#First day and Kacchan is wearing his tie
bluerosety-blog · 3 months
No his freckles! 🥺 Kacchan will still know how many he has~ 😉💕🤭
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Kacchan getting fangirls is canon! He's so funny shouting that all these girls need to be expelled lol! 🤣 Please look at Izuku's reaction~ I headcanon him joining Kacchan's fangirls and start praising him! 😏
Fan girl #1: "Dynamight-senpai is so cool!!" 😍
Izuku: "Isn't he, he was the first in our class to get his quirk!" 🥰 *Starts talking random facts about Kacchan*
Fan girl #2: "Wow you sure know a lot about Dynamight-senpai!" 🧐
Izuku: "Of course, I'm his childhood friend!" 😌
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Break next week and we only have 3 chapters left! 🥺
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lexithwrites · 12 days
my first ever lil bakudeku so go easy on me (teacher midoriya x pro hero bakugo)
"Okay, I think that's a good place to finish on for now. Oh! And don't forget your hero costumes guys, you have training at Ground Beta with some of the pros next, so please behave and show them respect!" Izuku smiled as his students started to pack up in front of him, ready to get out and use their Quirks after sitting through yet another one of his long, detailed ramblings. 1-B loved their homeroom teacher, they really did, but he didn't always know when to slow down and breathe when he got talking. Plus, they'd get in trouble if he took too much time and kept on talking after the first bell.
"Thank you Mr. Midoriya." A slight girl with deep green skin and a shock of blue hair said to him, standing up from her seat in the first row. Izuku blushed a little, still not entirely used to the compliments he received as a teacher, and nodded at her in thanks.
"O-Of course! Have a good day, Aiko." She nodded back at him then hurried off with her hero costume case to join her friends. Izuku watched them all head out, smiling and waving as they filtered out into the busy corridor, then slumped into his chair with a deep sigh, tugging at his tie a little. He still got anxious that he wasn't doing his best at UA as a teacher, even though Mr. Aizawa always gave him nothing but praise. Well, Izuku supposed it was just Shota now, since they were no longer student and teacher themselves but now colleagues.
Izuku tilted his head to look at where his hand was laid flat on his desk. He flexed it, watching his scars gently move as he did so, and chewed on his lower lip. He missed it, that little crackle of energy in his veins from One For All. Sometimes...sometimes he wished he could see that green lightning again, but he'd shake his head and try to forget. He couldn't focus on that anymore, he had much more important things to do. Like grade papers. He groaned, loudly. "How did Mr. Aizawa do this every day?"
"No clue, since he had me to deal with." Izuku jumped in his seat and turned his head towards that oh so familiar voice. Katsuki, or Pro Hero Dynamight since he was currently wearing the costume, was leaning on his shoulder in the doorway of the classroom; arms folded and a smirk on his lips. Izuku's eyes widened and he rushed over to him, tugging him inside before hastily shutting the door.
"What are you doing here?! Did the kids see you?"
"Nah, they'd probably beg for my autograph if they did. Or run in the opposite direction." Katsuki smiled and Izuku relaxed a little. "Aizawa asked me, I'm training with them, Mirko and Jeanist today."
"You didn't tell me that!" Izuku huffed, poking Katsuki's shoulder with a frown. "Why not?"
"Thought I'd surprise you, and I'm glad I did. You look tense as hell. Bad homeroom?"
"No." Izuku sighed and walked over to his desk again to lean on the edge. "I just...I was talking too much again."
"You say that like you hate talking, I usually can't get you to shut up." Katsuki raised an eyebrow. "Did one of the kids say something?"
"No." There was a pause. "I could tell they were bored."
"Who cares? We were bored during most of Aizawa's shitty presentations and he knew that, don't take any notice of 'em. They're idiots."
"Kacchan, they're teenagers."
"Exactly, we were idiots at their age too." Katsuki snorted and walked over to where Izuku was leaning, a hand going to his waist on instinct. Once he realised what was happening, Izuku peered over Katsuki's broad shoulders to the door and swallowed.
"No one saw you?" He asked again and Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Kacchan."
"I was quiet as a mouse, like I always am." He teased, squeezing Izuku's hip in a way that made him shiver. Izuku cleared his throat.
"Training isn't for another hour or so, you came early."
"Mhm." Katsuki's eyes weren't on Izuku's, they were lower down. Focused on his lips.
"You were lucky you didn't get seen by the students, they'd freak out if they saw a top five hero at UA just walking around."
"I didn't just come here for them, dumbass." Katsuki leaned a little closer, trapping Izuku between him and the desk. Naturally, Izuku spread his legs to accommodate him, and Katsuki hummed. "You'll come watch me train them, right?"
"Course I will. I wouldn't miss it." His hands went to Katsuki's biceps, resisting the urge to squeeze them, feel the muscle under his fingers. "We barely have an hour—"
"There's a lot we can do in an hour." Katsuki whispered, nose brushing Izuku's before moving to his cheek, then his jaw. "Thought this was one of your freaky fantasies?"
"I—" Izuku stumbled with his words, feeling Katsuki grin against his flushed, burning hot skin. "I was drunk when I said that! I didn't mean it!"
"Sure you didn't." He snorted and then gently grazed his lips over Izuku's pulse point. "No one's gonna come in here, are they? They're all getting ready. Come on, we have a little time."
Izuku pushed on his chest so he could see his face, and noticed how hot and bothered Katsuki looked. Izuku felt his chest bloom with emotion, with love, and he smiled. Knowing he could make Katsuki feel good, even just from this, made him feel proud. "Just kissing." Katsuki groaned but Izuku poked his cheek. "Just kissing."
"Fine. What about on your lunch break later?"
"You're insatiable!"
"I've got you," Katsuki scoffed, as if it were obvious. "Of course I am." Izuku just smiled and pulled him down against his lips.
Maybe a little more than kissing wouldn't hurt...
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thiefoflight68 · 2 years
Open For Business - Baku/Deku Long Fic on A03. This is a fun chapter! +18 only - Minors DNI
A fun play sex scene between the boys.
Katsuki slid on the dark suit and red tie, the nerd had even included the shoes. He had dried his hair enough so that his blonde spikes were almost perfect. He wondered what Deku was planning, probably jumping him as soon as he walked in the door, he smiled, fine by him. His body vibrated with every passing moment, he took a deep breath, fuck, he was going to cum just thinking about burying himself into the greenette. He stepped out of the bathroom and slid on the glasses. He knocked gently on the bedroom door and then walked to the front door, how long would he have to wait? He grabbed his black trench coat and gloves, sliding them on as he went outside. Standing on the small balcony he looked out over the city. The cold air was held in by storm clouds that blocked any starlight. Lamplights dotted the streets and reflected off of wet pavement. He heard movement in the kitchen. He was glad for the cold, it was calming him down. God he loved this man, what had he been thinking? Thankfully his grandfather had given him the slap he needed, Katsuki would make this place the perfect home for him, for both of them. He liked being able to keep an eye on him during the day and if this was what waited for him at home, then who cared where the fuck he lived? The noise quieted.
He turned back to the door and knocked. “Come in,” Deku called. Katsuki opened the door. The sounds of music drifted from the apartment.
Izuku stood in the kitchen, he had pulled on the apron that Kacchan had given him at Christmas. The ties of the apron tickling his backside. On a plate he had arranged fresh strawberries and whipped cream. He was opening a bottle of chilled white wine as the blonde came in the door, a blast of cold air with him. For a brief moment the cold prickled his skin and then his emerald eyes took in the large man standing in the hallway and heat flushed through his body. The dark trench coat was enough to make him go weak, but with the dark suit, red tie at his neck, black leather gloves and the glasses. He shivered, why did this big blonde look so amazing? He looked completely different, almost ominous, desire pulled at him. Izuku was hard and all Kacchan had done was walk in the door.
“Welcome home,” Izuku purred as he leaned sideways against the kitchen counter. “I was just opening some wine.” He popped the cork and poured some in each wine glass. He lifted one taking a drink, hooded eyes staring over the rim.
Katsuki was not prepared for what he saw in the kitchen. The nerd was wearing the apron he had bought him at Christmas but not much else. His shirt appeared to be sheer black with shimmering green in the soft lamplight. His legs were bare which made Bakugou want to turn him around to see what covered his ass. Around his neck was a leather collar with silver studs. Lust blasted through his veins.
“Let me get you out of your coat first.” Izuku came forward, sliding his hands under the trenchcoat and pushing it firmly off of his shoulders and arms. Shaking it out he moved to the coat rack and hung it, letting the blonde take in his backside.
Bakugou’s gaze never left the nerd as he hung his coat. He could see the shirt was cropped high, just above his hips. Two bands of fabric on his hips ended in a small triangle of fabric, the band disappearing into his soft curved ass. His body throbbed but he waited, he knew the nerd wanted control.
Midoriya turned and walked past the blonde, he stopped in front of him. “Can you help me?”
“With what?” Katsuki’s voice was strained.
“I’m finished in the kitchen, could you untie me please.”
The Blonde chuckled, the ties of the apron hung enticingly over his bare ass.
Laying a gloved hand on one cheek, he felt the firm roundness. He pulled one tie with the other hand, letting the apron fall loose from his waist.
“Thank you, won’t you join me for some wine to relax?”
Katsuki started to remove his gloves.
“No,” Izuku peeked provocatively over his shoulder, “leave those on.” He pulled the apron off and walked back into the kitchen offering him a wine glass.
Bakugou tried to swallow, he took a few deep breaths. The outfit was amazing. The sheer fabric let him see Deku’s toned chest, it was cut just above his trim waist. A very small amount of netted fabric covered his now swelling erection. Then there was the collar around his neck.
He walked to the other side of the kitchen counter, his pants bulging, taking the offered glass of wine. His fiery red gaze landed on the strawberry plate. “Dessert?”
Green curls nodded.
He shook his head. “You know Babe, I’m not much of a dessert person.”
Izuku took a strawberry and slid it through the whipped cream. He licked the whip cream off slowly and popped it into his mouth and smiled. “Good, I wasn’t planning on sharing.”
Bakugou laughed painfully, he took a sip of wine. Setting it down, he reached out his hand to touch the collar. Deku backed out of his range. “I have only one rule tonight.”
“Only one?” he raised his brows.
The sweet mouth laughed around the strawberry, “Just one, no hands, without permission, the gloves should help you remember that.”
“And you?”
“Me too, but,” he turned to put the wine back in the refrigerator. Bakugou admired his ass again, the small strip of fabric disappearing where he very much wanted to be right now. “I get to break the rules whenever I want.” Deku winked at him. Katsuki smiled and picked up the wine glass this time he took a long swallow.
Izuku was having a hard time not attacking him at this point, he was so fucking sexy with those glasses. “I think it's time we get you more comfortable.” The blonde held out his hands and raised his brows.
“I believe your rule is no hands, but since you can break the rule, will you help me?” Deku laughed, moving around the island he helped him out of his coat. He folded it carefully over the chair. It took everything for Katsuki not to touch him again.
“Here, let’s loosen your tie a bit.” Izuku loosened the knot and unbuttoned the top few buttons. “Sorry for cheating, but this would be difficult without hands.”
“What happens if I use my hands?” He teased, the nerd paused. Bakugou could see the nerd thinking, he must not have anticipated that question.
Izuku looked at the blonde, he knew there was not much that would keep him from touching him, he always did what he wanted at some point. An idea popped into his mind.
‘Would it be too much?’
Hesitantly he walked into the kitchen and opened a drawer. He saw an assortment of utensils. He had read that certain types of spatulas can work for playing in the bedroom because they don’t hurt as badly. He held his breath, would this work? He pulled out a rubber spatula.
Katsuki tensed as he saw him walk back with the spatula, he wanted to laugh, but he could see the nerd was serious. Was he going to really spank him? The nerd didn’t realize he had very thick skin, it would take a lot to stop him.
Deku handed it to him, “if you use your hands, then you have to spank me with this.” His green eyes glinted wickedly. Bakugou looked at the spatula. “Take it,” Deku pushed it towards him, The Blonde took the handle.
“What happens if you use your hands?” Izuku repeated.
“I have to spank you with this.” Bakugou was completely floored. He hadn’t expected to have to use it on him. “But what about me?”
“What about you?”
Katsuki didn’t want to hurt him, fuck. “I thought.”
The nerd smiled, “You think too much Kacchan.” He turned around and laid himself over the counter. “Should we try it once to see how it feels, just in case later you want to break the rule, you’ll understand what will happen.”
Bakugou looked at the sweet ass bent over invitingly, he wanted to see him cum, he looked at his fingers. No hands.
“Kacchan, I’m waiting.”
“Fuck Deku, I don’t want to hurt you.”
Izuku turned his head around, “I don’t want you to either, so do this so you remember my rule.” He waited a moment, “Okay Kacchan, I won’t force you.” The spatula hit him on the left cheek, hard, the sting pinched his skin and surprised him, it did hurt for a second, but then softened. He needed the blonde to think otherwise. He clenched his teeth and moaned softly.
Katsuki watched the nerd react. He hated hearing him in pain, but he was also so fucking sexy moaning like that. He sucked in his breath, “Did that hurt? I’m sorry.” He stopped, he had almost grabbed him with his hands. He clenched his fists, “I understand, I won’t use my hands.”
Midoriya looked at him very seriously, hiding his smile, “please don’t, it does sting” he rubbed his butt cheek.
Bakugou felt himself come apart, now he understood why he had made him hit him. He would do anything not to use his hands.
Izuku chuckled, his plan had worked. “Sit down Kacchan,” Midoriya guided him into the chair, he looked a little stunned. “Kacchan?”
‘Had he gone too far?’
He put a palm on the blonde’s face. “Is this okay?” He asked softly, looking into the beautiful red eyes that were blazing like fire. He was about to admit it didn’t really hurt.
Bakugou looked into those dark orbs, he tucked his hands under his legs. “It’s okay, you just surprised me.”
“You don’t like surprises.”
“I don’t,” he thought for a moment, then he smiled, “well, up until now.”
Midoriya kissed the blonde without touching him, he sucked deeply, tugging at his lips, he laced his tongue with his, sweeping through his mouth, tasting every part of him. He pulled back panting. He moved to his ear, nibbling the soft lobe, tugging and sucking gently.
Bakugou closed his eyes, the nerd’s hot mouth sending him past his limit. He wanted to grab him but he sat tight, letting him suck on his neck. Deku’s teeth raked his flesh, biting hard, Katsuki groaned, as his mouth sucked hard. “Fuck, I want you,” he rasped.
“We have to enjoy the appetizers before we jump to the main meal.” Izuku looked at those crimson eyes blazing. He saw those eyes look at the collar. “You can touch it” he lifted his chin.
Bakugou pulled out one gloved hand, “can I take off my gloves?”
Izuku nodded
Katsuki pulled off the gloves and wrapped his hand gently around the collar, why did it turn him on so much? He ran his thumb over the silver studs.
“Do you like it?”
“Fuck, I really do.”
Izuku leaned his head down pressing on Kacchan’s hand. “Okay, no more.” Bakugou held his hand there for a moment longer and then slid his hand back under his thigh.
“You scared me Kacchan, I thought I was going to get another spanking.”
“Sorry Babe,” the nerd dropped to his knees in front of him.
“We need to make you more comfortable. If I can’t use my hands, I may ruin your belt.”
Bakugou leaned back, “I can buy another one.” Green curls buried his face into the blonde’s body. The nerd’s chin rubbed against his hard cock, Katsuki groaned again.
Izuku struggled to pull the belt out with his teeth, but knowing he was driving Kacchan crazy he decided to try to finish without his hands. Finally he was able to free the latch. Biting the end he stood and walked backwards freeing it from the belt loops.
Katsuki grunted. His Deku was on fire tonight and his body was straining, every nerve ending alive, his blood felt hot, his cock so hard it was painful. “Please.” He growled. The nerd sank back down, this time using his hands he unbuttoned the black trousers. Bakugou heard the plate sliding across the table, looking over, the nerd was pulling the strawberries towards them. He groaned again, he knew what the greenette was about to do, his hands clenched under his thighs,
“You asked so nicely.” Izuku’s voice was husky.
“I want to hold you Deku, feel you.”
“Soon Kacchan” He scooped a large amount of cream and rubbed it over the tip of the blonde’s large cock in his hand.
Katsuki leaned his head back, his jaw clenched against the cold whipped cream being smeared over his dick. “Fuck!” He gasped as the nerd’s hot tongue began licking.
“You get really handsy when I suck you Kacchan.” Midoriya continued licking the sweet cream, his tongue working over every inch. Some as it dripped down further, he chased it down with his tongue. “I’m worried.”
“I won’t,” his voice strained.
“But it’s my ass not yours.” Izuku grimaced playfully.
He picked up a strawberry and covered it liberally with whip cream, taking the cold fruit, he rubbed it across Kacchan’s sensitive skin, leaving a thick streak of cream. He slid the twitching cock into his mouth, sucking up the whipped cream as he closed his mouth tasting the sweet flavor. Greedily he lapped at every bit, then slowly he came back to the tip, playfully licking.
Katsuki struggled to restrain his hands, he was itching to grab Deku and hold his head, to thrust into that hot mouth.
Izuku looked up, holding the blonde’s gaze, he popped the strawberry into his mouth, the red juice dripping from his mouth, trickling down his chin and neck. “Oops I ‘m making a mess.” He laughed. “You like strawberries, don’t you Kacchan?” He crawled into the blonde’s lap, chewing slowly. “Help me clean up.”
Katsuki leaned forward and licked Deku’s chin, the sweet flavor mixed with the taste of his skin. The nerd lifted his chin giving him access to his neck. The liquid had stopped at the collar, slowly seeping into the leather. Bakugou started there, licking along the thick leather, he sucked hard at the skin, biting gently.
“Hmmm, that feels so good” Izuku's heart was hammering so hard he felt light headed, the storm in his body was slamming against him demanding release, he thrust against the blonde’s erection. Kacchan latched his mouth hard, biting at his neck again. Izuku arched against the pain, icy chills rippled up his spine, washing him in pleasure, he groaned.
“Deku, I’m serious, I need to fuck you right now.” Katsuki’s voice had lost its playfulness.
Another tremor shuddered through Midoriya’s body, the sense of power he had felt from the moment Kacchan had stood waiting for him at the door inflamed his pleasure. He pulled away panting from the torment on his neck, standing back up, he grabbed the spatula and the blonde’s red tie and pulled him to the couch. Flipping out a blanket, he teased. “We don’t want to make a mess.” He sat down looking at the big blonde, he patted the couch on either side of him. “Kneel here Kacchan.”
Bakugou eyed him.
Izuku smiled, “you can’t use your hands so I thought this would be easier for you to,” he blushed. Seeing Bakugou so turned on, his cock so big, he felt bolder. “I know you like to thrust.” He held up his hand, “but you can’t cum in my mouth, when you're close you have to pull out. I really want to watch you cum Kacchan, especially with those glasses on.”
“Fuck nerd, stop saying that shit, you know how turned I am right now.” He straddled his nerd.
Izuku giggled, he shook a new bottle of lube, ”look, I got a new flavor”, he squeezed some in his hands and slathered the large cock. He began licking again. “You taste really good, cherry is so sweet.” He heard a slam as Kacchan braced himself on the wall behind the couch. Reaching up Midoriya let his hands explore the blonde’s body, leaving a sticky trail of lube across his skin. “I’ll clean that up later,” he teased as he finally took the whole of the hard erection into his mouth. He brought one hand around to Kacchan’s firm butt and pushed.
As soon as Katsuki felt the nerd push on him, he let himself go. He thrust hard, his forehead against the wall, his hands braced. He couldn’t stop, he felt so good, the nerd’s hands were running over his body, his mind was careening out of control, he couldn’t hold back, the wet hot mouth around him, the walls of Deku’s throat squeezing his cock, the pulsing started throbbing up through his groin. “Deku, I’m going to cum.”
Izuku pulled back and using all his strength pushed Kacchan’s hips down so that he was sitting down on his lap. Wrapping his hand around the blonde’s thick shaft he began to move his hand. The blonde was completely gone, his face distorted in pleasure as his ejaculation ripped through him, his teeth clenched, groaning loudly.
Katsuki slumped down, his forehead on his nerd’s shoulder. He froze, he realized his hands were on Deku’s shoulders. He moved them quickly to the couch cushion, trying to slow his breathing. The nerd’s arms hugged him, running over his back, through his hair. Bakugou could feel the greenette’s own erection still hard against him. “You're still hard Babe.”
“I am,” Izuku nodded, he put his hands on his Kacchan’s face, “you are so beautiful when you cum, did you know that?” He straightened the glasses on his face.
‘My turn to watch?”
“That doesn’t seem fair, nerd.”
“We need to switch places.”
Bakugou swung his leg over and sat down on the couch. Deku shook his head, sighing as he grabbed the spatula.
Izuku ran the tip of the spatula up the blonde’s bare leg, letting it gently move over his dick. “What's not fair is that you put your hands on my shoulders.”
“It was an accident Babe, I didn’t realize I had done it, I promise.”
Izuku kissed him. “I know Kacchan, which is why I forgive you, but,” he tilted his head, putting a hand on his face. He handed him the spatula. “A rule is a rule, right?” He laid down on Kacchan’s lap, his hips slightly elevated.
“Fuck, Deku.” The blonde let out a breath.
Tucking his head under his arm, he peeked up at him, “are you okay?”
Bakugou looked at his nerd, coyly smiling. He was so adorable, his eyes dark with desire but still twinkling in play, he was having fun.
‘Fuck he was sexy’
He flashed a cocky grin, “now I am.”
Izuku could feel Kacchan starting to get hard again. “I could be in trouble,” he muttered. He relaxed his body, burying his face into the couch.
Katsuki brought the spatula down, the impact snapped against the nerd’s ass. Deku jolted up, it did sting. Goosebumps lifted along the greenette’s ass. Bakugou leaned down and kissed the area, letting his lips gently touch the sensitive skin, he licked and sucked softly trying to cool it down. “I’m so sorry. Does this make it feel better?”
Izuku groaned,”yes,” he whispered. He panted, feeling the hot tongue on his skin, which was on fire, his body shuddered, he was suddenly desperate to feel the blonde inside of him. He sat up and straddled him, taking his face in his hands again, he kissed those full lips. Sucking hard, Midoriya’s green eyes black with desire.
“Can I use my hands?”
“I love that you're already hard Kacchan.” Izuku ignored him and wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him again. The blonde was demanding in the kiss, trying not to touch him, Midoriya whimpered.
“Can I use my hands Deku?”
Green curls nodded, “you can pull my thong aside, I want to ride you.”
“You're not prepped babe,” Katsuki murmured as he kissed those fragrant green curls.
A slow smile cut across Midoriya’s face, he leaned into the Kacchan, kissing his ear. “Maybe I took care of that while I was waiting for you.” He whispered. “Be a sweetie and pull my thong aside”
The blonde groaned, his cock throbbed, he slid his finger down the thong and pulled the strap aside.
Reaching behind Izuku held the shaft of the blonde guiding his body over the tip. The lube helped him slide down, he pushed slowly. “No thrusting yet Kacchan.”
Bakugou smiled, there was no way he would stop his nerd now, he was in full control. God he loved this side of him. It was sweet and sexy all at once. He would let him have his way, Katsuki would fuck him his own way later. The greenette finally managed to take in his entire cock, all the way to the base.
Izuku waited a brief moment before he started to move. The tingling started to leap and jolt almost immediately, he closed his eyes, “I miss this so much,” he whispered.
“Me too.”
Dark green eyes opened, he had not realized he had spoken out loud. Midoriya moved his hips, he tried to find a good rhythm. The blonde cupped his cheek with the hand that held the thong. He squeezed gently. Izuku looked down into the fiery eyes, still behind glasses. He laughed, pulling the glasses off. “I want my Kacchan back now.” Leaning forward he kissed him just as he pushed down and happened to graze his prostate, sucking in his breath, his body quivered.
“There you go babe, do you want any help?”
Izuku groaned, “yes.”
Katsuki grabbed the greenette’s waist, angling his hips, he thrust deep, sliding with perfect pressure along the same spot.
“Ah, Kacchan, yes!” He sucked in air, throwing his head back. He dug his fingers into his shoulders. “Again.” The blonde continued to thrust, Izuku could only feel the strange tingling, the pleasure pulsing, pushing him. He moved his hips in time with every thrust. The tip slid past the same place, causing the pressure to keep growing.
Katsuki listened to the nerd’s body, when he could feel the soft clenching, he knew he was close. Slowing his thrust, he teased him. Deku was clinging to his shoulders, eyes closed, face flushed, feeling every sweet thrust. His eyes opened half way.
“Are you teasing me Kacchan?”
“I am.” Grabbing the nerd’s hips, Katsuki changed his angle and thrust so deep that Deku looked like he would pass out. He smiled, he was so close. He went back to shorter thrusts, rubbing his prostate intensely.
Midoriya braced himself on the blonde, every thrust was pushing him higher, he squirmed desperate for his release. “Enough,” he slammed himself down, pushing Kacchan so deep the pleasure shot like fire up through him, he ejaculated, bent over, his body shaking, unable to think, his eyes half closed, tears streaming down freckled cheeks.
Bakugou understood why Deku had wanted to watch him earlier, there was nothing more incredible than watching the greenette finding his release. He grabbed him in a hug and let him cuddle on his chest, his body still twitching.
Izuku laid his head on the blonde, he tugged on the tie. The tingling had captured him, everything felt amazing. “That was really fun Kacchan, I love that you indulge me so much, thank you.”
“I’m not done, nerd.”
Izuku felt the throbbing cock still inside of him. He looked into those burning crimson eyes, “Can we finish in the shower? We feel sticky all over.”
“As long as I can bend you over and finish from behind the way you like it.” The greenette gave him a sexy smile, “anything for you Kacchan.”
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hiro-academia · 2 years
Fix your goddamn tie!
1.2k • gen • bkdk
Katsuki glared down at the lumpy knot that sat just below Izuku’s adam’s apple. He was used to the unsightly thing by now, after seeing that mess day in and day out through all their years at UA. But this was different.
They were going to be pros— not later on, not someday soon. Tomorrow.
Today was their graduation day. And by some fucking miracle, they’d both lived to actually see the day. And yet…
“How on Earth have you still not learned how to tie your damn tie, Deku?”
The nerd flushed red like a tomato. So damn easy to fluster him, even now. Katsuki snorted under his breath, ignoring the way his ribs felt tighter when Izuku fucking Midoriya looked up at him with wide, earnest eyes.
“I dunno.” Izuku’s fingers strayed to the awkward knot, belying the anxious feeling he tried to disguise with a shrug. “It’s not really that bad, is it?”
Katsuki wasn’t going to dignify that with a response.
It was that bad, and it wasn't. He looked ridiculous, and that, too, was a lot more endearing than it should be.
“I kinda wish we could just wear our hero costumes for graduation,” Izuku grumbled. “That’d be great for the press! What does a hero need to wear a tie for, anyway?”
“Planning to wear that green bunny suit to your own wedding, shitty nerd?”
“Tch, don’t answer that. You would.”
“Kacchan, who said anything about w-weddings? That’s… not…”
Not what?
“Oi, just face it. A man’s gotta wear a tie sometimes.”
Izuku reached for his collar. He turned it up and loosened the mangled knot to start over again. But what difference would that make? As if having the same thought, he hesitated, looking at Katsuki’s tidy knot of red silk with a pout.
“How’d you learn to get yours so neat? You don’t even wear yours most of the time.”
“I wear it when it’s important.” He frowned. “My old man showed me.”
“Oh. Yeah.”
And Izuku hadn’t heard from his dad since he was in diapers. Shit.
His expression said it didn’t matter. That it hadn’t hurt in so long that he forgot sometimes, too. Izuku's first necktie was probably the one packed with his UA uniform their freshman year.
Probably taught himself in the bathroom mirror. Maybe his mom had tried to help him that first time, no more sure about it than he was.
Explained a lot, really.
Hell, he could’ve gone to All Might for pointers by now. They were still thick as thieves. But that must not have happened because if it had then Izuku would have learned that shit— soaked it up like a sponge. Would've penciled it into one of his damn notebooks like a pearl of priceless wisdom.
He'd tie his tie like his life depended on it, if All Might taught him how.
Katsuki watched as Izuku held out the two ends, looking wary. The lengths were wrong. He moved to cross them and his hands were wrong. The unhappy little crease at the corner of his mouth was wrong.
He didn’t mean to do anything about it. His hands covering Izuku’s surprised them both, but he’d started this now so he was going to fucking finish it.
Katsuki tugged until the wide end was long enough for the starting position. Izuku’s eyes went wide and his hands fell slack to his sides.
“Oi! No free rides. Left hand here, pinch that.”
“Thumb and forefinger. Right. Now tuck this end—”
“I know this part,” Izuku groaned.
“Then how’s it always look like you tied it with your feet, hm?” Katsuki leveled him with a look. Standing this close, he could see all the different shades of green in Izuku’s eyes, how they caught the light. Pretty. “Keep this wrapped tight. Now pinch here—”
“Pinch,” Izuku parroted back.
“Is there a damn echo in here?” But Katsuki’s cheeks were a little warm, feeling Izuku’s fingers brush against his. “Alright, genius, what’s the next step?”
“Up through the top and down into the loop?”
“Is that an answer or a fucking question?”
Katsuki snorted. You’re hopeless, he thought, but he didn’t actually say it… because he didn’t really mean it. And the things he did mean? Better keep his mouth shut instead.
“Hold the wrap like this. Keep it steady, yeah like that. Now tuck in and pull through.”
“Looks better, don’t it?” He bared his teeth. Call it a grin, or a challenge. Yeah, it looked way fucking better. Izuku looked like a grown-ass man for once in his life.
He didn’t say that, either, because that would also be a lie. The nerd had lost the baby fat in his cheeks— most of it, anyway. His jawline was practically chiseled at this point. Izuku grew up lean, broad, and not so tall but built like a tank.
He looked like a man and Katsuki had to question why he was looking.
“It’s so much better, Kacchan,” Izuku breathed, swallowing dry as Katsuki moved his scarred right hand where we wanted it, nudging his fingers to pinch the bottom of the knot. He nodded for Izuku to pull.
His heart pulled with it.
“Thank you.” Izuku looked up, his smile soft, honest. “What would I do without you?”
“What kind of question is that?” Without him? That wasn’t gonna happen. To hell with that.
Katsuki could step back now. He could let the nerd deal with the rest. There was nothing forcing him to adjust the knot against Izuku’s throat or fold his collar back down for him, exposing the lightly freckled skin down the side of his neck. He did it anyway and Izuku stood quietly, thoughtfully, and let him.
Katsuki didn’t half-ass shit, alright?
“We should probably get going,” Izuku said. His cheeks were slightly pink. “Don’t want to be late.”
Katsuki’s heart flapped like a little bird.
“What is it, Kacchan?”
He wasn’t sure what it was. Just that the stray curl hanging in Izuku’s eyes called out for Katsuki to touch it. Just that his eyelashes looked soft, and Katsuki hadn’t had a more empty-headed thought in his whole fucking life. What's gotten into him?
“You look sharp, nerd.”
Katsuki watched his mouth a little too long, absorbed by the way his lips parted slightly in surprise.
“Yeah.” He could say more, but every thought was far too exposing. That, and if they didn’t get moving then they’d actually be late to their own graduation ceremony.
On impulse, he reached out for Izuku’s hair, that one unruly curl, and tucked it back like a secret.
“Is my hair okay?” Izuku wrinkled his nose. “Frizzy?”
“It’s fine.”
“Then… what?”
“Later,” Katsuki said. “We got places to be, don’t we?”
“Hai,” Izuku nodded, squaring his shoulders and swinging the door open. “But Kacchan?”
“You will tell me later, won’t you? Promise?”
Katsuki raised an eyebrow at him, the impertinent little shit. “Don’t tell me what to do!”
Izuku laughed.
“Fine, fine. Just tell me when you’re ready.”
Katsuki didn’t glance his way, but they fell into step with each other, side by side. It hadn’t always been this way, but he couldn’t deny it felt right.
Ready? Hardly. But they’d be heroes tomorrow. And Katsuki would finish what he’d started.
“I will.”
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9r7g5h · 9 months
A Week of My Enigma - Slick
Fandom: My Hero Academia, Boku no Hero Academia 
Rating: E
Genre: Omegaverse Smut
AN: A week of Enigma Bakugou prompt fills.
Words: 2235
Deku was acting fucking weird.
He always acted weird, to be fair, but this was a new level of strange that was putting Katsuki on edge. Every time he got close during patrols the nerd got twitchy, shifting from side to side and waving his hands that way he did whenever he had something to hide. He'd started wearing scent neutralizers too, replacing his normal smell with some weird chemical perfume that no one else seemed to notice the difference in, if Pinky's comment about how chipper he smelled recently was anything to go off of. But Katsuki was an enigma, his nose sharper than the rest, and he couldn't be fooled. He knew something was going on.
And he had a decent idea what it was: the nerd was fucking sick again.
It wasn't often Izuku got sick, not for real, but when he did the self-sacrificing idiot never took care of himself properly. Despite being human and years of evidence to the contrary, he still thought being the holder of One for All gave him permission to keep working when he had a fever, just throwing on his mask to keep it from spreading and calling it a day. The last time Katsuki had had to practically tie him to their bed to get him to take those few needed days off, and damn it, it seemed like the nerd hadn't learned.
Like hell he was letting his husband pull that bullshit on his watch.
The plan had been simple enough: their shifts only overlapped in the early afternoons, when they patrolled together, so Katsuki had planned his entire early morning so that he could barge into the locker room while Izuku was sure to be in mid-change, catch the sick dork red handed, and force him to take the day off, putting in a half day himself. They would stop by the store for soup and cold meds and maybe some popcorn, and take advantage of Izuku needing a caretaker to cuddle on the couch and watch a movie together for the first time in weeks (on a side note, he couldn’t wait until Momo and Jirou got back from their overseas mission and he could stop covering their shifts. Going to bed alone and leaving Deku in the morning sucked).
It was the perfect plan. Or, rather, would have been, if Izuku had actually been sick.
Instead of finding Izuku stifling a cough, wiping off sweat so he could cover himself with neutralizers before spraying on that fake shit, opening the door felt like walking into their bedroom with Izuku in pre-heat, the scent of arousal and cum and slick hitting his nose and hardening his dick in the long few moments it took for him to process the change in the situation. Because he knew it was impossible for Izuku to be having an early heat - he’d just finished one a few weeks ago, before their schedules had gotten fucked up, and they’d spent four days straight reminding the neighbors why living near them was hell. For a moment he’d almost thought it had to be a different omega, some other dumbass who was trying to work through their heat, but a simple glance down at his straining pants proved otherwise.
Until the bond was broken or one of them was dead, he’d only be affected like this by Izuku. Meaning it was his husband somewhere in the locker room putting out more lust pheromones than mating run, obviously uncaring of the fact he was bringing his husband to full mast in public.
“That little slut,” Katsuki growled quietly, his steps no longer the storm he’d been planning but stealth instead. It was clear Izuku wasn’t sick; he was horny.
The sight he found was beautiful - one arm against the locker, a stolen undershirt draped over the arm Izuku was using to keep himself steady so he could bury his nose into the fabric, pants and underwear pulled down just to midthigh so he could fist his cock, letting out those pleased little chirps and purrs and moans that barely ever left their nest. The few words he could make out clearly “Kacchan,” his poor little omega calling out for his enigma as he smelled him on his stolen laundry.
If they weren’t already mated Katsuki would have claimed him right there, bitten and claimed and bred him on the locker room floor so everyone knew exactly who this glorious creature belonged to.
“You need something, baby?” He tried to be smooth, tried to play it off that he hadn’t just watched his husband masterbate to his smell, but the need in his voice gave him away as well as the way he was sure his eyes were still fucking Izuku from across the room. Izuku froze for a long moment, glancing over his shoulder, only to take a deep breath and moan, louder than before, before planting his face back into the stolen dirty shirt, his hand working his cock as fast as he could, trying to take himself to that edge.
“Remember, remember the mission I went on a few days ago,” Izuku panted, arching his back, another look at Katsuki demanding he come join. “Broke my nose? Eri fixed it. Rewinded it too far. Back before I broke it in primary school. Could smell before, but fuck, Kacchan, now I can’t, you smell too good-” His voice caught off into a keen as Katsuki reached him, large hands spreading his cheeks so Katsuki could see his slick drenched hole, could run one of his gloved fingers over it, watching the material get soaked. He bit into the fabric of the shirt he had stolen for a long moment, sucking at the sweat and smell that lingered in the fabric before speaking again, mind clearly becoming addled as even more of Katsuki’s pheromones surrounded him. “Can’t get within ten feet of you without slicking, gone through so many slick pads, damn stupid enigma, never awake when I need your dick.”
Katsuki was barely holding back his laughter as he pushed down his pants to free his cock, knowing it would only upset his poor mate even more than he already was. This entire time, all this confusion and concern, just because Izuku could now smell better and wasn’t used to his scent at full blast. Well, he knew some things that could help with that.
Falling to his knees, Katsuki spread Izuku’s cheeks again, drawing his tongue over the slick that coated the back of his thighs, dripping from his balls, his taint, back up to circle around his dripping hole, crooning at the moans Izuku let out at the feeling of pressure at his rim. He didn’t press in, though, nor was it to clean him, like the many times Katsuki had held Izuku down by the hips and eaten his ass to clean it of his own spend, slick and cum together on his tongue to force out one more from Izuku before he let his husband sleep. Instead he spread it, drawing his tongue through the slick and up the insides of his cheeks, making even more of a mess that had Izuku whining, squirming, in pleasure yes but also in confusion as his movements didn’t match anything from before.
A quick glance down at the underwear hanging from his husbands thighs confirmed what he needed, Katsuki pushing himself to his feet, leaving sticky kisses on Izuku’s neck that he quickly licked off, tonguing at his mating bite. He’d never get over the feel of the scar under his tongue, the way Izuku shivered back against him, that single second of longing and love and desire to recreate that moment when he first bit. But that was for later, when there were silk sheets and flowers and candles, not a quick fuck in the agency locker room where anyone could find them at any time.
“Come on, Kacchan,” Izuku whined, wiggling his hips back against Katsuki’s own, movements limited by his clothes and position, “I need it.”
“I’m not knotting your sluttly little ass in public,” Katsuki growled, his hand leaving a bright red print as he smacked a cheek, smirking as it bounced and Izuku gasped, just arching his back more, presenting himself to everything Katsuki wanted to do to him. “If you’re good, I’ll fuck you when we get home. Until then, you’ll have to deal with this.”
They both groaned as Katsuki slid his dick between Izuku’s cheeks, slick and spit covering his skin as he thrust, grinding his hips in slow, languid strokes. The tip of his dick sliding against Izuku’s hole on each thrust, catching for a moment, forcing him to pause for a second before he continued, sliding and simulating fucking into his husband, his mate, a preview of what he was going to do that night the moment they both got home, because there was no way he wasn’t going to fuck Izuku’s issue with his scent out of him.
Reaching around, Katsuki grabbed Izuku’s dick, sliding his hand in time with his thrusts, thumbing over the slit whenever his tip caught on his rim, teasing and pushing and pulling and never giving Izuku one constant to focus on. It was working, leaving him a mess, unable to move much with Katsuki at his back, the locker at his front, only one arm keeping him from breaking his nose again whenever his legs went weak from the feeling of not-quite-being-fucked, the other reaching back to grab Katsuki’s hip in an attempt to beg for more. He’d already been close from earlier, and now with Katsuki surrounding him, playing with him, pent up from their separated schedules, it wasn’t long until he was spilling over Katsuki’s hand, onto the locker in front of them, dripping onto the floor.
“Lick,” Katsuki demanded, never once stopping the movement of his hips as he let go of Izuku’s dick, raising his hand to his lips, the feel of his tongue cleaning his own cum from Katsuki’s fingers pushing him that much closer to his own release. He wouldn’t knot, not outside of a hole, but Katsuki could still feel it burning in his stomach, that little thread tightening, threatening to snap at any moment, the glide over and between Izuku’s spit and slick wet hole and cheeks too good to ignore. Part of him wanted to come all over his ass and back, to paint his mate white, lick it from his skin so he could taste himself amongst the sweat on those densely packed muscles that only yielded to him.
Instead he pulled back, fisting and fucking his cock, biting into Izuku’s shoulder as he came point downwards, muffling the long, deep groan that forced itself from his lips, imprinting itself into Izuku’s skin. For a long moment the two of them just stood like that, basking in the sweat and the smell and feel of each other against them, something they hadn’t been able to have lately, not since his heat.
Katsuki reached down, grabbing his underwear, teasing the band around Izuku’s thighs before slowly sliding it up, Izuku shuddering at the strange feeling as they were fully pulled up. “Kacchan, you didn’t,” Izuku moaned, face flushed, leaning his head back against Katsuki’s shoulder, eyes closed as his legs spread as much as his pants allowed to accommodate the hand Katsuki slid between them, rubbing his fingers back and forward between his ass and where his dick sat heavy in the pretty panties. It would have been better if there had been one less layer between them, his fingers directly on the fabric on Izuku, but the thick plastic lining and the subtle squish as he pressed his own cum more against Izuku’s skin was worth it as his cock twitched with possessive interest.
“If you’re asking if I came right onto your new slick pad, the answer is fuck yeah,” Katsuki huffed, “and you’re going to wear this your entire shift. Keep your ass and dick covered in my cum, while you’re out there being a good little hero, if you want me to fuck you like a slut when you get home tonight.” He nipped at Izuku’s scent gland to drive the point home, sucking a deep mark that he knew his outfit would cover, his fingers between his legs never stopping as they stroked and pushed and spread the mess he had left behind. “Choice is yours.”
He pulled back abruptly, Izuku almost losing his balance as he had to stand on his own, eyes blown and glazed as he fought to come back to reality. Shaking his head, blinking a few times to focus, Izuku finally glared, though he did pull up the pants of his outfit, wincing and shifting his hips in a futile attempt to get comfortable. “You’re a dick.”
“Love you too, Deku,” Katsuki laughed, leaving the locker room to get cleaned up, glad he only had a few hours left. It was just the start of Izuku’s shift, a full day of a constant reminder of whose he was, but Katsuki was grateful his pants were loose, because even just the next few hours of watching his husband squirm, occasionally pressing his thighs together, shifting unconsciously whenever they sat, would be torture.
Torture he would get recompense for come tonight.
If there are any questions/requests, I have a Curious Cat and a Retrospring! :3
And if you would like to support me, I have a Ko-fi! :3c Tips are appreciated! Comms are open, so if you're interested, info is on my Ko-fi page.  
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/9r7g5h
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neva-writes · 2 years
Rookie-Hero!Kacchan, QL-Support-Engineer!Dk
Katsuki doesn't know when it was that he fell in love with Izuku.
Whether it was something that had always been there and he never realized it, or if it just... appeared /that/ day.
The nerd had invited him to his very first professional conference. The blond had barely made it in time because he got caught up in an altercation with a random shitty villain.
His best friend was there, in front of an audience of hundreds, wearing a blue suit, a proper red tie, and black polished shoes, walking confidently through the outdoor stage, making it his own as he showed everyone his new project and how it would impact not only heroes, but also civilians in the most positive way. This was Izuku, talking to everyone about his future dreams.
Dreams that Katsuki wanted to be a part of.
Pride swelled in his chest at such sight.
'That's my nerd', he thought.
His heart fluttered uncontrollably like it had never done before, and that confused him to no end. He felt an intense blush crawling up to his cheeks, and a sudden urge to be near the greenette hit him like the most unexpected hurricane.
The rookie hero asked himself many questions in that single minute.
How can it be? Is this... Is this what others call 'love'? But is that even possible? To fall for someone that you've known for most of your life? Has society lied to him? Where is the 'strangers to lovers' thingy? The 'I fell for my partner in the very first moment I saw them'? None of it matched with the typical stereotypes people had made him believe all these years.
And yet...
Katsuki had never been more sure of anything but this.
Izuku made him feel safe. Izuku felt like the home he wanted to go back to everyday. Izuku…
His rambling thoughts stopped abruptly.
The blond will never forget the moment when those emerald eyes landed on him. An infinite sea of emotions danced inside them when they met with sparkling rubies: surprise, relief and something akin to... affection?
Yes, in some sense but...
It was deeper, more like...
"Kacchan!", Izuku uttered over the microphone, with his green gaze fixed on him.
And suddenly, he was completely exposed. A thousand eyes trailed towards his direction.
Different kind of whispers reached his ears:
'Hey, isn't that Hero Dynamight?'
'Yes, he is! Don't you know that he and Deku are considered the next All Might and David Shield?'
'What is that brash young man doing here?'
'How dare he interrupt the conference of my favorite engineer?'
'I think they are meant to be together?'
What? The last one accelerated Katsuki's pulse.
Because… he also believed it, and he wanted to kick himself in the guts for taking so many years to see it.
Izuku raised his hand, and that was enough for all the voices to be silenced.
Deku went down the stairs from the scenery and just before he reached the public, all the people opened a path for him.
The talented engineer strolled over it as he kept talking, while the crowd around Katsuki also stepped back, giving him space for what was about to come.
If angels were real, then Izuku must be one, the blond's mind provided, especially with how the sunlight bathed him beautifully, bringing out the best of him.
"If everyone recalls, I initiated this conference by telling you about my only childhood friend. We grew up together for ten years..."
All the attendees gasped, while others squealed.
Katsuki's ears turned red. Is this real?
"...we fell apart once I moved with my parents to Europe...", Izuku continued.
And then his heart dropped.
That was a lie. Well, not a complete one but... Katsuki had pushed Izuku away many months before that due to his quirklessness. And when he finally realized how much the greenette meant to him, it was too fucking late.
As a child, he cried, cried and cried through the whole day when his mom explained to him that the Midoriyas had left Japan, with no way to contact them whatsoever.
'It's all my fault', he believed through the years to come until Izuku and him found each other again and the guy reassured him that many factors had played into Inko and Hisashi taking that decision.
Even if Katsuki had lost his ability to cry, a huge void had already settled on his chest forever. The void of Izuku Midoriya's absence in his life.
'I'll never see him again', he had believed.
Until they met one fateful night, fifteen years later.
Under a starry sky, Katsuki felt an uncharacteristic sting in his carmine hues. Tears were already rolling down his face without explanation when he caught sight of long green curls, gorgeous jade eyes, freckled cheeks and a smile that could blind the whole city by itself. Izuku was hugging him before he realized it, and out of nowhere… the void disappeared.
And right now, five years after that encounter, even if they were surrounded by a large number of civilians, it was as if only Midoriya Izuku and Bakugo Katsuki were there.
Izuku's rich fresh cologne invaded him, and fuck! Katsuki spaced out! What the hell was he saying?
"...he is my biggest inspiration and my symbol of victory", Deku finished.
'Bitch, if that isn't a freaking declaration of love tell me what it is?!', Katsuki heard a woman say.
"Izuku… I think I love you", Dynamight expressed pathetically.
The stunned look on his now husband's face will always remain stuck on Katsuki's head as one of those fond memories that live vividly in your head. The kind that you just have to close your eyes to go back to them.
"Please… please say something…", Katsuki told him in a vulnerable tone.
There were no words from Deku.
Instead, the greenette launched himself towards him and captured his lips in their very first kiss.
The blond was surprised for a brief moment before he responded eagerly and placed his hand on Izuku's waist, bringing him up as the greenette locked his arms around his neck and hooked his legs over the hero's torso.
That experience marked a change in Dynamight's life. He was doomed, because there was no way he could live without Deku's kisses anymore.
Everyone around them hollered in happiness, for their favorite hero and engineer were on the brink of becoming a couple.
"I love you, Kacchan", Izuku told him for the first time.
"Be my one and only, nerd", Katsuki gave him a dopey grin.
"Yes, Katsuki. Yes!", Izuku cried, cupping Kacchan's cheeks and kissing him softly once again.
Maybe they had fallen apart for a whole decade and thought that they had lost each other forever.
The thing is…
They underestimated the gravitational force both have between one other, and that's something that not even them can break apart.
Fin 🧡💚
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anjumstar · 2 years
All the Way Home ch4
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Read on AO3
rating: teen
pairing: bakudeku
word count: 26.8k/81.1k
summary: Four years ago, All For One and Shigaraki were defeated, taking One For All with them. At twenty years old, Katsuki and a quirkless Izuku are heroes, boyfriends, and partners. Until one day, they’re hit by a quirk that suddenly makes them fathers too. Now, with a newborn baby, they have to figure out who did this to them, and why it means the downfall of superhuman society.
This work is a part of the @bakudekubigbang​ 2022. Updates will be weekly.
first chapter - previous chapter - next chapter
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Chapter Four - When I Get All Steamed Up, Hear Me Shout!
Three Years Ago
It almost could have been any other day at school. Izuku was in the same jacket and tie, although his mother had insisted on a shiny pair of black shoes that would be wholly useless if a villain chose today of all days to attack U.A. They were slick on the bottom and completely unformed to Izuku’s feet. So no, not exactly like any other day. 
“Congrats, nerd,” Katsuki said, sidling up to Izuku with his hands in his pant pockets, slouching them even further than they already were.
“Thanks, Kacchan!” Izuku bubbled. “You too!”
Katsuki grinned with one cheek. “I meant the tie, dumbass. Why would I congratulate you on the diploma—we all got the same one.”
There had only been one period in time when Izuku had truly thought he’d graduate from U.A., a brief flash in time from first year. The time of his entry up until he’d left school in the winter. And never again thereafter.
No one quirkless had ever attended U.A.’s hero course. But here he was: the first.
“Oh,” Izuku chuckled, looking down at his uniform. In addition to the new shoes, his tie was affixed properly, hanging down by his waist instead of thick and stubby up against his chest. “Yeah…figured the occasion called for it.” He gestured to Katsuki, who was wearing the same red tie, albeit with an inscrutable knot. “Seems you thought the same.”
“Yeah, well,” Katsuki griped with a roll of his eyes, “the hag woulda pulled me off the stage if I picked up the damn paper without one, so whatever. Now you finally get to see me with the noose.”
Izuku had heard that Katsuki had once worn a tie to appeal to Principal Nedzu and Endeavor two years back, but no one had thought to provide photographic evidence. Granted, it was eighteen witnesses against one Bakugou Katsuki, but still, it wasn’t the same as seeing it. Whatever normalcy the day was disguised with, it was shattered by the sight of Katsuki in a proper tie.
“You’re lucky we’re going into a field where you almost never have to wear one.” Izuku grinned.
“Make it actually never, and then we can call it lucky,” Katsuki said. He looked to the side, in the direction of Shouto taking a nice picture with his mom, and Endeavor awkwardly off to the side. “And switch it so that old fogey is working for me. I’m no fucker’s underling.”
“One year, Kacchan,” Izuku reminded. “And then more independence. Endeavor won’t want to micromanage us anyway. He trusts us by now. It’s a perfect fit.”
Izuku turned to where his mom was standing with the Bakugous, waving over at him. 
“I think it’s time to go,” Izuku murmured.
Katsuki said nothing but walked alongside Izuku as they made their way over to their parents on the green between a number of the school buildings and facilities. In the distance was a tent and temporary stage set up that was already being taken down with just a few stragglers remaining for pictures. 
“Izuku…” Inko murmured as they drew near, her eyes watering again. She’d alternated between bawling and sniffling into her sleeve all day—Izuku could hardly look at her lest he start tearing up himself. 
“Let’s go, Mom.” Izuku wrapped an arm around her shoulder and began to lead her away. In his last couple years of school, he’d put a couple additional inches on her, so her head rested comfortably against his shoulder. “Goodbye, Auntie, Uncle.”
“Goodbye, Izuku-kun!”
Izuku heard no goodbye from Katsuki as he walked away, but that was alright. They’d be seeing each other soon, as there wouldn’t be much of a break before work began. Besides, they’d spent the entire day together. The graduating class was seated in homeroom order, so he and Katsuki had remained in their numbers seventeen and eighteen spots next to each other. They’d graduated one right after the other, like something they might have dreamed of together many years ago.
So why did he feel so melancholy?
“I’m just so proud of you, Izuku,” his mom said for the dozenth time since they’d had breakfast together that morning. “You’ve made history. Again.”
“Th-thanks, Mom.”
“Oh, Izuku,” Inko cooed, reaching a thumb up to the corner of his eye where a tear had beaded. He hadn’t realized he’d been sniffling, blinking back tears. “It’s been an overwhelming day for all of us.”
But it wasn’t overwhelming. In fact, Izuku felt a sinking feeling of underwhelm, expanding heavily the pit of his stomach.
“I just…” Izuku turned back and saw the Bakugous walking the opposite way across the field. The last time he’d see Kacchan and himself in matching uniforms without bringing out a photo album. “It’s nothing.”
They continued walking and Inko’s arm came to rest comfortingly on his shoulder. This was right. He and his mom would go home, watch a movie, probably not make snacks until halfway through since they’d been none too shy with the lunch bentos offered. Then they’d make dinner together, and Izuku would try to enjoy the early night but probably pass hours on his phone participating in the class group chat, wondering how long it would stay alive now that they had graduated. No longer did they need to ask if the heat was wonky in everyone else’s room or if the pastries Rikido had left in the kitchen were up for grabs or if Kyouka could turn the music down or, alternatively, way up for everyone to hear. 
He wondered if Katsuki would be the first to drop off. He was already the quietest in the group, surprising everyone when he would deign to respond. But he was witty and quick in a way that let Izuku know that he was reading the messages, even if his comments were few and far between.
He looked back again. One last, last glance at that Katsuki. His classmate, housemate, his…
“Did you forget something, Izuku?”
Izuku swallowed, mind racing. It should have been nostalgia he was feeling, rose-tinted glasses over the horrors and learned camaraderie of the last three years. But nostalgia was something slow, disorienting with its tricks. What was within Izuku at this moment was fast, heart pounding, threatening to break out.
“Yes,” he replied. “I did. You go to the car and I’ll be right there.”
“Okay, dear,” Inko said, her voice not devoid of concern, but then it hadn’t been for years. Before it could grow, Izuku ran.
Izuku didn’t feel fast—hadn’t in two years. Even with Hatsume’s prototypes, inspired by Tenya’s quirk or recreations of her old Power Suit and Electric Booster, nothing was fast after having known One For All simmering under his skin. Still, Izuku ran, kicking up blades of grass, his long tie flung over his shoulder.
“Kacchan!” Izuku shouted as he drew near. Katsuki and his parents turned back, but Katsuki waved his parents on. As they continued walking, Katsuki stood still.
“What?” Katsuki asked. “We parked in the other lot.”
“It’s not enough!” Izuku wheezed as he came to a stop in front of Katsuki, heaving, sweating through his dress shirt.
Katsuki squinted. “What’re you talking about?”
“Waiting until work starts up to see each other,” Izuku panted. “Not seeing each other every day. It’s not enough.”
“Deku,” Katsuki said, a strange softness on his face between the confused narrowing of his eyes and the ever derisive smirk slicing across his face. “We live five minutes away. You’ll come over for dinner. I’ll come over for dinner. You’ll get sick of having me around even before the hag does.”
“No, that’s not what I mean,” Izuku said desperately. “I wanna see you every day. I can’t let that go, Kacchan. I know it’s selfish and that I might hold you back, but I’m going to push every moment to earn my place by your side. I wanna train together and learn together and fight together and be together.”
The speech took more out of Izuku than the sprint had. His hands were sweaty and his face was warm—he was probably flushed from his bangs to his throat. His pulse was pounding beneath his jawbone. He was trembling.
Katsuki only blinked at him, frowning.
“Be…with me.” Katsuki deadpanned.
Katsuki took a step backward and Izuku followed, as if tied together by a string. “Don’t say shit you don’t mean.”
“Wh-what?” Izuku sputtered, thrown. “That’s the last thing I would do!”  
“Then think a little more carefully about the words you're fucking saying!”
Izuku tilted his head. “Kacchan…”
“You don’t want to be with me,” Katsuki said, his voice strained, pressed between heavy weights. “So don’t fucking say that shit.”
Katsuki turned away, back in the direction of his parents, opposite Izuku’s path. Izuku reached out reflexively, his fingertips brushing Katsuki’s, and then he reached further. “Kacchan! I don’t lie!”
Their hands met and he yanked.
“I’d never lie to you.”
Katsuki turned back to Izuku harshly, pulling on his hand the same way Izuku had just done to his. Except Katsuki’s shoes must not have been quite as shiny and new as Izuku’s were, because Izuku’s went slick on the bare-patched grass, one leg kicking out in front of him. His reflexes activated, all trying to save him from ending his last day at U.A. the way he’d started his first, tripping his way to the entrance exam. But he was caught against the small of his back by a familiarly strong arm, and then the sun disappeared from overhead, his face cloaked in shadow, and then a set of lips slotted against his.
It wasn’t quite soft. It was plush lips pressed against hard teeth, an insistent tongue meeting his own and pulling him away, making Izuku crane his neck up, chasing it to meet again. It was rough where cheeks and chins weren’t quite clean shaven, prickling and making his skin tender and that much more sensitive. It was Katsuki giving Izuku’s bottom lip a quite intentional bite before pulling away and, of all things, scowling.
“That’s what ‘being’ with someone is,” Katsuki rasped, his voice and face so much rawer than Izuku presumed he was supposed to see. “Is that what you want?”
Izuku smiled, all those missing feelings of overwhelm leaking out his eyes and falling back towards his sideburns as he continued to look up at Katsuki. “It’s not enough.”
Katsuki’s eyes narrowed again, nearly black with the sun blocked behind his head. It backlit his hair into something angelic, yet Izuku only wanted to run his hand through it, ruining that perfect halo.
“Alright, nerd,” Katsuki began, his voice drawling with suspicion. “What would be?”
Izuku leaned up.
“Kiss me again.”
The front door slammed just as a low growl released from Katsuki’s throat. “What the fuck was that about?”
“What was what about?” Izuku asked, dropping the diaper bag and rolling his shoulder, still nestling little Sugu in his other arm. 
They’d just endured an awkwardly tense car ride, Katsuki silent next to the driver while Izuku and Sugu had taken the back. Izuku had been fine with the silence, interrupted only by a couple text messages. A simple What’s going on? from Shouto and a photo attachment from Ochako, a picture of Katsuki and the baby carrier out on the sidewalk followed by maybe twenty question marks. Even under the hat and the mask, the spikes of hair poking out were unmistakably his. “Fucking vultures,” Katsuki griped when he saw it. He’d need a hoodie too to really get away with anything.
Izuku had put the phone away, but not before silencing it, having enough on his mind already. Katsuki had seemed to as well, though not at all peacefully. His arms had been crossed, fingers digging into the meat of his triceps. Now, as he kicked his shoes off, there were still little pink patches on his upper arms from the pressure.
“You’re just going to quit being a hero?” Katsuki exclaimed, marching to the kitchen and setting the kettle to warm. “Indefinitely?”
“I don’t see what choice we have!” Izuku met him if not in volume than in intensity. “If we’re right, and all this was intentional, then that means Sugu is in danger. Someone might want to kidnap him, so no, I’m not giving up being a hero, I just have a particular ward.”
Izuku thought of that suited man who’d briefly reached for Sugu before Izuku had seen him. The hesitation the man had shown before fleeing the scene. Had he been a good samaritan? Or a villain?
“That’s something we’re supposed to talk about before you just go and make a pigheaded decision alone, asshole!” A loud buzz sounded from Katsuki’s pocket and he pulled his phone out by reflex before rolling his eyes and angrily shoving it back. “Fucking Shitty Hair.”
The baby in Izuku’s arms started fussing, his face beginning to twist and contort the way Izuku would feel his own do when he cried. Izuku shifted Sugu into both arms and began to bounce him as he walked out of the kitchen and searched for a cloth to swaddle him with.
“This is One For All, Kacchan,” Izuku hissed as Katsuki followed him, finding the small, soft cloth and going to the couch. He sat, folding one leg into the back of the sofa, the other kicking out towards the coffee table. “This happened because they think there’s a ghost of a chance that One For All is inside of him.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Well, what else is it supposed to be?”
It brought fury raging into Izuku’s chest. There was lava in his veins, shifting between liquid and solid, heavy and cutting and batting against his heart and lungs. As the feeling rose hot and wet to his eyes, Izuku realized it was frustration he was feeling. Frustration and grief all over again. Of course One For All was gone. He knew what it felt like to use the quirks, each one. By the time they’d been lost, he could call them as easily as Katsuki could his lifelong quirk, with as much skill as any of his other classmates. If it were hidden somewhere inside of him, he would know. It was a cruel taunt to think otherwise.
“Whatever,” Katsuki bit. “It’s not your fault, moron, it’s the fault of some villains. You’re not sacrificing your career for this.”
“What, and sacrifice yours?” Izuku retorted as he grabbed Sugu’s right arm and folded it over his chest, taking the corner of the blanket with him. He folded it tight and moved onto the left.
“That’s what we would talk about, idiot!” Sugu let out another little cry just as the electric kettle went off in the other room. Katsuki stomped off to tend to it.
Izuku tucked in the bottom of the swaddle, but it remained shapeless. As Sugu kicked, the thing only grew looser until he was all but free and Katsuki was back in the living room, vigorously shaking the baby bottle, now creamy with formula and warmed water.
“There’s nothing to talk about, Kacchan,” Izuku insisted, trying to tug the swaddle tighter and watching it fall yet again. “Fuck, why won’t this stay?”
“It’s right, bottom, left,” Katsuki said, handing Izuku the bottle and reaching over him on the couch. He sat in the same position—one leg curled against the couch cushion and one splayed out, just behind Izuku. “And if you think there’s nothing to talk about, I’m never speaking to you ever again.”
As Izuku watched Katsuki wrap the swaddle tight on the first try, he was sufficiently cowed, body suddenly slouched and defeated. His spine bent so much like Sugu’s when he was cradled in Izuku’s arm, a gentle curve down a head that couldn’t quite hold itself up. It brushed Katsuki’s stomach, and Izuku leaned back into it automatically. When Katsuki was finished with the swaddle, he stayed on the couch, legs crossed behind Izuku’s sacrum as Izuku picked up Sugu and held the bottle to his slack lips. The baby was still fussing a little, but reflexively turned to the bottle.
“There’s nothing to talk about,” he said quietly, carefully, “because you’re the number twelve hero and I’m fifty-nine. Because your stats are consistently better than mine ever are. Because one of us is quirkless, and the other isn’t.”
Izuku rocked with every slight shift in Katsuki’s weight behind him, and tilted his head into Katsuki’s breath when it ticked his ear, hot and humid. The click of Katsuki’s tongue unsticking from the roof of his mouth sounded in Izuku’s ear as he opened up to speak.
“You’re. An. Idiot.”
“No!” Izuku exclaimed, whipping around to face Katsuki nose to nose as he kept Sugu stable in his lap. “You are! Obviously you’re the one who should stay at work and I should stay home. You have the higher ranking. You don’t break machinery every time there’s an actual villain fight just to keep up with other heroes. It’s obvious, Kacchan—if I went to work while you stayed home, everyone would think we were crazy.”
“I don’t care what any extras think, dumbass—besides, I wasn’t gonna suggest that rot.” Izuku looked on at Katsuki, gaze heavy as he waited for him to continue. “We should just swap. We have weekly days off anyway, so we just make sure those don’t line up and boom, only have to take a day or two off each week. Could even bring the tyke in if we’re just doing desk duty. That’s manageable.”
“Not if one of us is on a case,” Izuku argued, thinking too of all the looks he and Sugu had gotten when he’d had only the smallest of fits in the office. “We’d need to be available all the time. Kacchan, I’m serious. I’ve already decided. We can’t trust sitters for this, so it has to be one of us and the other fills in the cracks. Besides, I have my laptop and I can just do bits of deskwork here and just be here for him. You won’t talk me out of it.”
Sugu was through with the bottle, the last dribbles of unfinished milk beginning to drip down the side of his tiny, pointed chin. Izuku righted it and set it on the coffee table to be cleaned later and watched as Sugu almost immediately began to doze off again. A good baby.
“Asshole,” Katsuki muttered. “Self-sacrificing asshole.”
Izuku turned again and was met with Katsuki’s bangs brushing across his forehead, hiding those red eyes, so much like the ones he’d just seen contentedly in his lap, from his view. He didn’t dare force Katsuki’s head up, certainly not after he heard the smallest sniffle coming from him, but he did lean their heads together.
“I’m not,” he said quietly. “We’ll both be on this case, so it’ll be solved in no time. Then we can have sitters and our parents watching Sugu and I can go back to work. It won’t be long, I promise.”
“…I don’t like you.”
Izuku smiled, hearing the pout in Katsuki’s voice, how it brought the vowels right to the front of his face and made them less gravely than usual. “But I love you.”
“Too bad.”
Izuku bumped his head against Katsuki’s, gently nudging it up. “We love you.”
“Psh,” Katsuki said, finally bringing his eyes up with an eye roll. “The brat can decide for himself. Hardly needs your shitty decisions becoming his.”
“I think I make good decisions,” Izuku gloated. “Look who my boyfriend is.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Katsuki drawled. “Like I said. Shitty decisions.”
The sound of a baby rousing was more like that of a tiny bird squawking or a little piglet snuffling against its mother than anything remotely human. It woke Katsuki immediately, as it had three other times so far in the night. Izuku had insisted on taking all three feedings, claiming practice, claiming he was awake anyway, claiming that Katsuki needed sleep for work tomorrow. Well, the evening had come and gone, and now that it was the wee hours of that very morrow, Izuku once again pressed himself up on one arm, only for Katsuki to slam a pillow over his head, smacking him back down.
“My turn, dumbass.”
“Kacchan,” Izuku whined from beneath the pillow. “You need to sleep.”
It was four a.m.—only an hour before Katsuki’s alarm was set to go off anyway. He frequently woke up earlier even without a crying baby. Katsuki pressed the pillow harder into Izuku’s face and leaned over to his ear.
“Careful, Deku,” he taunted. “Keep this up and I’m gonna have to start thinking that you’re hogging the baby, turning him into a little mini nerd.”
“No, Kacchan—!”
“Go back to sleep or I’ll put you to sleep.”
Katsuki pressed down the pillow once more for good measure before rolling out of bed and shuffling over to the bassinet. Izuku might have decided he was the one to stay home, but he’d said Katsuki could fill in the cracks. If they were going to do this alone until the case was solved, then by golly Katsuki was going to do his share, even if he’d never verbally agreed. But the crying had grown louder and he winced with the effort of restraining from telling the baby to shut the fuck up.
He went ahead and unfurled the swaddle Izuku had tucked little Sugu in, already a massive improvement from the night before. The baby’s limbs came to life instantly swimming through the air like the womb they’d never been in.
“C’mon, pipsqueak,” Katsuki said as he hoisted the little guy up and carried him to the changing table in the living room. He clicked on a lamp, not wanting too much light to bleed under the bedroom door.
Katsuki only had a few diaper changes under his belt so far, but if he knew one thing, it was that baby shit was something else. Perhaps it was mild compared to things that had happened to his own body as a hero, but he still held his breath and squinted as he grimaced through it. His mother, who had been texting tips for the last twenty-four hours, had actually managed to send a useful one, which was to immediately upon removing the soiled diaper, cover the boy with the clean one. So as to avoid a fountain of piss pointed straight to the face.
“There ya go.” Katsuki smiled, picking Sugu back up and taking stock of his handiwork. Tight around the hips and no leaks. He shook his head at the strangeness of this. It was so surprisingly easy, yet still so foreign—the diaper changing at least. The rest was only foreign, and Katsuki couldn’t help but be reminded that it was a stranger’s ass that he was wiping. A very cute stranger with stolen facial features.
The formula was the other bit he could do by rote. Easiest recipe his kitchen had ever seen. He got started on it one-handedly, noticing the drying bottles still pilled with water from the night’s earlier feedings. Katsuki kept the light off as he felt for the formula box, the room only lit by the glow of the appliances.
When the bottle was ready, he pointed it at Sugu’s mouth, watching as he took a moment to find it. When he did, he began suckling, and Katsuki held him with a little sway in his hips, side to side. “Good man,” Katsuki praised as the milk disappeared.
According to the articles, this would be a year of his life—just this. Maybe some solids halfway through that time, but still the milk, the diaper changes, and the late-night rendezvous with someone who could barely communicate. Who he could barely get to know. Because what was there to know?
But Sugu could get to know him. Where he held Sugu right now, right in the crook of his arm, was the perfect distance where Sugu could make out his face. At any other distance, he and the rest of the world would be a blur, and only in grayscale. In a few weeks, he’d be able to make out the red of Katsuki’s eyes. 
“Just a little lump,” Katsuki murmured as Sugu finished up the bottle. He set the bottle in the sink for later and moved Sugu up to his shoulder, waiting to see if he would need his usual burp, never stopping the sway of his hips.
A little lump that he was supposed to mold and knead into an actual person. A person who would keep growing and changing for the rest of Katsuki’s life. Assuming…
Sugu’s tiny, short breaths rose and fell against Katsuki’s hand, so alive, so real. But there was still every likelihood that one day…poof. It was clear in Katuki’s mind’s eye. His arms suddenly empty, house filled with baby stuff suddenly in need of donation, the quicker the better, because why hold onto it? Izuku back at work and life just as before.
Katsuki shook his head, squeezing his eyes so tightly there was a backwards pressure on his eyeballs. His grip around Sugu’s middle became all the firmer, taking stock of his warmth, of his fluttering heartbeat against Katsuki’s shoulder.
Forever was unimaginable, but temporary was unthinkable.
There was a wet wrist dripping drool against his back, and Katsuki realized that Sugu had sucked his thumb into his mouth and fallen asleep again. He needed to be laid on his back in the bassinet, but Katsuki was as good as up for the day. And for the first time since last winter, when Izuku had caught the flu and taken a couple days off work—by force—Katsuki would be headed to work alone. Until then, Katsuki was prescribing Izuku with sleep uninterrupted by baby cries.
Katsuki tiptoed back into the bedroom, light on his feet in socks, and placed Sugu in the bassinet before grabbing it by either end and carrying it through the house. Past the changing table and the couch and the television all the way to the kitchen before setting it carefully on the ground. Then he opened the microwave for a shred of honey-yellow light on the countertop. Now, he could work.
Thanks to his mother’s bentos—a few of which had already been eaten—none of Katsuki’s old groceries had been touched. Vegetables were beginning to wilt, fogging up their plastic bags with condensation. His market-fresh eggs were going down in quality with every passing day, and there was some fish he’d really intended to cook a day or two ago.
He got the cutting board and his chef’s knife out and fell back into his easy rhythm like sinking into a summer-warm pool. His fingers were precise as they scooted left across the cutting board, leaving little ringlets of spring onions behind. It was more than he could ever use in one day; the rest would go in a little baggie in whatever small corner of the freezer could be spared. 
“Even slices are important, kiddo, so that they cook at the same rate,” Katsuki explained. “It’s all about control of the knife. Keep your index finger tucked in—you don’t need it to guide.”
There was a light coo in Sugu’s sleep from the bassinet and Katsuki continued on.
“Eggs.” He grabbed four from the carton, three in his left hand and one in his right. He gave the one a firm tap against the dark marble countertop that had sold him on this apartment, and dropped the egg cleanly in the bowl. “No need to crack against the corner of the bowl. The crack will be cleaner against a solid, flat surface.”
Talking was easy like this. Into the early morning air that smelled mostly of dish soap from all the handwashing they’d been doing, for a somwhat captive audience. It reminded him of the easiest moments talking to Izuku, when he was dead asleep either in the late evening or early morning. Those were the times where it was easiest for Katsuki to whisper “Come home safe, Deku,” and “Don’t do anything stupid.” Not like the idiot ever listened anyway, but maybe in those still moments it would creep through, and he’d listen with some part of himself that never did when he was awake.
Of course, it seemed Katsuki wouldn’t have to be reminding Izuku of any of those things for a while now. He’d be safe and sound at home for now. Indefinitely.
Katsuki finished up all the eggs, four perfectly floating yolks ogling up at him as he reached for the chopsticks and a salt shaker.
“Salting the eggs early can make ‘em look funny, but that’s just the proteins being affected,” Katsuki explained as he shook some salt in with one hand and began whisking with the chopsticks in the other. “Makes ‘em retain moisture better in the long run.”
Katsuki mixed the eggs until they were mostly homogenous. Only a few wisps of clear white between the yolk, just beginning to froth up. Then he opened a cabinet.
“Adding a little cornstarch slurry to the scrambled eggs makes it easier not to overcook them,” Katsuki said, dropping the fine starch, almost like baby powder, into a small ramekin and taking it to the sink. “Not that you’ll need the help, ‘cause you’ll be a pro.” The words, slipping out as easily as the rest of his instructions had, gave him pause. He glanced over at the crib, brows suddenly furrowing. “Or whatever. You don’t have to be…”
The best. Katsuki let the words dangle off the tip of his tongue, usually so sharp, and now dulled like a knife that’d gone too long without proper upkeep. He wanted his kid to be the best. To reach as far as Katsuki had and then one step further. Good grades, athleticism, ambition. But wasn’t it talk like that that had left him so fucked up? It was definitely what had fucked Shouto up, straight from his father’s hand.
“Just…be a good person, Sugu,” Katsuki settled on. Then he finished fighting out the cornstarch clumps and drizzled the slurry in with his eggs.
He satisfied himself with prepping all the ingredients, only turning on the rice cooker as he kept the stovetop and fish grill off for the moment. The still dark morning granted him time to pull together a dashi from scratch instead of settling for the ready-to-use packet that smelled of scrambling mornings and rushed arrivals to work; of commute clothes sticky against Katsuki’s back, bangs flatted to his forehead, the stale taste of manufacturing still on his tongue. While the niboshi sat in their bowl of water, he finely sliced some radishes that had been languishing in the fridge for a quick pickle. Every time the slap of the knife against the cutting board cracked a little too loudly, Katsuki dropped a glance at Sugu, but he rested through them all, little rounded tummy rising and falling.
The warm, Japanese spring joined Katsuki in the kitchen as he began multitasking, flipping on the induction stovetop and the grill to preheat. A sharp knife kissed the palm of his hand as it dropped through a cube of tofu to be added to the heating dashi-based broth on the stove for the miso soup. By the time a hand came up to cover a sloppy yawn, the meal was done. Without thinking about it, Katsuki had prepared a meal for two, all the ingredients heated or cooled to where they should be served.
With a sigh, Katsuki spooned out single portions and brought them to the coffee table, still dimly lit by the single lamp. Before folding his knees under it, he brought the bassinet over, peeking at Sugu as he did so. Still restful, despite the fact that Katsuki had neglected the swaddle. He’d remember to do it tomorrow. As Katsuki took his first bite of scrambled eggs, he looked back to Sugu and shook his head.
“Bet you’re fucking jealous,” he grunted out half his mouth. “No teeth, stuck with milk from a shitty powder.” He popped a radish disk in his mouth, the puckering flavor bursting as his molars tore through it. “One day, I’m gonna cook for ya, kid. Then you’ll really start living.”
Katsuki glanced at the bedroom door a couple times as he ate through his meal. Sometimes, the fragrance of cooking fish or even the gentle grassy aroma from the rice cooker was enough to wake Izuku up in the mornings and drag him to Katsuki’s side. Morning stubble would graze against morning stubble with a kiss on the cheek, the sensation sometimes overwhelming enough with its slight scrape of pain and surprising tickle that a shiver would run from Katsuki’s neck to his shoulders. This morning, however, Izuku must have been tired enough from the late-night feedings that even a home-cooked meal wouldn’t rouse him.
So when Katsuki finished with his food and dishes, he took care covering the leftovers. Some of them wouldn’t keep wonderfully, namely the eggs, but the radishes would only grow more flavorful and everything else just needed a gentle reheat. Then it was time for a lonely commute and a shift with some extras who’d probably have questions if the texts that had been burning through his phone since the prior evening were any kind of portent.
He went back to Sugu, bending his arms to rest them on the edge of the bassinet. “Have a good day, buddy,” he breathed. Then he reached down, and pressed a feather-light kiss against Sugu’s thin eyebrow. “Pass that along to Deku, wouldja?” He cocked his head at the baby, letting out a quiet hum. Not quite enough. For good measure, he kissed Sugu again and smiled. That one was just for him.
And then, after tiptoeing the bassinet back into the bedroom and one last look at both of his boys, out like twin lamplights, Katsuki pulled out his phone. The bassinet was posed close enough to the bed that both boys’ resting faces fit in the zoomed-in screen of the camera display. Katsuki centered them in frame and, with one blinding flash in the cold blue light of early morning, took the photo. Then, when he left, it was with a keepsake in his pocket.
Izuku’s eyelids twitched once, then twice before fluttering open. He thought he’d seen a lighting bolt, or perhaps the light from one of Katsuki’s explosions, deafened from the cotton-eared moments of early consciousness. As the gum from his eyes blinked away, he caught sight of a little baby right across from him, his new reality coming back to him all at once.
“When d’ya get so close?” Izuku murmured, smiling against his hand atop his pillow. The bassinet was right up against the edge of the bed, certainly not where it had been upon the last feeding Izuku had done.
It was a pleasant sight to wake up to. Even more, a pleasant sound to fall back asleep to, each long, relaxed breath of Izuku’s counting for two or three of Sugu’s huffed little baby breaths. One, two, three, one two three, like a slow waltz. And to that graceful dance, Izuku fell asleep once more.
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Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
Everyday life includes an unfortunate aspect.
Warnings: Angst; Referencing character death
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"Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, but bears it out even to the edge of doom."
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Your feet carry you to your front door as you insert your house key. It sticks as usual but only takes a moment before your trudging inside and toeing off your shoes. 'Tadaima.', you think in whatever part of your brain is still properly functioning at the moment. Vermillion eyes bore into you when you enter your living area.
They always do.
"Heyy.", you softly call out. You let out a sigh as the events of the day begin to effect you. "Took down a small group of villains today. They're apart of a bigger syndicate, so there'll be bigger fights on the horizon."
You continue to ramble as you make your way to the kitchen and grab a water bottle out of the fridge. "I know, I know. 'Drink more water, Dumbass.'" You chuckle quietly as you give a bad imitation of your high school sweetheart. Your first love. He doesn't say anything in response to you about it.
He never does.
You round the corner as you come back into the room. "Wish they would've warned us in UA about all the agency bullshit we'd have to go through." Just before you go to slump down your phone buzzes in your pants pocket. It's from Midoriya. He tends to be the one you talk to most. You already talked to Shouto at lunch.
The Nerd: How ya doin today? [19:22:46]
You give a small smile when you read his text. 'Just like the Number One. Still thinkin' of everyone else.', you think. He already knows what his contact name is in your phone. Knows you still use Kacchan's old one. "It's that damn Deku." Your smile weakens but remains as you inform your love of the sender.
It's almost like you can feel his eyes narrow at you.
"He just worries about me.", you sigh. You send a quick reply but put your phone away. Even though you know you'll get a few more through the rest of the night. He'll understand when he doesn't hear from you for a bit. You told him you just got home.
There's more important things to do.
You grab ahold of the lighter on the shelf and light the closest candle. Then the one on the other side. Finally you drop to your knees onto the cushion in front of him. "Wish you were here, 'Suki.", you say in a hushed tone.
You always do.
A large frame with a blown up print of Bakugo's school picture rests on the shelf. Another attached in a conjoined frame that features him in his Hero costume. Resting nearby is his red tie from his UA uniform that you've seen him wear for maybe one time. A green and orange glove sits on the opposite side from that.
A strip of four smaller pictures is tucked into one side of the frame. From the time you pulled him into the photo booth at that carnival. He's even got a small smile in the last one. The thing that makes your breath shaky is the other corner of the frame where his All Might card has been gently placed. Mitsuki and Masaru were very generous to let you keep that when they presented it to you at his memorial.
It's still has splotches of dark brown on it that were once a crimson red.
You still keep in touch with them often. You lost him that day on the battlefield. You all did. That was the toughest thing you've been through in life. He was your Hero. Your Number One. He always will be. You loved him with everything you had. Still do.
He loved you too. Still does.
You were his world until the moment it went dark. You swallowed thickly but took in a deep breath to steady your breathing. You had to carry on with life because Bakugo wouldn't allow for anything else. "I love you, Katsuki." You push off the ground and rise to you feet. As you do so you give the promise ring still resting comfortably on your finger a spin.
You bring the tips of your middle and index fingers to your lips and give them a kiss before gently pressing them to his face in one of his pictures. You do that everyday. Morning, bedtime and instances like right now. You let out a trembling sigh and move away before you lose it again.
Even after all these years.
You don't see the pair of red eyes that follow your every move, and you never will. Not until after the moment your world will go dark. He doesn't want that to be for a long time, though. He'll always want you happy and healthy above all else. Above his own selfish longing to be able to hold you in his arms once more.
You feel a short breeze on your neck. It's that feeling that creeps up your spine and makes you shiver. The feeling you've gotten for years. You don't know it's his words back to you. Your name in silent worship off of his lips.
'I love you, too.''
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astromaki · 3 years
part 3 of second choice ; ceo!shoto todoroki x gn!reader (x ceo!katsuki bakugo) (1617 words)
part 1. part 2. (previous) part 4.
tw ; angst, arranged marriage, toxic relationship, degradation, divorce, mention of alcohol, bad language, slightly suggestive ?
EXTRA INFOS ;; all the characters are aged up obviously (they are 30 here), the point of view of this third part is from shoto todoroki !
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confrontation. [7 : 16 pm]
a week has passed since he came home that night drunk. that he had begged momo to stay with him. that he had accidentally seen those divorce papers crumpled by your hands.
momo had seen them too that night, and yet she and shoto had not commented on them. good, he wasn't in the mood anyway.
it had become almost official, even the media had it on their front pages. "one of japan's richest couples on the verge of divorce?", "billionaire todoroki single again?" "y/n, will the heir.ess of their father's company return to being a lawyer?"
he would have liked to say that he cared what you thought about it. if you cried, screamed, were you hurt ? but that would be lying, you were the least of his worries.
and then, wasn't it what he wanted from the beginning ?
that you would end up hating him so much that you would leave him. that he could finally be free of the weight that you represented every day.
and yet his signature was still missing.
"you can't even love your partner properly, and now i hear through the media that a divorce is on the way ? you're pathetic son. i knew i should have married them to touya. " enji's heart-attack voice echoed terribly through the phone, which made shoto sigh. he was even pretty sure he could hear it from across town.
"calm down." shoto said in an annoyed tone. "your marriage isn't a success either, so keep your remarks to yourself. bye. "
"you idiot, don't you dare hanging up on me. i don't care if you can't satisfy your s/o, i don't care if they feel bad about this arranged marriage either. but y/n y/l/n comes from a very famous lawyer's family, so get a divorce and the amount of money you have to give will be huge. "
"i manage them, it will not be a problem. i have to go now. "
the young man finally returned to your room, looking exhausted, his tie loosened and ready to down a few glasses of whiskey.
however, he was surprised to see you. dressed in a beautiful versace dress/suit, you were glowing. well no, he meant that you looked... good.
though, it was the first time he took the time to look at you. to admire you.
the young man finally met your indifferent gaze through the mirror you were standing in front of. that gaze that was so joyful and sparkling at the beginning of your marriage, full of hope to transform this purely financial union into a love marriage.
but that look, devoid of emotion, almost made shoto, Japan's most ambitious ceo, doubt himself. almost.
"i'm surprised you're still using my card to splurge. how much is this one? $1000 ? $2000 ?"
he was tired, exhausted. nut the truth is he was in the mood to be a pain in the ass tonight.
"$ 8,330. plus the $800 pair. " you replied coldly.
your answer was like a slap in the face to your husband. not because of the price, he didn't give a fuck about this.
but this tone right there. it wasn't like you. you were normally so gentle, patient even with the worst of the crap he put you through. that naive kindness that made him want to vomit was completely gone. he didn't expect such a turn of events.
"so you decide to divorce me, but first you want to empty my bank account? you're exactly as I imagined." his look that used to reflect nothing but fatigue was now full of contempt for you.
you finally faced him. shit, he couldn't help but find you beautiful.
"here todoroki, let's talk about the divorce. " you began, quietly walking over to the cabinet and pulling out a stack of documents. "i've signed it, sign it, and i'll take it to my lawyers first thing in the morning.
he snatched them out of your hand and threw them across the room. you didn't even flinch, you even held his gaze. poker face.
a loud silence fell between you. a long silence, uncomfortable and comfortable at the same time. heavy and light. sensible and meaningless.
"what's all this about ? who put you up to this ?"
a wry laugh escaped your lips. your new behavior puzzled shoto. he loved and hated what he had in front of him. a challenge.
"you think i need someone to make me realize that i deserve better than an asshole like you ? fuck, let me laugh. "
your hand went to retrieve a piece of paper from your purse. and it was slammed hard against his chest. bakugou’s business card.
he found your face inches from his, your warm breath gently caressing his cheeks. a scent of whiskey filled his nostrils. you were not sober.
"how many drinks are you on? " he asked quietly.
"so now do you care if i downed a whole bottle or not ? oh please shut up. because now that you mention it, your friend bakugou katsuki may have hired me. to be his company's business lawyer. isn't that funny? "
you turned your back on him, unaware of the state you'd put him in. but damn, it was like he'd just been slapped in the face. nausea took over his whole body, his legs became heavy and weak in few seconds only. and he knew damn well it wasn't fatigue.
so you were leaving him, but on top of that you were going to work for his number one competitor ?
he didn't know what hurt more, the knowledge that bakugo had won one of the most competent lawyers in the field or that you were leaving him for him ? was he jealous ? surely not, it was another feeling that repulsed him. he didn't even know.
"have you lost your tongue todoroki ?"
todoroki ? since when did you call him by his last name ? where are the darlings or my heart that used to annoy him so much ?
you finish getting ready, now wearing your long jacket. he had lost his tongue indeed, he didn't know what to say to you. what to do.
y/n y/l/n, you had succeeded in putting your husband to the wall.
but it was only for a moment. he quickly, too quickly, pulled himself together. his usual irritated expression returned.
"you don't see that he's using you to get ahead of me ? i thought you were smarter than that. "
he took a step forward, slowly but surely. like a predator approaching its prey.
"he doesn't care about you. just like no one has ever cared about you, not me, not him and not your bourgeois family. that's why they put you in a loveless marriage so easily. "
a mirthless laugh escaped from his lips.
"y/n, this bastard doesn't give a damn about you. "
you tried to move towards him, ready to slap him, but the alcohol made you capsize and stumble on your carpet. he arrived just in time to support you with his muscular arms. an annoyed sigh resounded in the large room when your sob reached his ears.
nevertheless, a petty smile stretched his lips. there you were again, the fragile and unassertive y/n finally in his arms.
that bakugo had managed to turn your brain inside out. yet shoto knew you better than anyone else. he knew you. better than you knew yourself. you were that puzzle he had managed to decipher long ago.
"that's not true. kacchan wouldn't do that...", you whisper.
"you know i'm right, sweetheart. you know i'm the only one who's honest with you. my love for you is all you need. "
his muscular hand gradually, peacefully, came to caress your back to take off the buttons of your dress. his lips came to meet yours, to draw you into a long, languid, unsentimental kiss. your lips asked for more, your whole soul asked for more of shoto. more of this man for whom your heart never stopped beating. even if his was vibrating for another woman.
you wanted to feel his lips making love to you sensually, sincerely.
you just wanted him to love you for one night. one fucking night.
shoto was ecstatic. he could already see himself opening a bottle of champagne with his father, to celebrate the divorce that would never happen. tonight, shoto had brought out his best acting skills. millions were at stake. he had brought out his best kiss. he had never touched you like that. so gently, so carefully.
he had never called you by any affectionate nickname.
he has done too much to keep you around.
and you were drunk, not stupid.
you finally stood up, moving away from him, reluctantly. nothing he said was true. from his love for you, to his accusations against katsuki.
awkwardly, you put your dress/suit back on properly.
"i have a meeting with my future employer mr. bakugou tonight. i'll be late. don't wait for me, i'll sleep at the hotel tonight, with your card. "
a red color came to his cheeks. anger ? sadness ? jealousy ?
he had never seen you so determined, so proud. and that attracted him. he was going to lose millions, no matter what. but it was you who was going to escape him. for that bastard bakugou katsuki.
the nice little y/n was no longer shoto todoroki's.
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AHHH omg sorry sorry i told you i can't do a fluffy end!! >< (comments and reblogs are appreciated <3)
🔖 tag list ; @nveusii @angelofthorr @missmolliemoo @jazzylove @loki-an-idiot @deepestranchgoopdeputy @mhasimp666 @shotorozu @chscklvr @devilsbooksworld @marshmallow12345 (ones in bold cannot be tagged)
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hotwings0203 · 3 years
HOWDY!! how are u doing?? Its that person who asked if you would write something for that deku imagine that @candy-hime wrote, about you and deku forced to live together and you corrupting him it could be you or reader but I just love that concept of corrupted! Deku 😩🙏🏾💕💕
Thank you, have a nice day/night!! 😪💜
OH HI HAHAHA MASSIVE BET, I think I’ll do a little bit of both. This will probably be a little self indulgent but I’ll still put it as an “x reader”!
Tw:noncon, misogyny, the reader is a bitch, vouyerism
It was a dare by your friends to live with Izuku Midorkya for a month if you really could handle any type of man.
You’ve dealt with Hawks’ cocky nature, Shoto’s bland comebacks, Bakugo’s constant state of rage- you’ve done it all. Any type of scummy or tiring man a girl has to date you’ve seen in all of these men. They’re practically walking red flags.
Until you’re forced to room with Deku for a whole freaking month.
You just don’t get him! Why is he always so cheery? What the fuck is he smiling about? And who the hell is he baking for? There’s only two of you in the house, it’s not like you’re his girlfriend or anything.
You don’t buy it. There has to be some kind of catch to all this facade of a gentleman.
“Hey, Y/N?” He knocks on your ajar door and peeks his cute little face in. “Did you have dinner yet? I was gonna eat but then I thought I’d have some ramen with you-“
“Did I say you could enter?” You slowly lift your head up from your laptop and glare at him. “Are you some kind of pervert? What if I was changing?”
“N-no! I’m so sorry, I should’ve let you answer first, I just wanted to see if you were hungry-“
“God, what are you, my dad? Is that what you want? For me to call you Daddy?” Sneering, you jump up from your bed and stall towards the door.
Deku stumbles over his feet to retreat after seeing the look on your face. “No! Not at all, what? Come on, I didn’t mean any harm-“
“Yeah? Then knock before you enter closet perv.” And with that, you slam the door mere inches away from his startled face as hard as you can, uncaring if the low this on the other side of the wood was his connection to it swinging shut.
“What a fucking brown-noser,” you mutter loud enough for him to hear.
It’s odd how long you wait behind the door before you can hear his footsteps retreat.
A week later you decide to amp it up a notch. There’s no way he’s so fucking green, there’s gotta be some twisted thing inside him that makes him tick.
And so on the day of his turn to do laundry, you decide to dump your fanciest and sluttiest undergarments into the laundry basket.
He’s in some dorky apron when you catch him kneeling over the bag, ruffling through clothes and spraying them with detergent like the good little boy he is.
You perch on the couch behind the laundry room and wait. He doesn’t hear a thing with his headphones blasting some stupid happy-go-lucky songs in his ears.
Eventually he pulls out your lace g-string, and stares at the crumpled mass in confusion. He unravels the lace and stares at it for a good minute or two in surprise you think.
But nonetheless, like the chivalrous man he is, he shakes his head and slaps his reddening cheeks to get over the shock before reaching for the spray.
This was your cue.
You make sure to sound out of breath and extra irritated when you flounce over to his kneeling form and snatch the garment out of his hands.
He jumps a bit and takes his headphones off when he sees your hand descending.
“Oh, it’s just you. You scared me for a sec’ there,” he laughs sheepishly and rubs his neck. “I was just doing the laundry, sorry if that looked weird.”
“Looked weird? You’re fucking disgusting, Dick-u. I’ve been looking for these for days now, and where do I find them? In your grubby little hands.”
His jaw drops open.
“Huh? No, you’ve got it all wrong! It was in the basket, I swear! You must have misplaced it by accident or something.”
“Oh, so now you’re calling me a liar? You think I’m crazy or something? Im not the one sniffing girls’ panties!”
He frantically waves his hands to negate your accusation but you merely spit on the floor next to him.
“Don’t touch my shit again you fucking freak. Go buy a pocket pussy or something since you can’t keep it in your pants.”
At this, he pinches his eyebrows together and starts getting up.
“Hold on, what’re you being so aggressive for? I told you, they were just in here, I’m not that kind of guy.”
He steps towards but you don’t back down. Rather, you jab a finger in his toned chest and bring yourself face-to-face with him.
“Dont fucking walk up to me like that you douche. You’re the one in the wrong here, so I wouldn’t be so aggressive, like you said. Come at me like that again and I’ll fuck you up.”
With the lace in hand, you barely contain your smirk as you storm back into your room, relishing in how Izuku stands like a statue in the same place as you left him, his hands curiously curling into fists and his nostrils inflated.
But behind the safety of your door, he doesn’t continue any shenanigans.
He stays relatively quiet and out of sight for a couple of days, and you start to get bored again.
So this time, you put all your cards on the table and do a double whammy.
One night you call Katsuki, a fuck buddy of yours for a while and use him to help you get off.
You’re not really horny, but the blond side does have a way of getting you there. Luckily, your room is right next to Deku’s so your plan is executed to the best extent.
“Katsuki, oh Katsuki, please. Fuck, fuck yeah, ‘wanna hear you cum for me baby, I want you to bruise my cervix,” you babble loudly as you shove two fingers in your pussy and use your thumb to press on your clit.
“Yeah, you fucking whore, you like that? You like knowing that a shitty nerd like him’s prolly getting off to you calling my name like a slut? I bet you do, keep fucking yourself to my voice, do it otherwise I’ll bruise your ass black and blue when this month’s over.”
“Kat-Katsuki please fuck meeee dadddyyyyy oh fuck-Kacchan!” You cry out and cum violently around squelching fingers.
You put the phone down for a moment to catch your breath, but hear nothing from the other room.
Your face falls as Bakugo rambles on the other end. You hang up with him mid-sentence and remove your fingers from your legs, licking it off absentmindedly and thinking of your next move.
The next morning, you don the tiniest pairs of shorts you have in your closet that accentuates the shape of your ass and the skimpiest bra you can find that shows a peek of the top of your nipples.
You tie your hair up and amble out into the kitchen where he already is, reading something on his his phone and sipping form a black mug.
He barely darts his eyes and lifts the corners of his mouth in a hesitant greeting when he sees what you’re wearing.
He chokes on his drink and does a massive double take, juice spilling from his open mouth.
You raise an eyebrow and smooth your baby hairs, rolling your eyes and walking behind him to grab your own cup.
“See something you like?” Water trickling is the only sound in the room apart from your quip.
“Uh, n-no. Just swallowed wrong I guess.”
“Wonder why,” you drawl with a bored voice and edge closer to his back.
He’s hunched over, mindlessly scrolling too-fast on his phone to be deemed as actually reading anything. You recognize this form of coping from people like yourself who try to find distractions at parties where you don’t know people, just flipping through tabs to look like you’re actually doing something.
As you walk around him again, you make sure to train your eyes on his own, hounding he out for the moment he slips.
And slip he does, but only after you pretend to stretch and lift your self on your tippy toes in front of him, your shorts hiking up to show some cheek.
It’s only for a moment, but while the cup is against his mouth and his phone in his hand, his eyes dart to the exposed skin, then back up to your triumphant eyes.
“I knew it.”
He sighs and puts his cup down. “Knew what?”
“That you were a sick little virgin who gets off on staring at girls.”
“Y/N, I wasn’t-“
“I also know,” you raise your voice above his and slowly walk over to the table on the other side across from him, leaning forward and making sure that your tits squish together as you drop them on the countertop, “that last night you were totally listening to me on the phone with Bakugo. I heard your grunts and disgusting fapping noises. You don’t have to make it so obvious that you don’t get any.”
And this time, regardless of his indignation and frustration, he can’t stop himself from watching your hands trail up the sides of your bra and slowly drag the material down, down, down until your perfect breasts spill out and embrace the cold granite.
You honestly have no idea if he jacked off to last night’s call or not, but he doesn’t seem to be denying anything.
His mouth opens the widest you’ve even seen it. His face is beet red, and he visibly starts to perspire.
Your hands mold the soft skin and squeeze until your nipples swell and peek out from between your ruthless fingers, but you still look as bored and slightly curious as ever.
“This is all you’re ever gonna get, you sad incel. Take a good long look at them since I know this is what you’ve been wanting this entire time now.”
His mouth opens and closes, but no sound comes out.
When he groans and starts to bring his down down between his legs, you strike.
“I guess I really was right. You’re not some nice guy, it was all a facade. Can’t wait to tell everyone how fucked in the head you are.” His vision starts to clear as you sneer at him again and start packing your tits back where they belong.
As you turn around, you call out over your shoulder, “Oh, and by the way? You whimper like a little bitch.”
It’s silent as you walk with your head held high back to your room, sure that you had broken him and that he was going to take his loss with his own held low.
You don’t really expect to hear the thunderous sounds of someone dragging their chair away and positively sprinting towards you.
You turn halfway and your eyes widen as you see him barreling towards you with the most terrifying expression you’ve ever seen on him.
“What the fu-“
But you don’t get a chance to finish your exclamation, because Deku body slams you onto your bed and immediately seized your wrists above your head. You can feel his hard-on rub against your mound as he straddles your flailing body and keeps you pinned between his muscles calves.
“Get off of me, are you fucking crazy?” You scream and toss your head side to side, trying to arch your back to throw him off of you-which only succeeds in pressing your mound against his.
“You teasing slut. All I’ve done is try to play nice with you, but you just had to fucking push it, didn’t you?” He rages quietly, his arms shaking in effort not to snap your wrists in half. You still as his jaw clenches and trembles, his green hair hanging over his eyes that reflect nothing but malice and hate.
You’re scared. For the first time this entire month with him, you want him away from you and off of you.
“Look, I-I messed up, I know, I’m sorry-“
“-You’re sorry?” He laughs high pitched and you cringe when he thrusts his face towards yours, practically brushing noses and seeing his bloodshot crazed eyes.
“Yeah, you will be sorry. After today, you won’t ever fuck with me again. Or at least want to. I’ll do whatever the hell I want with you though since that’s what you’ve been so hellbent on achieving, right?”
His scarred hands waste no time in yanking down your bra the same way you did before, except much less gentler than you did by yourself.
“No, no, Deku please, I’m really sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking.” You whimper and struggle again beneath him, which is promptly stopped with a loud squeal when he pinches your nipple.
“Shut up. Wanton bitches like you don’t get to beg for mercy.”
He smirks and lets his tongue flop onto your strained neck, slobbering like a dog all over you.
“This is what you wanted right? For me to put you in your place and fuck your needy hole? And you had the audacity to call me disgusting,” he laughs and draws back, mocking your wobbling lips.
“Oh, oh baby don’t cry,” he holds both your wrists in one hand and uses the other to caress your cheek, slapping it hard when you turn away from his touch. “You’re just gonna get what’s coming to you.”
He indicates what he means by grinding his hips against the front of your shorts, snickering as you whimper and dipping his fingers below the hem, teasing you cruelly.
“Whose whimpering like the bitch now, huh?”
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niks-minion · 3 years
Bnha 319
It’s been years since I wrote a chapter analysis but this chapter came to my door with “sup bro, the time has come, we’re having some good stuff here” so here we go!
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Well, hello, I missed your faces so much, my precious boys!!! Welcome and pls stick around from now on.
Yeah, Baku tear this stupid letter. Bc letters are for losers, we all wait for bkdk 3 face to face!
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So the whole class is having a 5 o’clock tea in a calm atmosphere and then boom the top 3 interns team is “well hello fellas, quit this sorry pity party we’re gonna go kick on nerd’s ass”
Iida, the serious guys he is goes “yeah ok, but we kinda need a plan or, you know, at least his location. If you’re saying Deku is with top three, maybe you can provide a bit more data here?” Good point Iida, keep it up.
“So guys how’s you mentors doing? Catching villains, kicking asses?” “Well fuck if we know, but Deku is probably with them” “well maybe you could you know, call them? Message in Line?”
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Yeah boy, you’ve seen enough to comprehend the level of selfless recklessness. Was a main star of an action once.
I like how Bakugou is stepping up, ready to be the leader, taking responsibility. And how everyone in class a is ok with that. That guy’ vocabulary didn’t have “a team work” on its pages, and look at him now!
Shouto: my old man hasn’t been spamming my phone. Suspicious!
Ojirou: So the security system was upgraded and oh hey, have you seen AM around? No? Suspicious! 👀
Anyhow, Uraraka is just like “you know when someone is ghosting you, you just pick someone else phone,duh?”
So they’re asking the principal to summon Todoroki-kun. Nezu is ofc on board.
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BAKUGOU WEARING A TIE, omg!!!!!!!! That’s the content!💥
Seriously boy, who forced you? Who tied it for you? Who died for this to happen? I have so many questions 👀
My tdbk heart is screaming for this arm touching, thank Hori, I like seeing them being cozy and stuff.
Honestly I don’t get why Enji being an alumni means that he can’t not to show up. What, is it like “we were dealing with your sorry ass you owe this school till the end of times?”
Shouto: sorry guys, I’m gonna go first here, ok? Class 1A: be our guest, buddy.
Shouto “thanks. khm khm. WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU, OLD MAN?!!!AM I A JOKE TO YOU?”
You go boy!!
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I’m so damn hyped that Shouto let his frustrations out, I missed pissed off Shouto. Because even after having heart to heart he was still left behind for the greater good. Not cool.
Bakugou, the bff he is, patting Todo on the shoulder “ok chill bro, I’ll take it from here, go get a strawberry milk or smth”
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There is something really catching in this panel. Bakugou seems more mature, shoulders broader, figure more imposing.
So Kats tells Enji “ok, old man, you wanted to help but as always you screwed shit up. Nothing new here. Now as I have a “Deku 101” manual in my room, I’m telling you, AM plus that nerdy ass is the worst team ever.
Enji is listening, bc ofc why not. He can be a good listener when it’s not his son talking.
Todoroki kun gives his phone with GPS, he’s rich, he can afford it. If Sero didn’t catch it, he’d just throw one more.
Next let’s enjoy some profound friendship stuff. The whole class is ready to go and save their classmate now. Quite an upgrade since Baku kidnapping.
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I like Iida. That’s it.
Also I’ve been hoping to see Shouto being disappointed about Mido lying to his face since that moment after jta arc. Pls give my boy a hug. While bkdk 3 is in the air, I want tddk talk to happen too.
Nezu: ok you can take Deku. Nezu a while later: ok actually after giving it some thought bring him back. Slipped from my mind that out security system is actually a thing now.
Permission granted, class 1 a is ready to drag one nerdy ass back.
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I like the parallel with AM monument. The class is standing right in front of it, declaring “WE ARE HERE”
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And now, the fight of the year, Broccoli boy vs Feral gremlin and co. !!!
Bakugou is mocking Deku, calling him out on his bullshit. Nothing new here.
Can I quickly say, how beautiful Kacchan is? Sorry not sorry.
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Kudos to the boy, he’s ready to go all the way to bring his frenemy back.
Kudos to Iida for that supporting hand on the back. I anticipate a badass combo attack.
Honestly I was bitter Shouto is not on the last frame but then I gave it some thought and it’s ok. They have a plan and act accordingly. Precious friendo time will come in a bit.
Anyhow, I really enjoyed this chapter. And I’m looking forward to the next one. I have speculations on what’s gonna happen, but I already rumbled about it in my yesterday shit posting. Basically I’m just happy to see class 1A faces. Iida plus some tdbk warmed my heart for the next 7 days. And gifted me tons of new hcs. Thanks sensei.
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fizzychocolatemilk · 3 years
The Enchanting Bakugou Katsuki (genderfluid Katsuki fic, little bit of bakudeku)
AKJDHFAKSJ It’s done!!! I’ve spent so much time on this, and I love it so much. Most of the bakudeku is in the extra bit at the end, so it’s easy to skip if you want.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35682271
When he was 6, Katsuki wanted to be a Disney princess. Mulan, to be specific, because she was pretty and badass and so was Katsuki. So his mom made him a costume, and for a few days he ran around in a green, teal, red, and white dress and directed his friends in climbing to the top of the “imperial palace” (the jungle gym in the local park) and defeating the “Huns” (birds, bugs, dogs, cats, trees, their mothers, or  whoever was available). He had gotten some weird looks, but no one had said anything.
After those few days he went back to dressing like all the other boys in the neighborhood, but every once in a while he would wear the dress at home, just because he felt like it.
All this to make the point that he’s always had shifts in what he felt okay wearing and what he identified as. Lots of the time he was perfectly okay in his guy body with his guy parts, okay with people assuming that he was “boy”, but there were the times where he wasn’t. The times where “boy” completely slipped his mind and he became “girl” or “nothing” or “something else”, the times where being “boy” made his skin crawl and all the curves and angles of his body felt like they were rebelling against him in a desperate attempt to fit society’s standards. The times where he sincerely doubted that he was normal.
But as he grew he learned about sexuality and gender, and he figured out where he stood on those spectrums. So now, at 16 years old, he could proudly say he was gay and genderfluid, that his pronouns were he/they, and that he could flip the bird to the haters who gave him weird looks on the street when he wore the flowy dresses that he still liked to don from time to time. 
Which—weird looks is kind of what they expected when they traversed into the common room in a dress for the first time during his time at UA. It had actually been a while since he’d been on the more effeminate side of the spectrum, but thankfully they’d had a few dresses in his closet perfect for the occasion.
The one that he’d chosen was pastel orange, fell just slightly below their knees, and was made of soft fabric. It had a wrapped skirt that he loved because it was super fluttery and subtle tiny cat motifs sprinkled over the fabric.
The first person who noticed him was, of course, Deku. He smiled and blushed when he saw Katsuki and greeted him with a wave, “You look really pretty today, Kacchan! Um! Not that you don’t usually, but—”
Katsuki reached forward and roughly ruffled Deku’s hair. “Yeah yeah. I know what the fuck you mean, shitty nerd.” Katsuki blushed and looked away before continuing, “Thanks or whatever.”
Shark boy and Dunceface are sitting next to each other on the sofa, enraptured in their game of MarioKart. Katsuki grabs a controller off the charging port that’s placed on the television stand and shoves in next to Shitty Hair.
“I’m playing in the next round, losers.”
The idiots stared slack-jawed at him for so long that a bunch of shitty com characters crossed the finish line before them, which Katsuki got a laugh out of. They let him join as they started the new round, not making a big deal out of Katsuki’s outfit. Katsuki was happy as they grinned ferally and proceeded to wipe the floor with the other two.
As they were finishing another round, Katsuki got ambushed from behind. “Katsuki-kun!” he heard Floaty whine followed by Pinky squealing, “Baku-babe! I love your dress! You look so adorable!”
Katsuki blushed a little at the attention but grumbled a “thanks” to the clingy girls. 
Pinky’s eyes widened and she started bouncing on the balls of her feet, “Oh! Oh! Oh! Can we do your make-up?! Nothing crazy. Just something subtle to bring out your eyes and tie the look together? Pleaseeeeee—”
Katsuki shoved a palm into the pink girl’s face and gently shoved her away, “Yeah, yeah I guess. Just because all my makeup is at home, okay?”
“Kero. You wear makeup, Katsuki-kun?” Apparently Frogger was also there. Katsuki looked at the green-haired girl critically and debated how open they should be—but—his friends had already shown that they could give less of a fuck about the fluttery, orange dress or the fact that Katsuki was wearing it. It’s time for them to be open about it.
“Yeah. I’m…genderfluid. So I like presenting more feminine sometimes, and makeup looks sleek as fuck. Not to mention that it can do a pretty fucking good job at killing dysphoria.”
Katsuki was maintaining a pretty confident facade, but he was so anxious about his reception. He didn’t want people to make a super big deal out of it—he was more than just his genderfluidity after all—but he wanted them to take him seriously. Being brushed off might be even worse than being ridiculed.
“Hey, Kacchan….I need you to take a deep breath for me, okay? Coming out must be scary, but we aren’t mad. I think we’re all actually kind of interested.”
Katsuki took a shuddering breath and more of the room began to come back to him. Deku was kneeling between his legs and holding Katsuki’s hands in his own large ones. The others weren’t crowding him, but he had several pairs of concerned eyes on him. Pinky set a gentle hand on his knee, “Yeah, Baku-babe…I think we all know a little bit about the trans community since most of us are LBGT, but I can’t say I’ve ever heard of genderfluidity before,” She smiled at him before continuing, “Care to educate us?”
Katsuki took another breath and chuckled before nodding at Pinky’s question. “Yeah…well genderfluid is an identity under the transgender umbrella…basically it just means that my gender identity changes from time to time. For me, it’s usually pretty stagnant, I feel closer to masculine a lot of the time, but I do fluctuate to more feminine, androgenous, or agender identities occasionally. Usually when I fluctuate I’ll get some shitty gender dysphoria and feel wrong in my own body, like it’s fucking rebelling against me, but clothes and makeup help me a lot. You fuckers treating me normally despite the change made me….happy or whatever.”
Floaty was sitting on the floor by Deku and she asked, “Do you have preferred pronouns, Katsuki-kun?”
“He/they for the most part. If I have a specific preference on a certain day, I’ll let you idiots know.”
It wasn’t long before Katsuki got pulled into the middle of a massive group hug. He blushed under the attention of his classmates, but honestly…he didn’t mind these idiots.
He didn’t mind them, but the weight of all the bodies on him got too much after a while, “Alright, break it up extras! Apparently I’ve gotta session to get my makeup done, so go have your sappy cuddle sessions elsewhere!”
Their classmates giggled at their gruff words, knowing that he wasn’t being mean and was just ready to get moving again. Pinky and Floaty’s eyes sparkled as they each grabbed one of Katsuki’s elbows and dragged him away. He saw all of his classmates returning to their previous activities and he let a smile settle on his face. Yeah…these extras weren’t too bad.
Katsuki looked hot as hell. They had to admit that Pinky and Floaty knew what the fuck they were doing because now he looked and felt so fucking pretty. He sauntered into the common room, high on pride.
Deku caught their eye and they smiled at him. Maybe it was more of a smirk, but it was closer to a smile than Katsuki’s normal smirk. Deku looked surprised for a second, then his nose started bleeding.
He started stuttering too, which had Katsuki chuckling a bit. Grabbing a few napkins out of the holder on the nearby table, Katsuki gently wiped the blood off of Deku’s face before handing him another to staunch the flow. “You idiot,” Katsuki said very softly, “What’s your problem, hah?”
Deku was blushing pretty hard, but he was coherent when he spoke, “Kacchan is looking very pretty? Handsome? No—” Deku muttered to himself for a moment before lighting up, “Enchanting! Kacchan is looking very enchanting. Mina-chan and Ocha-chan did a good job.”
Katsuki was blushing hard now too, so they wrapped their arms around Deku’s waist and buried their face in his shoulder. “Shut up, nerd. Don’t talk about other girls when I’m right here.”
Deku chuckled but threaded his fingers into Katsuki’s hair. They damn near purred like a cat at the sensation, but mostly it just made him relax into Deku’s hold more. “Wouldn’t dream of it, Kacchan. I love you more than anyone.”
Katsuki hugged tighter, “Love you too, shit nerd.”
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years
Oh, The Lies You Tell - Bakugou Katsuki - pt. 1
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Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: angst, trauma, abuse, betrayal, fluff, slice of life, smut, cursing, manipulation, possible spoilers, physical harm, 18+
Ep. Warnings: cursing, mentions of abuse and manipulation, slice of life(ish), manga spoilers!!
A/N: Ok so this is just what I daydream about, and since ima tv addict, I’m involving some “Avatar: The Last Airbender” related things, but a little different. This is more of an introduction to our character but I hope you enjoy!
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5 Pt.6 Pt.7 Pt.8 Pt.9
Summary: It’s Y/N’s first day at UA.....as a “former” villain
“Y/N L/N. She’s a new transfer student. Treat her with your respect and do your best to take care of her.” The tired teacher spoke.
“.......Hey. Please treat me well.” The intimidating girl said as she bowed in respect.
Now if you were to see Y/N on the streets as a stranger, you wouldn’t even think she would have this threatening aura. The class agreed. She’s gorgeous. From a far, you would think she’s a sweetheart, But the girl had a cold, calm stare in her E/C eyes. There was actually no way to describe it. It was just chilling to the bone.
Not only that, but it was clear you were a little rebel. Mainly because of the way you decided to change up your uniform. Your sleeves were torn off to make your button up top some sort of tight fitted turtle neck with a tie that was complimenting your busty figure. Especially since it was tightly tucked into your skirt, pressing against your torso instead of loosely sitting in there like the other girls. You also added a small dark brown belt to cover where your skirt and top meet. Your waist gave the perfect show of how curvaceous you truly were. Your thighs were deliciously thick and your ass must’ve been a perfect peach, considering it caused your skirt to seem a little too small for you. Instead of the typical shoes and knee high socks, you opted for thigh high dark brown leather boots that folded at the top to match your belt. No heel though, of course. Gotta keep it casual. You finished off your rebellious look with a pair of black leather fingerless gloves. Do you look like trouble? Yup. Do you look hot as hell though? You bet.
“You may be seated next to Katsuki Bakugou.” Your new teacher spoke. Before anybody else could give an indication of who this “Bakugou” boy was, an electric blonde spoke up.
“Be careful with that one pretty lady, he’s our resident hot head.” The boy spoke while the entire class giggled.
“Shut it dunce face.” Your eyes shifted from one blonde to another. This time with a spiky head of ash blonde hair and piercing red eyes. As you walk towards your new seat, you made eye contact with the spiky blonde, you saw the look on his face. Just like everyone else, a face of fear and shock, except this time the person didn’t know who you were.
Bakugou could definitely say upon first glance, you were definitely something fierce. It threw him off just how powerful your presence was. He quickly turned away as you took your seat.
As class began, everyone had their eyes on Y/N. Some admiring her beauty, others wary of her aura, and some too nervous to mention their newfound fear of her. In the middle of Mr. Aizawa’s boring lecture, a scratch at the door could be heard.
‘A scratch?’ Everyone thought. But Y/N knew exactly who it was.
When Mr. Aizawa went to open the door, in came what appears to be a wolf-dog. Mr. Aizawa seemed to casually accept it and just expected you to explain. He was too tired to deal with this crazy shit.
“Oh..there you are Rumor. Took you long enough to find this place.” The creature, also somehow intimidating, simply just huffed at the girl and layed down next to her seat in between her and Bakugou.
“L/N, please explain to the class why Rumor is here. They clearly seem to be confused.” Y/N looked around the room to see her new classmates staring at her and her furry friend.
“*sigh* he’s my animal companion.” You simply stated. Apparently it didn’t satisfy your peers because a freckled, green haired boy spoke up.
“Animal companion? Like a service dog?” The timid boy asked. You secretly rolled your eyes at the fact you’ll have to answer this question again. That is until Bakugou spoke.
“You damn nerd, if he was a service dog, she woulda said that now, don’t ‘cha think?” ‘Dunce face and a damn nerd huh? Wonder what new nickname this hedgehog will give me.’ Your little quip made you give the smallest smile with a quiet laugh to yourself
What you didnt realize was that during your little moment, Bakugou was watching you the entire time. He fought the blush that was threatening to rise and successfully won. ‘The hell?’ Bakugou thought. Since when did he blush?
“He’s right. Rumor isn’t my service dog, he’s my animal companion. And no, not my pet. He’s more like a close friend. My best friend if anything. He’s also not a dog either, he’s a changeling.” You explained hoping someone else knew what a changeling was. Thankfully, the “damn nerd” did.
“Changeling? I thought they were just a myth.” He said. “What the heck is a changeling, Deku?” You turned and saw it was a girl with a round face and pink cheeks. ‘Deku? How rude’ you thought to yourself.
“Changelings were rumored to be magical like beasts who could take the form of any animal they chose. Those forms could be as real as eagles and bears or as mythical as dragons and unicorns. They could also change the size of their form too. Am I right, L/N?” Deku asked you.
“You’re completely right, Deku.” The green haired boy blushed at his nickname on your tongue. “Rumor can be any creature I command. His wolf-dog form is his casual form though. It’s the form he took at birth I guess.”
“You guess?” Bakugou asked.
“Yes, I guess. I didn’t have Rumor since he was born. I found him while I was on a walk in the forest. We just clicked, and he followed me home. That’s when I discovered his powers and what he was, and seeing that changelings were only rumored to have existed, I thought it would’ve been a fitting name. We’ve been together ever since, and not only does he work as a friend, he’s a fighter too. He’s like a partner to me which is exactly why principle Nezu allowed him to attend UA with me. I guess you could say he’s part of my...uhm..quirk” You thoroughly explained. You couldn’t help it. You loved talking about Rumor. He was your best friend and definitely one of a kind.
Rumor looked up at you and barked. You turned to pet him on the head and gave him a little smile. Something that didn’t go unnoticed by the resident hot head, which once again caused him to fight back a blush. ‘The fuck is going on with me today?’ The blonde thought to himself. Finally satisfied with the answers, the class picked up where they left off and continued to learn about quirks which didn’t seem all that useful to you since....you don’t have one.
“Remember, we will all be meeting at gym gamma tomorrow morning, so don’t bother coming to the classroom. Just meet up there with any comfortable gym wear.” Mr. Aizawa said at the end of the day.
“Yes sir!” The class all said. “L/N stay behind, I need to speak to you and Rumor.” The tired teacher said with a yawn.
“Yes sir.” You calmly replied.
As the class gathered their things to leave, some came up to speak to you. First it was Deku and the round faced girl.
“Welcome to UA L/N. My name is Izuku Midoriya!” Deku said.
“Oh my apologies. I thought I heard that your name was Deku.” You said so nonchalantly with your sweet voice.
“Well it’s just a nickname that started up with Kacchan.” The boy was now blushing in slight embarrassment while rubbing the back of his head.
“Kacchan? I’m sorry, I don’t know who that is.” You said.
“Oh right! My bad, Kacchan is Bakugou. It’s a name I gave him during our childhood.” He stated.
“Seems a little mean.” You chuckled
“Yeah but he’s always been like that.” The boy smiled with a small laugh.
“I think I can tell. He must be really nice to Deku and Dunce face.”
You both shared a laugh at your little sarcastic poke at the explosive blonde that the girl was feeling a little left out.
“Anyways, I’m Ochako Uraraka! I was really hoping I could talk to you more but Deku over here can’t seem to keep his mouth shut.” the girl slightly teased.
“Meh. No worries. We’re gonna be stuck together for the next few years. We have plenty of time to get to know each other.” You so kindly spoke as you gathered your stuff.
“Totally! We can-“ Uraraka was cut off by a very handsome two toned boy with a scar. He definitely reminded you of some you knew. You watched as he came up to speak to Midoriya.
“Hey, Midoriya. Did you want to...” you tuned out his conversation. You simply just stared at him in awe. No doubt about it. He was definitely Dabi’s brother. But he was a whole lot more handsome.
The boy caught onto your staring and introduced himself.
“Hello L/N, my name is Shoto Todoroki. You may know me from my father, Endeavor, but I assure you, I’m nothing like him. In fact it’s safe to say I hate him.” He stated ever so calmly. ‘Wow. So blunt. And I guess hating Endeavor runs in the family’
“Hey it’s fine. I get it, daddy issues.” You nervously laughed but this seemed to strike an interest in Todoroki as he seem to have wanted to continue bashing both of your fathers until he was interrupted by Bakugou.
“You’re in my way Icy-hot.” ‘Jeez, another nickname?’ You thought.
“Then move to another side.” Todoroki quickly came back with.
This caused you to now openly give a quiet laugh, you could already tell what kind of relationship those two have. During your small laugh, Bakugou once again caught himself staring, except this time, he was caught. And it was by you.
You both made eye contact once again. As he stared into your E/C colored eyes, and you stared into his rubied gems, you both grew a slight blush on your cheeks and the 3 standing next to you both took notice.
“Hey..” you sweetly said.
“..........hey.” He replied and quickly looked away embarrassed. That peaceful little moment made your heart stir. Something that hasn’t happened in a long time. If felt calming, loving, happy...and weird and confusing. Thankfully, Dunce face came up to flip the switch.
“Wow Kacchaaannn,” the electric blonde said wiggling his brows. “Never seen you blush like that. You got a little crush on the new gir-“
“SHUT UP SPARK PLUG!” Bakugou exclaimed as he quickly made his way out of the classroom.
“Hey why you gotta be so mean all the time man!” Dunce face cried out.
“I SAID SHUT UP” Bakugou screamed from down the hall. ‘Well he certainly is interesting.....and cute’
“Ah jeez, whatever,” the blonde sighed before you seemed to have caught his attention.
“Well hey there pretty lady,” he started “I’m Denki Kaminari and you are one gorgeous girl. And you definitely got a rockin’ bod-“ he was cut off by our scary teacher.
“That’s enough Kaminari, I need to speak to L/N. Now all of you, out.” He commanded.
They all took their leave thinking about how cool and kind you were. Oh how wrong they were. The little act you put up sure was convincible. Hell, the only thing you genuinely meant was that Todoroki and Bakugou were cute and the blush that came up whenever Bakugou stared at you. You still couldn’t explain it but you brushed it off.
When all were gone, you mentally took notes of their names and possible quirks.
Izuku Midoriya. Alias: Damn Nerd and Deku. Quirk: unknown.
Ochako Uraraka. Alias: unknown. Quirk: unknown.
Shoto Todoroki. Alias: Icy-hot. Quirk: possibly related to cold and heat
Denki Kaminari. Alias: Dunce Face and Spark Plug. Quirk: possibly related to electricity
Katsuki Bakugou. Alias: Kacchan. Quirk: unknown
“L/N.” Your teacher snapped you out of your quick thought and got you focused.
“You seemed to be very comfortable with telling them about Rumor.” Mr. Aizawa said with an eyebrow raised.
“Well he is my best friend. I could go on and on about Rumor for hours if people didn’t stop me. And you can’t lie, he is pretty interesting. Especially his fighting style. You would know all about that, wouldn’t you....Eraser Head?” You said with a sinister smile.
You were well aware that Aizawa knew Rumor’s capabilities very well. You were also aware he knew much about yours too. I mean, you both have fought each other before. And one of you almost didn’t make it out alive. Hint hint, it wasn’t you.
“You are to address me as Aizawa Sensei or Mr. Aizawa, Titania.” He sternly said.
“Ouch, the villain name? I thought the past was the past. There’s a good inside me, dont you remember? You were the one who said it after all. You were even the one who recommended an S-Class villain like me should join UA.” You snidely replied.
As you fought against the skilled pro, you could tell he was getting weaker and weaker by the second. You used your air bending to push him back, crushing him into the wall, and keep him far away. Before you could send Rumor in to finish the job, a hand on your shoulder stopped you.
“Kurogiri? What are you doing here?” You stopped fighting and quickly turned to your superior in a fearful and shaky manner. Although you were much stronger than him and could easily take him down, you knew better. Your mind had already been so manipulated into thinking you were the weakest villain in the league, when it reality, you were strong enough to take down Shigaraki in a snap...but you didn’t need to know that.
Eraser Head, too tired and beaten to even pick himself up off the ground watched the interaction from the distance.
“You were told to collect intel, not fight a pro.” The black fog stated.
“Well yes, but he tried to stop me an-“ he silenced you with a smack to the face. Kurogiri was a respectful man...in ways...but he was just following orders on how to treat Y/N.
“If he tried to stop you, you run away.” He said, matter of factly.
“But he-“ once again, he cut you off but this time with a louder voice.
“But nothing! You were to gather intel and report back to base. Not fight. If you got into trouble, you are to run away, and use your bending and Rumor as assistance.” He stated.
“Yes sir. I’m sorry sir.” You said with your head bowed down in dishonor.
Aizawa could already tell from afar how controlled you were. In past fights, he’s noticed how you were so quick to succumb to any villain in the league, and you were always so willing to go back to them no matter how many times you could’ve ran away on your own. It was like they had something you needed, or more so it was them that you needed. For survival, perhaps?
“Did you even gather the information we needed?” Kurogiri asked.
Your silence gave him all the answers he needed. With a disappointing glare he reached for you, when you flinched at just the slighted movement, Aizawa knew something was wrong. Yes you were a villain, but it was clear you were also a manipulated child. So he acted quick, and attacked Kurogiri, knocking him out, and grabbed you. Before you both took off, you threw one of your earrings at kurorgiri’s unconscious body, knowing he’ll know what to do once he sees it. As he ran with you, he took notice of the animal behind him that followed you. When he finally landed on a cliff hanging over the city, he placed you down to sit on the grass and looked at you before speaking.
“I can see it. All of it. They’re controlling you aren’t they?” The pro-hero spoke.
“Excuse me? Nobody is controlling anybody! I choose to follow orders!” You yelled as Rumor came up to you.
“What is that thing?” Aizawa asked.
“He’s my friend and you won’t harm him!” You said while grabbing onto Rumor.
The pro took note of that word you used. Friend. Villains don’t have friends, they don’t have anybody but goons and partners in crime. Literally. You were definitely different compared to these other villains.
“I have no intentions on harming you or your friend.” The pro spoke.
“So what do you want with me.”
“....Simple. I want you to go to school, live in the dorm rooms, eat good food, train more to become better as a person and fighter, and make more friends. I see a good in you Titania, you deserve a good life. Not one controlled by villains where you do their bidding for what? Survival?” Aizawa said as he crossed his arms while looking at you.
You were in shock. He was able to figure you out. Well, he figured out why you were with the league. Survival. But it doesn’t matter, you were so brainwashed that you were convinced anyone outside the league wanted to kill you...at least that’s what the LOV told you.
“I don’t want to go to school, I want to go back home to the league.” You said while looking down and holding onto your furry friend.
“Home? UA could give you a better home.”
You looked up in shocked at his words. He wanted you to attend school at UA? You know that place. That’s the one place where the league has been so invested in ever since All Might joined the staff there. Suddenly, an idea came into thought. You knew exactly how you were gonna get into the league’s good graces and out of the cold shadow.
“UA?....That’s where you want me to go? How the hell am I supposed to get in there? I’m a known villain genius.” You sarcastically said.
“A villain hidden behind a full face mask. People don’t know your true identity, and did you ever think that maybe the league wants it that way?” He said
“Are you saying you know who I truly am?” You questioned him.
“No, but that doesn’t matter right now. If you want to go to UA, I can help you. I’m a teacher there and I can put in a good word for you. Sure it will take a lot of convincing but I’m willing to do it. Using UA as a reformatory program for you could be benefitting you in more ways than one. So if going to UA is what you really want, I’m more than happy to help you Titania.”
You couldn’t believe it. Your heart was so excited. You were finally going to get away from this horrible life of crime and killing. Away from the abuse and blood. Away from the league. But your brain was telling you to deny it all. You were safer with the league, everyone is out to get you, and you will die without the villains help. But a bark broke you out of thought.
You turned to your side to see what seems to be a smile on Rumor’s face. He was wagging his tail and sticking his tongue out while giving you puppy dog eyes. It appears he knew what was going on and he seemed excited. For your best friend, the world. So you gave in...happily.
“Y/N.” You said while getting up off the ground.
“Huh?” The pro spoke.
“My name is Y/N L/N, and I’d be happy to join UA.” You said with a smile and tears of joy filling you eyes. Rumor happily barked at the pro as well.
“Well alright then,” the pro said sticking out his hand for you to shake, “Y/N L/N, welcome to UA.”
As you shook his hand your smile held a thousand words. Happiness, excitement, villainy, and sin. Sure you were going to benefit yourself, but you were also going to benefit the league.
*Present Time*
“I was hoping I’d get more respect from you considering I was the one who got you into UA,” Aizawa tiredly said while turning his head towards the ceiling and crossing his arms. “But I guess that mischief and attitude just comes with the deal.”
“Correct.” You simply said.
“So are you willing to tell them what your “quirk” is? You seemed so open about Rumor, I thought your powers would be the same.” Aizawa pressed on.
“Not sure yet. I only just met the students. They seem nice.” You said while looking at your now very interesting shoes.
“They’re a crazy bunch, but they’re incredible friends. They could be great friends to you too Y/N.” You looked back up at him with hope, but quickly remembered why you were there in the first place.
The teacher took noticed of this and continued. “Either way, they’ll have to see what you got tomorrow. In gym gamma we’ll be doing some sparring including our quirks, so you’ll have to show them all that you can do.” He said.
He saw how that made you nervous. Not because you were scared to speak about or show your abilities, but because you knew you would be hit with thousands of questions. Oh how annoyed you must be.
“Understood.” You said to him as if you were a soldier. He won’t get used to that. He’ll have to make sure you know it’s ok to speak to people as..well people, and not like everyone is your superior.
“Good,” he began to walk to his yellow sleeping bag to pick it up, “now head to the front of the school. I left an escort for you to help guide you to your dorm room. That person will also be a guide in all things UA for you so be nice. You’ll be stuck with them for awhile. That is all, you can go now.”
As you and Rumor made your way to the front, you had so many questions going on in your mind. Should you make new friends or keep them at a distance? Should you completely drop the league and join UA? Should you blow your cover and expose why your truly there? What to do, what to do.
When you made it to the front, you finally saw your escort, and you couldn’t help but give a little smirk.
A/N: If y’all wanna see the clothes that inspired Y/N’s uniform, check this out!!!
A/N: Damn guys, I know I’ve only just started writing but this is kinda the story I imagine in my mind at night. So I thought it would be fun to give it to reality. So here’s my first FanFic😅 hopefully it doesn’t turn out too terrible, but I promise to work on my skills and improve. Also, if you need a reference to what Y/N’s uniform looks like, search up “Akame from Akame Ga Kill.” That’s the look that heavily inspired Y/N’s new uniform. And if you’re confused on what the boots look like, search up “Lucy Heartfilia thigh high boots,” bc those are the EXACT boots I imagine on Y/N except in a darker brunette color to match the belt. Once again, NOT spell checked so my apologies for any mistakes. I hope you enjoyed pt. 1! And if this goes well, tell me if you’d like a pt. 2! I love to hear feedback! Thx <3
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sarahjtv · 3 years
BNHA Chapter 319 Spoiler Analysis: Found Family
Holy crap what a phenomenal chapter!  This arc in general has been great, but this chapter might be one of my favorites of the arc.  Not just because it focuses on Class 1-A (I’m so glad to see the kids again), but because of the growth we see in these kids in general especially Bakugo and Shoto IMO.  Like, holy shit ESPECIALLY BAKUGO!  I stand by my opinion that Bakugo is one of the best developed characters in the series.  There’s so much I want to say about this chapter and I’ll try my best to do so if my poor injured left hand will let me 😭:
The chapter starts off with the first of 3 colored pages we’re going to get over the next few weeks to celebrate 7 YEARS OF MY HERO ACADEMIA!!!  CONGRATS, HORIKOSHI-SENSEI!!!  This series revived my love of anime/manga and really helped me in some really rough spots in my life.  I will forever be grateful towards Horikoshi for bringing this series to life and blessing us with such an incredible story full of beautiful characters.  MHA may be a little overrated, but I still think it deserves all the love it can get.  
Anyway, the color page.  It shows Uraraka, Iida (who has red eyes here, so IDK why the anime gives him blue eyes though I do think they work better for him personally *shrugs*), Shoto, Tokoyami, and Bakugo after basically figuring out where Deku went.  Bakugo is shown tearing up his letter (which says something like “Thank you for being there, Kacchan”; there’s more but I can’t translate it 😭) and you can kinda see some bandage wrap around his arm where he was stabbed.  Also, both Bakugo and Shoto still have some visible injuries on their faces and Bakugo’s hands, so they’re still recovering from the War.  It’s a really pretty page in general and I can’t wait to see what the next 2 color pages are going to look like.  I also kinda want Horikoshi to take a break after this too again so he doesn’t overwork himself.  Maybe he’ll treat himself to the MHA: World Heroes Mission movie 🍿.  
So, Shoto and Bakugo have figured out that Deku is most likely with Endeavor, Hawks, and Best Jeanist.  Problem is that none of them are answering their phones.  I like that Bakugo calls Best Jeanist “Pair of Denim Pants” 😂 and Shoto’s image of Endeavor is still a very angry version of his old man.  Shoto’s still making amends with his father, but he’s still not THERE yet.  Regardless, these kids are smart enough to know that something’s up.  Especially since All Might hasn’t returned to UA either.
It’s basically confirmed by Ojiro that because classes have been suspended, our Class 1-A kids are still 1-A; they haven’t moved into their second year yet.  That clears up the confusion on whether we should still refer these group of kids as 1-A still or not.  
Now Bakugo’s showing how much of a genius he really is despite his personality.  Bakugo figures out that the Top 3 and All Might are working together as a group based on how they all connected with each other back at Central Hospital.  Also, Bakugo concludes that All Might snuck Deku’s letters under their doors while Deku started running.  Ultimately, Bakugo does know more about Deku and All Might more than anyone else does.  He’s been around his childhood friend and he’s admired his idol longer than most people have.  Bakugo understands how bad the situation is and he’s ready to take action.  
As are the other kids.  You can see how determined they are and you can see Kirishima’s black roots coming in 🥺!  Even Uraraka gets some shine here by bringing up the idea to trick Endeavor to come via getting help from Principle Nezu as Endeavor was a UA student.  It’s really interesting to see Ochako in a more serious roll than usual, but I actually like it.  I hope she’s still as bubbly as she always was at the end of the day, but she’s definitely matured and grown a lot over the corse of the series.  Even the simple things like her hair show it as it’s not as floaty as it was before.  I love it when Horikoshi shows small details like this.  It adds to the characters and stories a lot.  Also, the art in this chapter is amazing.
And now it’s Endeavor vs. Class 1-A in a much needed conversation.  All the kids are wearing their school uniforms to make this as formal and serious as they can.  EVEN BAKUGO IS PROPERLY WEARING HIS TIE YOU KNOW SHIT’S ABOUT TO GO DOWN!!!  And, I must say, Bakugo looks damn good with a tie 😳.  You can also get a decent height measurement on the kids here if you want.  Ngl, sometimes I forget that Shoto’s about 2 inches taller than Bakugo.  It’s definitely the hair.  
Shoto’s the first to step up and he scolds the hell out of his old man.  Rightfully so tbh.  Endeavor shouldn’t have ignored Shoto’s calls even though I kind of understood why.  Shoto reminds Endeavor of their plan to stop Dabi though thankfully that’s what’s pushing Endeavor forward so he hasn’t forgotten.  Shoto calls his father “Endeavor” and gets mad at him fro leaving Deku and All Might alone.  The rough translations say he called Izuku “Deku” here too btw.  Endeavor has no response.  I think this anger Shoto’s unleashing is very justified and has been burning inside him since Deku left UA.  His best friend just up and left him and his friends with nothing but a letter to kinda explain things.  Also, Shoto and the rest of 1-A (minus Bakugo) have basically been lied to for about a year.  I’d want answers too if someone did that to me.  
Bakugo steps in by putting a hand on Shoto’s shoulder (🥺) to calm him down a bit and to say his piece.  Ultimately, he thinks what Deku is doing is right, but that the way they’re all doing it is wrong.  I love Deku and All Might, but they’re sacrificial idiots.  They care more about others than they probably ever will themselves.  That’s how All Might lost his OFA in the first place.  It’s because of that that All Might doesn’t have it in him to stop Deku from going down this path.  They shouldn’t have been left alone.  Someone should’ve kept a closer eye on them.  I know the Top 3 were all worried about getting too close to Deku before, but really, someone should’ve been watching them closer on the sidelines.
The next page is a really cool drawing of Endeavor flinging his phone to the kids to catch.  The previous panels showed Endeavor with this face that’s regretful and I think he realized something: That Bakugo is right and that the kids might be better off finding Deku than he is.  So he basically gives the kids his GPS on his phone.  Those are just my thoughts, but it does look like that.  I don't think Endeavor’s just going to up and give up though.  He’s probably going to start rethinking things though.
As Sero manages to catch Endeavor’s phone, he and the rest of the kids think about how even though they’ve only known Deku for a year, they still think of him as family and cannot let him go down this thorny path alone.  They’ll carry the OFA burden with him if they have to.  They can’t smile without Deku around.  These kids truly have become a family over the year.  It’s amazing to see.  Everyone’s like a brother and sister and it’s really nice to see.  I just love Found Family stories, guys 😭❤️
And really quick, I want to focus on my ❄️🔥 boy, Shoto, really quick.  As he’s thinking about Deku, he mentions how shocked he still is about Deku keeping OFA from them and how Deku thought just a letter would suffice.  He has this sad look on his face like he’s trying to say: “I still can’t believe my best friend hid this from me for so long.  Why?  Did he not trust me?”  That’s just my interpretation.  Still, I can’t imagine how upset Shoto must feel.  I think he still cares a lot about Deku enough to go out and find him, but he’s gotta feel some sort of betrayal.  More so than the other students outside of Bakugo because, again, Deku was essentially Shoto’s best and closest friend 💙😭
Endeavor is rightfully worried about letting the kids out in the state of Japan right now, but now Principle Nezu speaks up and praises the kids on growing up so well.  He’s also took into account Deku's feelings about his mission which is why he agreed to the team up.  Also, Deku’s still welcome back to UA whenever he wants thank god ☺️.  He’s a student who has to be protected.  There’s a cute panel of Uraraka and her mom crying happily after getting her acceptance letter too.  Not 100% why this is shown other than Acceptance Letter part, but it’s cute to see.  Maybe Ochako realizes how much Deku needs to be protected or something.
As for the refugees, Nezu had the security system strengthened in time for the Cultural Festival earlier, but they never used it before.  It’s call The UA Barrier.  God, how strong is this thing?  Is it strong enough to stop Shigaraki who was able to Decay the last barrier?  This seems like something that’ll be used in the final battle TBH.  
So, Nezu trust the 1-A kids to bring Deku back home.  Which is exactly what they plan to do as all 19 of them enter Kamino in a badass full page.  I actually wasn’t sure if all 19 of them were there at first since I couldn’t find Shoto for the life of me, but then my eyes saw the BIG-ASS ICE WALL IN THE BACK AND I THOUGHT “OH THERE HE IS!!!” LOL 😂 
The next panel actually does show Shoto with Momo as they capture the villain from the last chapter.  Momo politely calls Bakugo “Bakugo-san”, but Bakugo demands that he be called his insane hero name: “GREAT EXPLOSION MURDER GOD DYNAMIGHT”!  I CAN’T WITH THIS DUDE SOMETIMES WHY DO I LOVE HIM SO MUCH 💥🧡
Deku sees his friend and wonders why they came.  Ochako answers because that they were worried about him, but Deku tries to convince everyone (including himself) that he’s fine.  He’s obviously not and Bakugo calls TF out on him!  He even drops a good F-bomb for good measure.  Bakugo mocks Deku for trying to act like All Might and asks Deku if he can even smile right now.  I actually really like it that Bakugo’s calling Deku out on his shit.  I think Deku needs some good tough love right now to knock some sense into him.  Who would be better to do that than Katsuki Bakugo himself?
As Deku is trying to convince everyone that’s he’s fine (while still looking like a demon btw), there’s a small focus on Iida.  Actually, a few panels this chapter have focused on Iida.  Maybe he’s remembering the time Deku saved him back when they went up against Stain.  Deku saved him then so it’s now Iida’s turn to save Deku.  Also, Iida hasn’t gotten much focus lately and I really like his character, so I’m glad he’s being brought back to the forefront again.  Also, I like hearing Kaito-san’s voice in general so I’d be happy to hear him again (thanks for that one, Haikyuu).
The final spread shows Deku telling everyone to move away while Bakugo, Iida, and Ochako get ready to stop him.  IT’S DEKU VS. CLASS 1-A!!!  WE’RE ENTERING CIVIL WAR FOLKS!!!  Seriously, though, this is great.  I was thinking that it would be just Bakugo and a few other students finding Deku.  Instead we got the whole class.  And looks like that “helping hand” thing will happen later because we got a battle to fight first.  
Bakugo’s become a damn fine leader and I love to see his growth every freaking time🧡! I like how Iida has his hand on Bakugo’s back to support him btw.  It’s weird that Shoto’s not in this page though.  He’s one of Deku’s best friends, so I would think he would be in this page along with Bakugo and his first 2 friends (Ochako and Iida).  Maybe Horikoshi’s saving Shoto for a more 1-on-1 conversation with Deku.  God, I hope that happens because I think along with Bakugo, Shoto deserves a good talk with Deku the most.  
Honestly, I’m not sure who would win this battle.  I’ve been going through scenarios in my head on who would win, but I can’t come to a solid answer.  Class 1-A has 19 versatile Quirks under their belt and they have more energy than Deku to fight, but Deku still has 6 insanely powerful Quirks that he’s been practicing for a while.  The kids could probably win if they strategize enough and use Deku’s exhaustion against him, but again, Deku has OFA and multiple other Quirks.  If he could beat Lady Nagant, one of the best snipers around, he might be able to beat the 1-A kids.  He could just escape with Smoakscreen, Black Whip, and Float if he wants to really.  That would put 1-A on another wild goose chase.  There’s also Deku’s Danger Sense which will be a pain to deal with.  Also, Deku said that he’s as strong as All Might was in his prime with Fa-Jin and OFA combined.  Only AFO and Shigaraki were strong enough to take on THAT.  Plus, we still don’t know what the 2nd OFA Holder’s Quirk is yet.  Deku might use it in this battle.  God, I have so many theories in my head now.  I think this battle will be awesome, but ultimately, I want Deku to come home 😭💚
Me reading and loving My Hero Academia: 
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bakudeku121 · 3 years
BakuDeku caught in the rain/ Stuck at a party together
The ceilings were tall. The walls, cement grey. Izuku Midoriya stepped into the school expecting fireballs, giants and typhoons. Instead, he found hall monitors, water fountains and a cafeteria that constantly smelled like old ponzu. 1A is the last classroom on the left. His seat, in front of his worst nightmare. Katsuki Bakugou sat halfway down the last row pushed up against the window. He scowled as Deku walked to his seat and took his place. Professor Aizawa barely registered your discomfort as he began roll call.
“Mina Ashido?”
“Izuku Midoriya?”
Aizawa checked off Izuku’s name before moving on, leaving Deku completely bewildered in his seat. The day rolled on. The afternoon sun set. And Izuku was left, sweating bullets as he felt Katsuki’s glare not but two feet behind him.
A week went by and the rain came down hard. Musutafu is taken over by grey clouds and a heavy mist. Bakugou had just finished driving Kaminari back to his apartment complex. The roads were plagued by red lights as he cruised through the city. Pellets of rain hit his windshield, sounding off like bullets in the afternoon. Suddenly, out of his side view mirror, he paused. Izuku Midoriya was walking alone on the sidewalk. He shuffled awkwardly, holding a drenched hoodie over his head. The rain had all but soaked through his jacket and shirt. Bakugou glanced back at his own back seat, where a pair of gym clothes sat, high and dry. Sighing to himself, Bakugou pulled over.
“Hey, Deku!”
The green haired boy stopped in his place. Not only was he surprised to see Bakugou, he was surprised to see him pulled over in his own car, waiting with the passenger door wide open.
“Come on, it’s a long way home.”
Deku looked back at the street. Not only was it unusual for Bakugou to do a favor, it was highly unusual for him to do a favor for him, his least favorite classmate. Reluctantly, Deku looked back out at the sky. All it took was one clap of thunder for him to make up his mind.
“Thanks.” Deku mutters.
“Hold on, hold on.” scolded Bakugou, “Don’t get the seat all fucked up. Here-”
He passed the boy his gym clothes.
“Something dry.”
Deku looked at the clothes, skeptical at first.
“A-are you sure, Kacchan?”
Bakugou glared at him, as if he regretted that he even asked.
Deku took the clothes gratefully and pulled his own shirt over his head. For just a moment, Bakugou paused. The rain glazed over Midoriya’s pale skin, painting his gym shorts onto his thin hips. Katsuki averted his gaze to the rolling side streets as Misoriya peeled off the rest and changed into Katsuki’s gym shorts. Midoriya piled his things into his backpack and replied with a hushed, “Thank you.”
Bakugou pulled over at a shabby apartment complex and threw the car into park.
“Whatever, nerd. Don’t forget your bag.”
Deku grabbed his backpack and slipped out of the car. Bakugou couldn’t help but watch as he disappeared down the narrow side street. Visions of Midoriya’s V-line were stitched into the back of his mind. Peeling out of a three-point turn, Bakugou returned to his own apartment and hastily slipped by his parents on his way to his bedroom.
The days passed and the weather lightened up. All-Might had shown up at UA to teach a specialty lesson in targeting an enemy’s defenses. Bakugou perked up at the sound of being able to use full force on his fellow classmates. Others trembled at the sight of his convictions. Ground Zero turned out to be a giant vacant lot full of empty buildings, steel factories and gutted mills. Bakugou delighted in his classmates' terror as All Might paired each of them against one another. Then Bakguou heard it.
“Tenya Iida and Katsuki Bakugou versus Ochako Uraraka and Izuku Midoriya.”
Not only is he stuck with that pencil pushing Iida, he was forced to face Deku again in a head to head match. The buzzer counted down as he stretched into positon. Across the way, Izuku Midoriya was stretching, too.
What is that quirkless loser up to? Thought Bakugou, He should be writing his will, not looking to start a fight.
The buzzer sounded off and Bakugou immediately took off from Iida.
“Bakugou!” threatened Iida, “The nuclear weapon needs to be defended from two angles!”
Ignoring his teammates' warnings, Bakugou took off for the bowels of the abandoned factory.
“Do what you want, nerd!” he scolds, “I’m no coward, villain or not!”
Bakugou powered up and headed off, shooting flames from both arms as he traversed forward. From half a mile down the hall, Izuku can hear his enemy heading towards him.
“Uraraka!” he called out, “Can you handle Iida?”
His teammate nodded, leaving Deku alone in the towering hallway. The shadows were long and grim. The echoes, thunderous and threatening. Deku stood alone, watching the flames flick against the aluminum vents. Suddenly, an explosion blew down an entire empty vat. In the gaping wall, stood Katsuki Bakugou.
“Kacchan!” remarked Deku, noting his enemy’s reluctance to keep the building together.
“There you are!” cried Bakugou, “You damn nerd!”
Bakugou aimed one fist at Deku before Deku used his calves to launch off the wall. Bakugou aimed behind him just as Deku leapt backwards. Blow after blow, they exchanged attacks, until half of the building was left charred and dented.
“Stop running away!” scolded Bakugou, “Coward!”
Deku paused to study his opponent’s attacks. Watching Bakugou’s arm movements, he carefully calculated the arc of his enemy’s next blast. Deku jumped back and used the wall to reflect the explosion. Boom! The ash and smoke flew into Bakugou’s face. Now, even angrier than before, Bakugou leaped towards Deku’s last position. He can’t help but notice the smaller boy’s flexing arms, the bead of sweat that dripped down his temple, and his hair dampening on his side. The blood pumped through his veins quickly pumped into his cock as he felt a twitch below the belt.
“Damn you, Deku!”
Bakugou turned to watch Deku studying his moves. He couldn’t dodge if he didn’t have time to study. So, Bakugou pinned Deku down by the elbows, his knees resting on his forearms. Deku yelped as Bakugou landed on his chest. Suddenly, both boys stopped. Bakugou’s hard cock protruded from his UA uniform, pressing firmly against Deku’s abs. The smaller boy’s face went red, unable to move against his opponent’s strong grip. Embarrassed, Bakugou pulled back, just long enough for Deku to collect himself. The boys looked at one another for just a moment, before the rabbit-themed hero bounded down the hallway towards his fellow classmate. Bakugou let out an exhausted breath. He listened to his opponent’s echo bound down the hallway.
“Fuck.” he muttered.
Maybe, he thought to himself, Maybe, he hadn’t noticed.
The autumn air was cold but crisp. Bakugou was utterly embarrassed by his performance last week. Having lost not just to his former childhood friend Deku, but one of his biggest rival. Bakugou breathed angrily in the chilly air. It came out as hot huffs as he placed his backpack by the track and got ready to stretch. The dew coated the unmowed grass. Loose pebbles kicked up as he jogged in place.
“Alright.” he muttered to himself.
He was already ready to forget about last week’s incident.
Suddenly, across the track, he spotted a familiar swathe of dark green hair. That damn nerd Izuku Midoirya was finishing a lap around the bright red lane. Katsuki cursed to himself as he watched the other boy’s thighs flex with every step. Spotting Katsuki across the track, Izuku said nothing. He passed him without so much as a glance. Whether it was obvious he was thinking of the Ground Zero incident or not, Bakugou couldn’t tell. Regardless, he wasn’t about to forfeit this valuable training time because of some goddamn twink. 
Stretching out his quads, Bakugou got into position. He knelt down and grazed the astroturf with his fingertips, before taking off into the mist. The cold hair raised the hair on his forearms. 
Bakugou heaved and huffed as he finished his two mile lap. Izuku was still ahead of him, jogging at a leisurely pace, seemingly paying no attention to the boy. 
Bakugou despised it. Why hadn’t he even shown so much as a combative attitude? After all, the other boy had practically sexually assaulted him in front of his other class. 
Instead, Deku paused to tie his shoes. Bakugou averted his eyes as the other boy bent over on the side of the track. Still, Kacchan couldn’t help but notice the other boy’s toned calves, the way his hair fell over his brows as he bent over, how unsuspecting he seemed to be, just waiting for him to come up behind him. Bakugou shook off his predatory instincts and finished his lap. This was no time to be staring up rivals at the track.
The clouds began to part and the morning sun began to burn through the overcast. Deku traded his track sneakers for a pair of his uniform shoes and headed towards main campus. Bakugou paused at the eight hundred meter mark and watched him leave.
Fuck. He thought to himself. He had a huge problem.
The weather turned half way through the week. Bakugou arrived at the track on Wednesday ready to sweat when he spotted his childhood “friend” across the way. His green hair was fluffy and curled. His skin was pale and spotless, save that unsuspecting patch of freckles that glazed his puffy white cheeks. Bakugou swallowed a thick lump of nervous spit as he watched the boy stretch towards the side of the field. Astroturf stuck to the sides of his thighs as morning breeze blew his curls to the side of his face.
Stupid, Deku. Grunted Bakugou. Coming out at the exact time to train as I do, wearing gym shorts and a cheap grey t-shirt.
The shirt hugged the smaller boy’s thin limbs. Bakugou bit his tongue at how easy it would be to overpower him. Suddenly, Deku noticed Bakugou staring from afar. He jogged up towards him and the two trained side by side, if even for a moment.
“Hey.” called Deku.
Bakugou ignored him.
The two jogged side by side for an entire lap. Bakugou pretended to be focused on the track, watching the loose red pebbles kick up around their cleats. Deku rolled his eyes. Just over a week ago, the other boy had pinned him down, a pulsing boner pressed up against his chest. Izuku pulled up ahead of Bakugou and flashed an innocent smile.
“Just so you know, I’m gay, by the way.”
Bakugou’s face went bright red. He was inflamed by the mere accusation that he could even potentially be interested in the green haired boy. Eyes flaming scarlet, he growled, “Cool. I’m straight, so you can get out of my way now.” 
Deku shrugged, “Alright, alright.”
He pulled off of the track and rested by the fence.
“I’ll see you at school.”
Deku picked up his bag and his water bottle, then turned back towards the classrooms. Bakugou refused to look up from the track as the other boy walked away.
His words echoed in the back of his mind.
Just so you know, I’m gay, by the way.
What was that supposed to mean? Bakugou wondered to himself, Even if he did swing that way, he could do a lot better than small, weak little Izuku Midoriya.
Bakugou kept his head down for the rest of his jog, cheeks inflamed by the green haired boy’s accusation.
Autumn had turned into a cool early winter chill. The grass was coated in a light layer of frost. The last weeks of being able to run at the track were upon him. Bakugou rose and laced up his sneakers as usual, when he spotted an unwelcome spot of green hair already bounding down the track. Bakugou grumbled to himself as he parked in the student parking lot.
Izuku Midoriya was already half a mile into his morning jog. If he had noticed the blonde haired boy’s presence, he ignored it, happily bounding to the beats in his headphones as he swept up rubber pebbles. Bakugou pulled up his ankles to stretch his calves. He glared at Midoriya across the lanes, watching the way he leapt as he ran. 
For a while, the two boys ignored each other, until Izuku paused by the track’s exit. He stood there, adjusting his headphones while the other boy finished his last lap.
Fuck. Thought Katsuki, What does he want now?
Katsuki couldn’t help eyeing him up as he stood there. His babyhairs held damp to the sides of his face. His cheeks were flushed from that morning’s run. He couldn’t help but picture him bent over that fence, hair pulled back as he cried out Kacchan’s name.
Fucking hell.
Katsuki pulled to the side one hundred meters early. He paced by the fence, as if there was an invisible barrier Midoriya couldn’t cross. Deku slipped down to the edge of the fence to drink from his water bottle. Kacchan watched as his adam’s apple bobbed, finishing off the bottle’s contents. The cool drips drizzled down his hand and onto his light grey T-shirt. Bakugou rested against the fence to breathe. Concerned, Deku approached his former childhood friend.
“Hey, Kacchan, everything okay?”
Bakugou eyed the exit and then Deku. His wide nose gave way to a spread of light brown freckles. He couldn’t bare how deep and concerned his eyes were. He just wanted to pinch those baby cheeks together and stuff his cock down his throat.
Izuku paused at the edge of the track and set down his bag.
“Yeah,” replied Kacchan, “I’m fine. Get going-”
“Okay, well it just looked like you ran out of breath or…”
The two boys paused. Deku didn’t understand why someone so intimidating was suddenly all choked up. Kacchan took one look at the boy and grabbed him by the T-shirt. Pulling in Izuku close he opened his lips with his own and licked the inside of the other boy’s mouth. Izuku froze up as his childhood bully held him close. He whimpered as Bakugou sucked on his lip, before he pulled back with a wet pop. 
With a quick breath, Bakugou came to his senses. He dropped the other boy’s collar and wiped his mouth. Then, he picked up his gym bag and headed to the exit. Deku was left panting, confused, and with a dribble of spit dripping down his lip. He wiped his mouth on his forearm as he watched Bakugou walk away.
“What the hell was that?” Deku muttered to himself.
Bakugou slammed the door to his car and rested his head against the steering wheel. A fine mist of early morning rain began to fall. Grey droplets collected on the windshield, creating a mosaic of watery mazes.
Bakugou glanced up and across the parking lot. He was in way too deep.
Bakugou treaded down the empty hallway. Usually, he was always early to class. Not to do homework or anything, but to avoid the early morning rush of gossipers and other nerds. He wandered in front of 1A’s doors, uneager to face that day’s challenges. Or even worse, to face Midoriya after a second round of sexually assaulting him on school property. He took a deep breath and swung open the doors to see Midoriya on the other side of the room, chatting with Tenya Iida. Quickly, Bakugou escaped to his seat, and pulled out a textbook to distract himself.
“What time, Mina?” asked Sero.
“Ten, my parents won’t be home all weekend.”
Bakugou rolled his eyes. Mina Ashido was having a kick back at her place while her parents were away. Katsuki could not be less interested until he heard Uraraka pester that green haired dweeb, Deku.
“Are you going, Deku?” she chimed, “Word is there’s going to be margaritas.”
Midoriya rubbed the back of his head.
“I uh- I don’t know.”
He glanced across the classroom, trying to read Bakugou for an answer.
Shit. Thought Bakugou, Is he looking at me?
Deku sighed to himself. He had been out for two years and the only luck he had was a childhood bully too conflicted to even do anything besides press his hard dick against him when nobody was looking.
“Yeah.” he shrugged, “Could be fun.”
He pictured sipping down Margaritas surrounded by straight people, talking shit about who knows what or knows who. At least it would be better than jacking off at home.
Mina’s party turned out to be a shabby ranch style house on the end of a quiet cul de sac. Cheap streamers decorated a butler’s kitchen that was squeezed between a small L couch and a T shaped hallway. Momo and Jiro started up the karaoke machine as Kaminari and Kirishima chugged a keg in the corner. Bakugou slumped in the back of the room, passing red solo cups to Denki and Eijiro. Deku entered the room followed by Iida and Uraraka. The latter paid no attention as the two caught eyes across the room. Bakugou pretended to stare at the ceiling before the feeling was too drawn out. Deku glanced down at the ground. Why was he making this so hard?
Suddenly, Mina clapped her hands.
“Hey! We’re gonna play hide and seek! Everyone get together!”
Bakugou rolled his eyes as Tamaki, Tsu and Koji Koda began to line up.
“Last one to touch their nose is it!”
The entire group hit the floor and touched their noses. Bakugou found himself following Kirishima’s lead as he and Kaminari did the same. Everyone but Mashirao touched their noses. The monkey-tailed boy tilted his head back and groaned. As he kneeled down to count to thirty, the others took off in every direction. Bakugou huffed as he made his way to the backyard, not to be mistaken with actually participating, he aimed to simply get away from the rushing crowd. As he tucked into a side alley by the house, he realized he was not alone.
Behind a tool shelf, he recognized the lean frame of his green-haired classmate. Izuku turned on a dime to see the seething mass of muscle and sweat.
“Oh!” he replied, “Kacchan-”
“Come on-”
A pair of voices alerted the two to company. Suddenly Kacchan pressed up against the wall, cornering Midoriya. Momo and Mina scurried across the lawn to a small pool house, slamming a screen door shut. The flood light illuminated the yard in a harsh white light. Izuku held his breath as he felt the taller boy pressing into him. His hot skin was sticky with sweat. His breath was hushed as he breathed down his neck. Izuku couldn’t help the rush of blood to his face as Bakugou’s chest pushed against his.
The light went out and suddenly it was just Bakugou and Midoriya standing in the dark. Bakugou stared down at Midoriya and his pale, petite frame. He was just so touchable. So easy to pick up, so easy to pin down. Midoriya looked up and noticed the blonde staring down at him. Suddenly Bakugou was prying his lips open with his own. Midoriya could barely get a word out before he could taste the other boy’s tongue. The taller boy pressed his hips into Deku’s, grinding his cock against his thigh.
Bakugou twisted Midoriya around and pinned him against the wall. Yanking down his pants, he spat into his hand and started to finger him open. Izuku gasped at the roughness of it all. Bakugou had barely spent a minute working him open when he pushed his dick against Deku’s ass. It was hot and sharp. Deku gritted his teeth together as Bakugou’s cock pressed into him, prying open inch by inch.
The grit of the stucco siding imprinted itself into Deku’s palm as Bekugou fucked him against the wall. With one harsh motion, Bakugou grabbed Deku by the hair and tilted his head up. His cock thickened as he rammed in and out of Deku’s ass. The taller boy could feel the heat building up in his gut as he thrusted in and out. The flood light came on again and just before another classmate could step onto the grass, Bakugou came ropes of hot cum all over Deku’s insides. Deku’s face flushed as he felt Kacchan empty inside him. The sticky liquid ran down his thigh, leaving a trail of cum down his inner leg.
Deku watched nervously as Bakugou fixed his pants. He couldn’t turn his eyes away from his V line, dipping down into the empty space between his belt buckle and his hips. 
“Don’t follow me.” Bakugou instructed.
Deku blinked in response. The blonde turned back towards the living room, leaving Deku to fix himself in the alley. Swallowing hard, he turns to find some paper towel to wipe up Bakugou’s cum.
A loose shingle suddenly dropped down from over the roof, narrowly missing Midoriya. A small giggle escaped from over the roof. Someone was slipping back over the roof to the otherside.
Oh no. Thought Izuku. Someone had been hiding up on the roof.
He turned to see who it was, but it was too late. He and Kacchan’s secret makeout sessions were not so secret anymore.
1A was particularly rowdy the following morning. Still buzzing with all the drama of Mina’s party, the students spread around the classroom, exchanging fuzzy stories about what exactly went down. Bakugou glowered from his seat towards the windows. He didn’t want any part of the hum drum drama of his peers. Still, he couldn’t escape the bubble of constant chatter that burst out around him.
“I heard one of Momo’s tits popped out.” stated Mineta.
Bakugou rolled his eyes.
The door opened and he couldn’t help but flit his gaze towards it. Midoriya walked in with puffy morning eyes, groggily making his way to his seat. Bakugou said nothing as the boy sat directly in front of him, kicking his bag beneath his desk.
“Left tit or right tit?” bothered Kaminari.
“Left tit.” assured Mineta.
“Shut up, Mineta!” barked Bakugou.
The grape hero usually would have cowered, but a hot tip from last night’s party had changed his attitude slightly.
“Come on, Bakugou-” he retorted, “We’re just having fun.”
“Say one more word about some tits you didn’t see, and I’ll wreck you.”
“What? Like you wrecked Midoriya?”
Bakugou snapped his pencil clean in two. Deku’s face lit up bright red as he said it.
“Ah!” replied Mineta, “I mean, like at Ground Zero. From training-”
It was too late. The damage had been done. Bakugou’s eyes flashed scarlet as he stared down Mineta. If it weren’t for Aizawa walking through the door, he would've blasted the purple nuisance clean through the wall.
For a moment, Bakugou swore he could hear Todoroki laugh from across the classroom. He kept his head down and tried not to snap another pencil as Aizawa rolled in an overhead projector.
The lights flicked off and Midoriya knew he was in deep shit. He wondered to himself if he should look back at Bakugou. Saying something would be too much. It would just give the other kids confirmation that something had happened. But maybe just a glance?
Midoriya looked over his shoulder to see Bakugou completely ignoring him. He didn’t so much as glance back as the overhead flickered over their heads. Deku looked forward feeling slightly disappointed. If things had been weird before, they were about to get stone cold sterile.
The next morning, Izuku got up and fixed his sneakers. He refilled his water bottle, untangled his headphones and headed out for the track, hoping to see Bakugou. 
Cold winter air bit at his nose as he rounded the chain link fence. The red rubbery track was nearly vacant. Nearly. 
In the back corner, rounding the second turn, Midoriya spotted a head of spiky blonde hair turning his way. Midoriya began to jog in place, stretching his muscles to join his childhood friend. Instead of joining him, Bakugou took one glance at Izuku and headed for the track margins. He grabbed his water bottle, took a drink, then turned for the exit. 
Midoriya was left standing alone in the cold, utterly confused by the taller’s boys sudden disinterest.
An entire week went by and Izuku hadn’t seen so much as the back of Bakugou’s head. Every morning he showed up at the track to either find it empty of Bakugou just leaving. The sudden abandonment maybe shouldn’t have been so much of a surprise. They weren’t dating. Bakugou wasn’t even so much as a good friend before Mina’s party happened. Sighing to himself, Deku wished the training camp would be different. As he and the other students lined up for the bus, he spotted Kirishima in the back of the line. This was his chance. Skirting around the other students, Midoriya played coy if only for a moment, playing with his backpack strings as he approached Kirishima.
“Oh, Hey Deku.” announced Eijiro. 
“Hey, Kiri.”
The other students piled onto the bus. Feeling as though he was holding up time, Midoriya finally spit out, “I just wanted to ask, because I know you and Kacchan are close and all...has he said anything about me recently? Just in the past couple days?”
Kirishima’s face dropped as he realized what this was about.
“No...he hasn’t.” replied the red-headed hero, “I’m sorry about that. You know how he gets.”
“It’s cool.”
Kirishima could sense Midoriya’s disappointment. Fishing through his mind for the right thing to say, he walked the green haired onto the bus with his arm around him.
“He’ll come around. Things just..take a while to get through his head. Once he stops being so stubborn, who knows? You know?”
Midoriya sighed, albeit reluctantly.
“Right. Thanks, Kirishima.”
“Hey, Kiri!” cried Kaminari, “Check it! Window seats!”
Kirishima whooped and hollered as he sprinted towards the back of the bus. Midoriya chose a place just behind Iida and Uraraka, using the extra seat to lay out his feet. He leaned his head against the window and sighed softly to himself. From across the parking lot, he spotted Bakugou exiting his car. He rounded the sidewalk and up the bus steps to class 1A. Without so much as acknowledging him with a glance or nod, Bakugou walked straight past Midoriya and into the backseats next to Kirishima and Kaminari. Deku rested his head against his hands. Of course he should've expected radio silence. It was wishful thinking to think it would come to anything else.
Camp training was even harder than Kirishima had thought it would be. Dragging tires up and down around the grounds was doing wonders for his core but nightmares for his skin. From across the lot, he could spot Midoriya doing the same at nearly twice the speed. Despite being physically smaller, his quirk more than made up for the lack of natural power. Under the hot afternoon sun, they breaked for lunch.
The kids sat down at long rectangular picnic tables. Those lucky enough to land under an awning were just that, lucky.
Sitting on his own in the corner of the makeshift cafeteria was Midoriya. Kirishima watched him from across the way as he poked around his bento box with a vacant look on his face. Feeling slightly bad for the kid, he turned his head to see Bakugou making his way from the training grounds. The back of his shirt was stained with sweat as he took a seat along Kaminari and Kirishima. Midoriya immediately got up to head for the showers.
“Hey, Kaminari-” stated Kirishima, “Could you give me and Bakugou a second?”
Bakugou looked just as baffled as Kaminari. Reluctantly the electric boy forfeited his seat, leaving the two heroes alone.
“What was that about?” inquired Bakugou.
Kirishima took a deep breath before saying what he was about to say.
“Hey, listen.” he began, “I don’t really know what’s going on with you and Midoriya-”
Bakugou froze up.
“And quite frankly I don’t care. It’s just...he asked about you earlier and he seemed kind of mixed up about it.”
“There’s nothing going on so you can just shut up about it.”
“I get it, and I will… just. If there was anything, you know me and Kaminari wouldn’t care. Right?”
Bakugou was silent, if not for a moment. Then, he gripped his plastic fork so hard Kirishima swore it would melt in his hand.
“Well thanks, but there’s nothing going on so there’s nothing for you to not care about. Got it?”
“Geez- okay.”
Kirishima finished the rest of his bento box in relative peace. Bakugou didn’t so much as say a word for the rest of lunch. On the way back in, the cabin was dead silent. Most of the others were in line for the shower or tucked into their rooms, gossiping about each other.
Bakugou walked the halls alone with a toothbrush sticking out of his mouth. Just as he rounded the corner, Midoriya smacked into him. He wore a white T-shirt and navy gym shorts, just about ready to head into bed. Katsuki tried not to look so surprised as the boy began to stutter.
“S-sorry Kacchan-”
He gathered his things in his hands and headed towards his dorm without so much as looking up. This was the first time in weeks Midoriya had gone without glancing across the room at him. Realizing the damage he’d done, Katsuki sighed to himself. Before Deku could get that far, Katsuki opened his door and turned to call out.
“Hey, Deku.”
The green hair boy turned around.
Bakugou said nothing as he nodded towards his empty dorm. Deku looked back at the vacant space, surprised. Putting down his things, Deku turned and shuffled into Bakugou’s dorm. It was a neat albeit empty space, nothing but a bed, a dresser and a few notebooks strewn about here and there. Bakugou tried to think of the right thing to say as Midoriya stood in front of him. Hey, I’m sorry I was ignoring you after the Mineta thing. Hey, I’m sorry I fucked you and ran. Hey, I’m sorry for leaving you alone after every chance I get. Instead, Katsuki leaned into the crook of Deku’s neck and began to kiss him down the collar. Deku’s breath hitched as he felt Katsuki’s warm tongue against his skin.
There was only enough light coming from a streetlamp outside the window to illuminate Katsuki’s outline. Hiking up the hem of his shirt, Deku could see the outline of his hip bones quite clearly. He tilted his head back and grunted as Kacchan sucked a warm wet circle just beneath his jaw. He then moved onto sucking Deku’s bottom lip. Deku whimpered against the touch as Kacchan reached down to palm the boy through his gym shorts. Deku’s dick throbbed in his hand, leaking a bead of precum through the surface of the fabric. Bakugou exhaled a hot breath down Deku’s neck, unable to contain himself.
Deku dropped to his knees to undo Kacchan’s pants. He let the buckle drop to the floor before licking Kacchan’s tip. The blonde placed his hands on the back of Deku’s head as the boy started to bob up and down, plastering his tongue to the base of his dick. A slick thread of spit dripped down from Midoriya’s lips. Kacchan used the side of his palm to wipe it along his face. He stiffened at the touch, unable to keep himself from bucking down the smaller boy’s throat.
The green haired boy hummed along the base of Kacchan’s shaft. Kacchan choked at the sensation, gliding his cock out of Midoriya’s soft puffy lips.
“Get up.” Kacchan ordered.
Deku did as he said, wiping his mouth on the back of his wrist as Kacchan pressed him down over the bed. He yanked down the boy’s gym shorts and began to pump his cock against the sheets. Midoriya’s eyes rolled up as he felt Kacchan’s rough hands tugging at his dick. Sticky strings of precum stuck to his knuckles as he ran his fingers up and down Deku’s shaft. Then Deku felt Bakugou pressing his other hand against his hole. He stiffened up as Bakugou spit onto his hand to make it easier. Slowly, he opened the boy up, then pressed his dick against his entrance.
Deku gritted his teeth, waiting for the other boy to ram it into him. Instead, Kacchan took his time, pressing in slowly, revelling in every inch until he was balls deep in that little pale twink. Deku took a short, sharp breath as Kacchan held his position, pressing as deep as he could. Finally, he backed out, just to ram himself back in. Kacchan placed his hands on Deku’s hips as Deku moved to get himself off. Across the room, the closet doors held two mirror panels. In it, he could see his own face blush tinted pink as the blonde pounded into him. He watched as Bakugou’s biceps flexed with every thrust, yanking the smaller boy down onto his cock.
Deku’s face was flooded with a soft burning heat. With every pump, he threatened to ruin Kacchan’s bed by cumming in thick white streaks. Finally, Kacchan turned him around and pulled up his legs over his shoulders. Digging down deep into Deku’s abdomen, Kacchan grunted as he bottomed out. Deku gasped at the fullness as he finally came onto his own stomach. Kacchan leaned down to slurp the last bit of spit from Midoriya’s lips as he jacked himself off under his touch. The last thing Deku felt before Kacchan finished was his hot wet tongue sliding over his own, coaxing him to scream out in bliss.
The two boys came to rest side by side in Kacchan’s bed. The air was tense and silent as Bakugou grabbed a hand towel from under his bed. The boys cleaned up without saying a word. Deku figured he’d be used to that by now. He threw on his shorts and was about to pull on his shirt, when Kacchan said the first words he could think of in over a week.
“Where are you going?”
Deku looked at Kacchan and then the door.
“Oh, um. Back to my bunk?”
Kacchan blinked innocently. He pulled his boxers up his thighs and scratched the back of his neck.
“Do you think you could stay?”
Now it was Deku’s turn to be surprised. The streetlamp from across the way illuminated the room in a dim orange light. He smiled quickly before climbing back into Kacchan’s bed.
“Yeah.” he replied, “It’s cool.”
Kacchan pulled the sheet over Deku as he curled up in the crook of his arm. Deku rested his head against the pale expanse of his bicep, turning over to face the closet as they settled in to sleep. In the darkness, Deku could barely shut his eyes. There was Kacchan’s shirt on the floor. There were Kacchan’s things strewn about the desk. He had asked him to stay and really meant it. Blushing to himself, he could hardly believe it was the same Kacchan who had ignored him the entire past week.
1A helped themselves to a speedy breakfast under the wooden awnings. Duffel bags and gym bags went sliding across the ground as students kicked their belongings back towards the bus. Midoriya had woken up early to shower and get a good seat. There was no way he was getting stuck behind Iida and his self help podcasts again. 
As he ran a towel through his wet hair, he spotted Kacchan standing over with Kirishima and Kaminari. His friends were caught up in some stupid fight about which power ranger was a Gemini. Bakugou simply rolled his eyes, leaning against a picnic table as he waited for his friends to finish. 
Deku didn’t bother saying hi. At this point, he knew it was beyond reason to expect Kacchan to acknowledge him in public. He climbed the steps of the bus and got into a seat three quarters of the way back. He kicked out his feet so nobody else would take the seat then shoved his belongings under the bench.
The others soon began to steam in. Mezo and Sero boxed in Midoriya on either side. Momo and Tsu sat up front to get a better view of the TV screen, along with Iida and Uraraka. Midoriya barely looked up when someone was picking up his feet and shoving him aside.
“Hey- I was sitting there-”
It was Kacchan, grabbing him by the heels and swinging his sneakers to the side. He didn’t say a word as he raised his headphones to his ears then settled down into the seat. For a moment, it felt like the entire bus was staring at them. Midoriya’s face went red as he lowered himself into the corner of the window.
Of all places. Midoriya thought to himself, Of all times. He chooses know to get close in public with me.
Just then, Mineta came down the aisle, heading for the back of the bus. Midoriya tensed up as he realized he was prepping some snarky comment.
“Hey, Bakugou!” cried Mineta.
The blonde looked up.
Suddenly, Kirishima’s fist bonked the grape hero on the head. Kirishima pinched the back of his neck and marched him further into the back of the bus.
Bakugou took out one ear bed and smirked.
“Sure thing.” replied Kirishima, “Oh and Midoriya.”
Deku perked up.
“Don’t let Aizawa replay Holes. If I have to watch Shiah Lebouf one more time I’m gonna lose it.”
He smiled back in gratitude.
“Yeah. no prob.”
The others filed into the back of the bus. Bakugou put his earbud back in and soon the regular amount of gossip and chatter began to flood the air. Midoriya fell back into his seat side by side with Kacchan. The blonde leaned over and let his head rest on Deku’s shoulder. The TV screens flickered on and the intro to Holes filled the screen. If he could watch it like this every time, Deku would never watch another movie in all his life.
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sophie-writings · 4 years
Pro!Hero headcanons for Bakugou Kaminari and a character of your choice where it's their crush's first covert mission and they have to dress sexy for it. Their crush is many things...Sexy is not one of those things. They've never worn makeup, sweatpants over short skirts, awkward and clumsy and have the sex appeal of a wet stick. But still manages to fluster their crush
I lOVED this request, i love undercover missions 🥺💖
i chose Shinsou because i love seeing @necccomancy suffer (ilu)
Characters: Pro!Hero Bakugou Katsuki, Kaminari Denki and Shinsou Hitoshi
Type: Headcanons
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Bakugou Katsuki 
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☁️Bakugou let’s out a muffled laugh when the boss explains the mission.
☁️"Todoroki, you'll be the limo driver. Uraraka and Midoriya, you're couple number 1. And Bakugou and Y/n, you're couple number 2".
☁️Bakugou knows you hated that idea.
☁️You went to UA together and he had never seen you using makeup, wearing a dress or skirt without leggings on or jewelry.
☁️It's not that you hated those things, they looked super cute on other girls, but it just wasn't you.
☁️"Good luck with making her look sexy, you're gonna need it." He teased and left to get ready.
☁️It was already night time by the time you all had to go undercover and Bakugou was next to the limo that was going to take you to the casino.
☁️Bakugou was already ready, using an all-black tuxedo with a dark grey dress shirt and a black tie he was forced to use.
☁️He impatiently waited for you to come down.
☁️"What's taking them so long?!" He barked.
☁️"Women take longer to get ready, not everyone can just wear a suit and get it over with." Answered Todoroki, adjusting his white gloves.
☁️"Todoroki's right Kacchan! Also, Y/n's not used to this kind of thing, it must be harder for her". Agreed Midoryia.
☁️"We're here!" Chirped Uraraka.
☁️"Fucking finally-" Bakugou almost chocked when he saw you.
☁️You were using a short dark blue satin dress that hugged every single curve of your body. The only thing holding the dress was two tiny straps that looked like they could snap at any second.
☁️Your legs looked elegant, probably because of the sparkly high heels you were wearing.
☁️But your red lips were the thing that really sent him.
☁️He was speechless and could feel his face getting hot.
☁️"You guys look amazing!" Said Midoriya. "You look really good in a dress Y/n!"
☁️"Yeah, it suits you." Todoroki agreed.
☁️Bakugou didn't say anything and just got inside the limo and the rest of you followed
☁️He was mostly silent during the drive, mostly because he was focused on you.
☁️"You look good." He grumbled.
☁️"Uh?" You looked at him. "Did you say something Bakugou?"
☁️"I said you look, idiot". He said loud enough for you to hear.
☁️Bakugou averted his gaze from you, but you realized he was blushing.
☁️"Thank you, Bakugou." You said and reached for his tie, fixing it for him. "You look really good too."
☁️This was going to be a long mission.
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Kaminari Denki
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☁️Kaminari was super excited about this mission.
☁️He got to infiltrate inside a fancy cruise party with the Bakusquad and especially you.
☁️Their goal was easy, find where the villain hid the formula for the poison, get the formula, and abandon the place without drawing any attention.
☁️Bakugou was a waiter. Sero was a rich CEO and Kirishima was his bodyguard. Kaminari was supposed to be some kind of shady businessman, while you and Mina were his companions.
☁️You didn't like the idea at first and asked to trade with Bakugou.
☁️"Besides, imagine Bakugou walking around in a dress." Pointed out Sero. "We'd be kicked out in a second."
☁️And so you were stuck with the sexy lady role.
☁️It was something completely different from what you normally did, and you felt nervous about blowing the plan.
☁️"Hey Y/n!" Called Kaminari. "I know that you're nervous, but remember you're a great hero and you there's nothing you can't do okay?" He said, hilding your hands.
☁️You felt your cheeks get rosy and nodded.
☁️You had a small crush on Kaminari for some time now, but he didn't seem interested in you.
☁️Well, he flirted with you all the time, even though he was TERRIBLE at it
☁️But it was something he did with everyone, right.
☁️"Okay okay, love birds" Mina interjected. "We have to get ready for tonight y/n, let's go." She said, practically dragging you to the changing room.
☁️"You're crushing hard aren't you?" She asked once you were both alone.
☁️"Yeah..." You sighed. "But Kaminari doesn't see me that way."
☁️Mina was one of Kaminar's best friends. She knew damn well that Kaminari had the biggest crush on you, but playing matchmaker was more fun.
☁️"Well, let's show him then." She grinned and grabbed her makeup bag.
☁️Kaminari and the others were waiting.
☁️He had a white tuxedo and a black dress shirt. "They're taking so long-."
☁️There you were, in a golden satin dress with a double thigh slit. It was off shoulders and you had a simple yet eye-catching necklace that made everything perfect.
☁️"Y/n! You look amazing!" Said Kaminari, his face red as a Kirishima's hair. "And I really mean it... You look beautiful."
☁️You were the one blushing now.
☁️"Thank you, this is not really my style but-" Kaminari hand made contact with your cheek and you froze.
☁️"I'm being serious this time." He had enough of hiding his feelings. "Let's talk once the mission is over okay?"
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Shinsou Hitoshi
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☁️Yep, you hated this mission already.
☁️Not only did you have to infiltrate this rich people party, but you also had to do it while pretending to be your crush's companion.
☁️It didn't help that your crush, Shinsou loved to tease you whenever he had the chance.
☁️And this was no exception.
☁️"Y/n? Sexy? Might as well give Sero the dress and call it a day." He said.
☁️You punched his arm. "Ugh, just you wait, I'll show you who can be sexy."
☁️"I'd like to see you try."
☁️This. was. on.
☁️"Let's go Momo, Mina, It's time to get ready." You said, grabbing your friend's hand and leading them to the changing room.
☁️"This is getting interesting." Said Sero.
☁️"Yep, Y/n  is really beautiful, and this mission is only going to let that shiiine~" Sang Kaminari. "I think she just might make you fall even harder Shinsou~"
☁️"Shut ut Kaminari."
☁️Inside the changing room, you and the girls were getting ready.
☁️The dresses given to you were really revealing and beautiful. Accentuating your best parts.
☁️"Okay Y/n, first of all, you're going to let your hair time" Said Mina, brushing your hair.
☁️"And I'm gonna do your make up" She said reaching for her makeup bag. "Now, where's that Chanel lipstick."
☁️"So cheap right? I got a nice deal!"
☁️It was already nighttime, and the car was ready to take everyone to the party.
☁️Sero, Kaminari, and Shinsou all wore tuxedos.
☁️Shinsou's was dark blue, and he had an unbuttoned white shirt under.
☁️"Oh, shit-" Suddenly said Kaminari.
☁️"What?" Shinsou looked up from his phone and his eyes landed on you.
☁️You were wearing a velvet long-sleeved, off-shoulder little black dress. The dress hugged every curve of your body, especially your hips.
☁️He was actually getting kind of jealous of the dress.
☁️The diamond-encrusted choker drew attention to your neck.
☁️Damn, you looked good.
☁️"I told you she would make you fall harder." Said Kaminari.
☁️"So, are we going or not?" You asked.
☁️"Sure!" Said Sero, hopping into the car. "You guys are looking good, by the way."
☁️You walked to the car, and Shinsoy could help but look at your behind.
☁️Damn, you looked really good.
☁️Shinsou got in and seated next to you.
☁️"Well, you did prove me wrong." He said, looking at you once more. "You look really good, even though you're still awkward on the heels."
☁️"Oh shut up Shinsou." You answered. "But thanks, you look really nice too." You smiled.
☁️He was totally gonna ask you out after this mission.
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