#Fluffy Jorleesi
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springdandelixn · 2 years ago
The Yellow Shirt
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42759351
Alpha!Jorah x Omega!Daenerys
Summary: Jorah searches their chambers for his favorite yellow shirt only to find it somewhere unexpected.
Warnings: nothing really. All fluff
As always, your comments and likes are highly appreciated though re-blogging would help my story flourish better. I hope you guys enjoy this little piece! 💛
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He cannot find it. 
Jorah has searched almost everywhere in his chambers for his favored shirt, the yellow tunic he’s worn since his time at the red waste which has brought him good fortune since then. 
He’s looked in the chest sitting at the foot of the bed and it surprises him even further that more of his clothes have gone missing. 
He growls low in frustration at the thought of a thief entering his chambers, the chambers he shares with his queen yet it baffles him just the same for he’s not scented anyone in the room, other than him and Daenerys. But a beta could be the culprit and he makes a mental note to consult Grey Worm about adding guards in the castle. 
If a thief truly is among them, and they’ve got plans to hurt his queen, his omega, then he shall have no choice but to bestow upon them a just punishment. 
“Ser Jorah,” Reynald, his squire, calls behind the door and he slips on the shirt he’s slept in that night and opens the wooden barrier to meet the boy. “Our queen requests your presence in the throne room.” He says politely, eyes cast down to the floor. “She’s to entertain the smallfolk's request for an audience.”
“I shall be there soon.” He simply says and closes the door as his squire leaves. 
This shall make do. He says to himself, looking down at his nightshirt and tying the strings closed before putting on his armor and fastening the gold cloak on his shoulders. The dilemma of the unknown thief shall be dealt with later. 
As he picks up Heartsbane and ties it around his hip, his eyes catch sight of a pile at the other side of the bed, pillows and a fur quilt nestled at the corner that his eyes open wide when he sees his clothes strewn on the ground. 
“Seven hells!” He grunts and walks towards the small mound but stops when he’s hit by the scent of Daenerys. He observes the burrow and tries to remember what it could mean when the corners of his mouth lift, his knees bending to a crouch, picking up an article of clothing and pressing it against his nose. 
Could she be nesting? He thinks and the feeling slowly warms his heart at the possibility of it. 
“Seven hells.”
 “A share of our harvest, my queen.” Jorah watches from Daenerys’ side as the elderly man bends his knee at the steps of the throne, laying down a basket of crops and a sack of grain on the pavement. “For your table.”
“Thank you,” Daenerys says with a genuine smile and Jorah nods his head at the servants waiting at the side, the women taking the gifts and stowing them away in the kitchen. 
He listens to what the man is saying, thanking their queen for her guidance and generosity that has made his crops prosperous in the year. How he wanted to give back to the person that has saved the city and he cannot help but smile and be proud of the changes she’s done to the capital.
Another, a woman, with two boys, one a child and the other older, steps forward. They’re of age to present and Jorah’s nose flairs when he senses one of them to be an alpha. The three of them bowed in respect before laying down what looks to be a small chest of children’s toys. 
“My sons have taken a liking to carve, your grace.” The woman speaks. “And they’ve made you these pieces for the future heir of the throne.” Her eyes then land on him, a smile on her lips, and Jorah fights the urge to look at her in shock, choosing to nod instead in acknowledgment. 
“Will you take them closer?” Daenerys asks and by instinct, Jorah steps closer to her, his hand resting on the back of the iron throne as the boys climb the steps.
“Only the younger one.” Jorah intones strongly and the woman nods at his words, pulling back her older son and urging for the younger to bring her their gift. 
He senses Daenerys looking up at him but he keeps his eyes trained on the boy as he lays down the box at her feet. He observes the gifts, his eyes blinking in wonder at the craftsmanship of the wooden toys and a soft smile graces his lips as he recalls his time as a lad, sneaking firewood up his chambers to practice his skills with the knife. 
“They are beautiful.” His queen says and the boy smile when she touches his cheek, seeming affectionate to the child. “Send these immediately to my chambers.” She instructs and the servants appear once more, taking the chest away. 
The audience leaves and she calls for the second set to come forward when Jorah notices Daenerys fiddling with a cloth on her lap, the color striking and familiar to him that he cannot miss it. 
His shirt! The one he’s been looking for since the morning. And realization slowly hits him when he sees her lift the fabric to her cheek, nuzzling against it before setting down at her side yet keeping a grip on it as she greets the row of her subjects that bow at the foot of the throne. 
His speculations could be true but it would be a while til he confirms it as another man stands forward and says praises to his queen, Jorah keeping closing and eyeing the yellow fabric on the seat.
 It’s midday when they finish, Jorah immediately stands by Daenerys’ side when she stands from the throne, her hand caressing her backside possibly from the ache of sitting still for long periods. He rests a hand on the small of her back and pulls her into an embrace when the doors of the throne room close. 
“I shall request more cushions for the throne.” He says and Daenerys releases a small laugh as she rests her cheek against his chest plate. 
“I’m fine, my bear.” She hums. 
“Omega.” He rarely uses this name as it toes the line of her leadership in the kingdom and his authority over her. But he has to know the truth and Daenerys has always been stubborn despite her devotion to him. “I ask that you tell me the truth.” He says softly and smiles when Daenerys nods at his request, his hand reaching up to cup her face, his gloved thumb caressing the apple of her cheek. “I saw my clothes at the side of the bed and they smelled strongly of you.”
He sees her eyes grow wide and he keeps his hold on her cheek, not wanting her to look away when she answers him. 
“Are you nesting, my love?” He asks. “Are you with child?”
Her eyes cast down briefly before she raises them to meet his once more, a tinge of pink scattering at her cheeks as she says, “Samwell confirmed it last night while you were patrolling the castle.” Her eyes grow wide and she pulls her face away only to rest her cheek once more against his chest plate. “I couldn’t sleep. Something felt wrong and I asked Samwell for an elixir to help. But he asked when my blood last came and he examined me.” 
“I’ve been with child for two moons.” He hears her smile and Jorah leans down to wrap his arms around his omega, loving the way Daenerys sighs as she buries her face in the crook of his neck. “I wanted to tell you when you came back but Missandei woke me up and you were asleep.” 
Oh, how elated Jorah feels. A child! He’s to be a father after such a long time. To have a child with the woman he loves, the woman he’s devoted to and he can’t wait to see her grow round and plump, to caress the babe within her womb and protect it, them, from any harm. 
“Are you happy?” Daenerys whispers against his neck and Jorah presses a kiss on the junction between her shoulder and neck, where his mark sits for all to see and witness that she is his is enough of an answer he gives. 
 He watches Daenerys peruse the gifts she’s received for the day, her hands running through fabrics and a dress made by a seamstress in the city that she presses against her frame with a smile. 
He takes off his boots and his armor, sitting them at the table at the side of their chambers and draping his cloak on the chair where he sets down Heartsbane and leaving himself with his nightshirt and breeches. 
As he makes to climb into bed, tired from the activities of the day, his eyes catch wind of Daenerys holding out the fabric from earlier to him and he lets out a hearty chuckle before taking it from her hold and pressing it against his chest. 
The joy on her face is enough to warrant him a wide smile, handing her back the cloth and watching her set it on the nest she’s fixing at the side of her bed. 
“Do you plan on sleeping there tonight, my love?” He asks. 
And Daenerys gives him a knowing look as she settles herself on the ground cushioned by the quilt and one of his pillows. “Do you not plan to sleep here, my bear?” She inquires back. 
Jorah laughs once more, moving the bed aside to give himself room, blowing out the candles in their chambers before joining her in the nest, his arms wrapping around her frame as she covers them in the quilt and nuzzles her face against his chest. 
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fandomsbyladymelodrama · 6 years ago
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New chapter on the Jade Sea fic is up! And this Iain/Emilia BTS gif sums up the point of this chapter pretty accurately :)
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toas-tea · 6 years ago
The rays of sunlight are dancing there now at the place where they first crossed paths.
Daenerys basks in a sweet and private moment with her bear, savoring the temporary freedom from political affairs.
thanks @lodessa for taking me away from other obligations and coming up with diabetus-inducing metas for our babs, i hope you dont mind, pls dont sue im too poor for a lawyer.
also loosely based off of @salzrand beach jorleesi art.
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clarasimone · 4 years ago
Fic interview tag
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tagged by @lodessa thank you <3
Name: @clarasimone
Fandoms I write for: Games of Thrones. The series; not the books. Yes, I’m nuancing for you, obtuse totalitarian purity subscribers ;-)
Two-shot: I have NO idea what this is.
Most popular multichapter: UNDER QARTH’S SHELTERING SKY (https://archiveofourown.org/works/21383854/chapters/50938501) but maybe that’s cheating because it’s really a collection of stand-alone short stories. The real multi-chapter fic to win this category is THE KEEP (https://archiveofourown.org/works/29416008/chapters/72264993)
Actual Worst part of writing: Writing the first draft. It’s like walking in mud, I swear. It’s all clear and flowing in my mind so why is the actual writing so HARD? (Plus, english is not my mother tongue so, ya know). But I love, love, love writing the next drafts and polishing and polishing and polishing. I love finding the right word, the rare word, the right-sounding word... It’s like finally seeing the garden you were trying to grow :-)
How you choose your titles: I have to confess that I am drawn to hommages. Hommages to past works of fiction or cinema, so my first instinct is to aim for a playful title. For instance, UNDER QARTH’S SHELTERING SKY comes from THE SHELTERING SKY by Paul Bowles and adapted to the screen in 1990 by the amazing Bertolucci. Not his best film, alas, but the atmosphere, the desert location, the perfume of eroticism were so right for my collection of Jorleesi erotica, taking place in Qarth’s jewel desert city! The title just popped in my mind. More recently though, my script-ed @terisrog​ pointed out to me that I also have a fondness for titles evoking the concept of home which, as any Jorleesi fan knows, is central to what binds Ser Jorah and Daenerys in the series. So IN A LIBRARY WITH RED DOORS (which became THE LIBRARY in our discussions), THE KEEP (or The Ghost and Ms Targaryen) for my two real multi-chapter tales.
Do you outline: I don’t. Isn’t that bizarre? Then again, THE KEEP is a remake (of the movie The Ghost and Mrs Muir) so the film’s narrative structure acted as an outline of sorts... but I imploded its story by adding many scenes.
Ideas I probably won’t get to but it would be nice: Ask @terisrog ;-)... More seriously, Jorleesi is sooooo inspiring to me, I think I might continue on and on, so I hope I’ll get many WIPs out... including writing again with @houseofthebear, I hope :-).........  The ideas I won’t get to, I think, have to do with other projects, like finishing the Gladiator AU I began 20 years ago and stopped to have kids. Thankfully that mandate is almost over LOL...
Best writing habits: When I start a new project, I work at it every day. It’s why I don’t have actual WIPs. I mean written WIPs. If people ask me to drop a line from a WIP on Tumblr, I actually have to write something because I don’t have WIP folders. I have WIPs in my head. So, yeah, as soon as I begin writing, I WRITE; many hours each day, and I don’t stop until it’s done.
Spicy opinions: Those who know me know what I am about to write, so feel free to scoot ;-) (Deep breath) I hate, haaaaaaaaate reductive fanfic labels: smut, fluff, angst... OK, I’m slowly making peace with the expression fluff because, yes, fluffy things are cute. But to call a fic “fluff” is such an echo of mainstream bashing of fanfics that I choke on the word. When a regular editor or author labels something “fluff” it is NOT a compliment. But OK, in our world, it’s a positive thing...... The one I truly have a hard time with, and I’ll be on a life-long crusade about it, is “smut”. A synonym for that word is dirt and, I’m sorry, but are we still in a world where sex has to be deemed dirty to be hot and arousing? Sex can be luminous. Explicit erotic fics can be funny, poetic, joyful, dark, romantic, sad and all the while be arousing without having to be termed “smut”. I hate it, I hate it, I. HATE. IT.  So my banner is Erotica, and if that sounds intellectual or pretentious, so be it. (p.s. I’m aware that my peeve stems from cultural differences. I’m not American. I’m not even Anglo-saxon. French literature has long given credentials to erotica so I’m like: hum, we’re not on the same page, are we? ;-)
Tagging @gettingovergreta @houseofthebear @terisrog @rileypotter17​ @toas-tea​ @chryssadirewolf @fandomsbyladymelodrama @bridgr6 @memoir-of-stars @here-we-blog @wizfrog​ and @salzrand
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toas-tea · 5 years ago
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A song of frosted bear kisses and dragon roasted chestnuts
A collection of Jorah Mormont and Daenerys Targaryen winter holidays fics.
Join us in a wondrous journey as Daenerys tries to find the perfect gift for Jorah, sip on coffee in a coffee shop AU as you’re eying the barista, find the perfect bouquet and your soulmate in a flower shop AU, then learn to keep your balance as you skate your way down a frozen lake. Find that love, actually happens all around us, but it’s especially sweet in a cozy cabin near Marseille. Travel to Edinburgh where Daenerys falls for her Airbnb neighbor, then read about a Christmas wish that turns Daenerys’ life around. Watch the fireworks with our favorite couple as the ocean gently caresses their bare feet. Delve into a Chanukah retelling, then travel to Mormont Castle and explore its secrets and much, much more.
Posting begins December 1st! Hope to see you then! Don’t be late! :)
(Art by the amazingly talented @salzrand)
@clarasimone  @toas-tea @fandomsbyladymelodrama @slytherinhowl @rileypotter17 @chryssadirewolf @houseofthebear @foxdl @fanoftheknight @thank-god-and-you @exultedshores @lorcansilvano @lodessa 
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salzrand · 6 years ago
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So well I did some quick sketches/illustrations for @fandomsbyladymelodrama’s Jorah/Dany Sunrise on the Jade Sea fic because I think it's the fic that ultimatively dragged me into all these feels for this ship (some of my friends know this fic as “THE FIC” I was raving about for the whole weekend when we met :D) and it’s my source of all the fluffy inspiration for every Jorleesi fluff ever to be fluffed it’s just too soft and cleans the soul with rainbows and sunshine I cannot. I am just a squishy mess for this perfect Jorleesi family she’s created. <3 <3 <3 #AlltheFeels #GrandpaJeorHypeIsRealMyPeeps Some of you have asked me to post the sketches on tumblr as well. So here is the first set of the sketches for chapter 1-4 in that order (will do another set once I’ve done a few for the next chapters) PLUS a family portrait because I could not resist that as well :D
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fandomsbyladymelodrama · 3 years ago
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@salzrand​ Lobsters + Kittens = Flufffffffffffff <3
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fandomsbyladymelodrama · 3 years ago
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Track three on the official Bear Island road trip soundtrack: The Cold Rains of Castamere (the Jorleesi remix) <3 and now the rains weep o'er these halls with two souls there to hear yes, now the rains weep o'er their halls but neither one shall fear
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clarasimone · 6 years ago
@fandomsbyladymelodrama and @salzrand, I’ll copy-paste these tags:
#jorleesi is made for fluff #also smut#but definitely fluff #canon jorleesi can't stop touching each other#they brought this fluffiness on themselves
Like you I enjoy both, though I stand from the other side of that perspective, as you may know ;-)
We’ve never discussed this together, but my take is that indeed Jorah and Daenerys merit all the fluff that can come their way given that they were born in such a violent fictional world. So thank you soooooo much for gifting us with your work.
But yeah, Jorah and Daenerys also merit passion, which the same fictional world deprived them of even more. I, for one, do not know when I’ll have extinguished my need to celebrate them through Erotica, a noble form to me when it’s done with an eye to balance sex and romanticism. After all, isn’t rapture the marriage between flesh and spirit ? 
I discovered GoT last winter only and so consumed 7 seasons in one month (actually saw the 7 seasons 3 times in one month ;-) and, thank God for this late discovery because I think I would have died having to watch in real time Jorah and Daenerys’ chaste courtly love over the course of 8 years ;-) However masterfully done. Even after just one month of viewing, I was this close to going mad for lack of emotional and sexual catharsis ! Reading @houseofthebear last April then felt like stumbling over a beautifully flowered oasis in the desert. An aswer to: “Please someone let them become the eternal lovers they should be !” The lack of sexual incarnation of the love weaved and flowing between these two characters felt like such an injustice, such a slap in the face of Love. The hunger I felt for passion was palpable.
And I’m still there you know, stuck on the ceiling, hyperventilating ;-)
So thank the Goddess there are wonderful writers and artists like you taking care of fluffing our beans while I’m still trying to regulate my breathing and calm the f*** down because, ya know, I might never get there ;-) Which might be OK too LOL... Cause we’ll ALWAYS need to see and feel Jorah and Daenerys in the throes of passion; they deserve that too.
P.S. Can we please sometimes let go of that word “smut” ? I mean sure it’s funny, and it becomes a political statement to own the term, and it stops us from being pretentious as writers BUT the term also stigmatizes this art form... not that I consider myself an artist, but you know, geeze, it feels so prudish and puritanical to me. This said, maybe it’s the same with “fluff”, maybe that term is also shortchanging your practice of Romance.
@fandomsbyladymelodrama , when I read your amazing  High in the Hills, O’er the Mountains of Bones , the word fluff never entered my mind, its level of artistry leaving me in a trance. The same goes for @houseofthebear, @ser-jorah-the-andal and @lodessa‘s erotic writing -- sorry I’ve not discovered everyone’s writing yet so can’t quote other writers-- . What you write is not smut to me, it’s Erotica. And it’s powerful and beautiful :-) 
The fact that Jorleesi can exist on such a large spectrum of creation is a testament to GoT and the talent and chemistry of Iain Glen and his mentoring of Emilia Clarke. So yay us ? ;-)
Stepping off my soap box now, it’s my french culture rebelling against americanisms of fluff and smut ;-) Some famous authors were getting antsy in my ear: Verlaine, le marquis de Sade, Colette, Anaïs Nin......
everyone: writing fanfiction is a great way to explore your various sexual fantasies 
me, through clenched teeth: what if they lived in a TINY house and took NAPS all the time
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fandomsbyladymelodrama · 4 years ago
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@salzrand​ - Lobsters are reunited and it feels so goooooood <3
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fandomsbyladymelodrama · 4 years ago
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Happy Valentine’s Day, friends! <3 May it be as soft and lovely and perfect and gorgeous as this @salzrand​ masterpiece <3 Edmund Blair Leighton, I love you darling, but eat your romantic-loving heart out ;)
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fandomsbyladymelodrama · 5 years ago
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Random fluffy #CUDDLEATTACK With love, from @salzrand​ and me to you <3 <3 <3
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fandomsbyladymelodrama · 5 years ago
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It worked! <3333333 Okay, so if you read the deleted scene already - nothing new. EXCEPT. That @salzrand​ has gifted us with another soft Jorleesi masterpiece (see above). This might be one of my favorites ever *HEART EYES* Anyway, small victories :) Annnnnd back to edits on the Christmas fic. 
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fandomsbyladymelodrama · 6 years ago
A little fluff, a little angst, a lot of Jorah/Dany. What more could a chapter need? ;) 
Hope you guys enjoy it! Xo
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springdandelixn · 2 years ago
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I posted 6,571 times in 2022
That's 6,321 more posts than 2021!
287 posts created (4%)
6,284 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 263 of my posts in 2022
#iain glen - 62 posts
#jorah mormont - 57 posts
#coconut bun stories - 55 posts
#ser jorah mormont - 51 posts
#loki - 35 posts
#mcu au - 29 posts
#game of thrones - 28 posts
#daenerys targaryen - 28 posts
#jorleesi - 27 posts
#jorah x daenerys - 26 posts
Longest Tag: 76 characters
#there was a lot of things about mom i didnt like but this wasn't one of them
My Top Posts in 2022:
For the smut prompts can I get 4 and 35 with Loki please?
The Bet
Loki x F!Reader
From the following prompts: #4 - Let's see how many times I can make you cum tonight. #35 - I’m gonna handcuff you to the bed so you can’t push my head away after I make you cum.
Warnings: 18+, bondage, oral (f receiving), Loki is cunning.
Thank you for the request! Kinda sloppy, so I apologize but I hope you enjoy! 💚
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208 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41763255
Husband!Steve x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your husband, Steve, takes care of you after an exhausting day at work.
Warnings: Fluffy Husband Steve
Just a quick drabble that came to me the moment I woke up. Might be a bit sloppy but I hope you enjoy. Comments, reblogs, likes are all appreciated! uwu
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213 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
Lost and Found
Soft!Dark!Steve x Plus size!Reader
Summary: Steve will stop at nothing to find you again.
Warnings: 18+ content, smut, bathroom sex, body shaming, stalker tendencies
Today is Friday and it’s time to post some FREAKY Friday drabbles! Inspiration for this fic will be here. 
This may simply be a drabble but your comments and likes are highly appreciated. Reblogs would be fantastic as it would help this story flourish. And as always, love you all and I hope you enjoy! 💙 Un-betad so may have some mistakes but y’know, we ain’t perfect and that’s okay.
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225 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
Green Knitted Sweater
Loki x Reader
Summary: You’re angry because of Tony’s stupidity and Loki has a way to calm you down.
Warnings: fluff, some violence, Loki the Protecto, early stages of relationship (is that even a warning)
Some fluffy Loki to ease the drama from Behind Closed Doors. Comments and thoughts are very much welcome. Reblogs and likes are appreciated! Although this is only a drabble, I still hope you enjoy, Babies! 💚 Also credits to the owner of the photo uwu
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313 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Ruby Eyes and Hands of Ice
Loki x F!Reader
Summary: In a moment of passion, Loki accidentally reveals the identity he’s been trying to hide. 
Warnings: mild smut, scared/anxious Loki, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff. I still consider this as 18+ so please exercise caution. 
A/N: This is for one of my babies who got stuck in a car ride @mochie85​ haha But of course, it’s for everyone to enjoy as well. It’s been a while since I wrote something like this so yeah hahaha would like to thank @muddyorbs​ for if I didn’t see the picture, this wouldn’t have come to fruition 💚
A drabble this may be, I do want to hear your feedback and your reblogs will help this story flourish further. And as always, I hope you enjoy! 💚
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799 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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toas-tea · 5 years ago
for the beeeans: 💛 + ☀️ + 🌽
jorleesi beans are my favorite beans, i always ask for extra in my burrito <3
💛 what’s your favourite aspects of their relationship dynamics? 
in the wise words of (1) jbear: “everything”
lol no seriously i love everything about them it’s not even funny. but if i had to choose a few, one of them definitely the way they can tell a whole-ass library’s worth of stories with just one look. like srsly
jorah: :|
daenerys: :|
what they’re really saying: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum
your emojis eyes betray you, you precious beans.
lets also add the touching. can we talk about the soft and simple hand touches and forehead boops that communicate just as much pls and thank you?? am soft for soft touching UWU
love their power dynamic too. jorah doesn’t blindly worship her and points out her flaws and lets her know if she ever steps out of bounds because he’s looking out for her. same with dany. she looks out for jorah and makes sure he doesn’t pull the “there’s nothing to forgive khaleesi” card when she unintentionally hurts him or something similar to that nature because she of all people knows her bear is the king of self-deprecation.
this can be applied in the bedroom too, you know, personally my favorite place for them to be ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). i like how jorah normally lets daenerys take the lead but she definitely doesn’t mind it when he surprises her and occasionally takes the reigns. she loves those types of surprises and so do i. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
i know this might sound bad, but i love their arguments, specifically the epicenter of their arguments which commonly consists of trying to one up each other on who should be protecting who or who should be doing what’s best for the other like it’s some sort of competition 😂 they’re both so stubborn it’s literally like Unstoppable Force (smol) vs Immovable Object (tol) 😂😂😂
☀️ which one hogs all the blankets every night ?
i dont think either of them do, they just love each other so much that even in their sleep they make sure neither of them make the other person cold. if i had to choose one though, probably dany but it’d be by accident or something because she’s a smol dragon queen and dragons love ALLLL the WARMTH and blankets. jorah would wake up after having the blankets YEETED from him, but i don’t think he would mind. he would just make sure his fluffy dragon burrito is comfy and warm, proceed to spoon said dragon burrito then fall back asleep because he’s a northern bear so he’ll be ok. plus, he’s got the best dragon burrito to keep him warm, kinda like a huggable night light 😂😂❤️❤️
🌽 which one is more affectionate ? do they each have a different way of what they consider to be affection ?
UGH that’s a tough one. D: my kneejerk answer was going to be jorah just because this man can emulate affection stronger than 25 sea otters with just the way he loOKS at her. but the same can be said for daenerys because like @fandomsbyladymelodrama​ said in her post, when she fully embraces her feelings for jorah, she embraces it HARd like we’re talking big rUSSIAN MOMMAA BEAR HUG hard. she’s known no love like jorah’s so she would absolutely shower him with affection as strong as 10 mainlanders. also because in the wise words of ladymelodrama, she naturally feels the need to “make up for all that lost time” Q__Q ❤️ so im going to cheat and say both of them sorry 😂 
as for the different ways they consider affection - jorah being the romANTIC that he is would shower her with poetic compliments. like a simple exchange between the two of them like
daenerys: “the moon is full tonight. it’s beautiful.”
jorah: "i know someone much more beautiful.”
or some corny shit like that lol. dany’s used to praise like that, but no man can ever say it like jorah effing mormont. also, jbear is the king of chivalry and the reason why it’s not dead. he opens doors for her, pulls out the chair at the dining table, offers her a hand when shes taking a step down in heels, bridal carries her when he has to...you know...ALL the classic romance jazz. extra points for that deep and raspy voice of his ❤️ i’d say he tries to buy her really extravagant gifts as well, but that’s a habit dany is trying to help him get out of because of (1) lynesse. >:C
dany likes to express her affections for her bear through touch. holding hands, huggles, cuddling, leaning on him, giving him dragon smoochies etc. <3 she also likes to remind him how handsome he is from time to time not just because well...it’s true but also because she loves eliciting that bashful and blushy reaction from him :’D on special occasions dany will also get him gifts, but they’re not expensive or over-the-top. simple things that mean a lot to him and correspond to their relationship, like scarves, small pendants, cute little wooden carvings, picture frames, you know the drill. jorah would love and value all of it because he’s the type who values the little things <3 lmao dany could probably get him a spoon and say “remember this spoon? we used it on  our first date” and jorah would cry happy tears LMAO 😂😂😂
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