#Fire Detection & Protection System company
quickshipfireusa · 1 year
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destechnico · 2 years
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dangoarts · 7 months
ok the rot has become terminal and spooks won't stop yelling at me until i make this WEEEEEEE
lethal company creature headcannons
featured creatures (in order): brackens, masked, nutcrackers, jesters, coil heads
@currently-simping you did this
cutting for length, descriptive body horror
they are plant. :3
ok getting serious they spend the beginnings of their lives germinating with their leaves above the surface and their bodies below it. once their bodies are conscious and functional enough, they dig themselves out of the dirt and start being little gremlins
brackens are fairly solitary, but they usually guard the sapling until it uproots, then teaches it how to hunt. once it can survive on its own, they part ways
eye contact is seen as a challenge. they display and shake their leaves to make themselves look bigger
BIGENDER 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥aka brackens don't have a bodily gender and their spores can be female or male when needed
brackens about to bloom are SUPER aggressive, usually killing and eating anything they can get their hands on to grow their spore blossoms. when they start blooming, they do a complete 180 and get really friendly towards anything similar looking to them. this includes employees and masked. once they have a sapling to protect, that chumminess is Gone and it's back to hyper aggressiveness
the modern day population of brackens is slowly dying out, with the populations on vow and march surviving just marginally better than the others. most brackens are malnourished, since their main prey, humans, are getting smarter at avoiding them, and their original alternate source, baby forest giants, is near impossible to get. additionally, saplings need a saturated area of soil to germinate, and the desert and snow moons don't have the necessary water to keep them alive
growing reproductive spore blossoms takes a lot of energy, but since brackens are typically malnourished, they often don’t have the energy to spare growing them, so they just skip it. if they do, it’s hard for the spore to plant and germinate because unless they’re on vow or march, the climate can NOT handle them. also they’re usually inside the facility and the spore can root on concrete, but the child’s body can’t grow after being fertilized so it dies soon after
sometimes spore lizards carry and germinate bracken spores, and those children are orphaned if they manage to incubate. they weren’t taught neck snapping, so they usually just brute force kill by mauling their prey
brackens are angered by staring and coil heads freeze when looked at so it's like an opposite thing. brackens would take that as a challenge and try to snap their neck, they can't bc it's on a spring, they get angry and start to maul them, coil heads incinerate themselves when deconstructed, Fire Bad to plants. no this isn't me projecting i have no idea what you're talking about
strap in gamers this one's a doozy
starting with the physical stuff because the culture is all over the place depending on circumstances
their mask is the core of themselves. all of their memories and their personality are stored inside it. the material is like keratin or bone
a mask without a host hibernates until it detects a viable one nearby through body heat. masks that hibernate for a while take longer to wake back up and recognize a viable host is near. viable hosts are mostly humans, but they can attach to and control any humanoid body, organic or inanimate
when they attach to a host, they hook tiny claw-like structures into the host's face to secure itself. afterwards, it burrows into the eyes and travels through the optic nerve to take control of the brain. the host is unfortunately alive through it all until it reaches the brain
the longer a masked is bonded to a host, the more they replace the host's internal structure with their own. they mainly target bone structures and nervous systems, breaking them down, replacing them with its own branches, and storing the compounds in the host's blood. once a masked begins this process, they can no longer detach from their host until the body is damaged beyond repair. when it does, they store as much necessary compounds in their mask, then essentially kill off their branches
they can essentially keep their host's body alive forever, as long as they maintain it. they can draw energy from practically anything, even electrical sources like apparatuses, but they can only grow and spread when they have an organic food source. not many masked keep their body past 150 years, since the upkeep needed to maintain it is incredibly demanding
when a masked converts a human into another masked, they use their host's blood to forcibly transmit their parasite to them. the compounds found in the blood are used by the new branch of the parasite to rapidly construct a shell to protect themself. they typically turn others out of instinct, but sometimes they turn people because they're lonely or because of social pressures (will be explained later). some refuse to turn others for personal reasons
masked parasites are related to nutcracker and jester parasites. while nutcrackers and jesters need an inanimate shell to protect themselves with, masked evolved to create their own shells and prey off of viable hosts to spread. they typically don't view nutcrackers as threats and are often partnered with them for protection, but loners will sometimes attack nutcrackers to steal their shell if their body is deteriorating
their masks are durable, but enough blunt force can break them. if a mask is broken while dormant, they die since they can no longer properly attach to any hosts. if their mask is broken while bonded to a host, they are essentially a walking corpse (more so than usual). they have memory issues while they are still alive, since their masks contain most of their memories, and when their body is unusable, they die along with it
i'm closing my eyes and ignoring the microbiology nerd in my head
ok now for the social aspects
there are two main groups of masked: loners and masquerades
to start with loners first since they're easier and cover the base culture, loners are like their name suggests. they're typically people who get possessed by dormant masks scattered across the moons or people turned by other loners. they also consist of masked that don't have a standard host; for example, a masked with a bracken host
they're often found in groups of one to four, mimicking an employee group
masked are very social creatures, and if they aren't with at least one other entity, masked or not, they'll seek out someone to turn
it is possible to befriend a masked without them turning you, although it's pretty difficult (this one's for all you gays out there (i'm gays /hj))
some masked join an employee group, with a select handful of them staying with their original group after being turned by a mask their host put on. even though it's technically the mask in control and the host is no longer alive to dictate what happens, some residual feelings from the host can influence the masked's decisions (this is seen easier in masked with robotic hosts since the pre-programmed code can influence how they act)
touching foreheads is very sincere between masked. it has multiple meanings depending on the context, like "i'm sorry," "i love you," or "i missed you." it's typically reserved for those they're very close with or when they want to show they're genuine
give them a hug. you will most certainly not have a parasite thrown up on your face they are just lonely
masquerades are larger groups of masked, usually around an average of 30-50 depending on the moon and the political strength of the ringmaster leading the group
these occupy mansions on rend, dine, and titan, although there are more on rend and titan. they act similarly to the mansions' previous owners, with some even claiming to be the original owners. they often have nutcracker guards
the largest masquerades are on rend, which is believed to be the birthplace of the masked. some argue it's titan, but those who believe that live there instead. there are tensions between these two groups
the mansions claimed by masquerades are documented on the company terminal, and the ship autopilot avoids landing at any site deemed compromised by them. sending employees there would be an immediate death sentence
rend is the most accepting moon to loners, and the most hostile moon towards potential hosts. members of masquerades regularly travel throughout the moon to find any wandering loners, meet with other masquerades they're on good terms with, and turn any stray employees they can get their hands on. it's expected for rend masked to turn anyone they meet, which can be difficult for some to get behind
dine's masquerades prefer to be more secluded and selective than the other two moons. it's downright impossible to find their mansions without an internal guide. members keep to themselves and stay indoors, any loner that shows up at their doors are put under heavy scrutinization before they're either accepted or kicked back out again, and stray employees are typically killed rather than turned
titan is like the annoying rich guys of the already annoying rich guy masquerades. they think they're better than the rend and dine masquerades (spoiler: they're not). like rend, they expect their members to turn anyone they meet, then they run the new masked through an indoctrination (hazing). anyone who doesn't live up to the uptight standards in titan masquerades are thrown to the dogs
masquerade members, especially ringmasters, decorate their masks with sigils denoting what group they are allied with. they also add any other decoration they want to, like additional paint, feathers, sequins, or ribbons
masquerade members aren't very accepting towards masked with nonhuman hosts. it's a byproduct of old traditions and social brainwashing
their most important tradition is when a member's body is about to give out. their trusted allies stand watch as they go dormant and abandon the body, then they're assigned with finding a new host for them. anyone caught purposefully keeping the mask dormant is instantly thrown out of the masquerade or killed
holy hell i'm finally done with the masked that was so much
spot my favorite impossible difficulty
this one's gonna have a lot of speculative history behind it let's go
originally, the parasites controlling nutcrackers were a lot smaller, hunted mollusk-like creatures for food and shelter, and overall kind of cringefail. they eventually grew a bit smarter and started constructing bigger shells out of whatever they could find, held together by their tendrils and a dream
they act like starfish where if you cut off a tendril: not only will the original grow it back, but the tendril will grow a body. you need to Melt Them.
like humans, their pupils dilate and contract to control how much light enters their eye. however, their pupils also dilate according to their mood
it's hard for them to discern the difference between inanimate objects and creatures standing still. they mainly react to movement
scientists took an interest in studying them and seeing what they'd use as shells. they discovered that if they were given a humanoid shell, the parasites could replicate motor movements
they began selectively breeding and raising the parasites to encourage larger, smarter specimens. these were given larger and larger robotic shells until the first model nutcrackers were made
wealthy families on the three snowy moons bought the nutcrackers as guards, and the business of manufacturing nutcrackers soon exploded. the most common models made during this time were property guards, personal guards, and facility monitors
nutcracker model exteriors are a mix between wood plating and metal jointwork. inside, they have a robotic skeleton, with some models having a voice box for speech, a music box as a sort of alarm, or both. the parasite's core is its eye area, and it rests at the nutcracker's jaw for an easy line of sight. the rest of it wraps around the robotic skeleton, acting as the muscular system of the body
when tensions on titan escalated into an all out war (mentioned in sigurd's "real job" log), production of nutcrackers shifted towards war efforts. my personal headcannon is that the war was fought over how the company monster should be dealt with, whether it was keep collecting scrap since that keeps it tame or create a bomb strong enough to kill it, potentially destroying the entire moon of Gordion with it. the nutcrackers were produced for the side that wanted to keep the company tame
ok history lesson over
more info can be found on @currently-simping's blog! they're the other half of my brain cell and we practically co-own everything we do. they're way more interested in nutcrackers than i am :'D. as of writing this, you can find scraps of their nutcracker hcs/lore here and here
this one's gonna be shorter than the others, mainly because i want to keep with the whole "what the fuck is this thing" vibe it initially has, and it also gives me an excuse not to write a 5 paragraph essay about it oops
very very VERY territorial creatures, but only with themselves and masked. they'll claim a mansion as their territory, then chase out or maul anything it perceives as threat. they'll hunt loot bugs, snare fleas, and thumpers for food
if another jester tries to enter one's territory, they'll fight for it. a fight between jesters is incredibly violent, and bystanders have a high chance of being mauled if they're nearby. the losing jester either flees the area or is killed and cannibalized by the winner
they easily mistake employees as masked. if it could tell the difference between a human and a masked, it probably wouldn't attack humans, unless the human was moving into the mansion
their skull is made out of the same material as a masked's mask. it's broken up into virtually seamless fragments that snap together when it pops. their limbs are similar
where did the box come from? who the hell knows. it's completely indestructible though
they see with echolocation. they can detect vibrations through the floor, and it's precise enough to tell them what kind of creature is making the footsteps and where they are in relation to them. when popped, their screams help them pinpoint their targets even better
some people think that the reason why jesters hate masked so much is because masked initially preyed on them as hosts, which could be the reason why they have their skulls
if it doesn't see you as a threat, it's either relatively disinterested or it plays around with you. they typically like messing with nutcrackers
coil heads
i had to exposure therapy myself by making a half-coil oc before making lore these are the beasts that freak me out the most
they are NOT NATURAL!!!!! AIN'T NO WAY!!!!!!
looping back to the mentioned war in the nutcracker section, coil heads were created as a response to nutcrackers. since nutcrackers have a difficult time identifying threats until they move, the opposite side built and programmed their own robots to freeze when looked at on the battlefield
they were programmed to also attack enemy soldiers, but after the war, they couldn't detect what was the difference between enemy and ally and defaulted to enemy
they're powered by miniature nuclear reactors at the core of their chests that double as self-destruct buttons. if any part of the coil head's shell is taken apart, it'll trigger their core to melt down
their blueprints and code were kept under heavy lock and key, and the self-destruct sequence upon being taken apart made it impossible for anyone to study and harvest that information from a model. the guarded information about them was lost after the war ended
the "nails" in its body are sensors that allow the coil head to detect any entity staring at it in a 360 degree field of vision. the sensors can detect the direction of an entity within 30 feet of it
don't ask me where the springs come from i have no justifiable answer to that
why do they not have forearms
sir what is Wrong with you
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solarpunkbusiness · 27 days
An emerging socio-bioeconomy
The concept of socio-bioeconomy acknowledges the intricate ties between biodiversity and socio-cultural systems. It advocates for sustainable production chains, protects genetic heritage, values traditional community knowledge, stimulates job creation and income generation and positions itself as a strategy for climate change adaptation.
Applied to the Amazon context, the socio-bioeconomy approach presents a vast spectrum of opportunities for generating innovative products, all the while promoting sustainable economic growth and preserving biological, cultural and social diversity. This bioeconomy already exists, but it´s far from reaching its full capacity.
Key opportunities include:
• The development of nutrient-rich superfoods production, such as the products produced by Awi Superfood. This company turns natural ingredients, such as açaí, cupuaçu, camu-camu and nuts, into sorbets and ice creams.
• The manufacturing of natural rubber used in tyres, shoes and fashion, such as produced by VEJA shoes.
• Advanced scientific research on plant species for developing new health products. Ecoflora, for example, has developed a stable, natural blue colourant for the food, beverage and cosmetic industries.
• Sustainable tourism that showcases the region's rich biodiversity and cultural heritage could also thrive. Sumisawa is showing what can be done here.
• Beyond direct biodiversity use, technology-driven businesses have vast potential to enhance forest and bioeconomy competitiveness, with startups addressing the region's unique energy, water, logistics and fire management challenges. For example, Umgrauemeio, with its Pantera platform, provides integrated solutions for fire risk prevention, instant and early detection, fast response and impact analysis, helping to mitigate the devastating effects of mega-fires in various ecosystems.
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darkmaga-retard · 3 days
Some alarming revelations appear in the bipartisan Senate report on the U.S. Secret Service's handling of the first attempted assassination of former President Trump at his campaign rally in Butler, Pa. in July.
Report on Trump shooting in Butler, Pa.pdf
1 - The full report, released on Wednesday by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, detailed how an inexperienced Secret Service drone detection operator was on the phone with customer service, trying to figure out how to properly operate the C-UAS drone detection system as suspect Thomas Crooks' assassination plot was unfolding. 
"C-UAS system experienced technical problems and was inoperable until 4:33 pm, after Crooks flew his drone near the rally site," the report said. "With no backup system, the USSS agent responsible for overseeing the C-UAS capabilities at the July 13 rally called a toll-free 888 tech support hotline 'to start troubleshooting with the company,' which took several hours. That agent had only three months of experience working with that equipment and lacked knowledge about it."
2 - The report revealed that a USSS Counter Sniper Team Leader warned counter snipers by email, not radio communications or mobile text messaging, about Crooks lurking with a rangefinder and did not urge agents to keep Trump off the rally stage.
The leader received text messages from a local sniper at approximately 5:45 pm "regarding an individual near the AGR building with a rangefinder looking toward the stage." The text messages he received included two photos of Crooks, whose identity was unknown at the time. He forwarded the information to USSS counter snipers in an email, which contained an error. The message said, "Kid learning around the building we are in" instead of, "Kid lurking around the building we are in." 
One of the snipers who saw the email told the committee it was "worded vaguely" but they still tried searching the site for Crooks.
3 - A Secret Service sniper saw local law-enforcement with guns drawn, heading toward the building where Crooks was about to shoot from, but did not alert the agents protecting Trump.
“Shortly before shots were fired, a USSS counter sniper saw local law enforcement running toward the AGR building with their guns drawn, but he did not alert former President Trump’s protective detail to remove him from the stage," the committee reported. “The USSS counter sniper told the Committee that while seeing officers with their guns drawn ‘elevated’ the threat level, the thought to notify someone to get Trump off the stage ‘did not cross [his] mind.’"
4 - A Secret Service official was informed before the outdoor rally that “credible intelligence” of a threat existed prior to the rally, but "still wrote in a security planning document that there was 'no adverse intelligence' concerning the visit to Butler, PA."
5 - The report concluded that USSS "did not give state or local partners specific instructions for covering the AGR building, including the positioning of local snipers." The report points out that prior to events with protectees, "USSS assigns personnel to serve as 'Advance Agents' responsible for planning security, coordinating with state and local law entities, and requesting needed assets to secure the upcoming event, among other tasks." However, USSS "did not adequately consider state and local law enforcement operational plans" and USSS "did not ensure it could share information with local law enforcement partners in real time."
6 - The report also concluded that USSS leaders "failed to provide resources for the July 13 rally that could have enhanced security," including denying "specific requests for additional Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems (C-UAS) capabilities and a Counter Assault Team liaison." The report also found that USSS Advance Agents did not request a USSS Counter Surveillance Unit, which "could have helped patrol the outer perimeter that included the AGR building."
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Measuring moon dust to fight air pollution
Moon dust, or regolith, isn't like the particles on Earth that collect on bookshelves or tabletops—it's abrasive and it clings to everything. Throughout NASA's Apollo missions to the moon, regolith posed a challenge to astronauts and valuable space hardware.
During the Apollo 17 mission, astronaut Harrison Schmitt described his reaction to breathing in the dust as "lunar hay fever," experiencing sneezing, watery eyes, and a sore throat. The symptoms went away, but concern for human health is a driving force behind NASA's extensive research into all forms of lunar soil.
The need to manage the dust to protect astronaut health and critical technology is already beneficial on Earth in the fight against air pollution.
Working as a contributor on a habitat for NASA's Next Space Technologies for Exploration Partnerships (NextSTEP) program, Lunar Outpost Inc. developed an air-quality sensor system to detect and measure the amount of lunar soil in the air that also detects pollutants on Earth.
Originally based in Denver, the Golden, Colorado-based company developed an air-quality sensor called the Space Canary and offered the sensor to Lockheed Martin Space for its NextSTEP lunar orbit habitat prototype. After the device was integrated into the habitat's environmental control system, it provided distinct advantages over traditional equipment.
Rebranded as Canary-S (Solar), the sensor is now meeting a need for low-cost, wireless air-quality and meteorological monitoring on Earth. The self-contained unit, powered by solar energy and a battery, transmits data using cellular technology.
It can measure a variety of pollutants, including particulate matter, carbon monoxide, methane, sulfur dioxide, and volatile organic compounds, among others. The device sends a message up to a secure cloud every minute, where it's routed to either Lunar Outpost's web-based dashboard or a customer's database for viewing and analysis.
The oil and gas industry uses the Canary-S sensors to provide continuous, real-time monitoring of fugitive gas emissions, and the U.S. Forest Service uses them to monitor forest-fire emissions.
"Firefighters have been exhibiting symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning for decades. They thought it was just part of the job," explained Julian Cyrus, chief operating officer of Lunar Outpost. "But the sensors revealed where and when carbon monoxide levels were sky high, making it possible to issue warnings for firefighters to take precautions."
The Canary-S sensors exemplify the life-saving technologies that can come from the collaboration of NASA and industry innovations.
IMAGE: While astronaut Gene Cernan was on the lunar surface during the Apollo 17 mission, his spacesuit collected loads of lunar dust. The gray, powdery substance stuck to the fabric and entered the capsule causing eye, nose, and throat irritation dubbed "lunar hay fever." Credit: NASA
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elsa16744 · 2 months
Best Practices for Data Lifecycle Management to Enhance Security
Securing all communication and data transfer channels in your business requires thorough planning, skilled cybersecurity professionals, and long-term risk mitigation strategies. Implementing global data safety standards is crucial for protecting clients’ sensitive information. This post outlines the best practices for data lifecycle management to enhance security and ensure smooth operations.
Understanding Data Lifecycle Management
Data Lifecycle Management (DLM) involves the complete process from data source identification to deletion, including streaming, storage, cleansing, sorting, transforming, loading, analytics, visualization, and security. Regular backups, cloud platforms, and process automation are vital to prevent data loss and database inconsistencies.
While some small and medium-sized businesses may host their data on-site, this approach can expose their business intelligence (BI) assets to physical damages, fire hazards, or theft. Therefore, companies looking for scalability and virtualized computing often turn to data governance consulting services to avoid these risks.
Defining Data Governance
Data governance within DLM involves technologies related to employee identification, user rights management, cybersecurity measures, and robust accountability standards. Effective data governance can combat corporate espionage attempts and streamline database modifications and intel sharing.
Examples of data governance include encryption and biometric authorization interfaces. End-to-end encryption makes unauthorized eavesdropping more difficult, while biometric scans such as retina or thumb impressions enhance security. Firewalls also play a critical role in distinguishing legitimate traffic from malicious visitors.
Best Practices in Data Lifecycle Management Security
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Cybercriminals frequently target user entry points, database updates, and data transmission channels. Relying solely on passwords leaves your organization vulnerable. Multiple authorization mechanisms, such as 2FA, significantly reduce these risks. 2FA often requires a one-time password (OTP) for any significant changes, adding an extra layer of security. Various 2FA options can confuse unauthorized individuals, enhancing your organization’s resilience against security threats.
Version Control, Changelog, and File History Version control and changelogs are crucial practices adopted by experienced data lifecycle managers. Changelogs list all significant edits and removals in project documentation, while version control groups these changes, marking milestones in a continuous improvement strategy. These tools help detect conflicts and resolve issues quickly, ensuring data integrity. File history, a faster alternative to full-disk cloning, duplicates files and metadata in separate regions to mitigate localized data corruption risks.
Encryption, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), and Antimalware VPNs protect employees, IT resources, and business communications from online trackers. They enable secure access to core databases and applications, maintaining privacy even on public WiFi networks. Encrypting communication channels and following safety guidelines such as periodic malware scans are essential for cybersecurity. Encouraging stakeholders to use these measures ensures robust protection.
Security Challenges in Data Lifecycle Management
Employee Education Educating employees about the latest cybersecurity implementations is essential for effective DLM. Regular training programs ensure that new hires and experienced executives understand and adopt best practices.
Voluntary Compliance Balancing convenience and security is a common challenge. While employees may complete security training, consistent daily adoption of guidelines is uncertain. Poorly implemented governance systems can frustrate employees, leading to resistance.
Productivity Loss Comprehensive antimalware scans, software upgrades, hardware repairs, and backups can impact productivity. Although cybersecurity is essential, it requires significant computing and human resources. Delays in critical operations may occur if security measures encounter problems.
Talent and Technology Costs Recruiting and developing an in-house cybersecurity team is challenging and expensive. Cutting-edge data protection technologies also come at a high cost. Businesses must optimize costs, possibly through outsourcing DLM tasks or reducing the scope of business intelligence. Efficient compression algorithms and hybrid cloud solutions can help manage storage costs.
The Ponemon Institute found that 67% of organizations are concerned about insider threats. Similar concerns are prevalent worldwide. IBM estimates that the average cost of data breaches will reach 4.2 million USD in 2023. The risks of data loss, unauthorized access, and insecure PII processing are rising. Stakeholders demand compliance with data protection norms and will penalize failures in governance.
Implementing best practices in data lifecycle management, such as end-to-end encryption, version control systems, 2FA, VPNs, antimalware tools, and employee education, can significantly enhance security. Data protection officers and DLM managers can learn from expert guidance, cybersecurity journals, and industry peers’ insights to navigate complex challenges. Adhering to privacy and governance directives offers legal, financial, social, and strategic advantages, boosting long-term resilience against the evolving threats of the information age. Utilizing data governance consulting services can further ensure your company is protected against these threats.
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biggestdev · 11 months
Converting a battery backup to Lithium because I hate myself
I've got a whole bunch of battery backups in my home, one on each computer, and a big one in my server rack in the basement. I've also got a few out "in the wild" at some of my family's places. They're great, where I live in the northeast US, the power grid is stable enough that most outages are only minutes long, and these backups (technically called a UPS - Uninterrupted Power Supply) do a great job keeping computers running through them.
My issue is the batteries. They all run on lead acid batteries, aka the same kind that's in your car, and they dont last long in this kind of environment, I'm lucky if I get 3 years out of one. On top of that, their battery life detection is terrible, It's about a 50/50 shot whether I get a warning about a dead battery pack before the next power outage takes it down without warning. Keeping track of that with just one or two is annoying, let alone 10 of them!
Lithium UPS's exist, and theoretically last many years longer, but they are many times more expensive than a normal backup. I'd like to not spend new-car money replacing a dozen UPS units, so I did some math instead.
I have a husk of a ups (no battery), and I tested it out: the open circuit voltage on the battery cable is 27.6 volts, which just happens to be almost the exact voltage needed to float charge a series of 8 Lithium-iron-phosphate (LiFePo4) batteries!
Why is that exciting? Usually when you think of lithium batteries, you think of lithium-ion (also can be called lithium-polymer) batteries. These are the batteries in your laptop and phone... And also Tesla cars. They hold more energy than a LiFePo4 battery, but are very sensitive to temperature, over and under-voltage, over-charging, and over-current conditions. Abuse them too hard, and they swell up and pop! That's why Teslas seem to catch fire more often than other cars: most other companies gave up range for a battery chemistry that isn't a ticking time bomb, like LiFePo4.
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These LiFePo4 batteries can take a beating compared to Li-ion ones. Most importantly, they can be "float" charged, that is, left on the charger 24/7, without worrying about overcharging it and blowing caustic smoke everywhere. This is critical, because I'm attempting a direct drop-in swap for the old lead battery in this UPS, because float charging a lead battery is basically a requirement, and doing that to a Li-ion battery is asking for a fire!
Using a Li-ion pack would require a custom charging circuit, as the UPS's 27.6V is not correct for any configuration of Li-ion, and would either under charge the pack, losing me 50% of my capacity, or overcharge it, and make it explode. It would also have to stop the batteries from being float charged, again to keep the battery from exploding, while fooling the UPS into thinking a battery is still attached so it doesn't beep at me all the time, and my head is spinning just thinking about how that would work. Much easier to give up capacity for a simpler, and more robust battery.
This UPS can deliver 900 watts of power on battery, that equates to roughly 30 amps of current from the 27.6V battery pack. Adding a safety factor, I bought a BMS (Battery Management System) rated to 50 amps. A BMS is essential, as it offers extra protection against short circuits, over and under-charging and temperature cutoff. Also cell balancing, which keeps all the cells at the same level of charge during use (if they go out of sync-that's bad, is all I'll say for now). The batteries are rated for 120 amps continuous draw, so I am well under the limit where the cells would self-immolate.
With all that said, here's the guts:
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Looking close, you might see that I had to cut some plastic out to make it all fit. That's an error on my part-I didn't measure right. If I make more, I'll definately be using a smaller cell, so it will be a proper "drop in" mod. Lots of drilling, cutting, and filing to make this all fit!
It took several hours to link up the cells, terminate the balancing wires (the small red spindly ones), and and stuff them in the battery box. That's a LOT longer than I was hoping it would take, but the on-the fly mods took a lot of time. but eventually, it all fit in, and I was able to test it:
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It works! I unplugged it from the wall, and it stayed on! For now, I am in full helicopter parent mode, since I don't want to deal with a lithium fire, even though my math checks out and the UPS should never get the the point that these cells are ever "abused". I only leave it on when I'm in the room, and when I leave, I unplug from the wall, and remove the red lead from the battery, so no charge enters or leaves while I'm not there to watch it.
In theory, the only issue with this retrofit will be a useless runtime meter. The "minutes of runtime" meter is measuring the voltage of the battery as it discharges to estimate how much longer it will last, and the voltage drop over time is different for lithium and lead, so the meter won't be measuring accurately. Once I'm confident it won't explode randomly, I will likely install it permanently somewhere in one of my compters.
Wish me luck!
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Eva Fire Protection: Safeguarding Sydney with Comprehensive Fire Safety Inspection
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Eva Fire Protection, based in Sydney, is a trusted fire protection company offering a vital service to ensure the safety of lives and properties. We provide comprehensive Fire Safety Inspections across all areas of Sydney, guaranteeing that your property adheres to the highest fire safety standards.
The Significance of Fire Safety Inspection:
Fire safety inspections play a crucial role in preventing fire-related accidents and minimizing risks. These inspections are essential for the following reasons:
Early Hazard Detection: Our expert team conducts detailed assessments, identifying potential fire hazards and enabling timely implementation of proactive measures.
Regulatory Compliance: Fire safety inspections ensure that your property complies with local fire safety regulations and building codes, minimizing the risk of penalties and legal complications.
Protecting Lives and Property: By addressing safety concerns, fire safety inspections enhance the safety of occupants and protect valuable assets from fire-related risks.
Cost-Effective Solutions: Proactive inspections enable the identification of issues at an early stage, preventing costly repairs and mitigating potential property damage.
Eva Fire Protection's Expertise and Dedicated Team:
Our proficient team comprises highly trained professionals with extensive experience in conducting comprehensive fire safety inspections. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, we conduct precise assessments, generating detailed reports with actionable recommendations for enhanced fire safety measures.
We take immense pride in our commitment to excellence, ensuring utmost satisfaction and safety for our clients. Our hardworking employees are driven by a passion for safety, and we consistently strive to deliver unmatched service.
Take the First Step Towards Safety:
Act now to safeguard your property and its occupants from fire-related risks. Choose Eva Fire Protection's Fire Safety Inspection service for your commercial, residential, or industrial property. Our expertise spans across all sectors, ensuring tailored solutions to meet your unique needs.
Contact us today to schedule your Fire Safety Inspection and partner with a trusted name in fire protection services. With Eva Fire Protection's unwavering dedication, your property will remain secure and protected from fire hazards. Let us be your partner in fire safety, ensuring peace of mind for you and everyone within your premises.
Eva Fire Protection PTY LTD
+61 411 278 690
U7 550-554 Punchbowl Road, LAKEMBA, NSW 2195
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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Saab presents strategic defense solutions at LAAD
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 04/10/23 - 09:53 in LAAD, Military, Saab
Saab will present at LAAD Defence & Security 2023 highly technological defense solutions, with emphasis on the Gripen fighter and the MSHORAD anti-aircraft defense system.
Saab, a leading company in defense and security technologies, will participate in LAAD Defence & Security 2023, which will take place between April 11 and 14, in Rio de Janeiro. During the event, the company will present a broad portfolio of state-of-the-art air, land and naval solutions.
Saab maintains a partnership with the Brazilian Armed Forces and seeks to expand its strategic performance in the region, as highlighted by Marianna Silva, general director of Saab in Latin America:
"Saab has a strong history of cooperation with the Brazilian Armed Forces. In addition to the Gripen program, we can highlight our anti-aircraft defense and training and simulation solutions, and advanced information monitoring and fusion systems, used in the Integrated Border Monitoring System (SISFRON)," explains Marianna Silva. "We want to expand this strategic partnership and we are excited to present our cutting-edge solutions for Latin America," he adds.
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The Gripen E multimission fighter, called F-39 Gripen by the Brazilian Air Force (FAB), will again be one of the great highlights in LAAD. The full-size replica of the hunt will be open for public visitation during the event without the need for prior scheduling. The aircraft is a symbol of the largest technology transfer program from Sweden to Brazil, with a great contribution to the development of the national defense industry. The first four fighters, of the 36 aircraft acquired by the Brazilian Air Force, are already in operation in the country.
Another great highlight of Saab in LAAD will be the low-height mobile anti-aircraft defense system (Mobile Short-Range Air Defense - MSHORAD), an anti-aircraft defense solution with a high degree of mobility to accompany mechanized and armored troops in displacement, which combines one or more RBS 70 firing units and a Giraffe 1X radar, interconnected to Saab' At the booth, Saab demonstrates the possibility of integrating an RBS70 NG shooting unit into the Brazilian Army's Armored Medium Personnel Transport Vehicle (VBTP MSR) Guarani.
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Low-height mobile anti-aircraft defense system (Mobile Short-Range Air Defense - MSHORAD) in the Guarani.
The Giraffe 1X prototype will also be on display. The short-range, transportable and multi-mission three-dimensional X-band radar can be easily unfolded in various environments, from terrestrial (fixed or mobile) to naval platforms, in the Sea Giraffe 1X version, as well as stationary positions and any type of C2 structure.
The public will be able to get to know other solutions, such as Saab's ground combat systems such as the Carl-Gustaf® M4, the new generation of portable and multifunctional weaponry used in the protection of troops and combat facilities, and the NLAW, an anti-tank missile system, both used in numerous NATO member countries in their operations.
For the naval sector, the company brings advanced solutions for maritime defense, such as the Mining Countermeasures Ship (MCMV) that performs a water scan capable of detecting threats from underwater mines. The complete solution includes the use of untried autonomous vehicles to remove and disarm mines.
Tags: Military AviationF-39 GripenLAADsaab
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work throughout the world of aviation.
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perfectrepairs · 2 years
perfect repair services - Electrical services
How to protect home appliances from the dangers of electricity
Protecting household appliances is an electrical hazard issue. Learn about home electrician tips and advice for your ideal maintenance to protect your home
What are the electrical risks to home appliances?
First, the electrician of Sharjah homes explains the definition of the dangers of electricity. As the dangers of electricity to the home appliances are considered to be damaging or causing the failure of one of its electrical components, or the occurrence of a fire, God forbid, on the devices. That is why it is very important to protect your devices in every home as these devices have become a daily necessity and when they stop, life stops.
The cheapest home electrician in Ajman to detect home electricity
A home electrician in Ajman offers his services at the cheapest price. Be sure that you will not find prices comparable to the prices of electricians for your ideal maintenance. As a result, your ideal maintenance technicians provide their service for free if you get a lower price for the same service.
Tips for avoiding electricity hazards
Home electrician from your ideal maintenance
7 important tips to avoid sudden electrical faults
The most common electrical problems
Abu Dhabi house electrician explains the damages of electrical hazards on the devices
One of the worst things that can damage home appliances such as washing machines, refrigerators, desktop computers, and televisions. Power failure and sudden recycling. In addition, electricity can temporarily raise the temperature of the connections, and God forbid, kill the occupants of the house with fire.
Explanation of the importance of regular maintenance of electrical appliances
Therefore, in order to protect your home appliances from electrical hazards, the homeowner must regularly disclose the electricity of the home. Undoubtedly, your ideal maintenance home electrician is a professional in detecting electrical faults. At this time, your ideal maintenance electrician has the necessary devices and equipment to detect electrical faults with ease and professionalism.
Contact an excellent home electrician to protect your home appliances
Now, it is possible to contact a home electrician, to obtain electrical tests for the entire house, to ensure that all electrical connections in the house are safe, and to deal with electrical problems professionally in consultation with an electrician.
The maintenance electrician also provides an important set of tips for protecting your appliances from electrical hazards:
Use a built-in cord to connect the appliance to electrical power and turn it off to avoid electric shock. If the voltage is higher than normal, the fuse will blow, causing a power outage and interrupting the power supply.
Turn off devices that were on before the outage, wait a few minutes when power is restored, and then reconnect the device to mains power. This is because the recovered energy can damage power plants because the device is higher than the resistance for which it was designed.
To protect all electrical devices, install fuse units in the electrical panel so that all devices are cut off at once.
Power lines are equipped with fuse units, so contact your power company to protect your equipment from power surges. This work should be done by the best electricians in Kuwait.
Protecting devices, especially computers, from power problems, as the devices contain backup batteries that allow electrical devices to operate for a long time in the event of a power outage.
Use a "voltage protection device". Because the device acts as an alternative to current and voltage regulators, as it relies on a processor to intelligently control the performance of the device, and to detect and connect to high-voltage devices that oppose it. Low voltage, lightning current, sparks, frequency fluctuations.
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The role of electrical wiring in protecting equipment and devices from electrical hazards
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destechnico · 2 years
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beidoufirefighting · 2 years
Fire fighting equipment manufacturers | BeiDou fire equipment, stainless steel fire box, fire hydrant
Shandong Beidou Fire Technology Co., LTD is a professional enterprise engaged in the research and development and manufacturing of fire equipment. The products of the company are: indoor fire hydrant, outdoor fire hydrant on the ground, underground outdoor fire hydrant, fire tank fire extinguishers, fire water cannons, fire insulation suits, fire hydrant, fire alarm, fire detection equipment, ladders, fire signs, fire hose, fire, smoke, heat preservation, fire emergency lights, fire light, export indicator, etc. Thanks for your watch, if you have any problem, leave here, we will reply to you soon. Find us here: Web: http://shop10486488.s.goselling.com Gmail:  [email protected] | [email protected] Company tel :+86 15866602119 The goods are classified as follows All kinds of fire signal gate valve and butterfly valve: rain alarm valve, hidden sprinkler head, sprinkler head Indoor fire hydrant system: indoor fire hydrant, hose and water gun Outdoor fire hydrant system: Outdoor fire hydrant (above and below ground) Fire extinguisher: dry powder fire extinguisher, carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, household fire extinguisher, vehicle fire extinguisher, forest fire extinguisher, stainless steel fire extinguisher, water fire extinguisher, hanging fire extinguisher, gun fire extinguisher, fire extinguisher box, fire extinguisher rack, etc All kinds of fire protection marks: Fire equipment, fire water cannons, fire insulation suits, fire hydrant, fire alarm, fire detection equipment, ladders, fire air-purifying respirator, fire blankets and fire blankets, fire signs, fire hose, fire, smoke, heat preservation, fire extinguishers, fire emergency lights, fire light, export indicator light, indoor fire hydrant, fire suits, positive pressure air breathing apparatus, fire prevention lifeline
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dh5ryxhgbctgr · 18 hours
Global Arc Quenching Device Market Overview and Strategic Insights 2024 - 2031
The global arc quenching device market is experiencing robust growth, driven by advancements in electrical safety technology and increasing demand for efficient power management systems. This article delves into the market dynamics, including key drivers, challenges, emerging trends, and regional insights.
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Market Dynamics
The arc quenching device market is poised for substantial growth as industries increasingly prioritize safety, efficiency, and reliability in electrical systems. Understanding the market dynamics, challenges
Key Drivers
Increasing Demand for Safety in Electrical Systems
The rising awareness of electrical safety and the potential hazards associated with arc faults are driving the demand for arc quenching devices. These devices play a crucial role in protecting electrical equipment and personnel by minimizing the risks of electrical fires and equipment damage.
Growing Investments in Infrastructure Development
As countries around the world invest heavily in infrastructure development, the demand for reliable electrical systems is increasing. This growth is particularly evident in sectors such as construction, energy, and transportation, where arc quenching devices are essential for ensuring system reliability and safety.
Technological Advancements
Innovations in arc quenching technologies, such as the development of smart devices with enhanced monitoring and control capabilities, are driving market growth. These advancements enable faster response times to arc faults and improve overall system efficiency.
High Initial Costs
One of the significant challenges facing the arc quenching device market is the high initial investment required for advanced systems. This cost can deter smaller companies and facilities from adopting these technologies, potentially limiting market growth.
Lack of Awareness and Technical Expertise
In many regions, there is a lack of awareness regarding the importance of arc quenching devices and their benefits. Additionally, the need for specialized technical expertise to install and maintain these devices can pose challenges for widespread adoption.
Emerging Trends
Integration with Smart Grid Technologies
The integration of arc quenching devices with smart grid technologies is becoming increasingly prevalent. These devices can enhance the resilience of electrical systems by providing real-time monitoring and automated fault detection, improving overall grid reliability.
Growing Focus on Renewable Energy
As the world shifts toward renewable energy sources, the need for reliable electrical protection systems becomes more critical. Arc quenching devices are being integrated into renewable energy systems, such as solar and wind, to ensure safe and efficient operation.
Regional Analysis
North America
North America holds a significant share of the global arc quenching device market, driven by stringent safety regulations and a strong emphasis on electrical safety. The presence of key players and ongoing investments in smart grid technologies support market growth in this region.
Europe is witnessing substantial growth in the arc quenching device market, fueled by the increasing focus on renewable energy and sustainable infrastructure. The region’s regulatory frameworks promote the adoption of advanced safety technologies, enhancing market opportunities.
The Asia-Pacific region is expected to see significant growth in the arc quenching device market due to rapid industrialization and urbanization. Countries like China and India are investing heavily in infrastructure development, driving demand for reliable electrical systems.
Future Outlook
The global arc quenching device market is anticipated to grow steadily over the coming years. Factors such as increasing investments in infrastructure, advancements in technology, and growing awareness of electrical safety will continue to drive market expansion. Key players are likely to focus on product innovation and strategic collaborations to enhance their competitive positioning.
The arc quenching device market is poised for substantial growth as industries increasingly prioritize safety, efficiency, and reliability in electrical systems. Understanding the market dynamics, challenges, and emerging trends will be essential for stakeholders looking to capitalize on opportunities in this evolving landscape.
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iotechpartners · 20 hours
Top Security Systems in Vail & Avon, Colorado
As Vail and Avon continue to attract new residents and visitors, the demand for effective security systems has grown. While these towns are relatively safe, the rising property values and seasonal influx of tourists can sometimes make them targets for criminal activities. Feeling secure in your home or business is essential, especially in a place where Security Systems Vail people come to relax and enjoy the serenity of the mountains.
Types of Security Systems Available
Whether you're a homeowner looking to protect your family or a business owner safeguarding your assets, a variety of security systems are available to meet your needs.
Home Security Systems
For homeowners, security systems can range from basic to highly sophisticated setups. Alarm systems are often the first line of defense, alerting you and the authorities to any unauthorized entry. Surveillance cameras, another popular choice, allow you to monitor your property in real-time or review footage later. Many residents are now opting for smart home integration, which allows you to control your security system, lighting, and other Security Systems Avon Colorado devices remotely from your smartphone.
Commercial Security Systems
Businesses in Vail and Avon require more robust security measures. Access control systems, which manage who can enter your premises, are crucial for maintaining security in commercial spaces. CCTV monitoring provides constant surveillance, while fire alarms and safety systems ensure compliance with local regulations and protect against fire hazards.
Outdoor Security Solutions
Given the vast, open spaces around many properties, outdoor security is equally important. Perimeter security systems, including fences and motion detectors, help protect the boundaries of your property. Smart lighting systems that activate upon detecting movement can deter potential intruders before they even reach your door.
Choosing the Right Security System
Selecting the right security system involves several considerations. Computer Services Vail First, assess your specific needs—whether you're securing a home or a business makes a big difference. Budget is also a factor, as the cost of systems can vary widely based on complexity and features. Customization is key; many providers offer tailored solutions to ensure your system meets your unique requirements. Finally, professional installation is recommended to ensure your system functions correctly and provides the protection you need.
Top Security System Providers in Vail & Avon In Vail and Avon, you have the option of choosing between local security companies or national providers. Local companies often have a better understanding of the area's specific needs and can offer personalized service. National providers, on the other hand, may offer more advanced technology and broader support options. Some of the leading providers in the area have received excellent reviews for their customer service, reliability, and advanced security options.
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sifytechnologiessify · 24 hours
Sify's Data Centers in Hyderabad: Empowering Digital Transformation with World-Class Infrastructure
In an era where data is the lifeblood of businesses, Sify Technologies stands at the forefront of digital innovation with its state-of-the-art data centers in Hyderabad. As one of India’s leading digital transformation companies, Sify’s Hyderabad data centers are designed to meet the growing demand for secure, scalable, and sustainable IT infrastructure, ensuring seamless business operations in the digital age.
Strategic Location
Hyderabad, known as the “Cyber City,” has become a prime destination for IT and data-centric businesses. Sify’s choice to establish data centers in this technology hub underscores its commitment to providing local businesses with high-performance, low-latency data services. The data centers are strategically located, allowing businesses to leverage proximity to Hyderabad’s thriving IT ecosystem, ensuring fast connectivity and reduced data transmission times.
Cutting-Edge Infrastructure
Sify’s Hyderabad data centers are built with the latest technology, ensuring that businesses have access to world-class infrastructure. The facilities are designed to be Tier III and Tier IV compliant, offering the highest levels of reliability, uptime, and redundancy. With advanced cooling systems, energy-efficient designs, and robust power management, these data centers ensure uninterrupted operations and minimal downtime.
Key features of Sify’s data centers in Hyderabad include:
24/7 Network Operations Center (NOC): Round-the-clock monitoring to ensure that all systems are functioning optimally and that any issues are addressed in real-time.
Redundant Power Supply: Multiple layers of backup power, including UPS and diesel generators, to ensure uninterrupted service even during power outages.
High-Level Security: Multi-layered physical and network security systems, including biometric access controls, CCTV monitoring, and fire suppression systems, to safeguard critical data.
Scalability: Sify’s Hyderabad data centers offer flexible and scalable solutions, allowing businesses to expand their IT infrastructure as their needs grow.
Green and Sustainable Data Centers
Sustainability is a core part of Sify’s data center strategy. The Hyderabad facilities incorporate green technologies that minimize energy consumption and carbon footprints. Sify has adopted energy-efficient cooling solutions, renewable energy sources, and advanced power management systems to reduce the environmental impact. By doing so, Sify not only contributes to environmental conservation but also helps its clients meet their sustainability goals.
Seamless Connectivity and Network Solutions
Sify’s Hyderabad data centers are interconnected with Sify’s global network, providing seamless access to multi-cloud environments, SaaS applications, and enterprise networks. This ensures businesses can integrate their on-premise and cloud environments with ease, offering unparalleled flexibility for hybrid cloud solutions. Additionally, Sify’s extensive telecom network provides high-speed connectivity and data transfer, allowing businesses to operate efficiently across geographies.
Comprehensive Managed Services
With a team of expert engineers and IT professionals, Sify offers comprehensive managed services at its Hyderabad data centers. From cloud migration and application management to disaster recovery and security services, Sify provides end-to-end IT management, enabling businesses to focus on growth while leaving their IT infrastructure in capable hands.
Some of the managed services include:
Cloud and Hybrid Cloud Solutions: Flexible cloud solutions that allow businesses to seamlessly integrate public, private, and hybrid clouds.
Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS): Ensuring business continuity with backup and disaster recovery solutions.
Managed Security Services: Protecting data with cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions, including firewalls, threat detection, and mitigation.
Colocation Services: Offering secure and scalable space for businesses to host their IT infrastructure with reliable power, cooling, and connectivity.
Supporting Hyderabad’s IT Ecosystem
Sify’s Hyderabad data centers play a pivotal role in supporting the city’s growing IT ecosystem. Hyderabad is home to numerous startups, SMEs, and large enterprises, and Sify’s robust infrastructure helps these businesses scale quickly while maintaining high performance. By providing a secure and efficient IT backbone, Sify enables companies in diverse sectors — from finance and healthcare to retail and education — to harness the power of data for their digital transformation journeys.
Sify’s data centers in Hyderabad stand as a testament to its commitment to providing world-class IT infrastructure to businesses across India. With state-of-the-art facilities, cutting-edge technology, sustainable practices, and a comprehensive suite of managed services, Sify empowers businesses to thrive in the digital era. Whether it’s enabling seamless cloud adoption or ensuring the highest levels of data security, Sify’s Hyderabad data centers are the foundation upon which digital transformation is built.
Embrace the future with Sify’s data centers in Hyderabad — where innovation, reliability, and sustainability converge.
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