#Flik's Fun Fair
coleopterabyte · 2 months
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Flik is the protagonist of A Bug's Life, a movie created by Pixar in 1998. As A Bug's Life is more beloved for its story than it's character designs, I'm going to assume nobody's going to pull out a pitchfork when I say that I just don't generally like this guy.
Let's delve into why, though. 1 | -
Well... he has bent antennae. And three segments, including an abdomen. And general plating to show he has something resembling an exoskeleton.... but let's acknowledge the elephant in the room. His disgusting, moist, doll-like human eyes, his cow-like dental dams, his legs that sprout from his abdomen... The fact that he's a "male worker ant", while also being a potential suitor to the princess....
You can tell he's supposed to be an ant, at least. The design is not trying particularly hard to be accurate, but some things (like the legs coming out of the abdomen) are just enough to possibly trick people who are really ignorant about how bugs work, and I feel the need to dock harder on things that could misinform people. 1.5/5
It's high quality for the capabilities of 3D animation back in '98, but I think this movie should have been a 2D cartoon. Making Toy Story was an excellent move for pixar at the time because that's what this style is best suited for-- making things look like toys. This guy isn't a bug, he's a plastic sculpture. You could call this a part of the limitations until you look at Hopper, who is a very well designed character in comparison.
They could've done so much better with this- just give him some texture, fix up his face, and move his legs back onto his thorax and he'd be fine, but no, for some reason this was considered most marketable. 0.5/5
Okay, so... I was generally okay with his character as a kid, but the older I get, the more annoyed I am with how much of a chronic failguy he is. I like inventors, I like guys who are a bit clumsy (hell, C3PO was my favorite character when I was young), but the plot hinges on him fucking up nearly every step of the way. It gets tiring, and I hate humor based on secondhand embarrassment.
In this case, I'd probably like him more if he weren't a horribly inaccurate bug, but I'd still prefer him as a side character as opposed to a protagonist. 2.5/5
A Bug's Life has a very cartoonish take on what bugs get up to when humans aren't watching -- which is fair, considering it's a film for children. There are no humans in the film, and the only references we get to humans existing come in the form of "the big city" being composed of human trash-- I find the concept to be fun and clever. The anatomical and societal differences between species perplex me, however. For instance, some bugs have six limbs, while others have four. Why are rhino beetles less intelligent and less anthro than other species? This isn't a matter of insects vs arachnids, there's just no consistency besides "the designers felt like it".
It's a little interesting, but it doesn't compel me because there clearly wasn't a lot of careful thought put into it. Overall, this highlights my primary problem with the film: A Bug's Life simply is not a story about bugs. That doesn't undermine its message, which I don't begrudge, I just get a bit annoyed when people consider it The bug film of all time. 2.5/5
Maybe that's not a hot take, but I've had a number of people be surprised when I say I'm not super into it.
Actuality: 1.75/5
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magicaltrash · 4 years
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Shout out to The Incredible Hulk installment in the Pixar filmography, A Bug's Life. Both are green. Both are overshadowed by the film that came before it. Both don't currently have trash cans in Disney theme parks, as A Bug's Land was closed in 2018. // Disneyland Resort, Disney California Adventure, A Bug's Land, Flik's Fun Fair, 2016 [Source: SonderQuest. Used by permission.]
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ahnsael · 6 years
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Too soon.
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geekycurvyanddorky · 4 years
Does anyone else miss Flik’s Fun Fair, or? 🐜🐞🐛🦋
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(Seriously, this place was so gorgeous all day and all night, and didn’t get the respect and love it deserved 💔😭🥀)
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twootietarte · 6 years
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Spent my vacation at Disneyland saying goodbye to Bugs Land before they close it. Such good memories. You will be missed. 
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rachel-blue · 6 years
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CHOC Walk 2018. Anaheim, CA.
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bluemoonbeam15 · 3 years
What If...
After listening to that song from the playlist, As Long As I'm Singing, I couldn't help but imagine Hopper and Molt as little kids and what they would've been like.
What if the characters of A Bug's Life had met as children?
Mr. Soil led the class beside the harvesting line, "Everything is done in order. From the moment the grain is picked, up to the moment the grasshoppers take their offering."
A small hand raised in the air. Mr. Soil glanced back and sighed, "Yes, Flik?"
The child gestured to the harvesting line, "Isn't there an easier way to pick grain?"
"Now, Flik, we've talked about this. Our colony has harvested the same way for generations. We can't just--"
The sound of the shell stopped him short. All the ants panicked as Cornelius waved them on to drop off what food was left. Queen Phyllis stood next to the offering stone, looking up as the swarm of grasshoppers neared the island. "Alright everyone! Stand aside! Give them space!" she called out.
Flik had been pushed in the crowd, blocking his view of the gang landing. He squirmed through, crawling around the legs surrounding him. The last time the grasshoppers had came, he had been sick with a spring fever. It wasn't fair he always missed out on the interesting stuff around the island. No way he was missing it this time.
The gang leader, Clay, walked ahead of his gang to stand before the Queen. "Your Majesty," he nodded curtly. His eyes landed to the young girl beside her, "And who is this?"
Phyllis gently encouraged her daughter forward, "This is my daughter, Atta. She'll be taking my place once she's of age."
Clay inspected the child for a moment. Looking back to the Queen, "I wish her the best, then. Now, there are some concerns I need to talk with you about."
The gang waited patiently while the leaders conversed. "Quit shoving!" a small voice huffed. Two nymphs were pushing each other, trying to not attract the attention of their father. The smallest one rounded on his brother, "Molt, I said stop! You're gonna get us trouble!"
Molt crossed his arms, "I'm not doing anything! And keep your voice down!"
"You can't tell me what to do!"
Someone cleared their throat and they jolted. Clay glared at the two boys, "Is there a problem?"
His sons quieted down, not meeting his eyes. Hopper dared a glance, "S-Sorry, dad." Clay rolled his eyes and continued his discussion.
In the corner of his eye, Hopper saw something move in the crowd of ants. A small ant squirmed out between the forest of legs. His blue eyes widened at the sight of the gang, more in awe than fear. Hopper nudged his brother, nodding toward the kid. "Hey," Molt whispered excitedly, "he looks our age. We should talk to 'im!"
Hopper raised an eyebrow, "We can't leave the gang, remember? Dad said--"
"Aw, c'mon! We've never hung out with a different bug before. We'll be back before dad even knows we're gone."
The oldest bit his lip, looking between the young ant and his dad. "Alright, fine," he tugged on his brother's arm, "let's sneak off in the grass before anyone notices." Hopper looked back at the kid, waving an arm toward the grass.
Flik's antennae straightened and watched them sneak away from their gang. Looking around, he figured no one would notice his absence anyway. Quietly, he disappeared back into the crowd and made his way past the clearing.
The princess stood by her mother obediently. The discussion wasn't anything interesting, for her anyway. She tried really hard to pay attention, but something ended up catching her eye. A small blue form ran off into the grass. Weird...he looked an awful lot like--
She tugged on her mother's hand, "Mom, may I be dismissed?"
Phyllis nodded absentmindedly, "Yes, yes, go on."
Not a second later, Atta hurried off behind the crowd toward the grass. What was Flik up to now? It was moments like this she wished she could fly.
Hopper and Molt hid behind a blade of grass, fighting for space before peering out. None of the gang seemed to notice...yet. Footsteps caught their attention and the young ant stared wide-eyed at them. "H-Hi...I'm Flik!" he reached a hand out in nervous excitement.
"Hey, Flik!" Molt shook his hand vigorously, "Name's Molt and this is my brother, Hopper."
Hopper hesitated, Molt nudged him, "H-Hey."
Flik circled them a few times, "I've never met a grasshopper before. Actually, I've never met anyone who wasn't an ant before."
"Same! Our dad never lets us visit the city. We hear there's so many bugs there!" Molt beamed.
"That's what I've heard, too!"
Hopper wrung his hands together, looking back to where their dad stood, "I-I think we should go back. Dad might be done any minute now."
Molt brushed off his concern, "He'll probably be a while. We got plenty o' time."
"Molt, this is the first time dad's let us come with him! I really don't wanna screw it up..."
Flik cocked his head at them, "Your dad is the leader of the gang? That's so cool! What's it like?"
"It's kinda fun, really," Molt smiled, "we get to travel a lot...well, we will now that we can fly."
Hopper noticed the ant looking at him expectantly and he shrugged, "I-It's fun...I guess. What's is like being in a colony?"
The ant quirked his mouth with a shrug, "We don't travel outside the island, so not as exciting. We have a tree we can climb, though! You can see the other side of the world from it!"
"Have you climbed it?" Hopper peered up at the huge oak.
Flik scratched the back of his neck, "Well...n-no, but that's what I've heard."
The kids looked as Atta spotted them. Flik yelped and hid behind Hopper, "Oh no!"
"What's wrong? Should we be hiding too?" Hopper froze as the princess came closer.
"No, it's just...I kinda like her," his voice died out at the admission. "Please don't tell her I said that!"
The princess stopped in front of the group, eyeing the two nymphs, "Aren't you two the leader's kids? Does he know you're out here?"
"Uh...," Molt glanced nervously at his brother.
Atta straightened and started walking off, "You two are gonna be in so much trouble."
"W-Wait!" Hopper landed in front of her, "please don't tell! We just wanted to talk to someone new. We've never met ants before."
She narrowed her eyes, "That's no excuse to wander off. Shouldn't you be watching your dad? Learning how this works?"
Molt furrowed his brow, "Is that why you were standing by the Queen? Are you learning too?"
"I'm in training, yes," she corrected him. "I'm the princess."
Molt gasped, "Princess?" He quickly bowed down and laid his hands on the ground, "Your Majesty, forgive me!"
Atta gave him a weird look. Confused, Hopper looked at his brother and decided to at least kneel down to her. She rolled her eyes at the two, "I'm not Queen yet, airheads. Once I am, you'll be bowing down to me."
Hopper rose an eyebrow, "Our dad didn't bow to your mom."
"Well that's gonna change when I'm Queen. Respect will be mandatory. Who's older?" she pointed between the two. Hopper nervously raised his hand. "You? Then you'll be taking your dad's place, right?" He nodded. "Then when I'm Queen, my first order of business is that you will bow to me as a sign of respect."
Molt muttered to Flik, "Bossy, isn't she?"
The young ant grinned goofily at the princess, lost to their conversation, "She's perfect."
Hopper leaned back a bit, "I...Is that really necessary?"
Atta put her hands on her hips, "Do you want an offering?"
"Then you'll bow down. You might as well start now. I'll be queen before long."
"Can I kneel?"
"No, you have to bow."
Hopper tentatively lowered himself to the ground, "You ants are bossy."
"And we're stronger," she tapped him on the head, "don't forget that. You may rise...what was your name again?"
"You may rise, Hopper." She finally noticed Flik, "I knew that was you sneaking off!" The boy shook himself of his stupor. "What are you doing out here?"
"W-Well, I--"
Molt came to his rescue, "That's my fault. I wanted to meet him so I pressured Hop into sneaking off."
"Hopper! Molt!" Their father's voice sounded strongly across the clearing.
Atta winced, "No kidding. Sounds like your dad is mad."
"That's not even close," Hopper rubbed his arm.
"Well at least we got to make some new friends!" Molt shook Flik's hand.
Hopper gave Atta a look, "Sorta."
The princess crossed her arms, "So long as you respect me, I'll let you be my friend."
"I guess I can do that," Hopper shrugged. He waved to Flik, "Maybe we can hang out next season? S-So long as dad lets us come again."
Flik beamed, "Yeah, totally! I can show you guys my hiding place!"
Clay yelled again, "You boys better get over here, pronto!"
"See ya two next season!" Molt hurried off before their dad would have another reason to punish them.
Hopper gave a small smile to the ants, bowing slightly to Atta, "Bye."
The ants watched the nymphs run off. "They seem nice," Atta mused, "I hope they get to come back next year."
"Me too."
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Bugs Rule
Bugs Rule by Tori Kause Via Flickr:
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vincent-marie · 5 years
The Oft Overlooked A BUG’S LIFE
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What can I really say about this movie that other animation fans on the internet haven’t already? It was critically dubbed Pixar’s most mediocre film before the horror that is the CARS franchise.
I was about nine years old when this film came out, and I really liked it then. Honestly, I still kind of do, but admittedly some of it is nostalgia on my part and I’m well aware that it could have been better.
Like I said, this film has been talked about by other online critics about how it is okay, at best. That it was just the Pixar placeholder in between the first two TOY STORY movies. However for the purposes of this article I would actually like to highlight some of the good things about this movie, or at least my reasoning for why I still have a fondness for it.
Now before I continue I do feel like I should address two big elephants in the room: Namely, John Lasseter and Kevin Spacey. Knowing what we know now about them, if you can’t watch this movie without feeling uncomfortable, I totally understand. I’ll admit it makes me a wee bit uncomfortable to watch the film now, and more so the behind-the-scenes featurette on the DVD. (Wish I could blur their ugly faces when they’re being interviewed…)
However my opinions of this film on its own have nothing to do with them or whatever they contributed to the film, so they are irrelevant to what I have to say here. As far as I’m concerned if they hadn’t been involved in the film someone else would have taken their place, and those other people would have done just as good a job, if not better. Not to mention they would have been able to do it without being complete and utter creeps. To conclude, Lasseter can go suck a jellyfish and I hope Spacey rots in hell.
I’m going to primarily talk about the things I like about this movie, both then and now. But before I get to that I’m going to talk about why I agree with most critics who consider this one of Pixar’s lesser films.
A big problem with the movie is primarily the story and characters being a bit weak.
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Part of that problem is the story’s initial structure. It’s clearly a retelling of Akira Kurosawa’s SEVEN SAMURAI; village is being attacked by thugs, one villager leaves to get help in the form of warriors, villager brings back help, and they successfully fight off the invaders.
Probably the biggest difference in story is SAMURAI ended on a bittersweet note due to casualties among the samurai themselves, whereas BUG’S LIFE didn’t have any real casualties on the heroes’ side. That said, though, it’s funny that the ants seemed so damn certain there would be.
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Initially modeling an original story off of a classic isn’t a bad thing in of itself. Back when I was in college it was something a lot of my writing and animation professors encouraged: learn from the classics. Not just film, but also literature and mythology.
The thing is SEVEN SAMURAI as a film was three to four hours long. It had time to accommodate for its fairly large cast, while still keeping its focus on a select few.
BUG’S LIFE, however, was only maybe an hour and fifteen minutes long. The writers probably could have stood to trim down some of the Bug Circus and take time to polish the story rather than try to give EVERYBODY an opportunity to have a funny line.
Having a couple ensembles in place isn’t a bad thing. They had that in TOY STORY with Andy’s toys, the Little Green Men in the claw machine, and the mutant toys. The groups, however, were smaller in that movie, and in the case of the Mutant Toys they had no speaking lines and had to convey everything with silent acting.
However something that’s been pointed out is that with Pixar films there was always a real progression in technical quality. That with each movie they got better and better with the tool of their trade that was CG animation.
Let’s look back at TOY STORY. The reason they made the characters plastic toys was because that’s just what their character models at the time always looked like. It would be a long way before they could even consider rendering complex fur textures for MONSTERS INC., and more complex still Merida’s tangled head of hair in BRAVE. It’s why the human characters in TOY STORY also look a bit weird and plasticky by today’s standards.
With TOY STORY they accomplished lively character animation in 3D. With TOY STORY 2 they managed to make better looking, less stiff human models like Al of Al’s Toy Barn, and slightly nicer fur textures on Buster the dog. MONSTERS, INC. had the aforementioned complex fur textures for Sully and some pretty decent early snow effects.
So what did BUG’S LIFE accomplish on a technical level?
Two words: textures, and lighting.
The last time I watched BUG’S LIFE I was absolutely FLOORED by how beautiful the set pieces were.
Take this scene of Flik giving Dot a pep-talk.
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All that detailing in the blades of grass in the background, the pebbles on the ground, the textures on the pebbles, the textures on Flik’s contraption, and even the textures on the characters. It blows my mind trying to imagine how long it took to create those models, differentiate between the more see-through nature of the grass blades and the opacity of everything else, and arrange them in a way that makes for a convincing bug’s eye view of a patch of grass.
Then there’s the scene of the grasshoppers breaking into the anthill.
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TOY STORY had some decent lighting that helped establish the needed atmosphere, but I don’t recall it being nearly this crisp.
Once again, there’s the textures on the objects and characters. As a kid, while I was aware the film was CG animated, I found myself speculating if the grasshoppers’ muzzles were made of foam rubber.
These were all things I took for granted as a kid, because I did not yet have the experience to know just how much work and skill it takes to make 3D animation.
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This is a still from a minute-long film I made in a 3D computer animation class. I was given maybe only a couple months to make it. That included having to navigate my way through these complex computer programs I was completely unfamiliar with, and technical difficulties like the textures not grafting onto the models right. Let me tell you, it was a pain in the ass.
I look at the backdrops for BUG’S LIFE and I’m left to ask: “How many computers CRASHED trying to render all that?” Because, believe me, that happens. A lot.
Also, here’s the thing. When technical elements of a film are done well, such as lighting or camera focus, the audience LITERALLY doesn’t notice it. They’re too swept up in the story because the visual storytelling keeps up the illusion for them. The audience only notices important technical details like this when they’re done BADLY, hence a lot of people outside the film industry really take for granted just how much work and skill is taken into making a film that looks good.
(It’s why I think everyone should watch FOOD FIGHT at least once in their lives, especially animation fans.)
Okay, while it is inevitable that I would bring up Dreamworks’ ANTZ, I’m not going to talk too much about it. (It’s like the Cola Wars; everyone inevitably picks a side.) All I’ll say for now is I’ve always preferred BUG’S LIFE because it’s nicer-looking design-wise and its content and execution is more family-appropriate. (Also, in 1998 we didn’t know at the time Kevin Spacey was a creep, but everyone and their DOG knew Woody Allen was. Nice job, Dreamworks!)
It’s been pointed out that there’s a distinct casting difference between ANTZ and BUG’S LIFE. ANTZ had a cast of recognizable movie actors, while BUG’S LIFE had a cast of recognizable television actors.
For BUG’S LIFE that’s not necessarily a bad thing. One of the things that bothers me about celeb casting in animated movies is that oftentimes it feels like a flimsy attempt at star-power when said stars don’t have the power to elevate the characters. Actors who might be good front of a camera but bring nothing to a recording booth.
However for the most part Pixar has been really good at casting well-known actors who actually fit their characters and add some personality to them. BUG’S LIFE was no exception.
In fact, quite a few of them had loaned their voices to animation before this film, and some damn good performances too.
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And I can name at least one BUG’S LIFE alum who graduated from funny performance to heartfelt performance with Pixar…
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(… I’m not crying! YOU’RE crying!)
But I digress. I consider the casting for this movie pretty solid. (With the obvious exception of Kevin Spacey.)
What’s more, growing up I remember a lot of the TV spots for Pixar films usually down-played the celeb cast and let the product speak for itself. The celeb casting was less of a selling point for the films and more like a fun little Easter egg for the parents who had to take their kids to the theater.
Earlier I stated that the story and characters in BUG’S LIFE are a bit weak, and I stand by that. However there are a couple characters I’d like to highlight here as I’ve always found them interesting and memorable in their own ways.
First, let me talk about Hopper for a minute.
(I’ve already stated that Kevin Spacey can rot in hell, so there will be no more of that.)
I’ve heard criticism about Hopper as a character that he was a very bland, one-dimensional villain. To be fair, they’re not wrong.
But the thing I always liked about Hopper is that his one and only goal is to hold dominion over the ant colony. To keep them under his foot, both literally and figuratively, and he wasn’t afraid to use deadly force to do that. He was willing to kill a few of his own goons just to illustrate a point. That’s how threatening he was.
In a lot of children’s media I had seen up to that point, there were several bully characters that were often portrayed as the bigger kids who would demand your lunch money. They were usually ineffectual doofuses like Bulk and Skull from POWER RANGERS, or kids with serious insecurities like Binky Barnes from ARTHUR. While not the first of his kind, Hopper was one of the first characters I had ever encountered as being a prime illustration of not just a bully, but one who had the makings of a dictator.
With his rather one-note motivation, I can see why audiences found him bland, but given his violent means of staying in power, I’m glad they didn’t try to make him “complex” or give him any sympathetic character traits.
Frankly, we live in an age where horrible people are romanticized in the media as being “misunderstood”. I feel like, unlike those media outlets or the upcoming JOKER movie, BUG’S LIFE gets it. They don’t deserve to be portrayed with humanity. These people are monsters. Nothing more.
Maybe if Pixar hadn’t felt the need to rush the production maybe Hopper is one of many characters that could have been polished up a bit in the writing process. Give him some more distinct, memorable traits as a character. Maybe hints at a backstory of Hopper having a long-standing history of using and abusing others, and always getting away with it.
(When I put it that way, we can just say Hopper is the John Lasseter Story. Just draw a pair of glasses and a tacky shirt on the guy and it’s a spitting image.)
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The other thing I’ve always liked about this movie was the portrayal of Princess Atta.
Besides being the first Pixar Princess, I always liked how, unlike the Disney Princess pantheon up to date in the late 90s, Atta actually had a bit of a character arc related to the fact that… well, she’s royalty! She’s going to have to take over the colony eventually as queen.
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We see this from the beginning as she’s overseeing the harvest and going into a panic when things go even slightly wrong. Also, I find it interesting that it’s a guy that screws everything up when Flik accidentally destroys the food offering, yet she’s the one who gets blamed for it. (Ironic commentary coming from the studio led by an egotistic creep who wouldn’t let women in on meetings.)
But what I loved about her as a kid was that her personality and approach to things was a lot more real and down-to-earth than your average glamorous Disney Princess. She felt less like fairy tale royalty and more like a woman up for promotion at a big company. From a pragmatic standpoint that can be just as scary, stressful and daunting.
(It also feels appropriate in hindsight considering her voice actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus would later star on VEEP…)
My friend @baxterfilms and I have had a lot of discussions about this movie, and we agreed that Atta should have been the protagonist. She actually has a character arc of her own of being unsure of herself at the start of the film, taking charge in the second act, and eventually standing up to Hopper in the third.
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Remove Flik entirely, and have her go on a journey to find reinforcements against the grasshoppers. Have her realize that Hopper’s demands are impossible, she’s sick of having to adhere to him, and have her sneak out to get help. When she finds out she literally brought home a bunch of clowns, she understandably freaks out. She has to figure out a resolution because there is a lot of pressure on her to make things right and free the colony from bondage.
Strangely enough, with that version of the story you could still probably have all the indulgent fun of the celebrity cast. It’s just the very core of the film’s story needed some serious tightening up, and maybe Dave Foley as Flik would have fared better as a comic relief sidekick.
With all that said, I thank you for taking the time to read this. I really do think that this film is highly under-appreciated in the animation community. There might have been trouble in the writing room, but the technical achievements in this film were still there and helped Pixar hone their craft into making their animated features as stunning as they are heartwarming.
I have to say, though, I find it funny that there’s almost a pattern to these insect-driven animated movies. Going all the way back to MR. BUG GOES TO TOWN, they usually have rather weak leading characters, and the supporting cast winds up leaving more of an impression.
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Weird, huh?
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🍁 Atta omg I got a question. Thoughts on every fairy in the hollow (in play)
“Oh dear, that’s quite a lot of fairies! I really like them all...
Queen Clarion is a picture-perfect queen. I...I’ve never seen anyone with such composure and elegance and compassion for both fairies and clumsies. I’m so honored to be serving her in the Hollow. 
And Nyx is similarly one of the most capable captains I’ve ever met! She’s been so welcoming and helpful when it comes to organizing all us from the Orkney Hollow. She helped us get settled and I’m grateful she checks in. 
Of course Eoghan-- well, he’s one of my best friends, isn’t he? I’ve known him my whole life, we’re practically family! I just need to convince him to come exploring in the town with me... 
Tink is a nut. I mean that as a compliment, I swear, but she is. I’m learning a lot from her, she lets me observe some of her projects. You can really tell how much she loves tinkering that way, you know. That’s always been my favourite thing in the world, just-- watching someone do something they love. That’s the same case with Flik too! He’s fun to watch, even if he sends my head in a tizzy. 
Vidia, I--I haven’t met Vidia, no. But fast-flying talents--we called them blizzard-talents at home-- they’re very strong. It doesn’t surprise me she’s doing well in town. Or, I mean, that’s what I hear. 
And the winter fairies in town! Yes, they’re all so kind. Sindri’s one of my newest friends and we can spend hours talking about our work in class. Olaf’s very warm, he never forgets anything I tell him either, it’s impressive. And Peri-- well, I haven’t gotten to properly meet her yet. But she’s so successful. A club and another job in town? And she’s such a fair manager to the pixies who work at, er, Pixie’s. 
Rosetta? Oh I’ve only talked with her a few times, but she’s amazing too! I really admire fairies who can go back and forth between town and Hollow so easily. She looks like she fits in both worlds. 
Marlin’s quite good at that too but I know he still finds the clumsy world a bit uncomfortable. That makes me feel better about myself actually! Anyway, he’s a good father and I know he’s made mistakes but it seems like those came from a good place. 
His son Nemo, I...well, I only hear some things from Dot. I think they’re probably exaggerations. Besides, a rivalry is good for young scouts, isn’t it?” 
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sonicmega · 7 years
Hey! Congrats on all the roles you've landed! I hope you land more in the future. :D I'm a senior in high school who's close to graduating and I've been thinking about hopefully landing a job at Disneyland. You said that you worked there before, so if it's alright with you I wanted to ask: How did you feel working there and what was your job? Do you have any advice for anyone who wants to work with Disney? Thank you for your time and I hope you have a nice day!
I’m currently working there still! 
1) I just finished cross-training as a member of the Turtle Talk crew over at California Adventure (my original position I auditioned into), but I also am authorized to run rides over at Flik’s Fun Fair via A Bug’s Land. 
2) My feelings on working there are probably different from most people who pursue a career with Disney; there are a lot of folks I work with who have intentions to be part of the park staff for the remainder of their natural lives - or at least to be involved with Disney in some capacity - but I mainly took the job because I wanted to a] challenge myself to improve my improvisational skills, and b] I was getting bored of having way too much down-time in an average week & wanted to fill up some of it somehow. How ironic, then, that shortly after I got hired in would be when my voiceover career really started taking off...
3) The only solid piece of advice I can offer from my personal experience is that your best chances of landing a job with Disney will come from having a concrete, direct focus in terms of where/what you want to work. I got all the way to the final interview/step of the College Program many years back, but got rejected at the last second because my response to them was “I’m open-minded and eager to learn whatever is available” rather than “I want to be a ____”. Disney operates on a specialization-based machine where the parks may have 500 different roles, but everyone who has a role is really good at that role; that is where the ‘seamless Disney experience’ comes from, why they’re notorious for only hiring the “best of the best”, and why each individual job has so much to learn (and why you can’t ask to Cross-Train until you’ve displayed extensive comprehension of the previous job position).
Hope that helps!
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disneygeekcom · 6 years
Pictures of the Marvel Project site at Disney California Adventure (12/20)
Pictures of the Marvel Project site at Disney California Adventure (12/20)
Here are some cell phone pictures of the Marvel project from the Pixar Pal-A-Round. More of Flik’s Fun Fair is gone now.
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'a bugs land' To Close this Summer in Preparation for New Super Hero-Themed Land
Earlier this week, Disney formally announced that a new super hero (Marvel) themed land would be coming to Disney California Adventure Park in 2020. In preparation for this new land, the existing a bugs land will close.
The new area will join the already existing Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission BREAKOUT and will feature attractions inspired by Spider-Man and The Avengers.
Official a bugs land description:
Flik and his insect friends from Disney•Pixar’s “A Bug’s Life” have been residents of Disney California Adventure Park since it opened in 2001. “It’s Tough to be a Bug!,” the whimsical, 4-D exploration of the insect world as seen from a bug’s-eye view, was one of the original Disney California Adventure attractions, located in what was then known as Bountiful Valley Farm. Park guests shrink down to the size of a bug at Flik’s Fun Fair and enjoy the attractions, which are designed to delight younger children and their parents.
‘a bugs land’ To Close this Summer in Preparation for New Super Hero-Themed Land was originally published on The Happiest Blog On Earth
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mrdantastic808 · 7 years
Spotlight: A Bug’s Land
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Yesterday, it was announced that California Adventure will add a Marvel land.  Ever since Disney purchased Marvel in 2009, fans have been eagerly waiting for Marvel to make its way into the Disney parks.  We’ve seen glimpses with an Iron Man ride in Hong Kong and last year’s Summer of Heroes.  Now, the waiting has paid off.  Pixar will take over the Pier this year.  Star Wars will open its land, Galaxy’s Edge, next year.  In 2020, Marvel Land will open.
This, of course, comes with a cost.  As part of the announcement, A Bug’s Land will close later this summer in order to make space for Marvel Land.  Therefore, it only seems fitting to put the spotlight here on Bug’s Land.
When California Adventure opened in 2001, it was intended to be geared more for adults.  Whereas Disneyland would be a place for children, California Adventure would provide attractions that adults would be more interested in.  However, negative reviews and low attendances forced Disney to tweak this park.  Over the years, it went through many changes.
One of the original attractions to open with the park was a 3D show called “It’s Tough to be a Bug!” based on the Pixar movie, “A Bug’s Life.”  To answer criticisms, Disney decided to expand the attraction, building an area called Flik’s Fun Fair in 2002.  It contained four rides and a water play area geared towards young children.  It later was renamed to A Bug’s Land.
Imagine entering a garden from a bug’s perspective.  Giant three-leaf clovers tower over your head.  It really feels like you’re the size of a bug, and you’ve entered the world of “A Bug’s Life.”  In the movie, Flik is an inventor, trying to create new things using whatever resources he can find.  Here, he’s taken things humans discarded and turned them into a fully functional fun fair. Flik’s Flyers is constructed with raisin containers.  Heimlich’s Chew Chew Train takes you on a journey as your train eats through giant watermelon slices and animal cracker boxes.  Princess Dot’s Puddle Park is centered around a massive garden hose. The details are very impressive as they immerse you into the world of bugs.
A Bug’s Land has effectively provided California Adventure with a place for younger children to enjoy.  It’s the equivalent to Fantasyland/Toontown in Disneyland, Camp Snoopy for Knotts Berry Farm, and Bugs Bunny World in Six Flags Magic Mountain.  Whereas majority of the attractions at Knotts and Magic Mountain are geared towards grownups, Camp Snoopy and Bugs Bunny World provides a safe haven that ensures the younger demographic won’t be alienated.  There’s something for everyone.  California Adventure has since added more attractions to balance its family friendly demographics.  Mater’s Junkyard Jamboree, Monsters Inc: Mike & Sulley to the Rescue, and Little Mermaid: Ariel’s Undersea Adventure are just a few examples. At the same time, California Screamin (soon to reopen as the Incredicoaster) and Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission Breakout are a few examples of attractions older guests can appreciate.
Even though I haven’t spent a lot of time in A Bug’s Land, I’ve always been impressed by its details.  Like Cars Land, A Bug’s Land makes you feel like you’re in the movie.  Moreover, it helped California Adventure during a time when attendance was low and criticisms arose.  One of the big ones being that the park didn’t have much for children.  A Bug’s Land answered that call and helped the park flourish.  California Adventure would probably look very different if A Bug’s Life hadn’t entered when it did.  While I’m very excited for a Marvel Land, I will miss A Bug’s Land.  
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dailynynews-blog · 7 years
Tuck and Roll's Drive'Em Buggies
New Post has been published on https://www.usatelegraph.com/2018/tuck-rolls-driveem-buggies/
Tuck and Roll's Drive'Em Buggies
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Tuck and Roll’s Drive’Em Buggies
Tuck and Roll are the Hungarian pillbugs from the Bug’s Life film. It may be a bit of a stretch, but they somehow inspired this bumper car ride.
Adults complain about how slow the buggies are. Fans of the rough impacts of traditional bumper cars complain that the impacts are too soft. They also complain that the cars get into jams and it’s hard to get out of them. In fact, the best thing about the ride may be the cute design of the cars, which look like the pillbugs it’s named for.
Most of them say it’s best for younger children. However, with a minimum height of 36 inches, which would make it doable for the average three-year-old.
What You Need to Know About Tuck and Roll’s Drive ‘Em Buggies
Location: Flik’s Fun Fair in Bug’s Land
Rating: ★★
Restrictions: 36 in (91 cm)
Ride Time: 90 seconds
Recommended for: This ride is good for children up to pre-teen age.
Fun Factor: Medium
Wait Factor: Medium
Fear Factor: Low, seldom longer than 10 minutes.
Herky-Jerky Factor: The “bumps” are gentler than the old-fashioned bumper car, but Disney still cautions that it’s not for anyone with neck or back trouble, heart problems or for expectant mothers.
Nausea Factor: Low
Seating: Ride vehicles have one row with a bench seat and steering wheel. Each one holds 2 people, but it’s a tight fit if both of them are wider than a Skinny Minnie. You have to step over the side to get in.
Accessibility: You will have to transfer from your wheelchair or ECV into the ride vehicle, by yourself or with help from your traveling companions. Enter with everyone else. Service animals are not allowed.
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How to Have More Fun on Tuck and Roll’s Drive ‘Em Buggies
Some riders complain that this ride is too slow. If you’re a fast-paced kind of rider, you might want to skip it.
Tuck ‘n’ Roll is one of the rides at California Adventure that you can go on when rain closes the outdoor attractions.
Getting in and out of the cars may be hard if you have knee or back problems.
The ride vehicles have two pedals, in case your child wants to drive but can’t reach their own pedal. They don’t have brakes. Instead, you stop by taking the pressure off the gas pedal.
The height measurement marker looks like an ink pen with a bent cap. If your child has just grown above the 36-inch limit, it would make a cute photo opportunity.
If you are stuck somewhere and can’t move forward, don’t fret. Just turn the wheel all the way to one side, and after a few seconds, the car will automatically back up.
You can hear Tuck and Roll chattering the whole time, but no matter how many languages you speak, you won’t be able understand their gibberish which is not a real language.
The exit looks like a giant belt buckle.
Tuck and Roll is one of the lowest-rated rides in California Adventure at Yelp. One of the most telling comments I read there included this line: “Devastatingly slow bumper cars that pack the kinetic force of a Mylar balloon,” You can read some of their reviews to find out why.
Next California Adventure Ride:  King Triton’s Carousel
More About California Adventure Rides
You can see all the California Adventure rides at a glance on the California Adventure Ride Sheet. If you want to browse through them starting with the best-rated, start with Radiator Springs Racers and follow the navigation.
While you’re thinking about rides, you should also download Our Recommended Disneyland Apps (they’re all free!) and Get Some Proven Tips to Minimize Your Disneyland Wait Time.
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Fun Facts About Tuck ‘n’ Roll’s Drive ‘Em Buggies
 ​Tuck ‘n’ Roll are pillbugs. You know, those little creepy-crawly critters that roll up into a ball for protection. In the Bug’s Life film, their constant fighting and arguing gets them fired.
Don’t try to understand what they’re saying. They talk all the time, but it’s not a real language, just a bunch of sounds strung together to sound vaguely Slavic. The only English words they know are “Hey!”, “Tweet-tweet! Tweet-tweet!”, “You fired!” and “Charge-a!”.
Tuck ‘n’ Roll’s ride is unique to the Disneyland Resort in California. None of their other parks have one like it.
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 Sitcom de contrastes qui établissent la dynamique comique : à chaque fois on joue sur les ressemblances et les différences pour créer l’humour, chaque point d’accroche et de différences tournées au ridicule. D’où utilisation des moments forts comme construction narrative.
 Scènes presque exclusivement en dehors des salles de cours (rapport en discours indirect dans la salle des profs etc.), quelques scènes dans les appartements et l’extérieur, et le reste dans le lycée.
  FORMAT : Durée : 21 minutes sans publicité Nombre : 24 épisodes par saison
 1 - Lycée :
 Lycée de banlieue parisienne un peu pourrave.
 ·       Salle des profs : vieille moquette puante, teint dégueulasse, néons éblouissants au plafond, deux machines à café pour 70 profs dont une quasiment toujours en panne. Des casiers de bureau en métal qui font du bruit, boîtes aux lettres des profs. 5-6 tables avec des gravures débiles dessus car récupérées dans les salles de cours («KÉVIN + VANESSA = FOREVER », chewing-gum en dessous des tables).
·       Extérieurs : trottoirs en arrivant, barrière extérieure pour fumer, préau, boulangerie
·       Couloirs
·       Parking
·       Toilettes
·       Gymnase : sert de scène de théâtre pour le prof de français et manifestations type « fêtes du printemps », « fêtes de la fin d’année », carnaval
·       Restaurant scolaire : self pourri, nourriture dégueu, diététicienne (keuss) à la fin de la queue pour vérifier les plateaux.
Mandatée par l’état suite à la circulaire C-121-12 pour manger 5 fruits et légumes par jour, enquiquine les élèves et les profs pour bien manger. Elle-même mange tous les jours au café de Théo et on la surprend souvent à grignoter de la junk food saine (chips de banane, barres chocolatées allégées, feuilles d’algues au wasabi, barres de protéines) dans la salle des profs.
 2 – Café :
Café mixte où vont élèves et profs, avec un flipper, baby-foot, jeu de quilles. Profs s’y retrouvent le long de la journée et les élèves quand ils ont des heures de creux.
 Caractère : « fou scientifique » qui teste la cuisine moléculaire (menus du jour invraisemblables). 27 ans, keuss avec petite barbichette, cheveux frisés grisonnants. A hérité de ce café « Chez Marcel » qui appartenait à son père, était au lycée avec personnages masculin et féminin. Style premier de la classe promis à un grand avenir mais a tout abandonné pour reprendre ce qui faisait la vie de son père : animer le café du quartier. Il organise des soirées thématiques tous les jours (lundi rami, mardi poker, mercredi quilles, jeudi slam, vendredi karaoké, samedi thé dansant). Confident des deux personnages. Les deux personnages vont souvent manger chez lui pour le soutenir mais parfois trop dégueulasse : retournent au self.
Flashbacks de l’époque où les 3 personnages étaient au lycée et le père tenait le café.  
  3 - Appartement homme - appartement femme : appartements identiques.
 Histoire : 27 ans, prof de français, fils de profs du même lycée maintenant à la retraite : héritier d’une longue tradition académique, se sent investi d’une mission et d’un héritage symbolique. BAC L, puis licence de lettres modernes puis master MEEF. A foiré 3 fois le concours avant de l’avoir alors qu’il avait le master. Il cite constamment Jules Ferry : « Celui qui est maître du livre est maître de l'éducation.” Souvent, la tête de son père apparaît à côté de son épaule pour lui donner des conseils en cas de situation difficile. Ses conseils sont toujours à côté de la plaque. Il porte la veste en tweed de son père.
En tant que prof il essaie de faire ami-ami avec ses élèves et de paraître cool mais ça ne marche pas, il prétend toujours savoir quelque chose alors qu’il n’y connaît rien (style le père dans « Bref mon père veut être jeune »).
Style vestimentaire : tenues cool qui ne vont pas du tout ensemble (short en jean sur sa veste en tweed ; des vans avec un pantalon de golf), à chaque fois il n’est pas loin mais il y a un truc qui va pas. T-shirt de rock porté à l’envers avec l’étiquette qui ressort. Beaucoup de t-shirts pour paraître cultivé et fun mais tombe à côté. Chaussettes colorées dans les sandales pour paraître cool et pour pas se salir les pieds. Essaie de détourner les codes sans y parvenir. Tous ses accessoires vont dans le même sens : trottinette, casque pour trottinette jaune fluo pour être bien vu la nuit mais très moche ; montre flikflak Scooby Doo qu’il a depuis sa première année de collège et qu’il a gardée parce que ça fait vintage/hipster ; sa tasse « je suis prof et vous quel est votre super pouvoir ? »
 Caractère : mec sympa et farfelu, fait toujours des blagues de merde (jeux de mots, contrepétries), collectionneur compulsif (démarre une nouvelle collection à chaque épisode), aucun sens de l’esthétique. Très attaché à ses parents. Idéaliste de gauche et écolo (brosse à dent en bambou, etc.). Fumeur de roulées.
 Appartement : « hoarder » (collectionneur) mais qui a des manies : garde les bouteilles de shampooing vides « au cas où », garde les boîtes d’œufs pour faire des bricolages pédagogiques sans jamais le faire, garde des vieilles basket de sport pour le jour où il s’y mettra, ne change jamais de brosse à dents, un fauteuil acheté aux puces mais inutilisable car trop fragile pour s’y asseoir (un tendeur de vélo empêche de s’y asseoir). Plein d’objets qui comblent le vide mais chaque objet a sa place bien désignée qu’il ne convient pas de déranger. Intérieur de son appartement surchargé, difficile de marcher
 Histoire : 27 ans, prof de maths. Issue d’un milieu très favorisé mais dont les parents sont partis de zéro pour arriver où ils sont (ont vendu à une grande entreprise le premier scanner couleur). L’ont scolarisée dans le public pour « lui apprendre la vie », mais elle reste pourrie gâtée. Après BAC S, 3 ans de prépa puis 2 ans à HEC, puis job (3 ans) dans une start-up à Londres mais opération de trading foireuse, a coulé la boîte (scandale qui se sait dans le milieu, réputation pourrie et n’a rien trouvé d’autre). Obligée de devenir prof contractuelle au moment du début de la série à d’où même type d’appartement que le prof masculin.
 Caractère : Caractère strict, pas rigolote, anxieuse pathogène : écoute tous les matins un podcast de relaxation et de visualisation mentale car seule chose qu’elle a trouvé pour calmer son stress, ne croit pas à la psychothérapie parce que pas assez scientifique. Plusieurs scènes sur les techniques qu’elle a testé pour se calmer : yoga, sophrologie, thé japonais, gemmothérapie, fleurs de bach, acuponcture, e-cigarettes aux huiles essentielles Monq.
 Appartement : intérieur de l’appart très épuré, à la scandinave, peu d’objets et de déco, moderne à la IKEA (contrastes de noirs et blancs)
 Personnage H – Personnage F : TU
HF- Théo : TU
HF – Marie-Cécile : VOUS
Théo-Marie-Cécile : TU
H – élèves : TU et veut que ses élèves le tutoient
F – élèves : VOUS et veut que ses élèves la vouvoient
 Au début se détestent, mais se fréquentent au café via Théo avec qui ils sont tous les deux amis. Personnage homme va tout le temps aux événements du café et finit par embarquer personnage femme. Se retrouvent enfermés dans le lycée toute une nuit sans faire exprès (changement d’heure, ils corrigeaient des copies) et reviennent à une relation neutre, plus cordiale. Deuxième moitié de la saison : deviennent potes. Fin : personnage femme rappelée par sa pote de Londres (CLIFFHANGER !!!) : que va-t-elle décider ?
Personnage style Amy B99, groupie du proviseur
Toujours absent
Style chef de brigade de Brooklyn 99
Vieux militaire pas du tout efficace, à côté de ses basques
Mais drôle et affectueuse
Fan de broderie
Type véreux qui veut prendre la place du proviseur adjoint
Carriériste qui veut piquer sa job au proviseur
Super motivés, équipe soudés, hyper bronzés, en trop bonne santé, potes avec Marie-Cécile qui n’en a rien en foutre. 4 profs toujours en bande, à chaque épisode c’est un prof différent qui parle.
 EQUIPE MÉDICALE : équipe rigolote, font des vieilles blagues nulles et sont toujours mdr
Psychologue : consciencieuse, caution sérieuse de la série, anti médocs, se forme à la sophrologie, exercices de respiration
Infirmier : petit dealer qui fournit les élèves et les profs
-       prof de philo : lyrique
-       prof de physique chimie : personnage de l’europe de l’est
-       prof d’arts plastiques : cynique, blasé, va à tous les vernissages, traité comme un artiste content pour rien par les profs, traité comme « ceux qui ne peuvent pas enseignent » par les enseignants
-       Marc
-       Julie
→ Juste, développer un peu plus la partie de la nana qui devrait être aussi longue et fournie que celle du mec, vu que ce sont tous les deux les personnages principaux. Enfin, surtout rajouter une ligne pour son style vestimentaire neutre et marquer qu’elle a une tasse elle aussi ; Je préciserai pour elle aussi qu’elle est pourrie gâtée de base mais qu’elle se retrouve un peu désœuvrée et sans thunes vu que ses parents qui en sont arrivés là par leurs propres moyens refusent une fois qu’elle a merdé de l’aider et qu’il est grand temps qu’elle se reprenne en main, du coup le fait que son appart soit épuré irait un peu dans ce sens, pas juste un choix de pas vouloir se prendre la tête mais aussi qu’elle n’a plus vraiment de thunes et qu’elle doit revoir la façon dont elle gère ses dépenses
Pour un souci d’exactitude : ça n’existe pas les montre flik flak star wars — oui, j’ai des connaissances en montre flik flak — mais ils ont Spiderman Superman et Batman et ont eu Scooby Doo.
*j‘opte pour Scooby !
Je mettrais bien tout le monde sauf Batman, vu que tous sont un peu des super héros soit irréel (Superman) soit un peu con-con (Scooby) soit “puéril” (Spiderman — je n’ai vu que les films, pas taper.) (désolée, j’aime beaucoup trop Batman pour salir son image haha) mais il peut avoir une clef usb Star Wars — ma prof d’arts pla en avait une ^^ Pour le cliffhanger insoutenable, on fait le pilote ce soir avec Charles, je pense qu’on va insérer le coup de la pote de Londres une fois qu’ils sont arrivés dans le lycée : la nana se plaint du mec avec sa trottinette auprès de sa pine-co.
Il faudrait rajouter quelques perso importants et représentatifs dans la bible comme le/la principal/e, un CPE, un prof lambda c’est peut-être là qu’il faut dire que les élèves ne sont pas identifiés mais sont un bloc “les élèves”
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