#Fixing in Anapanasati
spiritmeaningblog · 7 months
Anapanasati: 8 Stages of Meditation
What is Meditation?What is Anapanasati?Counting in AnapanasatiConnecting in AnapanasatiContact in AnapanasatiFixing in AnapanasatiObserving 8 Questions from Sanatana DharmaTurning AwayPurifyingLooking Back in Anapanasati What is Meditation? Meditation is the Art of Living an Intelligent Life. But it has to be practiced in such a way that it leads to Absorption. Absorption means, to become one…
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hkunlimited · 2 years
Anapanasati Meditation: Awareness of Breath
Anapanasati Meditation: Awareness of Breath
By focusing on the breath, you will also likely decrease the speed of breathing. But why does that matter? And is that a good thing? But first we need to ask why we focus on the breath in the first place. And the funny thing is: that answer is not easily found. Because on the one hand: we need a something steady to concentrate on, which the breath certainly is. But it is not so fixed and…
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key words for the spiritual beginner ~
active meditation: active meditation, as the name implies, is all about meditating while physically active. active meditations (sometimes called “dynamic meditations”) involves walking, dance and other exercises.
akash: akasha or space or ether is one of the world’s natural elements from which all is made. it is the most basic of all elements and is also the source of the other elements. through vibrations, akash interacts with other elements.
anapanasati: anapansati is “breathing meditation” and is one of the most important and oldest meditation types.
antaratma: the inner self, which is position inside the heart.
apana vayu: this is one of the pranas in the body, of which there are five. the pranas are energies. apana vayu is situated in the rectum area and flows downwards. it is instrumental in discarding that which is unneeded.
astral body:  the vedas state that there are three bodies: physical, astral and causal. the astral body takes the same image as the physical body but is formed of finer matter. this is the link between cosmic energy and the nervous system.
aura: the aura is the energy field which resides in all living beings. those born with the skill are able to see it. when seen, auras appear as colours that reveal an individual’s spiritual and emotional personality.
avatar: an avatar is a person who had been born as a god and therefore is not in need of any spiritual training.
bandha: a closure or obstruction. in yoga bandhas are a combination of muscle contractions. these function as a way of changing blood circulation, nerve pressure and spinal fluid. bandhas flow psychic energy into energy channels in the body.  they are important in self-healing.
bandhan: this is a specific technique which is performed at the conclusion of meditation practice.
bhakti: bhakti yoga / bhakti meditation is a type of meditation that involves focusing on an object of worship (usually a god or deity). bhakti brings the practitioner closer to the object of meditation.
bhramari: a pranayam. the technique is performed by filling the lungs on inhalation then closing the eyes with the middle fingers and ears with the thumbs.  the index fingers then press on the forehead and the remaining fingers push on the eyes and bridge of the nose. while doing this, focus on the ajna chakra (between eyebrows). then hum while exhaling. this relaxes the mind and helps with hypertension and blood pressure.
bodhisattva: in buddhism, an enlightened being who no longer needs to be reincarnated and therefore helps others to achieve enlightenment.
body scan:  a type of meditation in which the practitioner passes their mental focus around their body. heightens the mind body connection and relaxes both body and mind.
brahmachaya: this is the combination of the terms “brahma’ (higher awareness) and acharya (to live in). therefore, this refers to living with higher awareness. it also means control over sexual interaction.
buddhi: inner wisdom or intellect.
catch: an occurrence caused by the inefficient functioning of a chakra which prevents kundalini energy from flowing.
chakra: there are seven chakras in the body and they are energy centers.  they are located in the crown of the forehead, between eyebrows, in the neck, heart, navel, genitals and rectum. they are linked to different mental states and colours. the word derives from “chakra” which, in sanskrit, means “wheel.”
dhyana: the sanskrit word for meditation.
dualism: refers to two distinct irreductible principles. these could be ideas and matter, mind and matter. there are various understandings in philosophy and theology.
ego: the cause of suffering, the delusional idea of the self as a separate entity.
enlightenment: awakening /becoming enlightened to ultimate truth (in buddhism). or, in hinduism, the state of divine experience which is represented by the god vishnu. this is the ultimate goal of buddhism. perhaps the most famous example is the buddha, who achieved enlightenment under the bodhi tree.
feng shui: ancient chinese spiritual art form which integrates spirituality into decoration and environment.
guru: a spiritual master.
uda and pingla nadis: two of the three channels located in the spine which refer to the two brain hemispheres. pingala is active (extroverted) and relates to the left part of the brain and the right side of the body. ida is introverted and relates to the right side of the brain and the left part of the body.
jalandhara bhanda: the “neck lock.” a bandha. this is a technique practiced by contracting the neck and throat.
japa: the recitation of a god’s name in devotion. may be done aloud or silently. this technique is seen in different forms in all major world religions.
karma: in jainism, buddhism and hinduism, karma is the idea that this life is the result of mental and physical actions in previous lives. in the modern day it is often used to mean that good or bad actions in the past have led to certain consequences.
kinemantra:  a type of meditation in which a personal mantra is recited.
kundalini: derived from sanskrit to mean “coiled.” refers to the psychic energy in our being that is dormant at the base of the spine and which may be activated through specific practices.
laya yoga: the word “laya” means dissolution. laya yoga involved liberation and finding the “absolute.” related to hindu cosmology.
lotus position: sitting position with the legs crossed, originating in hinduism and used extensively in meditation.
manas: in buddhism, manas are the “general thinking faculty”.
mana0-vijnana: the seventh of the eight consciousnesses as taught in yogacara and zen buddhism.
mandala: a mandala is a diagram that is used in various meditation techniques, principally in tibetan buddhism.
mantra:  spiritual words or sounds used in meditation and devotion. principally used in hinduism and buddhism.
meditation: observing your thoughts through deep breathing in order to have a healthy sense of perspective.
merkaba: a meditation technique. markaba is said to allow the practitioner to achieve “ascension” to the fourth dimension, thereby freeing them from the three dimensional limitations in which we live. this is the traditional belief of the merkaba meditation.
mettabhavana: meditation practice that leads to the production of loving kindness.
mindfulness: a type of meditation originating in buddhism. mindfulness is all about being aware of your thoughts and detaching from them. mindfulness involves practicing awareness of true reality.
nadi: derived from sanskrit and meaning “stream” or “channel.” the body contains 72,000 nadis.
nadi shodhana: the cleansing of nadis performed through various techniques, including pranayam.
namaste: i see the sacred in you.
nauli: in hatha yoga, a technique in which the innards are slowly rotated, removing laziness and stimulating the healthy working of the internal organs.
nati-neti: a mantra that literally means “not this, not this.” used to remove conscious rationalisation to achieve the meditative state.
nirvana: in hinduism, jainism and buddish, supreme bliss, liberation from suffering and ignorance and liberation from the cycle of birth and death.
nirvikalp samadhi: supreme consciousness. the cessation of mental activity and attainment of the supreme state. when achieved, oneness is found.
om: the primordial sound and the root of sound and letters.
oneness: the realisation and condition of being in a state of oneness with all reality. cessation of self.
passage meditation: recitation of passages used in meditation.
prana: the breath that sustains life. prana is the essential energy that sustains life. in yoga, the cosmic life force. often called ‘chi.’ prana enters through the mouth andnose and fills the body, sustaining life.
prana vayu: “forward moving air.” refers to the air that sets things in motions and which creates the basic energy on which life is sustained.
pranayama: techniques that use prana.
pratyahara: from ashtanga yoga, pratyahara is “withdrawal from the senses”.
samadhi:  “to place together.” the real purpose of yoga is to absorption, achieved through postures and techniques.    in meditation, samadhi is achieved when the individual achieves oneness with the object of meditation.
samana vayu: “balancing air.”
samatha: a type of buddhist meditation which focuses the mind and improves concentration. used as an entry point to vipassana meditation.
sandhya: in sanskrit “to join together.” usually refers to sunrise or sunset, when day and night are joined. this is considered the best time for prayer and meditation.
shitkari: a pranayam technique. performed with the tongue sticking out between the lips then drawing air in through the mouth while hissing, then exhaling through thenose. cures fatigue, thirst and��hunger.
shushumna: the great river of the body and the most gracious of all nadis. runs from the spine to the tip of the head, moving through each chakra. it is the channel through which kundalini energy is moved.
spiritual: relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.
 subtle body: one of the four bodies.
swara yoga: a practice which uses alternation of breath. in yoga, it related to the sound of the breath and utilises specific techniques for the creation and flow of prana.
tandra: higher consciousness between sleeping and waking.
tantra: a spiritual science now more than 7000 years old. known widely for sexual practices though in reality it is much more than this. tanta uses specific techniques to expand the mind and to achieve liberation.
taoism: chinese religion and philosophy derived from tao te ching, a book ascribed to lao tzu though believed to have been written prior to his life.
third eye: one of the chakras activated by meditation. activation of the third eye chakra leads to improved vision.
trataka: yogic gazing. in this technique the gaze is fixed on a specific object. the eyes are then closed and the object visualised. helpful for curing eye disorders and improving concentration.
trimurty: the trinity of the three gods of hinduism—brahma, vishnu and mahesh.
udana vayu: “upward moving air.”
udiyan bandh: diaphragm lock in which the muscles in the diaphragm are pulled up, massaging the heart and causing secretion of the thymus.
ujjayi: pranayam exercise in which the back of the throat is constricted while breathing in and making an “ah” sound.
vayu: air, which stimulates life and gives birth to the senses.
veda: hindu scriptures.
vipassana: originating in buddhism, vipassana is a type of meditation that is all about being aware of your thoughts and detaching from them.
vritti: movement of mind and thought.
yantra: a visual symbol which is used to help the mind to focus during meditation.
zazen / zen:  one of the schools of mahayana buddhism which states that specific techniques can be used to achieve enlightenment.
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panjunli · 2 years
Teaching in accordance to the student’s aptitude
Here’s another article for this quarter.
Sariputra determines the best way to teach in accordance to the student’s aptitude
Maudgalyayana was one of the top ten disciples of Shakyamuni Buddha, and he was unrivalled in the mastery of psychic powers among them. He had ordained 2 disciples himself, but even though they had followed his teachings diligently, they could not attain the earlier stages of enlightenment after some time.
One day, Sariputra asked Maudgalyayana, “Have your 2 disciples attained enlightenment?”
(Note: Sariputra, also one of the top ten disciples of Shakyamuni Buddha, was unrivalled in wisdom among them.)
Maudgalyayana replied, “Despite their diligence, no, not yet.”
Sariputra asked, “What self-cultivation methods have you imparted to them?”
(For further reading, https://www.wisdomlib.org/definition/dharmaparyaya)
Maudgalyayana replied, “I taught one the way of reflection on repulsiveness. And to the other, the mindfulness of breathing. But they are not free from earthly attachments and are thus unable to attain enlightenment.”
(For further reading, https://www.wisdomlib.org/definition/patikkulamanasikara)
(For further breathing, https://www.wisdomlib.org/definition/anapanasati)
Continuing his inquiry, Sariputra asked, ”What were they doing before they were ordained?”
Maudgalyayana replied, “One was a blacksmith, and I taught him the way of reflection on repulsiveness; the other was a washerman, and I taught him the mindfulness of breathing.”
Assessing the situation, Sariputra gave his observation, “They have not attained enlightenment because the self-cultivation methods imparted are a mismatch with their aptitudes. You should have imparted the mindfulness of breathing to the blacksmith. Because whenever a blacksmith uses his bellows, it pushes air out at a fixed rhythm, much akin to breathing. As for the washerman who washes dirty laundry frequently, the way of reflection on repulsiveness would be a better fit.”
And so, Maudgalyayana followed Sariputra’s suggestion, re-assigning the methods to his 2 disciples, who worked hard on their self-cultivation and soon attained the stage of Arahant.
(For further reading, https://www.originalbuddhas.com/blog/four-stages-of-nirvana)
Having attained the stage of Arahant, Maudgalyayana’s 2 disciples were overjoyed and praised Sariputra gratefully, “Oh Sariputra, the wisest disciple of the Buddha, second only to the Buddha in expounding the Dharma, you are a pillar of our faith. Because of your wisdom, we were able to draw similarities between our previous professions and self-cultivation methods, thus attaining enlightenment and escape Samsara. To receive the appropriate self-cultivation method is akin to a fish being released in water; to follow the wrong method is akin to a fish being released on land – an ultimately fruitless endeavor.”
“I was previously a washerman who had turned dirty laundry into spotless garments. By envisioning the human body as flesh upon bones, I was able to connect with the way of reflection on repulsiveness and attain enlightenment. When the blacksmith recalled using his bellows which required much lifting and pushing, he was able to connect with the mindfulness of breathing which emphasizes a regular rhythm. Thus he was able to make great progress.”
“Due to their past habitual inclinations, all sentient beings have their own paths of reaching enlightenment. Sariputra is a beacon of the Dharma, assigning correct methods to practitioners in accordance to their aptitudes. The Buddha has praised Sariputra, describing him as the second individual who spins the wheel of Dharma for others while being a wise and calm observer. Because of your wisdom, both of us were able to find the true way. Previously, I was akin to a wild elephant. But now the elephant has been tamed, having found refuge in the stability of Nirvana. Thus I am filled with great joy!”
~Excerpt from Chapter 7 of the Kalpanamanditika
Author’s reflections:
For the sake of all sentient beings with differing aptitudes, the Buddha has shown us 84,000 self-cultivation methods. It has been said that “No method is superior or inferior to another; yet choosing the most appropriate one is paramount.” All methods were devised to help sentient beings break free from mental defilements and find peace. Thus, as long as a method suits an individual’s aptitude, it is the best method for him/her.
The Buddha once said, “I am akin to a skilled physician assigning appropriate medicines to ailments. Whether the patient follows the prescriptions is a separate matter and should not draw blame to the physician. This is similar to a teacher who teaches a class. Whether the students follow the teachings is a separate matter and should not draw blame to the teacher.”
The process of self-cultivation hinges on the willingness of the practitioner to follow the Dharma. Following the right method entails watching our thoughts, speech and actions. The Buddha is the king of physicians who can identify the mental defilements which are chaining us to Samsara. Those who can follow through on the Buddha’s teachings will reap the benefits of the Dharma, releasing themselves from the tethers of Samsara and attaining Nirvana.
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rationalsanskar · 4 years
Turn a crisis into gold, self-isolation to inner peace. How to meditate and why mindfulness can be your spiritual guidance.
.. In every crisis, there is always an opportunity, even in the case of The COVID-19 outbreak which has infected more than 250,000 people and taken at least tens of thousands of lives so far. Among several measures issued by governments worldwide to stop the spread of the virus, the best one is working from home as the best form of social distancing. . Not only is it a great opportunity to minimize contact with people physically, but also a perfect time to minimize contact with social media. Instead of hunching over your smartphone and feeling hopeless and paranoid with the inundation of news about the outbreak, we could turn away from it and focus on ourselves and our life. . You can declutter your home, learn a new thing seriously, start a new routine, or come up with a new project. But in time of crisis, there’s nothing more important than bracing yourself mentally for this situation. The importance of meditation cannot be emphasized enough particularly when the world is in chaos. .. There are two types of meditation: Anapanasati (concentration) and Vipassana (mindfulness) meditation. How to begin, learn from Vipassana Meditation Master Acharavadee Wongsakon.
… Concentration is when the mind focuses on one static emotion. In other words, we pay full attention to a given thing in order for the mind. It is very hard to succeed in anything when we have a vulnerable and unstable mind. Such a state of mind makes us easily give up on any obstacles and lack inner peace.
…… The Benefits of Meditation Practice
The practice of concentration will help our mind to be stronger and more stable. Also, its result can also help us to be smarter and have a sharper memory. . Concentration practice exists not only in Buddhism, but also in other religions. Each religion has its own concentration technique, but the concentration technique of the Buddha is mindfulness on breathing called “Anapanasati Meditation”. In this technique, we focus our attention on our own breathing by fixing the mind to the nostrils without chanting any Mantras. The breath will become a tool for creating the peace of mind, not for analyzing and following any thoughts floating up during the meditation. We simply train our mind to remain on one static point like the breath. It seems difficult to practice at the beginning but in the end it gives a lot of benefits. . Throughout the history, social distancing and staying home have proven to save millions of lives during pandemics. So why don’t you turn the crisis into an opportunity to save your soul too? The mental clarity and focus cultivated through meditation will help you see through all hurdles in life even in a life-and-death situation like what we’re facing now.
.. Knowing Buddha Foundation www.knowingbuddha.org
The post Turn a crisis into gold, self-isolation to inner peace. How to meditate and why mindfulness can be your spiritual guidance. appeared first on METAMORPHOSIS.
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2L0F0aq via IFTTT
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rationalsanskar · 4 years
Turn a crisis into gold, self-isolation to inner peace. How to meditate and why mindfulness can be your spiritual guidance.
.. In every crisis, there is always an opportunity, even in the case of The COVID-19 outbreak which has infected more than 250,000 people and taken at least tens of thousands of lives so far. Among several measures issued by governments worldwide to stop the spread of the virus, the best one is working from home as the best form of social distancing. . Not only is it a great opportunity to minimize contact with people physically, but also a perfect time to minimize contact with social media. Instead of hunching over your smartphone and feeling hopeless and paranoid with the inundation of news about the outbreak, we could turn away from it and focus on ourselves and our life. . You can declutter your home, learn a new thing seriously, start a new routine, or come up with a new project. But in time of crisis, there’s nothing more important than bracing yourself mentally for this situation. The importance of meditation cannot be emphasized enough particularly when the world is in chaos. .. There are two types of meditation: Anapanasati (concentration) and Vipassana (mindfulness) meditation. How to begin, learn from Vipassana Meditation Master Acharavadee Wongsakon.
… Concentration is when the mind focuses on one static emotion. In other words, we pay full attention to a given thing in order for the mind. It is very hard to succeed in anything when we have a vulnerable and unstable mind. Such a state of mind makes us easily give up on any obstacles and lack inner peace.
…… The Benefits of Meditation Practice
The practice of concentration will help our mind to be stronger and more stable. Also, its result can also help us to be smarter and have a sharper memory. . Concentration practice exists not only in Buddhism, but also in other religions. Each religion has its own concentration technique, but the concentration technique of the Buddha is mindfulness on breathing called “Anapanasati Meditation”. In this technique, we focus our attention on our own breathing by fixing the mind to the nostrils without chanting any Mantras. The breath will become a tool for creating the peace of mind, not for analyzing and following any thoughts floating up during the meditation. We simply train our mind to remain on one static point like the breath. It seems difficult to practice at the beginning but in the end it gives a lot of benefits. . Throughout the history, social distancing and staying home have proven to save millions of lives during pandemics. So why don’t you turn the crisis into an opportunity to save your soul too? The mental clarity and focus cultivated through meditation will help you see through all hurdles in life even in a life-and-death situation like what we’re facing now.
.. Knowing Buddha Foundation www.knowingbuddha.org
The post Turn a crisis into gold, self-isolation to inner peace. How to meditate and why mindfulness can be your spiritual guidance. appeared first on METAMORPHOSIS.
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