mercair · 9 months
Happy new year everybody! This year sure was a lot of fun to me.
I've been a part of this comunnity for a VERY long time, and this year felt like all of my original work finally got recognized. Sure, i made some cool stuff before, but this year just felt a lot more special, you know? Anyways i've never been good with words. The point is; Thank you!
Oh also i made this! A little mashup of drawings that i was making just for the fun of it but then i turned into a new year special because it was the only thing i had! It's a lot.
Do you recognize every character that's in here? If that's so then CONGRATULATIONS! You're a nerd :D
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Allow me to put the credits for every character in here.
Petaly by Jas
Flaurel by Bep_Celeste
Ind-E by @sepsis-tank
Outdraw by @ralk-is-peeved
Unnamed cat creature by Yuki (I just think they're neat!)
Roti by @followerex
Slush-E by @4444pi
Min-E by @l1zardart1stre
Bluny The Ghost by @glitch-the-artist
Flowlezz by https://www.tumblr.com/flower-guy
I forgot the names of the other ones but those were made by mercair i think.
Anyways, i hope you had a good year, and f you didn't, don't worry! I'm sure the next one will be a lot better.
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qinarde · 7 months
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12/2/23 I don;t like thjis drawing but its intention and essence is pure
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tvshowscouples · 3 months
If you love Frank&Laurel (How To Get Away With Murder) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog couples :)
thank you!
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fallintower · 10 months
Tapes made it to round 3!!!!!!! i love everything about Flaurel by the incredible @bepinasworld , i think these two would get along. this is easily her toughest matchup so far, can the tapes sweep continue through even this...?
vote here: https://twitter.com/Valuenetwork97/status/1733929875575099582
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franks-law · 1 year
Hey fellow Frank and Laurel fans I am trying to post new things but Tumblr rejects every GIF image! If anyone knows a solution I'm all ears this is very frustrating!
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littlegildedswallow · 8 months
rewatching htgawm and my god, frank and laurel are so hot together. the fucking chemistry.
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wallflowerrs-blog · 10 months
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lifecanbealottotake · 2 years
Frank and Laurel should’ve been end game
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bungowife · 6 months
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Misc stuff!!!!!!!!!!!! The Flaurel one is kind of old but I cleaned it up
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kikosuu · 2 years
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commission for @/flaureling on twitter!
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mondscheinespiegel · 1 year
Screaming in the Closet
I knew something was up when Flaurel went missing after 5 hours. I tried looking for her in all the rooms on the seventh floor, but there was no trace of her. It was only then I'd heard a shrill scream coming from the other side of one door, followed by the frantic ramblings of an inaudible conversation. Muffled by the walls, perhaps?
When I opened the door, Flaurel was yelling to herself in a dark room. I have no idea how she got in there. I flicked on the lights to show her that she had been yelling in a storage closet all this time. Flaurel, cheeks like a beet, only laughed it off and returned to her chores.
She gets lost very easily, I'm worried about that.
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thefanficmonster · 2 years
wait you take headcanon requests too? if so, can i please request headcanons for annalise realizing she thinks of the keating 5 as her children?
i’m literally obsessed with the show as of recently, so feel free to toss out my requests if it’s too much or you’re just not into it - 🦋
Awww I adore this request, thank you so much 🦋 Enjoy the headcanons 💕 (PS: Hope you don't mind them being set in season 1)
Pairing (Platonic/Motherly): Annalise Keating & Keating 5
Warnings: SPOILERS for Season 1 of HTGAWM, Swearing, Mentions of Heartbreak and Break ups and Insecurities
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Found Family, Platonic Fluff
It started with how much of herself she saw in Michaela
Hell, Annalise will go as far as to say that she can't remember ever seeing a spirit like Miss Pratt's in her classes before
A girl full of fiery ambition, intelligence and unshakeable attitude
At times she even wishes she'd been that bold at her age
So, when she saw her come home looking drastically more different after the holiday break, she was right to be concerned
She was still Michaela, that's for sure
Ready for a fight, a challenge, an all-nighter
But something was missing
And when the engagement was broken up, she wilted away even more
That's when Annalise couldn't keep her concerns to herself anymore and asked the girl to her office for a private and personal chat - something she rarely or rather never did with her students
It was surprisingly easy to get Michaela to confide in her, almost as though she'd been waiting for someone willing to hear her out
And when she finally let it all out of her system, dropping a few tears along the way, Annalise gave her a piece of her mind, some advice she'll never forget
A promising 'men ain't shit'
Which perfectly transitions to the similar talk she gave Laurel about Frank
She'd caught all their fleeting glances, smiles from across the room, 'subtle' or 'accidental' physical contact and all the times they'd sneak off on their own when they though the other students were least likely to notice
Of course, Annalise had nothing has nothing against a little mixture of feelings in the work place as long as it doesn't hinder the work flow
But the guy in question was none other than Frank and if anybody knew this man, it was her
And the first thing she knew about him apart from his knowledge of law, was that he's a notorious heartbreaker among college girls
And she'd be damned if she let him hurt Laurel
She didn't know exactly why she wanted to intervene this time specifically but she did
First by lightly telling Laurel to watch herself around Frank - which she took quite easily and gracefully
"I love the guy like my own son, but I'd be damned if I looked you in the eyes and lied to your face that he's a good man for these types of things. Romance is not his strong suit and you....you seem fragile, Miss Castillo. Watch out for yourself, ok? He's haphazard and insensitive at times, but he can't break you if you don't let him."
And then by telling Frank off to hell, making him promise up and down that he wasn't playing games with her
"I swear you're gonna be regretting the day you stepped foot in my office, you understand? I've heard you pull the 'nothing personal' card far too many times to hear it again this year. Got it? Miss Castillo is too good to be a conquest or toy you enjoy for a month then drop and forget about within a day!"
Much like Rebecca was playing with Wes
The Puppy of the group had his own love troubles too
Pursuing an emotionally unavailable person has become Annalise's specialty too over the past few years of her marriage to Sam so she knew exactly what he felt when she sat down in hopes of having a proper talk with him
She figured that his love troubles were only the tip of the iceberg
This boy had layers and layers of problems suffocating him and, although initially reluctant to open up about them, he eventually did, allowing for Annalise to be let in on his life story, the death of his mother, how hard his life has been since, how he's so unsure of himself and how his trust issues have never been so bad
She took the opportunity to fill him in on a little secret - the faux confidence of lawyers, she called it
The confidence they exhibit in court isn't always 100% genuine or stable
Hell, some of them walk in there 99% sure they're gonna lose the case and yet they still stand strong and tall before the judge and build a case that can only stand for any length of time if it's shown with confidence
But, one has to know when the confidence has gone overboard
Faking it doesn't always lead to making it, sometimes it can lead to a bad crash and burn
Which is what Connor has been dealing with behind sly smirks and sarcastic remarks
Annalise noticed each change of his expression whenever he wouldn't get something right in class or when he'd see the trophy getting handed off to someone else of the Keating 5
She sees his brick wall of self-assuredness falter in those moments, something no one else catches a glimpse of which is probably his intention
Which is mainly why he refused her help when she offered it to him
He did, however, accept a drink, and after two, he was singing his heart out, spilling his worries to her
From love troubles with Oliver, to how the recent events have affected him and how he's starting to lose his sense of self, no longer able to tell right from wrong, how his walls were built so high, he couldn't let in even the people he wanted to
All struggles that hit very close to home for her
She understood him and advised him the best she could - to the extent he'd listen to - but comforted him with words that have stuck with him ever since
"The pressure sucks, I know. But imagine how much suckier it would be to be left in a state of ignorance. You want to be in the know? You better prepare for what that brings Mr. Walsh."
Speaking of ignorance...there's Asher
He's like the baby of the group by this point, protected from the truth that his friends have done something terrible, that his professor is in on it and that the only reason he's here is probably because of his father
Although he proved himself smarter and more capable than anticipated he clearly didn't see it that way for when Annalise congratulated him on his recent progress, he had simply asked:
"How much did my dad pay you to bump up my grade?"
Turns out he knew of that last part
Which was perfect to prompt Annalise into giving him a brief lecture on clinging onto details
"Our job may or may not revolve around details, but look at it this way: he's the reason I took you in, you're the reason you've stayed this long. After all, he never said I couldn't kick you from the program whenever I'd please. Keep up the good work, Mr. Millstone, and maybe your daddy won't have to pay your way any further than this spot on my team."
Each and every time she did it, she reasoned with herself that she just wanted her team to be top-tier and remain so at all times
If she had to coax them out of a dark place then that's what she was prepared to do
But now, as she's found herself looking at all five of them gathered in the living room of her house as per usual, she can't help the smile that comes across her face
Michaela's back to being herself, lively and intense like the hurricane she's been since day one, eyes on the prize with no distractions on the way
Laurel seems happier too, but that might have something to do with the fact that those looks, smiles and touches between her and Frank aren't so much fleeting and exchanged in secrecy anymore
Yup, even Annalise was taken aback to find out that the two were an official item but God if that didn't make her day
Wes has been working more on his confidence as of recent, being more open with his ideas and thoughts, not only with the other four students but in front of the whole class too
Baby steps, but meaningful ones, letting the woman know her efforts weren't in vain
Connor has kept up a poker face facade - the one all too regular for him, but she has been noticing the subtle changes
The leisure in his posture when he sits, the easy smile on his face when the five are taking a break from their hard work etc.
And Asher seems to have found anew surge of motivation, now knowing that what he did actually mattered and that at least this element of his life wasn't in the hands of his father
All in all, missions Keating 5 seems to have been a success
And it's helped Annalise find out a little thing about herself too
The answer to the question why she's grown so attached to these students out of all 4's she's coached throughout her career
Simple: Because these five have become her responsibility, like her very own children
And she will protect them as such
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kittyfors · 3 years
laurel and frank belong together. sorry not sorry.
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empiriconda · 4 years
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franks-law · 1 year
Hey y'all THANK YOU SO MUCH for liking my blog again the love is truly amazing! I'm still so sorry I didn't write more and that 99% of it is just pics with a blurp and nothing else. I'm trying to get the time (I've said this 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 times before but I fell so inspired by your love of my vane attempt of having a Tumblr while being blocked. Look for a new story next week. Again THANK YOU!!!!!!
Frank's Law
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avidfan2016 · 4 years
How to Get Away With Murder has me so confused right now. Literally every season of this show and even the first couple episodes of this season it’s been pretty much all Frank and Laurel. Now they abandon that and it’s Frank and Bonnie. Wth. I know they slept together in Season 3, but when Frank came back to town where’s the first place he went? Laurel’s apartment and only after seeing her with Wes did he show up at Bonnie’s. Then he went right back to Laurel’s and slept with her. Last season he proposed to her!
I personally just don’t think Frank and Bonnie have any chemistry or passion. Their I love you scene in this last episode was a joke. There was no feeling behind it. God do you remember the “I’ll love the hell outta him because I love the hell outta you” scene?? That was what I call chemistry and passion and that’s why I will ship Flaurel until the day I die.
Also, I have 100% convinced myself that the only reason the writers are shoving Frank and Bonnie together is because Karla left the show.
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