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randomnameless · 1 year ago
The beginning of the, uh... Well.
I don't even understand what Almyra was supposed to be, in the devs's mind, like, it's basically barbarian land, but also, Nader can ask the King to please sign this paper and don't think too much about it - and it actually works so their entire navy is deployed on a foreign front ?
I wonder what would have happened, in a potential AU, if Adrestia used Claude and the Allian- Federation to wage war on Faerghus, while Edel actually uses this opportunity to target the now defenseless Almyra (iirc when Shahid died, he mounted one of the biggest invasions in history?).
Too bad that's not the story they wanted to tell....
So those Houses that wanted to defect to the Kingdom didn’t because Claude’s battle was that bloody in that fire map.
Remember who terminated a house who also wanted to defect when they disagreed with the "regime"?
That's right, our good friend Ionius! GW!Claude is basically ripping a page out of Edel's - disliked by everyone - dad!
He truly became Adrestian /s
So, let me make sure I have this right. Mr. I Want to End Prejudice Between Cultures just provoked Sreng into attacking the Kingdom so Edelgard can take it over because Rhea is the reason for everything bad. Did I get that right?
Iirc, he more or less told Sreng he was too going to attack the Kingdom, more or less telling them Dimitri is busy figting the Empire on another front.
But Sreng apparently attacked before Claude could make his move (or was it calculated to send them as fodder), and here goes.
Never forget though, Rhea BaD.
Oh Naga.
It’s also hysterical to hear Claude talk about wanting to improve foreign relations while instigating a war between two cultures.
Casual reminder that Claude here is talking to Holst, the Head (or is his dad?) of House Goneril, the only House in Fodlan that keeps slaves, I mean, welcomes Almyra children to their abode, asks them to do gruelling work for them, treat them like trash and feeds them once per month.
FE16 didn't tackle this issue because no one gives a fuck about Cyril I guess - especially not Claude in the Cyril'n'Hilda paralogue - but if I could have thought it was a grievous oversight in FE16, given the angle Nopes approaches this issue...
You can really make a point that Claude is talking about "improving foreign relationships!" with the slave owners, without giving three figs about said slaves, or, and worse, it's meant to be a tragicomedy, like Lysithea's support with Edel in CF.
I was half wondering if Holst's beef against Rhea and the CoS couldn't be partly fueled by the fact Rhea "stole House Goneril's property" when she took Cyril in Garreg Mach...
House Goneril GoOd and will promote foreign relationships - once they free their slaves I guess? Or at least feed them? - with Almyra - who was depicted in FE16 as barbarians who raid for funsies, and in this game, as people who pillage and rampage for the same funsies...
Rhea BaD? Rhea BaD. Church BaD.
Hilda’s cleaning, and Linhardt’s honestly upset that he’s lost a fellow lazy person. Hilda claims she never pushes work on people. That, is a lie.
I know I'm beating a reanimated horse here, but after learning House Goneril has child "servants who do all the hard work and eat every blue moon", Hilda's trope of being "lazy" or pushing her work on people is really... off-putting, and that is to put it kindly.
But Cyril isn't playable in Nopes, so we can stop caring about him! Yay?
Oh, joy, Nadar wants to plunder Faerghus. I can see why Fodlan is so evil for not wanting to let them do what they will. GW really had a chance here to finally do something interesting with Almyra. It even marketed itself as a route that WOULD. But instead it’s just doubled-down on Almyra being a one-note lawless place full of barbarians. At least we have Brigid and Duscur so the only brown country isn’t some racist stereotype. Since it’s only 1 of 3, it’s not AS bad of a look.
What I find even more ridiculous is how this route can basically be interpretated as Claude thinking Fodlan isn't "Almyran" enough, so he will tear down Fodlan and its "oudated" customs like chivalry and whatever "be nice to each other" Rhea preaches to make way for more "bringing souvenirs" tours or rampages.
And the fact Lorenz plays for laughs the "tut-tut Nader, we've said no pillaging, right?" when Holst and House Goneril, who had been fighting against Almyrans for centuries can't even add some "and you really want us to side with people like them??", to make some of their prejudice be based on "real" actions, is even more insulting.
What is even the story they wanted to tell here? Rhea is evil because Almyrans are barbarians and Faerghus people are just trying to protect their lands?
That’s right guys. Margrave Gautier died defending his king, his country, his home, and most importantly one of his fucking best friends from an asshole invader. But it’s CULTURE’S fault he died.
How dare he protect his friend, his son and his people??? TFW Faerghus culture is so backwards, Claude must bring them civilisatio
As a sidenote, as stupid as this scene was, I thought it was a nice throwback at CF!Claude, who cannot understand why Hilda died to protect him, instead of running away like he told her to.
In CF though, he is obviously touched and mourns her death, not giving his pseudo-Caellach lines.
I’m really confused what the hell Claude thinks he’s doing. Does he REALLY think killing Rhea will magically allow people to live as they please? Didn’t he grow up in another country where they had princes and shit and NO Rhea?? All he’s doing is making Edelgard’s take over easier.
Rhea BaD.
That's all you need to know.
If people die, it's because of her, if people are asses, it's because of her, if nobility exist, it's because of the Church (this take is sponsorised by FEH's B!Lysithea!), if crops don't grow, it's because of her, if I forgot the pie in the over, it's also because of Rhea.
What’s his plan? Kill everyone in Faerghus - profit - “freedom” from Rhea - Edelgard takes over - no profit???
No RL comparisons, but invading a place to get rid of their "backwards" culture, and free them from their "religion" really brings back nasty vibes...
I’m convinced someone who’s a major Edelgard stan wrote the larger plot of this, but then a Dimitri stan wrote the actual dialogue
Since Billy's dead you won't be able to witness the ultimate Dimitri fuckery - but I believe the writers were definitely not Dimitri stans, if they were, they took a break during a certain chapter.
We really go from one moment Claude being like - it’s Rhea’s fault Gautier died bc Kingdom culture bad because church bad to Sylvain being like, naw, he died defending his friends.
Tumblr media
Claude is poor man's Caellach! At least Caellach had style!
At the very least, I’ll give Hopes credit here. At least they didn’t write anyone opposing Edelgard as either evil or like they’re idiots for resisting invasion, but I almost feel like they made the Kingdom especially too sympathetic which makes Edelgard look more interesting (since SB is more honest than CF) and Claude just look like a bozo. Rhea just doesn’t look like anything since she’s not even here.
The Lolcalisation lolcalised a bit, but Rhea will be hit with some weird lines coming from her, which might be on par with the Firdhiad BBQ at the end of CF. It's not as gruesome though, and could be explained by the fact she's fucking pissed but...
Though, I REALLY wish Claude didn’t side with us in AG. 
Seeing the Kingdom wreck everyone in AG would have been a nice catharsis after playing this route and Supreme Bullshit, but this game instead prefers to make everyone side against a common enemy, so you can keep the "uwu feels" about the three lords working together...
Golden Wildfire Ch 11
On we go to ch 11. Things are . . . uh . . . interesting.
So if you didn't see ch 10, I failed to recruit Byleth. I retried the level a few time, but honestly I just want to finish this game so I didn't bother.
Plus, the reason I failed was that Claude just sat there instead of moving forward on the escort mission, which got really frustrating, and honestly I didn't want to bother.
Ugh, I don't want to fight the Kingdom.
So those Houses that wanted to defect to the Kingdom didn't because Claude's battle was that bloody in that fire map.
Poor Dimitri and co seems like he's just betting bullied for no real reason by two imperialistic maniacs.
I love how Arval is getting snooty over Shez getting credit for their tactics lamo.
Man, this dialogue is dragging.
So Nadar is going to cause diplomatic chaos by utilizing the Almyran army without getting real permission.
Wait, Claude riled up Sreng? So much for "ending racism" lamo. Wasn't having two cultures not be prejudice against each other like his MO? The writers really just threw him in the trash, hunh.
I feel so bad for Claude fans. He's really a piece of work in this.
Everyone missing Judith has a lot more punch than Randolph. Even Monica was like "get over it" to Fleche (but nicely).
So, let me make sure I have this right. Mr. I Want to End Prejudice Between Cultures just provoked Sreng into attacking the Kingdom so Edelgard can take it over because Rhea is the reason for everything bad. Did I get that right?
Unlike SB, GW is entertaining as hell, but man is the logic here is just non-existant. And poor Claude RIP.
Like, I know I'm biased and all, but I don't see how you're supposed to be the heroes and not Dimitri here. The people just defending themselves are getting attacked on all 3 fronts for the crime of *existing.*
Not going to lie. I kinda wish Claude didn't side with you in AG either. It would've been hype to kick everyone's ass as Dimitri after getting cornered by all these land-grabbers.
GW!Claude is really just the mean girl's sidekick. 😂
If Felix and Rodrigue die in this chapter I swear to God . . . (I just remembered Rodrigue is dead in SB now 😭 - LET THIS MAN SURVIVE).
I had to fight Felix in a side mission. Lysithea said they had to "defend this place" - like, girl, you are invading.
When the challenge is "you can't dodge" but you're using Lorenz 😌👌 (FYI, he just does not take damage in this game)
They're talking about how Hilda exerted energy in a battle because she worried about Shez.
Hilda claims it's just self-defense bc she was cheering for Shez on the front lines and enemies were there (honestly, this is pretty boring so far)
It's the same-old Hilda claiming she's weak but that not being true.
I know she's an Empire character, but whatever.
She wants to create new magics to restore her noble house and wants to research Shez bc of their weird magic
Lamo, Constance low-key called us dumb
Shez suggests she get her house back through military accomplishments.
Constance refuses to train right now, she wants to at night (it's her dual personality thing, right?)
Their first one. Claude's unhappy Lysithea charged in the last battle. But Lysithea kicked ass, so she's upset with Claude.
Claude calls her plan dumb and that he thought Lysithea was smarter than that. Lysithea still argues it ended earlier bc of her.
Lysithea doesn't back down.
Honestly, I side with her here. Claude's being patronizing. And it's rich of him not to care about all the other deaths dragging out the battle would cause and only Lysithea dying because she's *important*
Oof, this one hurts. Claude accuses the church of creating all the systems to serve their own interests, because he doesn't know the truth here. That the Empire actually created most of it, and that all the church ever did was protect a genocided race from being murdered by more power-hungry humans.
It's also hysterical to hear Claude talk about wanting to improve foreign relations while instigating a war between two cultures.
Oof, Holst doesn't care about any of this. He's only worried Claude's going to send Hilda to marry a big, brown, scary foreigner. NOT a good look.
Holst says he cares more about Hilda's future than the whole Alliance. Yikes.
They're preparing a feast.
Oh, it's nice to see Hilda's insecurities about Holst's "perfection" come up in this, bc so far she hadn't said much.
After that last support though, Holst is actually a pretty shitty leader.
Holst wants to make the feast all about Hilda instead of himself though. Hilda likes the attention.
Hilda basically had to set up her own feast lol.
Hilda's cleaning, and Linhardt's honestly upset that he's lost a fellow lazy person.
Hilda claims she never pushes work on people. That, is a lie.
Linhardt is mostly worried how bad it'll look if he's the only one not working instead one of two.
All this support confirms that Linhardt is by far the superior lazy.
Their only support.
So, not related to their support (and watch it counter it), but I find it pretty amusing how getting a leadership position faster matured Felix and Sylvain, but Lorenz is still a bit of a joke and the butt-end of every support he's in.
He's just bragging about how awesome his position and power is.
Lysithea says she's not inheriting her house. She claims it's because she doesn't like what comes with nobility, but we all know why.
She worried that the land will go to chaos without it's leaders though. Lorenz offers help (which, imo, he's actually mature here!)
Lorenz suspects she's turning it down for another reason and encourages her to rely on others to help.
Raphael keeps snapping bows in half when he uses them. Leonie's shocked.
Leonie seems to actually make one and invites Raphael to test it while on guard duty with her.
Marianne found his picture. He puts it down, but she likes it (it's a horse, well a pegasus, but of course)
Ignatz gets carried away talking about it, but Marianne finds it cute.
Ignatz finds Marianne loving pegasus cute. She blushes.
He wants Marianne's help, helping him paint a pegasus bc they don't like men, but if Marianne is around he can get closer and get a better painting. She's happy to help.
Honestly, this whole support is really cute.
It sucks having to attack the Kingdom over and over again when all they want to do is exist in peace.
Oh, joy, Nadar wants to plunder Faerghus. I can see why Fodlan is so evil for not wanting to let them do what they will.
GW really had a chance here to finally do something interesting with Almyra. It even marketed itself as a route that WOULD. But instead it's just doubled-down on Almyra being a one-note lawless place full of barbarians. At least we have Brigid and Duscur so the only brown country isn't some racist stereotype. Since it's only 1 of 3, it's not AS bad of a look.
Fuck. I don't want to kill Felix and Rodrigue. It would be one thing if the Kingdom actually provoked this, but Felix and Rodrigue haven't done anything to deserve this.
I get to recruit Ashe again. Is he miserable here too?
Ugh, I was hoping Felix and Rodrigue weren't here. It seems vastly unfair that it's only Kingdom characters who die for reel in this.
Wow. Claude's really an A-class asshole. He told Ashe to surrender because Dimitri wouldn't want him to die. Maybe don't invade for no reason then?
Is Claude also going to single Felix out as a citizen of Faerghus who deserves to live? Or does only Ashe count and not the nobles and unnamed grunts he's slaughtering because he decided to team up with the person who plans on taking over his rule? (not hate to Ashe at all, I honestly feel awful for him in this game)
Ok, so fighting Felix is just a side quest. I'd rather fail a side quest than fight Felix so, going to try to avoid having to kill him. Ugh, he's attacking the engineers. And he's damn right saying he has every right to kill the people who are invading his home.
Thank God, he just retreated.
I still love how Claude got bent out of shape over Ashe, but Lorenz alone has killed 500 citizens of Faerghus this chapter so . . .
Felix is so worried about Rodrigue. I swear the writers wanted you to feel like shit playing this route.
Oh, fuck. Just when I thought I was finished killing people for defending themselves, Daddy Gautier shows up :( He's sacrificing himself to safe Felix and Rodrigue, isn't he?
Oh, fuck. He died for real 😭
It's really hard to like these characters, making mindless chit-chat after killing Sylvain's daddy. I hope Sylvain fucks them up a new one.
I've never wanted to slap a character more than I'd love to slap Claude right now. The moron has the audacity to be surprised people are going to die while he's invading a foreign country. What a fucking stupid moron.
He's also blaming - get this right - chivalry.
I'm like. I'm speechless right now.
That's right guys. Margrave Gautier died defending his king, his country, his home, and most importantly one of his fucking best friends from an asshole invader. But it's CULTURE'S fault he died.
I'm really confused what the hell Claude thinks he's doing. Does he REALLY think killing Rhea will magically allow people to live as they please? Didn't he grow up in another country where they had princes and shit and NO Rhea?? All he's doing is making Edelgard's take over easier.
This is starting to feel like a borderline spoof. Look at us end the war by invading another nation!!! I mean???
What's his plan? Kill everyone in Faerghus - profit - "freedom" from Rhea - Edelgard takes over - no profit???
The writing in this route has gotten really fucking stupid. Like, I LIKE the idea of evil!Claude. Either a Claude who wants to take over all of Fodlan or one who's ruthless and will do anything to preserve Leicester.
But what I don't like is really fucking dumb Claude, which is what GW's devolved into.
Oh, God, now we get a flashback between father and son. Sylvain and Gautier :(
Sylvain better not be fucking recruitable in this route.
Now Sylvain's in charge 😭😭😭😭
I'm convinced someone who's a major Edelgard stan wrote the larger plot of this, but then a Dimitri stan wrote the actual dialogue 😅
We really go from one moment Claude being like - it's Rhea's fault Gautier died bc Kingdom culture bad because church bad to Sylvain being like, naw, he died defending his friends.
At the very least, I'll give Hopes credit here. At least they didn't write anyone opposing Edelgard as either evil or like they're idiots for resisting invasion, but I almost feel like they made the Kingdom especially too sympathetic which makes Edelgard look more interesting (since SB is more honest than CF) and Claude just look like a bozo. Rhea just doesn't look like anything since she's not even here.
Though, I REALLY wish Claude didn't side with us in AG. I really wish we got to see Faerghus backed into a corner and kick everyone's asses. They've very much the underdog and watching them do that would've been awesome.
Felix and Rodrigue are beating themselves up over this.
See, this is what I mean - Sylvain just said he's reserving all his hatred for the foreign invaders who take everything for no reason - I really feel like a Dimitri fan saw how everyone collectively decided to take a dump on the Kingdom in the big plot and got revenge by making everyone look like villains (or morons in Claude's case) for doing so in the writing.
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theeeveetamer · 4 years ago
For the FE3H game, I want to know 15 so I can read it once I'm done!
15) If you are an artist or writer, are you currently working on any new FE3H content (art or fanfic)?  If so, will you share a sneak preview?
Oh my gosh tons of stuff actually. I’m not gonna post any snippets because I’m typing this on the wrong device for that but I’ll give a break down of some of the fics I’ve got brewing!
So just in terms of currently published WIPs I’m close to publishing the next chapter of Unwanted (my Sylvix omegaverse pregnancy drama) and my Dimidue Big Bang fic. I won’t post previews of those cuz they’re close to being done and posted 👀
In terms of long term multi-chaptered works I’m currently in the process of editing some hardcore Modern AU Dimitri whump and Dimidue slow burn. It is not for the faint of heart. I also have a Sylvix canon universe fic in which Dimitri and Felix spend the time skip as prisoners of war. Also not for the faint of heart.
For oneshots I don’t have anything I’ve got to the point where I could publish a WIP snippet, but I’d like to get something sexy done. Maybe with werewolf Dedue and lil blue riding hood Dimitri 👀 It’s gonna be for Halloween, I’m planning something for around that time.
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archer3-13 · 3 years ago
#FodlanAppreciationHour - Teh Music
In the interest of @fireemblems24 idea, i figure id jump in with what i find most appreciable about the fodlan series: it has some really nice orchestration for its smaller themes. the little event themes that tend to get glossed over in any game essentially, which are well composed and generally fit the mood of the moment the games want you to feel in those moments.
Personally i especially like the nabateans and agarthans motifs which clash nicely giving each distinctively different edges that highlight aspects of their factions [nabatean motifs are calming, soothing, mystical, choiric and natural. agarthan motifs are cold, sinister, looming, technological]
another common motif is the utilization of the edge of dawn/lady of hvreslig theme which tend to have a chorus or so in a lot of the games event songs.
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Thank you user fireemblems24 for reminding me of this brain child. I haven't written a complete piece in /so/ fucking long, so I may just write a silly one shot inspired by a scene in Anastasia to flex my writing fingers.
Dimiclaude Anastasia AU. Claude trying to milk the royal family for money by handing them the pretty blonde man but, uh oh! He's found the lost prince of Faerghus
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teaveetamer · 4 years ago
Ok I said like two weeks ago that I was gonna put together a spoiler tagged doc relating to this post
Then I finished it all in one night because it really didn’t take that long, set it aside for further proof reading, and completely forgot about it lmao.
So here it is
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fireemblems24 · 1 year ago
Hi I have been really enjoying your playthrough of 3 hopes and reading the chapters but u have been having a bit of trouble finding the earlier ones and I was wondering if you had a list or any tips on finding them more easier.
I am sorry about being a pain
You're not being a pain! It makes me happy to know people are actually reading this stuff.
Unlike with Houses, I started with better tagging from the start this time. You'll have to work backwards, but these tags/links should work.
So, I tried to post links and it just went to the blog.
Editing this URL should work (just take out the spaces)
fireemblems24.tumblr.com / tagged / azure %20 gleam
fireemblems24.tumblr.com / tagged / scarlet %20 blaze
fireemblems24.tumblr.com / tagged / golden %20 wildfire
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werewen · 4 years ago
FE3H War Crimes :) (including crimes against peace and crimes against humanity)
1. As child soldiers and wilful killing are a staple of the franchise I will not hold that against any of them
2. The using of the fire trap at Garreg Mach by Claude, Seteth, and Gustav does not count as a war crime as the area where it is used has been uninhabited by civilians for five years
3. As Dimitri never learns the truth about the Heroes Relics in game, he will not be tried with Abuse of Corpse
4. Dimitri is also acquitted of using crest beasts as this was done without his knowledge or consent
5. Dimitri almost commits the war crime of “torture of POW” but is stopped before doing so, but he was willing so that’s 1/2
6. Dimitri may have also killed civilians as he stated that he killed “government officials”, but it is unclear whether or not they also had combat training and the situation it had happened (if it was during his escape of execution then it can be considered self defense)
1. Starting the war (planning, preparation, or waging a war of aggression)
2. Invading the Alliance (the deliberate attacks on property of neutral states)
3. Using Aymr despite saying she knows where it comes from (abuse of corpse)
4. The imprisonment of Rhea (the mistreatment of prisoners of war)
5. The imprisonment of Rhea (the taking of hostages)
6. Forced conscription or death (the mistreatment of civilians, civilian labourers forced to support war effort/slave labor)
7. Turning people into crest beasts (biological warfare experiments on humans)
8. Using crest beasts (the use of chemical and biological weapons in warfare)
9. Wanting the Nabateans dead (genocide)
10. Keeping the citizens in Enbarr during a battle (the use of human shields)
11. Petra is a political hostage and possible enemy (Compelling a prisoner of war or other protected person to serve in the forces of a hostile Power)
12. Attacking the monastery (intentionally launching an attack in the knowledge that such attack will cause incidental loss of life or injury to civilians or damage to civilian objects)
13. Attacking the monastery (intentionally directing attacks against buildings dedicated to religion, education, art, science, for charitable purposes, historic monuments, or hospitals)
14. Gathering soldiers disguised as merchants and pilgrims at the monastery for infiltration (the feigning, before an attack, of non-combatant status)
1. Using Failnaught despite knowing where it comes from (abuse of corpse)
2. Dressing up as Imperial soldiers (making improper use of the military insignia and military uniform of the enemy)
1. Setting Fhirdiad on fire (extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly)
1. Almost torturing Randolph (torture of a prisoner of war)
2. May have killed civilians referred to as “government officials”, but it is unclear whether or not they also had combat training and the situation it had happened (if it was during his escape of execution then it can be considered self defense)
War Crime Total
Edelgard: 14
Claude: 2
Rhea: 1
Dimitri: 1 (1/2 for a maybe war crime, 1/2 for an almost war crime)
If you think I missed any or would like evidence to support any of the claims feel free to message me about it :).
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fireemblems24 · 2 years ago
Hello! I read your analysis from your 3H 4 route simultaneous playthrough. There are a couple scenes that I wish I'd read your reaction to (like Dedue returning in chapter 16 of AM), but I'm guessing you didn't do a full review of every chapter? Sometimes it's hard to find your tags for those playthrough. Anyway, I loved reading your thoughts on every route and respect you a lot for trying to play the game that way. Without NG+, playing 4 new routes simultaneously sounds painful at times.
I didn't, sorry. I only started that later on. Sorry about the tags too. I was really unorganized when I started this.
I found my Ch 16 reactions though. It's a lot of crying emoji lamo. AM is at the end. https://fireemblems24.tumblr.com/post/647760424036712448/chapter-16-battle-post-battle
And here's a link to an archive if you're very bored. https://fireemblems24.tumblr.com/archive
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agoddamn · 4 years ago
@fireemblems24 just so you know, the Japanese fandom also has nicknames for the Bernie BBQ.
In no particular order, my slang favorites:
とある戦場におけるイベントやギミック、またはそれに関連するベルナデッタの扱いのこと。 全くの余談だが、ベルナデッタは肉を焼いた料理は苦手である。
“Belfire”/”Bernfire”/Bernieyaki: the Bernadetta BBQ
本編や外伝の戦闘に登場するNPCが死なないよう(あるいは下手に動いて戦況を不利にしないよう)、プレイヤー側が工夫を凝らすこと。ルナティックで倒れやすくなったギルベルトや、結局殺されるのにソロンや魔獣相手に突撃を仕掛けるジェラルト、ノーマルでも物理防御が高くなく「オーラ」装備で攻速が大幅に下がるロドリグなど中高年に対して用いられることが多い。 他にもゲルズ公やジュディットといった、守らないと敗北する友軍ユニットは何人かいるが、その2名に関してはかなり持ち堪えてくれるのであまり介護とは呼ばれない。
“Long-term care”, or “care for the elderly”, or “nursing home routine”: the practice of keeping NPCs that suck alive. Gilbert, Jeralt, and Rodrigue are the biggest pains in the ass to keep alive, thus the name.
兵種をドラゴンナイトやドラゴンマスターにする育成方針のことを指す。おそらく、パルミラが竜騎士の国であり、本編で登場するパルミラ出身のキャラクター達が揃ってドラゴンに乗ることからの呼称。 今作において飛行兵は成長面や能力面で優遇されているほか、ドラゴンナイトを経由する過程で転職する斧兵種の戦士やブリガンドで力+2や鬼神の一撃などの火力強化スキルを習得できるので力不足になりにくい、 DナイトやDマスターは(技能さえ鍛えられるのであれば)男女問わず誰でもなれるといった様々な利点があり、今作で育成方針に困ったらドラゴンに乗せればOKといっても��言ではない。 ただし、飛行ユニットであるがゆえに、特に1周目では騎士団の取り合いになるのは避けられない。ドラゴンに限った話ではないが、ご利用は計画的に。
Almyra Boot Camp: making everyone a Wyvern Lord because it’s the best class.   
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fantasyinvader · 4 years ago
Since @teaveetamer already posted their document on the game, I figured I’m going to go ahead as well since I promised you I’d do this. Part of it is me being impatient and just want to get writing this over with, I’ll admit, but it’s better than something I scribble at the last minute.
Okay, let’s start off with something simple. The route split. There is a meaning behind this you might not be aware of. See, Byleth’s personal class isn’t the Enlightened One in the original text. It’s Nirvana.  While it does take some cues from Hindu tradition, namely fusing with the Creator God...dess, in Three Houses it’s tied to a more Buddhist outlook. Namely, the duality between enlightenment and ignorance.
Let me explain. In Buddhist tradition, when he was attempting to reach Nirvana, a being called Mara tried to tempt Buddha away from that using his daughters. In their mythology, Mara represents spiritual death and among other things making bad things look good. However, the story goes that Buddha did not fall for the trap and in order to celebrate this a flag is used as the symbol. This is known as the Banner of Victory.
In Silver Snow, Byleth is presented with a flag. Not only does this flag appear as the route’s save icon, it’s also confirmed to be the game’s Fire Emblem. In addition, the developers have also said that the worldbuilding of Three Houses was done to support Silver Snow. Silver Snow is supposed to represent truth.
But what does that mean for Crimson Flower? It’s meant to be this path of temptation. Even the Japanese name for the route reflects this, as Safflowers don’t represent love like the red rose mentioned in the opening theme but rather attraction. Attraction and used in bouquets to say “I’m trying to attract you.” Even in the game itself, the choices that unlock CF are presented as changing the story.
What’s more, there’s implications.After joining Edelgard’s army, a NPC will talk about how he doesn’t think he should believe everything she says. This is way after Kostas dying, saying he should never have listened to her. There’s another NPC who, in the Japanese, heavily implies Edelgard is using propaganda to try and sway the unsupportive public to her side. We have the aftermath of Arianrhod, with her lying to the Black Eagles. Hell, the full version of the game’s theme song reveals she lied to Byleth during the events of White Clouds. Likewise, there’s a lot of little tidbits hidden in the route that imply it is far less heroic than it initially appears. Stuff like how Edelgard is starving her people to wage this war, how she abandoned the war she started for five years to search for Byleth, how she’s still using Crest Beasts, the fact the troops you liberated at Brigid were Imperial troops rather than Brigid militia like in the other routes (and notice how Catherine says “we just asked Brigid to not support the Empire” in contrast to Petra saying they’re forcing Brigid to join them? Other routes reveal that Brigid would join Rhea in a heartbeat if Petra wasn’t under Edelgard’s control), all optional but they’re there. Just like how her route has endings that contradict each other all over the place, talking about giving the people liberty while Hubert’s imply it’s a police state killing those who don’t accept their new overlord. Or how the Church is still around post-war, just under Edelgard’s control. Or how Byleth’s solo ending makes it still sound like they can use the Sword of the Creator, while the Jeritza ending shows them using the Sword of Seiros. Various bits of information floating around the game also debunk her narrative, if you know where to look. Crests and the Church don’t have as much power as she makes them out to, the Empire was founded on meritocracy but those in charge used their power to oppress the masses, and the Empire’s split with the Church happened because the Southern Church rebelled against their leadership and was crushed by the emperor at the time.
There’s so much evidence that things are changing in Fodlan, with new power structures and attempted reforms, while the Japanese text makes it clear Edelgard wants to put things back to how they used to be. She’s not a reformer, she seeking restoration of the Empire.
Even Byleth’s romance with Edelgard is suspect in the Japanese text. Ferdinand and Hubert’s paired ending makes it clear that Edelgard is jealous of how close they are, while her supports with Byleth flat out say Byleth has become more distant (and likely undoing their development during White Clouds). In addition, Japanese Hubert and Byleth’s support ends with Hubert saying they can be two particular birds flying alongside the eagle that is Edelgard. This bird is from Chinese mythology, representing eternal love...and bringing death, destruction and misery. It has very negative implications, hence why using the mandarin duck is seen as more appropriate since it also means love without any of the other stuff.
CF is the path of ignorance. Hell, the Japanese script says as much when Dimitri calls you out on walking the path of the beast. Nirvana is meant to be extinguishing the flames of hatred, greed and ignorance within yourself, while the path of the beast is one of hatred, greed and ignorance. CF is the antithesis of what Byleth’s story is supposed to be, hence why they lose their powers in it’s ending and aren’t a leader in Fodlan despite having proven themselves capable of the task. Instead, various endings show Edelgard restoring the nobility, albeit with far more control over them. Hell, the Japanese script uses the words conquest a lot more than the English one, the devs even referring to it as such while Silver Snow is the Empire Route and that part of the meaning behind CF is simply getting rid of those who stand in your way. Nothing about liberty or humanity, just Edelgard taking all power for herself.
Or in other words, she’s the hegemon that’s referred to in Byleth’s CF title. This was actually confirmed to be a reference to China’s Mandate of Heaven, and is meant to stand in contrast to Azure Moon. The gist is that unlike the Divine Right of Kings, where a leader has a right to rule given to them by God and everyone else can just suck it up, the Mandate treats their rule as a privilege. If you’re a cruel leader, corrupt,you put yourself ahead of your subjects, or just simply an oppressive tyrant, then you’re walking the path of the Hegemon. The Heavens will then give signs to the people, telling them they need to overthrow you and install a new leader. That’s what Edelgard is supposed to represent, and her route has confirmed rebellions against her. Ironically, her portrait at the end of CF is based off of Napoleon’s coronation portrait, which was meant to emphasize his own divine right to rule. That hand staff is supposed to represent being given God’s approval to rule, it’s call the Staff of Justice...except what we see in the game is inverted from the real thing.
Meanwhile, Dimitri’s path is that of the Righteous Kings. He’s a benevolent leader, one who puts the people first, giving them power and by overthrowing Edelgard he enacted justice. Dimitri at the end of AM and during CF is meant to be the good king, while Edelgard is always the tyrant. Hell, the terms for these in Japanese are used as expressions. Hegemon has very negative implications, like a power-tripping middle manager, while Righteous King has positive ones and can even be used to say a particular way of doing things is the proper way to do things.
Also worth noting that Azure Moon is the only route where you can pretty much save everyone sans Edelgard, Hubert and Jeritza. It seems to be the route that most emphasizes compassion over learning the full truth (hence, it doesn’t feature the flag like SS/VW).
Hell, the same final boss theme plays at the end of CF and AM. It’s Edelgard’s theme, using her own musical cues and stuff. Rhea might be the final boss of CF, but the music makes Edelgard the bad guy. Likewise, there’s many cues in the game linking Rhea with light/dawn and Edelgard with shadows/darkness, even Rhea’s lilies represent purity compared to Edelgard’s safflower.
Claude also has light based symbolism, and the devs confirmed he’s a good guy. He’s supposed to be Fodlan’s new guiding light after Rhea dies and the collapse of Fodlan’s institutions. In essence, he’s a direct contrast to Edelgard. While Edelgard thinks she knows everything and won’t change her mind, Claude learns the real truth and his views change with the route (mostly implied due to his supports). Claude reveals said truth, while Edelgard will keep pushing lies that suit her. The endings were Edelgard loyalists and TWSITD rise up to try and retake Fodlan are less hidden than the rebellions against Edelgard. Claude treats Byleth as an equal, whereas Edelgard pulls rank and says she can only see them as an equal when they propose. Claude doesn’t fall for attempts by TWSITD to turn him against the Church in VW, which creates the impression that they were the ones responsible for turning Edelgard against Rhea for simply being not human.
Claude is legit, especially considering the fraud that is Edelgard. You can’t save everyone as Claude, since the story prioritizes the truth (with SS being in the middle) but there’s a case to be made that it’s meant to be Claude’s path to his own form of enlightenment so he can be your true equal and partner.
So, that’s kinda it. Each of the three main routes are meant to contrast CF in some way. AM is more focused on compassion and saving Dimitri from himself, at the cost of learning the full truth. VW pushes the truth more, but you’re not able to save those you could in other routes. SS is somewhere in the middle, where you can save everyone you take into your class, Rhea if you have supports with her, and Dedue if you can keep him alive. The language the devs used makes them all out to be hero routes, whereas CF is the villain route once you dig under the surface. It’s the route of lies, it leads to tyranny, it lacks sincere compassion, but it doesn’t tell you that because you’re meant to be ignorant because you decided to join her. You put Edelgard ahead of the good of Fodlan, leaving it in darkness while she talks about being it’s light.
The main thrust of the game is SS vs. CF, but VW and AM serve to further illustrate why CF is the wrong way of doing things.
The devs took it a step further in the Nintendo Dream interview. Take all of what I just said, and consider the fact they wanted the players to immerse themselves in Fodlan. They want people to see all the evidence against Edelgard, hence why fighting her = Enlightenment. BUT they also talked about wanting to play a trick on players, and when people complained about how hard it was to “walk with Edelgard” during testing they made it easier to access CF. CF is the trick my friend, it’s the player thinking they’re the good guy when in reality they’re playing the game’s villain route.
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teaveetamer · 4 years ago
I can already taste the salt that the Flame Emperor reveal post by fireemblems24 will cause.
Can’t wait to see the extent of it in a few hours. Oh my god though they’re only on Chapter 12 right? We have ten more chapters worth of this to sit through?
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bloomandcoffee · 4 years ago
@fireemblems24 this image IS a bit spoilery, but:
I just saw that reply, and here I bring up the thesis about Dimitri being a CLAMP character.
Tumblr media
so two blond haired blue eyed princes with a black, white and blue color scheme, a magic stick, an eye patch, and a metric ton of trauma hidden behind a carefully crafted facade who were betrayed by their family and forced to flee their snow-themed kingdom walk into a bar…
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randomnameless · 1 year ago
I swear this chapter alone made me reconsider Supreme Bullshit, especially that ending !
Sadly we will never know what Varley was preaching that made Rhea so upset that she sent assassins to rekt him.
To Agarthans, basically, everyone who isn't them is a "beast".
Yep, Supreme Leader already tried to team up with the evil lizard illuminati to rekt them, but she stabbed them in the back before making sure the Agarthans were defeated. Now she thinks both are blights on this world and puts them on the same priority level, when Rhea knows who's the biggest threat to the world.
In a way, the Deers not giving fucks about Claude is oddly satisfying, given how he had his them ally with the Empire only to attack then all afterwards. Forget Acheron, Nopes Claude is the biggest weatherwane of Fodlan lol
Ah, the Bergliez paralogue.
Note how Leopold (Bergliez Sr) gifts those gauntlets to Caspar because of his achievements and as a reward, so fitting with Supreme Leader's meritocraty, Caspar got them bcs he is the best at fighting...
But then Leopold says those gauntlets were in his family for generations... And they go to one of his sons lol. It feels like a heirloom being passed down to a heir, and funny how Barney can be jealous because, hey, they're most likely the reason why the war goes so well, but since they're not from Bergliez's brood, they won't get anything :)
Hereditary Meritocracy for everyone !
Did you knew you can use Shamir to kill Cyril and Catherine ?
She seems to scold Cyril for fighting while wounded (but she won't pull a Jeritza, of course !) and given her recruitment, she has nothing meanigful to say to Catherine...
As for Rhea...
This scene is basically perfect, bcs it ended years of discourse as in Rhea knows Thales'n'co are the biggest threat to Fodlan and she has her priorities straight, unlike a certain someone, even if it means death, Rhea will take them down, which made Supreme Leader's betrayal earlier on this route completely nonsensical, if her goal was really to get rid of the Agarthans, the Church would have helped her all the way-but she had to MAGA and turn against the evil lizard illuminati.
Also, I really liked how Barney, in that moment, tried to help Rhea and turned against Thales- maybe because even they, as a random soldier treated as they are in SB - realised who was the biggest threat ? In a nutshell, this route completely shits on Fe16's Supreme Leader as everyone realises Agarthans shouldn't be allied with, worse, should be rektd first.
I'm pretty sure Claude died when he turned against you another reason why this route is the second best lol and yep, the writing ends here to have a smokescreen of an ending where no one dies (If you recruited Billy) and it's kept unconclusive to make sure the players won't feel bad for achieving an ending without Billy.
It's stupid reasoning, but then, this game has strange writing.
And yet this one of the best endings for Rhea, unironically, because even if she dies, she steals the show by taking Thales out IN AN EXPLOSION AS THEY BOTH FADE AWAY IN BLINDING LIGHT
It's so Shonen from the 90s how can you not like it ???
Yes, humanity is fucked but lbr, much like Jugdral, Fodlan's humans are hopeless
Bar some barbarians in the North ?
Scarlet Blaze Ch 15 (Final)
Last one, everyone! After this, I finally get to play Spiritfarer which I got on . . . Christmas 2022.
Last chapter. Finally. Killing so many people in this route is really awful. Especially since you just . . . don't in the other two.
I think the last chapter will take place at the monastery.
Oh, great, does this mean I have to protect Bernie's dad in this route? I hope Rhea kills him, like gets this badass cut scene where she cuts him down for perverting her faith by using it as a propaganda tool.
So TWSITD showed up and is attacking Rhea and the Empire.
They're mostly after the "beasts" (aka Nabateans? Or humans?)
I wish this meant that we teamed up with Rhea, but we know Edelgard would team up with TWSITD first.
Catherine and Rhea got a cool moment together though.
Yep, we have to protect Count Varley, gross.
No side battles! This final chapter will be super quick, which is nice.
I'm VERY curious what the Golden Deer students say after Claude's moment last chapter lamo.
And if any Lions mention Sylvain :((((
OMG, Ignatz is savage. He only cares about painting the battle. No mention of Claude.
Yuri wishes he could kill Varley instead of save him. Good for him. He really feels more suited for AG/AM/SS/VW than SB/CF/GW.
Well, at least Mercedes mentioned Sylvain. And Ingrid and Annette. Saying they died for what they believed in and admires them for it, since she could never.
Poor Ashe is having a crisis. Still had no idea wtf he's doing in the Empire's war camp. Honestly, this game made him so much more interesting.
Linhardt also has no fucking clue why he's here. I swear he does nothing but complain every map (in a funny way) and wish he was doing literally anything else.
Lorenz is more concerned about his future bc of Claude than worried about him. Man, guy really has no one loyal to him lol.
I swear I did a much better job getting supports in GW and AG.
Caspar has a bunch of books, and Dorothea's horrified by the idea that he'll use them in training.
Caspar plans to read them. Dorothea teases him. Apparently Lin made similar comments.
Dorothea makes him promise not to hurt the books. A woman after my own heart.
Caspar's like, did you know my dad reads! Dorothea's like, yeah . . . how do you think he got his role if he didn't.
Dorothea tells a story about an unlearned commander who studied strategy in books and improved to become legendary.
The only stupid part of this is thinking you can read and understand complicated books in 5 days and become an expect in 5 days. For once, Caspar was the smart one being like, uh, I need more time.
This support is SB locked, but neither characters are Eagles. It may be the only support like that in the game. But, hey, new Mercie content, I'll take it!
Mercedes comes across Lysithea in the kitchen, trying and failing to cook.
The fruits she wanted to use are moldy though. Lysithea has an idea to use something else for the fruit - a sugar syrup.
Lysithea has dedicated her time to learning how to cook because of how good Mercedes' cooking was, so she credits Mercie for the sugar syrup, which she learned because of that.
Baking also helped Lysithea learn the importance of taking breaks.
Mercie calls her a wizened old grandma, lol.
They arrange a tea party.
It starts with Linhardt saying they haven't learned anything about Shez's powers. I wonder how funny this sounds if you get it after the special chapters.
Linhardt says it's find because the war is almost over, so there's less need and chance for the powers to go out of control.
Shez pretty consistently wants to continue working as a mercenary after the battle.
He also seems to have no desire to stay in Enbarr lol.
Linhardt wants Shez as a personal bodyguard. Honestly, not a bad choice.
Then Linhardt says something like "spending the rest of my life with some random bodyguard" and then makes an excuse to leave. so he wants to stick with Shez for life. It's kind of sweet.
Their only support
Edelgard comes across Petra praying to Bigid gods. In Brigid they pray in nature rather than in churches in Fodlan.
Edelgard asks Petra why she's risking her life in the war because it's bad for Brigid.
So Brigid will only be freed if Petra remains alive.
To be fair, it's because she doesn't know the new leader. Still feels a bit icky for Petra.
Edelgard warns about "tricks" the enemy will use. She really has a beef with anyone using tactics.
Petra just says she's happy to fight and can't run while everyone else remains and fights.
Edelgard says she can't back out, which true, but she could've just not started one. But that's in the past I guess.
Overall, came across better than the Houses one where Petra didn't seem like an equal.
My plan is to have Edelgard and Shez make the other two adjuncts and see if I can't beat the paralogue that way.
It's about TWSITD, which isn't surprising given that character list.
God, I've made SB Shez so fucking stupid. Never understanding anything. It's so funny.
So is this about Cornelia? They found one of her old hideouts.
I had Shez shrug about joining. Hapi got offended.
They're talking about Hubert. I wish he was here. He's my best unit.
I wish Cornelia showed up. She's so fun, but sadly she did not.
They didn't find anything. Hapi was mostly chill about it. Edelgard and Lysithea were more bothered.
Shez could show concern or change the subject. Obviously I made him change the subject since SB!Shez is not intelligent.
Like the last time, I just plan to adjunct Caspar and let Shez and Linhardt do all the work.
They're arguing if Caspar saw a ghost or not. Linhardt remains unconvinced.
Lamo, their dads showed up and Linhardt's dad called him a "fountain of positivity" when he brought up their could die any day.
Linhardt is also upset that he has to help.
We're hunting down Empire people who've turned against Edelgard.
I had Shez not want to go lol.
The main battle changed to defeating their dads. I don't think I'm supposed to take this paralogue seriously.
Linhardt had no fun.
Bergliez gave Caspar some gaunlets, and I could either be happy for him or jealous. I obviously picked jealous since it's fun to pick the dick answer lol.
Why is the S rank reward Edelgard's axe? This is the last battle, right? Is there some post game stuff? Because I'm so ready for this to be done (I don't think I'll do it).
Funny, Edelgard is the one defending the monastery this time, and Varley. Imagine your final battle being about protecting Varley. Ugh.
Only 40 points for the final battle?
Just killed Catherine :(
Cyril just showed up. Rhea's so concerned. Not looking forward to killing a child :((( He died too. This is by far the bloodiest route. I swear no one even dies in AG, and in GW it's only Sylvain's dad.
This can't be it, right? That was too easy. And Cyril as the final boss makes no sense. I'm betting it's a Thales and Rhea fight.
Rhea turned into a dragon. Badass. Glad she was the final boss poper and not Thales.
Spoke too soon. I think they're both here now.
Think I beat it. We're at a cut scene now. Thales is doing magic shit. Rhea attacked him and just ignored Edelgard and Shez like they weren't worth her notice lol.
Wait, that's it?
Rhea pushes Thales off a cliff? So RHEA's the hero??
There's no way they could've survived that - Edelgard. My girl, Rhea is a fucking dragon and Thales can warp. I have bad news from you. Also, Byleth survived a fall too so . . .
What happened to Dimitri? I don't think I killed Claude either?
Is that really it? The war just keeps going. The war just keeps on with no end in sight. Hahahaha. You mean I played how many hours for THAT? I'm going to laugh my ass off if all 3 routes end like this. What a cheap way to avoid killing any of the lords.
OMG. What a stupid ending.
Except for Rhea. She got the big hero moment lol.
I kept waiting for another battle. Esp since there's an S rank reward that's Edelgard's axe, so Idk what's going on.
OMG, this is going to take FOREVER. They're showing the MVP of every single side battle and not just the main ones. I'm only at ch 6.
There was a lot more variety in MVP than I thought. I thought it would be the Hubert show, but it's pretty varied.
Ok, so around ch 10 turns into the Hubert show. I like seeing battle data though, so I sat through it.
Ok, so you get a letter from the person you get a whistle from. Aww, I eventually won Hubert's trust, and he admits he and the army needs us. Glad I picked him.
Wait, no paired endings? That blows. I hope this isn't a new trend since Engage didn't do that either (I love paired endings)
Ok, so it looks like some stuff would carry over to another playthrough on this file. So, in the future, I'd replay AG over my GW or SB playthrough to at least get 2 on the same one. I can't see myself replaying SB or GW. It's not like the story would matter since I could just skip it, but the gameplay is pretty much the same, so why not play the route with my favorites and the most unit choices on top of that?
So you can carry over supports and even unit level. So I could play Dimitri as the absurd level he's at in level one if I saved over my AG file? Because that would be funny. Probably boring. But funny.
Still feels good. One down. Two to go.
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randomnameless · 1 year ago
what is even chapter order lol
If Rhea had more spotlight, I'm afraid to say she would steal the entire show.
I mean, idk if you've already finished SB, but she's memorable there, so give her more spotlight in AG? Apologies to Dimitri and the BL peeps, but I'd prefer to follow her 10 times over following the Lions.
Lol@Rhea being in the camp just after Dimitri recruited Jerry, promising him to make sure they wouldn't meet her lol.
But just like the greater Nabatean plot, nothing ever comes out of this potential goof - even if Sothis who apparently has her memories here should do something when she meets her living children, but well...
I think you get the most out of recruiting Jerry'n'Billy in SB or GW, because Jeralt has supports with SB exclusive characters (and devs bias I guess) where you learn that, uh, well, he's no dad of the year material, even if Billy is also part of that support!
I really like how Yuri and Dimitri support start dangerously close to "but maybe Supreme Leader is right and the people should decide for themselves", until Yuri reminds him that, no, to first decide people need to be fed, in relative good health and have a home, only then, if those conditions are met, they will be able to decide what they want to do.
Also Dedue and Annette support is one of the few instances (iirc Leonie had one with Catherine) where we see people being envious of crests and relics, not because of the status they can bring, but because of the power they give to their wielders.
Annette being Annette gives the good answer, everyone can help in different ways!
She never laughed or cried either, like Byleth, not at first at least.
Jeralt's reason for running away bcs Rhea BaD is bcs she did something to his baby and baby doesn't cry or laugh - but that's the exact same condition Sitri apparently had!
Hopefully the support doesn't tell us anything about Sitri's heartbeat, because if she too, didn't have any that would make Jeralt's escape even more stupid in hindsight, like "oh noes, my kid has the same condition as their mother, it must be the midwife's fault, she's BaD".
At least Jerry seems to regret, after 21 years, the lifestyle he picked for Billy - not that this will lead to anything, since you can recruit them in SB/GW. Byleth is happy to have Jeralt, at least, so everything's well that ends well, right?
Jeralt's paralogue and support with a SB character throw a wench in this picture lol
Haha, I laughed when I read your impressions seeing Claude now! Given what happens in the next couple of chapters though...
IDK if you got Catherine and Emile's support, but it's defnitely worth a read!
Azure Gleam Ch 13
Alright guys, we're getting close to finishing this thing - like 10 years later, but still here.
Ok, guys, the hard battle is over. Dimitri stomping everything is all I have left to do, I hope.
I wonder if I dislike Claude now. He's here and on our side, but I think "ew" and "ugh" when I see him now.
Claude suspects stuff.
Seteth is lecturing Hilda for whining lamo.
Seeing Claude, Rhea, and Dimitri all fight on the same side is cool, even if I find Claude annoying as fuck right now.
I wish Rhea would lead the knights herself, but instead she just gets sidelines so hard in AG. Hopes as a whole tgh.
Oh! No side battles! Not all that mad. Bc that means this'll speed things up a bit lol.
Sylvain is admiring Dimitri and Felix and how good of leaders they are. He's hoping he gets his act together soon too lol.
It's cool seeing Byleth and Jeralt around. Rhea's here too. The camp is packed with little blue and yellow dots.
There's a letter from Glenn on the table :(
Seems a bit cheap that Byleth only supports Jeralt and Shez, but can reach A with everyone. Like a cop out.
Honestly, neither of them have a ton of supports (Jeralt or Byleth). A bit bummed, but I guess you get them kind of late. Too bad this game never got a DLC. Byleth/lord supports would've sold that.
Annette needs help using Crusher. It's too heavy for her.
Annette thinks she needs to gain weight, but Dedue says that's not everything and is willing to help her out.
He helps her train with a bag of rocks and credits him with the motivation to try.
Dedue hesitates a bit when replying to her though, making Annette curious.
Pretty much a set up for part 2.
Their only support this game.
Annette creates a disaster in the kitchen (or training grounds, unclear). With Dimitri's help. So . . . they tried cooking together? Yeah. That was never going to end well.
Dimitri and Annette both blame themselves. Dimitri "wins" though.
Dimitri wishes he were better with magic, but it runs in the family. He wanted to be a mage when he was younger.
"An old friend of mine would give magic demonstrations." - probably Edelgard?
Annette is willing to help Dimitri learn magic. She wants to get better at teaching. Dimitri really wishes he could learn magic.
Annette really wants to be a teacher.
She encourages him not to hold back. I think he made another explosion. Poor Annette has her work cut out for her lol.
Horse girls final support.
Ingrid's been trying to figure out what her horse is thinking/wants based on behavior but is struggling.
Unlike Marianne, but, you know, she has help lol.
Ingrid's horse doesn't want to move again, so Marianne comes to help.
The horse/pegasus doesn't want to go to the battlefield because she's worried about Ingrid (and remembering Scarlet Blaze, that sucks, Fuck SB for killing Ingrid)
Ingrid is getting better connecting with her horse, and now will go get to save her friend.
When Ingrid's leaving, Marianne starts wishing for something but doesn't say what, Ingrid guesses horseback riding together and guesses right.
Ingrid credits to spending time with Marianne and getting to know her.
So Ingrid and Marianne are friends now. Good for both of them.
Rodrigue is looking for a book on mercenaries.
When Shez asks why, Rodrigue skirts around it and Shez calls him out.
After a tough battle with Jeralt and co, Rodrigue wants to read up on mercenaries to make sure he understands their tactics better and avoid potential disaster.
Shez is impressed with Rodrigue for still studying after so long.
Rodrigue says he's not as smart as Gautier or courageous as Lambert, so he has too.
Shez says Rodrigue and Felix are close alike than either would admit - they both always want to improve themselves.
(and that Dimitri and Sylvain are like their dad's too)
Rodrigue still feels he doesn't measure up to the other two though :( But I'm happy Shez had such nice things to say about Rodrigue.
Ashe turned pale while training. He plays it off as nothing, but Mercedes calls him out.
He got a minor injury, which reminded him of seeing a ghost.
Oh, poor Ashe, Mercedes starts playing 100 questions with him - wanting to know what it was wearing lol.
Ashe tells the story - he went looking for herbs to help his sick brother and saw a ghost in the fog. While running away, he got a similar injury.
Mercedes isn't scared of his tale. She's heard it before. In her tale, it wasn't a ghost though, but a shadow. Making Ashe think he saw his own shadow too.
Now Ashe thinks he lived in fear of his own shadow, lamo.
Ashe is like, you should hear this guy's story, and there's no one there.
But this isn't Ashe pulling on Mercedes, but him thinking he found another ghost because there was never anyone else around, lol.
Raphael wants to work out. Felix yells at him for being loud and giving him away.
Felix is boar hunting lamo.
Raphael talks about how Petra taught him a special technique. So now we have a Deer and Lion training, talking about an Eagle.
The boar they're hunting is wounded, but Felix is still weary of it.
Felix failed to hunt a boar before.
Dimitri once hunted so many animals that they couldn't fit them all on the sled lol. Felix struggled to get one.
Raphael gets confused when Felix is talking about boar, if he means a real boar or Dimitri lol.
Raphael wants to help Felix get revenge for the boar that got away.
And he attacks head-on, much to Felix's dismay, but he got it. Felix is a bit stunned it went down so quickly.
Felix admits that maybe working with friends helps sometimes. And Raphael is happy Felix called him friend.
This was actually way more entertaining than I thought it would be (Raphael supports can be . . . you know . . . dull or amusing, this one was amusing)
Plus I love hearing the story of Dimitri being an apex hunter as a child and Felix grumbling off trying to bag his own boar and failing lamo.
Rodrigue wants to talk. Felix tried to brush him off. And Rodrigue's like shut up and sit down, boy. But nicely.
He wants to talk because neither know when they'll die and don't want lingering regrets. Which, knowing what happens in Azure Moon . . . :(
Rodrigue apologizes for what he said about Glenn. Which I find a bit stupid because he was a grieving father so . . .
Thankfully, Rodrigue gets to explain his thoughts behind it. Acknowledging Glenn's agency in his decisions too.
Felix denies Glenn's agency and can only get Dimitri to say he caused Glenn to die :(
Rodrigue acknowledges that, but asks Felix what he would've done. Let Dimitri die and run away to save himself or do what Glenn did.
Felix gets angry at the idea that saving your own life is cowardice and that, when the time actually comes with something like that, you don't think - only act. So . . . he walked into Rodrigue's trap lol, who'll say then Glenn acted and choose to act that way.
Felix is such a dunce, saying "we'd both survive." Rodrigue rightly accuses him of wanting it both ways lol.
Felix says he understands Rodrigue's way of thinking, but dislikes Glenn's death being glorified.
Felix apologizes too, for his own bad behavior. For hitting Rodrigue.
Felix can't stand dealing with feelings anymore and leaves lol.
I'm sooooo glad this game let Rodrigue have a voice. It was always obvious to anyone with a shred of media literacy what Rodrigue meant, but Hopes let him spell it out.
Yuri's staring at Dimitri. Same. Same.
Yuri's impressed/confused at how quickly Dimitri blended in.
Dimitri's now thinking about the best way to help the poorest (we stan a good king, guys). It's something he's thought a lot about.
He thought medical facilities or investing more in the church (who do more to help the poor than anyone else in this game) would be best, but being around them made him realize that they should get the chance to take charge of their own "destiny."
He wants rulers to actually listen to what the people need best and actually do it rather than what's best for himself.
Yuri says education for everyone is necessary. Dimitri agrees.
But then Yuri makes the point that people won't care about education if they're starving or homeless. (so really, his earlier goals of building medical facilities where people get free/cheap healthcare isn't too far off).
So Dimitri wants to improve quality of life, then build educational reform on top of that.
But of course Edelgard's warmongering is draining money, so Dimitri can't make lives for the common folk better and needs to end the war fast so he can focus on helping people and not keeping little miss imperialist away.
Yuri says if money's the problem, he can use Yuri who can connect Dimitri to merchants and hitman lol. Dimitri's like "no working evil in my name!" He's also cautious about working with Yuri because he's backstabbed people in the past.
Yuri says he promises to honestly work with Dimitri, even protect him, because working with Dimitri will help his dream come true too. So he believes in Dimitri's leadership and vision.
Dimitri says he's grown to trust Yuri too.
Man, I need a sequel game where Yuri and Dimitri work on improving Faerghus together.
So . . . I had no idea I hadn't seen this support yet. I have their A unlocked for a while now too, though, I'll wait to see it since I'm getting support fatigue at the moment.
They're training. Felix insults Shez's footwork. What a typical Felix support lol.
Shez says she has a lot on her mind. Felix calls her a worthless partner if she's training distracted.
And then explains how Shez can't afford to do that on the battlefield (like a mercenary needs telling that lol).
Shez is surprised how much Felix has a read on her.
Felix wants to know where Shez learned how to fight because it's not like a knife or a mercenary.
Shez had a lot of teachers and just picked up stuff here and there. She doesn't use the playbook that knights or mercs usually use.
Shez says she has her unique style which is to her benefit. Felix wants her to teach him. But Shez thinks it's too reliant on the sword Felix can't use. Felix is like try me.
I can agree or refuse to teach him. Obviously I'm agreeing. (I would totally be an ass if it was character I didn't like lol).
Shez comments on Felix's style too - reacting to the say things are playing out.
Shez thinks she'll get stronger too.
I seriously can't believe I let these two sit at B for so long.
Annette comes across Dedue training. She insists he takes a break, but he insists on training still because he's not strong enough.
He feels inadequate because he can't use a hero's relic.
He admits he's jealous that others can use such powerful weapons.
Annette's surprised that he opened up, and appreciates that he opened up around her after he tried to dial back and apologize.
Annette talks about how impressed she is with him - his ability to cook and sow where she can't, and his sheer strength despite not using a relic. She thinks he'd be too good if he could use one lol.
Dedue talks about her strengths too - her optimism and how that lifts everyone up around her. Annette is happy if she can help anyone even a little.
Annette made dinner. The bottom of the pot fell out, but she insists that dinner still tastes great.
Someone tell Annette she's not destined to work in marketing lol.
Dedue still goes to eat dinner after hearing that. Brave man.
Definitely one of the supports I was looking forward too.
Byleth has a lot of blood on his clothing and is trying to wash it out and is failing.
Jeralt says washing blood out is more work than it's worth. Proof that man's never had a period.
Jeralt says Byleth reminds him of Sitri when they first meant. She had the same quiet composure and would rather clean a handkerchief she was cleaning than throw it away.
She never laughed or cried either, like Byleth, not at first at least.
Byleth asks why Jeralt is talking about all this now. Jeralt says he's feeling guilty of the lifestyle he's given Byleth - no home, no friends, always battles.
He says life would be different if Sitri was still alive.
Byleth doesn't regret his life and likes having Jeralt around.
It's nice to learn more about Sitri.
Jeralt comes across Shez fishing. Shez is weary. Jeralt tells Shez to relax, but Shez isn't used to it.
Jeralt is like, we're mercs, life happens, it's not personal.
Shez brings up the beginning where Jeralt's Mercenaries wiped out Shez's old company. Glad they're addressing this.
Shez is still upset about it. Jeralt understands now.
He asks if Shez has a grudge. I can choose yes or no. I'm gonna choose yes. I think this Shez would admit to attachments to other people, plus the conflict is more interesting, I think.
Shez talks about how much she liked that group and shares her goals of defeating the Ashen Demon.
Jeralt's like, you just have to let that go now.
Shez admits she's partly relieved because she couldn't defeat Byleth. Jeralt is like, that means you think you could beat me? Shez is like, well, I'd have to try first.
Then Shez helps Jeralt untangle his fishing string and comments on his lack of dexterity.
Jeralt then apologizes about what happened to Shez's mercenary company, especially since it was just too minor lords spewing.
He says he didn't originally plan on killing them, but she (the old captain) came charging in trying to use Jeralt to make a name for herself.
Shez understands, but still seems regretful.
Def hope I can unlock their A in time to see how this resolved (they don't have a B support).
No side battles this chapter. Onto the showdown at Ailell. Which means fire ground. Ugh. Gonna make everyone a flier that it makes sense for.
They're run into the Black Eagles. The Emperor's personal force.
Claude is there. Man, I gotta play Three Houses again. Every time I see him I'm like "ugh." I did NOT used to think that way.
Wait, is Edelgard actually here? I thought she was some kind of zombie whatever.
TWSITD is there (or mysterious dark mages). Claude is like "you know these people?"
Man, why is Dimitri trusting Claude. Telling him "don't let your guard down." Dimitri wants Claude about the mages. I wouldn't count on Claude's support if he was the only person left.
Even though this IS the only route where Claude's actions make any sense lol. It's definitely in his best interest to put a stop to the Empire's warmongering.
Arval's like, maybe we can learn something this time!
Arval's not upset if they never learn the truth and promises to be with Shez always regardless.
I gotta defeat Duke Aegir and Edelgard. Interesting that she's actually there.
Ohh, persuade Death Knight. They were setting him up to be here, but I didn't know I could recruit him. Makes way more sense than in Houses where you can't. Not surprised you need Mercedes to do it. I always bring her anyways.
Dimitri took out Ladislava right away lol.
Death Knight showed up. I'm beyond seeing him as a scary opponent though lol.
Mercedes defeated the Death Knight as an NPC. Is that automatic or just funny coincidence?
Aegir and Edelgard ran away. Really wish I could've killed Aegir. Killing Edelgard would stop the war too.
I killed Caspar and Bergliez so fast the dialogue didn't even finish lol. Dimitri too strong. They both ran away. Honestly, couldn't care less about killing this version of Caspar.
Oh, cool cut scene. And, ok, it's cool to see Claude and Dimitri fighting back-to-back.
Claude tells Dimitri to run after Edelgard while he holds off the Empire here. Not sure I trust him at all, but like I said, this is the only route where his choices make any sense.
Dimitri has 74 strength lol. No wonder he kills everything so fast.
Cool to get Jeritza though.
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randomnameless · 1 year ago
Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉
Are you going to write a general summary/review for each route ?
Yep, Barney will forever be a mystery.
Some people supposed Nopes was supposed to get a dlc, but the scathing reviews in the home market maybe made them reconsider.
Some people argue that it sold well and all, but come on, being demolished in the reviews of Amazon jp, getting outrageous reductions 6 months after release (iirc at one point it was worth like 15 dollars in Amazon US ?) and the lack of dlc (even cosmetic ones !), when the first warriors game got plenty...
Imo, Nopes was less successful than planned lol
Yep, some notes are blowing up, but Supreme Leader told him she wants to rekt Dimitri and Faerghus, regardless of Rhea existing or not. His own allies wonder if his "remove Rhea so Supreme Leader will get bad PR if she continues the war !" plan is going to work, even Claude himself calls it a gambit that might not work, but since Rhea invented mayonnaise she has to die.
So... What's going to happen ? The sheer fact the ending is "open" instead of having Supreme Leader retreat from Faerghus and stop her invasion is, imo, telling enough about Claude's plan, ergo, it didn't work rn, and won't likely work at all.
Funny how in a route Claude pretends he doesn't know what Dimitri wants, but here pretends he knows what he wants... Is he trying to convince himself ? Or to try to turn Dimitri to his side, because he's starting to realise Supreme Leader will most likely send her army against him, so if Dimitri is still here he might survive ?
Granted, post GW, I wonder who Dimitri, and Faerghus in general, resents more. My money is on the Federation at this point.
The NPCs are still the best characters in this route lol.
More seriously, this gave me huge CF vibes, our characters are saying one thing, and the NPCs are saying the inverse. Claude wants Rhea and Seteth ded bcs they invented airpods, the playable characters are A ok and drank the empire's kool aid, but the randoms aren't that on board with this plan. Heck, they don't buy your protagonist's words.
Will this end up in a civil war or rebellion in the post game ? It's just food for an AU though.
Yuri slaughters Claude, we Stan a king here lol
Yep, at least Dimitri and Gustave feel like asses, but they don't have the means to protect everyone, their people and the CoS. Rhea knows it, and takes the fight to Tailtean herself, instead of endangering the city (a contrast with her broken CF state !)
Too bad for Dimitri though, while Claude doesn't want to erase Faerghus, his main and powerful ally wants to destroy them. And... Given how her pawn weakened Faerghus, what prevents her from taking over in the post game ?
Hilda'n'Doro's support is something I could see happen in the first part of Fe16 ngl, here it feels a bit too removed from the plot, but it's a general criticism thrown at support convos in general.
Lysithea's paralogue is... Well, something that, much like the character, could have been explored more, but wasn't.
Gloucester Sr used to be friends with her parents, but because he was siding with the pro empire faction, he couldn't do a thing when Ionius visited Ordelia. So while it's understandable that she resents Gloucester, the sheer fact that Adrestia gets scott free from any resentment, especially in this route when she's siding with the empire, is completely bonkers.
And lol@Claude for using all of his soldiers and people to wage his random war, instead of protecting his people back home.
Sadly, after the big badass moment of SVo, here Rhea is pissed and says random stuff making her look BaD, like borrowing a page from Macuil's book or dissing the Federation for not being CoS sanctioned. While I don't think it's ooc, it's again the CF portrayal, Rhea's fucking pissed because people want to kill her and her wards because, uh..., and she's facing a second time the death of her kin, by (first time here !) the descendants of the Elites...
Is it a good time to mention how her trash mother, through Billy, can roam around here and eat popcorn while she's snipped ?
Yep, Rhea asks them to run away, because she knows they will die if they remain here. She wants them to run away, because she still thinks Humans will need guidance from nabateans in the future.
Which brings us to the second point (lolcalised to have her mention "even humanity" when the og script only has "and humanity")... While we know from Fe16 Rhea thinks Fodlan is wayward land that needs Sothis to return in the right rails and she's been acting as a proxy, ultimately, Rhea's guidance offered to humans is her Church and its teachings.
Regardless of the effective power she has over humans, apparently the CoS is the only source of charity/support in Fodlan, and the only ones who preach "don't be asses to each other". When humanity is left to its own devices, Fodlan got Agarthans and their nukes, Nemesis, and now, Supreme Leader and Clout. So, to someone like Rhea, maybe she thinks the CoS and in general, Nabatean influence is the only way to counterbalance Humanity's flaws ?
Idk, and anyways, the devs dgaf about Nabateans and Rhea in general so we can only honeypot.
Yep, pour one for Alois, he was shafted hard in this game. Doubly so when you consider he can join SB and GW and actually attack Faerghus, where his beloved wife and daughters are living ! He was rewritten to be "Jeralt <3 <3 <3" and nothing else.
Cyril's death was somehow used to demonstrate how BaD Rhea is and how apparently she dgaf about him, since she asked Seteth'n'Flayn to run away, but not to him lol
Regardless of Cyril, as a character who would most likely refuse to escape if Rhea's fighting for her life, who is the "most BaD" character here, Rhea who tells Seteth'n'Flayn to run away, or Claude/Supreme Leader who kill the kid who wants to protect his surrogate mom ?
Jeritza ditching to protect Mercedes really made me reconsider lol, sometimes he has enough morals to prefer to protect his sister instead of killing them.
Hahaha, he asks Rhea to run away, but in the previous map he prevented her from returning home lol
"get away, but when I mean away, I mean in a coffin"
It was mentionned by others in the notes, but it's a call back to the opening cutscene, a flower is being crushed on Tailtean while Rhea fights against Nemesis' forces, Seiros fought herself against Goneril !
And here...
Rhea fights against people who want her dead again, on the same place, against, again, a Goneril.
History repeat itself, granted, this time, Seiros dies and Nabateans leave Fodlan. Nemesis-Claude won ? Well...
Nothing happens if you recruit Billy, because Sothis can cheer Barney and take over her host to avenge Jeralt, but prefers to watch as her daughter is killed in front of her eyes.
The war doesn't end, but he sent a "plz don't fight anymore 🥺🥺" letter to Supreme Leader, how she reacts is...
Indeed hc, maybe she pauses to run to the local KFC ? Or does as she announced earlier in this route ?
Whoever knows !
AG also teases a future non ending but... Well.
Golden Wildfire Ch 15 (Final)
Guys, I think this is finally it, the last chapter
We're . . . not going to get an answer about Shez, are we? Would I if I recruited Byleth?
Which, now that I think about it, that was really anticlimatic death.
Also, Claude wants Dimitri and Faerghus to survive, but Rhea to die. Edelgard doesn't want Dimitri and Faerghus to survive, but also wants Rhea to die. So why the hell is Claude letting Edelgard right Dimitri while he fights Rhea? What's stopping Edelgard from killing Dimitri and taking all the Faerghus land she desperately wants? He knows Rhea was only an excuse for her.
I guess just another "Claude is an idiot" point or the writers not giving a single shit about him or this route and only caring about Dimitri and Edelgard.
Claude is suddenly reading Dimitri's mind. He thinks Dimitri wants him to dissolve the central church. This is . . . beyond stupid. Claude is literally imagining the enemy wants he wishes the enemy would want. This is such a stupid thing to do in war. Dimitri has never showed signs of wanting the church dissolved.
Also, blaming all of Fodlan's problems on Rhea is so dumb and such childish thinking too.
They really were like, go Claude, we'll give you nothing! in the writer's room.
If I cared about Claude, I'd be livid. I doubt many Dimitri or Edelgard fans are upset though.
Man, the character list is so much smaller in this route.
So annoyed this one has a bunch of side quests. I'm sooooo close to finishing this game.
Aww, an Alliance NPC talked about how much she likes Seteth and hopes he survives.
Ouch! Yuri! When he questions the validity of Claude's plans, Shez assures him it's the only way to pave the future, and he has the audacity to say "I guess now isn't the time to be wondering who exactly is included in this future we're dreaming about." He's calling Claude out on his shit big time. Yuri just does not fit here.
Ashe keeps talking about Dimitri. He's miserable.
Hapi doesn't want to kill Rhea :(
Ohhh, interesting, so Raphael doesn't like how we've been fighting. Shez can agree or disagree. I agreed in both SB and GW. In GW, she says their actions are too haphazard, but in SB, she says they're being too brutal and not letting anyone surrender. Curious differences (ofc Raphael just wants to eat and party, that's what he disagrees with, it's Shez's perceptions that made me interested).
Gilbert and Dimitri talking. Dimitri arriving has boosted moral. But it's the same for his enemies.
Dimitri's concerned about Rhea and learns that they're prepared for battle. Dimitri can't help them :(
Dimitri ordered his citizens to evacuate because he's worried about what the Alliance will do, but isn't convinced Claude wants to destroy his Kingdom.
I love Dimitri doubling down on protecting his people above all else here. Gustave is upset about abandoning Rhea. Dimitri is too, but he's willing to be the bad guy if it saves a single life in Faerghus.
A side mission involved defeating Cyril :( And now Flayn :(
Soldiers are happier. Shez can guess war turning in our favor or pay raise.
If you ever needed proof that Raphael is an idiot, he argues that wouldn't make sense because not everyone is motivated by money. Like, seriously, tell me a single soldier there who gives a flying shit about what some king says. The only route this wouldn't be true in is AG since they're fighting for their lives.
Anyways, it's actually the food.
Shez talks about how a good meal rather than scapes is a good motivator. And honestly, good point.
Raphael talks about being an innkeeper. Honestly, he'd be such a fun boss to have, but he'll need to hire someone to handle the logistics lol.
Raphael asks Shez to tag along. I can either be nice and agree or not make promises. Being mean to Raphael is basically bullying.
Shez either way still considers being a mercenary, but I love the idea of Shez and Raphael running an inn together.
Wonder why they choose Lysithea of all people to reach A with Raphael.
She studied too long and is out after dark, so obviously scared. She tries to convince herself the weird noises is Raphael.
But it's not this time, bc he shows up and asks what's the creepy noise lol. Poor Lysithea.
Now she's properly freaked out. Poor girl.
It's probably just a cat, but she thinks it's a ghost.
Lysithea goes to investigate too or else she'll be alone.
I guessed wrong. It's a puppy, not a cat. Poor doggy is hungry, and Raphael knows the dog.
Lysithea is like, if you knew the dog, how come you didn't know that? lol.
A fan gave Dorothea a bracelet, and she appreciates the support. Hilda wishes she had one too.
Dorothea tells Hilda no one is better in the whole army at makeup and accessories.
The support addresses how Hilda makes her own accessories.
Dorothea talks about plant design trends. So like real life lol.
Hilda asks Dorothea about her makeup. She tries to stick for ones that are actually good for the body. Which, is really good considering what they used to use for makeup.
They want to keep chatting over tea.
Honestly, I love seeing two girls just chat about girly things without anyone putting it down.
It's nice, in general, how the Fodlan games don't put down the women who are really into fashion and the ones who don't care. Everyone is allowed to just exist, and it's great.
Does she get her own because her paired up one is in SB?
She apologizes to Count Glouster for all the chaos Ordelia causes, but he apologizes for not taking care of it. She understands how important it is for him to protect the bridge.
Her father is buddies with Lorenz's father.
Shez comes with news about Ordelia under attack.
No one else can help. Lysithea says she didn't realize how Claude could be so cruel. Shez tries to defend him by saying she's all the way out here, and Lysithea claps back. Team Lysithea here.
Shez thought Count Glouster would we dead weight. She was right. Idiot almost died. Shez and Lysithea were fine.
He looks forward to the day both aren't leaders anymore so they can just be friends and thinks Lysithea would be a worthy heir :( Poor Lysithea, she faltered at that.
Glouster did nothing to help Lysithea's father because he led the pro-Empire nobles.
Yuri sees Marianne out late and worried that she was going to leave like she thought about, but she was just walking her horse.
Then we get the classic "..." and "..." response. Since the ye ole days characters have done that in FE supports.
Marianne is like, why were you worried, then goes off how she's just a burden, and Yuri is like stop that, now.
Yuri is allergic to horses and cats? :((( Poor guy. That would suck.
That's why he was always giving Marianne funny looks, because he was about to sneeze and she's always around horses, lamo.
It's nice seeing Yuri be nice. But if he was mean to Marianne, like how can you be mean to Marianne?
Yuri dreams of being able to spent time with the animals he's allergic too, so he accepts Marianne's offer to use magic to try to help. I hope it works.
Hilda is trying to figure out what's wrong with one of her accessories. She thinks it's missing something.
Dorothea offers to help out, and is really impressed with Hilda's craftsmanship. And honestly, there's a picture and it looks pretty.
Hilda likes Dorothea's suggestion.
Dorothea also offers to buy the accessories for the opera, and use that to advertise them too.
Hilda is more than happy with that suggestion.
Hilda actually wants to open her own school to teach people craftsmanship, and thinks she can partner with Dorothea on that too.
A pegasus that Ignatz was helping said "bring me more hay, four eyes." to Ignatz, Marianne interpreted. She rightly called it rude lamo.
Ignatz used to ride pegasus with his mother, she used to be a pegasus knight. I wonder if that's why he wants to be a knight.
He was really impressed with the view, understandably.
It made him want to become a pegasus knight, but they're sexist lol. Women only.
That's why he wants to help with the pegasi so much, it's the closest he can get.
Marianne is like "I can feel your feelings in the paintings" and Ignatz freaks out until she keeps going and saying she can tell how much he loves pegasi. I wonder what he was so worried about . . .hmm . . . Liking Marianne just proves taste though.
Marianne thinks that maybe the pegasus will accept Ignatz. But I don't think it went well lol. She grabbed his clothing with her teeth, not on her back. OMG, poor Ignatz.
It ends with Ignatz begging for Marianne's help lamo.
Alright, guys, this is it. 2/3 done once this battle is over. Sadly, I'll probably have to kill Rhea though. But who knows, she got to be the hero of SB in the end, maybe GW too, or is that asking too much?
Rhea's like I should've killed these bitches years ago (rather than protecting them after turning her genocided family into weapons, poor woman has seen some shit).
Rhea thinks she'll have the goddesses' protection. Too bad Sothis is dead :(
It seems like Rhea is expecting to die. She's telling Seteth and Flayn to run. And saying her time is at an end.
It's funny that Rhea also thinks she's fighting for the future and humanity because she thinks she knows what's best. She and Edelgard (and Claude in this route) are really the same. Then there's Dimitri, the only sane one who doesn't have a bloated ego that thinks he knows best for every living soul in Fodlan, in some case, without ever even talking to some people from a particular country (looking at you, Edelgard, ding dong thinks she can rule Faerghus better than Dimitri without ever even having bothered to TALK to someone from Faerghus).
OK, so why did Edelgard only get 40 points, but Claude gets 70?
OMG, one of Claude's tactics is to burn the enemies alive (elite archers turn enemies into ash, not sure how else to see that).
I don't want to kill Cyril two times in one night :( Thankfully, he retreated.
Great, now Alois is here, claiming he'll fight to the death, which seems major OOC even with Rhea under attack. This game really forgot that he had a family, didn't it? I think he, Claude, and Caspar got the biggest downgrades in writing.
Oh, shit, he died for real. And he mentioned his family this time.
I had to fight Seteth too, but he retreated, thankfully.
Oh, fuck, Cyril died :((( God.
Jeritza came to save his sister :(((( So he turned against the Empire in GW. That's kinda touching, much better than in Houses. Seems Mercedes is now flipping, better than having to kill her like poor Cyril and Alois.
Now I have to fight Flayn :( Thankfully, she withdrew.
Now I have to fight Seteth and Flayn again, but on the upside, Rhea did badass magic and took away my captured strongholds.
I'm not clear if Flayn died or retreated, but Seteth is pissed off at me.
Oh, thank God, they're both running away.
Time to kill Rhea :(
Cut scene time. Wow, Claude, that's rich. He's telling Rhea to go walk away. But, to like where? The guy's been hell bent on killing her and blaming her for everything from racism to arranged marriage this entire game?
Why the random flower getting crushed? Usually that's a sign of crushed renewal, not a brand new world like Claude's been blowing smoke about this whole route.
Lololol Idiot just realized Rhea's the Immaculate One.
Lamo, even in the final battle Marianne's not convinced Claude not coo coo for coco puffs.
More cut scene. Shez and Claude killing Rhea. Shez turned into Arval. Wonder what happens if you recruit Byleth.
This was such a watered-down version of SB's final battle. They both had Rhea as a final boss, but SB got Thales too and it was A LOT harder because of that. Either that or Lorenz is really that silly stupid good.
Another abrupt, non-ending.
Claude wanted the war to end, and shock of all shock, killing Rhea didn't work!!! The idiot. All those people died, for nothing. I also predict greedy assholes will still enforce hierarchies and be racist, even without Rhea.
This ending may have been even worse than SB's? Because at least Edelgard still has a goal she's working towards, it just cut off mid-way. Claude accomplished his and nothing changed - he only made the world worse.
Are either GW or SB better endings if you get Byleth? I'm betting that's what happens. Because that can't be the real ending, lol.
MVP time. Wonder when it'll turn into the Lorenz show. As soon as Ch 5, pretty much no one but Lorenz got MVP. He's just absurd, but in a boring way. He's invulnerable to damage, but doesn't play very fun. If I ever did GW again, I'd main Lysithea. She's a unit type I like way more, hella strong and fast, but low defense. Lorenz made GW super boring to play since I didn't have to think at all. He's that good of a unit.
It's funny seeing nothing but Lorenz's face on an endless scroll (except paralogues or like, women units only battles)
I can't believe I'm getting a letter from Lorenz. If I knew I'd get a letter, I would've picked a character I actually liked, like Marianne. Hubert's letter was better. Lorenz's was really generic.
Still pissed there's no paired endings.
And these endings are so bad, wtf. I'm glad I did this twice so I know AG is also just going to randomly end.
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randomnameless · 1 year ago
One post per day I'm not going to be able to keep up lol
Also don’t get why TWSITD wouldn’t want Edelgard do take over. Isn’t that like their plan? She does all the hard work then they kill her? Isn’t Rhea’s death #1 on TWSITD’s Christmas list??
Like Ezra said, the Agarthan's main goal is to wipe Fodlan out of all of its inhabitants - "humans" too because they don't see Raphael'n'pals as humans, but as "beasts". Agarthans refer to themselves as the "real humans", and they hate the "beasts" and the Nabateans.
Supreme Leader is a moron who helps them get rid of the Nabateans and a good chunk of "beasts" in Fodlan, but yep, if they didn't eat Manfroy's idiot plot ball, they would have nuked her the second she killed Rhea in Firdhiad.
But CF is your power fantasy so... I guess they were just playing dice, or having a drink to celebrate?
Lamo, Linhardt doesn’t give two shits about Edelgard’s war, he just wants to go back to Enbarr and take a nap
I know the BESF is all about tonal dissonance, but after seeing Ashe and realising what the eff your gang is doing, Linhardt becomes even, imo, more unlikable.
"let's roll over those people, kill them and rob the survivors of their lands, friends and families fast, i wanna go home to take a nap".
Mercedes wants to be left alone and pray for Annette. She should’ve known though that the Empire’s actions are sentencing a sizable portion of Faerghus to death, right? I have less sympathy for her than Ashe, who was just following Dimitri’s direct orders
There's this entire thing with Jeritza and her guilt - thinking she's the one who kickstarted the entire "death knight" thing, but yeah, she ultimately picked her brother over Faerghus.
So there’s another cut scene where they say TWSITD doesn’t want Fodlan unified, but don’t they in 3 Houses? Isn’t the whole point of the experiments on Edelgard so she’s strong enough to kill Rhea and take over Fodlan? Like, I get why they’d be mad that Edelgard kicked them out, but if they were smart they’d let her do all the dirty work and then just take her out and then profit without losing anyone. This whole, “TWSITD doesn’t want us to unify!” really smells like bullshit bc of the backlash Edelgard got for siding with them in Houses. Now they’re retconning it into “oh, no no, they don’t want her to succeed!” Uh, yes, they do, that’s what they spent years planning on. Makes no sense
I was rewatching LotR recently, so I have a tinfoil hat theory : maybe TWISTD doesn't want to see Fodlan unified, because Seiros'n'Willy thwarted their plans "back then" when they had enough "allies" ?
But it falls apart, because "back then", Seiros'n'Willy targeted Nemesis, not the Agarthans themselves, sure, they had to hide, but they were still around!
Also the Agarthans' top enemy have always been Sothis and the Nabateans - it's only after their biggest enemies are out that they can get rid of humans "beasts" so, yep, as you said, it feels like a retcon for FE16 where Supreme Leader shares their goal, getting rid of those icky pointy eared "creatures masquerading as humans".
Everything for the BAE, I guess.
Linhardt is stone cold. After realizing he may not be able to study Shez’s power he says he’ll need to revaluate the value of their relationship
See above, I never warmed up to Linhardt in FE16, and SB hasn't done a thing to help me see him in a better light.
It’s pretty fucked up that Petra thinks the best way for Brigid to stand out is to comply with their oppressors until they “earn” their power or whatever. 
Have you seen her supports with Supreme Leader?
Shez tells Petra she’s “every bit the leader the Fodlan ones are” like fuck off, we know that. Petra just owns it though. She’s like, “no, I’m Brigid’s queen.” We love that for her
IMO it feels more like pointless pride, of throwing it and showing her determination and authority at Shez, who's basically a nobody. But if she's Brigid's queen, why must she "earn" power or the right to stand out/apart/gain her independance from Adrestia?
Her support with Supreme Leader is more obvious in japanese, sure, the words thrown here and there are more or less "we are equals and I wish to talk to you like an equal" etc etc... but Petra always uses the "-sama" suffix when she talks to her, when Supreme Leader doesn't use any.
It's a far cry from Dimidue calling each other by their first names and dropping suffixes!
I know this support is, well, a Monica support but its one of my favourites because for some stupid and foolish reason, Monica thinks her duty is to her people of Ochs so she can't simp after Supreme Leader in Enbarr :'( :'( :'(
Poor girl was raised in Faerghian values, or what?
Hopefully, Hubert saves her, in Supreme Leader's new world, other people will take care of her randoms, so she'll be free to simp in Enbarr.
So, Monica is a fan of Dorothea too
Yep, and what I find funny in this support is how much Monica adores and seems to revere Dorothea, despite Dorothea being a commoner, and Monica being a noble (with a crest of a saint!).
House Ochs is like, a very minor Noble House - who doesn't piss on commoners like we're told all Nobles do - why, it's almost as if Nobility in Adrestia isn't the one-note mass of evil people that must be deposed Doro and Supreme Leader say, or depicted in the ways they are in Ferdie's supports (all nobles are BaD, only he strives to be a good one).
Of course, thise nuance is treated with the attention it deserves.
Linhardt calls her for siding with the church over the Empire for a bit
Linhardt being an asshole : part #44562
Remember who reduced Constance's House to nothing to the point she had to take refuge in the Abyss? And he expects her to side with the Empire ??? Even after it got rid of her status for the, uh, very grave sin of not defending adequatly itself against an invasion made by two foreign states - but the minister of War Bergliez who might have been in charge of the Army, didn't receive anything similar as a punishment?
In a way, it's very Adrestian though, blame the victim for what they've suffered.
Also, holy shit, dude acts like it’s just inevitable that he murders At least he wants to get arrested. Edelgard doesn’t want him to get arrested
Emile : I'm going to kill people and I apparently can't help myself, please stop me
Supreme Leader : no, I need you to kill the people I told you to kill for my war. Afterwards though, when you won't be of any use, you can go to jail.
I love how we only see mothers crying over their dead kids when it’s TWSITD’s attack that does it and not Edelgard's
Their mothers are turned in demonic beasts - wait, wrong game.
Well, the BESF never does anything wrong, and anyways, who cares about Faerghan people dying? Right? If they didn't want to die, they just didn't have to fight! Adrestian logic to its finest!
Hubert, who was a dark knight the whole battle, claims he doesn’t know the magic TWSITD uses
I love him. But who is he lying to here, Shez? Because both he and Supreme Leader know better, but apparently, it's still very important to claim they never knew those people, who are very very very BaD, so we can put under the rug their previous affiliation and return to chapter 3, aka when terminating them was the most important thing to the BE team - even if later Supreme Leader remembered MAGA and how BaD Rhea was.
Duke Aegir and co seized a fortress. Time for Ferdinand to do something cool?
I swear this game really dropped the ball with that plot point. But oh well, I'll wait for your reaction. I still think we have a retcon here, but...
Scarlet Blaze Ch 12
Spoilers below for all Hopes routes up to Ch 12.
More backtracking.
I had Shez say we shouldn't return because I'm sick of backtracking. Hubert got mad at me. Ugh.
I also don't get why TWSITD wouldn't want Edelgard do take over. Isn't that like their plan? She does all the hard work then they kill her? Isn't Rhea's death #1 on TWSITD's Christmas list??
Ashe is still miserable, but no special words for Annette. I hope Mercedes does.
Marianne is actually motivated to fight this time. She actively dislikes fighting the Kingdom though. (Dimimari still alive)
Lamo, Linhardt doesn't give two shits about Edelgard's war, he just wants to go back to Enbarr and take a nap.
Petra also seems relieved she's fighting rioters and not Kingdom soldiers.
Everyone else - there riots, hung. This one random dude - so there's this dance competition
Mercedes wants to be left alone and pray for Annette. She should've known though that the Empire's actions are sentencing a sizable portion of Faerghus to death, right? I have less sympathy for her than Ashe, who was just following Dimitri's direct orders.
Hubert looks like such a try-hard with this new design. Sometimes I forget.
Hubert doesn't trust Shez. This is such a stark contract to AG, because Hubert thinks Shez will lose control and kill Edelgard and is threatening to kill Shez.
So there's another cut scene where they say TWSITD doesn't want Fodlan unified, but don't they in 3 Houses? Isn't the whole point of the experiments on Edelgard so she's strong enough to kill Rhea and take over Fodlan? Like, I get why they'd be mad that Edelgard kicked them out, but if they were smart they'd let her do all the dirty work and then just take her out and then profit without losing anyone. This whole, "TWSITD doesn't want us to unify!" really smells like bullshit bc of the backlash Edelgard got for siding with them in Houses. Now they're retconning it into "oh, no no, they don't want her to succeed!" Uh, yes, they do, that's what they spent years planning on. Makes no sense.
They talk about training and how Caspar wants to surpass Shez in fighting ability.
Really the only thing of note is Caspar's persistence.
Linhardt is still investigating Shez's power, who has mixed feelings about it.
The problem is the power woke up when Shez was facing death, making it hard to recreate. So Linhardt just commits to studying Shez on the battlefield.
Linhardt is stone cold. After realizing he may not be able to study Shez's power he says he'll need to revaluate the value of their relationship.
Their plans to help Bernadetta is not going well. Everything ends in chaos.
There's moments Bernie's anxiety is treated seriously in this support at the very least.
It ends with Bernie realizing Shez doesn't scare her anymore and that the way not to be nervous around people is spending time with them.
Petra tells Shez he can come to Brigid once it's over.
She hopes to increase trade once the war is over and thinks having Shez around will help.
It's pretty fucked up that Petra thinks the best way for Brigid to stand out is to comply with their oppressors until they "earn" their power or whatever. Recruited Petra is always better.
Shez tells Petra she's "every bit the leader the Fodlan ones are" like fuck off, we know that. Petra just owns it though. She's like, "no, I'm Brigid's queen." We love that for her.
I'm having Shez be as much of a dick as I can though right now (fuck this route for making me kill Annette, Gustave, Rodrigue, and Ingrid - the Black Eagles deserve worse), and this was the first time I felt bad.
The battle of the simps.
I really wonder what the writers were thinking. Oh, I know what the Black Eagles needs, another mage and another character who wants to suck Edelgard's toes! We don't have enough of either yet.
Monica insulted Edelgard's painting without knowing it was Edelgard's. This is probably the hardest trial she's ever faced (yes, it's probably worse than kidnapping and imprisonment for her)
Edelgard got offended. That girl can't take any criticism.
Monica aspires to be Edelgard's servant and is happy that the war she's causing may make that possible. Question is, does Edelgard want to put up with a stalker?
Dorothea has realized that she owes Ferdinand an apology. Finally.
Ferdinand really rides that line between cringe and endearing and right now I don't know what side of the fence he's on right now. He's shouting at Dorothea so he can keep a distance and giving her the chance to laugh at him if she wants.
Dorothea's embarrassed because everyone is overhearing this lamo. And people are assuming they're dating.
Poor Ferdinand is like Dorothea's still annoyed with me. Then Dorothea tells him he doesn't need to apologize, which makes him think she'll never forgive him, but it's actually because she has too.
They both get embarrassed when she tells him what's going on.
Honestly this is a WAY cuter version of the same story and a lesson in how much execution matters. I was all team Petra/Dorothea (and Ferdinand I didn't really ship with anyone), but now I like Ferdie/Doro too.
While I'm kind of bummed we basically got the same conversation, a rewrite really helped in this case so I get why they went that route.
Why did they have to do my girl Dorothea like this? Wasting one of her supports on Monica.
Monica is upset she didn't realize Dorothea was the songstress sooner.
So, Monica is a fan of Dorothea too.
Also Dorothea finds Monica unsettling. Same.
But hey at least Monica got through a conversation without saying Edelgard.
So is this about Constance being mad that Linhardt doesn't care about his noble status or about him investigating her condition?
Linhardt calls her for siding with the church over the Empire for a bit, but it was only for survival.
Man, Constance just makes no sense fighting for Edelgard. She wants to glory of nobility so awkward.
These two aren't having the same conversation. Linhardt is curious about her crest situation and Constance is going off about wanting to revive her house.
He just walks off after getting annoyed by her lol.
Jetiza likes the war because without it he'd be killing someone "less deserving" because Fuck You random Faerghus citizen. I guess they "deserve it"
Also, holy shit, dude acts like it's just inevitable that he murders
At least he wants to get arrested. Edelgard doesn't want him to get arrested.
My question is, did Jeritza go around killing willy nilly or just House Bartels? Because he makes it sound like he can't resist killing and just went and ganked whoever was unlucky.
Or was it that Edelgard recruited him right away and made him her personal guard dog?
Hanneman and Leonie, not who I expected.
I love how we only see mothers crying over their dead kids when it's TWSITD's attack that does it and not Edelgard's.
Edelgard says no more innocent lives lost today, which may actually be true since we're attacking TWSITD and not commoners from Faerghus.
Is there anything you can do about Leonie? She died of poison, but since it's related to Jeralt stuff, I'm guessing it's because I didn't recruit him? If I did, would she have gotten recruited?
Solon retreated. Annoying.
Hubert, who was a dark knight the whole battle, claims he doesn't know the magic TWSITD uses.
I forget how anime magic girl Edelgard's design is in this game. It's kind of weird.
I keep earning reknown, but I don't know what it does.
Duke Aegir and co seized a fortress. Time for Ferdinand to do something cool?
Caspar's brother is a prisoner.
Does this mean I get to put off fighting innocent citizens of Faerghus for another level? Because I prefer SB bored out of my mind than upset that I had to kill Ingrid, Rodrigue, Gustave, and Annette.
Leonie's dead too now. Geeze, SB is a bloodbath.
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