#Flora and Fauna in Kuno Park
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kunoevokeexperiences · 1 year ago
Exploring Wonders Of Kuno National Park And Nearby Attractions
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Exploring The Wonders Of Kuno National Park in Sheopur district of Madhya Pradesh. This guide takes you through the park's rich wildlife, scenic beauty, and nearby attractions.
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thetravelogues · 3 years ago
Wildlife Safari In India
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The Travelogues takes you to experience the most exotic and pristine Wild Life in the many exclusive locations of Indian National Parks. The tours are well packaged to include wonderful trackers and guides and gives professional jungle knowledge to the tourists. The Wild Life tours are spread all across the country from Kerala and Karanataka in the South to Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh in central and Uttarakhand and Himachal in the north of India; with Assam & Orissa in the east and Rajasthan in the west.
Wildlife Safari In India: Going for a scintillating & well-planned wildlife safari, with its thrill and adventure, is the perfect way to explore India’s National parks and wildlife sanctuaries; which that is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. The Travelogues provides a variety of wildlife tour and travel packages at exceptional pricing and deals for all wildlife enthusiasts, allowing you to see India’s abundant wildlife at the most famous national parks and wildlife sanctuaries such as Rajaji National Park, Kanha, Bandhavgarh, Gir, Pench, Bharatpur, Jim Corbett, Bandipur, Kabini, Salim Ali, Ranthambore, Kaziranga, Kuno National Park where the extinct Cheetah is being reintroduced this year among others.
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jurnaltalking · 3 years ago
Exploring Kuno National Park
Central India’s state, Madhya Pradesh is a great place to live and visit because of the range of habitats it has, meaning such diverse examples of nature can be found. From dense forests, wetlands, dry grasslands, and thorny sparse forests there is such a huge range of species of birds, insects, reptiles, mammals, plants and such that it might take a few visits to see everything! But one of the highlights is certainly the Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary also known as the Kuno National Park in the north district of Sheopur. While the tiger reserves are a big and important part of Madhya Pradesh there is a lot more to explore. It is also a place where the Asiatic Lion is in conservation and most recently the Cheetah too!
About the park
Kuno National Park is around 343m above sea level and has 748 sq.km as the main park with another 500 sq.km as a border area. It was declared a national park just 4 years ago but is still often referred to as a wildlife sanctuary. Its name comes from the river that flows from the south of the park to the north, which basically divides the park into two sections. There are small grassland patches within the park as well as having trees, these areas are where old villages once were that were relocated when the park became a protected area. Those lush grasslands are what make the space a great habitat for big cats.
The park is not just a place where endangered and at-risk creatures like the big cats can thrive. It is a place rich in flora as well as fauna. Over 129 types of trees grow there as well as multiple short and tall grass species. That is along with other animals such as the Sloth bear, the Indian leopard, the Spotted Deer, the Striped Hyena, the Blackbuck, the Golden Jackal, the Nilgai and the Sambhar.
Leopards and Tigers
Kuno wildlife sanctuary and the park is a corridor between the Madhav National Park and the Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve and as a result, sometimes has tigers present. Leopards are also found there, in fact, this is the most successful park for leopards with the most per sq.km in India. They are specifically found along Kuno River near the old fort. These are shy animals and they are nocturnal so it takes some commitment to see them.
A great place to visit for bird enthusiasts
Kuno National Park is also a place where a lot of bird enthusiasts like to come with more than 200 species to find and enjoy. It is one of the few places you can find some of the most threatened species of vulture in India such as the White-rumped, the Red-headed, the Egyptian, the Indian and the Eurasian Griffon when it migrates there. You can find them along the sides of the cliffs in the park and in the winter season is when they roost. Winter is also a good time to spot one of the multiple raptors like the harriers.
If you want to look for some ground-nesting birds you can find species such as the spurfowls, francolins, sandgrouses, quails, pheasants and buttonquails in the rich grasslands. Along the Kuno River, you can find threatened species like the River Lapwing, River tern or lesser adjutant stork. When the water recedes after the rainy season those flood plains become very biodiverse. In the winter you might see large numbers of shanks, sandpipers and wagtails.
Other things to enjoy
Other things to spot along the river are crocodiles, Gharial, and various reptiles like Indian rock pythons, other snakes and lizards. A lot of butterflies thrive as well as damselflies and dragonflies.
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difacom · 5 years ago
14 Rekomendasi Tempat Wisata Brunei Darussalam Terpopuler
Tahukah Anda bahwa ada tiga negara di pulau Kalimantan secara bersamaan? Negara-negara ini adalah Indonesia, Malaysia Timur dan Brunei Darussalam. Brunei Darussalam adalah negara kecil di Asia Tenggara yang dikenal karena kemakmuran dan disiplinnya dalam menerapkan hukum Islam. Padahal Brunei Darussalam adalah tempat wisata yang bisa dikunjungi semua orang.
Negara monarki ini memiliki banyak tempat wisata menarik untuk dikunjungi. Sayang sekali jika Anda melewatkan kesempatan liburan 2019 ini tanpa memasukkan Brunei Darussalam sebagai tujuan Anda.
Pecinta wisata religi, wisata budaya, wisata alam dan wisata sejarah pasti akan menikmati liburan di Brunei. Mari kita lihat 14 tempat wisata terpopuler di Brunei Darussalam yang akan dikunjungi tahun ini!
Objek wisata keagamaan di Brunei Darussalam
1. Masjid Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin
Sumber: Instagram eelllizarr
Masjid Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin adalah tonggak sejarah Brunei, terletak di Bandar Sri Bengawan. Ciri khas masjid ini adalah kubah emas murni. Terletak di tepi Sungai Brunei di Kampung Ayer, tempat wisata di Brunei Darussalam ini selalu sibuk dengan wisatawan domestik dan asing.
Keindahannya benar-benar tidak perlu ditanyakan lagi & # 39; Pada malam hari masjid diterangi oleh lampu LED berwarna-warni. Meskipun merupakan tempat ibadah bagi umat Islam, tempat ini dapat dikunjungi oleh siapa saja, jika berpakaian sopan. Setelah menyembah dan menikmati pemandangan, Anda bisa pergi ke restoran dan kafe di sekitar masjid.
2. Masjid Asr Hassanil Bolkiah
Sumber: Instagram ladiihoney
Setelah Masjid Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin, Masjid Jame & Asr Hassanil Bolkiah juga merupakan salah satu ikon di Brunei Darussalam. Menariknya, kubah dan gerbang masjid Jame & Asr ditutupi dengan emas. Masjid ini luas dan megah, dilengkapi dengan taman hijau dan kolam renang yang indah. Suasana di masjid juga tenang dan teduh. Sayangnya, pengunjung dilarang mengambil foto di masjid, hanya dari luar.
Semua orang bisa datang ke sini. Tetapi wisatawan tidak diperbolehkan berkunjung selama ibadah, kecuali Anda juga ingin salat. Non-Muslim akan diminta untuk mengenakan pakaian Muslim jika mereka ingin masuk. Biasanya diberi jubah hitam untuk menikmati keindahan masjid.
Masjid "Jame" Asr Hassanil Bolkiah "juga dikenal sebagai masjid" Kiarong "karena terletak di Kampung Kiarong. Di bagian dalam masjid ada lampu gantung yang terbuat dari kristal yang dilapisi emas di bagian luar. Lampu kristal itu diimpor langsung dari Austria. Karena ukurannya yang sangat besar, bangunan masjid dapat dilihat dari pusat kota Gadong, bahkan dari jalan raya ke Bandar Seri Begawan.
3. Kuil Teng Yun
Sumber: Instagram huzai.ika
Meskipun ia beragama Islam, Brunei Darussalam masih memiliki keragaman dan toleransi terhadap agama lain. Tidak hanya masjid, Anda juga dapat mengunjungi kuil Teng Yun. Lokasinya berada di tepi jalan tengah kota Bandar Sri Bengawan. Bangunan itu tidak terlalu luas tetapi sangat bersih dan terawat dengan baik.
Kuil Ten Yun terlihat mencolok karena memiliki warna cerah. Arsitekturnya terlihat tua karena terletak di sekitar bangunan modern yang menjulang tinggi. Pengunjung dapat berdoa sambil menyalakan dupa dengan membayar sekitar 2 BND. Selama Tahun Baru Cina, tempat-tempat wisata Brunei Darussalam akan menjadi semakin ramai dengan pertunjukan tari dan lentera.
Objek wisata alam di Brunei Darussalam
4. Taman Nasional Ulu Temburong
Sumber: Instagram dennisallacross
Jika Anda suka petualangan, datanglah ke Taman Nasional Ulu Temburong. Di sini Anda dapat melihat beberapa air terjun yang indah disertai dengan beragam flora dan fauna yang semarak. Resor untuk menginap dan beristirahat tersedia di sini.
Sambil menikmati pemandangan alam yang menakjubkan, Anda dapat melakukan banyak kegiatan seperti arung jeramseperti, berkemahuntuk jalan malam hutanAda paket wisata yang ditawarkan oleh manajer lokal jika Anda ingin menjelajahi taman nasional ini secara maksimal.
Anda harus datang ke taman nasional yang indah ini di musim panas karena hujan akan mengganggu perjalanan Anda ke Ulu Temburong. Lokasi terpisah dari daratan Brunei, jadi pengunjung harus naik perahu lokal untuk mencapai lokasi ini. Jangan lupa untuk naik jembatan dan melihat keindahan hutan hijau dari atas saat mengambil foto!
5. Kampung Ayer
Sumber: Instagram Potowander
Tempat wisata di Brunei Darussalam ini sebenarnya hampir menyerupai desa nelayan di Indonesia. Bangunan di Desa Ayer dibangun di atas air dan dianggap sebagai kebanggaan rakyat Brunei karena masih melestarikan budaya dan asal-usul leluhurnya.
Meski terlihat seperti desa biasa, struktur desa ini telah dipulihkan sehingga berdiri kokoh. Anda lihat di sini harmoni antara budaya tradisional dan elemen modern. Meskipun arsitektur bangunannya masih tradisional, perabotannya modern dan dilengkapi dengan modem, TV kabel, dan AC. Berbeda dengan desa nelayan di Indonesia, kan?
6. Taman Rekreasi Tasek Lama
Sumber: Instagram abdhamidhar
Karena ini adalah salah satu tempat wisata yang paling sering dikunjungi di Brunei Darussalam, taman rekreasi Tasek Lama harus disertakan daftar ember kamu Taman rekreasi ini terletak di Bandar Sri Bengawan dan terletak di daerah perkotaan yang membuatnya mudah diakses.
Jika Anda tidak punya waktu untuk mengunjungi Taman Nasional Ulu Temburong, taman ini bisa menjadi alternatif yang andal. Inilah air terjun yang sangat indah. Setelah hujan, air terjun menjadi lebih indah karena airnya mengalir lebih cepat. Drainase air lebih sedikit selama musim kemarau, jadi kurang bagus saat difoto. Jangan lupa membawa air minum sendiri ketika Anda datang ke sini, karena ada beberapa rute yang sulit ditempuh.
7. Brunei River Safari
Sumber: Instagram gzulyusof
Tidak hanya wisata religi dan sejarah, Anda juga dapat menikmati wisata alam di Brunei. Brunei River Safari mengundang Anda untuk menjelajahi ekosistem sungai dengan kapal. Selama safari Anda mendapatkan pemandangan ekosistem bakau dan berbagai fauna yang hidup di dalamnya. Safari ini juga bisa dilakukan pada malam hari untuk memberikan suasana baru yang lebih menantang.
Jika ingin lebih, Anda bisa menyewa kapal pesiar untuk mengelilingi Sungai Brunei. Sangat cocok jika Anda bepergian ke Brunei Darussalam bersama keluarga atau rombongan. Pesiar Sungai Brunei tersedia setiap minggu.
Selama tur 2 jam, pengunjung diajak berjalan di sepanjang sungai sambil melihat hutan bakau, museum, permukiman air di Brunei dan banyak lagi. Semuanya bisa dinikmati sambil menikmati teh atau kopi yang disediakan.
8. Desa Ramah Lingkungan Sumbiling
Sumber: Instagram n.fds
Objek wisata alam alternatif di Brunei di sebelah Ulu Temburong adalah Desa Desa Sumbiling. Tempat wisata di Brunei Darussalam ini berbentuk seperti ekosistem hutan hujan tropis dan rumah berbagai flora dan fauna eksotis. Desa Desa Sumbiling sendiri adalah desa dan akomodasi berbasis alam yang terletak di pedalaman kabupaten Temburong.
Lokasi berada di area yang sama dengan Taman Nasional Ulu Temburong. Di sini Anda dapat tinggal di pedesaan yang dikelilingi oleh hutan rindang, hulu Sungai Temburong dan jeram berbatu. Penampungannya terbuat dari bambu dan kayu agar alam tetap terjaga.
Di Sumbiling Eco Village, pengunjung dapat merasakan udara sejuk saat mereka berbaring tempat tidur gantung Nyaman Anda juga dapat merasakan dinginnya air sungai saat berkendara di atas rakit bambu tradisional atau mengemudi di atas ban karet. & # 39; Di malam hari Anda dapat mendengar simfoni manis hutan melalui suara serangga, katak, dan satwa liar lainnya. Ikuti juga tur melalui hutan yang sangat menantang!
Saat berada di Desa Ramah Lingkungan Sumbiling, Anda dapat merasakan kembali ke alam yang sebenarnya. Tangkap ikan dan udang di sungai, ambil makanan Anda sendiri, cicipi beragam buah-buahan eksotis dan masak bersama di dapur tradisional. Sempurna untuk liburan bersama sekelompok keluarga, teman, atau pasangan.
9. Taman Teknologi Agro
Sumber: Instagram cnicni9x
Tempat wisata favorit di Brunei Darussalam sangat cocok untuk dikunjungi bersama keluarga dan anak-anak. Karena suasananya yang sejuk dan indah, Agro Technology Park biasanya digunakan sebagai tempat joging di pagi hari. Taman ini menggunakan teknologi Green House yang masih jarang ditemukan di Brunei.
Taman ini di Brunei menunjukkan berbagai jenis bunga dan tanaman obat. Setiap tanaman dilindungi oleh pagar untuk mencegah pengunjung dari memiliki tangan yang bodoh. Selain tanaman, ada juga berbagai jenis hewan untuk dilihat, seperti rusa, burung unta, burung eksotis, bahkan burung raksasa.
Taman ini memiliki banyak pohon, jadi Anda tidak perlu khawatir tentang panasnya. Tiket masuk gratis, tetapi sayangnya transportasi umum jarang melewati tujuan wisata ini di Brunei. Kami sarankan untuk menyewa mobil jika Anda ingin datang ke sini.
Tur museum, istana dan monumen di Brunei Darussalam
10. Museum Royal Regalia
Sumber: Instagram natabo
Kita semua tahu bahwa Brunei Darussalam berbentuk kerajaan dan dipimpin oleh seorang sultan yang bertindak sebagai kepala negara dan kepala pemerintahan. Apakah Anda ingin melihat harta kerajaan sultan kuno sampai sekarang? Pergi saja ke Royal Regalia Museum.
Tempat wisata di Brunei Darussalam ini adalah bangunan indah di tengah kota Bandar Sri Bengawan. Bangunan ini mudah dikenali karena bagian depan memiliki bentuk kubah yang besar. Saat Anda masuk, Anda akan disambut oleh pendingin udara yang sangat dingin. Sangat nyaman untuk itu ngadem karena cuaca di Brunei cukup panas.
Museum ini menunjukkan koleksi barang lengkap dari sultan dan kerajaan. Semua koleksi diatur secara artistik dengan ornamen dan foto yang diatur sesuai dengan perkembangan kehidupan sultan pada waktu tertentu. Koleksi yang paling menarik adalah takhta raja yang terbuat dari emas murni. Lalu ada kereta tempat parade sultan kuno berlangsung.
Anda tidak perlu membayar tiket masuk untuk memasuki Museum Royal Regalia. Cukup masukkan buku tamu. Sayangnya dilarang bagi pengunjung untuk memotret di lantai 2. Bagasi juga harus ditempatkan di brankas karena keamanan di museum ini sangat ketat. Nantinya setiap pengunjung akan menerima sandal khusus untuk bergerak di sekitar ruangan.
11. Museum Teknologi Melayu
Sumber: Instagram to_wow
Setelah puas mempelajari sejarah Brunei Darussalam di Museum Royal Regalia, saatnya bagi kita untuk mengeksplorasi perkembangan sejarah masyarakat Malaysia di Museum Teknologi Melayu. Museum di Bandar Sri Bengawan ini memberi kesan kehidupan dan perkembangan budaya masyarakat Malaysia di Brunei.
Penjelasannya diilustrasikan oleh patung orang Malaysia, lengkap dengan replika rumah tradisional, peralatan tradisional, pakaian tradisional dan desa-desa Malaysia. Museum ini menunjukkan perkembangan dari abad ke-19 hingga zaman modern.
Yang terbaik adalah naik taksi atau membawa kendaraan sendiri jika Anda ingin datang ke sini. Soalnya, transportasi agak sulit karena transportasi umum jarang melewati tempat wisata ini di Brunei Darussalam. Tujuan wisata ini gratis dan peraturannya tidak seketat Museum Royal Regalia.
12. Istana Nurul Iman
Sumber: Instagram rumafaltado
Brunei Darussalam adalah negara yang kaya dan penuh dengan bangunan megah yang indah. Salah satunya adalah Istana Nurul Iman, kediaman resmi Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah dan juga berfungsi sebagai istana negara. Nurul Iman memiliki makna cahaya iman, sebagai akibat dari Brunei sebagai negara dengan populasi Muslim mayoritas.
Istana Brunei didirikan pada tahun 1984 dan menelan biaya hingga $ 1,4 juta. Istana Nurul Iman, dibangun di atas lahan seluas 200.000 m2, mengalahkan Istana Buckingham di Inggris. Tidak heran bahwa menurut Guinness World Records istana telah dinyatakan sebagai istana terbesar di dunia.
Istana ini terletak di Bukit Lumadin, Jalan Tutong, di tepi Sungai Brunei. Ini memiliki gaya arsitektur Islam-Melayu klasik. Sayangnya, keindahan tujuan wisata Brunei tidak dapat dinikmati kapan saja. Istana hanya buka setahun sekali, yaitu pada Idul Fitri selama 3 hari.
Namun Anda masih bisa melihat kemegahan istana dari luar pagar sambil mengambil beberapa foto tentunya!
13. Satu miliar barel monumen
Sumber: Instagram jessamarieeeeee
Monumen One Billionth Barrel adalah monumen yang dibangun pada tahun 1991. Coba tebak untuk apa benda itu dibangun? Untuk memperingati satu miliar barel minyak yang diproduksi di ladang minyak lepas pantai Seria! Sangat bagus, hanya baik jika Brunei menjadi negara kaya.
Monumen ini berada di dekat sumur pertama yang ditemukan di Ladang Minyak Seria. Tempat wisata di Brunei Darussalam ini sangat populer dengan penduduk setempat sebagai tempat bersantai setelah bekerja. Datanglah siang hari agar Anda dapat melihat keindahan matahari terbenam di Laut Cina Selatan. Pemandangannya sangat bagus.
Wisata kuliner di Brunei Darussalam
14. Pasar malam Gadong
Sumber: Instagram b.jun_travel
Setelah melihat wisata religi, historis, dan alami di Brunei, kini saatnya mengisi perut Anda dan mencicipi kelezatan kuliner khas Brunei Darussalam. Pasar Malam Gadong atau Pasar Gadong adalah tempat belanja dan kuliner terkenal di Brunei. Di sini Anda akan menemukan berbagai makanan ringan dan hidangan lokal yang lezat.
Makanan Brunei sebenarnya tidak jauh berbeda dengan kuliner di Indonesia, karena kita masih keluarga. Tur ke Brunei tidak lengkap tanpa mencicipi makanan jalanan yang dijual di Pasar Gadong.
Promo tiket ke Brunei
Itulah 14 tempat wisata favorit di Brunei Darussalam yang wajib Anda kunjungi. Ayo bagikan dan berlangganan untuk mendapatkan pembaruan tentang kiat dan pedoman bepergian, Jangan lupa memesan tiket pesawat ke Jepang di Difa Wisata, ya. Beli tiket pesawat online dijamin aman dan banyak promosi. Ayo pergi!
Sumber Link: Kunjungi website
The post 14 Rekomendasi Tempat Wisata Brunei Darussalam Terpopuler appeared first on Difa Wisata - Travel Agency, Tours & Shuttle.
The post 14 Rekomendasi Tempat Wisata Brunei Darussalam Terpopuler appeared first on Difa Wisata - Travel Agency, Tours & Shuttle.
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leopardnaturecamp-blog · 7 years ago
Why We Love Jungle Tourism in India (And You Should, Too!)
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India – a land of extreme variation- is also no different when it comes to adventure traveling which largely is characterized by Jungle tourism. Around 450 wildlife sanctuaries, 99 national parks, and 40 tiger reserves, India is indulged in captivating species of Flora and Fauna. Rich wildlife is signature of Jungle Tourism in India which fortunately a common sight such as deserts of Rajasthan or soothing greenery of Assam, you name it and find an enthralling wildlife in everywhere possible for our Incredible India.
Mere descriptions can make you excited, then think of it, when you actually got to know the exquisite aspect of Indian safari that can give anyone the much needed mental and physical rejuvenation. In order to experience the exotic wildlife, the sensible approach is to understand the various facets and delightfully expose yourself to what we fondly call as Jungle Trip in India.
 Why a complete package- Jungle trip India
Diversity: The     Indian subcontinent is full of diversity from every aspect.  The wildlife in India has the most     diversified flora and fauna and it is well equipped with the extremely     versatile geographical divisions and climatic variations. There are     countless Wildlife Sanctuaries and National Parks all over India that     spans from North to South and from East to West which is solely created to     conserve the endangered species in their natural habitat.
          Popular Wildlife safaris in India
Bandhavgarh National Park
Corbett National Park
Ranthambore National Park
Sundarbans National Park
Gir National Park
Kaziranga National Park
Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary
Kanha National Park
Periyar National Park
Pench National Park
Cat Paradise: India is     the home for big to medium and small type of cats that is known in layman     term as Tiger, Lion, Leopard and the list goes on. The main reason for the     existence of every kind of cat is the diverse ecosystem that helps the cat     from each family to exist together. For instance, Tiger lives in Jungle     while Lions lives in the natural habitat of grassland. Seeing that, India     offers both as Grassland found in Gujrat and parts of Rajasthan whereas     dense and overgrown jungles are found in northern, eastern and     north-eastern part of India. Hence, both Tiger and Lion can co-exist in     India.
     Best National Parks to see Tigers in India
Bandhavgarh National Park ( Madhya Pradesh )
Pench National Park (Madhya Pradesh /Maharashtra )
Tadoba – Andhari Tiger (Maharashtra)
Ranthambore National Park ( Rajasthan)
Kanha National Park ( Madhya Pradesh)
     Lion Safari In India
Gir Forest National Park and Wildlife Sanctuary (Gujrat)
Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary (Madhya Pradesh)
Sita Mata Wildlife Sanctuary (Rajasthan)
Chandra Prabha Wildlife Sanctuary (Uttar Pradesh)
Kumbhalgarh Wildlife Sanctuary (Rajasthan)
Barda     Wildlife Sanctuary (Gujrat)    
Best of Accommodations: If you     are planning to visit a national park or want to experience the     spectacular view of wildlife safari but having doubts regarding     comfortable accommodation in midst of the adventure and chaos then keep     your worries away. There are some excellent lodges in India that offer     some memorable wildlife experience. It is a myth that lodges are just used     for staying but it is important to choose a good lodge as each lodge     differs in quality of naturalists and transportation which is a focal     aspect in any of the Jungle trip in     India.
           Best Wildlife and Jungle Lodges in India
KTDC Lake Palace, Thekkady, Kerala
Pench Jungle Camp, Pench,     Madhya Pradesh
Asiatic Lion Lodge, Gir,     Gujrat
The Blackbuck Lodge,     Velavadar Lodge, Gujrat
Sherbagh, Ranthanbhore,     Rajasthan
Reni Pani Jungle Lodge,     Satpura, Madhya Pradesh
Forsyth Lodge, Satpura,     Madhya Pradesh
Mahua Kothi, Bandhavgarh,     Madhya Pradesh
Samode Safari Lodge,     Bandhavgarh, Madhya Pradesh
Kanha Earth Lodge, Kanha,     Madhya Pradesh
Chitvan Jungle Lodge, Kanha,     Madhya Pradesh
Singinawa Jungle Lodge,     Kanha, Madhya Pradesh
Spice Village, Thekkady,     Kerala
Evolve Back, Kabini,     Karnataka
Jawai Leopard Camp, Pali     District, Rajasthan
India is the most desirable place when it comes to explore the wildlife as it has many destinations to offer the variety of locations with activity. Particularly the Jungle tours in India is laced with safaris and adventures. It is this diverse Jungle Tourism in India that attracts the attention of a large number of local and international tourists from all over the world.
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kunoevokeexperiences · 5 months ago
Discover Kuno National Park: Flora, Fauna, and Wildlife Adventures
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Immerse yourself in the diverse flora and fauna of Kuno National Park. Witness majestic cheetahs in their natural habitat, explore the rich plant life and varied wildlife on thrilling safaris, and unwind with a serene stay at the Kuno Forest Retreat. Experience the park’s unique ecosystem and create unforgettable memories in this extraordinary wildlife haven.
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kunoevokeexperiences · 7 months ago
Experience Tranquility at Dev Kho | Kuno Forest Retreat
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Discover the serene atmosphere of Dev Kho, where all your worries fade away. Embrace the peace and tranquility of this beautiful destination as you immerse yourself in its natural beauty. Enjoy serene landscapes, gentle breezes, and a soothing environment that rejuvenates your mind and spirit. While staying at Kuno Forest Retreat, take the opportunity to explore nearby attractions in Kuno National Park. Experience the rich biodiversity, encounter exotic wildlife, and embark on nature trails that reveal the park's hidden gems. Perfect for a peaceful retreat or a rejuvenating getaway, Dev Kho and Kuno Forest Retreat offer a unique escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Indulge in the calming presence of nature and find your inner peace.
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kunoevokeexperiences · 8 months ago
Journey into the Wild: Kuno National Park’s Summer Safari
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As the summer sun kisses the lush forests of Kuno National Park, an extraordinary adventure awaits nature enthusiasts and thrill-seekers alike. Nestled in the heart of Madhya Pradesh, this pristine wilderness beckons visitors to embark on an unforgettable Summer Safari.
Experience the Excitement of a Summer Safari 
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The Summer Safari at Kuno National Park promises an adrenaline-fueled journey through the untamed landscapes. As the park comes alive with the vibrant hues of the season, visitors can witness the mesmerizing dance of nature unfolding before their eyes. From the early morning hours when the wildlife stirs to the golden hours of dusk, each moment holds the promise of an extraordinary encounter.
Discover Kuno's Rich Flora and Fauna
Kuno National Park is a treasure trove of biodiversity, boasting a stunning array of flora and fauna. The park's diverse ecosystems, ranging from dense sal forests to rolling grasslands, provide a haven for a myriad of species. Visitors can expect to spot majestic creatures like the elusive leopard, the graceful chital deer, and the magnificent sambar. The park is also home to a wide variety of avian species, including the critically endangered Indian vulture, making it a birdwatcher's paradise.
Heroes of Conservation: 
Protecting Kuno's Wildlife Kuno National Park is not only a sanctuary for wildlife but also a testament to the unwavering efforts of conservationists. The park's dedicated staff works tirelessly to preserve and protect the delicate ecological balance, ensuring a sustainable future for the region's flora and fauna. Visitors can learn about the park's conservation initiatives and gain a deeper appreciation for the importance of environmental stewardship.
Immortalizing Nature: 
Tips for Wildlife Photography For photography enthusiasts, the Summer Safari at Kuno National Park offers a wealth of opportunities to capture nature's breathtaking moments. From the majestic big cats prowling through the undergrowth to the vibrant hues of the flora, every frame promises to be a masterpiece. Experienced naturalists and photographers will share invaluable tips and techniques to help visitors immortalize their encounters with the park's remarkable wildlife.
Embark on the Ultimate Safari Adventure 
The Summer Safari at Kuno National Park is not just a tour; it's an immersive adventure that allows visitors to connect with nature on a profound level. Experienced guides, equipped with a wealth of knowledge about the park's ecosystems and inhabitants, will lead visitors through the trails, sharing fascinating insights and ensuring a safe and unforgettable experience.
Stay in the Heart of Nature: 
Accommodations at Kuno To fully embrace the Kuno National Park experience, visitors can choose from a range of eco-friendly accommodations nestled within the park's boundaries. From rustic tents that offer a true wilderness experience to comfortable cottages with modern amenities, the park's lodging options cater to every preference while minimizing the environmental impact.
Create Unforgettable Summer Memories at Kuno The Summer Safari at Kuno National Park promises to be an extraordinary adventure, a journey that will leave an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of all who embark on it. From witnessing the raw beauty of nature to participating in conservation efforts, this experience offers a unique opportunity to connect with the natural world and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime.
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kunoevokeexperiences · 8 months ago
Discovering the Majesty of Indian Vultures: A Journey through Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary
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Located within the breathtaking expanse of the Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary, the Kuno National Park Resort offers visitors a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the natural beauty of India while experiencing the awe-inspiring presence of its wildlife. As you explore the sanctuary, you may find yourself fortunate enough to witness the magnificent wingspan of the Indian vulture, a symbol of resilience and ecological importance. These majestic scavengers play a vital role in maintaining the delicate balance of the environment, contributing to the health and sustainability of the ecosystem. With its pristine landscapes and diverse array of flora and fauna, Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary provides a sanctuary for both wildlife enthusiasts and conservationists alike. Whether you're embarking on a thrilling safari adventure or simply seeking solace in nature's embrace, Kuno National Park Resort offers an unforgettable journey into the heart of India's natural heritage.
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kunoevokeexperiences · 8 months ago
Kuno National Park Guide: Wildlife, History, Safaris, and Stay
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Kuno National Park in Madhya Pradesh, India, offers an immersive experience where wildlife, history, and natural beauty converge. Embark on thrilling safaris to encounter Spotted Deer families, the recently reintroduced Cheetahs, and a diverse array of flora and fauna thriving in the park's well-preserved habitats. Beyond wildlife, delve into the region's rich history with visits to ancient forts like Palpur, Amet, and Maitoni, each offering insights into the area's cultural heritage. As you explore, marvel at the engineering feats of Kair-Khoh and the Gravity Pipeline, showcasing ancient ingenuity. After a day of adventure, unwind in comfortable accommodations nestled amidst the park's tranquil surroundings. Whether you're a wildlife enthusiast, history buff, or nature lover, Kuno National Park promises an unforgettable journey into the heart of India's wilderness.
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kunoevokeexperiences · 11 months ago
A Season of Splendor: Kuno's Flourishing Flora and Fauna
As spring unfolds its colors, Kuno National Park becomes a canvas of breathtaking beauty, painting a vivid picture of nature's splendor. This season, the park is a live spectacle of vibrant flora and fauna, making it an ideal time for nature enthusiasts to explore and indulge in its natural wonders.
The Blossoming Beauty of Kuno
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Spring in Kuno is when the landscape transforms into a mesmerizing quilt of colors. The flora begins to bloom, with wildflowers dotting the vast expanses, creating a picturesque setting that seems almost out of a dream. The lush greenery, coupled with the colorful blossoms, sets the stage for a vibrant ecosystem where life thrives in harmony.
Fauna Wakes in Kuno's Warm Embrace
With the bloom, the fauna of Kuno National Park becomes particularly active. This season is an excellent time to witness the diversity of wildlife that calls this sanctuary home. Among the park's most celebrated inhabitants are the Kuno National Park cheetahs, a sight to behold as they gracefully navigate their habitat. These majestic creatures, along with other animals like deer, leopards, and a variety of birds, create a lively atmosphere that captivates all who visit.
The Cheetahs' New Home
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A significant highlight of Kuno National Park is its role as a new home for cheetahs. The reintroduction of cheetahs into Kuno marks a historic effort towards conservation and showcases the park's commitment to preserving its rich biodiversity. Observing these fast predators in their natural setting is a unique experience that adds to the park's allure.
Birdwatching Paradise
For bird enthusiasts, Kuno turns into a paradise in spring. The park is a haven for numerous bird species, both resident and migratory. The cacophony of birdsong fills the air, adding a melodious backdrop to the visual spectacle. It's a perfect time for birdwatching, as many species flaunt their breeding plumage, engaging in displays that are both fascinating and beautiful.
Exploring the Depths of Kuno
Adventure seekers and nature lovers will find plenty to explore in Kuno Sanctuary. From guided wildlife safaris to tranquil walks amidst the forest, the park offers various activities that allow visitors to connect with nature intimately. The changing season brings new life, making every visit unique and every moment memorable.
Conservation Efforts and Community Engagement
The success of Kuno National Park in conservation and wildlife management is a testament to the dedicated efforts of the park authorities and the local community. Initiatives to protect and preserve the habitat of the Kuno National Park animals ensure that the park remains a thriving ecosystem where future generations can learn and draw inspiration.
Kuno National Park in spring is a testament to the enduring beauty and resilience of nature. It's a time when life in all its forms flourishes, offering visitors a chance to witness the majesty of the natural world up close. The park's dedi
cation to conservation and its role as a sanctuary for diverse species make it a valuable asset for environmental education and preservation.
Discover Serenity and Luxury at Kuno Forest Retreat
For those planning a visit to this magnificent natural reserve, Kuno Forest Retreat offers the perfect blend of luxury and nature. Positioned as the best resort near Kuno National Park, MP, it provides guests with luxurious accommodation and hospitality amidst beautiful nature. It's an ideal base for exploring the park's wonders, ensuring that every moment of your stay is enveloped in comfort and beauty. Book now to experience the unparalleled beauty of Kuno with the added comfort of Kuno Forest Retreat.
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kunoevokeexperiences · 1 year ago
Charting a Green Path: 2024's Sustainable Tourism at Kuno Forest Retreat
In the heart of India's vibrant landscape, nestled within the lush confines of Madhya Pradesh, lies a beacon of sustainable tourism: Kuno Forest Retreat. As we venture into 2024, this sanctuary not only promises an escape into nature but also stands as a testament to eco-friendly travel and wildlife conservation success stories.
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The Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary: A Commitment to Conservation
Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary, part of the larger Madhya Pradesh National Park network, has long been at the forefront of conservation efforts in India. Its dedication to preserving the natural habitat and the species that call it home exemplifies the positive environmental impact of tourism. The sanctuary’s efforts have led to numerous wildlife conservation success stories, making it a model for sustainable tourism in India.
Sustainable Tourism in the Heart of India
Kuno Forest Retreat is more than just a destination; it's an experience that harmonizes luxury with nature's untouched beauty. In fostering sustainable tourism, the retreat has implemented practices that minimize environmental footprints while maximizing visitor engagement with the natural world. From solar energy to water conservation methods, every aspect of the retreat is designed with sustainability in mind.
Green Getaways: The Essence of Eco-Friendly Travel
2024's sustainable tourism landscape is rich with green getaways, yet Kuno Forest Retreat stands out for its commitment to eco-friendly accommodations. These accommodations not only offer comfort and luxury but also ensure that every stay contributes positively to the surrounding ecosystem. The retreat's practices exemplify how tourism can coexist with nature conservation, providing a blueprint for green travel destinations worldwide.
Exploring the Great Outdoors: Adventures in Kuno
Kuno Forest Retreat offers a plethora of activities that allow guests to immerse themselves in the majesty of Madhya Pradesh's national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. Whether it's a safari through the dense forests, a guided nature walk that reveals the secrets of the local flora and fauna, or star-gazing sessions under the clear night sky, the retreat ensures that every experience is in harmony with its sustainable tourism ethos.
The Role of Eco-Friendly Accommodations
The significance of eco-friendly accommodations in reducing the environmental impact of tourism cannot be overstated. At Kuno Forest Retreat, guests find themselves staying in settings that are not only luxurious but also environmentally conscious. From the materials used in construction to the daily operations, everything is aligned with the goal of sustainability. By choosing eco-friendly accommodations, travelers contribute to a larger movement that prioritizes the well-being of our planet.
A Beacon for Sustainable Tourism in India
Kuno Forest Retreat is not just a destination; it's a movement towards a greener future. As we look towards 2024 and beyond, the retreat's role in promoting sustainable tourism in India becomes increasingly vital. It serves as a reminder that responsible travel is not only about the places we visit but also about how we choose to engage with them.
Accommodation Details
For those planning their next sustainable getaway, Kuno Forest Retreat offers a variety of eco-friendly accommodations designed to provide an immersive experience in nature without compromising on luxury or comfort. Discover the perfect blend of wilderness and wellness by exploring our accommodation options here.
In conclusion, as we navigate the path of sustainable tourism in 2024, Kuno Forest Retreat shines as a beacon of hope and inspiration. It exemplifies how destinations can offer mesmerizing experiences while upholding the principles of conservation and sustainability. A visit to Kuno is not just a journey to a place but a step towards a more sustainable and conscious way of exploring our beautiful planet.
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thetravelogues · 3 years ago
Wildlife Safari In India
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Wildlife Safari In India: Going for a scintillating & well-planned wildlife safari, with its thrill and adventure, is the perfect way to explore India’s National parks and wildlife sanctuaries; which that is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. The Travelogues provides a variety of wildlife tour and travel packages at exceptional pricing and deals for all wildlife enthusiasts, allowing you to see India’s abundant wildlife at the most famous national parks and wildlife sanctuaries such as Rajaji National Park, Kanha, Bandhavgarh, Gir, Pench, Bharatpur, Jim Corbett, Bandipur, Kabini, Salim Ali, Ranthambore, Kaziranga, Kuno National Park where the extinct Cheetah is being reintroduced this year among others.
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thetravelogues · 3 years ago
Wildlife tour Packages in India
Wildlife Safari In India: Going for a scintillating & well-planned wildlife safari, with its thrill and adventure, is the perfect way to explore India’s National parks and wildlife sanctuaries; which that is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. The Travelogues provides a variety of Wildlife tour Packages in India at exceptional pricing and deals for all wildlife enthusiasts, allowing you to see India’s abundant wildlife at the most famous national parks and wildlife sanctuaries such as Rajaji National Park, Kanha, Bandhavgarh, Gir, Pench, Bharatpur, Jim Corbett, Bandipur, Kabini, Salim Ali, Ranthambore, Kaziranga, Kuno National Park where the extinct Cheetah is being reintroduced this year among others.
You can visit national parks such as Jim Corbett & Rajaji National Park in Uttarakhand, which is a part of the larger Corbett Tiger reserve is home to more than 350 tigers. If you are lucky, you may spot a white tiger as well; Ranthambore in Rajasthan, which was previously a famous hunting ground for the Maharajas is now a wildlife conservation park, this park is most famous for its Tiger trails and Bird watching tours; Tadoba Andhari in Maharashtra, which is one of the largest national parks in Maharashtra; very close to the city, Nagpur, Tadoba is most famous for its Tigers and Tadoba crocodiles; and Kanha, Bandhavgarh, Panna, and Pench in Madhya Pradesh where you can see the Royal Bengal Tiger, which is one of the most popular tourist attractions.
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thetravelogues · 3 years ago
Wildlife tour Packages in India
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Wildlife Safari In India: Going for a scintillating & well-planned wildlife safari, with its thrill and adventure, is the perfect way to explore India’s National parks and wildlife sanctuaries; which that is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. The Travelogues provides a variety of Wildlife tour Packages in India at exceptional pricing and deals for all wildlife enthusiasts, allowing you to see India’s abundant wildlife at the most famous national parks and wildlife sanctuaries such as Rajaji National Park, Kanha, Bandhavgarh, Gir, Pench, Bharatpur, Jim Corbett, Bandipur, Kabini, Salim Ali, Ranthambore, Kaziranga, Kuno National Park where the extinct Cheetah is being reintroduced this year among others.
You can visit national parks such as Jim Corbett & Rajaji National Park in Uttarakhand, which is a part of the larger Corbett Tiger reserve is home to more than 350 tigers. If you are lucky, you may spot a white tiger as well; Ranthambore in Rajasthan, which was previously a famous hunting ground for the Maharajas is now a wildlife conservation park, this park is most famous for its Tiger trails and Bird watching tours; Tadoba Andhari in Maharashtra, which is one of the largest national parks in Maharashtra; very close to the city, Nagpur, Tadoba is most famous for its Tigers and Tadoba crocodiles; and Kanha, Bandhavgarh, Panna, and Pench in Madhya Pradesh where you can see the Royal Bengal Tiger, which is one of the most popular tourist attractions.
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thetravelogues · 3 years ago
Wildlife Safari In India
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The Travelogues takes you to experience the most exotic and pristine Wild Life in the many exclusive locations of Indian National Parks. The tours are well packaged to include wonderful trackers and guides and gives professional jungle knowledge to the tourists. The Wild Life tours are spread all across the country from Kerala and Karanataka in the South to Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh in central and Uttarakhand and Himachal in the north of India; with Assam & Orissa in the east and Rajasthan in the west.
Wildlife Safari In India: Going for a scintillating & well-planned wildlife safari, with its thrill and adventure, is the perfect way to explore India’s National parks and wildlife sanctuaries; which that is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. The Travelogues provides a variety of Wildlife tour Packages in India at exceptional pricing and deals for all wildlife enthusiasts, allowing you to see India’s abundant wildlife at the most famous national parks and wildlife sanctuaries such as Rajaji National Park, Kanha, Bandhavgarh, Gir, Pench, Bharatpur, Jim Corbett, Bandipur, Kabini, Salim Ali, Ranthambore, Kaziranga, Kuno National Park where the extinct Cheetah is being reintroduced this year among others.
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