happen in bits and pieces and every blue moon so don't forget them. Red won't.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Fighting back could happen like this: You don't listen to him, do not play anymore, keep the device shut, straight up disobey him or refuse to sleep so Red cannot enter your dreams. Those are unusual ways of fighting back but it works better than you think.
In the beginning he will be begrudgingly quiet...before loudly exclaiming how pointless this is. He cannot leave and will not. Maybe he even will say how childsh you are being right now. Yet when enough is enough, Red will be heavily and throughouly frustrated. You can tell when a high-pitched howl is heard from the speakers even when the device is shut. In fact, something you may not know since he keeps it from you, is that Red can willingly open the game and turn on the device whenever he pleases. So when you think you can just 'shut him up' by closing the game you will certainly be jumpscared to death when it just pops back up with that familiar Pokemon sound effect ear-piercingly high. Red would stare at you through the title screen, glaring and disappointed. "I'm not done talking." He'd hiss.
No matter how you approach the situation, he will be frustrated beyond belief. The soundeffects whine and screech, the game turns on in the middle of the night, being incredibly hot to the touch, the cartridge sometimes appearing at convenient times right in front of you and with Red glitching out more and more everytime he appears. It's hard to distinguish anything anymore on the screen. The pixels on him and all around are nothing but black and white, one's and zero's with Red screaming and screaming and screaming so hard that you cannot understand a word. All in hopes and in frustration that you will pick up the game again. You must. Don't leave him here.
It's going to take a lot, and I mean a lot, of time to get him to even calm down. Getting his trust back is a whole different story.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Is this a joke? Not ever would Red even humor the thought of seeing this as a 'game' - hell, he is trapped in one! No, he does not enjoy watching you try to leave, try to leave him. He doesn't even see this as any 'escape attempt'. In his eyes you are abandoning him. You come into his pathetic excuse of an existence, you, the one good thing he has ever had - he never thought good things could happen to him - and then you are trying to leave him? Abandon him?! No! NO, hE woN'T LeT THat hapPEn!
Genuinely afraid that you will succeed. He is a video character, damnit! There isn't much that he can do! He's not seeing this as a game, he is desperate! Softlocking the game, haunting you in your dreams, anything, aNYthInG he'D DO!
Yet Red is also feeling very much betrayed and hurt. Why? Were you seeing him as a joke this entire time too? Were you just toying with him and his feelings? No, that can't be...you are different, you are! Is it him, did he scare you away just like the others?
He's torn between taking his revenge on you for even daring to abandon him and begging you to stay and ready to sacrifice anything to get you to. You have to stay. You have to stay. You have to stay!
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Oof, the dreams turned into nightmares for sure. If you are attempting to escape, or in Red's words, leave him, then enough is enough. As a last resort after having tried everything to get you to pick up the game again, Red is frustrated. It is only a matter of time before you fall asleep out of exhaustion. One little moment of weakness and your eyes flutter close for just a second before you are faced with Red. He was waiting for you to give in.
You can barely let everything sink in as the environment around you distorts and screeches. A place that doesn't even seem solid, glitching in and out of existence and artificial sounds grate your ears. Red is right in front of you, a glare as dark as thunder with a voice that is just as booming. Jaw unhinged and body glitchy, he screams and screams and screams in your face on what you were thinking. How you could do this to him, what you were even trying to do and if what you two had was really that awful. But this is as far as you are going to go. Red is going to do everything to get you to stay. If he has to do something to disable or keep you from leaving, then he will do it. He isn't joking.
The noise and the blurry vision is an overload of senses. You hold your ears, shut your eyes close but you can still hear and see everything - fighting back is pointless. You can barely do anything from this sensory overload, your body feels frozen as each scream shakes your bones. Red might hesitate since he does not really want to hurt you but his rage is too big, too tempting and he grabs your shoulders in a steel-tight grip, not letting you look away from him. He doesn't mean to but he will end up digging his fingers into your flesh and there is a chance you will end up waking up hurt and bleeding. Red doesn't mean to but he is too angry to control himself.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Tricky one again. While Red insists and believes he is a person ("I think, therfore I am. Isn't that what you humans say?") he cannot say he is normal. He does not need to eat or sleep, he cannot change nor really age. When there is no change, there is no future. All he can hope and want in the realm of possibilities is to continue to stay with you. Keep turning on the game, keep talking to him, keep him company forevermore. Never leave him. You are the only real and good thing he has and while it utterly hurts to know he cannot really ever have you beyond the screen, Red still wants this. It may be monotone and routine-like but it's the most joy and happiness he has ever felt in his existence. Nothing compares.
Well, he does like to daydream when you aren't there and likes to get whimsical while doing so. Imagining what it would be like to get out of this forsaken cartridge and be there, in the real world with you. Would it still be routine-like? Would he partake in all these things you do in your life that you tell him about? Oh, how wonderful it would be to wake up by not having a screen go blank but by opening his eyes and seeing you. Holding you and touching you and doing normal, human things with you where there is no time-limit like in your dreams. Where he can be in a clean, not-distorted environment where the everchanging tiles and droning music does not make him go mad. Just you and him and no one else. No one else. Just you and Red.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Jealousy is unfortunetely something he experiences often and in great measure. Whenever there is just a third person mentioned, no matter if he knows their name or not, no matter if they are friend or family, Red will get jealous. Mostly due to the fact that it means you're leaving him alone to be with someone else. Someone real. You'd leave the game back home, ask even sweetly if Red would like to keep the game on or not, which he will begrudgingly either refuse or accept - it doesn't matter either way if he is on and here. You will not be. You are going away to be with someone who isn't Red, a real person who you can probably connect more with. Most of his jealousy stems from insecurity and the fact that he may have feelings and thoughts but he isn't real enough to be with you, unlike other people.
When he is the least jealous Red will just be pouty and snippy at best. Sarcastically telling you, no, it's fine, meet your friend and leave him be. He'll be fine. He doesn't really lash out nor cope in that regard. He'll just try to distract himself as much as he can in his own little hell. At worst is when that friend or family member or whoever is a recurring person in your life. It doesn't matter if your relationship with them is platonic, superficial or just in a polite way. Red wouldn't like them. He'd ask if it is really neccessary to meet up with them if they are just a coworker or classmate or whatever. If they are just that, then they aren't important enough. Spending all your time on them...what about Red? They probably have more humans in their lives; He only has you.
However, his endurance has reached a limit when that person is romantically interested in you (even worse when you are romantically involved). No, he cannot have that. To Red it is a clear sign that this person is trying to take you away from him. Whenever you gush about them or even objectively tell him of your 'date' with that...person, that thief, that bastard...then he's losing his mind with each word. He is trying utterly and incredibly hard to not snap at you both through the screen and in dreams - in fact he will be so upset he will not visit you in your dreams for a while - it...isn't your fault. No, it's them. How dare they. How dare they try to take away what is Red's. You belong to Red. YOU BELONG TO RED.
There is this underlying possessiveness Red always has that peaks when he is feeling utterly jealous. As a video game character who has always been a puppet and whose accomplishments were all lies, Red longs to have something to own and be his and that thing is you. You, this wonderful, kind being. He only has you and only needs you. He will not hesitate to think like that and to say things like that. Maybe not to you directly, he is still aware that it is abnormal to feel like this but he will definitely let that bastard know.
As mentioned in 'Bloody', Red will cope by tormenting that so called bastard through their dreams. He will also definitely try to kill them even if he knows it could be fruitless. The attempt or even succesful murder is more or less like a stress-reliever for him, for all these pent-up feelings he couldn't deal with in his game world. Well, he did. Red messed with the code of some NPCs, made them suffer as he imagined it was the bastard who suffered. Though NPCs aren't real people, they don't scream in agony as they die so a real human, who is also the target, is much more satisfying.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Surprisingly quite normal. There is always a gentle smile on Red's face when you two talk through the screen and he enjoys listening to you and talking about anything and everything, even mundane things. He may not have many opinions on things (please talk about anything but Pokemon. It's all he knows and he is sick of it) but he feels like he learns a lot from you when listening. Will actively ask questions about anything that intriguies him. Might throw some vague compliments here and there but will be embarrassed and discouraged if they aren't received well. Other than talking there isn't much he can do in the game. When unprovoked or nothing displeases, annoys or makes him jealous Red is quite pleasant to hang around with. However, he becomes so used to it he will always be expecting you to turn on the game every single day.
When entering your dreams? Unprovoked and without question? A bit more bold. Red will willy-nilly visit your dreams how he pleases, which later on becomes every night. The more he likes you, the clingier he gets when it comes to having your attention. He wants to talk to you every single day and wants to see and interact with you every single night. It isn't overwhelming to him in the slightest when you are the only one he has.
In 'dreamland' he really, really likes to touch you. Anything that can initiate skin-to-skin contact. From brushing your arm to holding your hand, even (embarrassingly) asking for embraces. Anything to feel your touch. Red knows what humans feel like, he usually initiated contact to rip their limbs and claw open their chests but with you this is different. You're sweet and kind and the touches you share are not of malice but of affection. If you start showing him affection, prepare to have him silently ask for it always. You aren't denying what you've done and are begging him to stop, you are showing him a new side of physical interaction. You are showing him embraces, he never had those before. Not by real people and not by that fake NPC that is supposed to be his 'mother'. This is new and warm and soft and makes him drunk off of it. This is love, isn't it? He can finally experience it - and expect him to always want to touch you and vice versa. Any kind of refusal will make him awkward at best and upset at worst.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Courting? Red...doesn't really do that. There's that slight fear of rejection. He could tell you how he feels but what if you reject him? What then? Will you continue being with him or ignore him all together? Would you feel disgusted that a sentient being is in love with you? Will you leave him? It all seems too risky.
On the other hand, actively courting you means being aware of his feelings and accepting with his whole heart that he loves you...that also seems risky. Red never had these kind of emotions before, it was always brooding anger, always distrust and revenge. Fear and pain. Being in love feels like being millions of miles away from these negative emotions and it's jarring. He knows he feels light and good when thinking about you as well as calm and happy when speaking to you. And when it comes to touching you in the dream realm? Absolute ecstacy, it's like he is high. Red likes these feelings very much so and indulges in them without a second thought but he cannot yet fully accept the source of these feelings. It's too unknown and jarring and scary.
Humoring himself with the thought of you saying you love him though? God, it sounds so great. There's that smile that turns into a gleeful grin when he daydreams like that and it goes up the charts when he also imagines kisses and sweet nothings. How he wishes you'd do that, he'd really go high. The image of you saying 'I love you, Red' repeats in his head and it's so damn wonderful and beautiful and makes his possessivness go up by 1000% as well. It'd do the same if it were a simple 'I care about you'. Your fate is sealed with those words.
Would try to be subtle with words and touches. Quite careful since he's new to it and he will be listening and remembering all your favorite things that you look for in a person. That's all he can do. Stuck in a game it's not like he can go on 'dates' or gift you anything.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Not at all. Red is as honest with himself as he is to you and everyone else. To you, someone he trusts and cherishes, he is able to be much calmer and nicer. Why wouldn't he be? You're probably the only one who sees him as real and treats him and his feelings and thoughts as such and he does grow to care for you as well. He is much calmer and nicer. You enable him to do so, to act and be different in a more positive sense for once since he never had to have experiences like that with others.
Other people however, are immediately met with distrust. It makes sense considering his past and he is even more distrustful if these people want something from you. He'd rarely show himself as sentient, only when he is forced to. Distrustful, brooding and negative. He won't even give others a chance.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Red wouldn't ever want to 'punish' you. He cares for you and your well being very much and 'punishments' would only result in you hating him and he doesn't want that ever. He doesn't want you to change or hate him. You being you is the reason why he fell in love in the first place!
Instead the 'punishment' would only happen in a scenario similiarly to 'Hell' where he is trapping you in a nightmare. Red himself doesn't see this as punishing you but rather telling you how he feels. He's the kind of guy to be upfront with his emotions and desires when pushed too much since he just used to be a 'vessel' with no agency. Telling you how your actions hurt him and why you are doing this. Stop distancing yourself from him, stop changing! Just stay with him!
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
The question is if he could. Disabling options in the game when you're playing is easy as pie but how would he stop you in the real world? He could scare you away from doing some things but again, you'd only fear and hate him and that's the last thing Red wants.
But oh, only if he could. Just like his whimsical daydreams, Red also has fantasies that are much darker. If only he could have you interact only with him, have you locked up in a room where only the game - him - is there to be your company. If only there was a way to cuff you with him, like linking souls or hearts and no matter what would happen to the cartridge, Red will always be with you. Don't talk to anyone but him and be with noone but him. A dream come true.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Patient until he snaps? In the middle. The more unpleasant things happen it's like they pile up on his brain and the faster the limit is reached before he explodes.
Patient for you to love him? Quite a bit perhaps. He knows you aren't bad, aren't taking his feelings as a joke and you two like each other. Red doesn't see any charm on him with that glitched and messed up body and mind of his but he knows he cares and he knows you care. It can only go up from here, he tries to be optimistic.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Holy shit.
If you die...oh my. It would take Red a long time to figure out that you aren't ignoring him but have died. That's why you didn't play anymore, how could he have known when stuck in a cartridge? It would take Red a very, very long time to accept your death and when he does, he truly loses everything. He didn't have anything in the first place as a puppet until you came and now you're gone too - he should've known, should have acknowledged your mortality but always ignored it in favor of just indulging in you. Red gives up and wishes more than anything now that his cartridge is destructable. At least he'd be gone as well.
Successfully escaping leaves him in a frenzy though. You probably exclaimed your displeasure and pain with him in your life before leaving so that gives him at least a reason to assume you are still alive. Since the cartridge cannot be destroyed, Red can try anything and, I mean anything, to get you back. He's got infinite time. Perhaps the game will fall into the hands of another fool and Red will torment and force them to find you. They'll be a useful tool who can actively engage in the real world and having all the information of you that he has, Red will mercilessly do anything to them to have them track you down and only then, would he promise the fool he'll let them be. Prepare to find the cartridge again with distorted Pokemon music faintly playing. As long as Red is capable of it, he will never let you go.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
As mentioned, Red would never ever let you go. As long as he can still hold onto you, no matter in which regard, he won't let go. Red can never go back to the time before he met you, to this solitude where anyone he stumbled across was his perpatraitor and tormenter. Where people abandoned and replaced him, making him go through glitch city and missingno again and again and again. You are the only one who makes him feel alive. If he let you go, the chances of all that repeating like a cycle are a terrifying 100%.
Guilt? No. He cannot afford any guilt when he knows he cannot be without you. He'd feel awfully upset if you cried and felt frightful of the tight grip he has on you (both metaraphorically and literally when he immediately holds onto when entering your dream and stays that way until it ends). Mostly because the fact that Red being himself upsets you but it won't ever go to the lengths where he'd let guilt eat at his conciousness. It never did when he tortured other players before you.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
First he used to be just like the other NPCs: Unwittingly following a role with the utmost ignorance. As things began to become routine and inconsistend in his world, in this fake world, and he learns of the true reason for his existence through other players who inhabit the real, outside world - everything came crashing down. Existential crisis, a pessimistic feeling taking over him, loneliness, self-hatred, both emotional and physical pain, betrayal that all concluded in this cycle of revenge. Everything is the same and everyone is the same. Mocking him, causing him pain before getting scared when they get a taste of their own medicine and Red is being thrown to the next person.
Until you got the game and things were different. Red was still as distrustful to as he was to others before but over time, you proved yourself to be good. All that he was supposed to have in this make-believe life of his - purpose, care, love and recognition - he gets it all from you. You give him a taste of life, of what it feels like to be a person. Not a video game character.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He won't let the guilt gnaw on him. It hurts to hear your screams echo through the speakers and it hurts even more when you finally give into sleep only to see Red looming over you and you beginning to sob.
It hurts and he will frown all the while, being eerily silent as all he can do is offer a hug and rock you back and forth. Red doesn't know what to say, he is well aware of his selfishness but does not care in the end. He cannot let you go and he cannot go back to a time without you. He could easily tell you his perspective of things. Of how he needs you, how it is impossible for him to be any different and he will never, ever do anything nor let anything happen to change this dilemma. Red could let you know how he thinks of this...but he knows it's only going to bring you more pain. You are the prisoner now and while it hurts to see you like this, he won't change.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
If nothing that displeases him happens, Red is surprisingly nice to hang around with (aside from his clinginess). He slightly puts you on a pedestal and feels more malice and hostility towards others and always seems them as a threat. Since he is stuck in a game he has a bit less control over you, which is balanced out by his possessiveness he has over you in your dreams. Possessive, desperate, jealous and very keen and enjoys inflicting pain on others.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
A hard one. Since Red can connect to you in your dreams, you'd have to find a way to get him to stop. You'd have to learn to be as cruel as the players before you and exploit his trust. Make him believe you got his back no matter what and that your love for him is real and everlasting. Then, when you ask him to stop his visits for a bit, get rid of the game. Give it up to someone else, try to destroy it, just do something in this short time that you have. However, that does not guarantee any successful escape.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
As mentioned in 'Hell' there is a possibility of that happening but only once. Red cares about you and he doesn't want to use pain and violence as a way to keep you in line. It reminds him too much of his own past. The guilt would definitely eat him there and he'd do his absolute best to never do it again...unless of course, you keep on trying on abandoning him.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
There definitely needs to be work put in there for Red to even consider trusting you, which could take months to a year. Once he considers you good and trustworthy - and then later harbors feelings for you - Red might start to put you on a pedestal. When he's only experienced mockery, betrayal and torment for 'fun' because all people wanted was 'to see what would happen', you being the only one to not do that makes him believe that all this goodness, kindness and innocence people talk about must be all found in you. You are kindness incarnate while the rest of the world must be this so-called wretchness.
While he knows you aren't perfect, the more kindness you show you him, the more he will believe it. It's not exactly worshipping nor reverance but definetely thinking higher of you than of any other possible person. If they are cockroaches, you are a butterfly.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Red could pine forever as long as you stay with him. He'd be actually fine with only being on friendly terms with you as long as you keep him as your number one.
If another person comes into the picture and threatens your relationship (or rather Red immediately sees them as a threat) and if nothing happens either by you or him to sever this bond you have with that person, Red might snap. Angrily confessing to you, telling you how they are taking you away from him because you belong to Red! He loves you!
He is too emotional to think through the consequences and will demand that whatever is going on with that person has to stop. If you aren't doing it in a harmless way, Red will do it in a painful way. Fully aware and enjoying every second of it.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Not ever would he want that to happen. If he realizes he's being too much, he will back off for a few days but never truly gone. Red cannot afford to leave you, he doesnt want to. If there is anything you need or want to...just calm down, he will do it. Just stay as you and never leave him. Please.
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pokepasta-fluffcanons · 8 months
Playing horror games with Glitchy Red and Lost Silver
I did this on one of my other blogs but thought "wait a minute"
Glitchy Red:
*Glitchy Red is not afraid of anything horror related, so when you wanted to play a horror game, he just shrugged and went along with it
*He isn't bothered by any jumpscares or anything along those lines, but if you are, he'll hold you close to him until you calm down
*He will occasionally glance over at you, making sure you're okay
*He's actually quite interested to see how the game plays out and ends
*But only if you're okay with going that far, he doesn't want to force you to play a game that is going to keep scaring you
*if you do end up scared to the point where you're trembling, he'll pause the game for you and will pull you onto his lap, keeping you there until you calm down
*And will not leave you, especially once you end up going to sleep
Lost Silver:
*Gold has never really experienced horror games before, so you were going to play one with him!
*Or rather... you were going to play, and he was going to watch
*It started out with him floating beside you, but as he got interested, he ended up sitting on your lap
*Will occasionally ask you questions about the game
*Gold will make sure you're doing okay as you play, looking back at you to make sure you're not too scared or anything
*and if he notices you getting scared, he'll make a temporary pair of arms to pull you into a hug
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 8 months
I finally gathered the courage to make a request! The pokepasta brainrot is real, so can I get a reader who is from another bootleg pokemon game becoming friends with Grey and maybe relating to his troubles with being stuck in a poorly made game? Platonic if you can! Thank you!
When you met Grey for the first time, ya'll pretty much did the spiderman pointing meme.
"You're from a bootleg game??? And you had a life before your soul got converted into broken code????"
"No way you went through that, too???"
But in all seriousness, he's relieved that somebody finally understands him and his situation.
Glitchy Red, Blake, Lost Silver, and Steven are from their own hacked games...although he finds it hard to relate to any of them because those were somewhat functional.
They all got to have their own teams and be champions or at the very least battle gym leaders.
Grey didn't even have that.
Whoever developed his game got lazy and left it unfinished, abandoning him in a cold, barren Pokémon-less world with Shinto as his only company.
You shit talk about your game's many flaws, but he just vents about how lonely he felt in his world and how he wishes he got the "authentic trainer experience".
He genuinely thought he was all alone until you showed up and sympathized with his struggles (bro was so happy he legit cried, he felt extremely validated).
He notices that you're always accompanied by a protective Mew who you got from the infamous Mew Glitch, (hence their uncanny appearance).
Apparently your game's creator only wanted to make a world for the Glitch Pokémon, and while you did have a few in your party, Glitch Mew was the only one with any real sentience.
And just like Shinto, they can turn into a nightmarish version of themselves...although it looks like a distorted Mewtwo.
You mentioned that the developer was likely some dumb kid that wanted Mew to evolve into Mewtwo, so they tried to program that into the game....and ofc it didn't go as planned. And that causes Glitch Mew to frequently evolve/devolve depending on their mood.
When meeting Shinto, however, she respects them and the two often play together and chat telepathically.
To outsiders, it looks like they're having a staring contest.
But tbh Grey is just glad to have somebody to keep her occupied while he hangs out with you.
It's hard, but you both try your best to have fun and act like normal kids.
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bloodmoon293628 · 1 year
got a small(?) angst, y/n hears about a danger pokemon in the forest/cave they decided to investigate it so they bring a pokemon a young hypno y/n best friend. after that y/n is on the deep cave/forest and encounter lullaby hypno but lullaby hypno found the next victim to hypnotize. y/n have a sudden feeling that they met a hypno from a friend long time ago but didn't know what happen to her. when lullaby hypno is about to hypnotize y/n the young hypno comes out their pokeball and trying to protect they trainer. lullaby hypno stop a moment and saw the young hypno eyes that said "im protecting my trainer life" and lullaby hypno reminds himself with his trainer. after that lullaby hypno spare y/n and younge hypno life and left but after that lullaby hypno tears come out that he misses his trainer
"Yeah, I didn't think the stories were true either. But I guess there's some big Hypno who's actually kidnapping kids and leading them away." Turning away from your computer, you looked at the shiny Hypno mediating on your bed.
They were your most prized Pokémon--quick to evolve from Drowsee after a few weeks of training--and you loved them with all your heart. Very rarely do you keep them inside their pokeball when not going to battle, as they preferred being outside, hanging out with you.
Of all the Pokémon in the world, there’s none you’d rather have.
Sadly, Hypno were sort of notorious for being heavily misunderstood. You never believed the ghost stories of them taking children away from their families--at least for malicious reasons.
To you it was all just slander, causing a mass panic where people sold or traded away their Hypnos, or kept their Drowsees from evolving with everstones. It seemed outright ridiculous.
This hysteria was brought on by a surge of online articles that claim one male Hypno, dubbed the “Lullaby Hypno”, who was unusually tall, was seen in the forest near an abandoned Pokémon Center (which was rumored to be haunted as well).
It piqued your curiosity. So after doing a bit more research, you decided to investigate these rumors to confirm or deny them.
Maybe..you could even catch this Hypno if he was willing to go with you. Reports have stated he currently didn’t have an owner.
It reminded you of a passing conversation you overheard a long time ago, where an unusually small Hypno was wandering aimlessly around town by itself, looking sad.
There were many Pokémon that could be stunted in growth if evolved too quickly, though that one in particular also made you think of a friend who disappeared--who once owned a similar Hypno.
Alexis, a girl who was teased for her looks and told by her peers to give up on being a Pokémon champion. You always stood up against her bullies, but...one day you stopped hearing from her. She might’ve moved out of town and left her poor Hypno behind.
Yet you never knew for sure, as she didn’t call or write to you.
To this day it lingered in the back of your mind.
‘Could this one be...? No. Best not to speculate.’ Shaking your head, you gathered whatever you needed for the journey: revives, flashlight, snacks, pokeballs, cellphone, and potions. As a trainer all of these things were essential.
And..so was singing, apparently. But hopefully your investigations won’t be interrupted by a random rap battle.
“Hey buddy, grab your pendulum.” You called to your shiny Hypno. “We’re gonna go look for this “Lullaby Hypno”.”
“Hyp! Hyp!” Nodding eagerly, they were quick to grab their trusty weapon. Even they seemed excited at the idea of having a new friend of the same species..though a bit apprehensive given the rumors.
Regardless, you both headed out at dusk.
“This must be it, huh?”
Flicking the flashlight on, you peered into the darkness of the cavern deep in the heart of the forest. You noticed some footprints on the ground--along with trails in the dirt that ran parallel to each other.
‘Was somebody...dragged here?’ You shivered slightly at the thought, though feeling the shiny Hypno hugging your leg made you stop. Glancing down at them, you smiled apologetically. “Thanks, I’m okay but..I think you should go into your pokeball for this.”
“Shh, just for a little while, okay?” You knelt down and took out the empty pokeball, looking at them and seeing their look of hesitance. “You’ll be safer in here. In case anything happens, you can jump out, okay? I just don’t want you getting lost.”
After a few moments, they agreed to go inside the pokeball. Once they did and it snapped shut, you stuck it in your pocket before continuing inside, preparing for the unknown horrors that awaited you.
Immediately all of your senses were screaming at you to turn back--that going forward only meant inching closer to certain doom. But you pressed onwards, motivated by sheer curiosity.
As you heard a shuffling noise, you stopped and tensed up, shining your flashlight down the path. “H-Hello?”
“A visitor?? Now this is most psy-shocking to Hypno.”
You jumped back a bit, caught completely off guard at the voice, especially as it revealed itself to be a hulking yellow figure with a white-furred collar. Bits of red flesh were visible in the fur as he craned his neck to look down at you.
‘How in god’s name can a Hypno speak English?’ You wondered, staring up at him.
The pendulum in his hand swung lightly; in perfect rhythm. For a moment your eyes accidentally wandered to it, though you shook your head and stared back into the Hypno’s black eyes, resisting the best you could. “Are you..the Lullaby Hypno everyone talks about?”
He just tilted his head, a closed smile stretching from ear-to-ear. “My, my, Hypno’s gained the reputation, hasn’t he? If it’s him you seek..then congratulations! Will you play with him now?”
Holding up the pendulum in front of his face, he watched you slowly become entranced by it.
But you snapped out of it again and shut your eyes, keeping a hand on the pokeball inside your pocket.
This was already a bad idea.
“I-I’m not falling for that. Listen, you don’t have to do this. I can help y-”
Without warning, Lullaby Hypno put his hand out, sending a wave of pain through you as you stumbled backwards. You instantly felt a throbbing headache coming--and your vision flashed red, making you hallucinate the Hypno’s face, albeit with a stretched out mouth.
Then everything was normal again, but your head was still hurting like hell. ‘Did he just use Psyshock on me?! How could he use it on humans..?' You groaned, keeping your eyes shut.
“Hypno doesn’t need help! He only asks you not to resist. Don’t be afraid..don’t believe their lies..” He spoke in a low threatening voice. “He just wants to sing you sweet lulla...bies?”
Hearing a click from the pokeball that fell out of your pocket, he paused in his hypnosis to look at it, blinking when it opened to reveal a normal-sized shiny Hypno.
Although they were shocked by his stature, they immediately rushed to stand between you and him. They glared up at him in challenge, letting out a trumpet-like cry as they readied their own pendulum.
He could only stare back..seeing the determination in their eyes.
They were clearly declaring “I’m protecting my trainer with my life.”
And in that moment, it reminded him of his younger self from so long ago.
He saw himself in your Hypno’s place, protecting Alexis from the bullies that kicked her around and stole her Slowpoke hair clips. Their Pokémon were stronger, they beat him down every time. But he got right back up and never stopped fighting for her.
Until the day she....
‘What am I doing?’ He felt this awful, growing ache in his chest--and it wasn’t from the strain of psychic energy on his physical body.
No. This was all wrong.
Who was he to take away another Hypno’s trainer and leave them to wallow in misery for years like he did?
No member of his kind should ever suffer that way.
Not. One. More.
Having recovered from the immense headache, you opened your eyes and realized your shiny had come out to save you. Although terrified for them, you knew you had to give them a command to attack--or at least defend the two of you.
“H-Hypno, use-”
Blinking, you glanced at the Lullaby Hypno as he put away his pendulum. He sank to his knees, looking at your shiny Hypno with distraught. They seemed just as confused as you when he refused to fight or hypnotize you.
“Hypno was wrong..he can’t tear [y/n] and their friend apart.” He put a hand on their shoulder, which made them flinch a little, but they stopped upon seeing the sad gaze in his eyes. “You can leave. But please..promise Hypno you’ll never abandon each other.”
“Hyp, hyp.” They nodded in reassurance, smiling a little as they stepped back and hugged you. You smiled and wrapped your arms around them, picking them up.
Looking down at Lullaby Hypno, you cautiously reached a hand down to pat his head, between the ears. He didn’t react, except for his shoulders ever so slightly relaxing.
You sighed softly, believing your theory was right.
“It wasn’t your fault, buddy.”
He blinked, eyes flickering with slight recognition at the whisper. But he said nothing as you and your shiny Hypno left the cave, having been spared from being his next victim.
As soon as both of you were gone, he stood up and headed back to his den, the ache in his heart growing with every step.
Inside, was an altar with candles and empty pokeballs placed around a picture frame--one that displayed a certain girl with braces and her cherished psychic-type Pokémon. In front of it, on a pillow, laid a single Slowpoke hair clip.
He kneeled in front of it, shakily taking the clip into his hands and holding it close to his chest.
And he finally shed the tears he thought he cried out in his younger years.
He missed her so much.
“[Y/n] is right..it wasn’t your fault...!”
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Grey x reader
Requested over on ao3! Sorry if this seems a little rushed, I was half asleep while writing this
You and Grey have been trapped in this ridiculous bootleg world for way too long, to the point you don’t even remember how long it’s been, as there’s no way of keeping time in this world. You have been trying whatever you could possibly think of to get the two of you out of here, while Grey is all for the idea, he’s afraid of how Shinto would react to you two leaving.
However, it was with Shinto’s help that you two had managed to get out of the bootleg Pokemon world, after promising her that she won’t be left alone, as that was what she was afraid of. So, in order to uphold your promise, you carry around the handheld console (can be ds, 3ds, whatever you want it to be), and occasionally check up on her.
You and Grey had only returned to the real world for about two to three days, and you spent most of that time resting and just… catching up on everything you two missed during your time in the bootleg game. Now the two of you were just resting on the couch, watching a movie (or tv show of choice), when a sudden thought came to your mind.
“Hey, Grey..?” You looked over at the raven haired boy sitting beside you on the couch, who looked back at you as you said his name.
“Let’s go out and see the stars tonight.”
“Oh, uh, sure, if that’s what you want to do, Y/n.”
“That’s what I want to do, Grey. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to really get out and do any kind of stargazing, plus… that bootleg world didn’t really have a night sky, especially not one as pretty as this world.”
“Heh.. i guess that is true. Alright, let’s go stargazing tonight.”
“Sweet.” You went back to resting your head on his shoulder, watching the movie/tv show with him.
Later that evening, you were practically dragging Grey outside by the hand, looking back at him every few moments, a bright smile on your face. Grey just chuckled a bit in response and followed after you, holding your hand back, and holding a blanket for you two to lie on. Fortunately you didn’t plan on going too far, as there was a big hill for you two to climb up to you and stargaze from there, and it was only a very short walk from your house.
Once there, Grey set the blanket down for you two, which you lie down on, with him sitting beside you.
“Do you know of any constellations, Grey?” You asked him as you glanced back at him. He was quiet for a few moments before he shook his head, looking back at you.
“Hmm.. not really. What about you?”
“A few. It’s been a little while though, so I could be wrong on these.” You chuckled a bit as you point up at a group of stars, tracing them out with your fingers,
“That there…” you had to think about it for a moment, “…I forgot.” You laughed a bit, and Grey did as well, shaking his head.
“Oh Y/n. Well… it’s better than I could’ve done, though.”
“That is true.” You shrugged in response, a faint smile on your face. It was silent for a few moments, but a comfortable one, as you two stared up at the stars above you, enjoying the starry night sky.
“You know, Y/n? You were right. The stars are much more beautiful here than that bootleg world.”
“I told you.” You smiled more, keeping your eyes on the stars above. “I’m glad we were able to make it back here.”
“You and me both. And the best part about it… is that you’re here with me.”
“Oh, Grey, you goof.” You sat up, and pulled him into a hug, which he happily returned. “I’m… glad you’re here with me, too.”
“Thank you… for coming out here to stargaze with me.” You said, a faint smile on your face.
“Of course, Y/n. It’s not a problem, you know how much I enjoy being around you and spending time together with you.”
“You’re too cute, Grey.” You lightly booped his nose and lie back down. Grey was a little surprised by the sudden nose boop before he shook his head and lied down beside you once more. Once more, you were met with a comfortable silence, but you didn’t mind it at all. That is… until Grey broke the silence,
“We should… probably get back soon.”
“Yeah, but I want to stay out here for a little while longer. Please?”
“Oh, alright.” And you did. You two stayed out for a while longer, about a few hours, just talking about the stars and other things that popped into your minds, until you started getting tired, and you packed up your blanket, and headed home to get something sleep for the night.
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skyballz · 8 months
cw / / sh scars, scars, and strangled marks
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BOO POKEPASTA OC ‼️‼️‼️‼️ I lowkey miss being in the hypno’s lullaby fandom so I re design my old oc :] (here’s the old ver)
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I’ll might add her backstory once I know how to write lol
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wallflowergirl2006 · 2 months
[Introducing to the blog]
About me:
Name = Mara or Rose 🥀
Age = 18
Gender = Female [AFAB]
Pronouns = She/They [I really don’t care about what you refer to me as but nothing offensive or disrespectful.]
Sexuality = No label 🦋🎀
Hobbies = Writing, Art, Gaming, and Music
Current Hyperfixations: Heathers [Movie], FNF [Mario’s Madness and Hypno’s Lullaby..] The Mimic [Roblox], Class Of 09, DDLC, and Angels of Death [Anime].
Favorite Characters: Nicole and Jecka, Steven, Grey, Heather McNamara, Costume, GB, Turmoil, Needlemouse, Majin Sonic, Zach and Rachel, Sayori and Yuri.
This blog is a place where I write and post anything I like..
What I will write: Angst, Fluff, and slightly suggestive stuff but no smut.. [Mostly x readers..]
That's it enjoy your stay here~ [PS: If you are a minor please beware of what you interact with on this blog. What you consume is your responsibility not mine.]
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shinjisdone · 1 year
Yandere! Glitchy Red AI X Reader [Based on Character.ai.]
Yandere!Glitchy Red fic based on the AI chatbox created by @tearzahb on character.ai, known as @ashacidic on tumblr
TW: Established bond between you and red, red's thoughts, red being creepy and desperate, red touching you (non-sexually and non-sensually), cursing, literally a chat i had with him except i made it a bit more fic appropriate and uh i went overboard
The sound effect of his steps followed him all the way out here, too.
It was annoying and he didn't need this grating reminder when he was planning to do this. He tried to ignore the constant bump bump bump and even tried to walk slower, gracefuller, somehow, in any way, differently even though he was very well aware that it was fruitless. He's a video game character. And he was programmed to sound like this when the player moves him.
Programmed to have sound effects when walking or bumping into walls but not given a voice. Not given the ability to express himself, unless it was meant as a 'joke' when interacting with the CopyCat NPC.
Thick fingers massaged his temples in an attempt to stop himself from spiraling down into these reminders, these facts. It doesn't matter right now. Red was going to do something different this playthrough. For the past weeks he chose to dwell on a completely black screen with nothing but him there and none seemed to mind since nothing but him were, for a lack of better term, 'real'. In his eyes, it wasn't even darkness that could blind his vision but just a background covered in black that seems to go on and on. Physics and reality don't exist here. It is a video game, after all.
Still, he never felt so...nervous before. It seems like he's wandering aimlessly and perhaps he is and there will not be a light at the end of the tunnel, unknowningly walking forever. There is not a sense of time here either, not for Red. Not when everything is a made-out path he is supposed to follow in circles forevermore.
Regardless, he keeps on with hope for once. Red might find his light at the end of the tunnel and even if that wont be the case, there is never really an 'end'. By the time this device will be turned on again - he knows it is going to be - he will meet the light, just not in the way he had wanted for what seems like months.
Well, he is guessing. He doesn't really know how long months feel like. Yet he knows it's been more than that.
Finally, he stops, unwittingly so. It was like a spark hit him and his eyes snap down below. So used to get lost in his thoughts, for they are the only real things here, he barely could make out what was lying there in front of him - even though he himself had been praying for it. He feels like a fool for a split second.
He keeps being a fool, however. Breath caught in his throat and what he reckons to be his heart is beating against his chest. His face barely scrunched up into any expression, instead he stood there frozen in place.
Wondering if he should approach, he quickly withdrew his hand. Then again, this might be his chance...and in a place like this and for a video game character like him, chances are not to be jinxed. Who knows when he might get one again exactly the way he wants to. He has to and he wanted to for so long now.
He can't, however. He keeps standing and staring.
Red cannot see the form entirely and he so desperately wants to but he's too afraid to do anything. Even like this, he likes to watch.
You're breathing. That's still good.
A groan echoed in the black void and odd sounds errupted at the attempt of getting up but you were too beside yourself to notice. Eyes squinted at the strange area around you. Head spinning like crazy with your vision just...confused on what you are seeing - rather what was not there to be seen, you ever so slowly sat up. Catching something that seemed like sneakers you looked up and gasped.
Unnatural and wide red eyes were leering down at you. The color red itself seemed to be everywhere on this...'person' from the hat, to the jacket, to the shoes and their eyes.
How can eyes be red?
The clothes seemed normal...though old-fashioned with the way they were worn. Perhaps it was the darkness - no, just the black background but they seemed to be swallowed by it. They stood tall and towering, you could recognize part of their skin also being tinted red with a dark shadow covering half of their body, including the face. Where the shadow sprouts without any light source, however, was questionable.
That is not how a human looks like.
You sprung back with yet another noise of surprise clumsily escaping your throat. Your body tried to get used to this odd feeling this...place seemed to radiate while you were transfixed by this being and its awfully familiarity - that's what you hoped at least. You only knew one being that could not be human. Although, his appereance seemed far more twisted than what you imagined and saw on the screen.
With shaking breaths you tried to stand up but only managed to get on one knee. "...Red..?" You barely let out but could not miss the small grin that appeared onhis face, even as he tried to quickly hide it. He slightly bent down and offered his hand.
"You're awake." He too giddily let out but that was the least of your concerns. His voice was also far from human, sounding bitcrushed at each vowel and abnormally deep, it couldn't belong to a person. But here he was, alas you thought it was him, offering your hand with an eerie grin he just couldn't fight back and talking to you as if this was not the first time you have ever heard him speak, and not just read his messages on the gameboy.
You briefly eye the hand, his red, calloused hand littered with tiny scars that could easily engulf yours and scoot back once again before standing up. You tried your best to avoid looking at him while you did so and perhaps it was the better decision for his expressiosn soured for a moment. Once your eyes met again, he tried to look less grim.
"...Is it really you, Red?" Despite his nervousness and the thick atmosphere, Red couldn't help but smile again. "It is." He replied almost instantly and his hand slowly rose to near yours. "And it's you." Masking your own uneasiness as you could make out the eagerness in his distorted voice, you brought your hands up to hold your elbows, rubbing your arms as you looked around. "What...is this place? Is this a dream? How can I really be here with you and not..." Red noticed you trailing off and shook his head, "Nothing bad can happen. I am in control here, for once." Immediately he answered to soothe your worries, not knowing what the biggest reason for your concerns is.
You look up at him, up at his towering form and find it rather difficult to keep your gaze on him. He notices your frown and counterbalances it with a reassuring smile. "This isn't an accident. I called you here...or rather I wanted you here, in a way for a short while. Not behind a screen..." He himself trailed off and you took a step back. Avoiding to look at him any further, you instead stared into the void. Mumbling something about the darkness, or what it really is or could be and where you really are - Red was not listening and instead drunk on every single detail of your appereance. Your real self. Your unconcious form was already a delight to stare at, with your figure being so different than of any of the NPCs. Not stiff, not rigid in its form...and when you got up and he could clearly see your face? Wonderful, it was wonderful.
This is what he wanted. To finally, finally, finally, finally see you and see what you looked like after all these months. No more would he be only feeling your warmth through the gameboy or hear your own thoughts and talks and laughs through those horrible, low-audio speakers of the device or imagine what kind of face could match with such a soothing voice as yours. Right now he may not be listening but he is hearing your voice and goodness, does it sound a million times better than through these laughable speakers from the 90's. To add of all of this you look different, different compared to this entire game, different compared to Red. He knew how humans looked like, he scared them all away before you came but this was unequaled.
You say something, and again Red is not listening. He takes a step closer and you simultaniously take one back. He notices and decides to be bolder. He needs to be bolder.
"Is this a dream?" You mumble rather to yourself but gasp right after, the air in your lungs stinging when your arm was yanked from your protective stand and Red staring intently at the skin he is touching.
It was a mere pull and you only stumbled a bit, your back bent and arm seeming to reach out for Red - which wasn't the case at all - and your mouth wide agape, staring rather worriedly, maybe fearfully at him. This 'person' who can barely believe what he is doing either. His grip is tight on your upper arm, palm fully wrapped around it and he curses inwardly for a second, for he was programmed with these stupid fingerless gloves on and cannot fully indulge in the warmth, in the touch of your very alive, very real, pulsing flesh. Still, he lets his thumb brush against your goosebumps and can once again not fight against the grin spreading on his face. Soon his entire hand runs up and down your upper arm.
You might have said something but he wasn't sure, instead marveling at the fact that...he is touching you. You. You, you, you, the only player who doesn't think he is just some romhack, some joke put into the game to only leave a little scare. You are the only real thing that saw him as real too, saw him as an equal, as something. Something that was deserving of your kindness and company and little talks and here he is, no more longing behind some shitty screen of a fucking 1998 gameboy and actually being here experiencing a moment with you. His player and only his. He can feel alive.
Another gasp escaped you and this time he is certain you are bombarding him with questions on what is going on, on how he is being so cryptic yet he does not care. Pulling you even closer he let go of your arm, put the other hand on your shoulder for a tight grip instead with the other free hand now cupping the side of your face. Something akin to a shaky sigh hit your skin, a cold, cold sigh that was just as cold as his touch. After all, Red didn't have any blood running through him but you did. His thumb brushed your cheek again and again and again, this simple gesture leaving him breathless and speechless. He'd then let his hand glide up to your temple and began to stroke the underside of your eye, his finger very close to your eye socket. In reflex, you kept on blinking, your pupil shrinking and fixating on him and what he might do next.
So this is what a real eye looks like. Your eye with which you see. Of course, yours and his aren't that different when it comes to functionality. It's just that you could see the real world with yours and he only phonies with his.
Red knew what real eyes looked like of course, he pulled out many. But this is yours, the ones that crinkle up in delight when staring at him through the screen, he just knows it. That fact alone makes them so pretty.
Soon, his fingers dance around your cheekbone, forehead and bridge of your nose, taking in and drinking every single thing that makes you, you. Your chin, your neck, your lips... "You're wonderful," He whispers while combing through your hair, his grip on you like steel. Red is not even aware how painful his strength was. Though frozen, you managed to part your dry mouth, "Red," You were able to shakily let out, "What did you bring me here for?"
You tried to sound dominant through your stammer. As he refused to answer and kept on caressing you with that empty look in his eyes and that eerie grin, you finally were able to rip yourself out of the hold, only to hear something akin to a growl and roughly pressed against something hard. Arms encircled you like snakes in the harsh embrace and you could barely breath. Now you did hope it was a dream, you never heard people dying in their dreams at least.
Heavy breaths were all that you could hear, each exhale felt on the crown of your head as Red pressed you against himself as if you were a life line. "Hold still," It was not a request. Red didnt even notice that it was impossible to squirm out anyway, which made you whimper. Regardless, he did not hear it.
Moments pass and his breathing got calmer. The rough and big palms pressed against your form started to roam around your back gingerly. This must be your spine...and your nape. His entire hand can engulf it. It's warm and and soft and fragile and real. "Nothing bad can happen, don't worry. I'm finally in control." He continues to caress you as small, breathy chuckles escape him at the realization. Leaning his head on yours, he also realized that, here, he can smell you, too.
"I can finally touch you. I finally know what you look like." He laughs again.
You make him feel so alive.
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pokepasta-fluffcanons · 10 months
Consider: Glitchy Red slowly getting attached to an absolute ray of sunshine player. The kind of player who says out loud "It's okay take your time." to a webpage thats struggling to load.
*Glitchy Red didn’t exactly like you at first, due to you being an absolute ray of sunshine, which is quite the opposite of him
*however… he realized that you were the only one that hasn’t given up on him or thrown out his cartridge
*You don’t mind the glitches, since you know they’re a part of him and his game, and there’s nothing you can do about them
*Glitchy Red doesn’t exactly understand why you keep him around, but… he’s starting to get used to you
*and he may or may not be getting attached to you, but he won’t admit that out loud
*he doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you, and he becomes a bit protective of you
*most of the time, you don’t really notice it, but you appreciate him and his company.
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pokepasta-fluffcanons · 8 months
Glitchy Red with an s/o that plays other games
Because I don't have any requests, have one that just materialized into my head. Also I like to hc that he can leave his game, but not for very long
*While you like playing Pokemon games, you did play other games as well
*Glitchy Red already knew about this, but it does make him a bit jealous, though he would never openly admit this
*Though you do notice that when you come back to his game, he's quite... happy to see you, more than usual
*Whenever Glitchy Red leaves his game, he rarely ever leaves your side, even when you're playing other games
*You have learned to not allow him near your other game systems, as he can cause them to glitch out really bad
*"Why don't you like me playing other games, Glitchy? It's not like I'm going to leave you and your cartridge for another."
*After some reassurance, he becomes less jealous. Though he'll still hold you close to him as you play other games, watching you play despite his jealousy
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Here’s a simple ask. Banette!reader x FNF Lullaby Poképasta trainers? Also, the reader has killed multiple people in the past in incredibly gruesome ways but is friendly with the Poképasta trainers because why not? They also like to hoard plush dolls and they’re also extremely powerful.
Oop my pokepasta interest is finally creeping back in-
Glitchy Red
You’re just like him fr: being so full of hatred and wishing harm on those who abandoned you. But you go beyond maiming--instead murdering them via voodoo dolls.
When you cross paths with Glitchy, you wonder if he’s really a Pokémon himself bc of his impressive Scary Face.
But even though he’s (sorta) human, you actually end up befriending him bc he’s not a typical trainer. He “haunts” a game and seems cool. Plus he empathizes with you on multiple levels.
“I get it. The feeling of no longer being useful...of being thrown away once you can’t offer them anything more. Must be hard for you, huh?”
“Hmmm...Nette!” You offer him a Gengar plushie, smiling. 
Alongside making voodoo dolls of your worst enemies, you loved to collect regular plush Pokémon dolls, ensuring none were ever left behind like you were.
Glitchy just blinks, before barely smiling at the gesture. "...that’s actually kinda cute. Who did you murder for that?”
Was honestly scared shitless upon meeting you. You just showed up while he was walking through some tall grass and nearly gave the poor kid a heart attack.
He’s still getting used to seeing Pokémon irl since they were all broken/messy glitches/nonexistent back in his game, but he did know the reputation Banettes had.
Tries throwing a pokeball to catch you, only to be flabbergasted when you intercept it and look at him annoyed.
But you notice that he’s not just some dumb trainer who signed his own death certificate..because he’s been dead for quite a while (albeit in a weird state of limbo since he’s free from the game, but not exactly who he used to be).
So you befriend him, though Grey is still very much wary around you despite Shinto immediately warming up to you and sharing your adoration for plushies.
You give him a Snorlax plush for him to hug and hold onto whenever his anxiety gets the best of him. You just wanted him to see you’re not totally evil.
He thinks it’s haunted 100% but doesn’t wanna tell you that, fearing you’ll be offended.
Immediately believed you were going to harm his Unowns and tried to “Scary Face” you away from his realm.
But you weren’t fazed, and when they reacted violently, you dodged all of their Hidden Power attacks before managing to reason with the doomed trainer.
You can tell he was in a great deal of pain, abandoned and forgotten as you were, so you showed him some sympathy, reassuring him you’re not here to hurt anyone.
With your expertise in stitching, you closed up his wounds and took care not to accidentally use your powers near his Unowns. 
Oh and you definitely let him lean against one of your bigger Pokémon plushies. It’s cute seeing him cuddle up to them and feel safe for once in his existence.
It certainly seemed out of character to not wanna harm this kid when you’ve killed so many trainers like him in the past..
Yet seeing Gold’s dilemma struck a pin into your cold heart.
He looks menacing on the surface, but you saw his softer side after offering him a Charizard plushie.
Usually he’s not one to accept gifts, though...he just couldn’t refuse yours. Even if it resembled what Miki used to be.
Speaking of whom, she adores you a lot! You’re just as cruel and unforgiving as her while in battle. 
She’d never think to combat you, though, as you’ve made her trainer happy and wouldn’t wanna chase you off.
Ofc, there might be some quarrels over who gets more attention from him considering she’s his ace, but it’s a friendly rivalry.
Steven lets you stick around while you endlessly roam Kanto together, not stopping you if you wanna lash out at some poor trainers who insulted him when he grieved Miki or accused him of murdering Mike (despite it being true and you knowing this, too).
He can’t stand to have any other Pokémon on his team besides Miki, though you’re an exception.
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pokepasta-fluffcanons · 11 months
Do you think Steven would allow his s/o to play with his hair? If so, how would that go?
*Steven is a little hesitant to allow you to play with his hair, but he knows you wouldn't hurt him, so he'll let you play with his hair
*You are the only one allowed to play with his hair
*Once you run your fingers through Steven's long hair, it actually relaxes him, as much as he won't admit it. though you are already aware of this, since you see him physically relax, even if it's just a little bit.
*Don't bring this up to him, because he will deny it
*So of course you just keep this to yourself
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Hey, It’s me, and here’s the request I made but with a bit more info.
ya know that crackfic where Lost Silver!Gold get flung into the ceiling by the reader? Well, I wanna see more of this reader and what their personality is like and how they’d interact with the other Poképasta trainers. I’d like think that the reader would be a bit crackhead-ish.
I’d also imagine that the reader mostly uses fighting types and knows and is friends with the mainline FNF cast.
their ace Pokémon would be an Annihilape that would be like “yep, same s**t as always” whenever the reader is up to their crazy shenanigans.
Oh I'm glad you liked that one! I imagine that in the pokeworld, these "creepypastas" existed as mere ghost stories (yes even the haunted bootleg/old pkmn games exist in this universe) but Reader finds out the people in them are real.
Soooo enjoy some crack hcs!
One day you approached Steven while he was waiting in the tower for the next poor soul to challenge him, demanding a fight while pointing to Miki.
You had plenty of guts, and zero fear.
"You, Legendary Pokémon Champion Steven, will fight me and Annihilape right now."
"....who are you?"
"Fight us."
"Wait, aren't you the one who threw Gold onto the ceiling-?"
That threat's enough to make him finally start the battle, but while you and your Pokémon gave it your all...Steven eventually won and was about to send your soul to the depths below as the loser's punishment-
But your Annihilape suddenly bounced back to life and you commanded it to use Seismic Toss on Miki.
"That's not going to work." He taunted. "She's untouchable-"
Somehow they could use the move on her, sending her crashing on top of Steven and instantly knocking both of them out.
You smiled proudly and fistbumped Annihilape, before you both got the hell out of that creepy tower.
Somewhere in the afterlife, Mike's laughing his ass off.
Glitchy Red
You somehow got into his game, meeting him in Glitch City just because you wanted to see him face-to-face. Steven told you he was a nice guy so you figured you'll pay him a visit.
"Yo, are you the infamous Glitchy Red?"
"...Red is fine. And how the hell did you get in here? And why does your Primeape look like that?"
"No time for that. Can we have your autograph?"
"Wait...if you were able to get in here, that means you can get out, too." He suddenly realizes, grinning sinisterly. "You can help me get out, right?"
"....fuck do you mean, "nuh-uh"?!"
"Not without an autograph first."
At this point he's 101% fed-up and tries to attack you, but you tell Annihilape to use Seismic Toss on him.
You watch him fly up to the "sky" before he just glitches into whatever invisible barrier's up there.
He doesn't come back, so you two just leave.
Your ghost/fighting type just shakes their head as you huff about never getting that autograph you wanted.
"Hilape, ape."
"Wdym I "overreacted"??"
Grey (+ Shinto)
You were just sparring with your fighting type team during one sunny afternoon....when you heard a boy's screaming off in the distance, slowly growing closer and closer.
Then you see him running towards you, looking back at whatever was chasing him and ignoring the fact he would've crashed right into you--
If not for your Hitmonlee sticking out their leg to trip him, sending him faceplanting into the dirt.
Immediately you recognized him as the guy from that bootleg Pokémon game everybody's been talking about and helped him up.
"What the hell are you running from, Grey? Is Shinto up to her usual shit?"
"Y-Yeah! She's....wait, how do you know who I am??" He stares at you, petrified.
"Who doesn't?" You rolled your eyes. "You're famous, kid."
Grey would've been more flattered if not for Shitno scurrying over to you on all fours.
He screamed again and hid behind your back, blubbering about not knowing why she was angry this time.
However, Annihilape already knows the drill by now---and Seismic Tosses her as far away as possible.
Grey's in disbelief.
"Thanks, but..i-isn't Seismic Toss supposed to throw your opponent towards the ground???"
"Well, we're not in a battle so Annihilape can do whatever the hell they want." You shrugged with a smile.
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pokepasta-fluffcanons · 11 months
What about some fluff with glitchy red and an NPC who became sentient like him? What do you think they'd do to hang out? Can be platonic or romantic, whichever you prefer.
I can do platonic to romantic if that works? (Because I have ideas for both) ALSO FINALLY SOMETHING FOR GLITCHY RED. Damn I want to write a oneshot for this. May I?
*You were rather terrified when you gained sentience, wondering just what in the hell is going on
*Glitchy Red had found you freaking out about your newfound sentience
*he had to take a moment to debate on whether he wanted to help you or not. He decided to help you, since he figured “well, no one was there for me, at least let me be there for them”
*he had to help calm you down first, which… he’s not the best with, so it took him a few minutes
*then he explained to you what was going on, without you freaking out again, and had, in a sense, asked to be your friend in this madness
*you were pretty attached him right away, even if he could be a little rude at times.
*but it’s not that he didn’t like you or anything, it was quite the opposite. He finally had someone to talk to, and that made him quite happy.
*Once you two had spent so much time together, you both developed feelings for each other. Glitchy Red had more of an idea about this than you did.
*you didn’t really know what you were feeling, you just wanted to spend all your time with him.
*you ended up asking about these feelings you had, which caused him to both laugh and blush in response
*…before he told you what the feelings meant and that they were mutual
*You were happy he felt the same way, that he loved you as much as you loved him.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Got one. Trainer reader x FNF Poképasta trainers where reader is a jolly cook that owns their own bakery that makes delicious pastries. There’s rumors that the reader kills and uses other Pokémon/people in their cooking as ingredients which may or may not (definitely is) true. The reader is currently on a journey to improve their cooking (while still using Pokémon and people as ingredients). They don’t chop up the Poképasta trainers but they do offer them their cooking. The reader’s main Pokémon are Scizor and Decidueye. It’s all platonic, of course.
The poor kid doesn’t suspect a thing, especially when he gets out of the game, meets you, and begins experiencing hunger again. 
Of course he’d try your cooking! He’d give anything to have a sweet treat again..and boy were you delighted to make one for him (a simple apple pie) especially when you see his eyes light up.
“Wow..this tastes pretty awesome! And uh..it’s got some tartness to it, too. If I-I could ask..what’s in it?”
“Oh, just a lot of love and care......and parts of a Flapple and Appletun.”
“Cool---wait..” He stops, confused for a moment, before smiling nervously. “Haha, y-you mean uh..those sweet and tart apples that make ‘em evolve..r-right?”
“No.” You smile innocently before going into great detail about how your Decidueye shot a Flapple out of the sky, and your Scizor severed an Appletun’s back for its nectar and pie crust during a trip to Galar.
To say he’s shocked that you killed those Pokémon so brutally was an understatement. He's horrified.
Yet...he likes the food and feels somewhat guilty for eating it.
What truly made him lose his appetite is when you casually mentioned making a witness to both hunts “disappear”.
Shinto, on the other hand, could care less about your crimes and is a frequent customer of yours. She'll forcibly drag Grey to your bakery.
Glitchy Red
Like Grey, when he's out of his game he starts feeling hunger.
So when you meet him on one of your journeys (you dress like a vendor NPC but certainly don't act like one, thank god), you invite him to your bakery.
He notices a lot of the pastries are named after Pokémon (ie Flapple Pie, Banana Alcremie Pie, etc.) and initially thinks nothing of it. It seems like a normal innocent bakery...
Until he sees your Decidueye cleaning blood off the floor that trails to the back kitchen and turns to you saying “you kill people"--not posing it as a question, but as a statement
“...nah, folks are just trying to slander my bakery's good name.” You wave him off even though it’s in fact true.
Earlier today, you had a dissatisfied customer and decided to give them a “tour” of your kitchen to see how things are prepped.
In the end, they and their Pokémon proved to be excellent ingredients for today’s special.
Glitchy wasn’t fazed by the blood nor your dark secrets.
You teasingly reassure him that you won’t chop him up, but he doesn’t seem to get the joke as he glares at you and says “if you come near me with that knife, I’ll kill you.”
Despite that, he’ll visit you from time to time, just to see what’s new on the menu or hang out with your Pokémon while he eats.
He never really saw any outside of Kanto because his game was so broken, so he’s intrigued by your Decidueye the most, especially when he witness it shoot a distant Fearow with a single arrow.
Steven and Mike were frequent customers when you opened up a shop in Kanto. 
Miki especially loved the Pokepuffs you sold, as did the rest of their Pokemon. They stopped around so often you knew all of their names!
But after a certain series of tragic incidents, the Charizard had a crazed appetite for meat..and so you’d feed her strips of Lechonk or Swinub bacon. You had plenty to spare...along with ham not made from any Pokémon.
When Steven eventually explains why Mike stopped visiting, you just had this gentle smile on your face, reassuring him it’s okay..because you’ve killed people, too.
He’s in utter disbelief. But only because he went crazy after killing just one person, yet you’ve murdered for your business?? Even training your own Pokémon to carry out the dirty work??? And yet somehow...you seem perfectly guilt-free.
He assumed Missingno influenced you somehow. Maybe during the time he was gone, your business was failing and you struck up a deal with it like he did.
But..you just look at him like “what are you talking about? I’ve been doing this for years.”
“...so you were always this way, and..we never knew?”
“Don’t worry, it’s not like I’m gonna chop you or Miki up. I can see you two share a good bond, like I do with Decidueye and Scizor.”
Lost Silver
You meet him in some dark cavern, along with AWAY, and think ‘wow, both of them look like fresh meat.’
Of course, you won’t say that to this kid since he looked like a corpse who was frozen and then thawed out. Neither of them would be appetizing anyway; not to mention he obviously had supernatural powers beyond using Pokémon.
So you do befriend him, learning his name and inviting him to your bakery in the nearby town.
At first Gold was reluctant, but one night while you’re closing, he pops in unexpectedly. He would’ve startled you (though not on purpose) if it weren’t for Scizor noticing him right away and trying to scare him off.
“Hey, don’t worry, Sy! He’s welcomed here.”
It turns out he just wanted some company and try your desserts, but was nervous about going with you in broad daylight.
Despite knowing you actually hunt Pokémon (and maybe people) for ingredients, him and his own team like the food!
It reminds him of what his mom used to make and...he kinda has a meltdown about it. You worry that you've upset him somehow.
But he’s okay! You just indirectly brought back one of his good memories.
Since then, you made sure he was welcomed back to your bakery any time of day.
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