blightwulf · 5 days
me, offers to pay for everyones breakfast because we’re on a trip so that I can see an eye specialist:
my mom, instantly pissed off and literally screaming at the top of her lungs: No! How dare you!? You’re so irresponsible, we don’t need your money!! We don’t need your charity, we’re not poor and irresponsible like you!
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blightwulf · 5 days
“we can’t be together, my love. for i am cursed to be a basketball dracula forever” said basketball dracula as he leapt into a solemn slam dunk from half court. his lover cried immediately
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blightwulf · 5 days
One of my dog's favourite games is "Chase." Rather than set down his toy so I can throw it for him, he instead bounds and frolics around me until I "chase" him. He loves this game, and he often "lets" me win when he wants the toy thrown again.
So imagine a monstrous creature that lives in the woods that border your house. It's been alone its whole life, knowing that every manner of animal and insect cowers and freezes when it approaches.
For weeks it watches you play with your dog in the garden. You both seem to be having such fun, and when the game is done you and your dog cuddle and kiss each other. Physical affection. Something this monster has never had.
It watches from the treeline as you say things like, "I see you hiding there!" And "here I come!" And "I'm comin' to getcha!" All while your dog bounces and trots away from you, until you inevitably catch him and he rewards you with puppy kisses.
It watches and thinks, here are two creatures, different in size and species, and yet they love each other so much. You are bigger than your dog, physically different, yet your dog adores you.
It watches and thinks, I am bigger and different than them, but perhaps I could be loved and kissed, too.
All it needs to do, it imagines, is play the same game. It practices making the sounds until it has them right. It can't wait to impress you. It can't wait to win your heart. It just has to play the game and say the right words.
I see you there. I'm coming to get you. Here I come.
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blightwulf · 5 days
why is religious Christmas imagery all so joyful and pleasant? where is the inherent horror of the birth of Christ? A mother is handed her newborn child, wailing and innocent. Her hands come away sticky. Red. Simply by giving her son life she has already killed him. He is doomed from the beginning. Her love will not save him from suffering. Because the thing cradled in her arms is not a baby, it is a sacrifice: born amongst the other bleating animals whose blood will one day be spilled in the name of what demands it. the night is silent with anticipation. Mary, did you know? That your womb was also a grave?
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blightwulf · 5 days
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blightwulf · 5 days
i can’t imagine writing a story that isn’t about love
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blightwulf · 5 days
i think what ppl who don't like cats do not understand is a cat will scuffle with u even if it likes u. sometimes more. a cat biting you or kicking you isn't because they hate u its because they are little predator animals and they like to play. they're also 2 feet tall and don't have hands and their mouth is the only thing they can Get Stuff with and it's full of tiny razor teeth. not their fault!!
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blightwulf · 5 days
reverse house flipping. I’m making the inside of this boring house bizarre, outdated and creepy.
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blightwulf · 5 days
character who accidentally gets cloned, but instead of the Evil Twin trope or arguing over who is “real” or trying to murder each other (why???) they just…get on with their lives. they acknowledge that they are two virtually identical people with the equal right to exist, and decide to share their social group & living space. eventually their parents & friends get used to the idea of having unusually identical twins around
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blightwulf · 5 days
i deserve to be an eel. in a crevice with a bunch of other eels. opening and closing our mouths over and over
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blightwulf · 5 days
they should invent medical bills that are only a distant illusion
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blightwulf · 5 days
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blightwulf · 5 days
I have come up with a better metaphor than “you can’t pour from an empty cup” for burnout. You can’t boil an empty kettle. Pouring from an empty cup just gets you nowhere. Trying to boil an empty kettle can ruin the kettle, the stove, and burn down your house if you keep trying it.
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blightwulf · 5 days
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blightwulf · 5 days
friendly reminder to everyone that first draft just needs to exist.
it doesn’t need to be good, it just needs to be there. stories go through so many different drafts that nobody is gonna care if your first draft is a little messy.
you can’t edit and clean up something that doesn’t exist, so make it exist!
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blightwulf · 5 days
me two minutes after screaming crying and cursing the very fabric of existence: i love how beautiful the world is does anyone else realize that we live in a beautiful land full of wonders and joy..?
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blightwulf · 5 days
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New reaction pic for y'all to be used when you get into an argument about trans healthcare and your opponent starts talking about the 0.8% or whatever of trans people who regret transitioning
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