redfurrycat Ā· 1 year
šŸ¤ šŸ™ŒšŸ¤šŸ“Post-Mission Fic RecsšŸ“šŸ¤šŸ™ŒšŸ¤ 
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Check the Top Gun Masterlist post for the latest updated version. šŸ’•
Ao3 Authors: AncientAviators, Andrealyn, Aphroditedany, BeautifulCreature, BeccaAnne814, Bubbles_1801, Callsign_striker, Collieflower, Crueltether, Cryinginthebronco, Dalearden, DraconisWing24441, GreenB3ans, Greenstuff, Happytree, Hey_its_me88, Hockeyandfootballismyish, HopeaLumi, Hypnagogicpunisher, Iridescent, MadeItUp, Magdarko, MayWilder, Milestaller, Noona96n, Ok_thanks, Ravens_Words, SamHeartfilia, Tasteofoxidation, Thatsquirrelfromiceage, Theinsouciantknitter, UnicornFlowers, Vannral, Whoreothins, Winterbitch, Xo_em.
*Post-Mission==>From the moment they land on the carrier up to many years after The Mission.
sugar (i've got a taste for you) by tasteofoxidation {E}
ā€œYouā€™re a dog, Bradshaw.ā€ ā€œBradshaw hyphen Seresin, actually.ā€ Or Jake and Bradley are on their honeymoon and Bradley has a better use for his mouth than their old toxic banter.
Too Hot to Handle by callsign_striker {E}
Bradley isn't convinced about his latest posting to NAS Key West, Florida. But everything happens for a reason - even, it seems, when the air conditioner breaks.
The Tiniest Problem by BeautifulCreature {G}
Bradley has an allergic reaction to his and Jake's new puppy.
wreck my plans (that's my man) by Ravens_Words {T}
Fake dating turns into a fake engagement, which then snowballs into a fake (almost) wedding.
going back to the corner where i first saw you by iridescent {M}
Bradleyā€™s just about resolved to finally call it a day when the power goes out. Theyā€™re plunged into immediate, opaque darkness. Thereā€™s a lengthy pause. Bradleyā€™s pulse slowly creeps upward as the seconds tick by, an anxious tension coiling in his gut. It truly is pitch-black; he canā€™t even see the outline of his hand a few inches from his face. ā€œChrist.ā€ Jakeā€™s voice cuts sharply through the stale air, breezy and amused. ā€œAnd here I was assuming the millions in funding included routine generator maintenance.ā€
Feels Like Home by MayWilder
a window breaks down a long dark street {M}
ā€œIā€™m gonna go inside,ā€ Jake murmurs against his lips, despite how theyā€™re flush against one another and he isnā€™t pulling away. ā€œI am.ā€ He bites at Bradleyā€™s lower lip, prompting the other man to tighten his grip on his hips. ā€œRemind me again why?ā€ ā€œCause weā€™re taking it slow and proper,ā€ Jake reminds him. He lets his hands fall down the slope of Bradleyā€™s shoulders and squeezes his biceps. ā€œDates. Holding hands. Maybe even a date where we hold hands.ā€ Bradley chuckles and ducks his face down into Jakeā€™s neck. ā€œRight. Romance.ā€ *** alternatively titled: Four Times Jake Romances Bradley + 1 Time Bradley Romances Him Back
something to be sheltered {T}
ā€œMy wife has asked that you join us for dinner tomorrow night,ā€ Beau says carefully. ā€œYour wife, sir?ā€ Jakeā€™s brow furrows. ā€œWhy would she like to meet me?ā€ ā€œShe thinks its important that my mentee sees a healthy work-life balance.ā€ ā€œIā€™m your mentee?ā€ Jake teases, smirking lightly. ā€œAnd you talk about me enough that your wife wants to meet me?ā€ ā€œYou can continue to be a pain in my ass,ā€ Beau sighs, looking up at the ceiling. ā€œOr, you can take the offer of a free dinner with a beautiful and intellectually stimulating woman.ā€ ā€œOh, I definitely want to see this side of Cyclone,ā€ Jake grins. ā€œDomesticated.ā€ ā€œYouā€™re bordering on impertinence.ā€ ā€œMe? Never.ā€ ā€œLetā€™s go back to when you respected me and my position.ā€ Jake appears to settle down, but only slightly. He clears his throat and squares his shoulders. ā€œIā€™d be honored to attend dinner with your family, Admiral. Just tell me a date and time.ā€ *** or, Beau Simpson didn't mean to adopt a fully grown naval aviator, but, you know; shit happens.
all the love i didn't get to tell her {T}
Her birthday was always the worst. The anniversary of her death was manageable. It had been a day that Bradley was anticipating with dread, but it had been expected. Watching her finally close her eyes and take her last breath had come with an ugly mix of emotions. Pain, at never hearing her voice again. Relief, that she was no longer in pain. Selfish relief, that he was released from the burden of watching her deteriorate. Guilt, at the relief. And all together, it was Bradleyā€™s grief. That terrible grief that had him clutching her lifeless hand, hours after it began to stiffen and Hospice hadnā€™t arrived, and - oh god, his mother was dead. Carole Bradshaw would never again make whole the lives of those around her. All of the horrible people in the world, and the beautiful shining light that was Carole Bradshaw, was out.
High Flight by GreenB3ans {T}
About post-mission life, focusing on the ā€œfound familyā€ aspect of ā€œTop Gun.ā€
hangster slice o' life by whoreothins
close shave {T}
He imagines grasping Bradleyā€™s chin, tilting his head just so as the razor rasps down his neck, and - yep, he could kiss Mav right now. Jake looks up, waggling his eyebrows and holding up the razor. ā€œYou mentioned a shave, sweetheart?ā€ he drawls. Bradley is a bit unkempt for Mavā€™s wedding. Jake helps.
Chicken soup {G}
Well, letā€™s see,ā€ Bradley says dryly, ticking the items off with his fingers as he goes, ā€œyou developed viral pneumonia from God knows where - probably one of our students - and had a fever of 104 degrees, which is the critical threshold for medical attention, you vomited all over our living room, and you were delirious, so I rushed you to the ER.ā€ turns out Rooster is a mother hen, after all.
hangster 'verse by milestaller {E}
like, what up, I got a big cock
ā€œWait. Why is your callsign Rooster, anyway?ā€ Phoenix snorts beer up her nose. or, what happens when Hangman doesn't know how to quit when he's ahead.
imagine being loved by me
This isā€¦ itā€™s fucking nice, is what it is. It feels easy in a way that Jake never would have expected it to. Itā€™s gotta be because theyā€™re going back to their normal lives tomorrow, no pressure of having to see each other every day to make it awkward. A decent amount of mutual attraction helps, too. Ā  The morning after, and beyond.
Favorite Poison by AncientAviators {M}
Reprieve (Can You Ever Forgive Me?)
ā€œExactly. If you wannaā€”ā€ Maverick waves his hand, shaking his headā€” ā€œI dunno, go start up a ranch somewhere, then do it. If you wanna go back to school, then go back to school, start a family, donā€™t start a family, get married or never settle down. Follow your dreams. Figure out if you even have any other dreams. Donā€™tā€¦ā€ He pauses, voice quieting, going soft and sincere, and Bradleyā€™s chest aches a bit. ā€œI donā€™t want you to ever limit yourself just because you feel like you owe it to your dad, Bradley.ā€ A brief moment of silence. He knows he probably shouldn't ask, he might not be able to handle the answer. ā€œIs that why you stuck around?ā€ ā€œBecause of my dad, or because I felt like I owed it to yours?ā€ Maverick asks, eyes coming back up, a small, sad smile on his lips. He holds Bradleyā€™s gaze, the fire flickering on his face, the shadows dancing and disappearing before coming back in rapid succession. Or: Post-Mission healing, Jake and Bradley have history, and Bradley's trying to figure out his life.
The Hand That Feeds
He kind-of wants to be, honestly. He really wants to be. He thinks he could spend the rest of his life with Bradley, doing just this. Coming home to each other, having dinner together, falling asleep in the same bed. Maybe itā€™s the few sips of wine he had or heā€™s just losing his mind, but he can almost imagine himself giving up flying for Bradley, if it meant more time with him. They got lucky, being kept as a squadron. Jake needs to thank Iceman, Maverick, and Cyclone. Heā€™ll have to send gift baskets.
what time is it where you are (i miss you more than anything) by cryinginthebronco {G}
Sipping on his coffee, Jake unlocks his phone and smiles to himself when heā€™s greeted by a stream of new messages. There are a few from his sisters and Javy, but he gets those out of the way with short replies. The thread he leaves for last is filled with short messages, photos, and a couple of videos, and Jake has to bite his lip to keep himself from smiling like an idiot. It takes him a couple of sweeps to get to the first unread message that makes warmth spread in his chest as he reads it. or jake and bradley trying to navigate a long-distance relationship
You've Got Me Hypnotized by theinsouciantknitter {E}
Jake has a problem. A six foot one, hundred and eighty pound, absolutely fucking stacked problem. Itā€™s got auburn curls, rugged scars, honey brown eyes. Itā€™s the kind of problem that makes him want to slam his head into a wall and then maybe mope over a Jane Austen novel. The problem haunts both his dreams and his waking hours. The problem also hates him, which is just the icing on the cake because the problem is Bradley Bradshaw, and Jake is in love with him.
Slow Down by UnicornFlowers {G}
ā€œSo he summons all his charm and from the depths of his chest manages to gather the words, ā€œAre you getting tired of me?ā€ Thoseā€¦those werenā€™t the words he gathered. So why did they come out?ā€ Or: Jake deserves endless love.
Shake it off by Happytree {E}
ā€œThis is the bit thatā€™s going to piss you off,ā€ Jake warned, ā€œso think of tonight as an apology and a final hurrah okay Roo.ā€ ā€œWhat the hell did Mav dare you?ā€ Jake took a deep breath as he looked him in the eyes, ā€œNo sex for two weeks.ā€ ā€œThat asshole!ā€
Your Voice Can Take Me There by greenstuff {E}
ā€œIā€™m not that drunk,ā€ Bradley protests. Jake stops pushing him and falls in step at his side instead. Bradley immediately misses the warm pressure against his back. ā€œSo you donā€™t want to go back to your place?ā€ Jake asks in an undertone.
got me like nobody by magdarko {G}
The Daggers organize a reunion six months after the mission. So, of course, they play strip poker.
The Highs and Lows of Having a Naval Aviator as Your Omega by hockeyandfootballismyish {T}
Bradley wasnā€™t quite sure when he started to refer to Hangman- no Jake as his omega. It may have been sometime after the Mission when his omega saved his life and simultaneously gaining his second kill to cement his title as one of the best currently or maybe it was when they hooked up for the first time and Bradley couldnā€™t help but stare in absolute awe at the man riding his knot and taking his pleasure as he pleased.
A Life With Blondes by Aphroditedany {T}
Two years after the events of Top Gun : Maverick and an ugly accident involving Jake, Bradley and Maverick, the Dagger Squad members discover an interesting fact about Jake's personal life.
it simply is by hypnagogicpunisher {M}
It starts simply. The other Daggers joke about changing his callsign to Pheidippides, ask him when heā€™s running his next marathon. Theyā€™ve seen him pushing through the workouts, running the extra mile, the deepest, ugliest parts of his soul hopes theyā€™ve noticed physical change with that too. And unsaid words sting in the back of his throat that Pheidippides died at the end of his run.
ā€™til the storm breaks loose by vannral {E}
'ā€Do you want to stay?ā€ Rooster asks, willing to meet him half-way since Jake canā€™t get a goddamn word out. Jake lifts his chin, his jaw clenched so hard he might crack his teeth into ground up glass.' In which Bradleyā€™s going into heat, Jake checks up on him and theyā€™re faced with just how much they mean to each other. (+snapshots of their life together afterwards.)
Use Your Words and Everything Will be Alright by HopeaLumi {E}
They've been dating for almost two years and Rooster still has trouble communicating and Hangman... is hanging in there.
young | numb | starved by crueltether {G}
ā€œWhereā€™s your head, Bradshaw?ā€ Jake asks softly, letting the backs of his fingers trail a path up the valley of Bradleyā€™s abs to the hollow of his chest and then back down. ā€œYā€™been quiet since we got here.ā€
what momma don't know by collieflower {M}
ā€œYou never told your Momma we got married.ā€ Bradley tensed under him before shooting straight up to his elbows. Jake jostled, ending up with his hands propped up on either side of Bradley, bare inches from his face. ā€œShit,ā€ Bradley hissed. ā€œYeah, shit.ā€Ā  - When Bradley learned that Mav pulled his papers, he was angry. When he learned it was on his mother's request? He was furious. In which the Bradshaw-Mavericks are too stubborn to have an essential conversation, and Bradley's been running so long he'd accidentally left his mother behind.
Where Most of Love is Found by thatsquirrelfromiceage {M}
ā€œIt wonā€™t be your fault, okay?ā€ Hangman continues. ā€œNone of it. But you have to go, now. Thereā€™s no point in both of us dying.ā€ Thereā€™s a gentleness to his tone that before today, Phoenix would have scarcely believed him capable of. Unforgivably, she feels the anger start to ebb away, despair crawling up through her veins to take its place. ā€œThe point,ā€ she growls through tears, ā€œis that youā€™re my team. Youā€™re my team, Bagman. I am not leaving you behind.ā€ Or: a year after the suicide mission, and six months after the Daggers have reunited to form their own squadron, Natasha and Jake are caught in a gas explosion.
he loves me, i love him not by hey_its_me88 {M}
Exactly three days before their leave ends, before he gets shipped off to Japan and Bradley to Florida, Jake opens his door to find the mustached pilot standing on his steps with a bouquet of roses. Jake shuts the door.
speak low if you speak love by andrealyn {T}
You'd think that after the Dagger mission, Hangman and Rooster would pull their heads out of their asses and realize that they're both being idiots about how they clearly want to get together. Unfortunately for everyone around them, their stubbornness reigns supreme. It leaves their friends with no choice but to Much Ado the shit out of matchmaking them together.
Fire in the Blood and Smoke in the Air by MadeItUp {M}
Dirty and Sweet (Get it on)
As things wind down after the mission, Rooster struggles with a need for something a little dangerous. That something absolutely should not ā€“ cannot ā€“ be Jake Seresin. But a little friendly competition and a lot of alcohol can go a long way to changing a man's mind. Hangman eyes Roosterā€™s empty beer, then his own. ā€œHow about that second shot?ā€ ā€œYou tryna put me off my game?ā€ ā€œI donā€™t need you drunk to beat you, Rooster.ā€ ā€œWhat do you need me drunk for?ā€
feels good to know one thing
Jake doesnā€™t have the best relationship with his family, so when heā€™s summoned home for a special occasion, he calls up the one person he can trust to stick with him ā€“ after all, Bradley ā€œRoosterā€ Bradshaw has never ever lost a wingman. But heā€™s about to find out that getting shot down in enemy territory to save Mav was a whole lot easier than surviving a long weekend chez Seresin. ā€œSo itā€™s a big family thing?ā€ Jake says carefully. ā€œEveryone bringing their partners?ā€ ā€œWell of course, Charlieā€™s promised to bring the kids and Iā€™ve not even met Mattyā€™s new girlfriendā€”ā€ ā€œSo that means I can bring someone?ā€ Silence on the line. His mom is no fool. She knows when sheā€™s been played. ā€œOf course, Jakey,ā€ she says. ā€œYouā€™re welcome to bring anyone you like.ā€
Will Get Fooled Again
Personal history isnā€™t enough to get in the way of professional opportunity, and when Lieutenant Commanders Jake Seresin and Bradley Bradshaw are selected to develop a pioneering Strategy Development Program at TopGun, working with the best young aviators the fleet has to offer, each figures theyā€™re up to the challenge both in the air and on the ground. After all, a little rivalry can heighten the senses and bring out the best resultsā€¦ Or it can bring out something else altogether. ā€œIā€™m not hard to impress,ā€ Jake says, laying the cue down on the table. ā€œI just donā€™t like people kissing my ass.ā€ ā€œReally?ā€ Rooster says, and thereā€™s a marginally lower register to his voice, a flicker of something crossing his expression that has excitement sparking in Jakeā€™s gut. Walking round to take his drink from where heā€™s left it, Jake faces the others, resting the ass in question on the table and taking a sip of his drink, before answering. ā€œHero worshipā€™s for people who donā€™t know their own worth.ā€ He flashes a winning smile at his friends. ā€œSome of us donā€™t need it.ā€
The Dagger Squad by BeccaAnne814 {M}
After the Dagger Squad proved they were the best of the best, the Navy decides to keep the team together. These hotheaded pilots love to tease and torment each other, so how much worse will it be when theyā€™re all living under the same roof?
Sweet Tooth by xo_em
Tiramisu (Take Me Home)Ā {T}
Itā€™s always like this - going home. It takes so much out of him. But what is leave for, if not family?
What a Great Word, MilkshakeĀ {T}
Bradley curses Natasha under his breath. Heā€™d let slip in recent conversation that he might be developing decidedly not-so-platonic feelings for the man currently sitting in his passenger seat. A mistake, apparently.
Birthday CakeĀ {M}
Itā€™s Jakeā€™s birthday today and he hates it.
ToothacheĀ {T}
Bradley wakes with his arms full.
No Sweeter Fruit Than This (Apple Pie) {E}
There are a few peculiar things of note about Jake Seresin.
No More Wasting Time by DraconisWing24441 {E}
Having just completed a mission that required multiple miracles, Bradley thinks the most miraculous thing of all is that heā€™s not furious at Maverick anymore. Or Hangman. Now that his relationship with Maverick is on the mend after talking about their past, Bradley starts to realize some other things. Like the fact that Hangman isn't such a bad guy and he maybe actually really likes him, like, a lot. Jake, meanwhile, starts to realize that Bradley may not, in fact, hate him for being an ass, while also trying to hide the fact that heā€™s been in love with Rooster for years. Without the anger characterizing every interaction, Bradley and Jake are left with the conclusion that there's more there that they hadnā€™t realized until now. But, as Bradley and Jake's icy relationship unexpectedly begins to thaw into a tentative friendship, the friction that existed between them sparks something deeper than they ever expected. Letting go of the past and respective fears is harder than they thought, but when it comes down to it, the question remains: will they have the courage to leap off their perches and take the shot?
I took the stars from your eyes and then I made a map by dalearden {E}
Before Jake knows it, his jaw has dropped and the gears in his brain have stopped turning as he struggles to process what heā€™s seeing. Heā€™s seen Bradley ā€œRoosterā€ Bradshaw all dressed up before, a few times over through the course of their respective careers that kept forcing them together as though fate was playing a twisted little game with them, but somehow, this time it hits different.
bad idea, right? by ok_thanks {M}
From: ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT!!! (AGAIN) No greeting for me? Donā€™t I get that Bradshaw hospitality?
Can You Feel My Heart? by bubbles_1801 {T}
I Can't Drown My Demons, They Know How To Swim
A few months after the mission marks the 5th anniversary of Jakeā€™s first air-to-air kill. After a poorly timed comment from one Bradley Bradshaw, Jake spirals into a depression. Can his new found family rescue him from himself? More importantly, will he let them?
I'm Scared To Get Close, And I Hate Being Alone
After an unexpected voicemail from his father, Jake finds himself getting a migraine for the first time in years. The pain is almost too much to bare and he's still unsure of his standing within his newfound family. Cue Bradley being the best boyfriend and Ice and Mav being the worried parents that they are. Set between the main story and epilogue of I Can't Drown My Demons, They Know How To Swim.
Misconceptions by SamHeartfilia {M}
Jake "Hangman" Seresin received an incomplete mating claim from one Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw a week after graduating from the Naval Academy. No one but his best friend know, and now that the uranium mission is over, things are looking up. His claim is completed and he's feeling like himself for the first time in years. Of course, everything starts change when his secrets come out. Secrets he was only just coming to terms with himself.
newton's law of motion by noona96n {T}
law i inertia Bradley's hospitalized immediately after The Mission, and Jake has a revelationā„¢ law ii force & acceleration Bradley recuperates at the Seresin's Ranch and has a revelationā„¢
the shapes of love by winterbitch {T}
sink your teeth into me (keep me)
Rooster doesn't need to know what animal Hangman shifts into, but he sure wants to find out. It's just another piece of the man he's hopelessly in love with, and he wants to know everything, no matter how much his friends tease him. Through a series of events, he finally finds out, and maybe gets more than expected Or shifter au where rooster is a wolf, hangman is [redacted], there's a LOT of pining, and icemav are cute together (ice is a tiger, mav is a fennec). they get their happy end
I see forever in your eyes
Having gotten together (and engaged in the same day), Rooster and Hangman don't get any less annoying with their behaviour. Rooster would even argue that their friends are more annoyed with them now, but he's too deliriously happy to care. He has the love of his life by his side, his friends surrounding him, and he's getting married. Life is great (and it's about to get even better) Or shifter au with smitten puppy rooster, disgustingly in love hangster, some background icemav and ANOTHER proposal
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I miss Beard so much right now, I always regret that I never met him again after we left Hawaii, that I never got to kiss him tenderly, that we never got to build a life together - Jacket Hotlinemiami (#FloridašŸ“Man)
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redfurrycat Ā· 9 months
šŸ“šŸ¤ Hangster Fic-on-Tumblr RecsšŸ¤ šŸ“
šŸ“šŸ¤ Hangster Goodies to Read! šŸ“šŸ¤ 
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Check the Top Gun Masterlist post for the latest updated version. šŸ’•
Tumblr Authors: allbark-no-bite, film-in-my-soul, green-socks, hangster-hangout, icemavs, natashatrace, norabrice1701, ravens-words, semperhuggs, tgmsunmontue, the-sun-and-the-sky.
(Use this post to let me know about your works, itā€™s easier for me to keep track!)
(Reminder to come here in case Our Beloved is Down.
*True Story of why I wanted to do this specific recs list*)
Tgmsunmontueā€™s Masterlist, including:
Another Time āž”ļø 14 Chapters | M | BodySwap | Jake wakes up in Rooster's body ~30 hours post-Mission and they have to deal with it. They're adults. Apparently.
Bird on a Wire āž”ļø 3 Chapters | E | Meet-cute | Jake tries to make a good impression on one of the servers at a restaurant. Except he turns out to be the head chef. Who in turn tries make a good impression. Their families try and help.
He remembers āž”ļø 1 Chapter | Bradley remembers key points in his life as he faces starting at the USNA. IceMav feels.
It's all academic darlin' āž”ļø 9 Chapters | E | Academic Professor AU | Bradley is a professor but living his best well-adjusted life with IceMav parents. Jake is a pilot. Maverick tries (and fails) to play matchmaker, so he tries again.
Lonely Nights āž”ļø 4 Chapters | E | Smut | Rooster really needs to get laid.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā 
ICEMAVS (Ao3 ā€“ Sreshaw)
Averyā€™s Masterlist, including:
Planes, trains, and gay people āž”ļø 3 Chapters | E | Planes, Trains, and Automobiles AU | Bradley just wanted to get home for Thanksgiving to see him mom and uncles. What he ended up with was three days with a hot stranger who happened to annoy the shit out of him.
Springsteen āž”ļø 2 Chapters | M | High School | Bradley Bradshaw has to pick up and move from San Diego, California, with his not-dad Pete "Maverick" Mitchell to Corpus Christi, Texas. He's not upset about it, but he doesn't expect to fall hard for a boy he meets there.
Whiskey and Rye āž”ļø 1 Chapter | E | Only One Bed | The Dagger Crew got turned into a real-deal instructor squadron after the mission. They get sent on missions and demos to teach new pilots how to do what they do. On this trip to Florida, the WSOs are staying with their pilots, but Jake and Bradley, since they are WSO-less, have to room together. And the hotel fucked up.
NORABRICE1701 (Ao3 ā€“ MidnightBlast)
Twist My Heart āž”ļø 6 Chapters | Twister AU | E | The hope of anything with Jake is a foolā€™s hope. Bradley has understood that from the first minute Jake waltzed into the lab with his dazzlingly brilliant smile, sun-kissed skin, and grass-green eyes gleaming with dangerous red flags. Yet still Bradley let the man get under his skin, burrow in his chest, and take root in his heart.Ā 
GREEN-SOCKS (Ao3 ā€“ Aprilfoolish)
(Do You) Share My Affection āž”ļø 1 Chapter | M | Bradley and Jake end up on a date with each other through an anonymous dating app (because they are just a little bit idiots about each other). The date is the wakeup call they needed.
RAVENS-WORDS (Ao3 ā€“ Ravens_Words)
been you all along āž”ļø 5 Chapters | T | Kid Fic | Somehow, in a truly horrifying twist of fate, Bradley's mortal enemy became his daughter's favorite person. Or, Five times Jake was his daughter's favorite person, and the one time he was Bradley's too. (šŸˆ Note: +1 on Ao3!)
The Joke's On You āž”ļø 1 Chapter | Fluff | In which Hangman makes a joke and Rooster takes it literally.
FILM-IN-MY-SOUL (Ao3 ā€“ ReformedTsundere)
Ficlet Bingo Soulmates āž”ļø 1 Chapter | T | The time between getting shot down and reuniting with Maverick, Rooster isnā€™t alone. First Kiss āž”ļø 1 Chapter | T | The night before the rest of Bradleyā€™s life he gets pretty drunk and a little lucky. Whump āž”ļø 1 Chapter | T | Jake is hurt. But itā€™s alright. Bradley is there. A/B/O āž”ļø 1 Chapter | M | Between waves of Jakeā€™s heat, he and Bradley have a domestic moment. Epistolary āž”ļø 1 Chapter | T | In a box, there lives two letters that the writers never want read.
NSFW Alphabet S = Stamina āž”ļø 1 Chapter | E | The thing is, Jake hadn't really thought Bradley was serious when they'd made The Bet. He'd laughed when Bradley had stated his terms ( "I want to fuck you til sun up.") It had sounded like a cheesy line, like he'd never left that pre-twenties stage of sex-based hubris. And then Jake had lost. Y = Yearning āž”ļø 1 Chapter | M | Heā€™s paying the piper for the gift heā€™d been given: shockingly easy submission, a slack, wet mouth, a freely offered place to rest his need and have it soothed with tongue and sex.
The Love Chicken āž”ļø 1 Chapter | Fluff | My dad said he knew my mom was the one over a bottle of wine and the best roast chicken he ever had.ā€ ā€œAnd now youā€™re making it for Hangman. So he can figure out that youā€™re the one.ā€ ā€œSomething like that.ā€ Bradley cooks for Jake. It goes even better than expected.Ā 
NATASHATRACE (Ao3 ā€“ crueltether)
first I love you/bronco conversations under the stars āž”ļø 1 Chapter
daily create challenge (2/365) āž”ļø 1 Chapter | something something Jake thrives in chaos but craves peace, something something Bradley thrives in peace but craves chaos
Restraint āž”ļø 1 Chapter | E | Smut | ā€œWhat was it you said, Jake? Something about being snug on my perch?ā€
mr. iceman, sir āž”ļø 1 Chapter | Fluff | they called him Iceman for a couple of reasons. Jake is sweating under his stare. a snippet of Jake asking Ice to marry Bradley
SEMPERHUGGS (Ao3 ā€“ Semeprhuggs)
Slider's Matchmaking Again? āž”ļø 3 Chapters | Present day Christmas with the Daggers and the Flyboys.
Proposal āž”ļø 1 Chapter
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(Please post on April 25th) To the Girlfriend: On this anniversary of the day we met back then, I want you to know you were literally the best thing that ever happened to me. I wish our first meeting could've been under better circumstances, I wish I could've kept you safe, and that we could've been together longer. I love you and you deserve the world - Jacket (#FloridašŸ“Man)
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I pretty sure I don't have a Payday 2 timeline, and I've never played a Payday game, but I see so much good fanart for it when I look for art of myself and I'm becoming super fond of everyone so: I hope every Payday 2 kin has a good day, I love you guys even if I don't really know you - Jacket (#FloridašŸ“man)
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Hey it's Jacket, happy (perhaps belated) Valentine's Day to Beard and my Girl, wherever you two are, I love both of you so much, I hope you're both doing well (#FloridašŸ“Man)
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Every time I think about Beard I just want to be... Domestic. I wanna start a garden and try to cook nice meals and just generally Be A Husband. I can only ever imagine what our life together would've been like, but I know it would've been wonderful -Jacket (#FloridašŸ“Man)
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My Biker was a nasty murderman, a despicable badboy, probably didn't have a single good intention in his heart back then, but GOSH I love him, I'm so lucky to know him in this life, he makes my heart flutter, he's improved my life in every way, I didn't even have a BikerJacket timeline, but what does that matter now? THIS is my BikerJacket timeline, I love him SO MUCH!! - Jacket (#FloridašŸ“Man)
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Jacket again: Just wanna say I would take a bullet for ANY of The Fans. They're just, horrible people but they're MY horrible people and I treasure them. I love you guys, I love my terrible little fanclub. (#FloridašŸ“Man)
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Hey it's ya' boy Jacket and turns out that in addition to my Canon Compliant timeline I have a WILDLY AU timeline where I dated The Father which is uh, pretty awkward considering the Canon Timeline, but what can you do? Anyways: My darling Yakov, if you're out there, I love you so much, I miss you (#FloridašŸ“Man)
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It's Jacket again hey, here to say that I uh, love everyone, every Hotline Miami character, all of them. Every single one. Think you're unlovable or unforgivable? I love you, and this is a new life. Noncanon? Definitely love you, even if you're not from my timeline. I'll protect any and all of you with my LIFE I stg (#FloridašŸ“Man)
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If The Son is out there, I'd like to apologize for uh, killing your entire family and probably kind of ruining your life. I could argue that I wasn't entirely in my right mind at the time but that doesn't really excuse anything, everything I did was just a stupid revenge quest in the end, I hope you're doing alright out there - Jacket (#FloridašŸ“Man)
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Hey it's Jacket again! Just wanna say to Richter: You're forgiven, it's all chill now, I recognize that we were in the same boat, both of us were scared and being manipulated by 50 Blessings, and I do recognize that what you did really wasn't personal. I hope you're doing better in this life dude (#FloridašŸ“Man)
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To any Bikers out there: Hey dude, sorry for trying to kill you, I wish I would've been able to join your investigation instead of, doing everything else I did, you seem like a cool guy honestly, and I feel like everything would've turned out a lot better for everyone if we'd been able to work together - Jacket HotlineMiami (#FloridašŸ“Man)
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It's the anon who didn't want to be Jacket and Guess Who Kinfirmed Jacket? But I'm alright with it? I'm going to use that life to motivate me to do better in this one, I want Beard and The Girlfriend to not be disappointed in me if they ever see me again. Also if either of you are out there, love you, sorry I wasn't a better friend to you guys - Jacket HotlineMiami (#FloridašŸ“Man)
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Hey uhh khdfg I hope you're okay with me saying this but @FloridašŸ“Man, you're so valid and good and I platonically love you so much! I hope you have a wonderful day! (also your tag name is so cool I love it) -GirlfriendšŸŒø (#šŸ’Ÿ)
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