#Fluffapalooza 2021
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Family Photos
Summary: Rumbelle go out for ice cream with Henry, Neal and Gideon.
Rating: G
A/N: Happy Rumbelle/ Skin Deep Day/ Fluffapalooza All! This is the first of my two Fluffapalooza fics.
Let me know if there are any typos -- I’ve had a migraine all week and haven’t been able to proofread it as many times as I normally would.
Henry’s birthday outing to Any Given Sundae was nearly over. Belle looked around at the other members of her family amazed how far they’d come in two short years. These outings had once been awkward and sometimes tense but today’s had been enjoyable and comfortable.
Henry and Neal were finishing off their massive sundaes and discussing comic books, while Rumple was trying to clean up Gideon.
“Papa!” shrieked Gideon, giggling as Rumplestiltskin wiped chocolate ice-cream off the two year old’s hands and face. He managed to wriggle one of his hands out of his father’s grip to tug on Rumple’s tie. Rumple sighed and began to uncurl Gideon’s stubborn fingers one by one from his tie.
“I suppose this is what I get for not wearing a hazmat suit.” He grumbled as he revealed a set of chocolate marks down his blue silk tie.
Belle giggled as images of her refined and always elegantly dressed husband in a hazmat suit appeared in her mind. Next to her both Henry and Neal laughed clearly imagining the same thing.
“I’d pay good money to see Papa take Gideon to Any Given Sundae in a hazmat suit,” said Neal grinning widely.
“Yeah! We could probably sell tickets,” Henry put in eagerly.
“Not, that I want to squash my grandson’s entrepreneurial spirit…” began Rumple.
Neal snorted, earning him a glare from Rumple as he settled his younger son in his lap. Neal just rolled his eyes.
Rumple harrumphed. “Let’s just move on shall we?” said Rumple testily. “Gideon’s clean enough for a picture now.”
He gave Gideon a hug. Gideon turned a little and lifted his head to give his Papa a smacking kiss, leaving a large patch of chocolaty drool on Rumple’s face.
Belle reached for her phone but before she could snap a photo, Rumple had picked up a napkin and wiped the drool from his face. “Can’t take you anywhere my boy, can we?” he said tickling Gideon slightly, making the little boy giggle and kick his feet.
She smiled, her heart expanding at the clear love between her husband and their son. But she still felt tinge of disappointment at missing the shot of Rumple covered in chocolate ice cream drool.
Neal caught her eye and grinned. He stage whispered across the table, “Don’t worry Belle I got a photo of him before he cleaned himself up. I’ll send it to you.”
She smiled at her step-”son” (of sorts), “Thank you Neal.” “Send a copy to me too, Dad,” put in Henry.
“I hate all of you” Rumple muttered. But effect was ruined by the half-smile on his face. Besides all of them (apart from Gideon) knew how pleased he was that his eldest son and his grandson wanted any photos of him at all. They knew he was beyond happy that Henry allowed these birthday outings with his Dad’s family.
Belle smiled at four of them. “All right. Time for you picture. Now huddle round everyone so I can fit you all in.”
Rumple kept his arms firmly around Gideon, Henry leaned slightly in on Rumple’s right side, while Neal wrapped his arm around his father’s left shoulder and leaned close.
Belle saw Rumple’s mouth twitch almost imperceivably -- she doubted anyone but her would notice that twitch or understand its significance. But Belle knew even after these few years of rebuilding his relationship with Neal Rumple was still surprised his son even deigned to spend time with him -- let alone that he was now comfortable enough with his Papa to initiate physical contact with him again.
Belle smiled as she readied her phone. “Alright smile everyone!” She called.
The four male members of her family all grinned up at her. She snapped a few pictures and satisfied when she managed to get a clear shot of Rumple with his sons and grandson with chocolate marks down his tie and looking like he couldn’t be happier.
She gave a thumbs up to the men so they could relax and began plotting where among the many family photos in their living room she and Rumple should place this one.
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Happy Fluffapalooza!
Here are two new drabbles to continue the one I wrote for Fluffapalooza last year. And since I don’t expect anyone to remember what I wrote last year, here is the first one, followed by the two new drabbles under the cut......
“Getting Ideas”
Summary: 100 word drabble (111 actually) for Fluffapalooza 2020 challenge prompt "Belle vs Modern Life". TEA 2021 nominated for “Best Drabble”.
“What are you doing, Rumple?”
“Reading? On that?”
“Yes, you can fit an entire library on here. I can get you one, if you'd like.”
“Books on a phone? How awful! Books should be touched, felt and smelled! You need to see their covers, stroke them, feel their weight in your hand. You have to turn their pages and caress them gently with your fingers! You can't reduce that experience to phone. That's like saying you can make love on the phone. Honestly,- Rumple, why are you looking at me like that?”
“Sweetheart, you've given me the best idea. I'm going to call you when I get to the shop...”
Summary: Maybe e-books aren’t such a bad idea.
In this world, there were books on every conceivable subject.
Fiction. Non-fiction. Cooking. Romance. Travel. Pet Care. Politics. Mysteries. History. Fantasy. Sex.
She ordered books on every topic on the amazing machine Rumple had showed her how to use, charging everything to his credit card. “Buy anything you want,” he said. Books arrived by mail almost everyday.
Sex was still new to her, and even though she knew no one would care, the idea of walking around with books of erotic stories made her blush. She didn't want to admit to Rumplestiltskin that maybe books on a phone wouldn't be such a bad idea after all.
Summary: In which Belle’s shopping spree is discovered.
Belle heard Rumplestiltskin as she passed his study.
“I'm calling to contest a charge. Connect me to your fraud department immediately.”
She hesitated by the door.
“No, there is no way I purchased over $100 worth of erotic e-books. Only one other person has access to the account and she only reads actual books, none of this digital stuff.”
Belle held her breath.
“I don't care what you think. My account was compromised!”
She pushed open the door. Rumplestiltskin looked up. “Um, Rumple...”
Her guilty look explained everything. He hung up the phone, smiling. “You naughty girl....”
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A Weekend Away
Written for the @a-monthly-rumbelling February prompt “I think we’re lost”. Also @fluffapalooza if it’s still open :) Read it on my blog: https://earlyrisingwriting.home.blog/2021/02/14/a-weekend-away/
An opportunity arises for the Gold Boys to spend time together away from Storybrooke’s prying eyes.
Malcolm Gold – he’d adopted his son’s cursed surname, Stiltskin didn’t seem right, it only served to remind him of the anger he’d felt when naming his baby boy. He didn’t want anything to do with the name Peter Pan any more, Gold was a fresh start – was beginning to rue the day he’d agreed to joining his rapidly expanding family for a weekend at Rumple’s forest cabin. It’s like the tree houses in Neverland Neal had explained but on the ground. It’ll be fun Papa, his son had told him through obviously gritted teeth, Malcolm hadn’t missed the discreet elbow to the ribs Rumple had taken from Belle as she’d added that it would be an opportunity to talk away from the scrutiny of the towns folk. Henry had kept a commendable straight face at that remark considering she was referring to at least half of his family. Malcolm liked Belle. She was honest, trusting but not to be crossed. Just what his son needed to keep him in line. It was mainly because of her he’d agreed to come along.
Malcolm had also been grateful to Belle for her advice regarding clothing in this new land. Although Rumple’s suits looked sharp, he didn’t want that many layers. Neal’s clothes were a bit too casual so he settled on trousers Henry had called Chinos, shirts with buttons, thin jumpers and boots called Timberland. Today he was particularly glad of the boots. Rumple had used magic to transport all the necessary clothes, food etc to the cabin, leaving Malcolm, Neal and Henry free to arrive on foot. Henry had been so excited at the thought of a hike through the forest with his Dad, no one had the heart to object.
“I think we’re lost” Malcolm tried to get his bearings however the trees all looked the same, he had no idea how far into the the forest they were.
“Lost Boys” sniggered Neal. Henry snorted which made his father laugh even more.
“Following the leader, the leader, the leader” sang Henry “We’re following the leader…”
“Wherever he may go” Neal joined in, the two of them dancing round in a circle.
“Very funny”
“You have no idea” laughed Neal “Have you seen the Disney film about Peter Pan yet?”
“The what?” Malcolm was still bemused by the popular cultures of the world he now lived in even though he’d got a better grasp of how it actually worked.
Henry grinned the kind of wicked grin Rumple would have been proud of “You’ll love it Gramps, especially Hook”
Neal’s eyebrows rose at the use of Gramps in relation to Malcolm
“What? I call Rumple Grandpa and Malcolm didn’t like Great Grandpa so Mum suggested Gramps”
“Which Mum?” though Neal had his suspicions
Henry didn’t answer but the glint in his eye was enough. Emma had an evil sense of humour.
“One of you must have been to this cabin before?”
“Neal shook his head “I arrived in town not long before the trip to Neverland but Papa and I weren’t exactly on friendly terms back then”
“I haven’t been either, I didn’t know Grandpa was my Grandpa and my mums weren’t about to let me hang out with The Dark One”
Neal looked around for minute or two, then as if some secret signal had been given he made an abrupt turn and set off down a path “Come on. It’s this way”
“Rumple will you please stop fussing. We have enough food to survive a small siege. There is no need to summon more”
“Have you ever fed a twelve year old boy? If his appetite is anything like Bae’s at that age then…” he felt a lump rise in his throat.
“Then I want to make sure there’s plenty”
“Oh Rumple” she hugged him hoping to both reassure and pull him out of this melancholy. He pulled her closer, nuzzling her hair, whispering a thank you sweetheart. Belle moved to kiss him and for the next couple of minutes there was a feeling of peace between them.
“Hi Grandpa Hi Belle sorry we’re.. oh…” Henry looked embarrassed at interrupting. Belle giggled, Rumple never even turned round as he replied “Hi Henry”
“Are they here?” Neal’s voice carried through the door.
“Er...yes…they are.. here…”
“Is something up?” Neal strode into the living room and stopped dead “Oh for pities sake you two get a room!”
Rumple did turn this time “This is my cabin Bae and my room”
“Not in front of the wee ones eh Laddie?” Malcolm chuckled.
“Rumple..” there was a warning tone to Belle’s voice “remember what we talked about”
Ever the diplomat Henry piped up “Is there anything to eat? I’m starving”
“Yes of course Henry” smiled Belle “in the kitchen”
The young boy disappeared, returning within five minutes carrying a plate loaded with burger, fries, onion rings, various dips and salad. Rumple gave Belle a told you so look.
“He obviously appreciates his food” Malcolm watched in amusement at Henry giving the burger his full attention.
“Takes after his father” Rumple nodded towards Neal as he too went to the kitchen and brought back a plate piled high.
Conversation remained light hearted as they ate, comments about both Neal and Henry having hollow legs because of their hearty appetites. Rumple found he was nearly enjoying himself. Nearly being better than not at all as Belle reminded him earlier.
“Where on earth did all the food come from anyway?” Malcolm asked as he debated which of the many desserts to try.
“I summoned it” Rumple replied reaching for a cupcake.
“Magic” Neal raised a suspicions eyebrow.
“Only to bring it here. It’s not magic food. I’ve paid Granny’s chef triple his wages to cook a steady supply especially for us”
“Fair enough” Neal took a satisfied mouthful of cake.
“More tea anyone?” Belle stood up and began collecting the various cups and mugs strewn around the room
“Coffee if you have it please”
“Of course Bae, I’ll put the pot on. Coffee has it’s own magic Dearie” he twirled his arms, turned on his heel and practically skipped out after Belle.
The expression on Henry’s face was priceless.
When everyone had eaten their fill, plates, cups and cutlery washed, dried and put away by hand not magic Rumple keenly pointed out, Henry suggested they watch a film. Malcolm being particularly interested in the idea of a a “moving book” being shown on something called a TV screen. Then began the debate over which one to put on. Whilst there wasn’t a great deal of choice amongst the DVD’s at the cabin, Rumple would be happy to summon whichever was decided on. Mostly it was left to Neal and Henry as they had the widest knowledge of such things. It seemed to Malcolm to be a very complicated process.
“Nothing over a PG”
“Awww Dad! I’m twelve! I can watch..”
“No. Your Mothers would find a hundred ways to kill me, bring me back to life and kill me all over again if they found out you’d watched anything remotely inappropriate”
“Grandpa would protect you”
“Oh no no no” laughed Rumple “Do not bring me into this. I argued with both of them over many things but even I have limits”
“What about that.. Disney thing you mentioned on the way here? Would that be allowable?”
All eyes turned to Malcolm.
“You mean Peter Pan?” Henry looked sceptical.
“Yeah.. that. I’d like to see it”
Rumple and Belle exchanged a look before he got up and went into the main bedroom. There followed the sound of keys turning in locks and a safe being opened.
“You keep Disney DVD’s in a vault Papa?”
“Along with a few other items I was unsure about at first yes”
“Such as?”
“Such as none of your business son” he walked back into the living room brandishing the disc “You can do the honours Bae”
It could, Belle mused to herself long after everyone else had retired for the night, have gone a lot worse. For instance everyone agreed that the physical resemblance between the cartoon and the person was actually rather accurate. They had all laughed like drains at Captain Hook. Belle honestly thought she’d have to give medical attention to Rumple and Malcolm as their hysterics gave way to mighty coughing fits. Neal and Henry sang along with the songs, Never Smile At A Crocodile didn’t go down very well with Rumple at first but he saw the funny side in the end. When it came to Following The Leader, the youngest father and son immediately leapt to their feet and began dancing round the room in a repeat of their antics in the forest earlier.
“So that’s where that song came from” groused Malcolm.
There seemed to be an unspoken agreement to not discuss certain details regarding film versus real life, for that Belle was grateful. She knew the relationships in that room were complicated, messy, quite possibly very unhealthy and could keep Archie Hopper on Rumple’s pay roll for decades. Whilst she believed talking about these issues was healthy, this weekend was not the time or the place. For once no one was arguing, for once certain townsfolk weren’t around to stick their well intentioned (or otherwise) noses in. She wondered if inviting her own father for a weekend here might help ease tensions between him and her boyfriend. Maybe leave it a month or so before she suggested that.
“What are you smirking at?” Rumple came from the en suite, pulled the bed covers back and climbed in bed beside her. Her eyes gleamed with mischief.
“Don’t you dare Belle” he warned, which was the wrong thing to say because of course she dared.
“Never smile at a crocodile..”
“I’m warning you young lady”
“No you can’t get friendly with a crocodile…” she sang between giggles.
“Right then”
And he proceeded to show her how friendly crocodiles could be when they wanted to.
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Fandom: Once Upon a Time (TV)
Rating: General Audience
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Belle/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold
Characters: Belle (Once Upon a Time), Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Sneezy | Tom Clark
Additional Tags: A Monthly Rumbelling February 2021 (Once Upon A Time), Fluff, Fluffapalooza
Summary: Belle and Rumple are just starting out together in Storybrooke. They've gone from living together in the Dark Castle to living together in Gold's house and Belle needs a little of the life they might have lived in between.
Written for February's Monthly Rumbelling.
Belle was mesmerized by the bowl of unwrapped candy that sat out on the drug store counter. Filled with pinks, yellows, whites, and pale greens, the thick glass seemed to enlarge each granule of sugar that coated the confections, making them twinkle like stars in the false neon light. They consumed her very being as if she had never seen such a thing in her life. The combination of color and shape seemed never to be repeated among the tiny objects and she wondered where the collection had come from.
“You’re welcome to take one, if you want,” Sneezy told her. The sudden sound of his voice made her jump out of her skin.
“Oh, no. I… I wasn’t really… They’re just so unusual. I’ve never seen candies this shape before. Where did you get them?” The invitation to partake seemed a decent enough excuse for Belle to lift the glass bowl in her hands and turn it before her eyes. Everything inside seemed covered in glitter and her senses anticipated the tiny crunch of biting into one, almost making her feel the crystals become sugary powder in her imagination.
The dwarf shrugged. “The sweet shop down the road. They’re free samples.”
“Free advertising, too.” Belle grinned at him and set the bowl down. Gummies weren’t necessarily her thing, all chew and little flavor usually left her feeling completely unsatisfied, but for some reason her mind wouldn’t let the idea of the treats and their container alone. She turned on her heel to look at the shelves near the store window and pouted as a simple thought churned in her head. “You know what, though?”
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2022 TEA Nominations Open!
It’s 2022 T.E.A. Nomination time!
Not sure where the last year has gone, but the time has come once again! It’s time let us know which fics and artwork you enjoyed (and that helped you survive) over the past 12 months. Go back, re-live the joy, and tell us which of those fan creations you want to see on the 2022 T.E.A. ballot!
Nominations begin January 2, 2022 Nominations are due by January 23, 2022, 11:59 pm (CST)
Just in case you need a refresher on T.E.A. Rules, there’s a link to them
Here is the Submit Page, freshly cracked open, where you can send in your nominations. Don’t forget to include the work’s title and its creator when nominating fic and art! And please be sure you have the creator correct. It would also be super helpful if you would make sure that the works you nominate are eligible, as the mod cannot verify each and every one of hundreds of nomination.
Keep in mind that during the nominations phase, you can submit as many nominations as you like. You’re not limited to one nomination per category. Nominate out the wazoo, if you feel like it! And if you forget something, you can come back and nominate more creations all the way up to the due date.
Hit up our Ask Box if you have any questions!
((Apparently tumblr is having issues with anything showing up in tags. What a shock. At this point, please just reblog to help your fellow Rumbellers see this post, I don’t know. *sigh*))
And now, the categories for the 2022 T.E.A.s! Below is the list you’ll copy and paste into the blank on the Submit Page to send in. Please click through the read-more here to see the full list of categories for which you can nominate fandom creations for this year. Look out below!
(Note: we are aware that some categories might not apply this year, such as events that didn’t take place in 2021. That’s okay. Just skip them where needed.)
Best Child Fic (fluffy fic centered on children in the Rumbelle family)
Best First Time
Best Afterlife Smut
Hurts so good
Best Date (Overall)
Best Hamburger Date
Best Courtship
Best First Meeting
Best RomCom
Best Bathing Scene
Best One-Shot
Best Drabble
Best Post-Ep Fic
Best Comedy Fic
Best Movie AU
Best Book AU
Best TV Show AU
Best AU Inspired By Other Media (including but not restricted to video games, musicals/plays, and graphic novels)
Best Historical AU
Best AU
Best Series
Best Novel Length Fic (does not have to be finished, but must be a minimum of 40k words to qualify)
Best Holiday Fic
Best Remix
Best Crossover Fic
Best Dark Castle
Best Storybrooke
Best Travel (taking place outside of Storybrooke or Dark Castle)
Best “Missing Years” Fic (taking place between Gideon’s birthday party and That Thing that happened in ‘Beauty’)
Best Argument (Angst)
Best Argument (Fluff)
Best Golden Lace
Best Woven Lace
Best Woven Beauty
Best Rumbelle Poly Ship (ex: Golden Swan Beauty, Mad Golden Beauty)
Best Background Swanfire
Best Side Pairing
Best Afterlife Fic
Best Crack!Fic
Best Drama
Best Supernatural
Best Sci-Fi
Best Horror
Best Creature AU
Best Unexpected Twist
Best Dark One Lore Fic
Best Bobby Squared (a fic featuring more than one Bobby character, including multiple instances of Gold and/or Rumple)
Forgotten Gem (a fic completed more than three (3) years ago, that you feel has been overlooked)
Best Pandemic/Quarantine Fic
Best Trope
Best Trend
Best Meta
Best Prompter
(All fics in these categories are limited to 2020 events only.)
Rumbelle Secret Santa
Rumbelle Christmas in July
Rumbelle Summer Gift Exchange
Monthly Rumbelle (Non-smut)
Monthly Rumbelle (Smut)
Rumbelle is Hope
Rumbelle Monsterfuckers Ball
Rumbelle Big Bang
Best Belle
Best Dark One!Belle
Best AU Belle
Best Lacey
Best Detective Weaver
Best Dark One
Best Mr. Gold
Best AU!Gold/Rumple
Best Spinner!Rumple
Best Woobie!Rum
Best Wish!Rumple
Best Baelfire/Neal
Best Gideon
Best OC Rumbelle Child
Best (Worst) Villain
Best BFF/wingman
Best Fan Art
Best Cover Art
Best Graphic Art (GIFs)
Best Graphic Art (Still Images)
Best AU in Art (encompassing traditional art, gif sets, still photo sets, etc.)
Best Fluff Art
Best Angsty Art
Best Smutty Art
Best Comic/Graphic Novel
Best Dark One Form
Best Use of Color
Best Video
Best Artist
Best New Artist
- Rumbelle Fandom Lifetime Achievement Award Awarded to a person who has done something spectacular in the fandom. Either by making people feel welcome, organizing events, or simply embodying the Rumbelle fandom as a whole.
- Newbie Spotlight This award goes to people who began contributing to the Rumbelle fandom since the last T.E.A.s. Those eligible include new writers, artists, gif-makers, etc. Anyone who creates content for the fandom. This category is not voted upon - every newbie whose name is put forth is added to the Spotlight list so that older members of the fandom can get to know them and their work!
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Rumple says to start posting your contributions as soon as it's February 12 in your time zone! And tag them #fluffapalooza if you want them reblogged here!
Also, while Fluffify This! challenges are usually more like quick 'n' dirty short fills on the actual day, I will give you one here for people who like more time to think about things and to have some fic or art ready:
"I can't take this anymore."
Remember, Fluffify this! fills don't have to be long, if you can turn that into a fluffy scenario in a single paragraph, that's great! Make it as long or as short as you like. And if you'd like people to send you prompts to fluffify, post your request in the tags!
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Cat-Astrophe Chapter 1 for Fluffapalooza

A/N: Happy Fluffapalooza 2021 everyone! I know it's only the first chapter but I'm not planning on this being very long and I wanted to at least get something of this story up on the 12th (I know it's late but it's still the 12th where I am so I'm saying it counts). I adore the way we celebrate the anniversary of Rumbelle. This fandom is keeping me going this year. No beta yet, all mistakes are my own.
Summary: Belle and Mr. Gold are hopelessly in love with each other but it takes a snarly cat and an unfortunate fire to bring them together.
Chapter 1
The chime on the door to the Storybrooke Animal Shelter was supposed to be cute, a delightful mix of bird calls that Mary Margret adored the minute she heard it, but David wanted to rip the damn thing out of the wall and throw it into the river.
He didn’t of course. Mary Margret would know and he liked his warm bed over the proverbial doghouse. So now, at eleven thirty on a Wednesday afternoon, instead of finding a hammer and beating the blasted things into silence, David merely sighed as the bird calls rang through the shelter, brushed dog hair off his knees, and went to see to the potential customer.
Belle French, the lovely local librarian who had a smile for everyone and a book recommendation on her lips at all times, stood next to the counter, holding a small stack of paper and wearing a smile so bright, David thought he might go blind.
“Well, hi there,” David said, smiling back because honestly, he was married, not dead.
“I got it!” Her hand almost flapped off her wrist as she waved the bundle of paper in front of him.
“Got what?” He wore confusion well so didn’t bother to hide it, just kept smiling and squinting his eyes.
“You said the shelter requires all renters to have a signed agreement from their landlord before a pet adoption,” Belle said with a look and David decided that exasperation could still be charming if it wore her face.
David nodded, walking behind the counter to take a look at her papers. “Can’t have animals being returned just because someone thought they could get around their lease.”
“Hey, it makes send. Even so, I got it in the end.” Slipping off her coat, she draped it over one arm as he looked over her rental agreement. “I’m looking for a cat.”
David stared down at the signed addition to the rental agreement, a caveat that one Miss Belle French was allowed one small pet of her choosing. David blinked a couple of times and shook his head and then looked back down at the paper.
Nope. It hadn’t changed. Gold’s signature still scrawled its way across the bottom. Life no longer made sense. He looked outside to check the color of the sky just in case that had also seen fit to change on him without warning.
It was an age-old argument in Storybrooke. Mr. Gold owned most of the rental properties in town and he had a strict “no pets” policy that only excluded service animals. He’d seen people petition the man for months and he never budged. The shelter offered obedience classes, endurance courses, doggy daycare, grooming, everything it could to make it easier to own a well-behaved pet and Mr. Gold still refused to sign a single release.
Until now.
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For Fluffapalooza 2021
Summary: It wasn’t that Rumon Gold had anything against Valentine’s Day. He made a lot of money from the holiday. It’s just that he never had time for it. Between the last minute shoppers that descended on his shop that week and raising a nine year old, romance slipped through the cracks. But now that Belle French had entered his life, he felt he needed to make an effort.
He just had no idea how.
And the nine year old's 'help' wasn't helping
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(Sorry for the long post, tumblr isn’t letting me put a “read more” cut in.)
Family – Spinner by woodelf68, A Bear In Need of Rescue by @byrneinggold
Comfort – Lost and Found by @worryinglyinnocent
Fix-It – Love Is Purple by @xiolaperry, A Life for a Life by @paradigmparadoxical
Reunion – Finding You by @silwenworld
Best Child Fic (fluffy fic centered on children in the Rumbelle family) – Best Beloveds by woodelf68, Announcement by @jackabelle73
Kink – All I Have by @cannibalisticshadows
Comedy –True Lust by @junoinferno
Best First Time – Birthday by @crossinginstyle
PWP – Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out by woodelf68, The Spirit of the Trees by woodelf68, I Want To Watch by Scarletstar1
Death – Believe or Leave by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Date (Overall) – Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out by woodelf68
Best Courtship – Roses On The Doorstep by @worryinglyinnocent
Best First Meeting – The Spirit of the Trees by woodelf68
Best Bathing Scene – Making a Splash by @ifishouldvanish
Best One-Shot – Believe or Leavy by @worryinglyinnocent, Distractions by @thestraggletag
Best Drabble – Getting Ideas by @xiolaperry
Best Post-Ep Fic – A Life For A Life by paradigmparadoxical
Best Comedy Fic – Animal Magnetism by @worryinglyinnocent, A Bear In Need of Rescue by @byrneinggold
Best Movie AU – A Thrill of Hope by ishtarelisheba, What You’d Thought Lost Is There To Be Found by @deliriumsdelight7
Best TV Show AU – The Game by @thestraggletag, A Funny Girl by @shakespeareanhoneybadgers
Best AU Inspired By Other Media (including but not restricted to video games, musicals/plays, and graphic novels)
Best Historical AU – You’ve Really Got A Hold On Me by @crossinginstyle
Best AU – Spinner by woodelf68, Rally Cap by @halfwayinlight
Best AU!OUAT – Out of Time by @worryinglyinnocent, In Another Life by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Series – Precious Moments by @jackabelle73, The Floofy ‘Verse by woodelf68
Best Novel Length Fic (does not have to be finished, but must be a minimum of 40k words to qualify)
Best Holiday Fic – A Thrill of Hope by ishtarelisheba, What You’d Thought Lost Is There To Be Found by @deliriumsdelight7
Best Remix – Our Masks by @lotus0kid
Best Crossover Fic – Afternoon in Soho by @barpurplewrites, Coleslaw and Daggers by @darcyfarrow2005
Best Dark Castle – I Want To Watch by Scarletstar1, Animal Magnetism by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Storybrooke – Fresh Start by @joylee56
Best Rumbelle Poly Ship (ex: Golden Swan Beauty, Mad Golden Beauty)
Best Background Swanfire – What You’d Thought Lost Is There To Be Found by @deliriumsdelight7
Best Crack!Fic – He Thought It Said Satan by @idesignedthefjords, Everyone Needs A Hobby by woodelf68, How Did You Two Get Together by @barpurplewrites
Best Supernatural – The Princess of Avonlea by @gwenore
Best Creature AU – The Spirit of the Trees by woodelf68, All I Have by @cannibalisticshadows
Best Unexpected Twist – Finding You by @silwenworld
Best Bobby Squared (a fic featuring more than one Bobby character, including multiple instances of Gold and/or Rumple)
Forgotten Gem (a fic completed more than three (3) years ago, that you feel has been overlooked) – Civilised Existence by amuseoffyre
(All fics in these categories are limited to 2020 events only.)
Rumbelle Secret Santa – Three Appointments and a Wedding by @thestraggletag
Rumbelle Christmas in July – Fresh Start @joylee56, Dark Spring by @nerdrumple, A Truth for a Truth: A Study In Confusion by silwenworld
Fluffapalooza – Love Is Purple by @xiolaperry
Monthly Rumbelle (Non-smut) – In Another Life by @worryinglyinnocent, A Flash of Imp-spiration by @worryinglyinnocent, Chocolate Cake and Chocolate Roses by @byrneinggold, Lost and Found by @worryinglyinnocent, The Kelpie by @worryinglyinnocent
Monthly Rumbelle (Smut) – Steamed Up by @worryinglyinnocent, Off The Deep End by @byrneinggold
Rumbelle is Hope – Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out by woodelf68
Best Dark One!Belle – Masters of Destiny by @deliriumsdelight7
Best AU Belle – Distractions by @thestraggletag, Spinner by woodelf68
Best Spinner!Rumple – Masters of Destiny by @deliriumsdelight7, Her Angel by @kelyon
Best Baelfire/Neal – Masters of Destiny by @deliriumsdelight7, Rally Cap by halfwayinlight
Best Gideon – Spinner by woodelf68
Best Fan Art – Mr. Gold sitting on wall edge with cane by @vayuvayu, Rumpelstiltskin and Belle embracing (gold dress/blue coat) by @vayuvayu
Best Cover Art – A Thrill of Hope by ishtarelisheba
Best Comic/Graphic Novel – “Love Letters” by @dekayingtree
Best Artist – @vayuvayu, @dekayingtree
- BEST AUTHOR – @nerdrumple
- BEST NEW AUTHOR – @deliriumsdelight7
- BEST RUMBELLE FIC – Fresh Start by @joylee56, Dark Spring by @nerdrumple
- BEST ANYELLE FIC – Breaking Cycles by @deliriumsdelight7, A Safe Place To Land by @deliriumsdelight7
- Newbie Spotlight - deliriumsdelight7
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Summary: Rumple has noticed something up with Belle's behaviour over the past few days, and is concerned one morning when he smells blood on her. Belle is upset by his nosiness and he has to work out how to make things right with her.
Rating: G
A/N: Happy Belated Skin Deep Day/ Rumbelle Anniversary/ Fluffapalooza!
This was supposed to be my main Fluffapalooza fic this year but the last few weeks have been super busy. Then I started suffering from the what we now finally think are migraines that give me terrible vertigo so I can barely sit up half the time. Also they made looking at a screen kind of bad. So this got delayed. ***
Something was wrong with Belle. She hadn’t been her usual cheery self the past few days, and now she was an hour late with his morning tea.
Rumplestiltskin tapped his fingers against the wood of the long table in his Great Hall. Belle had never been late before but he supposed it should not surprise him his maid was late. After all she was a noblewoman he’d trapped in a humiliating bargain, poor service was indeed one of the downsides of picking her -- she’d made some truly dreadfully inedible meals the first week she was here. He was the Dark One hence immortal, so he knew she couldn’t poison him but he’d spent those first several days considering whether one could in theory die from foul tasting food. Eventually he’d given in (for his taste buds’ sake) and told her how to tell the castle to make the meals.
He hadn’t gotten around to telling her that the castle was capable of performing all her other duties itself. It would hardly do for his maid to simply sit around all day and read (well, more than she already did). After all, that would deprive him of the stunning sight of her standing on ladders and showing off her legs while she cleaned up high or the breathtaking view of her bending over while working on lower surfaces. It was definitely his own desires (admittedly long dormant), his... his depravity that stopped him from freeing Belle from her cleaning duties, he assured himself. It wasn’t due to any other emotions on his part.
So he continued to make her clean the castle and to serve his meals. Despite her poor culinary skills, it turned out that she made lovely cup of tea. Soon breakfast and afternoon tea had had become his favourite times of day. A few hours where they both sat around making idle chitchat about anything or sometimes just eating in silence. This had been quite unexpected and he refused to examine why he liked it so much.
But, predictably enough, it was over now.
Things had been going so well after they’d returned from chasing that thief and he’d shown her North Tower library (that he’d definitely not magicked into existence that very day). But now, for no reason he could see, they’d gone back to those first uncomfortable days of her time in the Dark Castle.
Perhaps she was trying to test him. But why he didn’t know. He hadn’t said or done anything abnormal in the last few days. They’d had no visitors to the castle, it had just been the two of them.
It would be easier if, as he’d intended, he didn’t care about her at all. Instead he actually quite liked his little maid. Although, of course, he would never actually tell her that. For her part, she no longer seemed scared of him. She’d even hugged him in the forest that one time. But he was still the monster who’d taken away any chance of the life she’d been planning to lead.
The whispering voice of his conscience -- that sounded like a certain fourteen year old teenage boy he had not seen for over two centuries -- told him he should let her go back to her family. But he ignored it. He wasn’t a good man. In fact, he hadn’t been a man for a long time now. No. He was a monster and monsters could do things like bargain for pretty maidens to come and live -- forever -- in their castles.
Rumplestiltskin sat mulling the situation a little longer. He’d just resolved to go and find where his erstwhile maid had gotten to when he heard the tap of her heeled shoes outside the double doors behind him.
He sat back in his chair as nonchalantly as he could, and set his face into the terrifying grin that had made grown men piss themselves.
She opened one of the doors and he listened to her muffled footsteps draw nearer and nearer to him. When he thought she was just a few feet away, he trilled, “You’re late.”
She paused briefly then continued her progress towards him and placed the tray in front of him.
She held her head high and said mildly, “Yes, I know. I’m sorry, Rumplestiltskin.”
Then she began pouring the tea in her usual way. She showed no sign of fright at his grin. The tea tray was clean and dry -- even his attempt to startle her hadn’t worked. Rumplestiltskin felt quite deflated.
“Well,” he trilled, “don’t you have an explanation for yourself?”
She shook her head. “I just got distracted by something this morning…”
She placed his teacup in front of him and her scent, of books and roses hit him. But something else was there too… Rumple sniffed the air and stiffened and turned to thoroughly look over his maid.
She frowned at him as she reached to place a plate of breakfast pastries in front of him. “What?”
He grabbed her wrist to stop her pouring her tea and she glared at him as she tried to free her wrist. He just ignored her and sniffed the air very deliberately and scanned over her.
She squirmed and growled at him, “What do you think you’re doing. Unhand me at once!”
“You’re bleeding. Someone’s hurt you,” he growled. “Did you help another thief out and he took a slice at you? Or did you cut yourself attempting some task in that kitchen that I’ve told you you should leave to the castle?”
Belle’s face shuttered but a faint blush appeared on her cheeks. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“There’s no use hiding it from me.” He said wagging his finger in her face, “The Dark One has his ways of finding these things out.
"There's nothing to tell."
He sighed, "Belle, I can heal you if you tell me where you’re injured. So why don’t you just show me where you’re bleeding and make this simpler for the both of us.”
He watched Belle carefully. He saw anger and embarrassment flit across her face, as well as a hint of… was that amusement? She bit her lip and seemed to be wrestling with herself before coming to some conclusion. She lifted her chin and gave him a haughty glare down her nose and he felt a surge of affection at her attitude and complete lack of fear.
“Well are you going to tell me what I want to know?” He asked impatiently as she still didn’t say anything.
“I’m not injured.” She said at last.
“But you’re bleeding...” He was going to say more but she cut him off.
“I’m not injured.” She repeated.
“If you’re not injured why are you bleeding? You’re being secretive and hiding things from me and I want to know why.”
She glared at him, “You really want to know?”
He rolled his eyes, “That has been the point of the last minute or so of conversation, yes.”
Still staring daggers at him she sighed and said, “I’m bleeding there.” As she pointed straight the centre of her pelvis.
“How the …?” Came out of his mouth before his brain caught up and clamped his mouth shut. But he couldn't quite tear his eyes away for another few moments, until he suddenly remembered how it would look to Belle that he was staring at her there and he focused himself to meet her gaze.
“'Oh'? 'Oh'? All you have to say is ‘oh’? You all but force me to tell you and all you can say is ‘oh’? Not ‘sorry’? I mean I know you won't willingly admit to being wrong but you could at least apologize for being an ass.”
He rolled his eyes, “I’m sorry my concern for you has upset you. Next time I smell you bleeding, I’ll ignore it and just hope you will deign to tell me about an injury before you bleed out. Is that what you want to hear?”
She glared and him and her hand twitched. For a moment he thought his lovely kind maid was about to slap him but she just shook her head and stomped out of the Great Hall.
Rumplestiltskin slumped back in his chair and muttered to himself, “well that could have gone better.”
Rumplestiltskin was disappointed, but not entirely surprised when Belle didn’t appear at lunchtime. But when she didn’t appear for their afternoon tea, he knew she was still quite upset. When she didn’t appear for dinner he knew she was truly mad. She might be late once, might miss one mealtime sitting around reading. But she wouldn’t miss three like this.
Clearly he’d upset her even more than he’d realized this morning. He just didn’t know what to do to fix it. He didn’t have a lot of experience with women and their… moods.
Milah had become even more bad tempered before and during her bleeding. Eventually he’d learned to just stay out of her way as much as he could. His attempts to keep Bae protected from the worst of her rage and keep him from asking too many questions, meant he had often invented little father son activities (some of his favourite memories of Bae’s early years) to stay out of her way during those days. But that didn’t help his current situation at all. He couldn’t just avoid Belle until her bleeding passed -- he sensed that would make this much worse. With Cora he’d just helped her use her anger and pain at her body and turn that into more magic. Which didn’t help him with Belle at all either.
He frowned. Neither Milah or Cora had been particularly good tempered women to begin with. So perhaps he needed a different tack with Belle. Which just left him even more stumped.
He paced around the Great Hall trying to think. What could he do to get his maid to speak to him again? He knew many spells but he didn’t think she’d be happy if he used on on her. He supposed he could appear wherever she was hiding and frighten her back to work but then they’d lose that nice companionable relationship they’d developed of late.
So he had to find a way to make amends to her. But how?
He paced around the table and caught sight of the tea cup Belle had chipped on her first day here -- which was now the only teacup he ever used. He started to turn away from from the table when an idea occurred to him. He stared over at the cup and smiled to himself as the idea began to unfold in his mind.
Yes that could work. He thought as he magicked himself up to his tower to begin his work.
It was late when he finished, but still a few hours off midnight. He hoped this would work. Now he was done arranging it his little tray of offerings, it didn’t seem quite so clever or enticing. But he had no other ideas for how to appease Belle so he supposed he was stuck with it.
It took a matter of moments to work out that she was still hiding up in the North Tower Library. Without giving himself any more time to overthink this he magicked himself halfway up the staircase, where he could hear and see her before she could see him.
Belle was curled up on her little sofa and while she didn’t look her usual happy self -- she didn’t look as furious as she had this morning. He hoped that meant she had calmed down.
He climbed the stairs with quiet and deliberate steps and was almost to the top when she noticed his presence. Her countenance changed to an angry scowl. And he paused one foot hanging above the next tread, wondering if he should just magic the tray to her side and disappear until she was calmer again.
Before he was able to make that decision she spoke, glaring at him. “Are you here to apologize?”
He took the final steps up to the library proper and stood there, glaring down at her. He spoke with as much dignity as he could muster, “The Dark One never apologizes.”
“Then you should leave.”
She crossed her arms and looked away and he cursed to himself. This wasn’t going how he’d imagined at all.
He shifted from foot to foot and glanced around the room as he wondered again whether he should just leave the tray and go away. He took a step towards her side table when she turned to look back at him and he froze in place, his left foot hanging in midair.
She spoke in almost a whisper, “And what about Rumplestiltskin? Does he apologize?”
He stumbled. Getting his feet underneath himself again he glanced warily into her piercing blue gaze that seemed to be trying to read his very soul. He could only meet her stare briefly before he had to look away again. He should leave. He was on dangerous territory here and he didn’t know how to handle it.
He focused on his fingers twitching on the tray he was holding. The green-gold skin of the Dark One and the black nails -- so inhuman and nothing like his human hands had been. No the Dark One didn’t apologize but then again Dark One wouldn’t have brought that tray up here and expected nothing in return.
He didn’t know what it was about Belle. Why this young noblewoman affected him so. How she could look at him as if she could see his soul, as if she understood him. How could she even think that the Dark One and Rumplestiltskin were not entirely one and the same?The only other one who’d thought that was long gone from these lands. Would Belle become as disillusioned with him one day as his Bae had?
He risked another glance at Belle and she was still watching him calmly. He met her eyes for a second and she quirked her eyebrow as if to say “well?”.
He looked away again, focusing on the rows of bookcases behind her, and muttered quietly, “Rumplestiltskin sometimes apologizes.”
He moved towards her and placed the tray on the side table next to her.
Then he took a step back and stood in front of her swaying from side to side uncertainly. Belle didn’t say anything just watched him with those wide blue eyes of hers and he wavered between wanting to run away back to his tower room and stay here forever with her.
His gaze flitted over the room, to anything but her. He couldn’t think what to do or say, and Belle didn’t offer any assistance.
The silence wore on and on, until eventually Belle sighed. “Well, if you’re not going to say anything, perhaps you ought to go.”
The startled him and he looked up, to see yet more hurt that he had caused on her face. Now that would not do at all. What was it she had said was her motto? 'Do the brave thing and bravery will follow?' It seemed like arrant nonsense to him but then he was a lifelong coward. But perhaps he needed to try something new -- for her.
He took a deep breath and then said quickly, “I didn’t mean to upset you this morning.” When she didn’t respond he continued, “I smelled blood and thought you were hurt… It was an accident. I wasn’t trying to embarrass you or… or anything else. I swear.”
She chewed on her lip for a few minutes seeming to ponder his reply carefully. “I suppose I can understand how that happened.”
She paused and he wondered if she had done until she continued in a quiet voice. “It’s just… It felt like you were yet another man mocking and discomforting me just for being a woman.” She crossed her arms across her chest looking awkward and uncertain.
His fingers curled into fists as he felt a flash of anger at the men who had done that to her; he had a sudden urge to hunt them all down one by one. But his anger towards those anonymous men was soon overridden by a deeper an anger and shame. He’d made her feel like that. Bad enough any man had upset her so, but so much worse he had. His fingernails bit painfully into his palms as if as his hands wanted to punish him. He’d come up here to make amends but his appeasement offers now looked so pathetic and small compared with the hurt in her voice.
He didn’t know what to do now. He wanted to retreat and rethink his approach but he sensed that would make things worse. He just wasn’t sure what he was supposed to say or do now.
“Do you want to go?” He blurted out.
She looked puzzled, “Go? Go where?”
“Anywhere. Leave the Dark Castle. Travel the world as you’ve always dreamed... And get yourself far away from me.”
“I can’t. That would break our deal.”
“I could release you from it if you are no longer uncomfortable here.”
She blinked at him and frowned. “You spent the first few weeks I was here deliberately making me uncomfortable. What’s changed now?”
Rumplestiltskin shifted his weight and tried to think of a way he could get out of this conversation with his dignity in tact.
“Perhaps I’ve decided I don’t mind having you around.”
Her mouth quirked into a half-smile, “How does that lead to you wanting to let me go?”
“Because...” He shifted nervously, the urge to lie almost overwhelming. Taking a breath he said quickly, “Maybe I prefer you being happy here... Maybe I like some of your changes to the castle and our conversations about books… But those wouldn’t be the same if you truly hated and feared me the way you did when you first arrived.”
She shook her head and smiled slightly. “I didn’t like you at first, I’ll admit that. But I never really hated you and I wasn’t all that afraid of you.”
He smiled, “You are such a pretty, brave little thing aren’t you.”
She blushed and glanced away, and he cursed inwardly as he realized what he’d just revealed to her. He was digging himself into an even deeper hole with every moment he spent here talking to his maid.
Belle met his eyes again and he was once more held in thrall by her piercing gaze. “Do you want me to go Rumplestiltskin?”
He shook his head violently, “Gods no!”
“Then I will stay. On one condition.”
He stilled, “And what is that?”
“You tell me you’re sorry.”
He resisted the urge to hiss and automatically deny her request. He could feel the Dark One roiling inside him and yelling at him that only weaklings and cowards had to apologize. But he was beginning to think this apology might take more courage than almost anything else he’d done in his life.
He was dimly aware of the silence dragging on as the minutes passed and Belle watched him with her arms crossed protectively across her chest.
He took a deep breath looked down at his feet briefly and then raised his eyes to hers for a moment before flitting away to a point past her shoulder and mumbled in a low tone, “I’m sorry I upset you.”
Belle’s smile was brilliant. She stepped forward and squeezed his hands with hers. Then gave him a swift hug -- so like that one in the forest -- before standing back looking at him with that broad smile still on her face. “Thank you. I know that was hard for you, so thank you.”
He nodded not trusting himself to speak at that moment.
She looked to the tray he’d placed on the side table when he’d come in. “What is all this?”
“Oh, I knew you were upset so I brought you some things to make it up to you.”
She looked amused. "The Dark One doesn't do apologies but does do apology gift?" she said. “What are they for? I see herbs, some cloth and an envelope.”
“Ah well... the herbs are different teas you can make to ease your, um, symptoms.” He said, waving a hand vaguely towards her middle.
“And the cloth?”
“The printed cloth is a herb bag you can heat by the fire to ease any, um, pains you have. The, er, rest of the cloth is some soft cotton rags that are extra absorbent for the, um --” he was the Dark One damn it he wasn’t going to blush --”bleeding.” He could feel his cheeks heating and he hastened on with his explanation, “the pile will magically replenish itself when you get near the end it so you’ll never run out of the rags.”
Belle’s cheeks looked a little pink too, but mostly she looked like she was trying not to laugh. He hoped that was a good sign. “That’s very thoughtful of you. And the envelope?”
“Ah, well.” He magicked it over into her hands, “perhaps you should open it to see for yourself.”
She opened the envelope and pulled out the little slips of parchment and began reading through them. Then looked up at him with bright eyes.
“Are these real? There’s no secret deal or trick to them?”
He shook his head, “You have my word. They are exactly what they appear to be.”
She smiled that brilliant smile of hers and held out one of the slips to him. “In that case I want to make use of this one right away.”
He glanced down at the words written in his own hand, ‘Rumplestiltskin will read to you.’
She grinned up at him. “I trust it won’t be a problem for you to read to me right now?”
He shook his head and bowed to her, “No, I am at your service lady.” He straightened up. “Now what is it you wish to read?”
She smiled at him, “Why don’t you pick out something you like -- for us both to enjoy.”
He stared at her as he tried to think of anything suitable he could read to her. Distant memories of sitting on a little bed, reading to a sick boy appeared and he wandered to the section where he’d placed all oldest books upon creating the Library. He pulled out a dusty and well-worn book of children’s tales.
Soon he was seated in the armchair across from Belle, while she was curled up on her couch under a blanket with the warm bag of herbs on her lap and sipping a cup of the herbal tea he’d made.
“Are you ready?” he asked.
She nodded, “Yes, Rumple.”
‘Rumple’, he thought could get used to hearing her sweet voice saying that nickname… forever. But now was not the time for thoughts, or hopes, like that. Now was the time to focus on Belle, the here and now and this story.
He smiled and began, “Once upon a time...”
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TEA 2021 For Your Consideration...
Thanks to the support of my wonderful Camp Nano friends, I actually wrote some multi-chapter fics this year. I want to say how much I appreciate them all; I wouldn’t have done it without them.
Here is what I have that would be eligible this year, and might have a chance to be nominated:
Love Is Purple - Best Fluffapalooza - For the "Fluffify This" challenge prompt: "(LOVE IS) PURPLE". Obviously also inspired by the amazing art of delintthedarkone. (I loved writing this - I woke up with the idea fully formed in my head the morning of the Fluffapalooza event.)
Getting Ideas - Best Drabble, Best Fluffapalooza - 100 word drabble (111 actually) for Fluffapalooza 2020 challenge prompt "Belle vs Modern Life". (Keeping to about 100 words was a fun challenge.)
The Piano - Best Movie AU (also maybe ‘best villain’ for Gaston?) - Belle French and her daughter arrive in New Zealand to an arranged marriage with Gaston LeGume. Gaston shows little interest in her or her piano and books. However, Mr. Gold is fascinated... (Writing a Rumbelle AU of one of my favorite movies was terrifying, but I’m glad I challenged myself.)
Here are my other stories that I wrote this year. They are eligible, but I don’t see them being nominated for any particular category.
Savior of Snails- Written for Fluffapalooza 2020, challenge word "SNAILS". Rumplestiltskin finds himself doing something he’d never imagined. (Family Fluff. I loved the thought of Rumple doing anything for his little boy, even saving a snail.)
Of Dogs and Cats - Rumplestiltskin, the spinner, was a dog person. The Dark One admired cats. And Mr. Gold was someone else entirely. (I enjoyed writing the thought of the different aspects of Rumple’s personality shown through pets.)
Four ways Gaston Could Have Died, and the One Way He Actually Did - We all agreed at the end of 'The Piano' that Gaston deserved to die. But how? I opened it up to prompts, and here they are... (This will always have a special place in my heart, since I got to collaborate with one of my favorite authors, @kelyon.)
Thank you for taking the time to look at my post, and for considering my work.
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For Your Consideration
Sigh. Having spent ages going back and forth on whether I should bother making on of these. I went for the worst option: making one at the last minute.
Every year I hope I’ll have made enough progress publishing my WIPs to suggest nominating them. Alas, yet again I have been thwarted by my health and life. But, despite being in a state of constant migraine for multiple months (this barely being able to use a screen), I did manage to write some fluff pieces I liked. I’m also including some past fics of mine that are eligible too.
Amends: Dark Castle fluff written for Fluffapalooza 2021. Rumple has noticed something up with Belle's behaviour over the past few days, and is concerned one morning when he smells blood on her. Belle is upset by his nosiness and he has to work out how to make things right with her. Possible Categories: Best Fluffapalooza, Best Argument (Fluff)
Family Photos: This was my second Fluffapalooza piece. It’s a ficlet set in the same ’verse as “Unlovely Thoughts” but far in the future when everything’s resolved and Rumbelle, Gideon, Henry and Neal go out for ice cream. Possible Categories: Best Fluffapalooza, Best Drabble*
*Technically speaking not a true dabble but it’s a similar length to multiple past winners.
Distractions: More Dark Castle Fluff. Rumplestiltskin finds his maid very distracting -- only because of her antics though, not for any other reason. Possible Categories: Best Comedy, Best Dark Castle
An Unconventional Gift: Yet more Dark Castle fluff (do you get a sense of what I like to write?). Rumplestiltskin brings a baby back to the Dark Castle. Possible Categories: Best Dark Castle, Best One-Shot, Best Family
A Christmas Present for Mama: After giving birth to their second child Belle loses her memories. But it's Christmastime and Gideon doesn't want her to miss out on her present so father and son pay a visit to her in hospital. Possible Categories: Best Gideon, Best Child Fic
A Moment’s Peace and Quiet: Belle and Rumplestiltskin relax after a long day and discuss their family. Possible Category: Best Family
Thanks for your consideration! I know some of my fics don’t fit into the categories that well so if you think any of them fit into a different category that’s better you are welcome to nominate in that category instead/ as well.
#The Espenson Awards#TEAs 2022#Rumbelle Fic#For Your Consideration#Rumbelle#I know this is probably way too late but you never know
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Congratulations, winners of the 2021 T.E.A.s!
Congratulations to everyone who managed to create anything during 2020, honestly. Last year was some... mmmmm... don’t want another one of those years. Yeah.
We would like to thank everyone who participated in this year’s T.E.A. event! And thank you, creators of all of the fanworks in the Rumbelle fandom. You’re the ones who make this event possible in the first place, simply by creating the works that we flail over. Creators, enjoyers, Rumbelle lovers - thank you all for being this fandom.
(Note: if there are any works on this list that you want to read or have a nice, long gander at, the mods of the RumbelleTEAs.com site work hard all T.E.A. season to gather and tag them for your convenience. And as long as we’re here, please think about leaving comments. Not just on the winners’ works. On every piece of Rumbelle fanwork that you enjoy. Comments are happy-making and help to feed those hungry, hungry muses.)
Now, ado done, please click through the read-more to see this year’s winners!!
Family - The Long Road Home, by @jackabelle73
Comfort - Love is Purple, by @xiolaperry
Fix-It - If Tomorrow Never Comes, by @mariequitecontrarie
Reunion - Marbled, by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Child Fic - The Safest Place, by @thestraggletag
Kink - In Lovelier Colours, by @mareyshelley
Romance - Creature Instincts, by @thestraggletag
Threesome - Much More Than This, by @killingkueen
Best First Time - Undone, by @nerdrumple
PWP - The Ninth Button, by @maplesyrupao3
BDSM - Golden Cuffs, by @kelyon
Why? - Cogs, by @maplesyrupao3
Death - Would You Care to Dance, by @mrs-stiltskin
Hurts So Good - Hope is a Thing with Feathers, by @theendangeredslug
Best Date (Overall) - The Attorneys Paralegal, by Wandering_Willow
Best Courtship - Kiss, by @nerdrumple
Best First Meeting - Heatstroke, by @emospritelet
Best Bathing Scene - The Black Veil, by @mareyshelley
Best One-Shot - Distractions, by @thestraggletag
Best Drabble - In Death, by @timelordthirteen
Best Post-Ep Fic - Our Better Decisions, by @theoneandonlylittlebird
Best Comedy Fic - Walk of Shame, by @timelordthirteen
Best Movie AU - What You’d Thought Lost is There to be Found, by @deliriumsdelight7
Best Book AU - Around the World in 80 Days, by Megara_Bee
Best TV AU - Awake, by @peacehopeandrats
Best Historical AU - Endless, by @mareyshelley
Best AU - Intended, by @maplesyrupao3
Best AU!OUAT - Marbled, by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Series - I Must Be Warmer Now ‘verse, by @ifishouldvanish
Best Novel Length Fic - The Contract, by Wandering_Willow
Best Holiday Fic - Alabama, Arkansas, by @timelordthirteen
Best Remix - In the Right Measure, by @bad-faery
Best Crossover Fic - Date Night, by @peacehopeandrats
Best Dark Castle - With Rue and Beauty, by @mareyshelley
Best Storybrooke - Golden Rings, by @kelyon
Best Travel - La Chacarita, by @thestraggletag
Best Golden Lace - Lipstick Kisses, by @mareyshelley
Best Woven Lace - In From the Cold, by @mrs-stiltskin
Best Woven Beauty - The World Didn’t End, by @timelordthirteen
Best Background Swanfire - What You’d Thought Lost is There to be Found, by @deliriumsdelight7
Best Side Pairing - Undone (Ruby/Archie), by @nerdrumple
Best Supernatural - The Black Veil, by @mareyshelley
Best Sci-Fi - Dark Sight, by @maplesyrupao3
Best Horror - Promised, by @maplesyrupao3
Best Creature AU - The Deepest Roots, by @mareyshelley
Forgotten Gem - Alone in My Tower, by @spottytonguedog
Best Pandemic/Quarantine Fic - Desperation, by @emospritelet
Rumbelle Secret Santa - There’s Snow Place Like Home, by @killingkueen
Rumbelle Christmas in July - Dark Spring, by @nerdrumple
Fluffapalooza - Love is Purple, by @xiolaperry
Monthly Rumbelle (Non-smut) - Speak of the Devil, by @worryinglyinnocent
Monthly Rumbelle (Smut) - The Trouble with Bikinis, by @worryinglyinnocent
Rumbelle is Hope - An Appreciation of Brownie Batter, by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Belle - Promised, by @maplesyrupao3
Best Dark One!Belle - The Spinner in Chains, by @mrs-stiltskin
Best AU Belle - The Deepest Roots, by @mareyshelley
Best Lacey - Lipstick Kisses, by @mareyshelley
Best Spinner!Rumple - Masters of Destiny, by @deliriumsdelight7
Best (Worst) Villain - The Piano, by @xiolaperry
Best BFF/Wingman - The Wingman (Charming/David), by @thatravenclawbitch
Best Fan Art - Rumple and Belle in Gold and Blue, by @vayuvayu
Best Graphic Art (GIFs) - Color, Brilliance, and Strangeness, by @ifishouldvanish
Best Graphic Art (Still Images) - Lust, by @virgidearie
Best AU in Art - The Library, by @virgidearie
Best Fluff Art - Dark Castle, magic mishap, and blankets, by @jenitosam
Best Angsty Art - The Sutherlands AU, by @desperatemurph
Best Smutty Art - Weaver and Lacey Getting Kinky, by @virgidearie
Best Comic/Graphic Novel - Ogilvelle AU, by @desperatemurph
Best Dark One Form - Real Inside Rumple Holding Belle Back, by @dekujin
Best Use of Color - Goop!Rumple, by @dekujin
Best Artist - @staypee
Best New Artist - @vayuvayu
Best Author - @timelordthirteen
Best New Author - @deliriumsdelight7
Best Rumbelle Fic - Keys to the Cell, by @emospritelet
Best Anyelle Fic - Breaking Cycles, by @deliriumsdelight7
Best Anyem Fic - Social Distancing, by @emospritelet
Rumbelle Fandom Lifetime Achievement Award
Each year, the Rumbelle Fandom Lifetime Achievement Award goes to a person who has done something spectacular in the fandom. Either by making people feel welcome, organizing events, or simply embodying the Rumbelle fandom as a whole. This year, the Lifetime Achievement Award goes to…
And last, but definitely not least...
Newbie Spotlight
Welcome, new Rumbellers, to our delightfully and spectacularly filthy little corner of the fandom!!
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I look forward to seeing all your contributions today in honour of the anniversary of "Oh look I've got a new OTP day" (aka the airing of Skin Deep). In the meantime, have a few inspirational images:
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Nominations Are Now Open!
It’s 2021 T.E.A. Nomination time!
This year has gone by disturbingly fast, and now it’s time let us know which fics and artwork you enjoyed (and that helped you survive) over the course of it. Go back, re-live the joy, and tell us which of those fan creations you want to see on the 2020 T.E.A. ballot!
Nominations begin January 2, 2021 Nominations are due by January 21, 2021, 11:59 pm (CST)
Just in case you need a refresher on T.E.A. Rules, there’s a link to them
Here is the Submit Page, where you can send in your nominations. Don’t forget to include the work’s title and its creator when nominating fic and art! And please be sure you have the creator correct.
Keep in mind that during the nominations phase, you can submit as many nominations as you like. You’re not limited to one nomination per category. Nominate out the wazoo, if you feel like it! And if you forget something, you can come back and nominate more creations all the way up to the due date.
Hit up our Ask Box if you have any questions!
And now, the categories for the 2021 T.E.A.s! Below is the list you’ll copy and paste into the blank on the Submit Page to send in. Please click through the read-more here to see the full list of categories for which you can nominate fandom creations for this year. Look out below!
Best Child Fic (fluffy fic centered on children in the Rumbelle family)
Best First Time
Best Afterlife Smut
Hurts so good
Best Date (Overall)
Best Hamburger Date
Best Courtship
Best First Meeting
Best RomCom
Best Bathing Scene
Best One-Shot
Best Drabble
Best Post-Ep Fic
Best Comedy Fic
Best Movie AU
Best Book AU
Best TV Show AU
Best AU Inspired By Other Media (including but not restricted to video games, musicals/plays, and graphic novels)
Best Historical AU
Best AU
Best Series
Best Novel Length Fic (does not have to be finished, but must be a minimum of 40k words to qualify)
Best Holiday Fic
Best Remix
Best Crossover Fic
Best Dark Castle
Best Storybrooke
Best Travel (taking place outside of Storybrooke or Dark Castle)
Best “Missing Years” Fic (taking place between Gideon’s birthday party and That Thing that happened in ‘Beauty’)
Best Argument (Angst)
Best Argument (Fluff)
Best Golden Lace
Best Woven Lace
Best Woven Beauty
Best Rumbelle Poly Ship (ex: Golden Swan Beauty, Mad Golden Beauty)
Best Background Swanfire
Best Side Pairing
Best Afterlife Fic
Best Crack!Fic
Best Drama
Best Supernatural
Best Sci-Fi
Best Horror
Best Creature AU
Best Unexpected Twist
Best Dark One Lore Fic
Best Bobby Squared (a fic featuring more than one Bobby character, including multiple instances of Gold and/or Rumple)
Forgotten Gem (a fic completed more than three (3) years ago, that you feel has been overlooked)
Best Pandemic/Quarantine Fic
Best Trope
Best Trend
Best Meta
Best Prompter
(All fics in these categories are limited to 2020 events only.)
Rumbelle Secret Santa
Rumbelle Christmas in July
Monthly Rumbelle (Non-smut)
Monthly Rumbelle (Smut)
Rumbelle is Hope
Rumbelle Monsterfuckers Ball
Rumbelle Big Bang
Best Belle
Best Dark One!Belle
Best AU Belle
Best Lacey
Best Detective Weaver
Best Dark One
Best Mr. Gold
Best AU!Gold/Rumple
Best Spinner!Rumple
Best Woobie!Rum
Best Wish!Rumple
Best Baelfire/Neal
Best Gideon
Best OC Rumbelle Child
Best (Worst) Villain
Best BFF/wingman
Best Fan Art
Best Cover Art
Best Graphic Art (GIFs)
Best Graphic Art (Still Images)
Best AU in Art (encompassing traditional art, gif sets, still photo sets, etc.)
Best Fluff Art
Best Angsty Art
Best Smutty Art
Best Comic/Graphic Novel
Best Dark One Form
Best Use of Color
Best Video
Best Artist
Best New Artist
- Rumbelle Fandom Lifetime Achievement Award Awarded to a person who has done something spectacular in the fandom. Either by making people feel welcome, organizing events, or simply embodying the Rumbelle fandom as a whole.
- Newbie Spotlight This award goes to people who began contributing to the Rumbelle fandom since the last T.E.A.s. Those eligible include new writers, artists, gif-makers, etc. Anyone who creates content for the fandom. This category is not voted upon - every newbie whose name is put forth is added to the Spotlight list so that older members of the fandom can get to know them and their work!
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Do we need to submit Fluffapalooza posts? Or just tag them #fluffapalooza 2021? Thanks!
Just tag them!
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