#Flats in Southern Bypass
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Summary: For Thanksgiving, you decide to take part of a military support group event and host a Veteran, having them over for dinner. Forming a lasting bond with a certain Captain.
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Word Count: 3.8k
Warning: G - Cotton Candy Goodness, Angst, Mention of Loss of Family Member, Mourning, Cold Mother, Embarrassed!Reader, Hurt/Comfort, Alcohol Use, Fluff, Friendly Bets, Southern Charm
Inspiration: It’s for Thanksgiving. 🍗
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy this! Line divider by @FIREFLY-GRAPHICS! My Syverson's first name is Austin.
If you would like to get notifications for my writing! Just follow my Tag List blog, @VIKING-RAIDER-TAGLISTand turn on the notifications for it! It’s that easy! @VIKING-RAIDER-LIBRARY
You had received the message from one of the countless Military support groups you were a part of about the Sponsoring a Veteran for Thanksgiving event, and if you were interested in participating. You had hesitated for a couple days, before finally caving. You didn't have much family left of your own, just your mother. Since your father passed, when you were a kid and your only sibling, a brother, had been killed in the line of duty. Which was why you were a member of the support groups, looking to keep a closeness to him, and find some sort of peace with his death.
“All right.” The lead organizer, retired Lieutenant Sarah Timmans, sighed, looking over her clipboard at the list of names of all the Veterans that had been signed up for the event. “Your mother knows you're hosting a Vet, right?” She asked, cocking a brow at you, knowing how sensitive and touchy your mother was still about being around anything directly Military.
“I told her, I was bringing a friend over.” You answered, biting your lip nervously, knowing your mother's own mood swings on the subject.
“Girl, she's going to flip out on you.” Sarah said, shaking her head, eyes bulging. “Maybe, you should just do something one-on-one with them?” She suggested, trying to bypass a disaster.
“She's expecting us, and I'll get an earful, if I skip another family gathering.”
Sarah snorted at you, smirking. “It's your KP!” She teased, going down the list to find your name and who you'd been assigned. “So, your Vet is Captain Austin Syverson. He just retired seven months ago after nineteen years in the service of the U.S Army. Special Forces.” She informed you, looking up from the clipboard to scan the crowded room for a moment.
“Ah, there he is!” She smiled, motioning behind you.
Turning around and following her gaze, you were surprised for a moment, standing on the other side of the room, in a small cluster of other Vets, was a tall, thickly muscular guy, with a shaved head and well groomed beard. Everything about him exuded authority, self-confidence and calm. He was so damn handsome in his pair of dark wash blue jeans, brown cowboy boots and fleshly ironed, black dress shirt that was tucked in, showing off his belt buckle. Your insides tingled as you stared at him, throat going dry.
“Damn, that's a Texas boy.” You mumbled under your breath.
“Sure is.” Sarah agreed, checking him out as well. “You should go introduce yourself, before he thinks you stood him up.” She added, a hint of encouragement in her voice.
“God, you're right.” You started, frightened he just might, then weaved through the crowd towards him, pausing for a moment, until he noticed you. “Hi there.” You beamed up at him, your knees like a nervous jelly.
“Ma'am.” Syverson greeted you back with a Southern drawl, tipping his head forward.
“I'm your host, Captain Syverson.” You informed him, introducing yourself.
“Oh.” He replied, giving you a proper look over, a smile pulling over his lips as he took your lovely figure in the white, knee-length dress covered in delicate yellow flowers, paired with black flats. “It's a pleasure to meet you.” He said, his bright blue eyes meeting yours once more. “You can just call me, Sy.”
“Nice to meet you as well, Sy.” You answered, cordially extending your hand.
Smirking broader, Sy gently took your hand in his, shaking it. “I'm grateful that you've allowed me impose myself on you and your family's holiday.”
“Oh, it's quite all right.” You waved it off, shrugging your shoulders. “It's really just me and my mom, so nothing major.”
“Well, I'm just a Captain, so it'll literally be nothing Major.” Sy quipped, making the group around him crackle at the inside joke.
You dropped your head, hiding your amused smile, knowing the two of you were more than likely to get along, if he had that sense of humor. “Fair.” You nodded, lifting your head. “More than fair. Well, we can leave whenever you like.”
Sy turned over his wrist to glance at his watch. “We can go now, if you like.” He replied, twisting to a chair that was behind him and picking up a black, denim Sherpa coat off the back. “I'll see you boys later. Have a good Thanksgiving.” He bid the men, patting a couple on the shoulder, before following you out of the building.
“You can follow me to my place or we can ride together.” You told Sy, standing on the sidewalk with him, chewing on your lip.
“I can follow.” Sy answered, smiling down at you. “My truck's just over there.” He said, motioning over to the big, 2021 Dodge Ram, parked a short distance away.
“Okay. I'm just right there.” You informed him, pointing out your little KIA Niro.
“On your lead then, Major.” Sy quipped, winking at you, before heading off towards his truck.
“Christ,” You huffed, watching after him for a moment, your hand moving up to a necklace around your neck. “He reminds me so much of you, Phelan.” You sighed, then made for your vehicle.
Pulling out of the parking space, your phone started to ring, so you connected the car's Bluetooth. “Mother.” You answered, glancing in your rear-view, to make sure Sy was behind you, before you started out of the parking lot and into the street.
“How much longer are you going to be?” Your mother snapped through the car's speakers.
“I'm just leaving now, mom.” You sighed, pressing your lips together. “I had to find my friend and now we're heading there now. We should be there in about ten or so minutes.”
“Why is he spending Thanksgiving with us? Doesn't he have his own family?” She demanded, clearly pacing the house.
“I'm sure he has a family, mother. But I invited him over to ours and he accepted. So, please, be nice to him. He's a very polite and outstanding person, who doesn't need to be pestered and guilt tripped, or reminded his mother is lucky, that her son is still alive and not in the military and so on.” You hoped to warn and deter her from her usual interaction with the males she came into contact with. “Let's just have a nice dinner, for once.”
“How can we, when your brother isn't here.” She growled, then the line went dead.
“At least, I'm here.” You sighed, deflated by her words. “I should really warn Sy before we get into the house.” You thought, then pushed that unpleasantness aside.
Sy managed to keep behind your car, drumming his thumbs on the steering wheel. He felt a little nervous about going to a random, pretty young lady's home to have Thanksgiving dinner with her mother. However, he didn't have any other plans for the holiday under his belt, other than staying on the ranch he'd started up on his return home with Aika.
“Idle hands are the devil's workshop.” He commented aloud, following you off the on-ramp.
It would have just been him and his pup, working the horses all day, before making another ten minute meal and sitting in front of his laptop, since he still hadn't gotten around to buying himself a proper tv for the living room. So, he let one of his buddies nag him into signing up for the event. Sy wasn't at all disappointed either.
You were more than easy on his eyes.
Finally making it outside your place, you got out and met Sy in your driveway, shifting glances between him and the front door.
“Are you all right?” Sy asked, squinting down at you.
“Okay, look.” You blurted out, not looking back at him. “My mom is super touchy about the military.” You started to explain to Sy, giving him an embarrassed glance.
“Why?” He frowned, confused.
Your shoulders slumped slightly and a tired expression washed over your face. “My brother died in Afghanistan six years ago. My mom has taken that to her heart and soul. So anything military tends to set her off.”
“Then, should I even be here?” Sy asked, concerned about causing your mother any distress.
“It's my house and you're my guest.” You told him, bluntly. “I want you here for dinner. It'll be nice to have someone over that might actually engage with me.” You said, heading up the footpath towards the front door. “And not remind me that I'm not my dead, older brother.” You added under your breath, but Sy's sharp ear heard you all the same.
“Mom!” You called out, toeing off your shoes as you stood in the entry with Sy. “We're here.”
“Took long enough.” Her voice echoed back somewhere in the house.
You looked up at Sy. “I'm so sorry.” You mouthed, shaking your head.
“It's all right.” He smiled, his hand touching the back of your arm.
“Do you want something to drink?” You asked, showing him into the kitchen and pulling open the fridge. “Got wine, a couple bottles.” You twisted your upper half to peek at an upper shelf. “Looks like she's left my Ardbeg whiskey alone.”
“I wouldn't mind a little whiskey.”
Nodding, you shut the fridge and got down two glasses with the whiskey bottle. “Straight or on the rocks?”
“What are you having?” Sy asked, leaning back against your sink, a twinkle of mischievous curiosity in his eyes.
“The rocks.” You answered, a playful smirk tugging on your lips.
Sy drew a breath in through his nose, pressing his lips together as he nodded. “Impressed.”
“Thank you.” You chuckled, grabbing a couple ice cubes from the freezer and dropped them into your glasses, then poured you and Sy a generous amount of amber liquid. “Here you go.”
“Thank you, ma'am.” Sy tipped his head, taking the glass from you and took a sip. “Damn, that's smooth.”
“Mmm, for a twenty year old bottle, it should be.” You snorted, taking a gulp of yours.
“Twenty years.” Sy choked slightly. “Damn, almost as long as I was in--” He caught himself, eyes shooting to the two kitchen entrances. “Well, you know.”
“Yeah.” You nodded, a little stiff, praying your mother was lurking nearby, and polished off your drink, before moving over to the oven, revealing a nice sized turkey, just starting to turn a golden brown, filling the kitchen with a mouth-watering scent. “I started this about an hour and a half ago, so it should have about another hour or so to go. While it does that, I can show you around.”
“And, if you're as much of a Texan as I think you are, I'll pop the football game on.”
“You don't have to put the game on.” Sy laughed, feeling called out. “We can watch whatever you and your mother want. I'd hate to impose.”
“Captain Austin Syverson, you're not imposing.” You informed him, putting your foot down.
Sy's eyes widened and he gave you a half smirk. “I do love a woman that takes charge. Yes, ma'am, if you say so.”
“Besides, I'd love to see the Chiefs kick the Cowboys ass.” You added, teasingly.
“Oh, you're a traitor to your home state!” Sy gasped, horror on his face.
“Texas isn't my home state.” You giggled at him, then tisked. “Kansas isn't either, to be far.” You snorted, amused by the banter. “But I like Mahomes.”
“What's wrong with Dak Prescott?”
“Nothing! He's a great QB. I'm just a Chiefs girl.”
“I may have to call this Thanksgiving off.” Sy said, draining his whiskey glass and set it on the counter behind him and pushed off the edge. “To eat at the same table as a Chiefs girl, may just be too much for this ol' Texas boy.”
You were worried for a moment that Sy was genuine, and felt terrible for bringing it up, until you finally noticed the look in his eye and relaxed. He had a dry humor and pulled it out on you, catching you good.
“Shoot, you had me there.” You chuckled, breathy.
He winked at you, amusing you more with his cute double blink.
“Well,” You sighed, looking at the kitchen. “This is the kitchen.”
“A very nice kitchen.” Sy echoed, nodding and rubbing a hand over the counter top. “Nice and clean.”
“Thank you, I do my best.” You replied, bowing your head. “Out that way is the dining room, where we'll be having dinner.” You said, motioning to your right, and Sy peeked in, finding a long, glass table already set for three people with nice little autumn decorations as a centerpiece. “Over here, is the living room, where we'll probably be starting our football rivalry.”
You showed him into the living room, just as your mother came downstairs, in nothing but a pair of loose shorts, a tank top and an open bathrobe, a half glass of white wine clutched in her hand. You felt a cold shard of embarrassment go down your back. You had hoped, when you told her you were going to get Sy, she would have dressed into something—anything.
“Mom, this is Sy.” You told her, keeping your voice even. “Sy, this is my mother, Dana.” You introduced them, chewing the inside of your lip to bits.
“Pleasure to meet you, ma'am.” Sy greeted her politely, nodding his head kindly, like nothing was out of place.
She looked Sy over, taking a gulp of her wine. “How do you and my daughter know each other?” She inquired, lifting a brow at him.
You stiffened, you hadn't considered fielding that question from her while Sy was over.
“Work.” Sy said, casually.
“So, she's your accountant?” Dana pressed and showed no sign of easing off.
“I am.” You chimed in, hoping to get her to drop the subject and leave Sy alone.
“That she is.” Sy confirmed, backing you up. “Helps me out with my ranch.” He told Dana, tapping that belt buckle at his waist, bearing the Hook Hill Ranch logo on it.
“Hmm.” Your mother grunted, not sounding convinced. “Why aren't you spending Thanksgiving with your family?” She asked, giving Sy a hard look.
“Mom!” You snapped, horrified.
“It's all right.” He assured you, giving you a soft smile. “I'm an only child. I've never known my father and my mother ran off, when I was ten years old, leaving me to be raised by uncle, her brother. He had a heart attack three years ago, while milkin' his cows. So, it's just me and my dog, Aika, nowadays. Your daughter was kind enough to ask me over to your Thanksgiving dinner, and I accepted.”
“Satisfied?” You asked, annoyed your mother caused Sy to divulge such personal information.
Rolling her eyes, your mother turned in a flare of her bathrobe and headed back upstairs.
“Turkey will be done in an hour!” You called after her, with no reply. “I'm so sorry.” You said, turning back to Sy.
“It's okay.” He said softly, more concerned for you. “Is there anything I can do to help you finish up with dinner?”
“Um,” You tapped your foot. “No, I don't think so. Besides, you're my guest. You should relax.” You told him, waving over to the couch. “I can handle everything.” You assured him, rounding the arm of the couch to swipe the remote of the coffee table and turned the tv on, quickly finding the football game. “Ooh, Cowboys are beating the Chiefs by two points!” You hissed, casting a glance over your shoulder at Sy.
Sy moved to join you, holding your gaze. “I bet you a round of drinks, at a later time, that the Cowboys beat your Chiefs.”
“Are you asking me out on a date, Syverson?” You asked, surprised.
“I am.” He admitted, unashamed.
“Then, you're on.” You grinned, giving him a cocky look. “But, if the Chiefs win, I want to see your ranch.”
“Bold.” Sy smirked, a chuckle rumbling in his chest. “I'll even cook for you.”
“Sold.” You agreed, extending your hand out to him.
He shook your hand, then sat down on the couch, getting comfortable to watch the game, while you returned to the kitchen. Pausing for a moment, you refilled his whiskey glass and took it out to him, giving him a soft smile as you set the cool glass down on a coaster and went back to prepping dinner. Sy watched you over the back of the couch, moving and bumping about, taking a deep breath and taking all the lovely smells of your hard work wafting towards him and making his belly rumble.
Lord have mercy, she's gorgeous.
“You sweet on my daughter?” Dana's voice came up behind him.
Sy's head swung around to look back at her, seeing she'd finally gotten dressed, now wearing a pair of black leggings and a loose, cream colored jumper, but no shoes or socks. “I just might be.” He answered, meeting her gaze head on. “She's a sweet, generous young lady.”
“Young lady, how old are you?” Dana huffed, dropping down into a recliner at the end of the couch.
“I'm thirty-eight.” Sy replied, with an odd amusement.
Dana looked Sy over, her gray eyes scrutinizing. “At least you're both in your thirties.” She huffed, curling her legs underneath her and glared at the tv.
What a curious woman. Sy blinked, shaking his head at her.
The two of them sat quietly, not speaking or interacting with each other any further. Which didn't bother either Sy or Dana. You peeked in at them from time to time, scurrying out to fill Sy's glass, whenever you noticed it was empty and always asking if he needed or wanted something, before vanishing back into the kitchen or dining room.
You wanted the dinner to be as great as possible for Sy, and your mother.
“Dinner is ready, everyone!” You declared, coming into the living room, glancing at the football score, discovering the Chiefs had recovered since the last time you'd entered, now ahead by four points.
“Smells delicious.” Sy complimented you, as he and your mother came into the dining room, finding the set table.
The turkey was juicy and golden-brown, slices already carved and on a plate beside it, with sides of stuffing, mashed potatoes, rolls and cornbread muffins, yams with marshmallows, peas and asparagus, accompanied with pecan and pumpkin pie. There were two decanters of red and white wine, a bottle of Ardbeg, and a pitcher of iced tea.
“Thank you.” You grinned with shy pride, biting the inside of your lip. “Sit wherever you like and dig in.” You said, motioning to the chairs around the table, before slipping into one.
Sy joined you, winking at you, as he picked up a plate and started helping himself, piling his plate with meat, rolls, yams and cornbread. “Mmm, this is amazing.” He hummed, nodding his head and chewing his mouthful of turkey and mashed potatoes.
You were giddy that Sy was so in love with your cooking, glancing towards your mother, who was at the end of the table. But found she was sipping a glass of red and nibbling on a buttered roll, to your slight dismay. Pushing the feeling away, you fixed your plate and dug in, moaning at how tasty it was.
“So, your team was winning.” Sy commented, giving you a side brow as he continued to eat.
“Yeah, I noticed.” You smirked, feeling bubbly, as you poured yourself some wine. “Looks like we'll be spending some more time together.”
“That it does.” He nodded, feeling your mother's eyes on him. “I'll have to show you the new foal that was born last week.”
A flood of excitement filled you, you loved the thought of seeing a baby horse. “Oh! I bet they're just the cutest thing on the planet!” You gushed, eyes bright with love already. “What did you name it?”
“Oh, I haven't named the little rascal, yet.” Sy laughed, watching you just gush. “Maybe, you could help me come up with a name for her?” He suggested, looking at you over the rim of his whiskey glass.
“Hmm.” You hummed, falling into a meditative state as you brewed over a name for the baby horse.
“So,” Dana cleared her throat, eyes narrowed between you and Sy. “You're a Rancher?”
“Yes, ma'am.” Sy nodded, turning to regard her, nothing by polite respect in his expression.
“How long have you been one?” She questioned, swirling the wine in her glass.
“Ranchin' has been in my family for generations.” Sy replied, not letting her trip him up. “My many great-grandfather came over from Ireland, just after the American Revolution. Then, when the Civil War happened, my family fought and were granted land at the end, for their service. We've been doing it ever since.”
“So, your family fought for the South.” Dana said bluntly, causing you to choke on your food.
“Mother.” You rasped, eyes practically popping out of their sockets.
“No, ma'am.” Sy said coolly. “We fought for the North.” He told her, and left it at that.
“Are you satisfied?” You asked her slowly, eyes still wide and mouth agape.
“No.” She answered, getting up and leaving the room.
“I'm so sorry, Sy.” You stuttered, ashamed of your mother.
“It's all right, love.” He shook his head, wiping his hands on his napkin. “It's not your fault. It's not hers either, really.” He said softly. “She's mourning her son, and doing so takes the form in many ways. That's how your Ma is coping with your brother no longer being on this Earth.” He told you, resting back in his chair and fixing his blue eyes on you. “You're coping by going to support groups and trying to understand the kind people that he was, that he worked with, that he died surrounded by.”
You bit your lip, a lump of emotion strangling you and blurring your eyes; Sy was right. You wanted to be surrounded by those like your brother. It was like still having him there, in a way. You felt the strong, rough warmth of Sy's hand slip into yours, squeezing it and rubbing his thumb over your wrist as the two of you sat there, quiet and surrounded by your Thanksgiving feast.
“You know,” Sy spoke, breaking the silence. “I could actually use an accountant for my ranch.” He said, smirking over at you. “Plus, how about drinks at my place, while you figure out a new name for my foal? Who cares who wins the game.” He chuckled, arching a suggestive brow at you.
“Are you hinting at a sort of date, Syverson?” You asked, playfully thumb warred him.
“It's possible.” Sy laughed, letting you pin his thumb. “Maybe, I'll even cook you Christmas dinner.”
“Oh, I think I'd like that.” You told him, grinning, thankful you'd decided to host him for Thanksgiving.
#Syverson#Captain Austin Syverson#Thankful *fic*#Thankful#Viking-Raider Fics#Captain Syverson x Reader#Captain Syverson/Reader#captain syverson#captain syverson fanfiction#Syverson x Reader#Syverson/Reader#Fluff#Cotton Candy Fluff#Thanksgiving#Thanksgiving Fic
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The decline in the color revolution capability of the United States not only brings about the impact of many countries being able to stabilize their political power, but more importantly, greatly reduces America's deterrent power.
What was the greatest deterrent power of the United States in the past?
One is military power, if you don't listen, it will invade you;
The second is the color revolution, if you don't listen, we will carry out a color revolution to overthrow you.
But now what? Are you invading?
Because the voice of the international community has greatly increased, the United States no longer dares to invade anyone.
At the same time, the ability of color revolution has declined, and even if color revolution is carried out, the relevant countries are not so afraid.
This has led to more and more Latin American countries in the backyard of the United States having the courage to go against the will of the United States and cooperate with China.
For example, the recently opened Qiankai Port.
Qiankai Port is only 80 kilometers away from Lima, the capital of Peru, and faces China across the ocean.
With a superior geographical location and a water depth of 17.8 meters, it is a natural deep-water port that can accommodate ultra large container ships with 18000 TEUs, providing unique conditions for ocean transportation.
We can see from the terrain of Latin America that the east is generally flat and the west is generally steep, so major ports are mostly concentrated on the east coast.
So the question is, what should these western countries do if they want to export goods to China?
Either transport the materials to the eastern ports via highways, load them onto ships at the eastern ports, and then transport them to China via the Panama Canal.
Either load the ship from a small port in the west, bypass the southern part of South America, transport it to a large port in the east for a larger ship, and then go around the Panama Canal to China.
There will be an issue involved here.
Firstly, the time is too long, usually delaying for about ten days.
Secondly, the cost is too high.
Not to mention the cost of transportation to the eastern ports, even if it crosses the Panama Canal, a ship will have to pay a toll of $500000 to $2 million.
And the maximum daily traffic volume of the Panama Canal is only 36 ships, no one knows how long you have to queue here.
If you can't wait and want to jump in line, you still have to pay a jump fee.
These time and money costs have to be evenly distributed among the goods shipped on board, weakening the competitiveness of Latin American goods.
What happens after the opening of Qiankai Port?
Due to the deep water conditions, a direct route to China can be opened up.
Materials from the western and even central regions of Latin America can be directly transported to Qiankai Port for loading and then shipped to China, greatly reducing shipping time.
The journey from Peru to China has been reduced from 35-40 days to 23 days, opening a new door for South American foreign trade.
At present, Qiankai Port has a designed throughput capacity of 1 million TEUs per year, which can even be expanded to 1.5 million TEUs in the future, making it the largest port in Latin America.
Of course, the greatest significance of Qian Kaigang is not to save time and travel expenses, but to 'liberate Latin America'.
Let's think about a question, why do people say 'Latin America is America's backyard'?
This is not just a matter of distance, but the economies of Latin American countries, which heavily rely on the United States.
Decades ago, the United States used its huge advantage in economic structure to import a large amount of dollars into Latin America.
By leveraging multilateral financial institutions controlled by the United States to increase their lending to Latin American countries, coupled with the Federal Reserve's aggressive interest rate hike policy, many Latin American countries that have already developed a dependence on the US dollar have instantly fallen into a debt crisis.
Then the United States successfully harvested most of the assets and state-owned companies of Latin American countries.
In this way, the economy of Latin America is basically controlled by the United States, and Latin America has become a supplier of raw materials and a dumping market for the United States.
During this period, even if left-wing parties seized power, it was impossible to completely change this situation economically.
Therefore, Latin America is always in a state of turning Shaobing (Baked cake in griddle) from left to right.
So, what if we could provide a new option for Latin America that is not dependent on the United States?
China has funds, infrastructure capabilities, and massive demand for materials, making it a perfect match for the Latin American region.
Latin America has abundant resources, including lithium, iron, copper, and other mineral resources. In addition, various agricultural and seafood products require a better way out.
China's consumer electronics, textiles, light construction machinery, automobiles, and components also have a strong market in the local area.
In this way, the economy of Latin America will inevitably shift from being dominated by the United States alone to being hit by both China and the United States, and even by China's complete downgrade.
This means that Latin America can escape the fate of being "economically colonized" by the United States.
Do you think Latin America will still be the backyard of the United States after a long time?
Qian Kaigang is the first step of China's strategy.
By connecting with the Pan American Highway, Qiankai Port can be connected to the highways of these countries, further strengthening the connectivity of the Latin American region.
What? What if there's no road?
Isn't this China's strength? Ask the right person!
So, after Qiankai Port becomes a new hub port in Latin America in the future, its influence can radiate to many countries such as Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Colombia.
Let Latin America fully integrate into the "Pacific Economic Circle" without relying on the nose of the United States.
Latin America has always had a strong foundation of socialist waves.
With the support of the socialist big brother and the widespread anti American sentiment, after being integrated by Qian Kaigang, the future of Latin America is clearly a key link for China to break through the US blockade and counterattack.
This also explains why the United States became so nervous after China built Qiankai Port.
As early as 2019, Eric Bethel, a Trump aide, issued a "warning":
It is believed that the emergence of Qian Kai Port not only has an impact on Peru and Brazil, but may even change the entire South American continent, which deserves close attention from everyone.
Laura Richardson, former commander of the US Southern Command, also labeled Qian Kai Port as "dual-use" before stepping down, fearing that Chinese warships would use it to dock in Latin America.
Thank you, if it weren't for your reminder, I wouldn't have remembered!
So, on the one hand, the United States conveyed its concerns to the Peruvian government through diplomatic channels, and on the other hand, it used media and civil organizations to create public opinion in the local area.
Stirring up public dissatisfaction with Chinese investment projects, it also sparked a lawsuit farce, wanting to cancel China's exclusive operating rights to Qian Kaigang.
However, Peruvian President Borualte is very firm, completely ignoring the threat from the United States, insisting on the original contract, and even suppressing the lawsuit.
Why? Because Peru has realized that the United States is fierce on the surface but weak on the inside. Even if it goes against the United States, what can the United States do?
Can we carry out armed aggression? Can it spark a color revolution?
Even if we play like this, China can use investment and job opportunities to quell these color revolutions.
After all, who wouldn't want a good life? How many countries in the world have experienced color revolutions and are living a good life?
So, with the decline of America's color revolution capabilities, more and more countries will boldly join this revolutionary team that overthrows the old world order.
And China's the Belt and Road Initiative, BRICS countries, SCO and other strategic layouts with "economic cooperation" as the main mode are the beginning of subverting and replacing the old order.
The old order that the West has long overturned through military threats, economic plunder, and "color revolutions" has no resistance in the face of China's new order of equality, win-win, and cooperation.
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Delhi-Mumbai Expressway Set to Elevate South of Gurugram as a Real Estate Hub
The southern part of Gurugram is on the brink of a transformative era, driven by the groundbreaking Delhi-Mumbai Expressway. This strategic infrastructure development promises to revolutionize connectivity and spur unprecedented growth in the region. Nestled near the scenic Aravalli Hills, South Gurugram has already made significant strides in real estate, attracting a wave of investors and homebuyers looking for property in Gurugram. With its enhanced connectivity, robust infrastructure, and rising demand for residential properties, South Gurugram is rapidly evolving into a thriving micro-market within the Delhi-NCR region. This article delves into the profound impact of the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway on South Gurugram's real estate landscape, highlighting key developments and investment opportunities that are set to redefine the area as a premier real estate hub.

Infrastructure Development: A Game-Changer
A pivotal infrastructure development, the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway, is set to further elevate South Gurugram's status as a coveted real estate hub. As the entry point for the expressway, this area significantly boosts real estate activity across Gurugram. This new connectivity is expected to benefit the entire area, spurring economic growth and enhancing property values of existing and upcoming projects in Gurgaon’s southern region.
Strategic Connectivity Initiatives
The Gurugram Metropolitan Development Authority (GMDA) has ambitious plans to further integrate South of Gurugram with major urban centers. The Chief Minister recently approved a Rs. 750 Crore project aimed at connecting three highways to the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway. This project will provide direct connectivity to Delhi, Faridabad, Mewat, Mumbai, and Gujarat, significantly boosting the region's development.
Key Developments
Under this project, an interchange will be built at Vatika Chowk, linking eight new sectors through a cloverleaf design. Major junctions will be established in sectors 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 74A, 75, and 75A. This infrastructure upgrade will also connect the Dwarka Expressway near Kherki Daula on NH 48, facilitating direct access to Delhi Airport, Dwarka, Kundli, Narela, Bawana, and Rohini. This development is anticipated to significantly boost the real estate sector, leading to an increase in residential and commercial projects in Gurugram.
The cloverleaf will connect major roads, national highways, and state highways. Vehicles heading towards Delhi from NH 48 can use the SPR at this junction to reach Mehrauli, while those heading towards Jaipur can access the Rajasthan and Mumbai Expressway from Kherki Daula, bypassing Rajiv Chowk.

Luxury Real Estate Developments
In response to the rising demand, real estate developers are capitalizing on the opportunity by introducing luxury projects in the Gurugram’s southern region. These developments are tailored to provide spacious and independent homes that cater to the needs of high-net-worth individuals and affluent families. Here are some notable projects in and around South Gurugram that potential property buyers and investors should consider:
Signature Global Titanium SPR
Signature Global Titanium SPR in Sector 71, SPR, Gurugram is a development that features 608 uber-luxurious condominiums. It offers premium 4.5 and 3.5 BHK flats in Gurgaon, each designed with a Singaporean flair. The towers, soaring 40 floors high, offer over 55 top-notch amenities, including seven lagoon pools, a top-tier club, multiple sports courts, pet gardens, outdoor gyms, senior citizen lounges, jogging tracks, and more. The project dedicates 91% of its area to green and open spaces, designed with a biophilic approach to promote well-being and a strong connection to nature. Titanium SPR ensures unparalleled security with a 5-tier system, subterranean parking, grand triple-height entrance lobbies, private elevators, and expansive decks, meticulously designed for residents' utmost comfort.

Signature Global SCO Plots 36, Sohna
Signature Global's SCO Plots 36 in Sector 36, Sohna, South of Gurgaon combines office and retail spaces, featuring multiple floors for shops. With excellent connectivity to Sohna-Gurgaon Road and the DMIC, it offers a prime location for businesses. Surrounded by luxurious residences, affordable housing, and renowned educational institutions, these SCO plots in Sohna create a perfect environment for business growth with its strategic location and superior infrastructure.
Signature Global Park 4 & 5
Signature Global Park 4 & 5 epitomizes luxury living, offering 2 and 3 BHK independent floors in Gurgaon designed to harmonize natural beauty with unmatched comfort. Set against the tranquil backdrop of the Aravalli foothills, residents enjoy stunning views and ample natural sunlight, creating a serene and inviting atmosphere.
Investing in South Gurugram, particularly in luxury residential projects, presents a unique opportunity for discerning homebuyers and investors. The region's strategic connectivity, driven by the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway and other major highways, has positioned it as a burgeoning hub for real estate development. The impressive appreciation rates and growing demand for high-end properties underscore the area's potential as a lucrative investment destination.
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Top 5 Best Localities for Highest Rental Returns in Chennai

In addition to being a center of culture, Chennai, the largest city in South India, has a strong real estate sector. Chennai's increasing infrastructure and diverse neighborhood make it a great place to invest in rental homes with big returns. Here are the top five neighborhoods in the city that are known for providing the best rental returns:
Madipakkam South:
Madipakkam South, situated away in Chennai's southern region, is a desirable area for rental property investments. Apartments for rent in Madipakkam South are advantageous because of the neighborhood's first-rate transportation system and road access to important parts of the city. It is the perfect option for families as well as working people because it has a wealth of amenities like schools, hospitals, supermarkets, and recreational facilities.
Well-established educational institutions
Shopping malls and supermarkets
Hospitals and healthcare facilities
Parks and recreational areas
Perambur is a growing residential neighbourhood renowned for its lively community and reasonably priced homes. Because of its closeness to important job centers and educational institutions, Flats for Rent in Perambur are in high demand all year round. Providing a good living experience, residents have access to a range of amenities such as markets, parks, and healthcare facilities.
Railway connectivity (Perambur Railway Station)
Schools and colleges
Markets and commercial complexes
Temples and religious centers
The northern Chennai area of Kolathur is becoming a popular place to invest in rental properties. To enjoy the ideal combination of city advantages and residential peace, rent an apartment in Kolathur. Well-developed infrastructure, such as restaurants, retail centers, colleges, and schools, benefits the local population. Kolathur is a good option for investors looking for profitable rental returns because of its advantageous location and growing rental market.
Proximity to Chennai Bypass and Inner Ring Road
Restaurants and eateries
Banks and ATMs
Fitness centers and sports facilities
You are taking advantage of a growing rental market if you are searching for Flats for Rent in Ambattur. This active industrial hub has a strong business sector in addition to inexpensive housing options. Due to the closeness to manufacturing facilities, transportation hubs, and IT parks, rental properties in this area are highly sought after. Ambattur offers to homeowners looking for comfort and convenience because of its closeness to facilities like banks, hospitals, and entertainment centers.
Ambattur Industrial Estate
Schools and educational institutions
Hospitals and clinics
Public transportation facilities
Chennai's Velachery is a well-established neighborhood known for its luxurious residences and first-rate facilities. Velachery is one of the priciest areas, yet because of its great location and superior infrastructure, it offers good rental returns. Renters looking for luxurious living will choose it because of its closeness to IT businesses, educational institutions, shopping locations, and recreational venues. There are many possibilities available to suit different tastes and budgets if you're searching for a apartment for rent in Velachery.
Velachery MRTS Station
Shopping malls and multiplexes
Restaurants and cafes
Parks and recreational centers
In conclusion, if careful study and analysis are done, investing in rental homes in Chennai's best neighborhoods can result in substantial returns. In order to meet the various needs of their customers, each of these neighborhoods provides special benefits and amenities. If you're new or an experienced real estate investor, taking into account these desirable areas will help you have a successful rental property investing experience in Chennai.
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Discover the residential paradise of Southwinds kolkata review on Southern Bypass, which spans 972 kattha of land. In the 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, and 4 BHK flats that Primarc, Srijan & Riya have constructed, embrace a fulfilling life. More than 700 content families already reside in the 1951 units spread across 16 blocks in Southwinds. Take advantage of opulent amenities, verdant surroundings, and more than 65% open space – the ideal haven for a carefree life.
Project Details
Price: Rs 43 Lakhs onwards
Land Area: 972 KATTHA
Blocks: 16 (G+11, G+13, G+15, G+18)
Number of Flats: 1951
Clubhouse: Club Zing – 30,000 sq. ft. plush residential clubhouse
Amenities & Specifications
Discover a variety of community halls, kid’s pools, play places for kids, swimming pools with decks, a mini golf club, a cricket practice field, a skating rink, basketball & badminton courts, a pet zone, and many other first-rate amenities. A life of luxury, comfort, and wellness is available at Southwinds.
Project USP
More than 700 content families proudly reside at Southwinds, a testament to the wonderful quality of life there. Southwinds makes sure that life develops in a peaceful setting with thoughtfully designed areas, rich landscaping, and cutting-edge services.
Location Advantage
Southwinds on Southern Bypass is conveniently positioned at 132, Ghoshal Para Road in Kolkata and provides quick access to popular locations. Accept a way of life where convenience, connectivity, and city living coexist harmoniously.
Book Your Dream Home Now
At Southwinds, where life unfolds in peace and joy, you can own the house of your dreams. Experience how nature and modern living can coexist perfectly. Limited availability – act now to take advantage of this chance!
0 notes

Hayduke Day 32: I wake up and @artemis_hikes @heavyteva and @twigadventures have already left. They’re planning on taking the low route to bypass the snow in Bryce Canyon National Park. I, for some reason, have decided “It will be cool to hike the entire Under-the-Rim Trail” in Bryce. This is technically also the Hayduke Trail (the low route is an alternate) but honestly, who cares what the Hayduke Trail is at this point? At a certain point in the trail you accept the Hayduke is more an idea than a line on a map. Unfortunately, for me, the decision to stick to the Under-the-Rim Trail turns out to be a frustrating one. Not only is the southern half of the trail not nearly as scenic as the northern portion I hiked through yesterday, but it’s also (mostly) under snow. The trail goes up to nearly 9,000 ft / 2,743 m and there’s no shortage of snow. There are no footprints to be found and I break trail for most of the morning (I hoped it would freeze overnight to prevent this), postholing and screaming into the abyss all the way. It’s reminiscent of the postholing in the Henry Mountains a couple of weeks ago except this time instead of following a flat road covered in snow, I’m following a thin trail that winds in and out of drainages along a steep slope. What I lack in secure footing I make up for in posthole madness. And this time instead of postholing up to my knees, I’m up to nearly my waist. Slow going. Lots of yelling. When I finally make it down below the snow for the final time of the day I need water. The problem is I’m filtering with iodine and need to find a source that isn’t sediment-filled or silty. Things go…okay. I’m not going to die, but there’s a chance I’ll be ingesting something my body will be unhappy about later. I make it surprisingly far today despite waking up late and struggling with the snow. Tomorrow I'll be passing the highway where I'll be tempted to hitchhike into town (Kanab) but I've got plenty of food so my next stop will instead be Jacob Lake just north of Grand Canyon National Park. Day: Dixie National Forest to Lick Wash Distance: 27.87 mi / 44.85 km Elevation gain: 3,104 ft / 946 m #hayduketrail #utahbackpacking
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Flat in Narendrapur

Narendrapur is a rapidly developing suburb located in the southern part of Kolkata, West Bengal. It is known for its serene environment, good connectivity, and affordable housing options. In recent years, the demand for flats in Narendrapur has increased significantly, owing to its strategic location and excellent infrastructure.
If you are looking to buy a flat in Narendrapur, there are several factors you need to consider. Firstly, you need to decide on the type of flat you want – 1 BHK, 2 BHK, or 3 BHK. Depending on your budget and space requirements, you can choose from a wide range of options available.
One of the biggest advantages of buying a flat in Narendrapur is its excellent connectivity. The area is well-connected to other parts of the city via the EM Bypass, which is just a few minutes away. Additionally, the upcoming metro line will further enhance the connectivity of the area.
Another factor to consider is the availability of amenities. Most of the flats in Narendrapur come with a range of modern amenities, such as swimming pool, gym, community hall, and more. These amenities not only enhance your living experience but also add value to your property.
When it comes to pricing, flats in Narendrapur are relatively affordable compared to other parts of Kolkata. The prices range from Rs. 20 lakhs to Rs. 50 lakhs, depending on the size, location, and amenities of the flat.
In conclusion, Narendrapur is an excellent location to buy a flat, especially if you are looking for a peaceful and affordable living experience. With its good connectivity, modern amenities, and reasonable pricing, it is an ideal destination for both investors and end-users. So, if you are planning to buy a flat in Narendrapur, now is the right time to do so!
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Primarc Southwinds offers residential flats for sale near Southern Bypass that promise a healthy and happy community living. Own pond-facing fully integrated2-3 BHKapartments near Gariawhere light and breeze in abundance will flood your home. Thisresidential project near Harinavi comprises with lush landscape and more than 60% open spaces which will ensure wellbeing for you and your family. A plethora of amenities will ensure a life of comfort and luxury that one truly deserves.
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D+6 Update @4PM
google docs
Northern Front
Summary: Little information to go on; likely a regrouping in effect, assume prior dynamics in play.
* The much-reported massive convoy from Belarus seems to be stalled. Given the amount of equipment and personnel present this is no surprise; cat-herding will be required before a new assault can be conducted. With Russian attempts to encircle the city still apparently struggling to fight their way south – and with prior precedent regarding their vulnerability to flanking attacks in this area and its terrain – it’s likely that the major roads into Kiev will remain open as defenders move materiel into the city in preparation for the likely encirclement and very hard fighting to come.
* Information on this front seems sparse overall today and late yesterday. Only statements I can find regarding the fighting in the countryside east of Kiev are from Ukranian military/government officials who indicate their forces are fighting for towns at Pryluky and Nizhyn – naturally, crossroads. Given that the Kharkiv area/region has seen more videos of abandoned or captured supply trucks than any other – and considering how conducive the woodier, more varied terrain is to ambushes – we can presume that if the Russians bypass these towns, as they have preferred to do in the past, that they will continue to suffer the same supply interdiction issues. Their utility in the assault on Kiev is questionable, past being able to encircle the town to easy passage from the east.
Southern Front
Summary: Getting worse, but still, incredibly, holding.
* Kherson area: Better than has been reported. Seeing a lot of doomerism about this on the discord, for understandable reasons. Resistance in Kherson is, incredibly, still active. Russian troops apperently bypassed Mykolaiv and moved north along the N11 highway but were promptly ambushed and destroyed in the town of Bashtanka. I was not expecting such ambushes in this area, as the terrain is incredibly flat, level, and open – ideal tank country; that should play to Russian materiel advantages in artillery and armor. Judging by the truck with the towed field gun, this was not a recon element, either.

* Ukrainian officials claim they are committing their MI-24 Hinds to this area; continuing the trend of aggressive deployment of their limited air assets on this front. Given the incredible importance of the area, and the unfavorable defensive terrain outside of major cities and the Dnieper river itself, this makes sense.
* Reported artillery duel at Severodonetsk with “rockets lighting up the sky” last night and a video claiming to be Russians entering Starobilsk 45km north-east of there seems to indicate high mobility fights (counterbattery employment and the simple speed of advance from Dontesk.). More recently video of civilians blocking Russian troops (a recon element) in Kupiansk have been seen – which is 100km north-west of the aforementioned towns and only 100km east-southeast of Kharkiv. Those troops are likely from the north-eastern forces probing south to find a way around Kharkiv, but the speed with which towns well north-west of the old Donbas line have apparently fallen indicate to me that Ukranian eastern forces (on the Donbas line) are making a fighting retreat – or at least falling back in good order – likely to anchor a new line around the southeastern flank of Kharkiv.

* Combat reported in the vicinity of Vasilievka, 40km south of Zaporizhzhia. Russians at least this far north here. (This has not been geolocated.)
* Russians confirmed to be assaulting Poltava; in the form of two videos of abandoned tanks – whether out of fuel or simply deserting crews crews is unclear. (These have not been geolocated but preponderance of reports favors this. Multiple pictures of civilians in Poltava organizing support services; food etc. have been seen as well.)
* In addition, Russians in Kherson have been seenlooting stores for food.
* These events together indicate that supply exhaustion is affecting the southern push out of Crimea. This is of vital importance, given the criticality of defending crossings over the Dneiper river, the Russian army’s dependence on rail transport for logistics, and the intact rail line into the south via the Kerch strait bridge through Crimea. Regarding this, the widely reported TB-2 drone strike on a large Russian fuel tanker trainwas, incredibly, localized to a railway in Crimea by commercial satellite photography. This would mean the aircraft is operating in an area where an S-400 battery is almost certainly active. Barring more info the TB-2 should be suspected to have LO properties from certain angles at this point in time. The importance of this strike cannot be over-stated; it shows that Russian logistics in territory they solidly control is not beyond reach of Ukranian strikes. While Ukraine only had six TB-2s at beginning of hostilities, the fact that airframes are already being delivered by NATO means that Turkey may be willing to (quietly) deliver more.
* Maruipol is now under proper assault but defending forces seem well equipped with artillery and are making use of small, likely commercial drones to spot their attacks. Given the Russian’s have mostly not deployed their storied ground EW capability (more on this later) we can expect to see more low-cost, high effectiveness tactics like this. (More on this below.) If fanatic resistance in other Ukrainian cities are anything to go by Mauripol will hold for quite a while yet.
Analysis – state of Russian forces now and future performance
(Skip to “conclusions” if you’re lazy or an officer)
It is a fool’s errand to try and link every sighting of completely abandoned tanks and even high-end SAMs, butthis incident deserves note as the vehicle is fully functional – the Ukranians start the engine and drive it away without problem. Videos of farmers hauling away abandoned IFVs with their tractors are already making the rounds, but thisshows civilians with heavy equipment (cranes and flatbed tractor-trailers) removing a pair of SA-8 Gekos (one of the better and more sophisticated mobile SHORAD units with a limited capability for missile interception!). Not only are vehicles like this lighter than tanks and thus possible to move with lighter and more common civilian equipment, but they make a larger difference than a single tank does given the problems a persistent SAM threat causes for airpower and the relative shortage of such systems in the Ukranian OOB. Furthermore, the units being abandoned include Tor (SA-15) and Pantsir (SA-22) systems, among the most useful, sophisticated and brand-new surface to air systems in the Russian inventory. Additionally, all but the SA-22 are already present in Ukrainian stocks. For example, while only six SA-15/Tor systems were re-activated before the war, Ukraine has many more of them in storage that they did not have money to re-activate; thus there should be no shortage of spare parts and ammunition reloads, and there’s even operators trained to use the systems. Examples of deliberate recovery efforts being made on Russian vehicles, mostly SAMs, often by farmers with tractors are now so common I have lost count.
In addition, supply convoys are being intercepted and not only destroyed, but outright captured, esp. in the Kharkiv region where Russian efforts seem to be coming to grief quite frequently, for instance this truckload of280mm Smerch rockets. With the long range of this system and the relative low ammo stockpiles Ukraine has for it’s small number of launchers, captures like this weaken the Russians while strengthening the Ukrainians. This fuel truck reportedly ran into a tree after swerving to avoid civilians in the road, and this convoy was apparently ambushed, with one truck destroyed and another loaded with MLRS rockets captured.
The troubles of Russian forces go significantly deeper than ammunition supply, as well: early reports that Russian frontline troops were using cheap, civilian radios without encryption is now confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt; thousands of people are listening in to unsecured Russian field communications using web-linked radio receivers and crowd-sourcing the intelligence collection from it. One unit in particular, Buran-30, has become famous for the frequency with which he gets lost and has to call for help from other units who are also lost. This is the likely reason why Russia has almost completely neglected to deploy its formidable ground EW systems (one was spotted yesterday moving towards Kherson, likely as a counter TB-2 drone measure.) Worse, POWs are reporting that they have no long-range radios to contact their headquarters whatsoever. Radios are not a logistical concern like ammunition, fuel, food, and other consumables that must be channeled into a fight by a constant (sometimes literal) pipeline; they are basic and vital pieces of common kit. To constantly be broadcasting unit movements in the clear, with United States ELINT assets hovering all around the nation, feeding that data to Ukrainian ground troops, is staggeringly incompetent and ill-prepared.
NextI wish to draw attention to something I’ve dubbed terrain attrition; i.e. the losses incurred by accidents crossing terrain. These happen in any military and are a major reason training with armored vehicles is important, but Russia seems to be having more problems than normal. Multiple videos of Russian tanks that drove off small (or over destroyed) bridges have been seen. More vehicles have been seen abandoned by the side of the road for unclear reasons. A video showing two abandoned T-80s that collided had a tow chain hooked between them; likely one had broken down. Multiple sightings of mud-bogged and abandoned vehicles have been seen as well; the S-22 above being one good example.
Due to good OPSEC by both sides’ uniformed military most OSINT so far has been civilian sightings of combat from (usually) a safe distance, and almost all of it has been of combat’s aftermath. Videos of the Russian advance into Kherson yesterday gave a rare look at Russian infantry actually maneuvering, and displaying incredibly lackadaisical attitudes about it. I initially took this as indication that UA had withdrawn from Kherson to the crossroads; we now know that is incorrect and that the city was still occupied at the time. Given overall performance of the entire Russian Federation Armed Forces over the past several days and persistent evidence of outright desertion, not just of individual vehicles but of entire OPs, vehicles included, the quality of regular Russian troops, including infantry,should no longer receive the benefit of the doubt.
One last data point: commercial imagery is now available of Ozerne Airbase in Zhytomr Oblast, showing the impacts of what were probably opening-day salvos by Iskanders. Incredibly, it shows the majority of the seven weapons deployed missed their targets. Tellingly, every impact seems offset from their likely intended target by the same distance, and in the same direction. This is highly reminiscent of the 2019 Indian Air Force strike on a terrorist camp in southern Pakistan which apparently missed the mark becausestrike planners misunderstood the intricacies of coordinate systems and as a result, missed their intended targets because the elevation data was not correct.
Let me paint you a picture. You have a military force that is suffering from high rates of desertion and abysmal morale, having persistent supply problems even in areas where intact railheads are not far to the rear, and have poorly trained troops who cannot conduct proper bounding overwatch movement in uncleared and suspected hostile cities, nor, apparently, can drive or service their vehicles properly, neither when negotiating tricky terrain or dealing with bogged-down machines. On an operational level this force is relying heavily on completely unsecured comms that are easily jammed by enterprising civilians broadcasting with their own radios and is feeding a constant stream of troop movement ELINT to enemy allies, giving hostile forces both indications of your maneuvering and easy artillery targets. Worse, your lower level maneuver elements often lack longer-range radios, leaving them unable to contact HQ. Your troops are engaging in repeated “thunder runs” with just one or two vehicles, likely for scouting, as your air force is loath to sortie and when it finally does on D+5 it’s flying strike jets around in the SHORAD/MANPAD envelope due to a likely shortage of PGMs. If this is not enough, your own air defenses are evidently unable to protect even your most important rear areas, using your best, most powerful long-range air defenses, given possible LO capabilities of a cheap drone that your intelligence agencies had years to study due to employment in nearby conflicts. If this is not enough, your operational-level strike planners cannot effectively utilize division-level long range precision fires because they apparently have a shortage of competent, trained and practiced personnel. On a force structure level, you have reportedly committed 80% of forces massed for the operation but still cannot muster enough infantry or mechanized forces to adequately secure your own lines of communication/supply from partisan/SOF activity and cannot commit to clearing tenacious defenders in towns that occupy key crossroads; forcing wheeled vehicles to deviate over side-roads where ambushes are much easier, or go overland and risk bogging down. Worse, you cannot utilize rail at all on two out of three fronts due to these same occupied cities, and in the third those lines are proven vulnerable to enemy airpower. Your enemy is extremely highly motivated, receiving top-tier SIGINT/ELINT support and very significant quantities of materiel aid down interior lines of communication that your air force will not or cannot perform deep interdiction against due to poor SEAD capability and the persistent mobile SAM threat against even higher altitudes that the enemy clearly retains. Your enemy has incredible support from the civilian populace, with passive resistance to your forces common, and materiel aid being supplied constantly. Enemy forces – with said civilian aid – are recovering your abandoned vehicles wherever possible, and where those vehicles were bogged down too much to easily recover, or in an area you are likely to retake,they destroy them in-situ to deny you their use.
Furthermore, this enemy has demonstrated a willingness to boldly use armor and mechanized infantry assets to conduct deep raids and attack your flank to cut your lines of communication, not afraid to parcel them out in small units and maneuver aggressively instead of trying to retain them for decisive massed action due to their moderate qualitative inferiority and significantly smaller numbers.
Right now, many analysts are saying that the Russian Federation’s early setbacks and mistakes were born of terrible restrictions in ROE and a worse operational concept that has hamstrung their forces by forcing them to fight in a manner contravening their doctrine; without significant use of combined arms and not enough reliance on their long-range fires. These analysts allege that a shift is now underway, and when the Russians resume their all-out push it will be in accord with their doctrine, and thus they will perform much better and inflict much higher casualties.
My conclusion: Given the above points, which call into question the basic quality of the troops, their ability to maintain supply flow mandatory for the doctrinal heavy use of artillery fires, and above all the absolutely atrocious state of their C2, I highly fucking doubt that the BTGs will suddenly start performing more like we expected them to. Furthermore, the Ukrainians have demonstrated real competence in the use of their armor assets; to the point where I would not rule out their ability to fight a tank battle in the South, if one should be required to advance on the southern Dneiper bridgeheads to retake them.
20 notes
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Crucible - Ch 4
Pairing: Link x Reader
Prompt: For the Bittersweet Mini Bang!
Series Warnings (18+ only): Eventual smut, slow burn, violence, mild body horror, lots of whump, angst with a happy ending
Chapter Summary: Link consults an old "friend" before they begin their journey.

They camped that night on the edge of the city, between Tarrey Town and the southern forest. Link had decided to bypass the town entirely to avoid attracting attention, and they were currently sitting under an old lean-to he’d slept under years ago. There had only been a flat outcropping then, surrounded by swamp and a couple of wandering Guardians.
Now the city glittered in the dark, the swamp drained and filled with the town’s expansion, the Guardians long dead, destroyed by Link’s own hand.
Tarrey Town had been the first time Link had felt a connection to a place after waking up. Even though Impa knew him, even though he suspected the house he’d bought in Hateno used to be his, it wasn’t until he helped build a village from the ground up that he felt tethered to something. He’d brought in traders and specialists from all over Hyrule to help construct and populate the town, and it was supposed to be a true testament to the strength and cooperation of its people.
He wasn’t sure what to make of the city now. A part of him was saddened, knowing the rich flaunted their wealth while the destitute had to go hungry. Link wondered if this was the price to pay for his hubris and finding that Hylian in this place wasn’t a coincidence. Maybe the goddesses had answered his prayers after all, given him a purpose to help someone so much like him in his early days of awakening.
Link believed she was truthful that she didn’t know who she was, and despite the Yiga dagger and the strange cloak, he didn’t think she was dangerous. But he had also learned not to underestimate the depths of the Yiga’s deception.
Shaking off his unkind thoughts, Link glanced at his silent companion. She was huddled near the fire, staring at the flames with a blank expression he knew from personal experience meant she was mentally and physically exhausted.
“I’ll take first shift,” Link said. The woods were patrolled now, and monster camps had been gone for years, but these were old habits that had kept him alive, and he was loath to let them go.
The strange Hylian—Blue, he had to remember to call her that—didn’t argue, and she fell asleep quickly, her back to a tree as she lay curled on her side.
Link wondered how many sleepless nights she’d had, and he remembered his own days of hunger and exhaustion, not to mention the loneliness. He hadn’t even been able to remember who he was lonely for. It wasn’t until he got all of his memories back that he’d come to the awful realization that he’d been lonely long before the Calamity had happened.
Link didn’t wake her when half the night passed. She needed the rest more than he did, and it gave him time to plan their route and think of what he would tell Zelda. Besides the fact she looked like him, Link couldn’t pinpoint why it seemed so important to take her with him. It just felt important, and Link had learned to trust his instinct, even when it made little sense.
The night was quiet with no visitors aside from the occasional owl or curious fox, and in the morning after a quick breakfast of mushroom pilaf, he led them deeper into the forest. Just the two of them, Raina left behind at the makeshift lean-to.
For the first time since yesterday, Blue spoke.
“Where are we going?”
They had turned away from the road, and it appeared she noticed, the suspicion was back on her face.
“You’ll see,” he said, putting on his friendliest smile. Her scowl only deepened. “It’s just around this ridge; we can walk there on foot. I want to see an old friend before we leave.”
He winced at the word friend. He wasn’t sure how much of a friend one could possibly be with the type of being they were about to visit.
Just as Link had said, they rounded the ridge and made it to their destination: a great blue flower with a sparkling pool in the middle of its luxurious petals, gold ornaments interspersed around the outside.
Link paused and turned toward his companion.
“Wait here.”
She was happy to do so, standing just outside the swampy ground outside of the Fairy Fountain. Link stepped onto a pink petal that acted as a pedestal. He’d barely gained his footing before a large sparkling woman erupted from the water, purple jewelry glittering from her skin as metal gleamed around her throat and wrists.
The fairy looked down at Link expectantly.
“Hello, Mija.”
“Hello? Hello?”
Link gulped.
“Is that all you have to say after you’ve neglected to visit in so long? And what are you doing, showing up at my flower wearing those rags? Where is your stealth armor? Now those were garments worthy of my enchantments,” she added with a sparkling wink.
Link flushed and had to actually struggle not to cover his face with a hand.
“I’ve been preoccupied,” he said evenly. He should have known better than to visit the fairy emptyhanded. He probably should have brought flowers, or… something.
Mija gave a knowing smirk that Link didn’t like. At all.
“Indeed. My sisters have kept me apprised of your journeys. Defeating the Calamity, well, that was not so surprising. You’ve never had a shortage of bravery. But the rumors of you wandering the land without taking root… It’s such a shame for a young man like you to be so—“
Link interrupted her, something he never would have dared before, but he was impatient and didn’t need reminding of his many shortcomings.
“That’s why I came to see you, actually.”
Mija blinked but otherwise, her expression was indiscernible. Despite the flamboyant flirtations, Link was once again reminded that these were powerful spirits who only humored him because they found him interesting.
“Go on,” she allowed.
Link looked down and turned slightly towards his right, and the Great Fairy looked beyond him.
“Why, Link, you’ve brought a friend. The first time you’ve done so since we’ve known each other.”
Link wasn’t sure if she was insulted, flattered, or amused. Her smile was full of too many teeth, either way.
“She’s rather shy, isn’t she?” Mija tilted her head, the pile of lavender hair tilting precariously. “Come, come, darling, I won’t bite.”
Link gave Blue an encouraging look and motioned her to come stand beside him, but she remained exactly where she was.
“We shouldn’t be here,” she said fists clutched into her cloak. “Fairies are dangerous creatures.”
“Only to our enemies,” Mija replied, her smile widening and yet, becoming even less comforting. “Now, let me have a look at you.”
It wasn’t a suggestion, and Blue understood that, because she walked forward at a slow, unwilling pace. She kept her head down, face covered with the hood, and when she stepped onto the pedestal, she stayed behind Link.
Never one to be discouraged, Mija reached around Link and pulled Blue forward.
He nearly reached out himself, worried for a moment that Mija would grab her and pick her up in one great hand, but the fairy left his companion on the petal. Instead, she tipped back the hood with one long colorful nail, and gasped.
“Oh, oh my…”
He didn’t know how to interpret her shocked tone. He’d never seen the Great Fairy surprised about anything before.
“I found her in Tarrey Town.” Link’s voice was somber. “She woke up at the Spring of Power but doesn’t remember anything.”
Mija tsked in sympathy and put her nail under Blue’s chin, tipping her head upward to get a better look. Link was apprehensive at the touch, once again reminded how dangerous and unknowable the Great Fairies were and wondered if he should have brought Blue here at all.
“I’m taking her to the castle,” he explained softly, “but I thought maybe you would know who she is and why she looks like… me.”
“I try not to meddle in the affairs of the goddesses. Too messy.”
“Goddesses?” Link’s stomach fell. He’d had enough of the goddesses to last him a lifetime after what he’d witnessed Zelda put through.
“I sense their many golden hands in this,” Mija said, leaning back as if sitting in a throne, which wasn’t far from the truth.
“So, this has nothing to do with the Yiga Clan?” That would be a relief, at least.
“Don’t sound the victory horns yet.” A more genuine smile crossed her lips. “The goddesses are not to be provoked. But since you’re the one asking, and I have missed you so dearly, I’ll do what I can. Hmmm….”
Mija tapped the sparkling tip of her nail on Blue’s chest with enough force to make her stumble back, and she winced and rubbed at the point of contact. Link reached out to steady her, but when she shot him a warning glance, he pulled back and kept his hands to himself.
“As I said,” Mija continued, her expression thoughtful, “I sense the handiwork of the goddesses, but I do not sense any of their power still lingering. In fact… I sense nothing at all. Your companion appears to be perfectly ordinary.”
“But,” Link stammered, “she has my face!”
“Does she?” Mija’s brows rose, and her voice took on a faint air. “I always did have trouble telling you Hylians apart.”
Link ignored the jab.
“What about her lost memories? Can you restore them?”
Mija gave him another of those pitying looks.
“I’m sorry, dear boy, but I’m no healer. Nor am I an oracle or a prophet. My magic is of this world, not the ones beyond it. I wish I could be of more help.”
She truly did seem to mean it, even if the Great Fairies couldn’t be entirely trusted. Their first allegiances were too each other, though Link was grateful for all the aid they’d lent him.
In fact, Link was tempted to show Mija his arm and see what she had to say about that. But even as he considered pulling off his glove, he stopped cold.
She wouldn’t be able to help, and he wasn’t ready to have his worst fears confirmed. He had a new duty, self-appointed perhaps, but he wouldn’t let anything else distract him until they reached the castle.
“Thank you for trying.” Link smiled up at her. “It was good to see you again, Mija.”
The Great Fairy returned the warm gesture, her eyes sparkling with delight.
“Likewise, dear boy. It cheers my heart to see you alive and in one piece.��� She paused, a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Are you sure you don’t want me to enchant something for you? Perhaps… those rubber tights? I do sorely miss the way they clung to your—“
Link choked, and a musical peal of laughter erupted from the fairy. It tapered off into a chuckle, though the impish light never left her eyes. He’d seen that look just before she’d dragged him into her pool of water.
Suddenly, Link was very eager to leave.
“I won’t take up any more of your time, Mija. Thank you again,” he made a small bow, “and give my greetings to your sisters.”
Mija purred and stroked the top of his head with one finger, ruffling up his hair.
“The pleasure was all mine, sweet boy.” Her eyes darted to Blue, her expression once again unknowable. “Go with my blessing. You’ll both sorely need it.”
And with that ominous parting, Mija dove under the water with a cheery farewell. Link released a long breath and looked back. Blue’s face was a shade paler than usual, and Link rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.
“Sorry, she can be a bit… over-friendly.” Link winced. Hylia, that was understating it. All of the Great Fairies became more and more handsy with each upgrade of his armor, and he was grateful Mija had kept most of her limbs to herself.
Blue said nothing, nor did she speak when they returned to the camp and Link equipped Raina’s bridle and saddle. When he offered to share the saddle, Blue simply shook her head.
Link wasn’t happy with it but didn’t push the issue, and they returned to the road and turned southwest towards their ultimate destination: Central Hyrule.
Next Chapter
#botw#crucible#botw 2#link x reader#link x glowy hand#link x oc#my fanfiction#my writing#mija is all of us
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Fic: Beneath a Black Flag
Summary: Having turned to a life of piracy after being betrayed by the Amestrian navy, Captain Roy Mustang and Quartermaster Maes Hughes of the Phoenix are on a mission to find the wreck of the legendary treasure ship Xerxes, hoping to both strike rich and prevent the mythical Philosopher’s Stone from ending up in the navy’s clutches…
Written for the WriYe August Shorts Challenge, and very loosely inspired by Black Sails.
Rated: T
Beneath a Black Flag
Seeing the lights of Port Aerugo always felt like coming home. Even back when he’d been a legitimate navy captain, Roy had always felt more at ease in the rough and ready world of the southern port, with its bars and brothels and black market warehouses, than he had ever done in the more respectable places that his ships had docked in. The Amestrian navy had always adopted a laissez-faire attitude to the place: several attempts to ‘civilise’ it had fallen flat, ending in easy victory for the pirates who made it their base of operations, and humiliation for the navy.
The Phoenix dropped anchor in the bay and her crew started to disembark, eager for the pleasures of dry land after a long and difficult last haul. Still, the trip had been successful, which had raised people’s spirits no end.
“Roy? Were you intending on getting off this ship any time soon? Earth to Roy?”
Roy turned from his position gazing out over the Port Aerugo twilight and found Maes behind him, arms folded and an amused expression on his face.
“For someone who lives on the sea, you’re spending a worrying amount of time with your head in the clouds.” Maes came up beside him, leaning on the rail. “What’s eating you this time?”
Roy sighed. “I’m just thinking about the magnitude of what we’ve taken on. Do you ever look at what we’re doing and think ��this is madness, I should pack it all in and become a tomato farmer instead’?”
“Yes. Frequently. But I know you’ve got a plan, however hare-brained it might be, so I trust you to navigate us through it. I’m not promising that I’m not going to force you into tomato farming as soon as it’s all over, though. You actually will give me a heart attack one of these days.”
“Have I ever got us killed?”
“No,” Maes admitted, “but you can’t deny that we’ve had some very close calls.”
Roy grimaced. He definitely couldn’t deny it, and he would have to admit to being glad that their next sortie would hopefully provide the last piece of the puzzle that they had been chasing for so long and bring with it the reward they desperately sought. All they had to do now was to stay one step ahead of the navy, but that was proving easier said than done.
“Do you ever miss it?” he asked Maes eventually.
“What, the navy?”
“Yes. Well, not the navy specifically. But the time before, when life was less complicated.”
“Was life really less complicated in the navy? It wasn’t as hard and it probably wasn’t quite as constantly dangerous, but complicated? Roy, you of all people know that it was infinitely more complicated back then.” He wrapped an arm around Roy’s shoulders and pulled him in close, pressing a kiss to his temple, and Roy had to smile. “Do you really want to go back to a time when we had to hide?”
In a way, piracy was nothing but hiding, always trying to outfox the navy, but ever since they had started sailing under a black flag, Roy and Maes had never had to hide their relationship or make out that they were something they weren’t. Snatched moments here and there and the ever-present threat of being found out and court-martialed for daring to fall in love had given way to easy acceptance and the closeness that they’d never been allowed before.
“No,” he agreed. “I’d rather have this.”
Maes gave his shoulders a squeeze. “Come on. Let’s go ashore. Everyone else has already left apart from the night watch. I’m beginning to forget what dry land looks like.”
Captain and quartermaster made their way towards the final longboat making preparations for its launch, and soon they were walking through the streets of Port Aerugo. It was a place that never slept, coming even more alive after dark when the drunks started carousing and the brothel girls started touting for business. Roy and Maes were well-known enough not to be bothered by the latter, who just gave them a cheerful wave as they went past and went to try their luck with the other, incredibly willing members of Phoenix’s crew.
As always, their path took them to Madam Christmas’s. Bar and brothel rolled into one, the place had always tried to maintain an air of elegance in an increasingly tawdry world, and above all its other attractions, it would always be a safe place for Roy.
Madam Christmas gave them a nod as they walked in, whisky ready on the counter for them. Roy knocked it back, savouring the burn.
“This is good stuff. Whose prize did you skim this off the top of?”
Madam Christmas laughed. “I got it from Armstrong. The cask was too bloody to be sold on through the warehouse so I took it off her hands for a very reasonable price.”
Roy raised an eyebrow. Oliver Armstrong was known for being absolutely terrifying, but in his experience her reputation preceded her so much that she never needed to resort to bloodshed. Crews saw the Briggs Fortress coming with its black flag flying and they just handed over their manifests with their hands up.
“It’s not like her to make a mess,” Maes commented. “She likes things quick and simple.”
“I’m sure that this one would have been quick and simple too if some idiot hadn’t signed his own death warrant by telling her she ought to be off having babies instead of captaining a pirate ship.
“Ah.” Maes and Roy looked at each other. “Yes, that would definitely do it.”
“I bet she and Riza had a great laugh about it afterwards. Anyway, enough of Armstrong. I take it that your voyage was successful?”
Roy nodded. “Yes. We’re ready to go as soon as Phoenix is prepared for the trip.”
Madam Christmas let out a low whistle. “You really think you’ve found it? I was beginning to believe the nay-sayers who maintain that the lost treasure of Xerxes is just a myth.”
There was a small part of Roy that would admit that he too was beginning to believe the same. The legendary treasure ship had wrecked somewhere in the southern seas decades ago, and so many stories had been built up around it over time that it was difficult to know what was real and what was embellishment, with all the accounts varying wildly.
Just one thread had remained constant throughout, and that was the thread that Roy had never stopped pulling on. Among the treasures on board the Xerxes was a Philosopher’s Stone.
All alchemists were familiar with the concept of Philosopher’s Stones and Roy was no exception. Rarer than the rubies they resembled, the navy had been trying to get their hands on one for as long as anyone could remember. Whilst Roy didn’t believe the stories of turning lead into gold or producing the elixir of life, he absolutely believed in the stone being used to bypass equivalent exchange and make alchemists’ raw power stronger by tenfold.
Which was why Roy was determined to stop the navy getting anywhere near one by any means necessary.
“Well.” Madam Christmas gave Roy an impressed look. “If you can track it down then more power to you. Metaphorically speaking, of course. I’m well aware of your thoughts on the whole matter. Just as long as you give me a cut of the treasure for giving you bed and board all these years.”
Roy rolled his eyes but he couldn’t deny that it had been a blessing to have a home base that wasn’t floating. There was always a bed waiting for him at Madam Christmas’s, and finishing his second shot of Olivier Armstrong’s filched whisky, he decided it was high time that he made his way there. Maes followed him out of the bar. Tomorrow the real work would begin, prepping the Phoenix for her next and arguably most important journey and charting their course for the fabled location of the Xerxes wreck, but tonight could just be for them, and they could forget the trials they would soon be facing.
Roy never slept properly the first night back on dry land after a long voyage, missing the gentle - and sometimes not so gentle - rocking of the ship to lull him off to sleep. He envied Maes, who could drop off anywhere in any position and be completely dead to the world within five minutes.
He ran his fingertips over the scar on Maes’s chest, too close to his heart for comfort. All pirates had scars, most had many, and they were generally worn as badges of honour for battles survived. This one, though… This one was the reason they were here in the first place, the moment that had started this very long journey towards the Xerxes treasure.
“Stop thinking about it.” Maes caught his wandering hand, opening his eyes and looking up at Roy blearily. “I survived, that’s all that matters.”
Roy rolled over, looking up at the ceiling. He knew that Maes was right, of course, but he couldn’t help thinking about what might have been. It was something he dwelled on often.
Most pirates did not set out to become pirates and Roy was no exception. He had never had any desire to turn to a life of piracy in his younger days. His first interest had always been alchemy, and going into the military as a naval alchemist had seemed like a natural career progression. Every ship in the navy carried an alchemist as standard; it was almost guaranteed job security. Most pirate ships carried at least one as well - Roy had never known whether the navy’s alchemy programme was a response to the pirates or if it was the other way round, but the set up had been established for so long that no one really questioned it.
He had earned his alchemy license and graduated from the naval academy where he had met Maes and history had been made. They had joined a ship, and Roy was pretty sure that neither of them had intended to look back, despite the constant difficulty and secrecy that had to surround their relationship.
Life had never been anything close to perfect, but it was as good as Roy thought that they would ever get, and he had been content with it. It had all been going really well until the incident at the admiralty.
He was pulled out of his train of thought by Maes rolling over on top of him and leaning in for a long kiss.
“You worry too much,” he said softly once he finally let Roy up for air. “And you always seem to blame yourself for things that weren’t anything to do with you.”
“Oh, shush.” He kissed him again and Roy surrendered into it, closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around Maes’s back to pull him in closer. It was easy to push the uneasy thoughts to the side when they were like this, Maes warm and solid and very alive in his arms reminding him that despite what might have happened, it did not actually happen, and the past wasn’t a place that it was healthy to stay in for too long.
After all, when it came down to it, they would never have found out about the navy’s plans for the Philosopher’s Stone if it hadn’t been for everything that had happened. They would all still be blissfully unaware and unwittingly assisting in potentially ending the world as everyone knew it. As it was, Maes had chased a loose thread that the navy had most definitely not wanted him to chase, and ended up with a bullet in his chest for the trouble.
Roy had cut all ties with the navy as soon as he had found Maes collapsed halfway down the street from the admiralty building, and whilst he might often look back and wonder what might have been after that moonlit flit to Port Aerugo, he could never bring himself to regret it doing what he had done and both of them ending up joining the life of piracy.
“Now…” Maes purred in his ear, making Roy’s stomach flip-flop. “For the love of God will you go to sleep.”
Roy couldn’t help laughing.
The weather was good for making repairs, bright sunshine and a cool breeze, but not enough wind to make working on the sails and rigging unwieldy and dangerous. A thorough assessment of the damage sustained on their last sortie had shown that the problems were largely superficial, and Phoenix should be fully ship-shape again within just a couple of days. Leaving the crew to tackle the repairs and Maes to supervise restocking for their next and most important voyage, Roy was gathering intelligence. It was all very well having worked out where the Xerxes had wrecked, but that wasn’t going to be of any use if the navy were swarming all over the area. Roy really didn’t want to have to shoot his way out. Or shoot his way in, for that matter.
“Mustang. It’s been a while.”
Grumman was in his usual haunt, sitting in one corner of the Armstrongs’ bar in the shadows with his hat pulled down over his eyes, trying to affect an air of mystery. Unfortunately, Roy had known him long enough to know that there was no mystery at all to him, he was simply a very shrewd man with a lot of contacts in strange places. Even those completely new to Port Aerugo tended to regard him with raised eyebrows rather than any kind of awe these days.
“It has, Grumman. Can I get you something?”
“That depends.” Grumman swung his feet down off the table and leaned in. “What do you want in return?”
“Information, Grumman, like always. Preferably useful information and preferably about naval movements in the coming weeks.”
“Well, I think I might be able to help you there. You know my usual.”
With alcohol procured, Mustang returned to Grumman’s information dispensary and settled in for one of the old man’s stories. He was surprised when he didn’t spin off into a tale about his granddaughter’s latest exploits.
“So, you’ve found it then?”
“Potentially. Either way, I’d rather not have the navy on my back when I go looking for it.”
“No, I can appreciate that. I’ll admit that I haven’t had any reports for a few days, but it’s not looking too bad out there, just the usual patrols, and they don’t normally go as far south as you’ll be heading. At least, I assume that you’ll be heading south?”
Roy made no indication either way. He considered Grumman to be a friend, but information was money in all businesses and he didn’t trust the old fox as far as he could throw him. He knew that he was not the only pirate in Port Aerugo who was on a quest for the Philosopher’s Stone, and he knew that not all of them had the same intentions as he did.
He hoped that familial loyalty would win out in the end when it came to Grumman, though. His daughter sailed with Armstrong - hence his permanent fixture in her family’s bar - and Armstrong’s opinion of the navy and the Philosopher’s Stone were well-known. Roy certainly wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of her by assisting in anything other than the Stone’s ultimate destruction.
“Well, I wish you the best of luck in your endeavours,” Grumman said. “Of course, if you do find what you’re looking for then I’m sure that the residents of Port Aerugo will be expecting you to keep them in rum for a long time to come.”
Roy raised an eyebrow. “If I do find what I’m looking for, Grumman, then Hughes and I will be retiring to the country and never setting foot on a ship again.”
Grumman just chuckled. “You’d never do that. You enjoy the call of the sea too much.”
Roy left Grumman to it, paying for another drink for the old man and heading back towards the Phoenix. He didn’t really have any intention to retire on his potential gains from this journey, he was far too cynical to believe in such romantic notions, but he couldn’t deny that he often thought about a life without looking over his shoulder for the navy every five minutes. Perhaps he could be one step closer to that at least.
It was a cool and clear morning when they set sail in search of the goal that they had been chasing for so long, a strong wind blowing them steadily away from Port Aerugo and into the southern seas. It should have been the ideal conditions for starting a voyage, and indeed, most of the crew were in high spirits having had such a good beginning - hopes were high that they would ultimately succeed.
There was something in the air that made Roy uneasy though. He couldn’t really pinpoint what it was, putting it down to just an alchemist’s instinct.
“Hey. It’ll be ok. Whatever gets thrown at us, we can weather it.”
Roy laughed as Maes came up beside him. “I’ve never understood where you get your relentless optimism from.”
“Well, it’s certainly not from you. Being shot by your own side tends to put things in perspective and you learn that life’s too short to be morose. Just think of all the riches that are coming our way. I know, I know, that’s not the reason why you’re doing this, but stop thinking altruistically for a moment and bask in the glory of gold and jewels beyond your wildest imagination.”
“I suppose there’s something comforting in that,” Roy agreed. He looked out at the open sea in front of them again. It would take a few days of sailing before they came into sight of the supposed wreck site, and it didn’t seem like there would be anything getting in their way. Even with Grumman’s intelligence, though, the navy were never to be trusted not to put a spanner in the works. Sometimes Roy thought that they had some kind of sixth sense going on with their uncanny ability to be just where they weren’t wanted.
Someone hailed Maes and Roy was left alone with his thoughts. He turned back to survey the bustle of the ship’s normal operations. They had started life as a rather rag-tag bunch, many of them leaving the navy for various reasons that Roy had not inquired into, but over time they had come together into an efficient crew who worked well together. Breda was at the helm, keeping Phoenix steady as she cut through the sea, Havoc up in the crow’s nest keeping watch, Catalina and Fuery scampering over the rigging. Roy would trust this crew with his life, and when he thought about what was at stake for them on this latest outing, he knew he would far rather have these people by his side than any of the naval crews he had sailed with in his time.
All the same, he still couldn’t get that uneasy feeling to go away, despite the perfect conditions, still waiting for the other shoe to drop. Perfect conditions for them meant perfect conditions for every other ship that might be out here in the southern waters with potentially nefarious intent.
The other shoe dropped three days into their voyage when the wind began to pick up further.
“Sails!” Havoc yelled down from the crow’s nest.
“What? Shit.” Roy whirled around to look in the direction that Havoc was indicating, finding the bearing he was shouting and extending his telescope.
“Friendly or not?” Maes had jogged over to him and was leaning over the railing, squinting at the vague white shapes on the horizon.
“Likely not, looks like a navy flag.” Roy looked back at the helm. “Maintain present course and speed.”
Breda nodded, holding the helm steady as Roy continued to look at the ship that had joined them.
“Dammit, Grumman said that there weren’t any patrols in this area.”
“I know he’s usually pretty reliable but he’s been wrong before. Sometimes the navy just like to mess with us.”
“I swear they’re psychic,” Roy muttered. He held out the telescope to Maes.
“I don’t know why you’re giving it to me, I’ve got the worst eyesight on the ship.”
“Just take a look.”
Maes dutifully took a look. “I think you’re right. Definitely looks like a navy ship. She’s going at a hell of a lick as well, we’ll be able to see for ourselves shortly.”
“As long as she keeps coming straight and doesn’t turn.” Roy did not want to be broadsided by a full navy cannonade. They were going at a steady pace themselves and if they kept up this way then there was the slim chance that the two ships paths would not cross and the navy ship would end up behind them, playing catch-up and giving them the upper hand.
“I really don’t like this,” Maes said. “It’s too much of a coincidence for them to be in the same place as us.”
“Well, it’s not exactly a secret that we’ve been hunting the Xerxes all this time, but I thought that our main problem would be competition, not the navy. They must be getting desperate if they’re following up on gossip coming out of Port Aerugo. You’re right, though. I don’t like it at all.” He turned to the rest of the crew, all of whom were now watching the fast approaching sails. “Ready the cannons!”
The crew jumped to it, all those that could be spared racing down to the cannons and beginning to prepare them. Roy really hoped it would come to nothing, but as the navy ship kept bearing down towards them, he knew that it would be in vain.
“It had to be the Bradley, didn’t it? Of all the ships in the fleet, the one that came after us had to be the Bradley.”
The approaching ship was beginning to turn side-on to them. It was a double-edged sword; they had a larger target to hit with their own cannons, but they were now also a larger target for the navy’s.
The Phoenix had one thing that the navy didn’t, though. The Phoenix had Roy. Leaving Maes in charge on deck, he went below to the guns, checking the fuses as he pulled on his spark gloves. Flames on board a ship full of gunpowder were not normally a good idea, and his choice to learn flame alchemy as a potential alchemist afloat had raised more than a few eyebrows, but his years aboard Phoenix and the many tricky situations he had found himself in had honed his skills considerably.
The rest of the crew, having seen him in action many times before, dutifully stood back before he snapped, pinpoint flames igniting the fuses just at the precise moments that he needed them. The thunder of the cannon nearly deafened him, but he could see that at least some of the balls had hit their mark. Now it was time for the navy to return fire as they reloaded.
Roy heard the earsplitting crunch of a cannonball blasting the railings on deck above him and he grimaced. The ship’s master would not be happy about that one.
“Sails to starboard!”
Roy swore violently on hearing the exclamation being passed around the ship from the crow’s nest. Somehow they’d managed to get themselves into a trap. This was not how he had envisioned this trip going. They had done so well at avoiding the naval patrols.
The cannons reloaded, Roy set the fuses again before Maes stuck his head down onto the gun deck and hailed him.
“Captain, we’ve got a problem..”
“I heard. Any identification yet?”
Above them, the crew hit the deck as another volley of cannon fire from the Bradley soared over them. Most of the balls this time seemed to fall short; perhaps they’d overdone it on the powder the first time.
“No flags,” Maes said. “Wait…”
He vanished up onto the deck again as Breda called out to him, and Roy took advantage of the brief lull of reloading to peer out of one of the gun ports with his telescope. Another ship was indeed bearing down on them from the opposite side, this one fighting against the wind and creaking with the speed that it was putting on. There were no identifying flags on it, and it didn’t appear to be a typical naval ship.
“Captain, we’re being hailed.”
This time it was Fuery coming down onto the gun deck. Roy followed him back up, watching the little flashes of light from the approaching ship.
Need a hand Mustang?
Relief flooded through Roy’s veins as the newcomers unfurled a black flag and swung the ship around. Now that they were closer, he could recognise Briggs Fortress, and he didn’t think he’d ever been so pleased to see Olivier Armstrong in his life.
“Message from the Briggs, Captain. Armstrong and Hawkeye are coming over.”
As fearsome as the Bradley was, the pride of the Amestrian navy that struck annoyance if not fear into the hearts of pirates everywhere, it was no match for two ships working together to scupper it, and the Phoenix and the Briggs had left it floundering and unsteerable with most of its crew bobbing in the water behind them, sailing the same course together for a few miles until they were sure that they were out of harm’s way and could slow down to make any immediately needed repairs.
Fuery threw a line over the side as one of the Briggs’ longboats drew up alongside them, and a couple of minutes later, Olivier and Riza were on the deck.
“Well, that was bracing,” Olivier said grimly. “Honestly, Mustang, you should know better than to go after something as big as the Xerxes without a consort.”
Pirate ships usually worked alone, after all, there were a limited number of prizes on the seas and they were all in competition for their livelihoods, but it wasn’t unheard of for a couple of crews to team up and go after a particularly lucrative or well-guarded ship in return for sharing the profits. In the case of the Xerxes, Olivier did have a point, especially considering how much naval interest there was in locating the wreck, and the fact that the treasure wasn’t their main objective anyway.
“Mind you, this is you we’re talking about, and your capacity for idiocy is well-known, so I can’t say that I’m exactly surprised by this.”
Roy sighed but didn’t rise to the bait; he was too grateful for the help that the Briggs crew had provided to argue with Olivier now.
“I didn’t want to publicise things too much. Not everyone is as scrupulous as you and I when it comes to what’s at stake here.”
“Mustang, my thoughts on the navy, the Philosopher’s Stone, and alchemy in general are well known. As much as it pains me to say it, I’ll gladly work with you to keep the bloody thing out of the wrong hands. Anyway, I suppose we should explain our fortuitous presence here.”
“I was going to ask about that,” Maes said, eyeing the two women with equal parts respect and suspicion. “Has Grumman been spilling his secrets?”
“In a manner. When he received intelligence that the navy were on the move into the south, specifically where you were going and where he’d told you they weren’t likely to go, he felt it courteous to let you know, and since we were in the area, Riza persuaded me to take off on a mad goose chase after you.” Olivier shot a glance sideways at her lover. “The things I do for you. Anyway, it looks like it was lucky we arrived when we did.”
Roy nodded. “Thank you.”
The four of them moved into Roy’s cabin to discuss the route that they were taking and the approximate location of the treasure that they had finally found. It felt strange to be sharing it so openly having spent so many months trying to keep their research under wraps, but they were so close to the end of it all now. Roy really didn’t want to face another situation like the one they’d just narrowly escaped without being able to make repairs to the ship. They couldn’t afford to turn back towards Port Aerugo now, not with the navy on their tail already.
Riza looked over the maps, giving everything her expert navigator’s eye.
“I’ve no idea how you managed to piece it all together,” she said, “but it all looks watertight.”
“Well, in that case, shall we get going?” Maes asked. “This little skirmish has lost us some valuable time and we need to course correct. If the Bradley's out here then she won’t be alone, and I’d rather get as much of a head start as possible.”
“See, your quartermaster talks sense,” Olivier complained as she and Riza made their way back towards their longboat. “You should listen to him.”
“Yes, Roy. You should listen to me.”
Roy just smacked Maes in the arm.
“Ow! Man down! Man down!”
“It’ll be man overboard if you’re not careful,” Roy growled.
In the longboat, Riza rolled her eyes as she and Olivier began to row back to the Briggs.
“Sometimes I wonder how those two manage to get anything done.”
“Is this it? I have to say, Mustang, you’re not filling me with an awful lot of confidence here.”
They had reached the supposed site of the Xerxes wreck, the Briggs coming up alongside the Phoenix and dropping anchor as Olivier shouted across the prow. So far they had not come across any other navy vessels in the area, but the Bradley was the fastest in the fleet so it made sense that she would catch up to them first. Roy was already working out a more circuitous route back to Port Aerugo to try and avoid the other ships that had no doubt been sent after the advance guard.
On the face of it, he had to admit that Olivier had a point. The place that they had come to was little more than a large jagged rock sticking up out of the water, seemingly innocuous. It certainly wasn’t an island large enough to have treasure buried on it, but given some of the lethal-looking protrusions, he could well see why the Xerxes would have wrecked here on a dark and stormy night.
“According to all the research I’ve done, this is where she wrecked. The sea levels and tides have to be just right for the rock to be visible about the waterline.”
Riza leaned over the rail and peered down into the still waters below.
“I can’t see anything down there but then, we don’t know how deep it might go.”
“We’re not looking for the wreck itself anyway,” Roy pointed out. “It’ll be nothing more than rotten planks by now. We’re looking for what was on the wreck, and it should be on that rock.”
“For the love of God, Mustang, where?”
“You’ll see. Hughes, are you coming?”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world, Captain.” Maes followed him over to where Breda and Fuery were making a longboat ready to cast off, and soon they were rowing in towards the rock. It was a fraught journey, the waves lapping against the rock causing odd eddies that threatened to bash them against the side, and the ever present threat of being snuck up on by the navy was weighing heavy in the back of Roy’s mind all the time.
“You’re a sly one, Mustang.”
They had reached a fissure in the rock, invisible to them from the distance of the ships and only appearing once they were up close. If Roy’s theory proved true, then it was inside this fissure that the treasure of Xerxes would be found. With the fissure so well-hidden and the rock half-submerged most of the time, it would be the perfect resting place, and there was little wonder that no-one else had tracked it down before.
They tied up the boats and clambered awkwardly up onto the rock, lighting lanterns before edging their way into the fissure. It was tight going at first, but opened out after a few yards to give them more breathing space. Maes was leading the way, Riza bringing up the rear, leaving Roy with Olivier in the middle. He could feel her eyes boring into his back, and he was glad that the trip would hopefully be a short one. The tunnel angled down a steep incline and Roy could tell that they were below the waterline now. Hopefully they’d be able to get back up again.
Maes stopped abruptly, causing Roy to nearly run into him, and he peered over his quartermaster’s shoulder, grinning.”
“Ye of little faith, Armstrong.”
It was not the massive haul that legend had built it up into, but Roy had been expecting that. With something like the Xerxes, everything about it had been blown so out of proportion that the tales had reached the stage of the thing being rumoured to have been carrying so much gold that any ordinary ship would have sunk under the sheer weight of it.
It was still a decent prize though; even after splitting with the crew of the Briggs it would be a hefty nest egg for them all.
“Enough to retire on, do you think?” Maes asked. “Get a little place in the country and live comfortably?”
“Potentially. We’ll have to get Falman and Fuery to make a proper account of it back in Aerugo.” They moved further into the small cavern where the treasure had been stored. The gold and jewels were not their main concern and all four of them knew it. Riza turned back to get help from the ships to shift the loot, and Olivier came into the cavern.
“Right, let’s find this blessed stone and get out of here before we’ve got the navy breathing down our necks again.”
Looking for a red stone in a chest full of jewels was never going to be the easiest of tasks, but the sooner they started sifting, the sooner they could be sure of making sure that the thing was lost forever. Roy really didn’t like the idea of having it hiding in plain sight on the Phoenix or the Briggs for any longer than necessary.
“Got it.” Maes held up a leather satchel unearthed from the bottom of one of the chests and rolled his eyes when Olivier and Roy both gave him incredulous looks. “Yes, I know it’s not the stone. Captain’s log. It might give us a clue where to look.”
He began filing through waterlogged pages as Olivier and Roy continued to work through separating out everything that remotely resembled a ruby until Riza returned with a few men from both ships, forming a chain to pass everything out of the cavern and along the fissure.
“We’ve got sails on the horizon,” she warned. “Miles reckons we’ve got just under three hours before they’re in firing range and they’re riding low, they’ve got the heavy guns.”
“All right, we can focus on finding objects of mass destruction later, let’s move on out.”
Both crews were used to clearing loot quickly; it never did to take your time grabbing merchandise off a boarded ship when the navy might pounce at any moment, and soon the cavern was cleaned out and the two ships were weighing anchor, moving away from the rock in convoy. The navy sails were still on their tail and the lookouts were keeping sharp eyes on them, but they were not yet in a position where it looked like they were gaining, and Roy was confident of his ability to lose them once they were back in more familiar waters. If necessary they could split up, each of them leading a navy ship away. Maes was still reading the captain’s log in a desperate search for something that could help them.
Roy watched the expressions that crossed over Maes’s face as he skimmed over the last couple of pages of text. He seemed to run the entire gamut from overjoyed to incredulous to angry and back again.
“Roy, take a look at this.” He came over, handing off a couple of damp sheets of parchment. The ink had run and the writing was barely legible, but Roy could still make out the captain of the Xerxes’s final message.
The rest of the treasure I shall leave in this rock. Those canny enough to find it are welcome to it. I myself have no further need of it. To those who come in search of the Philosopher’s Stone, I can offer only disappointment. There is no stone. There never was. It was a legend we concocted and fed to strike fear into the hearts of those who might set upon us for our cargo. Take the jewels and leave all foolish attempts of immortality and power beyond imagination behind.
May the wind always be at your back. VH. 1756
Roy had to read it three times before the message sank in. On the one hand, this entire outing had been for nothing. It meant that they had left the navy for nothing, Maes had been shot for nothing. On the other hand, they didn’t need to worry about the Philosopher’s Stone falling into the navy’s hands now, and they had a boatload of treasure to boot. It was all so unbelievably ludicrous that Roy couldn’t help but burst out laughing.
“Roy?” Maes was looking at him as if he’d grown a second head. “Roy, are you ok?”
Roy nodded, pulling Maes in close out of sheer relief that it was all over. Maes’s arms came around him, the safe haven that he’d always been, and Roy sighed.
“We’re definitely retiring after this.”
“I’m already planning the tomato farm.”
They stayed in their embrace for a little while longer until Roy finally broke away.
“We should tell Armstrong that she can call off the search in her share of the loot.”
“I’ll get Fuery to send a message over. Honestly, trust us to go on a righteous mission to rid the world of a dangerous legendary artefact only to find that it never existed in the first place.”
It was an odd irony, but as they looked out over the open sea in front of them, Roy could not bring himself to care. All was well that ended well, and with the news from Havoc in the crow’s nest that they had lost the navy ships following them, all was definitely ending well and heading in the direction of a bright new beginning.
#FMA:Brotherhood#FMA Fanfiction#Roy Mustang#Maes Hughes#MustangxHughes#Hyuroi#AU#Pirate AU#Pirates! In An Adventure With Alchemists!#Fic: Beneath a Black Flag
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The First Miss Mystic Falls
Caroline Forbes had not been back to Mystic Falls in over a century. When she got wind of a living doppelgänger, Klaus sends her to check the credibility of their information. Seeing the doppelgänger for herself, Caroline creates a scheme to not only get a missing item back for the Original Family, but to ensure that Klaus and Elijah put aside a decades old feud, all in time for the sacrifice that would break Klaus's curse.
It just so happens that the doppelgänger is a contestant in the Miss Mystic Pageant and Caroline always did have a fondness for it.
She was the first Miss Mystic Falls, after all.
Follow up to - The Madness of Jonathan Gilbert
June 2020 Bingo- Prompt "Miss Mystic Falls" @klaroline-events
Mystic Falls 2010
Caroline sat in the black, nondescript Sedan. The tinted windows prevented her from being seen and people of Mystic Falls bypassed the car as though it was nothing out of the ordinary. Caroline ensured that it had a Virginia’s license plate just to be thorough. She did not want to be noticed nor did she want to make a scene. For now, she was watching and checking on the information Anna re-laid to her and that was easier done if she had no one in her way.
It had been one hundred and forty-six years since she last step foot in this god forsaken town. It had changed over the century and a half; modernized as most of the world was. Gone where the carriages pulled by horses down a dirt road. Gone were the corsets and dresses and southern manners. Yet, the differences Caroline found that the town still remained the same in some ways before she was run out of it.
The founding families, one of them she had once belonged to, still held the counsel against vampires. The only downside is almost everyone on the council did not realize that the Salvatore brothers were vampires, except for one member, and Damon somehow found a way to gain a seat on it. She was surprised; Damon she knew was not exactly one for forward thinking. Then there was Stefan, falling all over the Katherine look-a-like once again; Damon sending longing looks her way as well.
Elena Gilbert. The whole reason she stepped foot in Mystic Falls again. Two weeks ago, Caroline was enjoying a nice blood infused bottle of wine on yacht in the Caribbean when she got the call. Klaus was trailing his tongue down her flat stomach and she almost didn’t answer Anna’s call.
Almost; but she was glad she did.
Now she sat in a hot car staring at a more boring version of Katherine. At least Katherine had been interesting when Caroline had known her as a human. Granted they were not close, for the old vampire was too involved with Damon and Stefan to really get close to Caroline. Not that she cared; her relationship with Damon and Stefan was nothing more than polite smiles and maybe a dance at a formal event when they were human. Neither knew that Caroline had been turned mere weeks after they themselves left Mystic Falls.
Elena was sitting on a bench across the street talking to a young woman Caroline realized was Emily’s descendent. Caroline made a note to stay away from that one. As far as Caroline can tell, Elena was not at all remarkable other than being a Gilbert; a family Caroline decided she hated; seeing that it was Jonathan Gilbert who smothered her with a pillow and ruined all of her and Klaus’s plans for a smooth transition in New Orleans. Fucking Gilberts.
Caroline pulled out her smart phone and raised it in order to take a photo of Elena. She saved it to her phone and quickly typed out a message. She attached the photo and hit send. She did not have to wait long before her phone started to ring. Klaus’s name flashed on the screen and Caroline smiled.
“Hello Love.” Caroline purred into the phone. Her eyes were still on Elena who was laughing at something the witch said. “Receive any interesting pictures?”
“So, it is true then? There is another doppelgänger?” Klaus’s voice was smoldering, and Caroline knew him well enough that she could hear the excitement in his tone. Her smile grew wide, knowing that he was happy. He had all but lost hope on ever breaking his curse long before she met him. She knew it tore at him, having that part of him locked away and Caroline wanted nothing more than to set him free. “I didn’t think it possible.”
“Katherine had to have had a child at some point. Probably before she was tossed out of Bulgaria.”
“Clearly.” Klaus replied. “Well, I suppose I can drive up from New Orleans and be there by morning. The full moon isn’t for another three weeks so there is no rush. I’ll have Greta and Maddox fly in as well.” Caroline bit her lip, a thought passing through her head. “We will have to keep this quiet. The last thing we need is my brother getting wind of this.” Caroline said nothing and by the sigh on the other end of the line, Klaus knew that she had an ulterior plan. “Sweetheart? What is it?”
“What if we asked him, for you know. Help.” Caroline stated and pushed forward before Klaus could reply. “I know things are rocky for the two of you and frankly, I love you, but it was all your doing. Yes. Elijah pushed your buttons, but you really did not need to tell him you dumped the coffins in the ocean. So, I get why he is mad at you.”
“Please Klaus?” Caroline all but begged him. While the relationship between Caroline and Elijah had always been frosty since she was turned. However, he accepted that Klaus loved Caroline and therefore they were a package deal. Since the massive argument between Elijah and Klaus in 1933, neither brother had spoken to the other; no matter how hard Caroline pushed Klaus to reach out to his brother. “For me.”
Two days later Caroline found herself walking down the street heading towards the Mystic Grill. Her heels echoed off the pavement. It was in the middle of the day and she knew that the doppelgänger would be attending classes at the high school, along with Stefan. Caroline scoffed at the idea of going to high school; no thank you. She saw no appeal in the concept, especially when there were finer things in life than mundane lessons from humans who had no real concept of what they spoke.
Caroline paused when she reached the entrance of the Grill; her eyes scanning the only decent establishment in town. Her eyes landed on a flyer that was pinned to a corkboard near the entrance. She pulled it down and smiled; adding a new layer to her plan. She folded the flyer and stuck it in her bag before looking around for her target.
Bingo. Sitting in a booth in the far corner all alone. Perfect.
Caroline strolled over at a leisurely pace, his back was towards her and he did not hear her coming. When she reached him, she placed her hand on his shoulder and quickly moved it down his arm; gracing his hand with her fingertips, removing his ring without notice.
“Hello John.” John Gilbert startled and looked at her with wide eyes. He looked nothing like his ancestor and that pleased Caroline; the last thing she wanted was a Jonathan Gilbert look-a-like. He looked her over and she could see him visibly swallow. He knew who she was and that made her very happy. Caroline sat down across from him and tossed him her favorite Miss Mystic Fall smile; she was the first one after all. “Where you expecting company? No? Perfect.”
“I didn’t realize you had returned. I thought it was just the Salvatore boys.” John replied stiffly, not taking his eyes from her. She reached over and picked up a French fry, popping it into her mouth. “Does Liz know you’re here?”
“My cousin? No. She does not.” Caroline told him. She eyed him and she could see a series of plans calculating behind his eyes. “And she isn’t going to know John. By your reaction, you know who I am affiliated with.”
“The Original Family.”
“Yes.” Caroline leaned forwarded, tossing him a predatory look. “When Klaus and I fled this town over a century ago, we were forced to leave something behind. Something valuable. Now, I‘ve made it my business to study up on the founding families and I know that a certain ancestor of yours passed it down through your family.” John just looked at Caroline, unmoving and unblinking. “Very good, you know exactly to what I am referring.”
“I’m not giving it to you.” John told her and she was expecting that answer. Caroline planned for it and adjugated her plans accordingly. No good plans worked without leverage, so she ensured that she had multiple layers of leverage planned; forcing John to bend to her will. “I would be a fool to give it to you.”
“Then I suppose you will never see this again.” Caroline raised her hand to show John the ring that was no longer on his finger. He tried to reach across the table and take it from her, but she was faster; laughing at his failed attempt. “Interesting things, these rings. Making it so the person who wears it will come back to life if they die a supernatural death. I can understand why it would be very valuable to you. If you want it back, I suggest giving me what I want. And if this isn’t enough of leverage, I understand that you’re rather close to that nephew of yours. I wonder how he tastes.”
“Stay away from Jeremy.”
“Do we have a deal?” Caroline asked pleasantly and John glared at her as though he was contemplating her offer. He wasn’t foolish enough to think she was bluffing; and she wasn’t. If he was not willing to bed to her rules, Jeremy would be dead before the week was out.
“Knew you would come around.” Caroline tossed him a wide smile and pulled out the flyer that she had plucked from the corkboard at the entrance out of her purse; sliding it over to him. “The Miss Mystic Falls pageant. Did you know that I was the first ever Miss Mystic Falls? It would be poetic to have our exchange there, don’t you think.” John didn’t respond, his eyes glued to her purse, where she had casually tossed the ring into it. Knowing that her job was done, Caroline stood to leave; pausing just slightly to look at John. “Oh, and if the council gets winds of this and they try and dispose of me. Just imagine the havoc Klaus will wreck if I do not return. Blood will flow and everyone in this godforsaken town will burn.”
Caroline did not have to look back to know that John believed her.
The Miss Mystic Falls pageant was scheduled for the end of the week and Caroline kept a low profile till then. She watched the Salvatore brothers continue to fawn over Elena and how everything seemed right as rain. She looked in on her distance cousin, Liz, who was the sheriff and noticed that she seemed none the wiser about her reappearance in town; for Caroline was the Forbes’s family’s dirty little secret. John kept his word and Caroline was almost feeling charitable enough to give him a gift. She wouldn’t kill him; or at least not permanently.
She bought a skintight, short green dress that enhanced her curves. The black lacey lingerie she wore underneath her dress was so scandalous, that she snapped a photo of her partly naked body and sent to Klaus; ensuring that he would be waiting for her when she returned from the pageant. She smiled. It had been over a week since she had been in his bed and it was far too long for either of them. That and if their eventual plans came to fruition, it would be important for him to come to Mystic Falls.
He would come.
Klaus was not a man who could turn down Caroline in lingerie.
Caroline pulled up to the Lockwood manner in a flashier car, a sleep black Maserati, compared to the Sedan she had been driving previously. She no longer cared about blending in or hiding the fact that she was in town. Soon enough, it will be irrelevant and the entire town; or at least in the supernatural ‘know’, will shake with Klaus’s arrival.
As Caroline stepped out of the sports car, she saw Anna standing in front of the porch with her arms crossed and her head shaking. Caroline had run into Anna a few times over the last century. The two had an understanding. Klaus and Caroline let Anna do what she will in exchange for information. If Caroline’s plan worked and Klaus broke his curse, then Anna, nor her mother, would never have to fear anything at all.
“I thought you wanted to keep a low profile.” Anna asked, her dark eyes raising in question towards the car.
“There is no point in hiding now. Klaus is coming.” Caroline told her and the two vampires strolled up the stairs of the Lockwood manner. The mayor was standing by the door, willing to greet any and all to the Miss Mystic Falls pageant. Gaining an invitation into the home was easy and Caroline rolled her eyes. For a town who knew about vampires, one would think that they would not be so cavalier with their invitations.
Caroline was ready to part from Anna, but the latter grabbed ahold of her wrist. Caroline narrowed her eyes at Anna. The other vampire was older and could easily kill Caroline if she wanted but she would not be so thoughtless. Anna knew that killing the blonde was an automatic death sentence for herself and her mother….and anyone else she cared for.
“Our deal?”
“Stands.” Caroline flashed her a smile. “I promise you that if you and your mother stay out of our way, we will let you build this little idealic life you and your mother want.” Anna wasn’t convinced. “If Klaus disagrees with the deals I have made, then I have many ways of persuading him.” A movement from up the stair got her eye and she saw Damon Salvatore go into a room that she assumed belonged to the contestants. Caroline pulled out her phone and shot two separate text messages out. “I have to go.”
“Caroline! Wait, Elena’s brother-“
Tuning out Anna’s plea, Caroline grabbed a champagne glass and walked up the marble stairwell. Not a single person stopped her, and it was too easy to follow Damon into the room. She listened closely enough to hear the conversation brewing between Damon and the latest doppelganger. Apparently, they thought Stefan was missing, probably off on a blood binge and that was something Caroline found interesting. A note to use later down the line. She missed Ripper Stefan. He was more fun as a murderous bloodaholic than he had been human; or this broody version she had been watching for days.
No longer willing to wait, Caroline pushed open the door to Elena’s changing room and strolled right in. Elena jumped in surprise, her brown curled hair bouncing and bright brown eyes bulging. Damon’s jaw dropped in a comical manner, as though he could not process what and who he was seeing.
“Damon! How are you? It has been an age.”
“What?! How? What?”
Caroline ignored him and strolled over to Elena, taking in her appearance. It was one thing to see her from afar and through photos but to be up close and personal was another story. She did not just resemble Katherine; it was as though she was a carbon copy of her. No wonder Stefan and Damon were in love with her.
“They said the doppelgangers were flawless copies of one another, but this is uncanny.” Caroline cocked her head, studying Elena who she could tell was becoming uncomfortable under her scrutiny. Caroline held out her hand, gripping Elena’s in greeting. “Caroline Forbes. I grew up with Damon and Stefan.”
“You’re a vampire?”
“Who the hell would turn you?” Damon’s voice cut in and Caroline turned her head to him. The surprise was still written on his face. He was completely taken aback at her sudden appearance and Caroline would be lying if she said she didn’t enjoy it. “You were an annoying little twit as a human. If anyone would fail at being a vampire, it would be you.”
“Ouch.” Caroline said in mock hurt, her hand messaging her chest over the place her heart was. “I will have you know that I excel at being a vampire. All those controling tendencies I had as a human were magnified. I mastered being a vampire within a week. Can’t say that for either of you, now can I? Oh, where is Stefan?”
“How are you a vampire?” Damon asked again. Caroline smirked at him, noticing that he was not willing to speak of his brother. Stefan was not important at the moment, but he could come in use later, especially if he was going off the rails.
“I died with vampire blood in my system. That is how vampires are made. Did you not know that?” Caroline tossed him a winning smile. Damon was growing frustrated and Caroline rolled her eyes. “Short version? After Stefan murdered his father...” Elena gapped at her in surprise. “He bit his head off, right from his shoulders, literally. Quite the brut, your boyfriend is.”
“Caroline...” Damon warned her, his eyes full of concern for Elena who was processing the knowledge of news of the man she loved killing his own father. Elena sat down on the sofa, questions running through her mind.
“Still no fun I see.” Caroline drank a sip of her champagne. “The town held the first Miss Mystic Falls pageant after the two of you fled town. I won, of course.” Caroline turned to Elena and did a small curtsy. “The first Miss Mystic Falls at your service.” Caroline turned her head back to Damon, sensing the presences of someone new heading up the stairs. “There were two men in attendance that were not from Mystic Falls. They claimed to be wealthy merchants from Louisiana interested in trading with the town. However, they were not merchants…. where you Elijah?”
Damon, Elena and Caroline turned their heads to see a tall man who was dressed impeccably. He had brown hair, dark eyes and wore a suit that cost more than everything the room combined. He was fixing his cufflinks and appearing bored. He stepped through the door, closing it behind him, his eyes bypassing Caroline and landing on Elena.
“No. We were not.” Elijah moved to stand directly in front of Elena; eyeing her. “My brother and I came to see if Katerina had really locked herself in tomb. Quickly we realized she had not. My brother took a fancy to Ms. Forbes.”
“Who is Katerina? And who are you?” Elena asked, in a small voice. Elijah’s eyes looked at her and Caroline could see a flicker of something behind them. Caroline bit back the urge to groan; especially since Damon noticed Elijah’s focus.
“You know her as Katherine Peirce, but her real name was Katerina Petrova.” Elijah told Elena in a gentle tone. “I’m told that Mr. Salvatore is familiar with her?”
“Unfortunately.” Damon muttered and Caroline heard the distinct sounds of the words lying bitch reach her ears.
“As charming as Katherine is, shall I continue? I do hate being interrupted. Elijah’s brother and I began having an affair. We had planned to marry and leave town before he turned me, but Jonathan Gilbert discovered that I was having sex with a vampire and smothered me in my sleep. I had vampire blood in my system and here we are. Official story is that I ran off and eloped. Truth is I was run out of town when my father, who was the sheriff at the time, learned I was a vampire.” Caroline drank from her glass again, watching as Elijah gaze at Elena who was becoming uncomfortable under his scrutiny. “She looks like her. Doesn’t she? What was the one you loved named? Tatia? Is it unnerving to see the face of the woman you love but it not be her at all?”
“Do not speak of things you do not understand Ms. Forbes.”
“A hundred and forty-six years with Klaus and I understand a great deal.”
“Do you have what you promised me?”
“Not yet; but it will be here soon.” Elijah turned to look at Caroline, as though to retort but a knock sounded at the door and the imagine of Carol Lockwood appeared. She was wearing a nice dress and her hair was done in a fashioned that gave off the aura of a wealthy wife.
“Elena honey... oh, I did not realize you were not alone. You really should not have guest up here. The pageant is just about to start.” Carol told her, giving a false smile at the guest. “I think it would be best if you wait downstairs with the rest of the guests.”
“I’m sorry Mrs. Lockwood.” Caroline moved towards the older woman. “We just wanted to come up and wish Elena good luck. We will be out of your hair.” With a flash, Caroline was upon Carol, tiling her neck to the side and savagely biting into her neck. Her hand was pressed against Carol’s mouth; preventing her from screaming. Elena screamed out and Damon moved to stop Caroline, but Elijah gripped the young man by the neck; stopping him from moving forward. When Caroline was done feeding, she let Carol’s body drop to the floor. Caroline turned back to the others and smiled. “Damon, put the body in the closet please.”
Elijah dropped Damon as Caroline made her way over to the vanity. She sat down and cleaned her lips in the mirror. Elena was staring at her and Caroline caught her eye. Caroline refused to break the gaze between them in their reflection as she cleaned her lips of Carol’s blood. Damon dragged the body and stuffed her into the closet.
“Must you make a mess everywhere you go?” Elijah asked, giving her an insufferable sigh. Caroline spun around on the stool and crossed her legs. “My brother seems to have corrupted you even further.”
“That is just your bitterness talking Elijah.” Caroline pulled out her phone and began typing; she pulled up a series of photos. She handed the phone over to Elijah and waited. Elijah scrolled through each of the photos, his eyes growing wider. “If you look at the date on the newspaper, you will see that they were taken just this morning.”
“He said-“
“The two of you were fighting and you know how he likes to lash out. He would have said anything to get under your skin. I swear I have never seen brothers fight the way the two of you do and I grew up with them.” Caroline snapped, pointing at Damon; who looked as though he wanted to be affronted. However, Caroline did not allow him the chance. “Do you honestly think he would drop them in the ocean? That I would allow him to?”
“Niklaus does what he wants.”
“Klaus does what I want if he ever wants sex again.” Caroline snapped at him. She aimed to continue but stopped when she heard the creaking of the stairs. A knock sounded a few moments later and the door pushed open. John Gilbert stood in the doorway with a box in his hand, viewing every single person in the room. “Right on time John. Do you have what I want?”
“Uncle John?” Elena muttered in a small tone, fear still etched on her face. John looked at her and then back to Caroline; knowing that she had Elena there for a reason. He took in the rest of the room and stiffened at the sight of Elijah.
“Do you have my ring?” John replied before looking at Elijah. “Who is your friend?” John asked, seizing Elijah up. There was a flicker of understanding in John’s eyes and a healthy dose of fear echoing in them. Sensing it made Caroline smile. She gazed at the box and stood from her seat, walking towards John in an almost seductive manner.
“Do you honestly think that I would not show up without back up?” Caroline taunted. “Show it to me.” John did not move, and Caroline rolled her eyes. She pulled at the chain around her neck, revealing the ring that was resting in her cleavage. She removed the chain from her neck and dangled it in front of him. “One ring that will bring you back from the dead. Now open the box.” John did as he was told and opened the wooden box. Nestled inside was a silver dagger and a small bottle of white oak ash. “Elijah. Is this it?”
“You have seen the others. You know that answer Caroline.”
“Very well.” Caroline took the box from John and tossed the ring at him. If she wasn’t so focused on the silver dagger, she might have laughed at seeing John scramble for it. “Although, I would be careful John, those rings are dangerous.”
“You’re only saying that because my ancestor was the one who killed you.” John replied, feeling braver now that his ring was firmly back on his finger. Caroline turned to him and glared. She did not like being reminded of her death. The end result was the same, but it ruined her perfectly laid plans. Not only that, she wanted Klaus to be the one to take her life, not Jonathan Gilbert’s “Maybe I’ll have the same pleasure.”
“Doubtful.” Caroline reached out and stroked his cheek before gripping his chin and snapping his neck. John’s body fell to the ground and Caroline had to give Elena credit; she did not shriek this time. Instead she just jumped into Damon’s arms; who did not seem put off by it. It was not like John’s death would be permanent.
“You’re a monster.” Elena hissed out through clenched teeth.
“Oh honey, I’m the queen of the monsters.” Caroline gave her a smile before turning back to Elijah. She handed the box to him and he took it easily. “It’s yours. We will never ask for it back nor will it be used again, unless you use it one someone else.” Elijah smirked at that and she is winning him over, she can see it. “Will you help us?”
“The others?”
“I’ll try and convince him to pull them out.”
“I thought you said Klaus did as you commanded.”
“Mostly. I might have embellished a little bit.” Caroline smiled at him, fluttering her eyes; knowing that it would not work on him. She was never able to get what she wanted completely from him like she could from Klaus. “Pretty please.”
“When is the full moon?”
“Two weeks. Klaus will be arriving tonight. I sent him an incentive.” Caroline smiled. “I have a feeling Katherine will be in town soon. She is never one to ignore the chance at freedom. Klaus will be willing to consider it in exchange for the stone. Once we have that, everything will be in place.”
“Very well. I will come and speak with my brother in the morning. I’m sure the two of you will be occupied tonight.” Elijah told her but sounded grave. He turned to both Damon and Elena. “It was a pleasure making your acquaintance. I’m sure we will be seeing each other soon. Caroline?”
“Coming.” Elijah extended his elbow and Caroline happily looped through it. “Elena, I’m sure you will win the pageant. I do hope you enjoy wearing the crown. I most certainly did.”
“Wait!” Damon called out, still baffled at the exchange and the two dead bodies in the room. Neither Caroline nor Elijah paid him any mind; choosing to ignore his outburst. “Who the fuck is Klaus!?”
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With the compliments of, The Directorate General Public Relations,
Government of the Punjab, Lahore Ph: 99201390.
LAHORE, April 26:
Today is a historic occasion when the foundation stone of the south Punjab secretariat has been laid while fulfilling the long-standing demands of the people. I am thankful to PM Imran Khan and the construction and timely completion of the south Punjab secretariat in Multan will be ensured. Similarly, the foundation stone of the south Punjab secretariat will be laid soon in Bahawalpur. South Punjab was kept deprived in the past and people were deceived through fudge figures. The utilizing of the development budget in south Punjab was not more than 17 per cent in the past but the incumbent government has allocated and ringfenced 33 per cent funds for southern Punjab.
This was stated by Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar while addressing the ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the south Punjab secretariat and announcement of the Multan Development Package in Multan on Monday.
The CM said that more than 27 thousand schools, including 38 per cent from south Punjab, have been upgraded. Meanwhile, PTI inherited unfinished projects worth 1300 billion and these schemes are being completed to facilitate the people. The people of south Punjab have entrusted the PTI and the development of Multan is a priority agenda of the government. Under the district development package, he said hundred development schemes will be completed in Multan including 47 roads, 23 supply and disposal of water, 9 educational, 6 healthcare and other departments' projects. Work has been started on several projects and timely completion will be ensured, he added.
The CM said that development projects costing 78.72 crore rupees will be completed under the local government development programme in Multan. 4 development schemes of 3.31 billion have been inaugurated in Multan including e-khidmat centre, shelter home, urban forest and labour housing colony in an industrial estate. 992 flats are being given to labourers in the labour housing colony, he added. He said that foundation stone of 5 schemes has been laid with an amount of 8.97 billion in Multan including dual Mattital road, shelter home, 200-bed mother and child hospital, similarly, the expansion of Multan-Vehari Road will be completed with a cost of 18 billion in PPP mode, he added.
The CM said the south Punjab secretariat will be completed with 3.54 billion rupees adding that ACS and additional IG have been posted while the number of departments has been increased for the south Punjab secretariat. Meanwhile, legislation is being made to allocate job quota for south Punjab's youth. Meanwhile, separate service tribunal and drug courts will be established for south Punjab. Two drug courts will be established in Sahiwal and DG Khan respectively along with the establishment of a service tribunal, intellectual property rights courts and environment tribunal. The CM said 316 schools, including 269 girls schools, are being upgraded in Multan with a cost of 73.85 crore rupees. Similarly, needy youth is given loans worth more than 35 crore rupees in Multan under Punjab Rozgar Scheme and facility this will continue. The Punjab government is providing direct subsidy to farmers through Kisan Cards for agri-inputs. The latest agri-machinery worth 47 crores has been provided to farmers at a subsidized rate, he said and further stated that crops' insurance programme will be continued. More tractors will be given under Punjab Rozgar Scheme, he added.
The CM said the Punjab Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project of around 90 billion rupees is being started from this year in collaboration with the world bank in 16 tehsils of the province, including 8 tehsils of south Punjab, to complete projects related to supply and drainage of water in villages. 11 billion rupees will be spent on water supply, sewerage, solid waste management, street lights, roads and parks in the next two years in Vehari, Burewala, Khanewal, Kot Addu and Bahawalnagar under Punjab Cities Project, he added. District Jail will be relocated to Mattital Road and the existing land will be converted into a park, he disclosed. 1.50 billion rupees are being allocated in the next financial year budget, he added. Spadework on the relocation of the grain market, truck stands and iron market in Multan has been completed as it would resolve traffic problems, he added. Northern Bypass, from Bosan Road to Head Muhammadwala, will be dualized; he said and revealed that NHA will complete this project. 30 Kanal land has been provided from the police line to expand the district courts. District Courts will be given 20 Kanal while 26 Kanal land is being given for the expansion of the High Court. Meanwhile, 6 Kanal land has already been given, he added. The CM said that a new judicial complex will be constructed and two basement parking plazas are being constructed for lawyers. Meanwhile, funds are being given for the expansion of Abdali Road, Circular Road, Hussain Agahi Road and roads in the centre of the city. Expansion of Violence Against Women Center has also been completed, he further said.
The CM affirmed Multan Municipal Corporation has been given the status of Metropolitan corporation and the construction of Nishtar-2 has also been started by the PTI government. OPD will be inaugurated this year while the project will be completed before June 2023 with a cost of 8.84 billion. The new OPD of Multan Institute of Cardiology will be made functional this year with a cost of 3.14 billion, he said. The cancer ward is completed in Nishtar Hospital and machinery is being installed. The pharmacy project will be completed next month at 40 crore rupees. Along with it, a new building of DHQ Hospital Multan has been completed near Shershah Bypass with a cost of 1.67 billion rupees and medical equipment is being procured. He said 1 billion rupees is earmarked for Multan University of Engineering and Technology and Government Emerson College Multan has also been given the status of a university. A BS Block is being constructed there as well, he continued.
The CM said that Astroturf ground will be constricted at Mattital Road in Multan to promote the game of hockey with a cost of more than 45 crore rupees. The model cattle market is being constructed with a cost of 49 crores and the child protection institute is being built with a cost of 31 crores to provide shelter to abandoned children. A flyover will be built on Madni Chowk with 74 crores and 2.84 billion rupees will be spent for constriction of flyover at railway line in-between Nadirabad Phatak and Industrial Estate. 25 per cent work of linking Shershah Bypass with Motorway M4 has been completed, he said. 59 crore rupees are being spent on this project, he said. The regional campus of the MPDD Department will be completed in Multan next year for 50 crore rupees. He said that 28 KM long village-to-market roads have been completed with a cost of 35 crore rupees and 37 crore rupees will be spent on repair and maintenance of 25 KM long roads from village-to-markets. Similarly, the government will complete 13 sewerage projects in different areas of Multan with an amount of 11 billion rupees. New disposal stations will be constructed and new sewerage lines will also be laid under these schemes, he said. The days of deprivation and poverty of south Punjab are over and new chapters of development of south Punjab and the whole of the country will be written under the leadership of PM Imran Khan, concluded the CM.
LAHORE, April 26:
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has regretted that the opposition is using the corona challenge for its political gains.
In a statement, the CM asserted that every effort was made by the government to deal with the third corona wave adding that the number of ventilators and oxygen beds has been increased in the hospitals to facilitate the patients. Regrettably, the opposition is trying to achieve mundane political mileage over the corona issue, he added. However, those distancing the people in the corona pandemic have been isolated, he added. The CM regretted the PDM had busted a gut to spread coronavirus by holding public meetings during the pandemic. This selfish cabal played with the lives of the people to gain some political benefits; this proves the impassive opposition has no regard for the lives of the people. Those who did not care for the health and safety of the people, during the pandemic, have become a symbol of disgrace; concluded the CM.
** **
LAHORE, April 26:
The Punjab government has aptly completed the agri reforms agenda entrusted by the prime minister on February 8 with a six-month time duration. In this regard, the launch of the Kisan Card Programme has been completed before time and is launched from Multan as a pilot project to benefit the farming community.
This was stated by Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar while addressing the launch ceremony of the Kisan Card Programme in Multan on Monday. He also appreciated the role played by Agriculture Minister Hussain Jahanian Gardezi, chief secretary, agriculture secretary, Habib Bank, PITB and PLRA in the launch of this program.
The CM greeted the presence of PM Imran Khan adding that this programme will provide numerous benefits to the farmers including agri loans, crops' insurance and subsidy on fertilizers, pesticides and seeds through registered shops. The agriculture department has established a network of 30 thousand service shops for the utilization of this card in the whole of the province, he continued. Initially, Rs.17 billion subsidy is given in collaboration with the Pakistan government during the ongoing Khareef season, he said. Meanwhile, the CM pointed out that watercourses are being improved; model agri markets are established and the per-acre yield of wheat is being increased along with the promotion of oilseed crops under an Rs.300 billion worth PM agri emergency programme. Similarly, the Punjab government was providing subsidy on agri machinery and 50 per cent and 60 per cent subsidy were given on latest drip irrigation and solar system installation respectively, he added.
The Punjab government has introduced a comprehensive agriculture policy and 8000 land record centres were being established, including more than 3000 in south Punjab, to save the farmers from the exploitation of revenue staff, concluded the CM.
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New Beginning
Chapter Seven
*This chapter has been edited by my Beta Casey. Please leave a review I am always up for hearing what you think. If you have finished the chapters I have uploaded on here and want more, then feel free to find me on Fanfiction.net, Ao3, or Wattpad to read more.*
I stepped out of the closet with the perfect dress in tow. It was a simple gown, but for me, that's what made it perfect. The eyelet lace halter top sparkled in the light as I did a twirl in front of the full-length mirror. I smiled as I admired my reflection; thankfully, the dress was ankle length, so I wouldn't have to worry about tripping on the stairs. I tended to be a bit of a klutz.
I decided on a loose side french braid for my hair, hoping to achieve a beautiful look with minimal effort. This seemed to be my typical philosophy because honestly, I didn't really have time to care or worry about what I looked like.
I patted a shimmery shadow overtop my eyelids, and swiped on some lip stain that matched the dark wine color of the dress. After sliding on my ballet flats, I gave myself one last once-over; I was passable, at least.
I rolled my eyes at the loud wolf whistle from behind me but had a difficult time hiding the smile creeping onto my face.
"Thank you, Beka. If you approve, then I obviously did something right," I said.
I gave her a grandiose twirl and nearly tripped over my own feet. Rebekah laughed merrily, clapping her hands to applaud my clumsy show.
"You better get outta here before you fall and break your neck — didn't you do that once?" she asked.
She bit her lip, trying to reel in her laughter at my expense. I sighed, shaking my head.
"Yes Beka, that was actually a death of mine. I fell down the stairs and broke my neck; the curse is a bitch."
I forced a chuckle at this, and Rebekah frowned. She had always been able to tell when I was faking humor to hide my sadness. She ushered me out the bedroom door before I could fall into a 'woe is me' depression.
As we were at the top of the stairs, Elena exited her room, phone in hand. I stopped dead in my tracks — she looked beautiful. Her knee-length orange dress complimented her brown hair marvelously. She'd chosen to wear her hair down, save a single strand on each side, and her sweetheart neckline highlighted her collarbones expertly. I tore my eyes from her gown; the expression she wore was making me nervous.
"What's up, Lena?" I asked.
Instead of answering my question, she bypassed me and bolted into Jeremy's room. I followed her and stood back, watching as she started hitting him.
"Ahh! God, what now?" he asked, covering his head with his hands.
Rebekah stood beside me, watching them in amusement. "You gonna do something?" she whispered, although only I could hear her. I shook my head, continuing to remain silent as my two siblings bickered.
"The pocket watch — Where is it?" Elena accused.
Jeremy looked at her incredulously. "What watch?"
Elena stepped back, her hands on her hips. "The one you stole from mom's box. Look, Mrs. Lockwood just called me freaking out. It was on the list, Jeremy, and she can't find it. She thinks she's the one who lost it."
I looked away from them for a moment, trying to remain impartial. It would do me no good to get involved, but it was hard not to. They could both be mad at me for not playing favorites if they wanted, but eventually, I wouldn't be here to play mediator. They needed to learn how to deal with one another without me.
Still, it was tough to remain neutral when Jeremy was the one who was supposed to inherit the pocket watch. Since it's technically his, he should've been the one to loan it out — and only if he wanted to.
Jeremy stared at Elena contemptuously and shrugged, "Maybe she did. Maybe Tyler took it,"
Elena looked at me as if I was supposed to jump in and yell at Jeremy for being childish, although she was acting just as annoying. I threw my hands out in front of me and shook my head.
"Not involved," I said.
Elena gave me her best 'so angry her eyes were bulging out' expression and turned back to our brother.
"Don't even play that card, Jeremy, you took it. If I go online, am I gonna find it on eBay? Is that how you pay for your pot?" she snarled.
At that, I stepped further into the room. Anger coursed through me — How dare she act so damned, holier than thou.
"Hey, Lena, that's not cool. You have no right to act this way — just 'cause Jer is handling mom and dad's death differently than you are, doesn't mean he would ever sell dad's watch." I said, jabbing my finger in her direction. "The one that was supposed to be his in the first place!"
They both looked at me in silence, shocked that I had said anything. It had been a very long time since I had gotten involved in direct family matters. After I took a few breaths, I nudged my head towards Jeremy.
"Where is it, Jer?" I asked softly.
He stood and walked over to his desk. Pulling out a drawer, he retrieved the watch and looked at Elena.
"Screw you. I would never sell this, okay? At least someone still understands me," he said, looking at me as he held the watch firmly in his hands.
I stepped away from Elena and put my hand on his shoulder. Elena sighed and looked anywhere but at us.
"Then why did you take it?" she asked.
I scoffed quietly. Of course, she didn't understand...
"Because it's supposed to be mine, just like Ellie said. Dad told me it goes to the firstborn son. His father gave it to him, and…now what?" he asked, handing the watch over to Elena.
I shook my head and walked back over to the door.
"...And he was gonna give it to you," Elena said, finally understanding.
Jeremy looked at me, and I nodded in support.
"Yeah," he said.
Elena looked down at the watch, frowning. "Look, Jeremy, it's still yours, okay? Mom promised Mrs. Lockwood. What do you want me to do?"
I bit my tongue trying to say out of it, but to no avail, I couldn't keep myself from calling Elena out on her bullshit. It was the classic Petrova 'only I matter' philosophy — they can't bring themselves to understand unless it matters to them or affects them directly. She was slowly proving to me how very much like her ancestors she was becoming.
"I don't know Elena, you could tell her to shove it. That the watch was never yours, nor moms, to give out. It was Jeremy's, and dads, and it's all he has left of him." I huffed.
Jeremy sent me a grateful smile and my rigid shoulders relaxed. He needed someone to understand him without judgment, and I could give him that — for now.
"Just take it and get out, Elena," he said, turning away from her.
Elena brushed past me with a harsh look in her eyes, directed at me, of course. I had chosen a side (something I really didn't want to do), and to her, it had been the wrong one.
Looking into the teary eyes of my brother, I knew I had chosen correctly. He was the one who needed me the most. He had no one, yes Jenna and Elena tried, but neither of them was willing to simply be there for him all while allowing him to make his own mistakes. They pushed and pushed, judging him for everything he did. I walked over and sat down beside him on the bed.
"This room is...musty. Maybe open a window," I joked, trying to lighten the mood.
He forced a chipped chuckle and leaned against my shoulder.
"Thanks for trying sis," he said.
I smiled at his tone of voice, it was soft and warm — something I usually didn't get from him. He was always blunt and sarcastic; I could often appreciate that — well, most of the time, at least. I was just as sarcastic as he was, but I did miss my brother. The one who used to sit beside me on the porch swing while I read, drawing pictures of our neighbors or random wildlife. He used to be so fun and care-free...then we lost our parents, and he fell into a dark pit.
One that even I couldn't get him out of.
He was drowning, and I just left him. I told myself it was to save him more heartache once I died, but in the end, it wasn't for him. It was for me.
I was pulling away from everyone to save myself. I wanted to hide away until my birthday. I knew now that I couldn't do that anymore. I had to be there for my family until I no longer could. I would save him. He was my brother — my responsibility. I had lost so many people already, and I was sick of it. Maybe Damon and Stefan were right. Perhaps I could fight this...
"I love you Jer, I'm sorry — I've been so out of it these last couple of years, but I'm here now," I whispered, "I'm back."
He pulled away from me, attempting to wipe the tears from his eyes without me noticing. I looked away so he could retain his 'manly dignity.' I bit my lip to keep from smiling and looked back when I knew he had composed himself.
"I'm glad. I've missed you. Aside from mom and dad, you were always the one I could depend on," he said.
I ruffled his hair, much to his displeasure, and then stood up.
"Well, I'm here — If you ever need anything, let me know. I'll get the watch back for you Jer, I promise."
I smoothed my gown as he smiled brightly. I made to exit, and he followed me out to the hallway.
"Hey, Ellie," he called to me once I reached the top of the stairs, "You look beautiful, by the way,"
I pulled my dress up and curtseyed for him with a laugh.
"Why thank you, good sir," I said, with my best southern belle impersonation.
He bowed to me and took my arm to help me down the stairs. By the time we had reached the last step, we were both laughing so hard we had tears in our eyes. It felt wonderful to laugh with him again.
Jenna was waiting for us at the bottom, a bright grin on her face. She appeared to be stifling back tears.
"You look lovely, Elara," she said.
The doorbell rang, giving me an excellent excuse to escape her teary gaze. As I headed to answer the door, I noticed Elena pull Jeremy to the side, a determined look on her face. I frowned until I saw dad's watch in her hands. I was pleasantly surprised that I didn't even have to guilt her into giving it back.
I opened the door to reveal a handsomely dressed Matt Donovan. He was smiling broadly as I ushered him inside. He gave me a quick once-over.
"Wow, Elara. You look amazing," he said breathily.
I moved my weight from one foot to the other, unsure of what to say. He was my sister's ex after all, and I didn't want to give him any reason to believe this was more than what it was. Matt was a great guy, but he wasn't for me.
"I'm almost ready Matty. I just need to grab my clutch and talk to Jeremy about something," I said, slowly backing away from him.
"Okay, I'll be here," he replied.
I headed back up the stairs and ignored the greyish spirit that was leaning against the wall, eyeing me suspiciously.
"So, who's that?" Rebekah asked as I reached for my clutch on my desk.
"He's just a friend — Elena's ex actually. He asked me if I would accompany him to the party. He is still not over Elena," I explained.
She gave me a tight-lipped frown and stared me down.
"What Beka? I promise there is nothing romantic between us," I turned to face her, narrowing my eyes. "I'm wondering, why would that bother you, though?"
Rebekah turned away with a dramatic huff. I crossed my arms and tapped my fingers against my elbow — something definitely was bothering her.
"What is it, Beks? After all this time, you should know I won't be angry with you. No matter what it is."
I reached out, and my hand hovered over her shoulder. She spun around her eyes, glassy with unshed tears.
"It's completely insane," She said, shaking her head, "It's just...when I saw you with him...it felt like you were betraying my brother. It's crazy, I know! I honestly don't even care if you do. It's just... your relationship with him gives me hope, and deep down I wish you two could work it out." she looked at her feet, then shrugged sheepishly, "Even though I know that is impossible..." she added, her voice cracking.
My heart sank further and further with every word she spoke. It was like hearing all my deepest and darkest thoughts expressed out loud. Should I tell her that I secretly wished for the same thing? That when I'm alone, and there is nothing left to distract me, my thoughts always find him?
"Rebekah, I understand. No man will ever possess my heart the way your brother does — not even Damon. You have nothing to fear, and even though we both know how insane the thought of a relationship between Nik and myself would be, I will never truly give up hope,"
I struggled but somehow managed to hold back my own tears. Rebekah gave me a half-hearted smile and ran her hands over her face with a small shake of her head.
"Okay, okay — enough of that! You have a party to get to, and I should check up on my brothers," she said, with a disgruntled sigh.
I ran my hands down my dress and checked my hair, smiling mirthfully "Okay, give them my love,"
"Yeah, I'll do just that," she laughed.
I gave her a quick nod and smiled at her lovingly. "See ya later Beks,"
I headed down the stairs and found Jeremy in the living room, talking to Matt with a stern look on his face. Oh no, what now?
"Hey, guys. Everything okay?" I asked, tilting my head at them.
Jeremy looked me up and down with a bright smile, his eyes crinkling. He looked so proud, and it made my heart lift and heal after the dark talk with Rebekah.
"Yeah, I was just making sure Matty here knows the rules. Ya know — different sister, different rules," Jeremy said, with a sly grin.
My mouth dropped open. I could feel my cheeks reddening. I opened and closed my mouth like a fish out of water. It wasn't often that I was speechless.
"And I was explaining to Jeremy that this wasn't a date. Just two friends." Matt said, speaking for me when he saw how flabbergasted I was. Always the gentlemen.
I closed my mouth and tried to control my blush as my brother watched me intently, his smile growing at my discomfort.
"He's right, Jer. This is strictly a 'friends' thing." I said, tartly.
Jeremy nodded at us both and slapped Matt, none too gently, on the shoulder.
"Okay, don't stay out too late sis," he said, grinning.
Matt took my arm and led me to the door. I turned partially to see Jeremy over my shoulder and gave him the finger, which only earned me a thumbs up and a loud laugh. When Matt tried to turn around, I pushed him forward and allowed him to open the passenger door of his truck for me.
I thanked him and watched Jeremy laughing at me from the living room window. I pulled my phone from my clutch and sent him a series of hateful texts, full of colorful language. I watched him receive them as Matt joined me in the car.
I grinned smugly as he quickly stepped away from the window, eyes wide. I leaned back in my seat as Matt pulled out of the driveway and down the street. I watched the scenery pass by with a genuine smile on my face.
The driveway of Lockwood Mansion was packed full of cars as we pulled up. I leaned forward and looked at all of the people piling out of their vehicles and heading inside. I could see Elena and Stefan heading through the door as a man approached the driver's side window. He told Matt to pull up closer to the house, so the Valet could park his truck for him.
"You ready for this?" I asked.
His face was slowly losing color — he wasn't much for this kind of thing, and I felt sorry for him. But he was under the Petrova spell and couldn't help but want to be around Elena.
"Yeah..." he quietly said.
I allowed the Valet to open my door, and I carefully hopped out. I looked up at the beautiful brick house adorned with white pillars and fought back the memories associated with the last time I had been here. Thankfully, Matt ignored my pink cheeks as he fixed his black suit. Gently taking my arm, he led me inside.
"Let's do this," he whispered to me as we passed through the massive front doors.
The entryway was packed full of guests and waiters alike. A tray of champagne was in front of us, and I reached towards it, pulling away two glasses. I handed one to Matt.
"Drink quickly before we come across Sheriff Forbes, "I joked.
I almost spit out the tart liquid when he started chugging his down. He really didn't want to be here.
I could see Elena and Stefan looking at a display a few feet in front of us and pushed Matt away from them and towards Caroline, who was picking at a plate of food she held. I took his empty glass and sat it on a passing tray.
"Here, talk to Care for a bit. I'm gonna find Elena,"
He tried to object, but I wanted to warn Elena that we were here so she could keep the PDA to a minimum. I didn't want Matt hurting any more than necessary. I pushed through the crowd and grabbed myself another drink. I sipped slowly when I came upon Elena and Stefan.
"Your parents?" Stefan asked her.
Elena shook her head a melancholic expression on her face.
"There's a lot of history here," she said, taking a glass of champagne from a server.
I stepped beside them and noticed our parents wedding set inside the display case. A wave of memories passed through my mind, and I placed my hand on Elena's shoulder. She jumped slightly, the gesture pulling her from her thoughts. Once she realized it was me, she put her head on my shoulder as we both lived within our memories for a moment.
After a few minutes, Elena headed to the next display, and I followed closely behind her with Stefan in tow.
"Hey, Elena. I wanted to let you know I came with Matt," I started, as she read the old Founders registry.
Her head snapped towards me for a moment, pure shock on her face.
"Oh...well..." she started before someone behind me caught her attention.
"So, the oldest Gilbert twin and Matty blue eyes. Ya know, I didn't peg you as the type to go after your sister's ex," the voice, one I recognized instantly, said from behind me.
I growled quietly and turned to face Damon Salvatore.
"Hello, Damon," I plainly said.
I tried to avoid his crystal gaze but couldn't help being drawn in. His eyes were clouded and expressionless. Something was bothering him.
"So, you and Matt?" he asked.
I rolled my eyes and repositioned myself to face my sister.
"It's not like that, Lena. He texted me and asked if I would join him as a friend. I wanted to let you know so you and Stefan could keep things G rated, for Matt's sake," I explained.
Her eyebrows raised, and she placed a hand on her hip.
"And since when do you care how Matt feels?" she asked.
I rubbed my forehead and tried to keep myself calm. My sister seriously knew how to push my buttons. I downed the rest of my champagne in one swift gulp.
"I've always liked Matt... Just be kind, okay?"
Damon took the glass from my hand when I tried to snag another. I grumbled at him and pushed past the small group to find Matt and Caroline. Once I was out of Damon's line of sight, I grabbed another glass and stood next to Caroline. She was talking to Matt about her mom. I listened in to their conversation until Caroline excused herself and made her way to Damon's side.
I followed her and was just in time to hear her ask Stefan to dance. She led him to the dance floor, and Damon used the opportunity to make his move. I had to admit, I was starting to become ready for Katherine's return.
Maybe after he realized Katherine was safe, and that she was never in the tomb, he would finally leave Elena alone. Hopefully, the big reveal will get the Petrova's out of his system.
I stepped to the side, just out of sight, to listen to their conversation.
"I want to apologize to you for being such a world-class jerk the other night when I tried to kiss you. There's no excuse. My therapist says I'm...acting out, trying to punish Stefan," he said.
When had Damon tried to kiss her? I felt anger stir in my stomach and tried to ignore it. I wasn't jealous, was I?
I rolled my eyes and continued to drink my champagne, it would be her own fault if she fell for his bullshit. I hoped she was smart enough to see through it.
"For what?" Elena asked him.
He inched closer to her without drawing attention to it.
"It's all in the past. I don't even want to bring it up. Let's just say that the men in the Salvatore family have been cursed with sibling rivalry. And it all started with the original Salvatore brothers," he told her a very fake, sad tone to his voice.
I turned my head to find Stefan and Caroline, who were both still dancing together. He was whispering something in her ear. I decided to leave Damon to his petty lies and save Stefan from an overly bubbly Caroline.
I set my glass down on the small silver table beside me and walked onto the dance floor. I swayed my way to them and stopped beside Caroline.
"Hey Chicka, mind if I cut in?" I said.
She looked past me to see Damon still preoccupied with Elena.
"Sure, Ellie," she said.
I switched places with her, and Stefan placed his hand on my hip. He allowed me to put one of my hands on his shoulder, and my other arm around his neck. A new song began to play, and I smiled at the choice. It was one of my favorites — Shut Up and Dance, by WALK THE MOON. We began to move as the first verse started. I looked past Stefan and watched Elena and Damon, who were still talking by the display cases.
"Thanks for rescuing me. I think Damon asked Caroline to pull me away so he could talk to Elena," Stefan said.
I gave him a coy smile. "I think your right. He was talking to Elena about the original Salvatore Brothers," I said.
Stefan's face fell for a moment before he controlled his reaction. "So that's his plan," he said flatly.
We continued to move across the dance floor, both of us dancing as if it were as natural as breathing. To us, it actually was — we'd had centuries of practice.
"You shouldn't have to worry about Caroline much. I made sure she had a nice supply of vervain," I said, as I twirled about. "Although, before I dosed her, he compelled her to have no fear, so that's something we'll have to deal with,"
We danced past Matt, and I sent him an apologetic wave. I didn't want him to feel like I abandoned him for the same person Elena had.
"Well, at least there's that. Isn't there something you can do for her? Using magic, I mean?" he asked.
I frowned and shook my head. "Yeah, but it isn't an option. It's excruciating and could potentially kill her. I'm thinking I wean her off the vervain long enough for him to fix it. Under supervision, of course," I added, quickly.
We started to slow our precession across the floor long enough for Stefan to dip me. I laughed merrily and saw Damon eye us from the other side of the room. Elena sent me a dirty look as he lifted me back against him once more.
"Show off," I laughed.
He shrugged and twirled me around. I giggled and added a few flares of my own to the dance. I lifted my leg and wrapped it around his midsection, allowing him to dip me once again. While I was lowered, Damon approached us. Stefan pulled me back up, and I dropped my leg. I spun behind him and pulled him with me further onto the floor.
Damon was stuck on the other side of the room, blocked by the many people who had joined us. I noticed Stefan was beginning to lose his momentum — as he searched around for Elena. The sympathy I felt for him made my stomach churn. He was always on duty, I couldn't remember the last time I saw him genuinely having fun. Yeah, he was enjoying his time with Elena, but he was always on guard and stiff with her. I think the only person I had ever seen him let go with was our old friend Lexi. Someone he wouldn't know I had seen him with, and a friend he didn't exactly know we shared. It was just something that had never come up between us, as Lexi rarely came around. Which was why Stefan so rarely had fun.
I pulled his face in front of mine and gave him my brightest smile.
"Let's have some fun, Stefan," I said, laughing, "Dance with me,"
His eyes lit up as I swayed in front of him, waving my hands out in a 'come hither' fashion. He laughed loudly and started moving with me. I threw my arms up and just gave myself away to the music. It was the most fun I'd had in ages.
He grabbed my hands and held them in the air with his, twirling me around and around. My red hair fanned around us as the lights from above shined brightly with the music. I was laughing hysterically as Stefan gyrated towards me, his eyes shining in the twinkling lights. His face was full of joy and laughter. It was a refreshing difference, and I was glad that for just this small moment, I helped him forget who and what he was.
I saw Damon and Elena make their way through the crowd and knew our fun was over. I leaned against Stefan and whispered in his ear.
"The fun's over. I think we're in trouble. Thank you for dancing with me," I said, pulling away.
His face fell, and he leaned into me.
"No, thank you," he said simply.
As he pulled away, the song ended, and the fun suckers had joined us.
"Looks like you guys were having a blast," Damon said, his eyes flashing irritably.
I ignored his hateful tone and forced a smile for Elena.
"You have to get Stefan to dance more. He's a great dancer," I laughed.
I pulled her beside me as a new song played. She shrugged me off and frowned.
"I think we should go, El. It's getting late,"
I huffed and looked around me for Matt. Unfortunately, I couldn't see him.
"Okay, party pooper. I'm gonna look for Matt,"
As I pushed my way through the crowd, I could feel someone following me. I ignored them; instead, I continued looking around for Matt. Of course, he must have seen me with Stefan and decided to leave. I stood by the front door and debated my options. I really didn't want to go with Elena and Stefan — being the third wheel is never fun.
"Matty leave ya behind?" Damon asked from behind me.
I ground my teeth together and turned towards him.
"Yeah, looks like it. You wouldn't mind giving me a lift, would ya?" I asked exasperatedly.
I hated myself for asking. After I had found out Damon had made a move on my sister, he was the last person I wanted to be alone with.
"Sure, I can't just leave you to fend for yourself, now can I?" he said, smirking
I bit my tongue and started outside, sending Elena a text that I was on my way home. I stood beside his car until he unlocked it and then slipped inside. The driver's door opened, and he was seated before I could blink.
Stupid Vampire speed.
I turned on the air and sat back as he pulled out of the Lockwood's driveway. The tension in the air was thick, and I hated the awkwardness of it.
"So, since when are you and my brother buddy-buddy. Was it not his fault you died in our time?"
His tone was laced with venom. I closed my eyes and let out the breath I had been holding in.
"That was not his fault, and you know it. Your brother and I are on friendly speaking terms, and we were just dancing. I'm surprised you even noticed, with how enamored you are by my sister," I spat back.
His brows furrowed and his grip on the steering wheel tightened, causing his knuckles to go white.
"That wasn't what it looked like," he grumbled through clenched teeth.
I couldn't help the sarcastic laugh that escaped.
"So, the kiss you tried to share with her, was accidental than?"
I couldn't believe he was trying to tell me he had no feelings for Elena. He looked at me in surprise. Obviously, he hadn't known I had heard them.
"That was a mistake. One that won't happen again," Damon said softly.
I avoided his gaze and looked out my window.
"What you do with Lena isn't my business. You are free to try for her affection if you want. But I'm telling you right now, she is more like Katherine than either of you realize. This will not end well," I said, finally meeting his gaze.
His blue eyes were emotionless, and I hated the fact that he looked as lifeless as Stefan had. I could still remember how full of life they had once been. Katherine really had destroyed not only their relationship but their souls as well.
The car pulled up beside my house, and he shut off the engine.
"What happened to us, Elandra?" he whispered.
I kept my eyes on the house beside us.
"I don't know. We are both different people now. You fell in love with Katherine, and her love not only changed you but everything and everyone around you. We can't go back to how we used to be, Damon,"
"I really am sorry, El. I never wanted any of this to happen. I need you to know that I still love you, in spite of it all," he said.
I looked at his face and found nothing but the truth his words held, and I knew that a part of me still loved him.
"I know. I still love you too, but that doesn't change anything. You still love Katherine, and you have feelings for Elena. I can't and won't be a backup." I said.
His face filled with regret. "I wouldn't ask you to be," he said.
I opened my door and looked back at him one last time.
"Can we be friends? As cliche as that sounds." I asked, with a small smile.
He gave me his signature smirk.
"Yeah, you won't get rid of me that easily," he said.
I shook my head at him and got out of the car. I closed the door and leaned into the window.
"Of course not. Life without you? How boring," I said, with my own smirk. "Goodnight, Damon."
He smiled back at me, nodding.
"Goodnight, Elandra."
#vampire diaries#stefan salvatore fanfiction#Stefan Salvatore#damon salvatore#damon x oc#Damon x Elena#damon salvatore fanfiction#The Orginals#the mikaelsons#the originals#esther mikaelson#oc#Niklaus#klaus fanfiction#klaus mikaelson#niklaus mikaelson#bonnie bennett#caroline forbes#elijah mikaelson#rebekah mikaelson#katherine pierce#Jeremy Gilbert#vampires#witches#badass oc#tyler lockwood#Kol mikaelson
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