#Flug x Reader
bingusbongu · 7 months
May I humbly request some Dr. Flug general dating hcs.. (hES SUCH A LITTLE GUY RVRGGGRGRHR)
A/N: SORRY IM ALITTLE LATE URG URG URG, well, i did do some Flug canons awhile back, BUTTTT since he is my favorite character of all time ill do some more:) I WANNA KISS THE BAG MAN. Also im going to be trying out some tumblr post styles in the next few posts i do to actually make my work appealing and attract more people! So dont mind if it looks different^^
《 Masterlist 》
《 Rules 》
TW: Stalking, mentions of neglect and abuse, murder and insane scientist behavior , mentions of starving,
Dr. Flug General Dating HCS
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• okay, the fact that he even managed to start dating you is truly bizarre to him. Even the fact you found out he liked you was by pure accident
• you either found out from Demencia who spilled the beans on accident while blabbing about the doctor, or Flug accidently fumbling out an "i love you" after you either do something for him while he wasnt paying attention.
• though, it worked out right after he found himself with a partner, and he STILL is so befuddled about it
• does not know a single thing about being in a relationship. You are going to have to be the one taking the lead. Slowly showing him the ropes of how a relationship works. He litterly took notes while you tried to explain everything to him, ITS IMPORTANT TO HIM OKAY??????
Once he gets an understanding of how a relationship works, he kinda starts,,, watching you abit more? Not only is he worried about you but he also tries to figure out your favorite things. He gets even more observant of you. Documenting you like you are some wild animal.
oh? You like a certain food? Writing it down. Certain type of chocolate? Writing it down. Special interest? Favorite music? Favorite animal? Favorite color? Everything about you he has down in his brain and his notes.
• though, he is usually to busy to actually go out and buy you certain things, so, instead, when he occasionally had time, he might tinker something small for you or fix something you need up! Just go to him and ask! Or if you dont, you might find it mysteriously fixed the next day
if YOU get him something, he has to stand there and pause for a second. You, got him something? You took your time to pick him out something? You put thought into a gift for him? He absolutely gets butterflies. And when i mean Butterflies, i mean he gets BUTTERFLIES. He stutters a thank you so bad as he is stimming in his spot.
if its an item like a plane thing he treasures it SO MUCH YOU DONT UNDERSTAND. He will start crying. Anything you buy for him or make for him, he puts it up somewhere so he can always see it, always. When he gets stressed he will look over at it and it automatically calms him down its SO SWEET
• he is so nervous to initiate physical affection that he clams up. He has gone so long without any actual form of touch that isnt to harm him, that he completely forgot what gentle touch feels like, so you are going to have to go slow as to not overwhelm the poor baby:(
Starting by holding his hand, gently slipping it into his own hand during a random time like just walking. He nearly jumps, but once he notices, he gets so flustered just by the little hand holding that he eventually slowly closes his fingers around yours in a gentle hold.
Occasionally putting your hand on his back when he gets upset or angry ir stressed is a MUST, He immediately relaxes
I think he needs a massage, like desperately. Rub this mans shoulders, rub his back gently. He shivers at your touch but completely folds. He has so many knots in his back its sad. So, occasionally, Flug will let you try abd work them out for him
Cuddling would take awhile im the relationship. He still gets so flushed under your gentle touches, that he has to adjust. Once he does though? You best believe he is coming to you for it. After a long day, he will go and find you and collapse into your chest while mummering something and letting you coddle him while listening to him rant, and MAN he appreciates it. He also likes it sometimes when you just are quiet together and he isnt doing something and leaning on eachother. Either he is tinkering or reading something and your are next to him with your head on his shoulder. Its really nice for him to get some quiet.
• kissing??? That also advances over time. You have to start slow. So your first move is definitely a cheek kiss. Slipping one onto his bag on one occasion, he nearly overheated and passed out. Like actually fainted
your form of kissing is just you occasionally pressing soft kisses to his bag. Which would usually happen in the mornings, when no one is looking in his lab, or at night. But each time he nearly explodes.
ACTUALLY kissing him though???? A DREAM. he has to get used to your bag kisses to actually think of kissing you for real. And he gets so flustered by it. Everytime you kiss his bag he cant help but wonder how an actual kiss with you would be like. So, he would stop you one of the times after you kissed him, and shyly ask you for a real kiss. He nearly coward out of it when you happily agreed. Though, you gave him his time, as he lifted his bag up only ever so slightly, and you leaning in to kiss him
Mfs heart actually almost stopped GIVE HIM CPR STAT. It was just a quick kiss, but you had to catch him from falling over before he passed out again
Will occasionally give you kisses back, mainly in the mornings before he goes straight to work, he gives you a little kiss and sluggishly leaving to slave away.
• Dates are alittle tough. Flug is ususlly pretty busy, but, atleast once a month you guys go out with eachother, going who knows where but enjoying some much needed time together
• cant flirt for the LIFE of him. Its always something science or plane related. Its adorable yes, but he doesn't have no capability of flirting with anyone, even if he tried.
• your guy's relationship is very secretive. Especially with Flug being a villain it puts a target on you. Even if you work alongside him, he dosnt want anything to happen to you, so he does everything in his power to protect your guy's relationship. Who knows what would happen if the big Hat himself found out?
The only ones who know of your relationship is Demencia and 505, and his bots
• SPEAKING of 505, he ADORES you. You become his second parent. Adding you in drawings and EVERYTHING. when Flug first started liking you, 505 definitely did his best to edge his father on and talk to you, he is such a good son UGHHHH.
• Flug finds alot of comfort in your presence. You can just walk into a room that he is in and he immediately relaxes and becomes much calmer.
You are his safe place. Eventually, he will open up to you, you just have to give him time. He has been keeping in his emotions for so long he forgot they even were there. So, if you let him vent out everything to you and you just hold him and listen to everything he has to say, just holding him and letting him actually cry for once, it makes him feel so safe. Like he dosnt have a reason to fear around you.
Will show his face to you eventually, just give him time
• usues nicknames only in private, like 'mi amor' or 'love'. And will have a heart attack if you call him one right back
• you are always there the moment he gets hurt, patching him up while he complsins that he could do it himself. But, underneath, he feels do special to have someone care for him for once in his life
• Flug is VERY protective over you. You are way to special to him for anything to happen to you. He makes sure you have a bot with you 24/7 to protect you incase he isnt there to do so, and to keep an eye on you. He dosnt knoe what he would do if he were to lose one of the only things that actually matters to him. So he always has your vitals up and always knows of you are okay or not.
Benefits of having a mad scientist of a lover, you have to be used to it. He tries so hard to hide that gruesome part of himself away that you just have to accept him for who he is. Even if you do, he still would prefer to keep you away from his work as to not traumatize you, no matter if you are used to it
Though, if someone is bothering you, being mean to you, just automatically tell him if he dosnt already know, they will go missing within an hour after you tell him. He would litterly do anything for you. You can say "kill this man" and he will attack without hesitating.
• he doesn't get to jelous, he mainly gets insecure. If your talking to someone else, he eternally freaks out, thinking about how he is a bad partner and your are going go leave him. You have to reassure him that you love him and are not going to leave him
• is very hesitant when you offer to help him out in the lab. He dosnt want you to end up hurting yourself, and he would feel awful if you were to do so. When you do try and help him out, its mainly just giving him tools and listing to him rant about the new invention. Regardless, the two of you enjoy the time together.
• just, out of random, you are the cook. Flug has so much troubles trying to cook its sad. He never really had time to learn for himself, and he is used to his bots doing it for him instead, or not at all. So, to make SURE this man eats, you make him food! Keeping Demencia away from it and bringing it down to his lab to eat, instead of starving himself. And boy does he appreciate it so much
Speaking of his bad habits, you have to make sure he actually eats and drinks water and rests. He is so stubborn and fights you sluggishly on it, but you always win and are dragging him to bed.
• Flug wont say it, but he depends on you so much, you are his rock, his caretaker. What on earth would he even do without you? You guys actually have a healthy relationship. You are aways with him and supporting him, no matter what the situation is, he knows he has someone who actuslly looks to him as a human being, who gives him the love he needs
He loves you so much, you are the sun to him, brightening him up and bringing him warmth and comfort.
He often asks himself
How did he get so lucky?
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mmmfanfiction · 7 months
every good hero story has a damsel. Someone for the hero to fall in love with. The prize at the end of the story. But what if the damsel doesn’t want the hero? Or even his archnemisis?
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Flug x damsel reader
🛩️the first time you’d two had met was when a villain made a appointment with black hat organization.
🛩️by the way you were used to the villain and the hero fighting over you like you were a slab of meat made him kind of sad.
🛩️he didn’t think either of them even knew your name.
🛩️you two ended up keeping in contact after the hero was ‘taken care of’.
🛩️did that stop other hero’s and villains from fighting over you? No. 
🛩️so, you two ran into eachother often
“Oh, hey Flug!”
You yelled from your place on the dirty ground, catching your dear friend’s attention.
“Hey [name]! Kidnapped again?”
“Don’t worry, after I take care of this hero I’ll untie you!”
“Awh… thanks Fluggsy!”
🛩️definitely a slow burn.
🛩️I like to imagine your like a second mother/father to 5.0.5.
🛩️the first time Flug saw you being so sweet with 5.0.5 he could’ve sworn his heart stopped for a moment.
🛩️keeps you FAR away from BlackHat. It would be best if you two never met.
🛩️he’s so glad to have someone as sweet as you. Other then 5.0.5, you’re the only kind person in his life.
🛩️as for you, your glad to have someone who doesn’t treat you like a prize, who actually cares to learn your name and your interests and hobbies and goals in life.
🛩️I think when you two start dating Flug will make sure to let you know he doesn’t think you’re a prize to be won, but a person, his other half. His Juliet to his Romeo, his prince/princess to his dragon, the pencil to his paper, the king/queen to his king, ect.
🛩️ I see you two being a sort of power couple.
🛩️oh and you still get kidnapped, just not as often.
🛩️you two never really announced that you were dating… kind of people just… assumed-
🛩️like even before you two dated people thought you were a thing.
🛩️Flug has made you at least one emergency device for when yo ass gets kidnapped
🛩️y’all are very cute, 11/10
🛩️I can’t lie and say I don’t think he feels a bit insecure at the beginning of the relationship, after all it’s never gone well before. 
🛩️but after a while, that line of thinking disappears
🛩️though he’s still amazed you two got together
🛩️oh yeah btw 5.0.5 is the reason you two got together
🛩️Flug would not have the balls to confess-
🛩️either it was 5.0.5 setting you two up an a cute little date or you found Flugs little writings about how cute you were on your own. Or both-
authors note: can you tell how passionate I was about this? I really love Flug.
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jvstn0th1ng · 4 months
I totally did NOT just get done reading a 20 part Flug x Reader fanfic I swear..(I did)
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*Agressively busts through the door* HI! Dr Flug x reader (who's his s/o) who's main language is memes, like they quote memes and vines all the time, their never serious and their humor is beyond messed up (I'm talking GEN Z HUMOR) and with them you never know what to expect, and since reader has gen z humor, they find a lot of stuff funny that they shouldn't, they could be watching Fluff experiment on something and be dying laughing because of something they found funny, and yes, the reader also flirts with him in meme form
Yes sir/yes mam! Also please don't hurt me, I need to replace that door! (⁠ꏿ⁠﹏⁠ꏿ⁠;⁠)
Dr Flug x Gen Z Reader
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★ Flug would be fine with this type of partner, he might not understand all of the meme reference but still finds it charming. When you say a pickup line you got from a meme his reaction is priceless.
★You can't see his face but you just know he's blushing like a madman. If you tell him a particularly crude or sexual pickup line he starts to stutter hard before quickly walking away.
★Not so secretly loves it when you make him do self care and pamper him with nail polish, face masks and various skin creams. Literally melts if you give him a massage, all while watching some documentary.
★ Self deprecating humor makes him worry about you. Yes, it's a joke but he doesn't like it when you put yourself down. Laughing about something random usually ends with him confused and a little off put.
★You and black hat bolth like to pull up a chair and watch him torment someone. It's like a movie night but less wholesome.
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h-z145 · 5 months
Veronica: You know you love me ;)
Ryan: No i fuckin dont.
Veronica: Your bf is cheating on you anyways so like-
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Ryan:...You better fuckin' start talkin', who is my bf with rn.
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skeksisloving · 2 years
Okay idea.
Villainous x reader and the reader is in a symbiotic relationship with a symbiote!
Ya know. Just something I think would be cool to read about.
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bugmomwrites · 6 months
Dr Flug x Reader
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Stealing my sister’s bf’s HBO password is the second best thing I’ve done this week. Whipping up a solid drabble in 30 minutes and refining it into a whole oneshot in the same night takes first place.
There’s like, one innuendo towards the end but everything else is straight up fluff. Story came to me after reading yet another shady thing a certain airline I won’t name did, but it sounds like “we ain’t going”. I am changing the names so I don’t end up dead in a van somewhere, but if you know you know ;)
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“…And then what happened?”, Flug yawns, looking up at you through his goggles. You smile gently, kissing the front of the bag where his forehead would be.
“Well, according to some sources…the former production and safety manager’s exact words were ‘if anything happens, I didn’t do it myself’,” you respond, reading the article off your phone. Using the same soft voice you use when you read picture books to a sleepy 505, except it was a news article turned Wikipedia rabbit hole.
You two had gone from listening to him explain the differences between a 767 and an Airvan, to him resting his bagged head in your lap as you click on various entries and articles, bouncing information back and forth. The person, a known whistleblower who had retired from the controversial airline a few years ago, had tried many a time to draw attention to the company’s shady practices. For him to die so suddenly, especially as more inside secrets came to light, was too fishy for the public to ignore.
“I’m no detective, but…”
“Assassination?”, you finished for him, raising a brow. The two of you exchanged knowing looks.
“Does the Dreamweaver have flexible wings?”, he grumbles, wrapping his arms around your waist to bury his head further into your tummy. It tickles, but you try not to laugh lest you disturb his rare peace. Moments like these didn’t happen often, and you knew if any of the others were to see you like this, Black Hat would tear you both a new one, and Demencia would never let you hear the end of it.
A few more minutes go by, occasionally filled in with fun facts about the company’s various other incidents that had made the news in the past. You click off of yet another one where a plane was literally falling apart mid-air, having to make an emergency landing in a massive blaze. That was enough internet for today, at this rate you’d never want to hop in a plane again. You carefully set your phone to the side after checking the time.
“If I were him, I wouldn’t have let them get me.”
“I know, Flug.”
“And I would have documented everything.”
“Mhm”, you rest a hand on his back, your own eyes growing heavy.
“I’d go down there and put them back together myself. I’d personally take all of their shitty scrap parts, and make a better airplane than any of those so called professionals,” he says disdainfully.
You smile as he heaves a long sigh, like the weight of the world rests upon his weary shoulders; which isn’t far from the truth, if the way Black Hat nags him and Demencia torments him on a regular basis is any indication. Not to mention raising a son/care bear/science experiment through it all. But even if it’s not quite the whole earth, at the very least it’s the whole company. Everybody ought to give him more credit, himself included.
“If anybody could do such a thing, I know it’d be you, Flug. You’ve always had a brilliant mind.” He hums softly at the praise, feeling quite chuffed to know that at least someone in the manor besides his own son appreciated him not just for all he does, but who he is.
It’s quiet again for a few moments as he drifts in and out of consciousness, your hand gently rubbing his back until he speaks up again a few minutes later.
“And I’ll make you my co-pilot.”
This takes you by surprise, the hand rubbing his back stopping briefly as you let the words settle over the two of you. Reading between the lines was something you found yourself doing almost as often as reading his expression through his paper bag, the man still not quite comfortable enough to outright say all the things he’d had bouncing around in his head to you just yet. Your hand resumes as you test the waters, stuck between delicate hope and fear of possibly scaring him off.
“I…don’t know how to fly a plane. Nor do I have a pilots license.”
“Me neither, but I’ll show you how to do it in the cockpit. I’ll make sure you have a smooth ride for your first time.”
A pregnant pause falls over the both of you, and your whole face heats up, mind processing his words only to take a nosedive into the gutter. You open your mouth to respond only to be met with quiet snores from below, Flug blissfully unaware of the effect of his words.
‘Looks like the week finally caught up to him’, you think. Odds are he might not remember something like that when he woke up, but you could tease him about it later on. For now, you stretch your arms over your head and attempt to make yourself as comfy as possible without disturbing him, sleep beginning to overtake you as well. You glance down once more to where he dozes peacefully for the first time in years, committing it to memory before joining him in slumber.
“Buenas noches, Flug.”
—•• •—• ••—• •—•• ••— ——•
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oneshlut · 11 months
Overjoyed (Dr. Flug x Reader) [Headcanons]
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Rules For Requesting
Characters I Will Write For
Summary: General Dr. Flug crushing and confessing headcanons
VERY rarely experiences love. This is very new to him, so he will NOT recognize it the first few months he has a crush
Will think of you as a really close friend! At least, he thinks so. He may get a bit more insecure because he thinks you're a better person than him
If you treat him like a normal person and like.. don't bully him??-- He will get attached. I don't think he's recieved affection in a hot minute
You, overall as a person, fascinate him. How can someone be so kind, smart, witty, good-looking (in a totally platonic way), AND care for him? Part of him thinks you're not real. Don't worry, he just hasn't experienced love that often to know what admiration is
He doesn't understand why he gets so nervous around you. He's not scared of you at all, not like he is around Blackhat--you were, in fact, the opposite of him. So why was he getting all fidgety and jumpy around you? It didn't make sense how he could feel so comfortable around a person, yet still feel so anxious all the while
Over time, he becomes a bit protective over you without really knowing it. He'll push you out of his lab when he's doing a dangerous experiment, or will give you the easiest job on missions (besides 5.0.5.'s). He tries to refrain himself from acting this way sometimes, he doesn't want you to feel like you're incompetent in any way--all his intention was to keep you safe! And now he's spiraling because he doesn't know why he feels so protective over you
Sometimes you'll compliment him, and he feels as if Blackhat himself just told him he did a great job on a mission. Except, this time his heart was beating faster, his palms were more sweaty than usual, it felt stuffy inside his mask, and-- ..Goddammit, why is he getting so nervous again?? He then realizes he hasn't responded to you yet, and mutters a small 'thank you' that made him sound a lot less confident he wished he could've sounded
Eventually, he got sick of it. He needed to find out what the hell was going on. So imagine his mini panic attack when he googles 'why is my heart beating so fast', and Google tells him his heart is failing
It's not like he doesn't know what love is, no, far from it. He's seen his average romcoms (and hated them), he knows what love should be like. Hell, he knows the entire chemical formula for the damn feeling. He was just never able to understand what others felt when they said they were 'in love'. Until now.
For him, it was unbelievably weird to have his heart race for someone that wasn't out of fear. Honestly, he.. liked the feeling. If it weren't for how he reacted to it.
Dr. Flug wasn't this nervous around you before. Normally, not at all. When you hung out at his lab, he would ramble on and on about his inventions, only checking in every few minutes to make sure you weren't getting bored of him or anything. But now, knowing his feelings for you, he feels horribly nervous around you. This affects every little thing he does, and he hates it.
When you hang out with Flug now, he realizes how truly lucky he is for you to even do more than just glance over him. Him? Why him? Why not spend your time with anyone else..?
Then he realizes you actually care about him. His existence. He isn't.. invisible to you. And suddenly he's over the moon.
Right--about the way Flug acts around you. Every conversation you have with him suddenly has this weird air around it. You could tell he was more nervous than.. well, usual, but whenever you asked he just waved it off as some upcoming mission or invention he still had to work on. You'd normally decide not to dwell on it too much.
On his end, he thought he was doing everything horribly wrong in front of you. "Catch you on the flip side"??? When has he ever said something like that?! Not to mention his stammering practically increased by 5 times its normal amount, as he was fumbling over most words in every single sentence he dared mutter around you. If he wasn't talking, he was tripping over his untied shoelaces (he almost always had them tied, god, what happened to his schedule-?) or spilling some important chemical all over his workspace.
Overall, he was more fidgety than normal, and he hated it. It made him want to tear his bag out. Why couldn't he just be normal around you? Now he's just worse than he ever was. All his attempts of impressing you were down the drain at this point. But at least he hasn't completely drawn you away--I mean, you still liked hanging out with him! At least, he thinks you like spending time with him.. Part of him is still just the slightest bit insecure.
His worry for you has increased when you go on missions with him now. Part of him wants to just keep you in the hat ship so you don't get involved in something messy, but he knows that would be unfair for you. Flug just worries about you getting hurt, is all. He tries to focus on you a bit more during missions to make sure you're doing alright, but sometimes this just causes him to fuck up even more in front of you. Way to go, Flug. He suddenly feels as if his engineering and villainy PhDs didn't really do that much for him in the long run.
As we all know, Dr. Flug is far from someone to act on feelings. He acts on his logic, most of the time at least. With this in mind, he is the last person you'd think of as someone who would confess their feelings to someone. In all honesty, even if he did muster up the courage to try, he would pass out on the spot. So, he just tries to wait it out until this crush subsides. Spoiler alert: it doesn't!
Right, right--so, since he probably won't ever come clean about his feelings to you, you'll probably eventually just have to confess yourself. Unless Flug slips up one day and accidentally says he loves you in one of his long-winded rambles, in which would make a very awkward situation.
Under the circumstances that you do confess to him first, he.. well, Flug won't believe you at first. You've probably just gotten yourself mixed in with one of Demencia's pranks. A bit cruel, but nothing he couldn't handle. He will have to talk to Demencia later though, she's been getting on his nerves lately.. And besides, the whole spiel of you actually liking him, caring for him, and wanting to be with him? Yeah, okay.
So he laughs. And then he realizes you're serious. Oh. You're serious.. Oh.
Ohhhhhh crap. Okay! So you like him. It was.. It didn't feel real. But it was. And now that same feeling came back to him, the one where he feels his hands getting sweatier, his bag getting stuffier, and.. a new symptom. His legs turned flimsy, and could now just barely hold his body. He leaned onto his desk for support. If only he could see how red his bag was at the time.
And yes, you were able to calm him down, but even as the day progressed, Flug still couldn't swallow the situation. He laid in his bed unmoving, still, and.. awake. He couldn't get his mind off of anything that had happened that afternoon. He's probably pinched himself at least 6 times now, making sure he wasn't just dreaming or anything. After the 7th pinch.. yep, he wasn't.
Eventually, this surprise faded away into another new emotion.
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beatendeadcourier · 1 year
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-oops he didn't mean to say that lol
the post:
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bonus scrungly:
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griffonsgrove · 9 months
General Dating Headcanons | Dr. Flug
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Dr. Flug X GN!Reader
fandom: Villainous/Villainos words: 1457 cw: none!! just cute tooth-rotting fluff!
a/n: aaa!! following the theme with villainous, I HAD to do our favorite scientist!! Also I'm open for requests!! I'd love to see what yall would send in!!
Dr. Flug was the one initially responsible for hiring a new employee for the organization after he had groveled at Black Hat’s feet, begging for an assistant to help lighten his workload.
Reluctantly, Black Hat agreed, but not without scaring the daylights out of the poor doctor first.
Flug thanked the high heavens.
And thus began the search for a new assistant, he sent out multiple ads and flyers, and in little to no time, there was a flood of applicants. Having to sift through each applicant only added even more stress to his ever-growing mountain of work. Most of them didn't really seem to stick out.
That was until he got to yours.
He wasn't quite sure what drew him to your application, maybe it was your astounding track record, accomplishments, and references, or maybe it was because he thought your appearance was pleasing to the eye, something about the gleam in your eyes told him that you were a reasonable, logical and pleasant person to be around.
Which is exactly how you ended up at the front gates of the manor, ready for an interview.
Of course, the first person you met was the doctor himself, he had to disable the alarm system to the manor before letting you in. It’s there that he gives a very brief, albeit awkward introduction.
He unfortunately doesn’t socialize much. 
Everything about his energy, to his stature just screamed nervous wreck. It's from there that he leads you to the Lord’s Office. Surprisingly the interview went well!! If getting demeaned and thrown insults was a norm. But! You got the job!
Now you’re in Flug’s hands, you follow alongside him as he leads you to his lab, listing off all the responsibilities he wanted you to be in charge of some of them being: Organizing files and client paperwork, taking calls from new clients and scheduling appointments, also taking customer reviews, and some minor tidying and organization.
And based on the state of his lab you had a LOT of work to do…
I know some people think Flug is an anxious mess 24/7 but that could not be further from the truth. He’s actually quite egotistical and snarky from time to time, and of course a know-it-all.
He's like the “erm actually ☝️ 🤓” guy in physical form.
IS NOT afraid to correct you over minor errors. He’s very particular about how his things are organized in his lab. He likes to call it his organized chaos. So, if anything gets misplaced, he will get snippy or irritable. 
SO..as long as you inform him of how you do things and WHERE you put them, then all is good!
Overtime as you work alongside him though, he genuinely does start to appreciate the work that you do, he's pleasantly surprised when he finds that all his files and blue prints have been organized alphabetically and by color, or that his tools had been rearranged neatly on his workbench by size and shape, and overall his lab was so much cleaner and tidy than he ever could imagine it to be.
No surprise here but, the doctor is AWFUL at taking care of himself.
Which is why you step in to do small little gestures to help him out.
Whether it be bringing him another cup of coffee or making up a small snack for him to eat throughout the day, he even noticed you had draped his lab coat over him when he fell asleep at his desk one night.
He had to admit he wasn't quite used such small acts of kindness; it was a foreign feeling to him.
Did I also mention he’s tired like 24/7. Let this poor man sleep!! 😭
Believe it or not, he’s grown to quite enjoy your company, maybe it was your relaxed nature, but he felt somewhat at ease whenever you were around.
You’ve both actually held some decent conversations from time to time, both sharing your interests that lead into a ramble about his favorite airplane models.
His confession was actually quite a funny story, and he wasn't even the one to do it! It was 5.0.5 surprisingly. The sweet blue bear wasn't blind, he began to notice that his papa would longingly stare at you, that he would mumble to himself in his sleep, secret confessions he would never dare say consciously. So, the bear came up with a little plan.
5.0.5 loves to draw, Flug practically keeps every drawing he’s ever given him. He decided that he’d make a love note, from Flug to You. He spends a generous amount of time on it, putting such care into the cute little card, and when he’s deemed it perfect enough, he drops it off to you, happily growling.
You're taken by surprise at first, but then you open up the heart shaped card covered in glitter and are pleased to find an adorable childlike drawing of you and Flug, surrounded by a bunch of pink and red hearts. How sweet!
When you confront the doctor in his lab, showing him the card, he flushes, and at first denies such feelings, slightly embarrassed that his fuzzy son was the one to do it instead of him. It’s then that he decides there's no going back and spills out everything to you.
Which is why he’s shocked when you tell him you reciprocate his feelings. What?? Him?? Really????
Things start if really awkward btw, the doctor has been without physical contact for so long that WASNT being beaten down by his boss, that he honestly forgot what it was like to experience affection, aside from the crushing hugs that 5.0.5 would give him.
He’s very fidgety, doesn't quite know what to do with his hands, where to put them or how you’ll respond to his touch.
Please give him a hug :(
He’s also very respectful of your boundaries, as you are with him, he’s not quite comfortable taking the bag off his head, which you don't mind in the slightest.
Things seem to continue almost as normally, but the two of you spend more and more time with each other, taking your breaks together, having lunch and spending your evening time hanging out when neither one of you are slammed with work. He quite enjoyed having movie nights with you, the sci-fi films are always his favorite btw. He heavily critiques the machines and inventions.
You both try to keep your relationship on the down low, Black Hat would blow a gasket if he found out. Demencia on the other hand was a huge tease. She frequently mocked the two of you, mostly Flug, however. You’d stick up for him of course and tease her right back, much to the doctor's surprise.
Queue the heart eyes.
Dr. Flug expresses his affection through small, thoughtful gestures, like leaving little notes of encouragement or surprising you with inventions tailored to your interests.
Speaking of gift giving, he prefers to hand make your gifts. His ideology is that there's no point in getting you a meaningless gift that you’ll throw out in a couple of weeks, so why not make you a meaningful one that you can make your life easier???
Which btw he's VERY observant, it's actually quite endearing from time to time, and he takes note of all your special interests, favorite foods, etc.
Mans is touch-starved. Sorry I don't make the rules. 
He’s pretty hesitant to touch at first, but the second he gets a feel for physical affection he's latching onto you like a koala-bear. He likes holding your hand, his hands are surprisingly soft underneath his gloves. 
When you’re both hidden away in the evening from prying eyes, is when you can finally cuddle and be more affectionate with each other. SPOIL HIM PLEASE.
You become one of his biggest supporters, encouraging him and giving him the long-deserved praise, he aches for. When he’s with you, he’ll admit that you have substantially helped boost his ego and confidence which really pays off in his work. Not that Black Hat would ever give him the satisfaction.
Overall, Dr. Flug really is a sweetheart on the inside, especially with those he's grown to love and care about and getting him to open up to you about his insecurities is one of your best accomplishments, he feels like he can be vulnerable with you and that really says a lot. The man has a lot of inner demons and has willingly put his life down the path of villainy, but he feels with you by his side, that things will be a little bit better...
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flugsammy · 6 months
Hi!! I just wanted to ask if you have any headcannons about flug? ( sorry I’ve never asked for headcannons before. )
Hello!! I don't have MANY headcanons, but here's the ones I have:
✈️I would say that Flug really likes animals, but he's allergic to cats (and is a bit afraid of BIG dogs, since one bit him when he was a kid). He also love bears (due to 5.0.5, of course).
✈️Secretly, he has a list of enemies that mainly includes: Goldheart and all those who bullied him in the past.
✈️Once, he made a hat that would be able to give super intelligence to anyone who wore it. Naively, he handed it over to Black Hat, who took it as an insult. Now, in addition to being careful to make his inventions perfect, he also tries not to hand out anything that would be offensive to his boss.
✈️He hates smoke of ANY kind: cigarettes, tobacco, cigar, smoking pipe (and all variations of these things).
✈️As seen, Flug copies some of Black Hat's mannerism (unintentionally or not). So when he's alone, he likes to imitate his boss's harsh voice to improve his 'villainous attitude'.
✈️Just like his puns, Flug's food is average. At some point, he had to learn to fend for himself, and consequently make his own food. He only knows the basic to survive, and after several failed attempts, he learned to cook some things that he and 5.0.5 like to eat.
✈️Secretly, Flug likes to watch some Soap Operas (and even cries watching them in certain situations). But if you ask him about it, the scientist quickly will deny it.
✈️From being covered head to toe 24/7, Dr Flug lacks from vitamin D.
Thank you for reading! (I'll probably add a few more later, but that's it for now.)
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bingusbongu · 9 months
I saw your post of villanious and I smile bc there's barley any content 😔. Of you have time can you write about how would Dr Flug act around black hats apprentice (like they been raised and taught by black hat to the point they could be considered black hats kid/grandchild) Because he is secretly in love with them?
♡A/N: dawww ty!!!! Villainous has been one of my favorite fandoms like ever- and i enjoy writing for these sillies!!!! There is hardly any Villainous writers rn, and im here ti fill in that place!!!!! Besides, i love writing for my favorite nerd<3333 hope you enjoy~!!!♡
Dr. Flug × Blackhats apprentice reader!
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▪︎ he didnt believe it for one second! Blackhat, with an apprentice? Absurd! That was highly unlikely! It made the doctor laugh out loud at the thought. Blackhat would hardly have time or the patience to take in some random villain under his wing
▪︎ until he met you
▪︎ when Blackhat called the team for a meeting in his office, he surely expected it to be another mission. He was not optimistic about it
▪︎ instead, to his suprise, Blackhat mentioned a new member joining the team. Flug could hardly believe it! But what caught him off gaurd was how fondly Blackhat talked off this person, as if this was someone he had knew. And with that, Flug expected the worse. Blackhat hardly had time for friends, and if it was atleast an alley, then they had ro be strong, scary, and murderous like his boss was.
▪︎ you can say for sure he was caught off gaurd when you were introduced. You looked.. normal, like.. a person. And Blackhat let you stand near him, and the demon himself spoke fondly about your abilities, almost proudly. This spiked the doctors curiosity
▪︎ Bkackhat decided that you would join the trio on one of their next missions. 505 was ecstatic to have a friend, and Demencia could care less about another member. Flug though? This poor man was petrified. Was this a test???? Would you be observing them and reporting their work back to Blackhat?? Did Blackhat not trust them enough to do their jobs properly???? These questions sent the doctor spiraling
▪︎ when the time comes for the mission, Dr. Flug was nervous as all hell. Deciding he was going to go out of his way to impress you! If you were here to test them, then he sure was going to do his best!
▪︎ he ended up getting so nervous he nearly crashed the hat plane because he wasnt paying attention
▪︎ he was distracted! He was tring his best to observe you and understand you. You were hardly even seemed like a threat. For instance, you pet 505 willingly! Thats something no villain, let alone a favor of Blackhats would even come close to doing
▪︎ you just seemed... normal to him. What was so special about you?
▪︎ until he was in trouble
▪︎ he was pinned, unsure what to do. His plan didnt go out well at all, and he was doomed for absolute failure
▪︎ he expected to be beaten by this hero, he waited for the pain but... it never happened
▪︎ Instead, he found you where the hero would be, effortlessly throwing the hero off of Flug, and throwing him into the nearby wall without any struggle. A fierce look behind those eyes, as you snarled at the hero. Before you turned your attention back to Flug, and offered him a hand up
▪︎ he was stunned
▪︎ Maybe he understood why Blackhat was fond of you, after watching you easily ground a hero before his own eyes, he was in awe
▪︎ afterwords, on the way back from the mission, Flug nervously thanked you, and you just smiled and told him it was no trouble
▪︎ Flug and you got talking, the doctor ended up learning about you and Blackhats backstory. He hardly believed it at first, but then again, he couldnt ask Blackhat about it, that was a death sentence.
▪︎ you two ended up getting along!
▪︎ Flug was still equally terrified of you, getting extreamly nervous in your presence
▪︎ He had to do some research, because he didnt fully believe your story, observing yours and Blackhats interactions. He seemed to value your opinion abit more than he did witg the rest of the crew, but he also pointed out each flaw in your work. Not like he woukd do with Flug in disappointment, but like he was teaching you
▪︎ Flug was ultimately confused, but he decided not to dig into it anymore, just incase something bad would happen of he found out to much
▪︎ he wa just confused on how you werent so hostile abd scary like Blackhat was, and alas, he would never know
▪︎ you got to come along on missions with the trio! And to Flugs suprise, you worked really well with his plans. You two even made a good team together! Undoubtedly, the first person to actually follow along with his plans, and that was enough to make him value you alot more.
▪︎ you two didn't really spend to much time together. He was usually busy in his lab, or you were busy following Blackhat around as he taught you things
▪︎ though, occasionally, you would have free time, and come and visit Flug down in his lab!
▪︎ he was suprised at first, but he hardly minded, after all you didn't touch anything, and you were more curious about asking him of his projects, which he was happy to explain to you
▪︎ he liked when you came down to visit him, although it wasnt constant, he enjoyed your company, and your curiosity of his projects, he liked talking to you. It was always so quiet down in his lab, he usually talked to his robots or to 505, it was nice to have a an actual back and forth conversation
▪︎ when he first noticed his likness to you, it was when you were helping Blackhat with his work, and spotted Flug out thd corner of your eye. And you stopped to wave at him!
▪︎ you actually stopped your work, just ro acknowledged him.. for some reason, that made his head spin
▪︎ once he realized he liked you, he desperately tried to push his feelings away. He was confident that it would never work, after all, Blackhat would forbid it , or turn him into a pretzel if he found out that one of his workers grew a fondness for his apprentice
▪︎ But, no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't deny it. Especially during missions, when you taunted the heros and maniacally rip them to shreds, it makes his heart skip.
▪︎ or the way you punished heros???? He is smitten
▪︎ Demencia definitely noticed the hopelessly lovesick look on Flugs face abd teased him about it
▪︎ he just, couldnt help it! No matter how much he tries to bury you out of his mind, the moment where you saved him from that hero lingered in his mind. And it made him sigh each time the memory would replay in his head, just the way you looked at him was enough to make him swoon
▪︎ He had to face the fact
▪︎ that he was hopelessly in love with what he believes could never be, no matter how much he longs for it
▪︎ Little does he know... an apprentice who struggles with their hopeless love<3
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gigi-the-writer · 6 months
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I need more friends apart of this fandom, especially if y’all are writers or wanting to write for fandoms like villainous, I want to discuss writing ideas with more people for this show!! Someone DM me PLEASE I NEED TO COME INTO CONTACT WITH MORE FANS!!
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profound-bouquetbird · 9 months
Me watching Villainous and Dr. Flug comes on screen:
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I love nerdy men tbh
(also, yes. I am adding Villainous to my list so you could send in requests. And yes, I am working on my asks.. I'm just sick & have low motivation)
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Can you do headcannons for Dr Flug with an s/o who's short, has a sweet voice and is usually nice to him, he would expect them to be a normal sweet person right? Wrong. fucked up mindset, violent with others, DESTRUCTIVE, irritated easily, literal psycho,can and will start fights.. and win, stoic and blank faced all the time, sociopathic,dark clothing with tons of spikes, heavy metal blaster(music wise blasting,) but their soft with him, generally how would he react to the side of then he doesn't see? -🦑(Inky anon)
I haven't posted in like a week and I feel bad about it. (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) Hopefully this makes up for it!
Flug x two-faced!Reader
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★ "What did I get myself into" is something he asks himself almost everyday when he's with you. On one hand he loves the sweet, kind and caring side you have
★ On the other he tries not to think too hard about how you, literally the sweetest person he knows, is an actual sociopath. It's a bit unsettling to be honest.
★ But he's being hypocritical and knows it, have you seen him in his lab? The guy is an actual mad scientist and he has certificates and police reports to prove it!
★ He likes knowing that you don't need him to protect you from his job and life because you can handle yourself just fine.
★ Please don't start any fights with people who have contracts with black hat. He doesn't want you to get on his bosses bad side and Flug hates the thought of you getting seriously hurt.
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h-z145 · 5 months
So like ryan and veronica as adults😏
Maybe after they get their kids to bed they do something naughty 😳
Why u guys thirsty for this 👀《DRAWING COLLAB》
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