#Firestar brings Skyclan back to the old forest pre second ARC AU
Doodling Cat Designs - Alderheart
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We're back at it again with more FireFam designs.
For those unfamiliar with the goings on of the Banished Fireheart AU, Alderheart and Sparkpelt are Firestar's children, rather than his grandchildren as they are canonically. Firestar and Sandstorm have a total of five biological children across two litters, with their first litter consisting of Squirrelflight, Leafpool, and Gorsetail (OC). Their second litter consists of Alderheart and Sparkpelt.
I've made the decision to start releasing more content for this AU overall, though this may take some time, so if anyone is actually interested in this AU they can look forward to that. I am looking forward to delving further into the Alderheart lore of this AU, with emphasis on his relationship with Firestar, who serves as prevalent mentor figure to the young tom and helps him to overcome a lot of his inner struggles.
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